Modular origami for beginners step by step instructions swan. Modular origami "White Swan". Step by step instructions with photos. Now let's make the neck and head

There is a handy diagram or you can see successive assembly photos. Swan "Prince" is an easy figurine for beginners in the technique of modular origami.

modular origami swan assembly diagram

Diagram of the body of a swan

Swan tail assembly diagram

1. Assembly of the torso
The first three rows consist of 16 modules in each row, we close the rows in a ring.

We turn the resulting 3 rows so that the modules look outward with their long sides - as in the photo.

We begin to collect a pattern in the form of a rhombus.
4th row - 15 white and 1 green module. Then you can assemble according to the torso assembly scheme given above or continue from the photo.

5th row - 14 white and 2 green modules.

6th row - 13 white, 1 green, 1 orange, 1 green

7th row - 1 white, 1 green, 2 orange, 1 green, 1 white

8th row - 1 white, 1 green, 1 orange, 1 green, 1 white. There are 5 modules in total.

9th row - 1 white, 2 green, 1 white. There are 4 modules in total.

10th row - 1 white, 1 green, 1 white. There are 3 modules in total.

11th row - 2 white
12th row - 1 white. The body is ready.

2. Origami swan tail assembly

We have the modules with the short side out (KSN). See the assembly diagram at the beginning of the article or further on the photo.
7th row - 8 modules of white color KSN.

The number of modules in the tail increases with each row.

8th row - 1 white, 1 green, 5 white, 1 green, 1 white - 9 modules in total. White modules along the edges of the tail are put on one pocket (see photo).

View from above

9th row - 1 white, 2 green, 4 white, 2 green, 1 white - 10 modules in total.

10th row - 1 white, 1 green, 1 orange, 1 green, 3 white, 1 green, 1 orange, 1 green, 1 white - 11 modules in total.

View from above

11th row - 1 white, 1 green, 2 orange, 1 green, 2 white, 1 green, 2 orange, 1 green, 1 white - 12 modules in total.

12th row - 2 white, 1 green, 1 orange, 1 green, 3 white, 1 green, 1 orange, 1 green, 2 white - 13 modules in total.

13th row - 3 white, 2 green, 4 white, 2 green, 3 white - 14 modules in total.

Let's start assembling the upper rhombuses.

14th row - 1 white, 1 green, 2 white, 1 green, 2 white, 1 green, 2 white, 1 green, 2 white, 1 green, 1 white - 15 modules in total

15th row - 1 white, 2 green, 4 white, 2 green, 4 white, 2 green, 1 white - 16 modules in total

16th row - 1 white, 1 green, 1 orange, 1 green, 3 white, 1 green, 1 orange, 1 green, 3 white, 1 green, 1 orange, 1 green, 1 white - 17 modules in total

17th row - 1 white, 1 green, 2 orange, 1 green, 2 white, 1 green, 2 orange, 1 green, 2 white, 1 green, 2 orange, 1 green, 1 white - 18 modules in total.

In this row, the tail is divided into 3 parts.

18th row - 1 white, 1 green, 1 orange, 1 green, 1 white and so repeat 3 times - 15 modules in total

Using the origami technique, you can create art out of paper. Just a few additions and you have a real bird in front of you.

If it is possible to spend more time and effort, you can create a figure from the modules. Read how to make a paper swan.

For children, do not invent complex designs and tasks. Of the materials you need only paper, cardboard, scissors and glue.

Depending on the age of the child, you can help the baby and draw a template.

Follow the step-by-step instructions for creating a paper bird:

  1. On a sheet of cardboard with a simple pencil, draw the silhouette of a swan.

    It is necessary to cut out the template for the application: do it yourself or entrust the scissors to a child over 3 years old.

  2. Now set aside the base, you need to start manufacturing parts. From ordinary A4 sheets, cut strips 2 cm wide and up to 10 cm long.

    The size can be adjusted depending on the template: imitation feathers can be thinner or longer.

  3. Now connect the ends of the strip with glue. For children, it is more convenient to buy a pencil so as not to stain clothes with an accidentally fallen drop.

    The same manipulations must be done with all the strips.

  4. When the blanks are cut, it is necessary to decorate the base of the swan. Draw the beak and eyes with colored pencils.

    Starting from the top edge, glue the paper feathers with arcs upwards.

  5. Thus form several rows.

Important! Before creative work and during the creation of the bird, explain to the child where the swan lives, how beautiful and noble it is.

You can come up with your own options for crafts. Decorate not only the part where the wings are, but also the neck and head. The beak can be created from another piece of orange cardboard, and the eye can be made black.

In order to surprise the child, help the child make a two-sided version. The paper toy is ready.

Step-by-step instructions for a large and small size swan

With simple paper folding tricks, you can create a bird of any size. The larger the sheet of paper, the larger the craft will turn out.

You don't need scissors or glue to create a little crane.

Just take a white sheet and follow the directions:

  • From sheet A4, cut off the top, leaving only the square base (the sides should be equal). The size of the base can vary: from a small piece to the size of whatman paper.
  • Fold the sheet into a triangle, fix the resulting common side of the diagonal well.
  • As if folding the airplane, the opposite lower sides must be folded to a common crossing line.
  • The next step is to bring the bottom corners to the diagonal bend.
  • Connect the top and bottom corner. Thus, in the hands was a blank, folded in half.
  • Pull back the sharp corner obtained. Form the swan's head and beak.
  • Now bend the resulting figure in half again and spread the wings of the bird.

Advice! According to this scheme, you can fold not only the classic white swan, but also colored cranes.

Scheme of a modular assembly of a swan from paper templates for cutting

By using modular technology By folding, you can create real decorative elements: baskets, vases or caskets.

Such items will not last long and will not withstand the weight of sweets, but can become an interior decoration. To create a modular swan, follow the instructions described in the table.

Modular connection - the principle of creating three-dimensional objects in a special origami technique:

The stage of creating a bird Description
Procurement of parts Take small leaf paper, approximately 5 by 5 cm in size. Fold the square into a triangle, then fold it in half again in height and bend the extra corners inward.

To create a small swan, you need from 500 elements. Call on the help of household members and children

Connecting modules You will need glue to attach. Set two elements side by side and glue the parts together.
Creation of the torso Form a semicircle of parts and add several elements in each row.

Body after 5-15 rows (depending on desired result) will be completed.

It is only necessary to turn the mold over to install the following parts of the swan inside

Formation of the tail and neck From opposite sides (you can change the color of the paper to pink or yellow), form a part of the neck and tail with a triangle
Wing making For an even result, it is better to form both wings at the same time. For each wing you will need about 5 rows.

Do incremental expansion with modules. At a certain height, it is necessary to sharpen the ends: remove 1-2 modules from each row

Stand It is necessary for stability and a neat appearance. With the help of paper parts turned upside down, form the base
inner wings They are made according to the type of the first wings, but already smaller in size. Make the base 5-6 pieces smaller than the body.

After 2-3 rows, form wings by dividing the sides into two parts. Cut along the edges of the modules until the wings are finished.

The third important detail The tail must be made even narrower than the inner part with wings. Edges can be highlighted in a different color
Connection of parts The inner wings must be inserted into the body and secured with glue. The next step is to install the tail
Neck With the help of the same rows of paper modules, form the bend of the neck. The beak can be made from orange paper

The swan needs some time to dry. To prevent the paper from deforming during work, it is better to use a colorless glue pencil.

The swan is a display of human inspiration. The house is decorated with the image of such a beautiful bird, as they believe that this will attract prosperity and financial independence to it. It is not necessary to purchase ready-made images of a swan, because it is quite simple to make it out of paper. How to make a swan out of origami paper, you will read below.

There are many options for how to make a swan out of origami paper. All methods of designing paper crafts differ in complexity, the amount of material that is needed to make crafts.

The simplest variants of the swan are products made from napkins. Such decorations decorate the wedding table, rooms for the birthday.

A swan made from modules looks great, we considered a similar manufacturing technique in, but the design process for such a craft is long.

As mentioned above, there are many manufacturing options, but we will tell you how to make a paper swan in the most popular ways. One of them is a swan.

Swan for kids


Let's start manufacturing, with a simple option. You can use a similar craft for a good example about the image of animals. It can also be used as Christmas toys or a decorative element. It is not difficult to make it for beginners and elementary school children.

Before starting the creative process, take:

  • album sheet;
  • pencils;
  • stapler or glue;
  • scissors.

Having collected all the material and tools, we proceed to manufacture. Below is a diagram of an origami paper swan.

How to make a baby swan out of A4 origami paper:

(Step 1)

Having done such actions, you were convinced that you can make a swan out of paper, but it was a craft

paper napkin swan

How to make a simple swan out of paper, we figured it out. Now let's make a craft that is ideal for decorating holiday tables. For manufacturing, you only need a regular square-shaped napkin.

Manufacturing process:

So you made sure that you can make a swan not from paper, but from an ordinary napkin. Now it remains to decorate the table with the product. But since the napkin is not as thick as paper and the craft can change shape, it is better to practice on plain paper. Only after that proceed with the manufacture of thin material, which during the process requires accuracy.

modular swan

How to make a swan out of origami paper, we almost figured it out. Now let's make a craft from the modules. In the process of making such crafts, a lot of nuances are taken into account. It often takes a lot of time to create one module, and you will also spend energy on the whole craft. But regardless of this, you will be very impressed with the final result. The swan, consisting of modules, has smooth folds, plastic and moving parts.

Many people think that it is possible to make a modular swan out of paper, but we note that it will be very difficult for a beginner to make such a design. Experienced manufacturers recommend first making several crafts using the origami technique, and only then proceed to the manufacture of modular products.

Since the craft is made of modules, the beginning of the design takes place with the manufacture of the modules.

In a separate article, we have collected some original ideas

Manufacturing of modules

For the manufacture of the module, we need a small blank with dimensions of 7.4x5.3 cm. For this, we need a landscape sheet for 16 identical rectangles.

Note that the blank can be made of paper, but it is better to use colored cardboard.

Module manufacturing process:

  • take the workpiece, bend in half;
  • now we bend the sheet in half, but vertically, and so we get the fold line;
  • then we need to bend the upper corners to the middle and turn the workpiece over;
  • bend the corners that stick out up, also bend the remaining ends and fold the resulting craft in half along the length.

It seemed to many that the process is very easy, but this is only one module. Following the same steps, the rest of the modules are made. It is important to end up with all parts of the same size. And so, we figured out how to make a modular paper swan. Now let's make a little swan.

Building a small modular swan

For beginners, before making large versions of the swan, it is better to practice and make several small ones. You will not only learn how to make a swan out of paper, but also fill your hand with crafts.

Making a small modular swan:

  1. We take three small triangles (of the same size), combine 2 of them and put the corners in the pockets of the third, which is located with the long side down. We take 2 more triangles and fix them on the resulting workpiece. The same actions should be done with another 40 elements. The result should be a circle that consists of 2 rows.
  2. We take another 20 parts and make the 3rd row of the circle. Repeating identical actions, we make 4 and 5 rows. In this case, 20 modules per row are used. The resulting round blank of 5 rows, bend inward. The result is a stable foundation.
  3. We are manufacturing the 6th row, also using 20 modules. But this time they need to be directed upwards and proceed to the creation of wings. To do this, you need to determine several angles for the location of the neck and head of the bird and install them on the workpiece. From the fixed elements we retreat 8 modules in both directions. This place will be the basis for the construction of the wings.
  4. We do the rest of the builds. In this case, you need to reduce the number of elements by 1. The result should be wings. Now we make a tail.
  5. The construction of the tail begins with the placement of three elements on the base. Everything is done in the same way as with the wings, that is, each subsequent row is reduced by 1 part.
  6. We construct the head. For the manufacture of the head, 16 modules are needed, which are dressed on top of each other, on the base marked earlier. Dressing each of the elements gradually bend the neck in the right direction. The very last module on the head should be bright red, as it will be the swan's beak.
  7. In conclusion, it remains only to correct the shape of the craft. And you also need to make eyes out of beads.

All our modular swan ready. The piece is approximately 20cm high.

After studying the material provided, many were convinced that it was possible to make a beautiful swan out of paper, which would not only become a toy for a child, but also perfectly cope with decorating functions.

Graceful, proud, regal bird - poetic natures reward the swan with such epithets. And the swan couple also personifies love and fidelity, although in nature this is not at all the case. Making a swan with your own hands does not mean just making another craft, it is something more, carrying a certain energy load to attract love and happiness into your life. This article will show you how to make a paper swan.

from one sheet

The easiest option for beginners:

Graceful origami swan from half a square sheet:

Scheme of assembling a small swan from a square sheet:

How to make a swan craft step by step:

  1. Diagonal folds are made on a square sheet;
  2. The sheet must be folded in half lengthwise and across;
  3. Having received the necessary folds, a double triangle is formed;
  4. The side triangles are bent towards the central axis. First lower, then upper;
  5. The upper ones open back, and the top of the rhombus bends down. The whole figure is crushed and smoothed;
  6. The layer of paper that is on top rises, stretches upwards;
  7. One triangle is bent from left to right;
  8. The whole figure bends in the middle;
  9. Internal triangles are taken out to the sides;
  10. Now you need to slightly stretch the swan, holding on to the points at the junctions of the triangles;
  11. Pull first along, then vertically;
  12. The head of a swan is formed from the edge of the left triangle.

Craft from modules

There is such a direction in the art of origami as the assembly of products from modules.

At first glance, it may seem that making such a voluminous swan is very difficult. Actually it is not. Making modules is a very simple task, assembling figures from them is also not difficult.

The most difficult thing is that the larger the figure, the more modules you need to make. If the paper sculpture must consist of several colors, then it is important not to get confused in color.

A4 office paper is best suited for modular figures. It is thick enough to hold desired shape and does not tear on the folds.

How to make a module: A4 sheet is divided into 16 leaflets. Depending on the size of the module, the leaflets can be made either smaller or larger.

The leaflet needs to be folded in half lengthwise, then across, unfold again. From a rectangle folded in length, a triangle is formed with a vertex at the intersection of two axes. The bottom edges are folded up and ironed. Then the extra ends protruding beyond the edges of the triangle are hidden inside the fold. The workpiece is folded in half along the central axis. The module is ready.

How to assemble modules in stages:

The corners of two modules must be inserted into the pockets of the third.

The next two modules are inserted into the pockets on the sides.

In the same way, we insert two more modules.

So that the resulting workpiece does not crumble in the hands, we fasten the two ends of the modules with another module, thereby forming the third row.

We continue to make the third row, attaching new modules. The structure is no longer falling apart.

They scored 30 modules in each row, closed in a circle. We dress the 4th and 5th row in the same way as the 3rd.

We take the workpiece with both hands and press the middle with our thumbs.

This is how it looks from the side:

We do the 6th row, as before, and from the 7th the wings, neck and tail begin.

Between two rows of 12 modules, 2 corners for the neck remain, there will be a tail in a wide place.

The next row in each wing is less by a module.

We continue to reduce the rows of wings in the same way, bending them in the right direction, until we reach 1 module.

The wings are ready, we make the tail according to the same principle.

The swan neck is assembled differently. Modules must be inserted into each other from top to bottom.

In this way, 19 white modules and 1 red are assembled.

Gently put the neck on the 2 corners left for this.

The swan from the modules is ready.

Video on the topic of the article

From paper:

Graceful origami swan:




Features of modular origami:

The swan is a fabulously beautiful, faithful, noble and beautiful bird. A symbol of love, light and devotion. There are many different ways make this miracle of nature with your own hands. One of them is the art of origami. A style that is subject to both adults and children. You can fold origami figures using diagrams with instructions, but the system of master classes is simpler, with a photo. So, how to make an origami paper swan step by step?

Let's start simple

You can start with the easiest.

You will need a square sheet of paper, black and red pencils and scissors.

First, a simple square is placed in a rhombus.

Then it folds in half.

On the sides, you need to make incisions-feathers and draw the head and neck of a swan, as in the photo.

Cut out the head and neck in the middle of the square, neatly and symmetrically.

Grab your head and bend the sheet into a triangle, like this:

Glue the tail lightly and draw black eyes and a red beak.

This is how the birds will turn out. This origami swan pattern is suitable for the smallest children.

Beauty from a serving napkin

This assembly scheme is also very easy. This craft can be used to decorate holiday table, For example.

It will take paper napkin size 33×33 cm. It must be put in a rhombus, an angle with all opening sides down. Fold the napkin in half and unfold it back, thus making a fold. Now the right corner must be bent inward. To the line of this fold.

Do the same with the left corner. Then turn the piece over. Bend the right corner again to the middle. Do the same with the left. It should turn out like this:

Bend the top corner down to the very edge, and then lift it halfway back up. This will be the head. Bend it in half lengthwise.

Straighten the swan's neck. Move the figure at the bottom so that it stands. Raise your head. In order to form the bird's tail, you need to lift the top layer of the napkin and straighten it. Then do the same with the rest of the layers. It remains only to put the swan on a plate.

And on the table is not just a napkin, but also a decoration. Festive and beautiful!

Great rainbow swan

Modular origami is made from many modules that are connected into a figure. Therefore, assistants will not interfere.

Modules need small rectangles. You can make them by cutting an A4 sheet. In this way, rectangles of 53 × 74 cm will be obtained.

If divided in this way, then pieces of 37 × 53 cm will be obtained.

You can also use squares from blocks for records, dividing them in half. Let's start step by step assembly.

Fold the rectangle in half, lengthwise.

Bend in half across, making a fold, straighten back.

Turn over and fold the corners inward to the fold line.

Trim the bottom edge a little. Then turn over and fold the bottom corners up, leaving a gap between the folded corner and the top triangle.

Raise the lower part up, forming a triangle.

Bend the module in half.

Modules can be connected to each other in different ways. They have two corners and two pockets. Here is one connection option:

You will need modules: 1 red, 136 pink, 90 orange, 60 yellow, 78 green, 39 blue, 36 blue, 19 purple.

Take three pink modules and put like this.

Insert the corners of two modules into the pocket of the third.

Take two more modules and attach to the rest, like this.

So it is necessary to make the first ring. It consists of two rows. In the inner row, the modules are on the short side, in the outer row, on the wide side. Each row - 30 modules. Assemble the ring in a chain and close with the last module.

Take 30 orange modules and assemble the third row. The modules should be put on in a checkerboard pattern.

4 and 5 rows, 30 orange modules each, are assembled in the same way.

Grasp the edges of the workpiece and, as it were, turn it inside out to get a shape that looks like a stadium bowl.

This is what it looks like from the back when turned over.

6 row consists of 30 yellow modules. It is necessary to put them on top, placing exactly as in the previous rows.

From the 7th row, the assembly of the wings begins. You need to choose the side where the bird's head will be. Choose a couple of corners, there will be a neck. To the right and left of these corners, make a row of 12 yellow modules.

It turns out that the 7th row consists of 24 modules and there are two gaps in it.

Continue making wings. Each row will now decrease by one module. The 8th row consists of 22 green modules, twice 11. The 9th row includes 20 green modules. In the 10th row - 18 modules of the same color.

11 row - 16 blue modules. 12 row - 14 of the same modules.

13 row - 12 blue modules. 14 row - 10. 15 row - 8 blue modules.

16 row - 6 purple modules, 17 row - 4 modules of the same color. 18 row - 2 purple modules. The wings are assembled. We need to give them shape. They should be convex at the bottom and slightly curved at the top. Like this.