All-Russian Internet competition of the dynasty of the Russian land. Regulations on the online competition “dynasties of the Russian land. Procedure for participation in the Forum


4.2. A dynasty within the framework of this Regulation is considered a group of people (members of the same family and their close relatives) in the amount of at least three people working in the same organization (industry), for a total of more than 50 years. All of them must take an active part in the public life of their place of residence; promote career guidance for children and adolescents; promote working professions. The head of the dynasty is recognized as a representative of the labor dynasty, who earlier than all started working in the organization (industry).

4.3. Dynasties are allowed to participate if they have submitted all documents in a timely manner and in full. necessary materials.

4.4. Age of participants, social status, work experience is not limited.

5. Nominations of the Forum.

5.1. “From century to century” (for the oldest dynasties, including several generations, whose representatives work and live at the present time or worked and lived earlier in Russia)

5.2. "Creative dynasty"

5.3. "Military dynasty"

5.4. "For contribution to the development of the region"

5.5. "Professional dynasty or family in the profession" (for dynasties whose representatives worked and are working in the same professional field)

6. Stages of the Forum.

6.1. The forum is held in two stages - remote evaluation of the documents and materials of the participants by the jury members and the in-person part, which includes presentations of the families-participants, summing up and awarding.

7. Procedure for participation in the Forum.

7.1. To participate in the correspondence stage of the Forum, the Organizing Committee is sent application(The application form is in application) with full details of participants:

Surname, name, patronymic of all members of the dynasty, their age;

Surname, name, patronymic, age of the main applicant from the family;

Full home address with zip code;

Contact phones, e-mail;

7.2. The application, regardless of the form of presentation of the family dynasty (clause 7.5.), is attached detailed description family dynasty in writing (text in Word format, font size 14, line spacing - 1.5, volume 2 to 5 thousand characters).

7.3. Works can be submitted only in Russian.

7.4. Required item- a description of the history of the family dynasty.

7.5. In addition to the description, a family dynasty can be represented in the following forms:

Video work (home movies, TV reports, video essays about the family dynasty) (duration up to 10 minutes);

Photo albums, posters, diagrams, collages;

Computer presentations.

7.6. Applications and attachments to them are sent by e-mail:

[email protected] marked "Dynasties of the Russian Land - Internet - Forum".

7.7. Applications can also be sent from the official website of the Internet Forum Application section)

8. The best competitive works are determined according to the following criteria:

⎼ consistency and clarity of presentation of the material;

⎼ quality of design and presentation of the material;

⎼ an original creative approach to covering the topic.

9. Based on the results of the evaluation of applications, the winners are identified (three dynasties in the nomination), who are invited to the internal stage of the Forum for the presentation of the family dynasty in the Public Chamber Russian Federation.

10. Terms of carrying out.

10.1. Acceptance of applications and competitive materials to participate in the Forum from January 25, 2016 to February 29, 2016.

10.2. The face-to-face stage will take place in March 2016 , where the summing up and presentation of the works of the winners will take place.

11. Rewarding.

11.1. Winners in each nomination are determined by open voting of members of the competition commission.

11.2. The winners of the competition are awarded with diplomas and memorable prizes.

11.3. Participants of the competition who did not win prizes receive a certificate of participation.


Application form

to participate in the Internet - Forum "Dynasties of the Russian land"

Full Name

main applicant

Surname, name, patronymic of all members of the dynasty, their age

Postal home address of the main applicant with zip code

Nomination for which the dynasty is represented

Territory of the dynasty

Primary surname of the dynasty

A detailed description of the family dynasty in writing (text in Word format, font size 14, line spacing - 1.5, volume from 2 to 5 thousand characters).

Video work (home movies, TV reports, video essays about the family dynasty - (duration up to 10 minutes); photo albums, posters, diagrams, collages; computer presentations.

February 17, 2017 10:32 / 1282

On February 13-15, Moscow hosted the III Congress of the All-Russian public organization "National Parents' Association social support family and protection family values(NRA).

Within the framework of the congress, the results of the Internet competition "Dynasty of the Russian Land" were summed up. The winner of this prestigious All-Russian competition became the pedagogical dynasty of the Alyamkins from the Kovylkinsky district of Mordovia.

The award was received by the Honored Teacher of the Republic Galina Viktorovna Alyamkina, teacher of the Russian language and literature of Kovylkinsky high school No. 3. The total pedagogical experience of the pedagogical dynasty, which unites almost 40 people, has more than 1000 thousand years!

The Alyamkins work as teachers of chemistry, history, geography, Russian language and literature, live in various parts of Russia - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanovsk. In Mordovia they live and successfully work in Ruzaevsky, Staro-Shaigovsky, Kovylkinsky districts, Saransk. Among the members of a large pedagogical dynasty there are candidates of economic, philological, philosophical, historical, psychological sciences.

“The desire to become a teacher was not accidental,” says Galina Viktorovna. - Both I and my husband Anatoly Ivanovich have many relatives who have become teachers. I am proud of my relatives who have devoted their whole lives to such a wonderful profession as a teacher!”


Reviewed by The Alyamkin family from Mordovia became the winner of the online competition "Dynasties of the Russian Land" on Feb 17 . On February 13-15, Moscow hosted the III Congress of the All-Russian Public Organization "National Parental Association for Social Support of the Family and Protection of the Family" Rating: 0

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Azikhanov Airat




Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 5 of the city of Kuznetsk

(MBOU secondary school No. 5 of the city of Kuznetsk)

"Dynasties of the Russian Land - Internet Competition"

Nomination: "Creative dynasty"

"Music as a uniting beginning of our family"

Azikhanov Airat Ramilevich

5th grade student

MBOU secondary school No. 5 of the city of Kuznetsk

Scientific adviser:

Azikhanov Yulia Vyalievna

Music teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 5 of the city of Kuznetsk



Introduction……………………………………………………………………….. 3

2. Family tree for the name Kaftaevs …….. ………………...4

2.1. The first branch of the family tree …………………………………...4

2.2. The second branch of the family tree ………. …………………………5

2.3. The third branch of the family tree ………. ………………………….7

3. Another branch of the family tree for the name of the Erneevs…………..8

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………….. …13



To honor and respect the history, traditions of my family, the professions of my relatives and ancestors, to keep the memory of them, I consider it the duty of everyone. Keeping the memory of them, you keep your name in the history of your family, kind. Relevance my work lies in the fact that today in our society there is a growing interest in their roots. Based on this, the main target my research is to discover the role of music in my family. Building a musical dynasty.

In my research, I set myself the following tasks :

Study archival documents on this topic;

Write down the memoirs of living representatives of this dynasty; to systematize the studied material;

To prove the importance of music in the life of my family for several generations.

Object of study:pedigree history

Subject of study:genus Kaftaev - Erneev

Research methods:

Acquaintance with the history of my family's musicians.

Search and study of sources.

In the process of working on the pedigree, the following were used: sources:

Family archive, oral family history,

Additional literature, documents, newspapers.

Hypothesis . In this work, I consider it necessary to prove thatmusic is an integral part of our family life,unites our family and makes us friendlier and kinder.

2. Family tree of our musical dynasty

I was prompted to study this problem by a find discovered in my great-grandmother's pantry. In a large antique box, there was an old frayed musical instrument accordion. Accordion (from French accordéon) - reed keyboard -pneumatic musical instrument with fullchromatic scale on the right keyboard, basses and ready (chord) or ready-selected accompaniment on the left. Modern varietymanual harmonica . In 1829, this name was given by the Viennese organ masterK. Demian (German) Russian improved by himaccordion .The great-grandmother began the story of who is the ancestor of the Kaftaev musical dynasty.

2.1. The first branch of the family tree

In 1951 my great-grandfatherKaftaev Mahmud Jalilovich(1930-2007) returned from the army with an accordion in his hands. It was the first German accordion Weltmeister "in the village. Company Weltmeister (Germany), founded in 1852, specializes in the production of button accordions and accordions. Firm tools Weltmeister different high quality build and great sound. The use of carefully selected materials allows the company to occupy one of the first places in the international market for musical products. [ 3 page 1] At evening parties, at weddings, my great-grandfather played beautiful melodic melodies on his favorite instrument. The villagers respected and admired my great-grandfather. Many girls were in love with him, but he chose a sixteen-year-old girl Mishkina Roza Makhmudovna (my great-grandmother). Every day, almost all the youth of the village gathered in their house. They sang, danced, many learned to play the instrument.

2.2. The second branch of the family tree

They had three children. Each great-grandfather taught to use this instrument, but my grandmother wanted more professional trainingKaftaeva (after Yerneeva's husband) Gulsum Makhmudovna(born in 1966). At that time there was no music school in the village. And she had to go to the village of Sosnovoborsk for a music school in the accordion class. The management of the collective farm and the village administration were concerned that the large, rich village did not have its own music school. After allthe Tatar village of Inderka, rich not only in fields, farms, but also in its talents. At weddings, for a long time, their home-grown accordionists, accordionists, at festivities, their vociferous singers and dancers, like fire, delighted the audience. The chairman of the collective farm, Khaidar Davydovich Zyabirov, knew the hobbies of his fellow villagers and was proud of them. Not a single meeting was complete without a concert, the collective farmers went home long after midnight, sharing their impressions and admiring talented fellow countrymen. And once the chairman said: "It's time for us to take care of the younger generation. It would be great if from early childhood they received the necessary knowledge, revealed versatile abilities, creatively grew and developed on the best examples of fraternal cultures."

The proposal was gladly taken up, and at one of the meetings it was decided to repair the former building of the collective farm administration and give the children a solid, comfortable and adapted room. This was in 1977. So, on the initiative and under the leadership of Zyabirov Kh.D. a children's music school opens in his native village, and the first musical instruments are purchased.

But at that time there were no specialists yet, all the teachers were from the Sosnovoborsk Music School, so it was considered its branch. The educational process was carried out by a small team of teachers led by the director Kurysheva T.N..

Having heard about the abilities of his grandmother, the chairman of the collective farm Zyabirov Khaidar Davydovich decides to give a direction to study at the Kuznetsk Musical College.

The Kuznetsk Musical College was opened in 1969. Young professionals, graduates of the Nizhny Novgorod Conservatory V.G. Selivanov, T.G. Bobosina, V.I. Gryaznov, who were sent to work in the city of Kuznetsk, formed the basis of the teaching staff of the new educational institution.

The school was headed by V.S. Dmitriev (director), Ermakova Z.A. (Head of the educational department). The first enrollment of students was fifty-five people. They were the first in the "Piano" and "Folk Instruments" departments.

The youngest secondary specialized educational institution in the Penza region, the Kuznetsk College of Music, immediately gained popularity among the townspeople. A year later, the first creative teams appeared at the school, which began to take part in citywide events and concerts.

And in 1981, Kaftaeva (after Yerneev's husband) Gulsum Makhmudovna entered the school at the public department. My grandmother was lucky that she was taught by experienced and talented teachers: Panfilov V.A., Chernobrovkina L.A., Nikolaeva. Having received a diploma, Gulsum Mahmudovna returns to her village, where she heads a music school and begins to teach musical art to children in the countryside. For her 30 long and laborious teaching experience, my grandmother graduated more than 60 graduates. She instilled a love for music in many of her students, who continued to study further in secondary and higher educational institutions. Among them were my own aunts and uncles.

2.3. The third branch of the family tree

Kaftaeva (after Shasha's husband) Nailya Rashidovna(born 1979) - is the daughter of Kaftaeva Sonya Makhmudovna, the middle daughter of her great-grandfather. In 1998 she graduated from the Kuznetsk Musical College, accordion class. And in 2009 she received a diploma from Saratov State Pedagogical University named after Chernyshevsky Faculty of Music.

She worked as an accompanist for 14 yearsInder rural library and leisure center. She was awarded a regional certificate of honor for many years of fruitful work in the cultural sector. From 2011-2013 she was the head of the Razdolie choir at the Penza Forest College, where she was awarded a diploma for her creative initiative and active citizenship. Currently working as music director at kindergarten"Sparkle".

Sisters Kaftaeva Dinara (born 1979) and Elmira (born 1985) Gayazovna- children of Kaftaev Gayaz Makhmudovich, the eldest son of great-grandfather. They both graduated from the Penza Musical College, accordion class. But only one of them continued her studies at a higher educational institution - the Kazan Academy of Arts. Possessing talent, Kaftaeva Dinara participated in various international competitions and traveled with concert activities to various cities of Russia and foreign countries. So in the city of St. Petersburg in the next performance at the festival of accordionistsshe meets her future husband. He is currently on maternity leave.

3. Another branch of the musical kind falls on the surname Erneev.

Erneeva (now Shagvaleeva by her husband) Venera Zinnyatovna (born 1982)- is my aunt on the line of my grandfather Erneev Vyali Kharisovich. In 1992 he entered the village music school in accordion class. During his studies, a talent for the folk style of singing is revealed. After graduating from the 9th grade of a secondary school, he enters the Penza cultural enlightenment school at the folk vocal department. Since 2002, he has been working in the Inderskaya village library and leisure center. She gives many concerts, puts on folklore evenings, takes an active part in district, regional competitions, festivals of Tatar culture. She is the leader and soloist of the Tatar folk ensemble "Bylbylym". Every year, the ensemble under her leadership opens the regional Sabantuy holiday. Venera Zinnyatovna is a student of the festival named after O. Grishin, named after L. Ruslanova, a student of the interregional festival "Play the accordion" in Kazan. Aunt Venera has repeatedly performed and performs as an accompaniment of the Stargorod Governor's Ensemble, in a duet she sang songs with Honored Artist of the USSR Vera Anoshina. In 2012, she took part in the first all-Russian competition "Avylkyzy" (village girl) in Penza. In August 2012 She was invited to the finals of the All-Russian competition in Kazan, where she won the 3rd place. Working in the library and leisure center, she pays great attention to gifted children, leads a solo singing circle. Her students take an active part in all the events held in our native village, the village of Inderka. Her student Yulia Volkova became a diploma winner of the "Land of Talents" festival, took part in the "Gifted Children" competition, where she took an honorable 3rd place.

In recent years, the attitude towards culture has changed significantly, the understanding of its importance and the leading role in modern society increased recognition of culture. The Internet has appeared as one of the most important resources not only for social, but also for economic development in library and leisure centers. Thanks to the Internet, we began to communicate more often with colleagues from other regions, and it became possible to exchange wonderful traditions and customs. In the context of an increasing demand for the quantity and quality of cultural and leisure activities, Shagvaleeva V.Z. looking for new ways, developing modern forms and methods of their work, improving its quality. Now she has created a club for young families, where young couples come, for them she organizes meetings with various specialists, holds games with them. recreational activities, competitions, thematic folklore programs, concerts, holidays. The Shagvaleev family is the winner of the final of the regional competition for young families "Successful Family - 2012". Venera Zinnyatovna is satisfied with her work. To do this, the BDC has created all the conditions to do what you love, to please your fellow villagers. The BDC is fully equipped with musical and acoustic equipment. All fellow villagers attend events with great pleasure, children study in circles, for each villager there are circles of interest. Specific gravity of the population participating in cultural and leisure activities, as a percentage of the total population in the MBUK "Inder rural BDC" is 81%.

Venera Zinnyatovna treats her official duties with great responsibility, in her work she has shown herself to be an executive, responsible, competent specialist. Self-critical, able to listen to critical remarks addressed to him. Among colleagues, she is respected, sensitive and responsive.

During her career, Venera Zinnyatovna was awarded:

  1. In 2007, with gratitude from the governor of the Penza region;
  2. In 2007 Diploma of the Governor of the Penza region as a laureate of the award for the support of talented youth;
  3. In 2010 Thank you letter Ministry of Culture and Archives of the Penza Region;
  4. In 2011 Honorary diploma Ministry of Culture and Archives of the Penza Region;
  5. In 2011 Diploma of the Governor of the Penza region in the nomination "Performing skills";
  6. In 2012 Grand Prix Diploma in the regional national competition "Avylkyzy";
  7. In 2012, the Certificate of Honor of the ROO "TNKA of the Penza Region";
  8. In 2012, the Diploma of Laureate at the International Festival of Ethnic Music and Culture "Fortress Rus"
  9. In 2012, the Diploma of the All-Russian competition "Avylkyzy" (village girl) as a laureate of the 3rd degree in Kazan.
  10. In 2012, with a letter of thanks from RPO "TNKA of the Penza Region"
  11. In 2013, with a letter of thanks from the Charitable Foundation for the Development of the Tatar Spiritual Heritage "Shine";

12. In 2013 Awarded a grant by the Department of Culture and Archives of the Penza Region for her personal contribution to the development and preservation of culture;

13. In 2014, she was awarded a Letter of Appreciation by the Department of Culture and the Archives of the Penza Region.

Erneeva Diana Zinnyatovna (born in 1987)- younger sister Venera Zinnyatovna, also did not remain without participation in receiving a musical education. Graduated from the Kuznetsk College of Music, choral department. Works at Children's Art School No. 2 in the village of Inderki, with visiting classes in the village of Markino.

Erneev Rashid Alieevich (born in 1986)is the son of my grandfather's brother. He graduated from Children's Art School No. 2 of the village of Inderka in the accordion and guitar class.

Erneev Batyr Vyalievich (born 1989)- my own uncle, who also graduated from Children's Art School No. 2 with Inderki, guitar class.

Yerneeva (now Azikhanova by her husband) Yulia Vyalievna (born in 1984) - my mother, grandmother's daughter. Higher education, graduated from SSPU (Samara State Pedagogical University) as a music teacher;

Experience pedagogical work– 10 years as a teacher;

Experience in this institution - 3 years.

In music lessons

Teaches to master the style and musical language of composers; understand folk poetic, song and instrumental musical creativity as part of the spiritual culture of the people; comprehend the features and characteristics of different genres of music; reflect on the spiritual component of composers' music, the main means of expression;

Introduces students to the art of interpreting a piece of music;

Uses different levels of creative tasks in the lessons;

Conducts non-standard lessons on summarizing and consolidating the studied material: travel lessons, competition lessons, holiday lessons, discussion lessons, concert lessons;

Conducts lessons using new information technologies

Students under her guidance actively participated in competitions and won prizes:

2012 - regional competition of propaganda teams "Safe Wheel" - staging a musical number - I place;

2014 - regional project "Art-Profi Forum" in the nomination " creative competition advertisements - presentations of professions" - staging a musical number - participation in 2014;

2011-2014 - participation of students in the city festival children's creativity“Like the voice of sonorous springs” in the “Vocal” nomination: 18 people (10% of the total number of students). 7 people (3%) - annually become laureates of the city festival of children's creativity "Like the voice of sonorous springs."

2013-2014 - participation of students in the city project "Dancing School": 2013 - nomination "Step Forward", 2014 - nomination "Wave of Success", dance "Polonaise" (staged under my direction) - laureate; 2014 - participation of two students in the city festival "Memory of the Heart" - laureates.

In 2013-2014 academic year was the initiator of the implementation of the school creative project"Battle of the Choirs". Under my leadership, 3 rounds of the project were held with 100% participation of grades 1-11.

My mother is a great mother and a good teacher. I like my mother's profession, she puts her whole soul into her work.

Now I am 9 years old, sometimes, and I think about choosing a profession. Since childhood, surrounded by a musical atmosphere: the sound of different melodies on musical instruments, my mother's textbooks, magazines, music CDs. In our family, we all understand the value and necessity of education. This year I also decided to learn the language of music and entered a music school in the guitar class.. Perhaps I, too, will continue the musical dynasty.


The family is a part of society that unites native people into a single whole, making their ties inseparable. And music helps us with this.Not alone family celebration can not do without playing the accordion, singing and dancing, whichmake us happy. Each of us contributed to the well-being of the family and could count on the help of the other. An example of such situations is the performance of relatives with a musical composition on extracurricular activities [ 1].

The dynasty recognizes the presence of four, five generations in one family, engaged in one kind of activity. Having studied the documents and interviewed family members, I proved that the Kaftaev family is indeed a dynasty of musicians, since four generations of this family have been and are engaged in one kind of activity. They teach miscellaneous items, but they are united by professionalism, the desire for creativity, and the desire to give their heart to children. I bow to the people who have chosen this hard work. I'm proud of them!!! Therefore, the tasks set have been completed, the goal of the work has been achieved.

In the future, I will continue to study my family tree.

Dynasty is a proud word!
Intertwined generations in it.
We are the glory of the labor of our ancestors
Worthy through the years we will carry.

Hereditary doctor, teacher ...

How nice and proud it sounds!

And in line with family happiness

Our spirit of unity is seething.

So let them grow and prosper

For the good of our beloved country.

After all, labor dynasties

Undoubtedly necessary and important!

List of used sources and literature:

1. Archival