What makeup for big eyes. How to do makeup for big round eyes. Makeup for different types of eyes

Perhaps the eyes are the strongest weapon of the weaker sex. With the help of a female look, you can charm, give hope and break your heart. That is why the fair sex every day pay maximum attention using modern means.

With the help of simple secrets of using cosmetics, you can hide many flaws in appearance and emphasize dignity. Next, we will talk about how to do makeup for bulging eyes.

Big eyes are beautiful on their own, regardless of their color. The main task when applying makeup is not to try to increase them even more, but to give them the necessary depth and make an exquisite cut, as for a precious stone.

And this means that when making up for large bulging eyes, you should try to avoid a lot of cosmetics, otherwise its inept use can play a cruel joke - the eyes will look even more bulging.

When creating a make-up, special attention should be paid to pencils, eyeliners and mascara: all applied lines should be impeccably thin and neat. The pencil should be soft and sharp, and the eyeliner with a thin brush. It must be used in makeup for round bulging eyes. To avoid the effect of open eyes, it is better to draw the contour of the lower eyelid along the inner side of the growth of eyelashes, and the upper eyelid - only slightly along the space between the eyelashes. By the way, it is permissible to tint the lower eyelid for young ladies, but for older women it is better to refuse drawing.

Mascara to add volume, and even applied in several layers, will not work in our case - it is better to purchase the most ordinary one and apply it once. You can paint over the eyelashes well with mascara at the outer corner to visually stretch the eyes. In this case, it is better for brunettes to use black, and for fair-haired - brown.

Makeup for bulging eyes welcomes the use of shadows of dark shades to give depth to the look. The tone is applied to the middle of the eyelid and smoothly shaded to the inner corner of the eye.

Basic makeup requirements for bulging eyes

  • Try to avoid mother-of-pearl pencils and shadows - mother-of-pearl in bright light makes the eyes even more bulging. It is better to use matte shades.
  • Since our task is to slightly lengthen the shape of the eye, it is allowed to draw a line with an eyeliner outside the natural contour.
  • It is advisable to apply mascara only on the upper eyelashes, focusing on the outer corner.
  • Eyebrows should not be plucked into a thin line, they should be in a natural shape. It is enough to tint them with a pencil a tone darker.
  • Light-colored shadows should always be applied to the space under the eyebrows - this will help to correct the shape of the eyes.

Let's talk about the color of the shadows

Now a little about the shadows:

  • For owners blue eyes almost all shades of shadows are suitable, with the exception of blue, but the use of pearl, gray, plum and peach will give the greatest effect.
  • Makeup for convex brown eyes means to focus on turquoise, blue or lavender.
  • The depth of green eyes is most favorably emphasized by various shades of plum, copper, brown and pink.

Don't be afraid to experiment with the color of your home. As a result, you will be able to choose exactly the one that fit more everything, and in the future you can take it as a basis. But you should not be limited to only one tone, the game of contrasts looks very advantageous. In this case, one should take into account not only the color of the eyes, but also the shade of the skin, hair and other nuances.

Secrets from experienced professionals

  1. We prepare the face for applying makeup - first we apply a moisturizer, then a light tonal foundation and
  2. We correct the shape of the eyebrows and tint them with a pencil.
  3. We draw a contour with a pencil along the inner edge of the upper eyelid.
  4. We apply the selected shadows of not flashy tones from the lash line to the superciliary arch and shade, slightly going beyond the eyelid.
  5. We finish the makeup for bulging eyes with mascara, carefully painting over the eyelashes at the outer corner.

For evening makeup, you can not be limited to only one color of the shadows, but add another shade. And we mean that the shadows should be matte, without a weighting effect.

Makeup nuances

Makeup for large bulging eyes requires visual lengthening at their outer corner. For these purposes, we need a liquid eyeliner. When applying it, it is better to expand the contour of the line at the end - this will allow you to narrow your eyes, which is what we need in this case. For daytime makeup, the ends of the arrows can be shaded, and for evening makeup, re-apply the line with eyeliner.

Apply shadows of a cold shade on the entire surface of the moving upper eyelid, and more dark tone- on the protruding part of the eyelid and slightly shade to the sides.

If the eyes are convex, and besides, they are widely spaced, then it is necessary to visually narrow the distance between them. Shadows of a dark shade will help us with this - they are applied to the inner corner of the eye and carefully shaded.

Using voluminous mascara for large bulging eyes will make the look more daring and even vulgar, so the mascara should be regular. It is enough to paint over only the upper eyelashes in one layer.

In this case, the shape of the eyebrows can be given any: straight or arched, as long as it is combined with the rest of the image.

How to properly apply makeup

  • The base for makeup is not applied to the entire face, but only to the middle, to the chin and under the eyes. Lightly blend the product with your fingers, driving into the skin.
  • Now it's the turn of the foundation. It is applied with a brush on the face and neck.
  • Concealer conceals skin imperfections. Apply a few dots under the eyes and carefully shade with fingertips.
  • With a soft large brush, apply the powder on the face and refresh it with a few movements.
  • Apply a gentle tone of blush on the cheekbones.

Applying eye makeup

And now let's get to the main point:

  • Eyebrows should be visually raised and outlined with a pencil, increasing their length.
  • The base under the shadow should be a faithful companion when masking swollen eyelids. Be sure to apply the product on the upper eyelids.
  • Light matte shadows highlight the area under the eyebrows and apply at the outer corner. Pearlescent and shiny shadows are not recommended.
  • Now on outside the eye is applied with an applicator shadow of dark tones.
  • For impending eyelids, it is better to use eyeliner. The contour should start from the middle of the eye and finish at the outer corner, gradually expanding it.
  • Apply voluminous mascara in several layers. And it is better to use false eyelashes.

Makeup is ready.

Using the means of modern cosmetics and taking into account the advice of experts, you can correct the flaws in appearance and achieve amazing results.

Most of the fair sex make a lot of efforts to visually enlarge the eyes and give them expressiveness. But some lucky women have big eyes by nature, however, they also need to be highlighted with makeup to make them as attractive and sexy as possible. Makeup for big eyes has its own secrets and nuances that you should know.

Note that large eyes are extremely rarely ideal, requiring minimal cosmetic editing. Often the large eyes are bulging, round, close or far set. Given these points, it is worth doing makeup so that the shape of the eyes approaches the ideal, almond-shaped, shape.

If the eyes are almond-shaped, then any technique can be chosen to perform makeup. Such eyes only need to be highlighted a little, to pay attention to their natural beauty, to enhance the attractiveness of the look. What you should pay attention to is the color scheme, which should organically fit into the overall makeup and emphasize the color of the eyes.

Eyes of a round shape should be tried to "pull out". To do this, the contour of the eye should be selected, starting from the inner corner of the eye. To the outer edge of the eye, the line needs to be slightly expanded. Shadows are applied all over the eyelid, shading them closer to the temple.

Correcting bulging eyes, it is worth using dark shadows. They are applied to the entire eyelid, while the darkest shade is applied to the center of the eyelid and shaded towards the outer corner of the eye. Black and deep blue shadows will give the look a magical appeal and expressiveness, while “revealing” them widely.

If large eyes are set wide, then the task of makeup is to visually reduce the distance between them. This can be done by very brightly and clearly highlighting the inside of the eye. The brow space is filled with light shadows, and then the entire eyelid is covered with the main shade. At the end, shadows of a darker shade are applied. They are distributed as close as possible to the bridge of the nose along the lash line. Note that if you apply dark shadows not only on the upper, but also on the lower eyelid, the eyes will become larger and brighter. Be sure to shade the shadows well, the less noticeable the transitions between shades, the more natural and organic the make-up sits. Finishing makeup for large wide-set eyes, apply mascara. It shouldn't be much. Considering that the eyes are already large, there is no need to apply mascara in several layers, weighting the eyelashes in vain. One layer is enough. When applying mascara, the focus should be on the cilia located at the inner corner of the eye.

If the eyes are set close, they need to be visually separated from each other. To do this, it is necessary to select the outer part of the eye, that is, the area that is located closer to the temples. The brow part is filled with shadows of warm shades and shaded so that a “tail” is obtained, tending to the temples. With an underwater pencil, the eyelash growth line is distinguished, while it needs to be slightly raised to the outer paradise of the eye. It is important to blend the underwater line to make the make-up more natural. The last step is applying mascara. Particular emphasis should be placed on the eyelashes located on the outer corner of the eye. Eyelashes of an internal corner of an eye remain practically not made up.

If the shape of the eyes completely suits you, then it is quite acceptable to experiment with different makeup variations. The main thing is to decide on a color scheme that will emphasize natural beauty, make the look more expressive and deep.

In conclusion, let's dwell on the features of makeup for large eyes. Do not forget that dark colors, as a rule, visually make the eye smaller, while light ones, on the contrary, visually open the eyes. Note that a similar game of shades is used not only by makeup artists, but also by stylists when they select clothes.

When deciding on the color of the shadows, you need to take into account the color of the eyes. For example, brown eyes are suitable for brown warm shadows. In the makeup of blue eyes, it is worth using shadows of colder shades. But all rules have exceptions, and modern trends allow fashionistas to write their own rules. Thus, it is permissible to apply shadows that contrast with the shade of the eyes.

In makeup for big eyes, it is important not to forget about the eyebrows. Eyebrows-threads do not fit big eyes, and in general they have not been in trend for a long time. Eyebrows should be of natural width, but in a well-groomed condition. Excess hairs must be plucked in a timely manner. It is recommended to leave the color of the eyebrows natural, you can emphasize it with a pencil that repeats the natural color of the hair.

Video tutorial "How to make makeup for big round eyes"

Almost all owners of large eyes are thinking about how to make a make-up in such a way as not to make them even bigger. Someone is simply sure that you need to take your appearance for granted, but this is not so, because makeup can be very diverse. A very important role here is played by the natural shape and color. The main rule for using decorative cosmetics for makeup of such eyes is the fact that cosmetics should not match the color of the iris. Otherwise, the look will lose its expressiveness, and the eyes will appear dull. Makeup manufacturers regularly create various means, which help millions of girls to bring their appearance closer to the ideal.

How to create makeup for big eyes depending on their color

Brown. This is the most versatile shade in terms of makeup. In this case, shades of turquoise and lavender are ideal. To make the make-up look more advantageous, it is better to use several colors in combination with each other. Eyeliner should be applied with a barely noticeable line.

Blue. For this color, the shadow palette consists of plum, gray, peach shades. To make the color look deeper, it is necessary to shade a suitable shade on the upper eyelid, up to the eyebrow line.

Greens. Distinctive feature in the makeup of such eyes is the fact that with a different selection of shades of shadows, the eyes can acquire different shade. For example, purple shadows applied to the upper eyelid and plum in the crease literally turn green eyes into emeralds. Shades of purple and red-orange colors will also look advantageous.

Grey. Ideal for makeup are shadows that create a monochrome effect. You can also use gray makeup, as long as it is a tone darker than the eyes themselves.

How to do makeup for big eyes depending on their shape

Almond shape. Such eyes look attractive even without makeup, and makeup only requires emphasizing them. natural beauty. The most important thing in this case is the competent selection of the shade of the shadows. And also it should be remembered that the almond-shaped form does not tolerate a large amount of mascara on the eyelashes.

Round form. When doing makeup for such eyes, you need to strive to bring them closer to the almond shape. Shadows are best applied from the outer corner, then blend them to the temple. Eyeliner should be applied in a thin line that expands slightly towards the outer border.

Closely located. In such a situation, makeup should hide such a close location as much as possible. This issue is perfectly dealt with by the accent with shadows of saturated shades on the outside, closer to the temples. While shadows of light colors are applied to the inner corner, as well as under the eyebrows.

Set wide. In this case, applying a dark shade of shadows to the inner corner will help to hide this shape of the eyes. In addition, you can use eyeliner by drawing a thin line along the inner border, both above and below.

Convex shape. Shadows of dark tones that are superimposed on the most prominent parts of the upper eyelid will help to cope with this situation. Then they will need to be shaded, stretching to the eyebrows.
Thus, knowing how to properly apply makeup for big eyes, and applying these rules in practice, any girl will be able to create her own. perfect image. But this is the guarantee of excellent appearance and great mood.

Make-up is a constant companion of girls, with its help you can emphasize your strengths and hide your flaws. We suggest considering how to do makeup for big eyes, and what colors are suitable for green, brown, blue eyes.

Basic principles

Making simple makeup to make your eyes look bigger is very simple if you know the secrets of makeup artists. The main problem of girls with a large incision is too bulging eye sockets, which create the effect of “wet” eyes. Any master will tell you that you definitely need to use a black pencil, which emphasizes the drama of the image and gives extravagance to the appearance.

Also feel free to color your eyelashes. There is a stereotype that the owners of big eyes need to be careful with the use of mascara, this is not entirely true, on the contrary, you need to thoroughly paint over the lower and upper eyelashes to create a seductive shadow around the eyes.

Another secret is the correct distribution of shadows. For example, the correct makeup for bulging or round large eyes involves darkening certain areas of the eyelids. We will talk about the principles of shading in makeup ideas step by step, as well as their types.

Video: makeup for round and bulging eyes

Makeup for brown eyes

The idea of ​​​​how to do makeup step by step for expressive brown eyes, option is suitable for both brunettes and blondes.

  1. Align the complexion, apply foundation and powder on your skin, lighten the eye area as much as possible, this is necessary in order to create the effect of a contrast transition between the shadows;
  2. After that, apply light shadows of peach, beige, pastel or Pink colour, blend down to the outer corner and even the bridge of the nose (for wide-spaced eyes);
  3. Apply a black pencil to the lash line. Also suitable and eyeliner. Our goal is thick retro arrows, perhaps like Audrey Hepburn or Dita Von Teese;
  4. After that, we act depending on the distance between the eyes. If they are widely spaced, then we apply shadows with a crochet method, a la gangster style. We make, as it were, a semicircle above the outer corner, the technique is shown in the photo. In the event that your eyes are closely located, then paint over the inner corner of the eyelid with a bird or banana;
  5. We apply dark brown, blue or purple shadows along the eyeliner line, blend it, which results in a smoky ice effect;
  6. We paint the eyelashes with mascara, brush off the remnants of shadows with a dry cloth.

Photo - Makeup for big brown eyes

If you want to make such a make-up for any solemn event, then use glitter cosmetics or apply rhinestones separately on your eyes, you can decorate the corner of the eye or the line near the eyelashes with shiny beads.

Blue eyes

Making up big doll eyes is much more difficult, here you need to think over the makeup so that it does not look vulgar and too “childish”. For creating stylish look You will need gray, blue and pink shadows, black mascara.

  1. We tint the eyelids, paint over them with powder, corrector, even out skin color;
  2. We apply the first layer of shadows, a pink base, blend it well, especially carefully apply paint to the area under the eyes. With the help of pink shadows with a peach tint, you can hide dark circles;
  3. Now we apply gray shadows to the moving part of the eyelid, blend them to the eyebrow, it is very important to create the effect of a soft transition;
  4. Now, to make up for gray or blue large eyes, you need to outline them along the entire lash line with a thin line of eyeliner. You can also use a pencil, this technique is suitable only for professionals;
  5. Without shading, we apply blue shadows in the middle of the eye, and gray shadows in the corner, rub the transition in such a way as to create an ombre effect;
  6. We apply gray shadows under the lower eyelashes, blue in the outer corner, paint with mascara, comb the eyebrows;
  7. To enhance the effect of the baby face, you will need to beautifully outline the line of the cheekbones. This can be done with small strokes of peach or beige blush.
Photo - Makeup for big blue eyes

Such day makeup not suitable for bulging eyes, if you have very bulging eye sockets, then you need to apply eyeliner even to the inside of the eye, and bring it to the corners, as in oriental style. The described everyday will suit blondes, as well as owners of light blond or red hair.

How to make big green eyes

Very beautiful make-up how to make eyes bigger, it turns out for green apples. you can use bright colors, transitions and contrasting colors. Consider how to make a beautiful evening make-up step by step:

  1. As always, we even out the skin of the eyelids, lighten with beige shadows or flesh-colored powder;
  2. Now we apply light copper shadows on the entire surface of the eyes, you can also use gold or yellow, depending on the context of the event for which you are painting;
  3. After that, we paint over the entire moving eyelid with brown shadows, which will help create a soft transition between colors. We paint the crease between the eyebrow and the eyelid with dark brown, burgundy or even black, this will especially look advantageous for deep-set eyes;
  4. Next, you need an eyeliner Brown or a pencil, with their help you get a very fashionable now, “warm makeup”. You need to apply paint along the entire lash line with a thick, confident line. If you have impending eyelids, then we make a small curl on a hanging area, as in the banana technique;
  5. A professional master at the end of the work will blend all clear lines to create soft transitions, but you can leave everything as it is, if the style and your preferences allow it;
  6. After all, we paint with mascara, emphasize the eyebrows, brush off the extra particles of shadows.

Photo - Big green eyes

The option with outlining a moving fold is also suitable for girls with lowered eyelids, but in this case, you need to choose a dark, deep color that visually reduces: burgundy, blue, black, dark gray, dark chocolate. If you want to make such a wedding makeup, then use glitter eye shadow.

Everyone knows that Japanese women have relatively narrow eyes, but Japanese “big eyes” makeup is suitable for girls with a round slit of the pupils, it will create the effect of depth and expressiveness of the look. To make an Asian style make-up at home, we will need scarlet lipstick, white eyeshadow (matte, not pearly), black eyeliner, charcoal or pencil, volumizing mascara and a brown eyebrow pencil.

Step by step master class:

  1. We whiten the whole face, this is very important, the canvas for work should be perfectly even and light to create a beautiful contrast. To do this, we use a corrector, powder, shadows;
  2. After we apply white shadows on the eyelids, the selection should be based on your color type. Someone will suit bright white, someone more muted or even silver (for example, dark-skinned girls);
  3. Next, you need to draw a very thin arrow, the tip of which will go beyond the outer corner of the eye, it should be very neat, almost jewelry, fashion bloggers advise using a spoon for this to control the shape;
  4. We apply light beige shadows under the eyelashes to give expressiveness to the look;
  5. After mascara and paint the eyebrows with a brown pencil.
Photo - Japanese-style makeup

This style of make-up is great for wide eyes, it will visually reduce them and give them an almond shape. This is a very calm and gentle makeup for big eyes, which can be both an everyday option and a weekend. The scheme for drawing the arrow may vary depending on the context, image or personal preferences.

Makeup for big blue eyes has a large selection of techniques and shades. Of course, who doesn't want big blue eyes? Everything is not so simple, because not everyone is naturally given the ideal almond-shaped eyes, some girls suffer from the fact that their eyes, although large, are very round, close-set, or slightly convex. The right make-up will help emphasize the depth and expressiveness of big blue eyes, and hide minor flaws!

If you want to make the make-up more expressive and bright - use a dark blue color of the shadows, and if deep - then orange or hot pink. Large eyes do not need to be enlarged, so give up very light and pearlescent shadows that add volume to the eyes. You are very lucky, big, and even blue eyes are very fond of dark colors. While other girls need to be careful with dark eyeliner and shadows, you can safely use it all. And everyone's favorite arrows? For you, it's just a win-win!

How to apply?


The first rule is the placement of accents. You need to know which areas of the face should be given increased attention, and which ones should be left alone. In any case, big blue eyes look spectacular even without makeup, you just need to complement the image with a minimum of makeup.


Cat arrows will help to draw round eyes. Do not be afraid to use liquid eyeliner, after a short practice you will learn how to handle it, there is nothing complicated about it. Arrows can be both bold and thin, the main thing is to lengthen the eye.


Move the focus from the eye to the lips, or, say, the cheekbones. Properly selected blush will make you pay attention to facial features that can be successfully emphasized by them. In this case, the eyes should only be slightly summed up with a dark pencil and a minimum of shadows. An accent on the lips will also be a great option - first of all, all attention will be riveted on juicy and bright lips, and big blue eyes will only add tenderness and depth to the image. Of course, even bypassing the eyes, it is necessary to somehow highlight them - with a pencil, eyeliner, a small amount of shadows. Pay attention to your eyebrows. Untidy eyebrows will further indicate the imperfect shape of the eyes, if any.


By the way, the make-up technique for big eyes is also slightly different from the traditional one. In this case, it is necessary to apply dark shadows to the outer corners of the eyes, and shade them in this direction, starting from the inner corner. Such a make-up will ideally hide the bulge of the eye.


The main thing - remember, in no case should you use mother-of-pearl shadows, sparkles and shiny liners when making up large eyes. Your already large eyes will become simply huge and out of place.

By the way, despite the fact that many girls are trying to somehow correct the shape of their eyes, make them smaller, larger, more expressive - some have gone very far. On the wave of popularity Japanese anime- many girls fell in love with puppet outrageous makeup, making just saucer eyes on their faces. Their eye makeup starts much lower than the lash line on the lower eyelid, and the space is carefully filled in with white colors, so the eyes are so unnaturally large that it becomes a little scary. But, the taste and color - felt-tip pens are different, as they say.

Makeup example

We will now tell you the main points that you should pay attention to, but here step by step photo you will find below.


It is best to start our makeup for big-eyed beauties with eyebrows - eye rims. They need to give correct form, depending on the characteristics of your face, by the way, having visited a beauty salon only once, you can find out from professionals what form will suit you best! Choose the color of the pencil regardless of the color of the eyes, here attention should be paid rather to the color of the hair. Agree, a blonde with black eyebrows looks very unsuccessful.

The basis

Hide the circles under the eyes with a concealer, eliminate minor skin imperfections. Then - apply Foundation suitable color and a base for shadows. We want to get permanent make-up!

Eyeliner and shadows

Underwater is easy must have for girls with big eyes. Arrows can be drawn on both the upper and lower eyelids. Why not? The line of the arrow should expand from the inside of the eye to the outside. If you still decide to use shadows - choose dark shades. They are applied both to the inner and outer corner of the eye - to the entire moving eyelid. In the middle of the century, you can add shadows a few tones lighter. Carefully blend everything that you have in your eyelid. The lower eyelid should also be tinted with dark shadows. By the way, don't forget the eyelashes! Touch them up with black ink.


Lip makeup will help complete the look. Draw their borders with a pencil to match the natural color, and then apply matte lipstick delicate shades. You can top them with lip gloss, this will add sexuality and attractiveness.

The main thing - do not consider all the tips mandatory! Each girl has her own - a special appearance, so try, try and try again - try! You are sure to find the blue eye makeup that suits you!
