How to choose a municipal kindergarten and arrange a child there? (05/19/2014). The procedure for admission to study in educational programs of preschool education - Rossiyskaya Gazeta Admission of children to preschool institutions

Children's preschool institution- the type of educational institution in the Russian Federation that implements general educational programs of preschool education in various areas. A preschool educational institution provides education, training, supervision, care and rehabilitation of children aged from two months to seven years.

Kindergarten is the most common type of preschool institution.

Kindergarten- an educational institution for children (usually from 3 to 7 years old), in the Russian Federation one of the types of preschool institution.

In addition, in Russia there are such types of preschool institutions as:

    kindergarten of a general developmental type with the priority implementation of one or more areas of development of pupils (intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, physical, etc.);

    compensatory kindergarden with the priority implementation of a qualified correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils;

    kindergarten supervision and rehabilitation with the priority implementation of sanitary-hygienic, preventive and health-improving measures and procedures;

    combined type kindergarten(a combined kindergarten may include general education, compensatory and recreational groups in various combinations);

    child development center- a kindergarten with the implementation of physical and mental development, correction and rehabilitation of all pupils.

The system of kindergartens is intended for a mass, publicly available solution to the problem of their parents' employment (for which the working hours of a kindergarten in most cases coincide with the typical work schedule of most professions: from 7 am to 7 pm, five days a week).

The number of children in groups of a preschool educational organization of a general developmental orientation is determined based on the calculation of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe group (game) room -

    for groups of early age (up to 3 years) at least 2.5 square meters per 1 child

    for preschool age (from 3 to 7 years old) - at least 2 square meters per child actually in the group.

preschool age- stage of mental development from 3 to 7 years. It is characterized by the fact that the leading activity is the game. It is very important for the formation of the personality of the child.. It includes three periods:

Junior preschool age - from 3 to 4 years;

Average preschool age - from 4 to 5 years;

Senior preschool age - from 5 to 7 years.

Enrolling a child in a kindergarten in Moscow

Since 2011, an electronic queue has been operating in Moscow. If you have not yet registered for this queue to have your child in kindergarten from September, you need to do so now. Parents (legal representatives) who filled out an application for registering their child on February 1 and later, become registered with the desired date of admission from September 1 of the next academic year.

To take a place in the electronic queue, you must:

The recruitment of groups for the next academic year will begin from March 1 to June 1. When a seat is allocated, the District Information Services (OSIP) staff will notify parents by phone or email.

You can sign up for the GKP and CIPR by phone: 8 (495) 947-68-26, 8 (495) 947-68-31, 8 (499) 720-24-82, e-mail [email protected].

According to the information posted on the official website of public services in Moscow, when visiting OSIP, you must provide the following set of documents:

    Passport of the applicant - the parent (legal representative) of the child

    Child's birth certificate

    If there is a privilege - a document confirming it (passport of the representative of the privilege)

    If there is a temporary registration - a document on temporary registration on the territory of the city of Moscow

    A document certifying the registration of the child at the place of residence in the city of Moscow, or a document certifying the registration of the child at the place of stay in the city of Moscow

    Click the "Get Service" button. In the application form, indicate the date of birth of the child and the desired year of admission. Then select the type of registration of the child on the territory of Moscow and indicate the address of the place of residence.

    From the proposed list of preschool educational institutions assigned to the specified address, select no more than three, the first of which will be the main one, and the other two will be additional. You can also choose a preschool institution that is not assigned to the specified address (in this case, the application will be considered in an additional queue if there are free places in the selected institution).

    Enter information about the child (name, date of birth, series and number of the birth certificate), as well as information about the benefits (if any) that give the right to priority enrollment of the child in kindergarten.

    Please check your details carefully and submit your application. Track the status of the submitted application in the Personal Account.

Enrolling a child in a kindergarten in St. Petersburg

parents (legal representatives) present an identity card and a birth certificate of the child. When enrolling in a kindergarten at the place of residence or place of stay, you need to confirm the "registration" of the baby;

parents (legal representatives) of children - foreigners or stateless persons additionally submit a document on the right to stay in Russia;

foreigners and stateless persons submit all documents in Russian or together with a duly certified translation into Russian;

children with disabilities are accepted to an adapted training program only with the consent of their parents (legal representatives) and on the basis of the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

Since 2014, an electronic queue for kindergartens has been introduced throughout the country. This should greatly facilitate the enrollment of children in preschool institutions.

The rules for admitting children to kindergarten are determined by the institution independently in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and are fixed in the charter.

To apply, you must fill out a special form. To do this, you will need to enter the data of the birth certificate of the child and the passport of one of the parents (legal representatives). When choosing the desired date for entering kindergarten, the service automatically sets September 1, since the school year begins on this day, parents will only have to choose a year. At the same time, the recruitment of kindergartens is officially carried out from March 1 to June 1.

Parents can apply to enroll their child in kindergarten in the following ways:

    by contacting the admissions office;

    online mode(residents of the city and city of St. Petersburg).

Admission of children to kindergarten is carried out by the head of the educational institution on the basis of the following documents:

    direction issued by the Commission;

    statements of the parent (legal representative);

    birth certificates of the child;

    a document certifying that the child has citizenship of the Russian Federation;

    identity document of a child who is a foreign citizen, stateless person;

    a document confirming the legality of the stay (residence) in the Russian Federation of a child who is a foreign citizen, a stateless person;

    child's medical record (form; 026/U).

Additionally, you may be asked to provide:

  • medical documents that are the basis for enrolling a child in a certain group (for example, health-improving);
  • marriage certificate (if the applicant has different surnames in the passport and in the birth certificate of the child).

Schematically, all of the above can be depicted as follows.

The purpose of the kindergarten is to solve the problem of parents' employment at the mass level, as well as the development and socialization of a preschooler.

The law on the admission of children and the functioning of preschool organizations is considered in the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation".

Kindergarten- this is one of the types of organization of preschool education, which can be:

  • general development;
  • correction of deviations in development;
  • care and health care garden;
  • development center;
  • combined.

The number of preschoolers in developmental institutions is strictly limited, as is age. From 2 months, a child can be sent to a kindergarten of a younger group, and taken to school only at 7 years old.

Enrollment in kindergarten is free. Regardless of residence and registration, preschool organizations are required to provide the child with a place (Article No. 8 of the Federal Law-273, dated 12/26/2012).

New kindergarten law

September 1, 2013 last year, the last changes were made to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. The law says that preschool education is the initial stage in the education of the Russian Federation.

The state allocates a budget for free preschool organizations to buy toys, furniture, books and other necessary things. Parents do not need to pay extra for the activities of the preschool educational institution. Enrollment in the organization is free of charge and a special contract is concluded on the education of the child (Article 53.2 FZ-273).

The project of preschool educational institutions is based on the formation of the cultural, moral and physical health of children. Taking into account the age characteristics of children, there is a preparation for further education.

By law, guardians and parents of preschoolers have the right to receive free consultations, recommendations from psychologists and educators.

The procedure for enrolling children in kindergarten in Russia

The provision of places in kindergartens is regulated by the commission for the acquisition of general educational institutions.

A parent can choose any of the organizations, regardless of place of residence, and write an application for enrolling a child. The time for submitting the document is limited and annually regulated by the law on admission to kindergarten.

In some cases, child care may require payment from the parents, which should not exceed more than 20 percent of the parent's salary or guardian's cash reserves.

Parents of children with special needs or sick children who are in a specialized kindergarten are not charged.

For low-income families, compensation is provided to pay for preschool education (Article No. 65, FZ-272).

From what age are they accepted?

By law, it is possible to send a baby to a preschool from 2 months old, if there are such younger groups in the organization. However, the immunity of the child is getting stronger by 2 years of age. From this time on, it is recommended to enroll in a preschool organization.

The only reason for refusing admission to kindergarten is the lack of vacant places. In this case, you must choose another organization.

Electronic queue for kindergarten

According to the law on admission to kindergarten, a parent must send an application no later than July of the current year and wait in line. In the electronic list, the enrollment order consists of the following groups of children:

  • out of turn;
  • first in line;
  • transfer or relocation;
  • at the place of residence;
  • optional.

The application can be submitted from the birth of the baby and indicate the dates of enrollment. Here, the application can be rejected or sent to another preschool educational institution.

When enrolling, they are asked to confirm the information by attaching electronic copies of all necessary documents and data about the child.

On the official website of the state services of the Russian Federation, a parent can find out how to check the electronic queue for kindergarten. To do this, you must enter personal data or an identification code from your personal account.

The city authorities have advanced further than anyone else in automating the provision of public services. So, registration in a kindergarten in Moscow is carried out by the district information support services. In 2017-2018, the data is immediately included in the electronic list, so the order is the same for each preschool institution (DDU).

In addition, the official representative of a minor can arrange a queue for a kindergarten in Moscow via the Internet. To do this, you need to register on one of the three portals.

Download for viewing and printing:

Juveniles up to the age of seven are accepted into the capital's kindergartens. There is only one criterion - the presence of a vacant position in the institution. An official representative who has permanent or temporary registration in Moscow can apply for registration:

  1. parent;
  2. adoptive parent;
  3. guardian (custodian);
  4. adoptive parent.

Hint: the applicant must have documents on hand to confirm the connection with the child and the preferential category (if any).

The city authorities have identified some categories of parents whose offspring are provided with preschool education without taking into account the general queue. The list for vacancies is formed according to a three-stage system. This means that beneficiaries make up the first and second queues, and everyone else gets the opportunity to take a place when everyone else is placed.

Preferences are granted in 2017-2018 according to the following rules:

  • The first to be enrolled in kindergartens are the kids of the same parents:
    • single mother or father with official employment;
    • students and pupils;
    • policemen;
    • military personnel;
    • judges;
    • orphans;
    • Chernobyl.

Hint: The first group also includes adopted and foster children.

  • The second place is given to minors:
    • disabled people;
    • orphans;
  • children:
    • prosecutors;
    • brought up in large and low-income families;
    • whose parents:
      • recognized as disabled (one or both);
      • died during the fighting.

Hint: preference is taken into account only if the applicant can document it.

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The authorities are trying to reduce the list of papers to a minimum. And yet, you will have to collect evidence of the right to receive pre-school education services for the offspring. The main package includes the following:

  1. certificate of registration of the newborn by the registry office (until it is received, they will not be placed in the queue);
  2. the applicant's passport with a residence permit;
  3. certificate of temporary or permanent registration of the baby in the capital;
  4. preferential certificate (if any);
  5. medical documents:
    • card;
    • list of vaccinations made;
    • insurance.

Hint: data from the listed securities are entered into the application. All information should be carefully recorded. An error leads to a refusal to register for a place in the capital's kindergarten.

The development of modern technologies allows parents to choose a convenient way to register in the queue for receiving preschool education services for minors.

In 2017-2018, you can choose one of the following:

Hint: Applications end up in the same database. The sequence does not depend on the method of access. Taken into account:

  • date of registration of the application;
  • the right to a preference.

The convenience of contacting government agencies through the network has already been appreciated by many parents in the country. To get a queue in the capital DDU, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Get an account on one of the above portals.
  2. Collect and place nearby documents (listed above).
  3. Log in to your account and select the service you are interested in.
  4. Carefully fill out the application form in terms of providing personal data (parent and minor).
  5. Choose the right kindergarten using the following services:
    • an interactive map that allows you to choose a preschool at the address of residence;
    • guide that says:
      • garden characteristics;
      • the number of applicants for places in it - no more than three.
  6. Submit the form for review.
  7. Wait for a response:
    • if errors are made in the application, it will be returned for revision;
    • if everything is correct, then they will register and send the assigned number (it should be written down).

Hint: Form processing takes no more than ten days. If the answer did not come, you need to double-check the contact details on the site.

You can see how many unsatisfied applicants are in front of the applicant at any time on the portal To do this, you must enter your personal account:

  1. In the line that appears, enter the registration data of the application.
  2. The sequence number will appear on the screen.

Hint: electronic accounting excludes the intervention of civil servants in the promotion of the waiting list. When merging DDUs, the number in the queue may be rolled back. This is a normal phenomenon for the capital.

When changing personal data, you will have to go to OSIP. It is still impossible to amend the form in 2017-2018 via the Internet. You should have supporting documents with you.

Hint: when moving from one district of the capital to another, the place in the queue does not change (it is taken into account by the date of application). It will help in promoting the receipt of a preferential category by the applicant.

Groups are formed by OSIP employees. The rules for their activities are as follows:

  1. time - from May 1 to June 1;
  2. Places are awarded in the following order:
    • by the dates of registration of applications;
    • taking into account preferential categories;
  3. applicants are informed about allocated places using the provided contact details.

Hint: after receiving the information, you need to go to OSIP with all the original documents. The specialist will issue a ticket to the kindergarten.

With a referral, you need to visit the clinic and take a certificate for the baby. With a full package of papers, you should go to an appointment with the head of the kindergarten. Thirty days are allotted for this. Otherwise, the voucher will be overdue, and another applicant will take the place.

For information: all services for registering minors in line for kindergarten are provided free of charge. Demanding money for registration on behalf of the Moscow authorities is a violation of current legislation.

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In accordance with the order of the Department of Education of Moscow dated February 11, 2011 No. 126, a new procedure for enrolling children in kindergarten via the Internet without leaving home is in force in Moscow. At the same time, the parent (legal representative) is given the opportunity to independently track the progress of their child in the electronic queue for kindergarten using an individual application code.

According to the Moscow Department of Education, from September 15, 2012, the AIS system "Enrollment in preschool educational institutions" was updated. Now parents will be able to register their children and view the queue for kindergartens only on the site The site of the Electronic Commission has ceased to function.

The procedure for registering children in the electronic register

To register a child in the electronic register, the applicant (parent or legal representative of a child under the age of 7) fills out an application in the prescribed form:

  • independently on the site "Electronic Commission" using the Internet;
  • in the district methodological (resource) center in the absence of the opportunity to independently register the child in the electronic register through the website "Electronic Commission" using the Internet.

Step-by-step instructions for enrolling a child in kindergarten.

The applicant can apply to the district methodological (resource) center located in any administrative district of the city of Moscow, regardless of place of residence.

After sending the application, the applicant receives a message about the acceptance of the application for consideration, indicating the assigned individual code.

The district information support service within 10 working days processes the received application and sends to the applicant's e-mail or postal address:

  • confirmation of the registration of the child in the electronic register and information on the timing of resolving the issue of providing the child with a place in the institution;
  • refusal to register the child in the electronic register. The reasons for refusal to register a child in the electronic registry are: lack of necessary information in the application; incorrectly formatted statement.
  • request for confirmation of the claimed benefit.

Applications received during from 1 to 31 July processed by the county information support staff within 10 working days from August 1 current year.

During from February 1 to April 15 of the current year, changes in the data of the application for children registered in the unified electronic register of the AIS "Staffing of preschool educational institutions" with the desired date of admission for the next academic year (in part: the desired institution) are not produced.

Working hours of district methodical (resource) centers

Employees of district methodological (resource) centers register children in the electronic register on weekdays from 9.00 to 18.00, a lunch break from 13.00 to 14.00, based on the personal request of the applicant upon presentation of the original documents:

  • applicant's passport
  • child's birth certificates,
  • if there are benefits - a document confirming them.

District methodological (resource) centers are organized so that parents who do not have access to the Internet can register their child in a single electronic register.

Main Functions of District Information Services

  1. Process the data of applications for registration of a child in the electronic register.
  2. Changes are made to the electronic register based on personal requests from applicants or email requests.
  3. Inform applicants about registration or refusal to register a child in the electronic registry.
  4. Applicants whose children are not provided with places in institutions in the current year are informed at least once a quarter about the timing of resolving the issue of providing a place in an institution.
  5. Carry out the correlation of information about the benefits for enrolling children in institutions specified in the applications received, with the data provided by the applicants of the original documents.
  6. The applicants are informed about the provision of the child with a place in the institution, the deadlines for processing the child’s personal file with the head of the institution and the list of documents required for this.
  7. They provide information support to the population on the issues of staffing institutions, including on the organization and functioning of new forms of preschool education.
  8. Inform applicants on the recruitment of institutions mainly using e-mail. Applicants who do not have e-mail are informed using telephone or postal means of communication.
  9. If it is impossible to contact the applicant within 6 months, the data on the child registered in the unified electronic register of the AIS "Assembly of preschool educational institutions" are transferred to archival records.
  10. The County Information Services staff is required to respond to applicants' requests within 10 business days.
  11. At the request of the county information service staff, applicants must provide documents confirming the information specified in the application. If these documents are not provided, information about the child is transferred to archival records.

The procedure for enrolling children in kindergartens

Admission of children to the institution is carried out on the basis of a list approved by a specialist of the district education department (appointed by order of the head of the district education department). The recruitment list is formed in accordance with the electronic register and taking into account the confirmed benefits, that is, at the written request of the parents.

The formation of lists of future pupils of compensatory or health-improving groups is carried out by the district departments of education on the basis of conclusions issued by psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions in accordance with the data of the electronic register.

Documents for the reception of the child.

  • Applicant's passport.
  • Written statement from parents.
  • Medical record of the child (form No. 026 / y-2000).
  • Immunization card (form 63).
  • Child's medical insurance policy (copy).
  • Child's birth certificate (copy).
  • Birth certificates of all children in the family.
  • Documents for benefits (if any).
  • A copy of the 1st page of the passbook (to receive monetary compensation in the amount of 20 to 75%).

The head of the institution is responsible for the staffing of the institution, the registration of the personal files of the pupils of the institution and the prompt (on the 1st day of each month) transfer to the district education department of information on the availability of places in the institution.

The number of places in the institution provided for children to be enrolled in the institution cannot exceed the number of places in the institution provided for children who do not have such rights.

As of September 1 of each year, the head of the institution issues an order on the enrollment of newly enrolled children and approves the quantitative composition of the formed groups. When a child enters the institution during the year, an order is issued on his enrollment.

Mandatory documentation for the staffing of the institution are lists of children by groups, which are approved by the head of the institution.

The expulsion of children from the institution is issued by order.

When a child is admitted to an institution, it is mandatory to conclude an agreement with the parents (legal representatives) of the pupils in 2 copies with the issuance of one copy of the agreement to the parents (legal representatives).

When a child is admitted to an institution, leaders are required to familiarize parents (legal representatives) with the charter of the institution and other documents regulating the organization of the educational process in the institution.

Parents must within 30 calendar days from the date of notification their district information support service about sending a child to kindergarten to come to the institution for registration with the head of the institution of the personal file of the child, which includes:

  • statement of the parent (legal representative);
  • a copy of the child's birth certificate;
  • an agreement between the institution and the parent (legal representative).

Parents (legal representatives) are responsible for the timely submission of the necessary documents to the institution. If the parents fail to appear at the institution within the specified period, the child is excluded from the lists.

When the queue has already come, it's time to draw up a medical card. It is issued by the local pediatrician. He also enters a calendar of vaccinations into the map, gives a referral for the necessary tests, notes the specialists whose examination the child needs to undergo, taking into account the age. After examination and testing, the head physician of the polyclinic signs the card and stamps it. Along with the medical card, parents are also given a vaccination card.

It is no secret that sometimes parents are faced with an unlawful refusal to issue a medical card or to admit a child to a preschool institution due to the lack of vaccinations or their insufficient number.

It is worth recalling that, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Immunization of Infectious Diseases", preventive vaccinations are carried out with the consent of citizens, parents or other legal representatives of minors and citizens recognized as incompetent in the manner established by the Russian Federation. The lack of vaccinations in a child can be a reason for a temporary denial of admission to educational and health institutions only in the event of mass infectious diseases or the threat of epidemics.

The sooner a parent registers a child, the better. In this case, it is easier for the district department of education to predict the number of places in kindergartens that will be needed in the coming years.

Referral of children for a specified period

Children may be placed in an institution for a fixed period of time, as listed on the District Board of Education's list, if:

  • if it is impossible to provide the child with a place in the desired institution;
  • when providing a child with a place in a compensatory or health-improving group based on the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;
  • when providing a child with a place in a short stay group of an institution and other forms of preschool education.

Transfer of children from one kindergarten to another

The transfer of children from one institution to another is carried out on the basis of the order of the district education department in the following cases:

  • during the overhaul of the institution;
  • during construction at the site of the demolition of the institution;
  • for the summer period.

Data on children previously registered in the unified electronic register of the AIS "Assembly of the preschool educational institution" and placed in institutions, but due to a change of residence in need of a device in another institution, are restored in the unified electronic register of the AIS "Assembly of the preschool educational institution" with the original date of registration.

The enrollment of a child in a preschool institution is a procedure that is strictly regulated by law.

Let's consider it in detail in this article.

Legislative regulation of the issue

Registration of children, as well as their subsequent distribution to preschool educational institutions carried out on the basis:

  1. Federal Law "Education in the Russian Federation";
  2. Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services";
  3. Administrative regulations of the local administration of the respective cities on the basis of the above federal acts.

Principles of the procedure

The distribution of children in kindergartens is carried out, as a rule,.

When processing all applications, sorting by bases:

  1. enrollment of children;
  2. Children entering the kindergarten on a common basis.

Further, among the beneficiaries, a system is built according to the date of registration of the application, in which children with federal benefits are subject to priority enrollment. Then there are children who have preferential grounds at the municipal level. Among them, the queue is also built in accordance with the date of registration.

Thus, the formation of the order and subsequent distribution of children in each age category takes place.

When places for children of the corresponding age are vacated in a certain preschool, the system selects applications with the corresponding date of receipt (usually September 1) according to the algorithm indicated above.


Places in a preschool educational institution are distributed within the time limits established by the local administrative regulations of the respective regions.

As a rule, the start date for the distribution of places is June 1 of the current year. The end is September 1, however, in the event of the appearance of individual places in groups, distribution can also be carried out during the academic year.

Regional features

The implementation of the distribution of places in kindergartens, as mentioned earlier, takes place on the basis of administrative regulations, which are approved by local authorities.

Moscow and region

So, for example, in accordance with the regulations of the city of Moscow, the distribution takes place in the following order:

  1. electronic system as places become available in kindergarten groups;
  2. When registering, parents or are allowed to choose up to 3 kindergartens in which a child can potentially be distributed;
  3. Acquisition and issuance of a referral for enrollment is carried out in the period from March 1 to June 1 annually;
  4. Registration of a referral in the event of a place being vacated within 5 days from the date of the relevant decision.


In this city, the distribution of children carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Recruitment of groups through the release of places in the electronic automated system;
  2. Seat allocation starts on February 1st and ends on April 1st.


The administrative regulation provides for the following distribution order:

  1. The distribution period starts on June 1st and ends on September 1st;
  2. The allocation of seats is carried out by an electronic system;
  3. The right of initial enrollment is given to children under guardianship, children of families who have changed their place of residence on the basis of the state program for the resettlement of compatriots.

Samara Region

In the Samara region and in the city of Tolyatti, the administrative procedure provides for:

  1. The distribution of seats is carried out by a specialist using an electronic resource;
  2. The period of distribution to a preschool institution is the time from April 1 to September 1 annually;
  3. Formation is carried out on the conditions:
    • Extraordinary enrollment right;
    • Priority enrollment;
    • Date of application for registration;
    • The age of the child;
    • The category of the kindergarten group specified in the application;
  4. After the procedures for the distribution of places, after 10 days, a referral is sent to parents for registration in children. garden.

Chelyabinsk region

In accordance with the Administrative Regulations of the city of Chelyabinsk, places distributed to kindergarten:

  1. In the period from May 15 to May 30 of each year (mass picking);
  2. Within a month in case of receipt of information about the availability of vacancies (current staffing);
  3. The allocation of seats is based on the date of registration of the application, as well as the availability of federal and municipal benefits;
  4. It is carried out by a specialist of the education department using electronic databases of applicants.


The distribution of seats on the basis of the Administrative Regulations of the city of Cheboksary is carried out in the following order:

  1. Seats are allocated between June 1st and September 1st each year;
  2. The procedure takes place in accordance with the date of registration of the application for registration, the availability of federal and municipal benefits;
  3. An education department specialist uses an electronic database of applicants to form a queue.


In Chita, the administrative procedure for enrolling children in kindergarten provides:

  1. Distribution of places among children aged 1.5 to 8 years;
  2. Picking is carried out in the period from March 1 to June 1 of each year;
  3. Places are distributed in accordance with the date of application, the availability of preferential rights (federal, municipal);
  4. The issuance of referrals for enrollment in the institution is carried out within 10 days from the date of the decision.

Samara Region

Administrative regulations of the city of Samara, regulating the procedure for the distribution of seats, provides:

  1. The recruitment of groups is carried out in the period from April 1 to September 1 annually;
  2. The distribution of places is carried out by an automated system that takes into account the date of registration of the child, the availability of benefits, the age of the child and the category of the group;
  3. The deadline for notification of the possibility of enrolling in a preschool institution is 10 days after the end of the administrative procedure for the distribution of places.


The administrative regulations of this city and region assume the following distribution procedure places in kindergartens:

  1. The distribution of places is carried out in the period from April 1 to September 1;
  2. The procedure takes place using an automated system, which determines the order, taking into account the date of registration of the application, the availability of benefits, the age category of the child, as well as the category of the group;
  3. Informing applicants is carried out within five days from the end of the procedure for allocating seats.

On the formation of a queue in a kindergarten for children in Kopeysk, see the following video: