Requirements for the workplace of a pregnant woman. How many kg can be lifted by a pregnant woman: recommendations Hygiene requirements for pregnant women

During pregnancy, a woman should think not only about herself, but also about her baby, who lives in her. That is why there are some limitations in life, they must be taken into account. Let's find out how many kg a pregnant woman can lift and how to do it correctly so as not to harm yourself and your baby.

Of course, a woman carrying a baby should not ask herself such questions at all. However, in life there are different situations in which it is unrealistic to do without lifting heavy objects, for example, at home or at work. In addition, no one canceled the purchase of products, cleaning, mopping and much more.

Why shouldn't a pregnant woman carry weights?

Considering the question of how many kg a pregnant woman can lift, it is necessary to understand why a woman in a position is generally not recommended to lift weights. What exactly is the danger?

The point is that any excess exercise stress may lead to miscarriage. Yes, this does not always happen and not for everyone, but you should be careful. Women in a position who have been diagnosed with a high tone of the uterus, prolapse of this organ, or who have not very developed muscles, are at risk. If a woman, after lifting a heavy object, feels pain in the lower abdomen, finds spotting, you should immediately call an ambulance.

How many kg can be lifted by a pregnant woman who is not at risk? Can she carry weights? Any doctor will answer the last question in the negative. After all, when lifting heavy objects, you can face other dangers. During the bearing of the baby, the woman's joints and her spine are subject to increased stress, so it is not recommended to lift heavy things. If you lift a heavy object incorrectly, you can provoke the appearance of a vertebral hernia, sciatica or osteochondrosis.

Lifting heavy objects also increases the risk of developing varicose veins. Especially when you consider that the body weight of most pregnant women increases significantly. Extra weight is an extra load on the legs. So that the veins do not expand, the pregnant woman should regularly walk, if there are no contraindications.

How many kg can be lifted by pregnant women?

During the period of bearing a baby, women are recommended to lift no more than three kilograms. If the fair sex is well prepared physically or went in for sports, this figure can be increased by two to three kilograms. This means that the expectant mother should not lift her first child, who is one year old, because his weight is usually 8-10 kilograms. In addition, children at this age are characterized by increased activity, so the child may accidentally kick his mother in the stomach or put pressure on him at the moment when he goes down to the floor. It is very important to understand that your own weight and your belly, which is growing every day, are also a burden, and you carry it on yourself every day.

Weights that a pregnant woman has to lift at work

If a woman has to lift weights on duty, she should know that there are certain rules that must be followed. Below you will learn about them, and also find out how much weight pregnant women can lift during the working day. So:

  • It is strictly unacceptable to lift loads from the floor above your shoulders.
  • Heavy objects can be carried from place to place, but no further than 5 meters.
  • The weight of the cargo must not exceed 1.25 kilograms. In this case, within an hour you can lift no more than 60 kilograms.
  • For an eight-hour working day, a pregnant woman should not lift more than 480 kilograms. This figure includes the tare weight.

It is strictly forbidden to lift and move heavy loads. The employer must provide the woman with a different, healthier job.

How to lift weights correctly?

It is important to know not only how many kg a pregnant woman can lift, but also to understand how to lift correctly. After all, some ladies even in a position have to do this. So, in order to lift the load, you need to bend over, bend your knees, and at the same time keep the body straight, slightly arching in the back. Lifting should be carried out by a secure grip with the hands and alignment of the knees. You can not rise with jerks. You need to do everything slowly, legs apart, so as not to feel discomfort. To protect yourself from injury, you must wear comfortable shoes, distribute the load on two hands (if possible), do not bend. A bandage also comes to the rescue, it will allow you to distribute the load evenly.

What happens in the body if you exceed the norm by weight?

Many of the fair sex carry heavy loads during pregnancy. What weight can be lifted we learned above. Now you need to figure out what happens in the body when a girl lifts loads above the permissible norm. Overload results in:

  • Displacement of the discs of the spine. Women have brittle bones, not like men. This is especially noticeable during pregnancy, when there is a lack of calcium in the body. During the lifting of loads, a strong load is placed on the spine, so over time the discs are displaced, a hernia may appear.
  • Varicose veins and other similar disorders. The fact is that during pregnancy, the tone of a woman's veins decreases due to hormonal changes. In addition, the situation is affected by the growing fetus. In the legs and lower part of the body, the most pronounced circulatory disorders are observed. When lifting heavy objects, the outflow of blood is disturbed, leading to varicose veins and oxygen deficiency.
  • Premature birth or spontaneous abortion. During weight lifting, the abdominal muscles tighten, and intra-abdominal pressure increases. The uterus can contract and expel the fetus, especially if the woman is diagnosed with hypertonicity.

It is important not to think about how many kg a pregnant woman can lift, but to take care of yourself.

Consequences after lifting weights

The most serious consequence after lifting heavy things is termination of pregnancy. That is why every woman should know how much weight she is allowed to lift. Doctors consider the first and last trimesters to be the most dangerous period. In the early stages, uterine hypertonicity is observed in pregnant women very often, so even at rest there is a risk of spontaneous miscarriage. And when lifting something heavy, the danger increases significantly.

In the last trimester, a woman's body prepares for the birth of a baby. The uterus descends, and therefore any physical activity can lead to premature birth. That is why a woman should especially take care of herself until the 12th and after the 22nd week. Knowledge of how many kilograms can be lifted during pregnancy will help here, they will allow not to exceed the norm.

Lifting weights during pregnancy can lead to diseases such as heart failure, displacement of the vertebrae, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. In addition, suffering future child, because he does not have enough oxygen and hypoxia occurs. As a result, intrauterine growth retardation may occur.

What about mothers who are expecting a second child?

If a woman is expecting a second child, and her first child is still small, it is highly recommended not to pick him up. A two-year-old baby weighs about 12-14 kilograms, and older children even more. This is a very big burden for a pregnant woman, it can lead to negative consequences.


We found out how many kg can be lifted during pregnancy for an ordinary woman, and how much for a physically fit woman. The optimal weight is 3-5 kilograms. In addition, those women who work physically must lift weights correctly. The main thing is to take care of yourself, especially with uterine hypertonicity. Then the baby will be born healthy and on time.

RESOLUTION of May 30, 2003 N 107

11.2. Persons under the age of 18, pregnant women and those with medical contraindications are not allowed to work as an operator of copiers and duplicating machines.

RESOLUTION June 3, 2003 No. 118

13.2. From the time of pregnancy, women are transferred to work not related to the use of a PC, or the time for working with a PC is limited for them (no more than 3 hours per work shift), subject to the hygiene requirements established by these Sanitary Rules. Employment of pregnant women should be carried out in accordance with the law Russian Federation.


4. Requirements for working conditions for women during pregnancy

4.1. Technological operations, equipment, production environment

4.1.1. Technological processes and equipment intended for the work of pregnant women should not be a source of increased levels of physical, chemical, biological and psychophysiological factors. When choosing technological operations for their work, it is necessary to provide for such values ​​of physical activity that are acceptable for pregnant women. The standards are calculated on the basis of the norms of the Decree of the Council of Ministers-Government of the Russian Federation dated February 6, 1993 No. 105 “On new norms and maximum permissible loads for women when lifting and moving weights manually”.
4.1.2. Pregnant women should not perform production operations related to lifting objects of labor above the level of the shoulder girdle, lifting objects of labor from the floor, the predominance of static tension in the muscles of the legs and abdominals, forced working posture (squatting, kneeling, bending over, resting the stomach and chest in equipment and objects of labor), torso inclination of more than 15°. For pregnant women, work on equipment using a foot control pedal, on a conveyor with a forced rhythm, work accompanied by neuro-emotional stress should be excluded.
4.1.3. Technological operations suitable for performing by pregnant women are selected from among those available at the enterprise (or not typical this enterprise), provided that they meet the allowable workload
Such work may include light assembly, sorting, packaging operations that meet hygienic requirements for the labor process, workplace organization and production environment.
4.1.9. The work of pregnant women in windowless and lampless premises, i.e. without natural light, is not allowed.
4.1.10. Women from the date of pregnancy and during the period of breastfeeding to perform all types of work professionally related to the use of video display terminals and personal electronic computers are not allowed.

4.2. Requirements for the organization of the workplace

4.2.1. For pregnant women, stationary workplaces should be equipped to enable them to perform labor operations in a free mode and in a position that allows a change of position at will. Permanent work sitting, standing, moving (walking) is excluded.
4.2.2. Workplace a pregnant woman is equipped with a special swivel chair with height-adjustable backrest, headrest, lumbar cushion, armrests and seat. The back of a chair is regulated on a tilt angle depending on term of pregnancy and the mode of work and rest. The seat and back should be covered with a semi-soft, non-slip material that is easy to sanitize. The main parameters of the working chair are specified in GOST 21.889-76.
4.2.3. A footrest adjustable in height and angle of inclination, with a corrugated surface, should be provided.

4.2.4. The table top should have a cutout in the top for the cabinet, rounded corners, and a matte finish to avoid reflected glare.
4.2.5. The work table, production equipment must have legroom: at least 600 mm high, at least 500-600 mm wide, at least 450 mm deep at the level of the knees and at least 650 mm at the level of the feet.

Technological operations, equipment, production environment

Technological processes and equipment intended for the work of pregnant women should not be a source of increased levels of physical, chemical, biological and psychophysiological factors. When choosing technological operations for their work, it is necessary to provide for such values ​​of physical activity that are acceptable for pregnant women.

The standards are calculated on the basis of the norms of the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 6, 1993 N 105 "On new norms and maximum permissible loads for women when lifting and moving weights manually."

When lifting and moving weights when alternating with other work (up to 2 times per hour), it is allowed to limit permissible weight load - 2.5 kg, when lifting and moving heavy loads constantly during a work shift - 1.25 kg.

Pregnant women should not perform production operations related to lifting objects of labor above the level of the shoulder girdle, lifting objects of labor from the floor, the predominance of static tension in the muscles of the legs and abdominals, forced working posture (squatting, kneeling, bending over, resting the stomach and chest in equipment and objects of labor), torso inclination of more than 15°. For pregnant women, work on equipment using a foot control pedal, on a conveyor with a forced rhythm of work, accompanied by neuro-emotional stress, should be excluded.

Technological operations suitable for pregnant women are selected from among those available at the enterprise (or not characteristic of this enterprise), provided that they satisfy the indicators of permissible workload. Such work may include light assembly, sorting, packaging operations that meet hygienic requirements for the labor process, workplace organization and production environment. When assessing the parameters of the working environment at the workplaces of pregnant women, one should be guided by the hygienic indicators of the optimal conditions of the working environment.

Pregnant women should not work under infrared exposure. The temperature of the heated surfaces of equipment and guards in the working area should not exceed 35°C.

For pregnant women, activities related to getting clothes and shoes wet, work in a draft are excluded.

For women during pregnancy, it is prohibited to work in conditions of sudden changes in barometric pressure (flight crew, flight attendants, pressure chamber personnel, etc.).

Requirements for the organization of the workplace

For pregnant women, stationary workplaces should be equipped to enable them to perform labor operations in a free mode and in a position that allows a change of position at will. Permanent work sitting, standing, moving (walking) is excluded.

The workplace of a pregnant woman is equipped with a special swivel chair with height-adjustable backrest, headrest, lumbar cushion, armrests and seat. The back of a chair is regulated on a tilt angle depending on term of pregnancy and the mode of work and rest. The seat and back should be covered with a semi-soft, non-slip material that is easy to sanitize.

Features of the work of pregnant women and women with children

It is not allowed to involve pregnant women and women with children under the age of three to work at night, to work overtime and work on weekends and to send them on business trips.

Women who have children aged three to fourteen, who have disabled or disabled children from childhood until they reach the age of eighteen, cannot be involved in overtime work and sent on business trips without their consent.

Pregnant women, in accordance with a medical report, have their output rates reduced, service rates reduced, or they are transferred to another job that is easier and excludes the impact of adverse production factors, while maintaining the average earnings from their previous job.

Until the decision is made on providing a pregnant woman with another easier job that excludes the impact of adverse production factors, she is subject to release from work with the preservation of average earnings for all missed working days as a result of this at the expense of the enterprise, institution, organization.

Women with children under the age of one and a half years, if it is impossible to perform the previous job, are transferred to another job with the preservation of the average earnings from the previous job until the child reaches the age of one and a half years.

The problem of transferring pregnant women to easier work has been solved in production, especially in industries with predominantly female labor, for several decades. The Institute for Women's Occupational Safety in Ivanovo, which specifically studies this problem, especially for textile enterprises, thirty years ago developed recommendations from which jobs in the textile industry at which month of pregnancy pregnant women should be transferred to lighter work. These recommendations are guided by the administration of textile enterprises. In other industries, pregnant women, on the basis of a medical report, sometimes already from the moment pregnancy is established, production rates, service rates are reduced, or they are transferred to another job that is easier and excludes the impact of adverse production factors, while maintaining the average earnings from their previous job.

There is such a situation in production that a pregnant woman cannot be used at all due to unfavorable production factors in any easier work in this production, but it is necessary to provide her with easy work in another place. For example, as doctors have established, in the production of fiberglass, the air itself is saturated with fiberglass dust and is harmful to the fetus. Therefore, for pregnant women in such cases, it is necessary to organize special areas of work.

Medical examinations for women

The assessment of women's working conditions should be carried out taking into account the physiological standards of physical stress when they perform labor operations and be carried out according to two types of normative indications: hygienic and professiographic.

For practically healthy women at enterprises of all types of ownership, jobs with acceptable working conditions should be provided.

Before starting work, women must undergo a medical examination, taking into account the upcoming profession, and have a medical certificate on their state of health based on the results of an examination by a commission of doctors, including an obstetrician-gynecologist, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Women entering work not provided for by the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation are subject to prior medical examination therapist and obstetrician-gynecologist.

During pregnancy, a woman has to change her lifestyle, take better care of her own health. Expectant mothers pay much attention to proper nutrition, giving up alcoholic beverages, smoking and even wearing heels. But many still have the habit of carrying full grocery bags from the supermarket, moving furniture while cleaning, picking up their firstborn in their arms for faster movement. However, lifting weights during pregnancy is highly discouraged, as this can lead to miscarriage and other complications.

Of course, much is determined by the state of health of a woman and the characteristics of the process of bearing a child. But still, it's not worth the risk. In situations that require heavy lifting, you need to seek help from others.

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. There are women who lift weights throughout their pregnancy and eventually give birth to healthy and strong babies at term. But, as a rule, this happens in cases where the body is accustomed to such loads.

If future mom has been involved in weightlifting for several years (powerlifting, bodybuilding, etc.), regularly performs exercises on weight machines and with free weights, then with the onset of pregnancy, the risk of harming yourself or your child will not be great.

The same applies to women who live in rural areas and are accustomed to certain physical activities: carrying full buckets, armfuls of firewood. However, it cannot be said that lifting weights is guaranteed not to harm these categories of pregnant women.

Lifting heavy during pregnancy is not recommended for two reasons: it can provoke and / or harm the health of the expectant mother. Her body is already experiencing strong overloads, because the growing fetus and weight gain in themselves become a “weight”.

Therefore, all cases of this nature should be postponed, entrusted to others (husband, relatives) or completely canceled. Remember: there is nothing more important than carrying a baby and maintaining your health.

What happens in the body when you lift weights

Lifting weights affects the state of almost the entire body. During pregnancy, it is dangerous for three reasons:

  1. Displacement of the vertebral discs . The bones of women are more fragile and thin than those of men. This feature becomes more noticeable during pregnancy, when part of the calcium enters the growing fetus. The spine during heavy lifting experiences the greatest load. Gradually, his discs begin to shift, there is a risk of a hernia. When carrying a child, it is higher, since the load increases every month and reaches a maximum by childbirth. The condition is accompanied by severe back pain, limited mobility (turns, bends).
  2. Varicose veins and other vascular disorders. Changes in the body of a pregnant woman lead to a decrease in the tone of the veins. This is partly due to hormonal changes, partly due to the growing fetus. Most of all, circulatory disorders are expressed in the lower part of the body - in the legs. The systematic lifting of weights leads to a violation of the outflow of blood, as a result of which the risk of development increases, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain, heart, and uterus worsens.
  3. Premature birth or miscarriage. Lifting weights is accompanied by tension in the muscles of the press, an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. This leads to contraction of the uterus and expulsion of the fetus. The risk of such complications is especially high in women with hypertension.

How to lift weights correctly?

If you still have to lift weights during pregnancy, you need to do it right:

  • leaning over, bend your knees, keep the body straight with a slight deflection in the lower back;
  • lift heavy due to a good grip with the hand and straightening of the knees, without jerking, align the body slowly;
  • the feet should be spaced at a comfortable width, fully rest on the floor, on the feet - comfortable shoes;
  • if possible, the load should be evenly distributed in both hands, this will keep the spine straight;
  • when carrying weights, keep the body as even as possible, do not twist or bend;
  • wear a bandage that allows you to distribute the load correctly, on the whole body;

How much weight can you lift while pregnant?

Pregnant women can lift objects weighing up to 3 kg. For athletes and women accustomed to physical labor, this figure can be increased to 5-6 kg.

It follows from this that it is impossible to carry even a one-year-old child in such a position. After all, in addition to the fact that its average weight is 8-10 kg, the baby is also very active, he can accidentally kick his mother in the stomach or put pressure on him, going down from his hands.

It is important to remember that your own weight and a growing fetus is also a burden that a woman wears every day. Therefore, the longer the gestational age, the less weight you can lift.


The most serious consequence of lifting weights during pregnancy is its termination. Particularly dangerous in this regard are the 1st and 3rd trimesters. On early dates uterine hypertonicity often develops and the risk of miscarriage is present even at rest, lifting weights significantly increases it.

On later dates the body gradually begins to prepare for the upcoming birth, the uterus descends and physical activity can provoke the premature birth of a child. Therefore, before the 12th and from the 22nd week, you need to be especially careful.

If you lift weights during pregnancy, then the likelihood of diseases such as varicose veins, heart failure, and displacement of the vertebrae increases. Problems with the blood supply internal organs affect the condition of the fetus: a lack of oxygen leads to (oxygen starvation) and.

Lifting heavy during pregnancy is highly discouraged. Allowed safe weight - 3 kg. If it is exceeded, there is a risk of miscarriage, premature birth, development of varicose veins and displacement of the vertebral discs. At risk are women with hypertonicity and prolapse of the uterus, as well as poorly developed muscles.

WITHModern Russian women go, and sometimes willingly, to work with difficult and harmful working conditions. For some, this is an opportunity for higher earnings, for others it is generally the only chance to find a job. When rampant unemployment rages, payment wages are detained for several months, and in some places for several years, a man alone is simply not able to support his family, especially since it is difficult to foresee what changes await our country tomorrow ...
According to statistics for 1998, more than 7 million women were employed in Russian production, of which more than 880 thousand (12%) worked in conditions that did not meet sanitary and hygienic standards, including 74 thousand were engaged in heavy physical labor (1%), 400 thousand (5.5%) worked in conditions of increased noise, ultra- and infrasound, 237.5 thousand (3.2%) and 239 thousand (3.2%). The numbers are impressive...
There is a list approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2000 No. 162 List of heavy work and work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, during which the use of women's labor is prohibited. It sets out a list of industries, professions and jobs that are harmful to the health of women and their future children, but the number of women working in heavy and harmful conditions, decreases very slowly.

It was no coincidence that I began an article on the protection of labor of pregnant women with a conversation about women's work in general. It is necessary to think about the health of the unborn child long before conception - after all, sick mothers rarely have healthy children ... Of course, work for hazardous industries listed in the mentioned list, generally unacceptable for women, not to mention the period of pregnancy. But even the work that a woman is used to during pregnancy can become difficult for her. I would like to tell working women, what benefits and changes in working conditions they are entitled to in connection with pregnancy, as well as once again remind business leaders what, in accordance with the current Russian legislation, should be the organization of work of pregnant women.
The state pays special attention to the working conditions of women - this is evident from the Code of Labor Laws of the Russian Federation (Labor Code): there an entire chapter is devoted to them (Labor Code, Chapter 11 “Labor of women, as well as workers with minor children or caring for sick members of their families » ). But, of course, you should be especially careful with pregnant women - protect them at work from negative phenomena that can affect the course of pregnancy and the unborn child. Let's look at what working conditions should be provided to women when pregnancy is established.

One of the benefits for women is the provision of light work during pregnancy and care for infants and young children ( Labor Code, art. 164). During this period they have the right to:
do not work at night;
not work overtime;
refuse to travel Labor Code, Art. 162).
A competent leader, in whose staff pregnant women work, will do everything not to violate their rights and make their work easier. Sometimes a woman herself asks to be allowed to work at night or overtime, wants to go on a business trip, but even in this case she should be refused, relying on the law.
At all enterprises, pregnant women should make their work easier, create favorable conditions for its implementation ( Sanitary rules and norms approved Decree of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia dated October 28, 1996 No. 32, Further SanPiN).
Article 164 of the Labor Code reads: “Pregnant women, in accordance with a medical report, are reduced production rates, service rates, or they are transferred to another job that is easier and excludes the impact of adverse production factors, while maintaining average earnings at the same place of work”. The average earnings of a woman are determined in accordance with the procedure for calculating the average wages in 2000-2001. ( Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of May 17, 2000 No. 38).
Until the issue of providing a pregnant woman with another job - easier and excluding the impact of adverse production factors - is resolved, she is subject to release from work with the preservation of average earnings for all missed working days as a result of this at the expense of the enterprise ( Labor Code, art.164, p.2).
Now let's move on to the specific requirements for working conditions for pregnant women (all the data below are based on the above-mentioned SanPiN), we will consider separately the work of women in industrial production and in the service sector, in agriculture and in the office - the division is rather arbitrary, but it will help us to highlight some significant points more clearly.

Working conditions
“A woman should not constantly stand in one position, the total distance she walks during a shift should not exceed 2 km” (SanPiN, clause 4.1.3). "Permanent work in a sitting, standing position or associated with continuous movement (walking) is excluded" (SanPiN, clause 4.2.1). In addition, pregnant women should not be entrusted with work performed in a squatting position, on their knees, bent over, with an emphasis on the stomach and chest.
For pregnant women, special workplaces should be equipped, which provide for the performance of labor duties in a free mode, allowing for a change in posture at will.

weight lifting
“Women should not perform production operations related to the lifting of objects of labor:
from the floor;
above the level of the shoulder girdle;
with a predominance of tension in the abdominal muscles "
(SanPiN, clause 4.1.2).
Permissible loads for pregnant women are calculated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 6, 1993 No. 105 “On new standards and maximum permissible loads for women when lifting and moving weights manually”. They are:
when lifting and moving weights in alternation with other work (up to 2 times per hour) - no more than 2.5 kg;
with continuous lifting and moving of weights during a work shift - no more than 1.25 kg;
the total mass of goods moved during each hour of a working shift at a distance of up to 5 m - no more than 60 kg;
the total mass of goods moved during an 8-hour work shift is not more than 480 kg.
It should be noted that we are talking about gross weight, that is, the tare weight is also included in these values.

Women employed in the agricultural sector should be exempt from work related to animal husbandry and crop production from the moment pregnancy is confirmed. Agricultural enterprises must give free of charge the food they produce to pregnant and lactating women (Resolution of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR "On urgent measures to improve the situation of women, families, maternity and childhood in the countryside" dated 11/1/1990).

From the moment of establishing pregnancy and during lactation, women are not recommended to perform all types of work professionally related to the use of personal electronic computers ( SanPiN, clause 4.1.10). It is clear that in our time of computer technology it is difficult to follow this rule, but women should limit the time for performing such work.
Sanitary rules for pregnant women even provide for a footrest with a corrugated surface ( SanPiN, clause 4.2.3) and a special chair ( SanPiN, clause 4.2.2) - its main parameters are specified in GOST 21.889-76, however, such chairs are currently not manufactured. Such a chair should:
be rotating;
have a height-adjustable back;
have a headrest or high back;
have an armrest.
It is better if the back of the chair can be adjusted according to the angle of inclination depending on the duration of pregnancy; the seat should not be hard and sliding ( SanPiN, clause 4.2.2).

And at the end of the article, I would like to give the heads of enterprises and institutions some recommendations, the implementation of which will contribute to the establishment of greater mutual understanding between working pregnant women and the administration:
develop and prepare jobs for pregnant women in advance in accordance with SanPiN;
in order to maintain and improve the working capacity of pregnant women, in the winter-spring period of the year, provide fortification of working pregnant women, starting from the 12-week period;
at enterprises where predominantly female labor is used (weaving factories, etc.), it is simply necessary to organize personal hygiene rooms, rest rooms, in some cases, nurseries, summer playgrounds for children.