How to make a paper module for a swan. Modular origami double swan. Assembly diagram and photo. Swan made from modules

Origami belongs to one of the oldest oriental directions that have found new life. Constant improvement allows you to significantly expand the expressive possibilities of art to create a masterpiece from a simple sheet of paper.

One of the most common images for embodiment is a swan. This bird has become a symbol of purity, fidelity and perfection. And it is worth considering how to properly make an origami swan.

Swan pattern in classic style

To make a simple origami swan for beginners in the traditional style, you will need a square piece of paper. Then you need to perform a number of simple steps:

  • first, the sheet must be folded diagonally;
  • after it must be deployed;
  • the result of these actions will be a straight line;
  • now you need to wrap the bottom edges parallel to the diagonal;
  • at the next stage, it is required to turn the workpiece over and repeat the previous operation;
  • the body and tail of the swan are ready;
  • now you need to make a transverse fold to get the neck of the bird;
  • bending a smaller corner again, we get the head of a swan;
  • it remains to bend the work in half again and slightly adjust the head.

To make the figure stable, you will need to slightly straighten some of the folds. And the beautiful origami swan is ready.

Manufacturing of modules

Schemes and instructions on how to make origami from modules look a little more complicated. However, this method allows you to create more complex shapes that combine several colors. Therefore, it makes sense to master this technique.

First of all, you need to learn how to make blanks for modules. As a material, A4 office paper will suffice. The size of the blanks will depend on the size of the craft. For a figure from small modules, an A4 sheet will need to be divided into 32 rectangles measuring 3.7x5.3 cm.

For larger elements, you will need to divide the sheet into 16 rectangles of 5.3x7.4 cm format. Each of them needs to be shaped using the following steps:

  • first you need to bend the workpiece in half horizontally;
  • the next fold is required to be done vertically;
  • now you need to unfold the rectangle to the previous position;
  • and the edges need to be folded in the direction of the vertical fold;
  • turning the workpiece over, it is necessary to bend the protruding corners to obtain a small gap;
  • the edges need to be lifted and folded vertically.

Having understood the module manufacturing scheme, you can master the origami swan master class. To obtain a standard figure, 459 modules are required.

For a monophonic craft, they can all be made from white paper, diluting the composition with one red element. For a multi-colored bird, modules of all colors of the rainbow will be required.

Making a voluminous swan

The complexity of this work lies in the connection of the elements without the use of any fixing composition. You can complete a modular origami swan in several stages. First, the first 3 blanks are taken. They need to be folded so that on one side of the two modules are in the pocket of the third. Two more elements are attached to the resulting structure using the same method.

The operation is repeated until the circle is completed. In the process of work, it is worth holding the already folded elements so that the craft does not fall apart.

The next row of modules is put on over the previous one in a checkerboard pattern. As a result, the resulting circle will become wider and wider. And so you need to do 2 more circles.

Turning the resulting structure in the opposite direction will be the most difficult, but necessary part of the work. After that, the attachment of new modules will be performed from above. After completing one more round, the body of the swan will be ready.

Now you have to perform rows with intervals. The filled parts will gradually take the form of wings, and the head and tail will be in the resulting voids.

The rows representing the wings are made with a decrease in the element on both sides at each level until their number is reduced to two. The tail is done in the same way.

To complete the neck, it is necessary to put the corners of each module into the pocket of the previous one. You need to start with a red element that will represent the bird's beak.

In the course of work, it is worth immediately forming the desired bend of the neck. To fix the resulting structure on the body, you need 2 needles.

Looking at the photo of the origami swan, you can understand that to complete the work, it remains to complete the stand. It consists of two circles, the principle of which is similar to the neck of a swan. First, the received parts need to be glued together, and then the finished figure is attached to them.

To summarize: the capabilities of the origami technique allow you to perform figures of any degree of complexity. This requires desire, time and perseverance. The result will be original craft able to decorate the house. Or be a gift to a close friend.

Photo of origami swans

Extravagant stuff, isn't it? so iridescent swan will not only be an original element of your home decor, but can also be a great gift. Creating such a swan is not so much difficult as it takes a long time, since it consists of a large number of elements (modules), and of course, absolutely handmade. step by step diagram modular origami swan you will see below. This technology was invented by the Chinese, they were the first to create three-dimensional figures from triangular modules origami. The composition consists of a large number of elements of the same type (modules). Each module is folded from one sheet of paper, and then the modules are connected by nesting them into each other. You can make such an origami swan without glue, the friction force will not allow the addition to fall apart, but it will still be safer to glue the modules together, then the figure can be used as a toy and not be afraid that it will fall apart. To create modular origami swan you need to connect a lot of modules of different colors, their number is given below. It would be nice to make such a complex figure together with friends or helpers. You need to take high-quality paper, colored office paper or colored coated paper is suitable. It is better not to use thin paper. As already mentioned above, the basis of all origami is a module, let's take a closer look at the scheme for its manufacture.

The module is made from a rectangle of white or colored paper. The aspect ratio of the rectangle should be approximately 1:1.5. You can get the necessary rectangles by dividing the A4 format into equal parts. It is necessary to divide the short and long sides of the A4 format into four equal parts and cut along the marked lines, then you will get rectangles of approximately 53 × 74 mm.

If the long side of the A4 format is divided into eight parts, and the short side into four parts, then we get rectangles 37 × 53 mm.

You can also assemble modules from 1/2 squares using note blocks, which you can purchase at the stationery. How do triangular origami module 1. Put the rectangle towards you reverse side. Fold in half.

2. Bend and unbend to mark the center line.

3. We bend the edges to the center. (At this point, we turn the part over with the “mountain” towards us and fold the edges to the center on the other side. Everyone can find the most suitable method for themselves).

4. Turn over the workpiece.

5. We bend the corners. (Please note: there must be a small gap between the folded corner and the upper triangle).

6. Raise the edges up.

7. Fold the triangle.

The resulting module has two corners and two pockets.

How to interconnect modules? The modules folded according to the indicated scheme can be inserted into each other by various methods and we get three-dimensional figures. Here is one of the valid connection methods:

Assembling the figure of a swan 1 red;

136 pink;

90 orange;

60 yellow;

78 green;

39 blue;

19 purple.

If you wish, you can do white swan with a red beak, for this, prepare 1 red and 458 white rectangles. Take three pink modules and place them in the following way.

Insert the corners of the first two modules into the two pockets of the third module.

Take two more modules and attach them in the same way to the first group. This is how the first ring is made. It consists of two rows: the inner row, the modules of which are on the short side, and the outer row, the modules of which are on the long side.

We have 30 modules in each row. We collect the ring along the chain, carefully holding it with our hands. We close the ends of the chain with the last module.

We take 30 orange modules and assemble the third row. Pay attention to the fact that the modules are put on in a checkerboard pattern.

In the same way, we assemble the fourth and fifth rows, which also consist of thirty orange modules.

Now, holding the edges of the workpiece with our fingers, we perform such a movement as if we want to turn the entire ring inside out. We need to get this form. It looks like a stadium from above.

On the other side of the "stadium" looks like this:

We assemble the sixth row, which contains 30 yellow modules. Now we put them on top. We check that the location of the modules is exactly the same as in the previous rows.

Starting from the seventh row, we start assembling the wings. We choose the side on which the head of the swan will be. We select one pair of corners (from two neighboring modules). This is the place where the neck is attached. To the left and to the right of this pair we make a row of 12 yellow modules. That is, the seventh row consists of 24 modules and has two gaps.

We continue to make wings, reducing each further row by one module. Eighth row: 22 green modules (two times 11). Ninth row: 20 green modules. Tenth row: 18 green modules.

Eleventh row: 16 blue modules. Twelfth row: 14 blue modules.

Thirteenth row: 12 blue modules. Fourteenth row: 10 blue modules. Fifteenth row: 8 blue modules.

Sixteenth row: 6 purple modules. Seventeenth row: 4 purple modules. Eighteenth row: 2 purple modules. The wings are ready. We give them such a shape that they are convex at the bottom and slightly turned away at the top.

We collect the tail which consists of five rows. In the same way, we reduce the number of modules by one in each row. To collect the tail, 12 green and 3 blue modules will go.

In order to assemble the neck, the blanks must be connected by a different method. We insert two corners of one module into two pockets of the other.

We attach 7 purple to the red module. We try to immediately give the neck the necessary bend. If you do not want the swan's beak to be forked, then it is better to glue the corners of the red module first.

Then we attach 6 blue, 6 blue, 6 green and 6 yellow modules. We give the neck the desired shape.

We strengthen the neck at two corners between the wings. Add at will, details - eyes, bow.

We assemble a stand in the form of two rings. It consists of 36 and 40 modules. We connect the modules in the same way as for the neck.

If desired, glue the rings and glue the swan to the stand.

That's it, the origami swan is ready. The paper swan, as we can see, looks very elegant and will please the eye for a long time. Having created such a swan for yourself, I think you will not regret the time spent.

You can do a lot of interesting things with modules, but if you are just starting to learn this technique, then you should start with Christmas trees from modules or swan simple design.

  • Origami swan from modules
  • Rainbow swan from modules
  • Double swan from modules
  • Black swan from modules
  • White swan from modules (video)
  • Big swan from modules (video)
  • How many modules are needed for a swan

If you don't know how to fold a module, Click here to read the instructions, or watch the video below:

This article is about paper swan, namely, several types of its assembly using triangular modules.

This paper swan is the easiest to make. To make it you will need 458 white paper triangles and 1 red (you can change it to orange or yellow) for the beak.

Swan from modules. Scheme.

We start making a swan from modules:

1. Make the first two rows. Arrange the three modules as shown in the picture.

Insert the corners of two triangular modules into the pockets of the third. You get this design.

2. Prepare two more modules and insert them into the structure made earlier.

3. In the same style, we connect two new modules. But such a design is quite unstable and can very easily fall apart. For everything to work out as it should, you should collect three rows at once.

4. Add a third row and make the structure even stronger.

It should look like this design. One of its row is made of 30 modules.

5. Just as you did the third row, do the fourth and fifth.

6. Now you need to carefully take the entire structure with two fingers and press on its middle with your thumbs so that it turns out

7. Now fold up the edges of the structure to form the shape shown in the picture.

Here's how it looks from the side.

And here's what it looks like from below.

8. We put on the 6th row of modules, in the same way as before.

9. When the 7th row begins, get ready to make wings for your paper swan. First you need to attach 12 modules of the eighth row to the structure. Next, skip two modules and attach 12 more modules. Where you missed 2 modules will be the neck, and on the other empty area you will build the tail.

10. Start building the 9th row, reducing each wing of the swan by one triangle.

Here's what it looks like from the side

11. Continue building the wings, reducing the row by one module until one module remains.

12. We make the tail of a swan. Also reduce the row by one module.

13. We make the neck and head. Prepare 19 white and 1 red module in which you need to glue the corners to make a beak. To make a neck, you first need to arrange two modules, as shown in the picture, and then insert the corners of one module into the pockets of the other.

14. The final touch - you need to put the neck on the remaining two corners between the wings of the swan.

That's all!

Rainbow swan from modules

This incredibly beautiful rainbow swan folds very simply and requires 459 modules, which is actually not so much compared to other triangular module designs.

You can choose the color yourself, for example, you can make a beak from red modules, a body from white, and wings, for example, from black.

Such a rainbow swan can be made together with the children, they will really like the whole process, and they will be happy with the end result.

Rainbow swan from triangular modules. Scheme.

1. Prepare red paper modules using 4 x 6 cm rectangles.

2. We collect modules. Connect the three modules by inserting the corners of the first two into the pockets of the third. You should end up with this main element.

3. Two more modules need to be attached to the sides of our element.

According to the same scheme, you need to make a ring of 2 rows, each consisting of 30 modules. Close the ring (see picture).

4. The third, fourth and fifth row must be added in a checkerboard pattern using orange triangles.

5. Carefully turn the workpiece inside out. Your design should now look like this

If you flip the design, it will look like this

6. Making wings. To do this, you need to start adding the 6th row, which also consists of 30 modules, but now in yellow. Choose the side where you are going to make the swan's head. Find two corners from two modules from the sixth row - there will be a neck.

Start to the left and right side from these two modules build the 7th row, also yellow. Both on the left and on the right, you should have 12 modules each, and 2 gaps between them.

Continue adding modules on the sides, reducing each row by 2 triangles.

8. Make the tail of the module in the same way.

9. Making the neck of a paper swan. Insert one module into another and continue to build up the neck of the swan, giving the desired curve.

10. We make a stand. You need to make two rings, connecting the modules, as well as the neck.

Swan color scheme from triangular modules

8 row - 22 green modules (2 times 11).

9 row - 20 green modules.

10 row - 18 green modules.

11 row - 16 blue modules.

12 row - 14 blue modules.

13 row - 12 blue modules.

14 row - 10 blue modules.

15 row - 8 blue modules.

16 row - 6 purple modules.

17 row - 4 purple modules.

18 row - 2 purple modules.

Double swan from modules

You can give this swan from triangular modules to your loved one or friend, and any occasion can come true.

Do it harder than previous swans, but it will be larger and more magnificent.

Prepare a stack of sheets A4 format and patience, since it is a very important element in the manufacture of many modules - but if you have already seen the picture, then you understand this.

You don't have to do everything in one day you can stretch the process.

To create a double swan you will need exactly 1502 modules. You can make it from white paper, but of course if you add a few details, for example, pink or red (you can choose any color), then it will take on a beautiful color, but then cook 1322 white and 180 color modules.

The whole process is divided into 3 separate steps.

Swan from triangular modules. Scheme. Stage I

1. As usual, start connecting 2 modules as shown in the picture.

2. Now connect another 60 (i.e. 2 rows of 30) modules that go in a circle. You should end up with a design like this.

3. Make a few more rows so that their number reaches 15. During the assembly process, you need to bend the structure inward once and continue adding modules, gradually bending and stretching the entire structure.

4. We collect the tail and wings. A total of 6 modules are needed for the neck (in the figure, 6 modules are divided into 2 pink and 4 white) and 4 for the tail. The tail is opposite the neck.

To assemble the neck, simply remove the 1st module, i.e. the next row of the neck will have 5 modules, then 4, 3 and stop at 2 modules.

To assemble the tail in the same style, we assemble the modules, starting from 4 and reaching one at the top.

5. We collect the wings. For the first row of wings, you will need 10 modules.

When you start making the second row of wings, you need to insert the module from the tail side as shown in the picture.

6. Continue to fasten the modules, spending 10 parts for each row. You need to reach the 10th row.

7. After 10 rows, you need to continue making wings, but this time reduce one module each time, i.e. each subsequent row will have 1 module less. Make sure that the rows of the wing on the right are equal in height with the rows of the left wing.

8. You should get this design of 770 parts.

9. To make your design more stable, add modules to the base as shown in the picture to make a stand. You can put these modules on glue. At this stage, you also need to attach all the modules evenly so that the swan stands well. Make another such row (there are two in total).

How to make a swan from modules. Scheme. Stage II.

10. The second stage refers to the manufacture of the inner wings. Start in the same way as the first stage, but you should have 20 modules in a row (the first stage started with 30 modules).

11. Build 7 rows, remembering to draw the structure.

12. Making wings. For each, use 10 modules and raise 3 rows (see picture). Each next row, build 1 module less.

You should end up like this.

Origami swan from triangular modules. Scheme. Stage III.

13. In the third component, you need to use 12 modules and build 6 identical rows.

14. When you get to the 7th row, you will need to use 1 module less. So you divide this level into two parts. Each next level must be reduced by 1 module.

The swan is a beautiful and noble bird, with which many legends and tales are associated. A symbol of immaculate beauty, purity and inspiration. The house was often decorated with the image of this bird, in the hope of attracting love, wealth and family happiness to it. Using the origami technique, you can create a swan figure with your own hands at home. Due to its unique appearance, the origami paper swan will harmoniously fit into the interior of the apartment or serve as an unforgettable gift.

There are many ways to make an origami paper swan. All of them differ in complexity, amount of material used or appearance finished product. Simple figures of birds from napkins serve tables at weddings, birthdays. Many simple options can be made with children in the classroom in kindergarten or in the classroom for labor. Children are happy to make products in the form of cranes and peacocks. Time-consuming, but beautiful will be crafts made with the help of modules.

In this version of paper origami, a swan, the step-by-step assembly of which requires painstaking work, will look impressive and unique.

You can read about how to make a swan out of origami paper in this article. In it you will get to know detailed instructions and work plans.

Option for the little ones

Parents can make such a figurine for their child for a visual representation of animals. It is also suitable as a Christmas tree decoration or a decorative element for scrapbooking.

This craft is for kids younger age or just starting to practice this hobby.


  • A paper sheet in the shape of a square (you can take white stickers).
  • Scissors.
  • Black and red pencils.
  • Glue or stapler.


  1. Fold the paper in half diagonally.
  2. Using scissors, make small cuts on both sides of the resulting triangle. This will create "feathers".
  3. Along long base draw the line of the neck and head, symmetrically cut along it.
  4. We unfold the workpiece, connect the upper and lower corners, fix them with glue or a stapler, leaving the head free.
  5. We draw eyes and a beak on the head - the bird is ready.

There are many more types of paper origami swan, including patterns for beginners. In many step-by-step instructions, the process of making paper bird figures is step by step.

You can find a suitable option for you with pictures illustrating the entire manufacturing process. A detailed presentation and commenting on the actions in the videos will help you understand the sequence and nuances of the model execution.

Origami swan from a napkin

You can create an origami swan not only from paper using step by step instructions. A neat figurine of a swan from a napkin will help to decorate the table before a big celebration, to impress the guests. Such a serving detail will not go unnoticed and will emphasize the triumph of the moment.

To make you will need square napkin medium sizes.


  • The napkin should lie in front of you, angle down. Mark the center line vertically with a fold.
  • Bend the corners to the center line.
  • Turn the workpiece upside down, bend the corners to the center.
  • Fold the top down so that the top corner touches the bottom.
  • Bend half of the resulting corner up again. This will be the bird's head.
  • Add volume to the figure by bending it in half vertically. Carefully align the neck and head with the same folds.
  • Adjust the angle of the neck. You can slightly lift the inner part of the wing, giving it additional outlines.

The figurine is ready - put it on the table or on a plate.

Note. Napkin is a very soft material. She can't always keep her shape. Working with it requires special subtlety and accuracy. Therefore, it is recommended to practice on plain paper.

Swan made from modules

modular origami- one of the most painstaking and scrupulous occupations. Paper origami swan scheme includes many nuances in the process of such creativity. Creating each individual detail can take a lot of time and effort, but the result is worth all the expectations. This model has smooth curves, plastic moving parts, such as the neck. A model of a bird in this design can be safely demonstrated as a real work of art.

Creation in this technique is only possible for masters who know their business, however, you can replenish their number thanks to further instructions on how to make an origami paper swan using modules.

Note. The modules are strung on top of each other, which makes them hold their shape tightly, however, for greater stability in work, cardboard of different colors will serve.

Manufacturing of main parts

We need a small blank measuring 7.4 by 5.3 cm (for great diy). An ordinary office sheet needs to be divided 4 into 4 equal rectangles (16).

In the case of a smaller size, the sheet should contain twice as many rectangles. Then the blanks will be 5.3 by 3.7 cm in size.

Creating a structural element:

  • Lay out the rectangle as a landscape sheet. Fold in half horizontally.

Note. If paper or cardboard has color on one side, then lay it with the back side up.

  • Mark the center line by folding the sheet vertically and unfolding it again.
  • Bend the sides at the top corners towards the center. Flip.
  • Bend the extreme corners of the protruding ends up. Then fold the remaining ends up to the top.
  • Fold the resulting triangle in half lengthwise.

You have a triangular modular blank. It is very important that each of them be the same for bonding with each other in order to create an even composition. It is also necessary to ensure that the parts fit on each other in the same way, otherwise the figure will be uneven, and the parts will stick out.

Small buildable swan

Before creating a large model, you can practice by making a smaller version. Good for beginners. In this option, you will get your hands on the production of parts and their fastening. Follow the instructions "paper origami swan", which shows a step-by-step assembly of a small copy.


  • For the base, we need 3 triangles: we press 2 of them against each other, and we put their corners into the pockets of the 3rd, which is located with the long side down.
  • Take two more. Fasten them to the resulting workpiece in the same way, pressing the sides to each other, placing the corners in the pockets. In this way, you must attach 40 more parts (20 adjoining corners and 20 fastening them). As a result, you should get a circle consisting of 2 rows.
  • Using 20 parts, create the 3rd row, also putting the pieces on the corners. Repeat the order of execution, creating the 4th, 5th rows, using the same amount.
  • Bend the resulting circle inward. This will give you a stable foundation.
  • Complete the 6th of the 20 elements, pointing them up a little.
  • We create wings. To do this, determine a couple of corners where the bird's neck will be located. Attach the module to them for reference. Step back from it 8 elements in both directions - these are the bases for the wings.
  • Make the rest of the formations, reducing the number of parts on each new one by ONE. As a result, you should get triangular wings.
  • We make a ponytail. To do this, we attach 3 elements to the base, then, as in the wings, we reduce each subsequent row by 1 element.
  • We model the head. To do this, we use 16 elements, which we string on top of each other in the previously marked place on the base. With each new element, we gradually “bend” the neck. The last detail should be red - this is the beak of our bird.
  • Correct the shape of the wings by slightly bending them outward. You can glue small beady eyes on the bird's head.

Our little bird is ready. The height of such a work is approximately 20 cm, when using large parts.

Volumetric swan from 3 parts

Unlike the previous version, such an instance has more lush, expressive parts, such as, for example, double wings. Due to the large number of elements and the sequence of their connection, the paper origami swan requires step by step to observe the fastening of the elements.

To make a large copy, you will need 1502 parts, of which 1322 are white and 180 are any other color. The creation process includes 3 separate designs.

This is covered in detail in the next guide.


  • Make a blank of 3 modules, as in the first case.
  • Now create 2 rows of 30 pieces.
  • Add 5 more in the same order. The number of elements in each of them is stored.
  • After creating the 10th, we bend the disk inward, slightly stretching the volume of the future case.
  • We continue to add on a new line, up to the 15th. Gradually create a voluminous body.
  • The base is ready. Now we form the neck. To do this, we create a system of 6 modules: we fasten the first with the last in a different color, doing the same in the next rows of the neck. We rise, reducing the number by 1 in each subsequent.
  • Opposite the neck we collect the tail using the same technique. Only now we have in the initial system not 6, but 4 parts.
  • We measure the wings. Each wing has 10 initial elements.
  • From the 2nd order, we make the first and subsequent elements in a different color. In this order, we create the height of the wings in 10 lines.

Note. Make sure that the height of each line is the same level. Otherwise, asymmetrical wings may result.

  • After the 10th formation, we begin to reduce the quantity in each subsequent one by 1 part. Do not forget to frame the first and last details with color.
  • Gently bend the wings. As a result, we got the main part.
  • To make the product stand firmly, we create a stand. To do this, with the help of glue, we fix the modules at the base of the body. After the 1st quantity dries, paste the 2nd.

2 design:

  • We start creating the inner part in the same way as the main one, but now we have 20 elements in the set.
  • Step by step we build 7 rows. We try to stretch the body a little.
  • After the 7th we make wings: 10 parts each. The edges of each line are marked with a different color.
  • After 3 lines, we reduce each subsequent one by 1 detail.
  • As a result, we should get internal elongated wings.

3rd design:

  • The technique for creating the base is the same. Now for 12 parts.
  • We create a height of 6 modules. Turn base down.
  • From the 7th row we fasten 6 elements of a different color, use 1 less element, dividing the body into 2 parts.
  • The central part is ready.
  • It remains to collect all the details together. Carefully fit the inner wings into the main body, widening it a bit. Do not rush, so as not to damage the case.
  • Also insert a small insert into middle part. If possible, secure it with glue.
  • Before creating the neck, it is recommended to grease the initial rows with glue, since this part is very long. To create, you can use 3-4 parts at the base and continue their height in the same amount, right up to the head itself. Secure the penultimate corner with black, and the last with red. This will create the edging for the beak.
  • Fix artificial eyes on the head (beads or stickers). Shape the wings and neck. Now our work is ready!


If desired, the finished version can be decorated with a ribbon at the neck and base, attach other decorative elements to complement the image. Such a bird will be appreciated by your friends. Do-it-yourself paper swan as origami art will serve as a great gift, perfectly decorate your home interior.

Alexandra is a constant expert of the PupsFull portal. She writes articles about play, pregnancy, parenting and learning, baby care, and mom and baby health.

You can learn how to make a small swan from modules from our article.

You can learn how to make a small swan from modules from our article.

How to make a small swan from origami modules, you can learn from the materials of our article. It takes a little time and materials to make it. Almost anyone who has at hand will be able to cope with the work necessary materials and a simple tool such as scissors or a utility knife. The small figurine of a swan will become great decoration on your desktop or as an addition to a gift for a loved one. Origami is a very ancient art form that came into the world with the light hand of the Japanese. Various paper figures struck with their simplicity and, at the same time, beauty and grace. Products made using the modular origami technique have a particularly unique look. Everyone without exception likes their expressiveness and realism. For the most part, these are quite large, voluminous products, the manufacture of which takes a lot of time. But there are also small modular figures that are in no way inferior to their large relatives. In our article we will talk about such small origami. Today you will learn how to make a small swan from modules.
To get started, we need to take paper in three colors - white, red and orange. And, of course, scissors. To begin with, we will prepare modules - individual elements, which are the material for building the product. Twenty-two modules are required to work orange color. This color is not critical, so you can replace it with any other. Also, it is necessary to prepare one hundred and thirty white modules and one red.
Making modules is easy. We take an A4 sheet, fold it in half. The resulting version is folded in half again and again. Then unfold the sheet. Cutting it along the folds, we get sixteen modules. To keep them smaller perfect option for our product), we will fold the sheet in half again, which will give us the opportunity to get thirty-two modules. After these steps, with the help of scissors or a clerical knife, we will cut it into separate parts (sixteen or thirty-two). Then we proceed according to the scheme below.
As a result, we should get such elements - modules. Each individual row of the little swan will consist of fifteen modules, which we will place as shown in the photo. We connect them together as follows. In the process, we will observe this picture.
We finish work with the second row of the product and move on to the third. We will perform the third row according to the principle already known to us. At the end of work on the third row, we will get such a nice pointed figure. We continue to attach modules in subsequent rows (fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh). In the next row, we begin to form the wings of our little swan. To do this, we will connect the modules in the following order: one orange module, four white modules and again one orange module. In the next row, we attach in order: one orange module, three white modules and one orange. Next, we will connect the modules in this order:

  • one orange module, four white modules, one orange module;
  • one module is orange, three are white, one is orange;
  • one orange, two white modules, one orange module;
  • one orange module, one white module, one orange module;
  • two orange modules;
  • one orange module.

In the same way, we will make the second wing of the swan. We get the following result. Now we need to make the neck. To do this, we will put on each other fifteen white modules and one red one, which will serve us as a beak.
Attach the neck to the body. A small swan made using the modular origami technique is ready. If desired, we can make a whole family of small cute swans.


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Origami is not only a hobby, but also a way to add coziness and uniqueness to the house. Paper figurines are cheaper than figurines and paintings, but no jewelry from the store brings its owner so much pleasure from the realization of the forces invested in the work. Admiring glances from guests best compliment hostess. In this article we will tell you how to make a swan out of paper.

What is modular origami?

Modular origami, which originated in the 18th century, remains popular to this day. This type differs from classic origami by the large number of sheets of paper used. Folded according to the principle of classic origami into triangles, the sheets are nested into each other according to the designer's method, giving unlimited scope for imagination and creativity.
When creating complex designs in modular origami, glue is used, ensuring the reliability of the structure. Strongly glued product will serve as a great toy for children.

How to make a swan out of paper: instructions

A majestic paper bird swan, with due patience and perseverance, is done in an average of 40-50 minutes, depending on the size of the structure. This article provides a diagram of how to make a swan out of paper, 30-40 centimeters high.

In the manufacture of this model, there is a procedure by which it is folded, and if you follow it, you will not have any difficulties.

Modules are pre-prepared - multi-colored triangles. They form the body of a bird. For the average model, you will need 458 white modules (you can experiment with the color to your taste, we chose white) and 1 red, orange or pink for the beak.

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Necessary materials

All we need:

  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • paper.

The swan is made of triangles, which are folded out of paper according to the principle of classic origami. For them, you need to make 458 identical rectangles. The height of the entire figure will depend on their size. The aspect ratio of the triangles should be approximately 1:1.5. You can use halved squares of office paper, or cut A4 sheets.

  • If an A4 sheet is divided into four lines along and four lines across, you can get 16 rectangles about 53 by 74 mm in size.

  • If you divide an A4 sheet into 4 lines along and 8 lines across, you get 32 ​​rectangles measuring about 37 by 53 mm.

Preparation for work

How to make a paper swan using the modular origami technique?

First of all, we add the modules themselves, from which we will make up our design - a swan. They are very easy to make.

Place the rectangle horizontally on the table. Then fold it in half.

In order to outline the middle line for yourself, you need to bend the resulting element in half, and then unbend it back.

With a slight movement of the hand, turn the workpiece up.

We bend the protruding corners up, ideally leaving a small gap between the upper and lower parts.

Now you need to raise the edges.

And finally - fold the triangle.

Here we have a triangle that has two corners (Fig. 1) and two pockets (Fig. 2)

They can be fastened in various ways. Several of them are used in the swan assembly scheme.
When we have 458 modules of the required colors (however, they can be made as needed), it is time to start assembling the bird itself.

So, let's start assembling the swan!

To make the first two rows, we need to place three modules on the table like this:

Now we take the two front corners together and insert into the pockets of the third:

We attach two more on the sides:

And two more:

And we see that we are holding in our hands a rapidly disintegrating construction that threatens to crumble on our table and destroy our hopes for the realization of beauty. But don't be upset: very soon this design will become quite strong even without the help of glue. And in order to make it even stronger, you can start collecting three rows at once:

We continue according to the already studied scheme to fasten the fourth and fifth rows:

When the fifth row is finally ready, and either a skirt or a Christmas tree lies in front of us, we carefully take it from the left and gently press with our thumb on the middle, turning the circle inside out.

We take the resulting saucer:

We bend the edges up so that the edges of the saucer become higher, and the saucer itself becomes smaller.

Moving to the seventh row, we begin to leave passes for the neck and wings. We put on 12 modules and move away two corners at an equal distance from each other. That is, the seventh row will be 24 modules and two gaps, each of two modules: one for the neck, one for the tail.

Now, from the eighth row, we will make out the wings. We do not touch the gaps, we put the modules on the 12 remaining triangles, again - in a checkerboard pattern. The number will be 1 less - 11.

In the process of making the wings, they can be slightly touched up by hand bending and making them more natural.

When the wings of the paper swan are finished, turn the body of the swan to the side where we will have a tail. We make it according to the same principle as the wings: in an odd order, decreasing one by one with each row.

The swan is almost ready, it remains to draw the neck and head. Let's do this with 19 white modules and one color. The last, colored one, which will serve us as a beak, is better to glue before that so that it does not look flared.

The paper swan neck is constructed using a different method. First we need to arrange the modules in a wedge:

And combine them:

Finally, we solemnly put the beak in place, for reliability wetting its inner sides with glue:

We attach the resulting swan neck to the remaining two corners:

The head of a swan can be decorated with a drawn, cut out of paper or ready-made eye, a bow can be attached to the neck, and the bottom can be made in the form of a water lily. There are many possibilities for decoration. Let your imagination run wild and your creation will become even more original.