Crocheted napkin technology project. Creative project on technology "knitting". Job Description: torso

Contents: 1. Justification for the choice of the project ... 2. Goals and objectives ... 3. Brief historical background ... 4. Equipment and tools used in the implementation of the project ... 5. Justification for the choice of material and colors ... 6. Organization of the workplace ... 7. Safety rules ... 8. Scarf manufacturing technology ... 9. Scarf knitting costs The result of the work ... 11. Advertising ...

In fact, knitting as a kind of homework and art existed long before that. By the beginning of our era, people brought the technique of this needlework to a very high level. The main merit in this belongs, of course, to those peoples who are not very lucky with the climatic zone. Remember, for example, Scandinavian fairy tales. In the most ancient fairy tales of Rus', a ball of thread was certainly handed over to the hero! One of the ancient nomadic tribes has a legend about an eccentric old woman-sorceress, who absent-mindedly winds roads into a ball instead of threads, and then knits new ones from them, thereby confusing tired wanderers. Story

The knitting workspace should be well lit, and the light should fall on the work from the left side. You need to sit straight, touching the back of the chair with your body. The distance from the eyes to the work should not be less than 30 ... 40 cm, so as not to develop myopia and particles of wool do not get into the eyes. Before starting and after finishing work, you should wash your hands so that the thread and knitted fabric always remain clean, and there are no small particles of yarn left on your hands. In order to prevent the wool from getting dirty during the knitting process, we advise you to put the ball in a small, preferably cellophane, bag, pulled together from above so that the thread passes from it through a small hole. When knitting, you may also need additional tools: darning needle, scissors, centimeter tape, pins

Safety rules 1) Before starting work, the student must: 1.1) store needlework in a special bag or box; 1.2) store needles and pins in a needle bed; 2) During work, the student must: 2.1) take care of his work and tools for work; 2.2) do not take needles, pins, knitting needles and hooks in his mouth, do not stick them into clothes; 2.3) during a break in work, stick needles and pins in the needle bar, put the scissors on the table with closed blades; 2.4) pass the scissors to each other only with closed blades rings forward; 2.5) make sure that the scissors do not fall to the floor; 3.6) do not swing scissors, knitting needles. 3) At the end of work, the student must: 3.1) check the number of knitting needles, pins in the needle bed, they should be the same as at the beginning of work, find the lost knitting needles and pins 3.2) remove the scissors, knitting needles in a specially designated place; 3.3) remove your work in a handbag or jewelry box for work.

: How to make a scarf A scarf is a necessary wardrobe accessory, especially in the cold season. How to knit a scarf? It's very simple because no pattern is needed, no stitches need to be added and decreased, and nothing needs to be stitched after knitting. If you have just started to master knitting, then knit yourself a scarf - you will receive both valuable skills and a wonderful thing. Knitted scarves usually has a width of 10 to 30 cm and a length of 80 cm to 2 meters. You can knit a scarf from yarn of any thickness. In addition, a scarf can be knitted from various yarn remnants, with a little fantasy, you can make a beautiful original little thing from multi-colored and multi-textured yarn .. Gain the number of loops, which is divided into 2, +2 edge loops. 1st row: 1 front, 1 is removed with a crochet; 2nd row: in the previous row, the loop removed with the crochet is knitted together facial loop, one loop is removed with a crochet.

Municipal state educational institution

"Lobanovskaya basic comprehensive school"

creative project

on technology on the topic:

Made by Victoria Borovinsky


Lobanovo, 2012

So, the goal of my project is to make baby suit in the technique of hand knitting.

To successfully complete the project, I should:

¾ To study the literature on this technology;

¾ Improve the technique of hand knitting on knitting needles;

¾ Prepare project documentation;

¾ Analyze the work done.

So, the goal is set, the tasks are defined, I proceed to the implementation of the project.

For the project, I chose a product made in the technique of hand knitting on knitting needles. The very first basics in knitting technique were given to me by my mother and grandmother. Lately hand knitting is becoming more and more popular. This can probably be explained by the fact that knitting gives healing moments of peace amid the daily hustle and bustle of urgent matters and at the same time tames one to concentration, thoroughness in carrying out the work begun.

A standard has inevitably entered our lives: Our apartments have become sadly similar, their decoration, we dress more and more the same. And the standard in clothes depresses, first of all, the creative personalities of the younger generation, who at all times, much more than people of mature age, sought to emphasize originality in appearance. Knitting contributes to the development of creativity, gives the widest opportunities to create unique patterns and models of clothing. A handmade item is always unique.

1. History of occurrence

Researchers in the history of applied art, not without reason, believe that hand knitted garments appeared much earlier than those sewn from fabric. Loops of knitted fabric can be formed without any auxiliary tools - just on the fingers. Knitting received a tangible impetus to the development with the introduction of knitting needles into needlework - at first, apparently, bone and wooden ones. Hand knitwear is relatively easily damaged, which is why things from the early periods of human existence have not been preserved. However, it is safe to assume that the Amazons dressed in knitted tight-fitting pants, this is clearly visible in the drawings of Greek vases. And Penelope, waiting for Odysseus, dissolved at night, deceiving persistent suitors, not woven, but knitted fabric. Only a knitted, and not a woven, thing can be quickly dissolved without breaking the thread and visible traces.

More realistically, the time of the emergence of hand knitting can be judged from the preserved archaeological finds. For example, in Peru, an ornamental knitted belt with ornament - hummingbird. The period of creation of this marvelous find is the ḬḬḬ century of our era. The original is exhibited at the Art Institute in Detroit.

In Egyptian tombs (4th-5th century AD) was found baby sock from colored wool of a rather complex knitting technique: the thumb is separated from the rest in order to make it more convenient to thread the sandal strap. Knitting needles, which were found in one of the Germanic tombs, belong to the same period. The high level of clothing culture and knowledge of the knitting technique of the ancient Germans is also evidenced by a find from the Danish swamps - long woolen trousers with a sewn stocking.

In America, knitting developed completely independently, this is evidenced by the work of the Indians - original, with bright geometric ornaments, which had a mythical meaning for the owners of knitted items.

It is pertinent to note that knitting has been a male commitment for a very long time.

The wonderful properties of wool - to keep warm in cold weather, to prevent the body from overheating in the heat, to repel drops of water in bad weather - people have been appreciating for a long time. For the needs of knitters, a breed of Merino sheep was bred, and excellent yarn began to be obtained from their wool. In the 16th century, knitting was already known throughout Europe. From knitted things, stockings have become especially popular. Made of fine silk, they cost a lot of money, so they became part of the toilets of kings and nobility. Queen Elizabeth of England, after taking the throne, received a gift from her court lady a pair of knitted black silk stockings.

Over time, the production of stockings throughout Europe was organized in workshops. It was from this moment that women's competition began to noticeably crowd out men's positions in knitting. Men tried to keep their privileges. In an attempt to prevent this phenomenon, in 1612 the Prague stockers decided not to hire a single woman under pain of monetary penalties. But the fact has already happened: there are so many women who have mastered the art of knitting that it has become a custom for them to gather for gatherings with their work.

The rapid development of knitting as a craft began with the invention of a knitting machine by the Englishman Vilna Lee (1589), on the basis of which almost all knitting structures were later created. The improvement of knitting production was slow, it was truly mechanized only in the 19th century.

In our country, knitting was distributed almost everywhere. Orenburg and Penza shawls are famous for us all over the world - soft, thin, light and warm. Hand knitting as a craft existed in many provinces, especially in the Baltic states - they knitted stockings, socks, mittens, gloves. With the advent of the knitting industry, hand knitting lost its commercial significance, but, without losing its popularity, it began to develop in a different direction. This needlework has become one of the types of applied art.

The thread stretching from the ball, and now fascinates with endless possibilities lurking in it. Knitting needles flash, a ball unwinds - a canvas is created, and patterns of the future product appear on it. At the same time, the Creator receives the inexplicable joy of participating in the art of the created with my own hands. Composing a pattern, choosing a thread color for it, coming up with a style for a future thing and following how all this is realized is an exciting activity!

2. Choice of yarn

Yarn is the fibers of animal, vegetable or synthetic origin twisted into a thread. The most common types of yarns are: natural wool, wool/acrylic, angora, cotton, tubular viscose, viscose, metallic, wool/metallic, pile yarn, twisted yarn in 2, 3, 4 ply, crepe, modern compounds, mohair, yarn from combed wool, acrylic crepe/chenille.

Knitted patterns can be made from various kinds yarn. The style of the future thing is better to choose depending on what kind of yarn you have. Coarse and semi-coarse woolen threads sheep wool more suitable for knitting work and sportswear. If such a thread is connected to a thread best quality, you can knit a coat, an autumn jacket or a suit with a lining. Such a thread made of sheep's wool is good for making an ornament. Soft wool yarn made of high quality wool suitable for knitting a wide variety of products.

You can also create products from synthetic yarn, it is soft, fluffy, and washable. Given its great elasticity, it is necessary to pay special attention to the selection of the tool and the knitting pattern.

From cotton threads (iris, more beautiful, garus, etc.), summer products are usually knitted. With such threads it is better to work with a crochet, but you can also knit.

Silk threads are more often used as an additional material for tying, finishing, and are also taken for the warp when spinning Angora wool - the soft, light fluff of the Angora rabbit. Fine fluffy wool of merino sheep is especially good for creating children's things. Camel hair is both soft and coarse, depending on the age of the camel. Its beautiful natural color (from light to dark brown) makes it possible to knit products without yarn dyeing.

Mohair - the wool of Angora goats, which are bred in Spain, South Africa, America, gives a thin thread with a silky sheen of pure white. mohair yarn often mixed with synthetic or wool threads. The famous Orenburg shawls are knitted from the wool of Orenburg goats, which are similar to Angora goats.

Yarn threads can be strongly - or slightly twisted. Highly twisted yarns produce dense and durable products. However, such threads are not suitable for knitting, as the fabric often turns out to be skewed. In this case, it is better to work with a crochet. For knitting, low-twisted threads are good. The weaker the yarn is twisted, the more fluffy and airy it is, the less its consumption.

Factory-made yarn labels always show yarn number expressed as a fractional number, such as 32/2 or 10/2. The first number indicates the thickness of the thread (the larger the number, the thinner the thread), the second - how many threads the yarn is twisted from. The labels also give the dye batch number of the yarn. Without knowing it, it is almost impossible to pick up yarn of the same shade: the same color has many shades.

3. Choosing the best option

After researching several types of yarn, I came to the conclusion that the most suitable yarn for making a children's suit is wool yarn with the addition of acrylic, because wool is soft and warm, the added acrylic helps to preserve the color of the yarn and the shape of the product.


Graphic image





- - etc.

7 .; 6 - ; 6 . etc.

1. Pick up 56 loops and knit 8 rows.

2. Knit 14 rows with white thread.

3. Knit 2 rows with blue thread.

Sleeve manufacturing

1. With a blue thread, knit the length of the sleeve.

2. Knit 8 rows.



- - etc.

- - etc.

1. Knit 14 rows.

2. Link the height of the seat and the length of the legs.

3. Knit 12 rows.

WITH - the cost of the product;

A - depreciation deductions for the restoration of fixed production assets.

1. Material costs:



Price, r.

Yarn (blue)

Yarn (white)

Material costs amounted to 120 rubles.

2. Labor costs:

I did not spend anything on wages, since I knitted the suit myself.

3. Product cost:

C \u003d MZ + Rop + A \u003d 120 + 0 + 0 \u003d 120 rubles.

The cost of the product was 120 rubles. On the market, such a suit costs 350 rubles, so the profit from the manufacture of the product amounted to 230 rubles.

I will warm your girls and boys,
I will knit them everything - from mittens to panties!
And if mom is cold -
We will dress her, quite inexpensively!
And dads, mind you, keep up -
Clothes can be ordered.
You won't see these in the store.
Models are pure exclusive!

I think I didn't do this in vain. great job and chose such a work option as knitting, as I learned to knit well, knit different elements and patterns. I also got acquainted with some concepts that I did not know before, safety precautions. During the fulfillment of my goal, I never regretted that I took this job. At first I wanted to cross stitch a picture, but I thought: why not develop my abilities and try to do a different kind of work. And I really liked it too. I think that you should not always stand on one thing, but always try something new, because in later life it will not hurt. I liked this type of work as a creative project on technology, and I think I need to think about choosing my future profession.

Target. A creative project provides an opportunity to learn the technique of crochet, also allows you to learn how to craft and make products that are pleasant to look at and made by yourself. To achieve the goal, I set several tasks for myself: 1. Make the project beautiful and neat. 2. Reach the end and realize the beauty of the fact that I made this product myself!

Choice of equipment. When crocheting, the main tool is the hook. There are two types hooks - short, which are used for simple knitting (air loops and columns), and long ones for knitting with a long hook (Tunisian knitting). The thickness of the hook is selected according to the thickness of the material, and the selected pattern. When purchasing a hook, you need to pay attention to its tip. It is necessary to make sure that the hook has a large enough cut, then it is easy for them to hold the thread. The tip of the hook should not be too round, because then it will be difficult to grab the thread, but also should not be too sharp, as they can injure your fingers. If you still get a bad hook, then at home you can fix it by filing the tip. Hooks are made from various materials- metal, plastic and wood. They are of various thicknesses. Hooks are divided into numbers, the hook number is the diameter in millimeters.

Workplace organization. When preparing the workplace, special attention should be paid to lighting. The workplace should be well lit, the light should fall from the left side. The duration of work should not exceed three academic hours with a mandatory break after each academic hour. Properly organized workplace contributes to better product quality.

Process sequence manufacturing. 1. You need to buy threads, a hook. 2. You will need the ability to crochet. With a white thread, tie a chain of 6 ch. and close in a circle. 1st p.: ch.5 raising, 5 st.s / n, between them an arch of two v.p. 6 arches inclusive. 2nd row: ch 4 lift, 4 st.s 2 / n into the arch of the previous row, 4 ch, 5 st.s 2 / n into the next arch. Total 6 times. Finish the connection. 3rd p.: 4 ch lifting, 4 st.s 2 / n in the next st. of the previous row, 6 ch, 5 st.s 2 / n in the next st. Finish connection. Then knit according to the scheme. 17th row: attach the red thread and knit according to the scheme. Cut the thread.

Conclusion. I think I got it sirloin napkin good enough score. During this work, I gained some experience in this type of activity. During knitting, a person calms down, they say that the person who knits is balanced and not nervous. This is another plus in this type of activity.

Pupils of the 8th grade of MBOU "OOSh No. 3"


Parfenova Valeria

Head: Ageeva Tatyana Alekseevna

1. Introduction

  • Expediency of product choice, goals and objectives of the project

2 Main body

  • History of knitting
  • Choice of material and tools and their rationale
  • Product sketch
  • Workplace organization
  • Product manufacturing technology
  • Environmental assessment of the project
  • Economic evaluation of the project

3 Conclusion

  • Evaluation of the work performed
  • Results of the work

4 References

In summer, the sun shines very brightly in the eyes and bakes the head. To

To avoid this problem, people buy caps and hats.

A hat is an indispensable clothing accessory for any lady in all

But what could be better than a product


Moreover, this product is unique.

and unique, it looks great

and looks gorgeous.

Crocheted openwork hat

will decorate any fashionista and protect

from bright sunlight.

That's why I decided to do this

wonderful product.

The purpose and objectives of the project

  • The purpose of my creative project is the execution of a product that most accurately and fully represents my knowledge, skills and abilities in such a field of needlework as knitting.
  • Creative project tasks:
  • 1. Develop and execute a project - an economical thread product.
  • 2. To improve the skills and methods of work acquired in technology lessons.
  • 3. Get more knowledge about this area of ​​needlework.
  • 4. Evaluate the work done.

Crochet- the process of manually creating a linen, lace or garment from threads using a crochet hook.

This has long been a well-known occupation that continues to be popular today, thanks to the ability to quickly and easily create both whole clothes and elements of its decoration, as well as napkins, tablecloths, jewelry, toys ...

According to world traveler and crochet expert Annie Potter, the art of crochet was created in the 16th century.

Researchers believe that crochet most likely appeared in the 19th century as a kind of tambour embroidery, using very thin hooks.

Crochet began to develop in Europe at the beginning of the 19th century.

Crochet in Russia has spread since the end of the 19th century. Needlewomen mostly knitted lace, using weaving and cross-stitch patterns for them.

You can use any yarn for crochet. The easiest way to work with "finished" factory yarn.

Factory yarn allows you to evaluate the composition, choose a hook, calculate the amount of thread needed to complete your knitting project simply by looking at the information on the label.

To make an openwork hat, I needed 100 g of white and 100 g of yellow cotton threads.

I also needed a hook number 2.0. To get desired result, the hook number must match the thickness of the yarn.

Name of materials cost of expenses (rub.)

and tools

White and yellow cotton threads 50+50=100

Labor cost 70

Total: 200 rubles

Knitting with cotton threads is an environmentally friendly production, because it is practically waste-free, no harmful substances are emitted, the atmosphere is not polluted, there is no danger to human health.

Therefore, I believe that the use of my product will not change the environment and disturbances in human life

  • The light should be bright enough, but not blind, but illuminate the hands and the place on the table.
  • You need to sit at the table, bending slightly.
  • Observe safety regulations when working with a hook and scissors.
  • Continuous operation should not exceed 20-25 minutes.
  • At the end of the work you need to clean your workplace.

  • Close and open your eyes tightly. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times with an interval of 30 seconds.
  • Look up, down, right, left without turning your head.
  • Slowly rotate your eyes: down, right, up, left and in the opposite direction.

Fantasies of flight and creation of hands With delight I hold in my hands ... Fortunately, the beauty of aging does not know, Love for the beautiful lives for centuries. The craftswoman can make from a thread -

beauty masterpieces. From the multi-colored threads, as in a fairy tale,

I do miracles too. I touch my creation

carefully, it enchants and caresses the eye. It is difficult to imagine how this is possible Create from a thread of unprecedented beauty

hat and flowers. As a result of patience and skill - Elegance, and purity of color, And perfection of form ...

No doubt our world will be saved by talent

and beauty!

Analyzing the work done, I believe that I have fulfilled the goal and tasks set for myself.

In progress creative work I consolidated the skills to knit correctly and beautifully. I liked doing this work, it is a creative, exciting process, which resulted in

wonderful product.

While doing a creative project, I learned a lot about the history of knitting. , systematized their knowledge and skills.

I will continue to improve in this kind of creativity.

  • Big Book. Crochet: - St. Petersburg, Art-Rodnik, 2012 - 158 p.
  • Crochet. Top Models and patterns: V.B. Zaitsev - Moscow, Book on Demand, 2009 - 264 p.
  • Crochet. Models and accessories: - St. Petersburg, Art-Rodnik, 2008 - 48 p.
  • Crochet. The most complete and understandable tutorial: Svetlana Slizhen - St. Petersburg, Eksmo, 2013 - 96 p.
  • Crochet. The most understandable step-by-step tutorial: T. V. Mikhailova - St. Petersburg, Astrel, 2012 - 112 p.
  • Knitting. On knitting needles and crochet: T. I. Tatyanina - St. Petersburg, Astrel, Polygon, 2012 - 80 p.