How dangerous is thickening of the placenta and how to prevent it - useful tips for expectant mothers. All about placenta thickening and what to do about it

Often during pregnancy, after a planned ultrasound, the doctor makes a diagnosis of placental hyperplasia, which is fraught with delayed fetal development and complications during childbirth. This should not be taken as a verdict that is not subject to appeal. The prognosis and all the consequences will depend on the full and timely treatment.

Modern medicine is able to cope with this deviation and allows the baby to be born quite healthy even with such a disappointing and dangerous diagnosis. It's time to figure out what it is, how dangerous and how it is treated.

The placenta is the so-called children's place in which the baby lives during its intrauterine development. It contributes to his nutrition and full physical formation, controls all metabolic processes occurring around him. It should be of the appropriate size and thickness, which, up to the 37th week of pregnancy, increase as a result of the growth of the child.

But it happens that there is a thickening of this organ, which is precisely called hyperplasia. This makes it difficult to feed the fetus and access to it the necessary substances, including oxygen. Such a pathology is fraught with consequences for the crumbs, therefore, it requires immediate inpatient treatment.


Doctors call different causes of placental hyperplasia, which can be caused by both external and internal factors. The most common include:

  • severe form of anemia;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • infectious diseases, especially of the genital organs: chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, STDs, syphilis;
  • late;
  • genetic mutations (read about fetal chromosomal pathologies).

Every woman needs to know the causes of placental hyperplasia in order to protect herself from the factors that provoke the occurrence of this pathology. This will be the basis for the prevention of this disease. If it was not possible to avoid thickening, it is very important to detect it in time. And here already there are problems.


The problem of the clinical picture of placental hyperplasia is that there are no external manifestations of pathology. Mom will not feel anything, that something is going wrong inside her. Pathology is detected only at a doctor’s appointment, or more precisely, at one of planned ultrasound. Signs of thickening of the child's place include:

  • expansion of the intervillous space, visible on ultrasound at 18-20 weeks and characteristic of placental hyperplasia;
  • the motor activity of the fetus changes: intense movements are replaced by barely perceptible ones;
  • the baby's heartbeat becomes muffled, contractions either increase to tachycardia, or slow down to bradycardia;
  • excess volume of amniotic fluid ();
  • hyperglycemia in pregnant women with gestational diabetes.

There is a norm for the size of a child's place for each week of pregnancy. The doctor compares with her the indicators obtained in the course of laboratory tests, and already draws a conclusion about the confirmation or refutation of the diagnosis. To reassure herself, it is useful for a woman to know these data.

Indicators of norm and deviation

In order not to panic in vain and make sure that placental hyperplasia is not in vain, you need to keep in mind the norm indicators for each week of pregnancy:

  • at 20 weeks, the average thickness of the placenta should be normal 20 mm;
  • at 25 weeks - already 25 mm;
  • at 33 weeks - respectively 33 mm;
  • at 37 weeks, the indicator is maximum - 37 mm.

Stay within the norm - everything will be fine. There are deviations - do not worry. Pack your things to the hospital and go to the hospital. There you will be under the constant and close supervision of doctors, you will undergo a full course of treatment in order to give birth to a healthy and strong baby. And most importantly - do not make a mistake with the diagnosis.


To confirm uterine hyperplasia, the doctor directs the pregnant woman to the following studies:

  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound);
  • auscultation - listening to the baby's heartbeat;
  • cardiotocography captures his heartbeat;
  • dopplerometry;
  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • blood test for TORCH and RPR;
  • blood sugar test;
  • smear for urogenital microflora;
  • general urine analysis.

These diagnostic methods allow you to clarify the diagnosis and begin timely treatment in order to conduct a full course of therapy before the birth of the baby.


Inpatient treatment of placental hyperplasia is aimed at normalizing blood circulation in this organ and eliminating the disease, which was the impetus for the thickening of the child's place. In addition to prescribing medications, doctors create conditions that are most favorable for the normal intrauterine development of the fetus. What does the full course of therapy for this pathology include?

  1. etiological therapy.
  2. Intraperitoneal blood transfusion with Rh factor.
  3. Complete nutrition.
  4. With placental hyperplasia, ferrous iron preparations are prescribed in combination with vitamin C: Aktiferrin capsules, Ferroplex, Hemoferon solution.
  5. Medicines for the normalization of placental circulation: Actovegin, Trental, Dipyridamole.
  6. Vitamin therapy.
  7. Essential phospholipids.
  8. Anticoagulants.

The doctor will tell you in detail how to treat hyperplasia, prescribe the appropriate drugs, and will constantly monitor the condition of the placenta, mother and child. If everything goes well, no complications are expected. If there was too little time for therapy and the baby should be born the other day, it will be very difficult to avoid undesirable consequences.


Untreated and prolonged hyperplasia (thickening) of the placenta can have dangerous consequences for the child and his mother.

For the fetus:

  • lack of oxygen and nutrients;
  • with a moderate form of hyperplasia, natural childbirth is carried out, with a pronounced form - the baby is weakened and cannot be born without outside help - it is carried out;
  • intrauterine growth retardation;
  • such babies are born with a small weight, all kinds;
  • the risks of complications after placental hyperplasia persist for a year;
  • with oligohydramnios, the bones of the skeleton can be bent in a child, fusion of various parts of the body can be observed;
  • If left untreated, intrauterine fetal death is possible.

For woman:

  • very often, placental hyperplasia leads to phytoplacental insufficiency, which significantly complicates the course of childbirth;
  • polyhydramnios provokes leakage amniotic fluid or premature birth;
  • high risk of caesarean section.

As you can see, placental hyperplasia during pregnancy is a rather dangerous, but not at all a critical disease. It is corrected by modern medicine, which allows in 90% of cases to avoid negative consequences for the mother and child. The prognosis largely depends on the timely diagnosis and the usefulness of the therapeutic course. If a woman aims to bring the baby to the end and give birth to him strong and healthy, this pathology will not interfere with her in this with the help of qualified doctors.

The placenta is one of the most important temporary organs of pregnancy. A few decades ago, the function of the placenta could only be assessed indirectly - by the state of the fetus itself. If the fetus is in order, then the placenta is working well. With the development of medicine and, especially, ultrasound diagnostics, it became possible to examine the placenta in utero.

What is placental hyperplasia?

Hyperplasia is an ancient Greek word meaning "excessive development", "increase". This term is applicable to any organ of the human body. In the case of the placenta, the term hyperplasia usually implies an increase in its thickness, mass and circumference. However, on ultrasound scanning, it is possible to accurately measure only the thickness of the placenta, so they are repelled from this indicator. It should be noted that a single ultrasound examination is not authorized to make a diagnosis of placental hyperplasia. A dynamic observation of a pregnant woman, the opinion of several doctors, and extended studies are necessary. Moreover, self-assessment of the results of ultrasound is unacceptable.

Hyperplasia or diffuse thickening of the placenta implies its edema, as well as a compensatory increase in the number of structural units. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Infections. This is perhaps the most common cause thickening of the placenta. Bacteria, viruses and other foreign agents can enter the uterine cavity, amniotic membranes and water both ascending from the vagina and with blood flow from other foci. The placenta is rarely infected in isolation. Inflammation of a child's place is called placentitis and very often it is combined with inflammation of the membranes and intrauterine infection of the fetus. With the development of the inflammatory process, placental edema occurs and apparent magnification its thickness.
  2. Immunological conflict between mother and fetus, for example, according to the Rh factor. In this case, the picture will be similar to the infectious process, only it is not viruses and bacteria that affect the placental tissue, but the mother's antibodies. In simple terms, in this case, the mother's body tries to kill the fetus and all temporary organs of pregnancy, mistaking them for foreign ones.
  3. Severe or long-term preeclampsia. With preeclampsia, blood pressure rises, protein appears in the urine and edema increases, including hidden ones. Placental edema also belongs to such latent edema. In addition, preeclampsia affects the vasculature of the placenta, also leading to edema.
  4. Severe anemia in the mother. When the hemoglobin level falls below 80 g/l, the fetus begins to experience oxygen starvation. In this case, the placenta begins to grow compensatory in order to increase the area of ​​gas exchange and thus help the fetus.
  5. natural feature. It is not necessary to exclude the possibility of an increase in the placenta simply as a developmental option. Often, large children have massive placentas, or this feature is passed down through generations.

Very often, thickening of the placenta is combined with polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios, as well as the expansion of the intervillous spaces (MVP) of the placenta. In the first two cases, these are additional manifestations of infection or immune conflict. The expansion of the MEP suggests that the placenta is trying to compensate for its function. An isolated expansion of the urinary tract is not a diagnosis, but can only imply an infectious process, anemia, fetoplacental insufficiency, or simply a developmental feature.

Symptoms and diagnosis of placental hyperplasia

The placenta is devoid of pain innervation, therefore, with the initial signs of its defeat, nothing bothers the pregnant woman. Usually the main symptoms appear after weeks and even months.

  • The main symptoms of dysfunction of the placenta are signs of oxygen starvation of the fetus: growth retardation, impaired fetal-uterine blood flow, acute hypoxia. The woman notes a decrease in fetal movements, a decrease in its activity. On examination, the doctor pays attention to a decrease in the growth rate of the pregnant woman's abdomen, poor heart rate or cardiotocography.
  • Manifestations of the infectious process can also act as the main complaints. The pregnant woman complains of fever, weakness, headaches and muscle pain, chills, discharge from the genital tract. Often, when asked, a woman recalls a recent exacerbation of a chronic inflammatory process (otitis media, sinusitis, pyelonephritis) or an acute illness (ARVI, influenza, tonsillitis, thrombophlebitis).
If a thickening of the placenta is detected at the next ultrasound, it is necessary to perform the so-called diagnostic search - a series of examinations to identify possible causes:
  • General analysis of blood, urine and blood biochemistry to look for inflammatory changes, as well as determine the level of hemoglobin and ferritin.
  • Vaginal culture and swab, testing for sexually transmitted infections and the TORCH group.
  • Determination of the level of antibodies to the Rh factor and blood groups to exclude Rh sensitization.
  • Blood for glucose.
  • Consultations of a therapist and a cardiologist to exclude preeclampsia, an infectious disease specialist in complex cases of intrauterine infection.

Continuous CTG monitoring and fetal Doppler ultrasound are included in the monitoring protocols for such pregnant women.

Placental hyperplasia: consequences for mother and baby

Since the placenta is a temporary organ for the existence of the fetus, the consequences of a violation of its functions mainly affect the child:

  • chronic;
  • fetal growth retardation;
  • acute fetal hypoxia;
  • intrauterine fetal death;
  • premature birth.

The danger to the mother is not so much the hyperplasia of the placenta itself, but the reason that caused it. Preeclampsia and eclampsia, an infectious process, severe anemia certainly threaten the health and life of a woman.

Treatment of thickening of the placenta

Therapy for placental hyperplasia consists in treating the immediate cause that caused this complication:

  • Antibacterial and antiviral therapy in case of infection.
  • Treatment of preeclampsia, as well as early delivery.
  • Treatment of Rh-conflict, which consists in periodic intrauterine blood transfusion to the fetus and maternal plasmapheresis. In this case, the fastest possible delivery is also shown with mandatory prevention of the Rh conflict with anti-Rh immunoglobulins in the next pregnancy.
  • Therapy with iron preparations of anemia in a pregnant woman, as well as the transfusion of red blood cells in case of a decrease in hemoglobin below 75 g / l.

Given the impaired function of the placenta, the use of various drugs that improve placental blood flow is indicated: Curantil, Actovegin, Piracetam, Pentoxifylline.

Alexandra Pechkovskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist, specially for website

Useful video:

  • The essence of the disease
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Indicators of norm and deviation
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Consequences

Often during pregnancy, after a planned ultrasound, the doctor makes a diagnosis of placental hyperplasia, which is fraught with delayed fetal development and complications during childbirth. This should not be taken as a verdict that is not subject to appeal. The prognosis and all the consequences will depend on the full and timely treatment.

Modern medicine is able to cope with this deviation and allows the baby to be born quite healthy even with such a disappointing and dangerous diagnosis. It's time to figure out what it is, how dangerous and how it is treated.

The essence of the disease

The placenta is the so-called children's place in which the baby lives during its intrauterine development. It contributes to his nutrition and full physical formation, controls all metabolic processes occurring around him. It should be of the appropriate size and thickness, which, up to the 37th week of pregnancy, increase as a result of the growth of the child.

But it happens that there is a thickening of this organ, which is precisely called hyperplasia. This makes it difficult to feed the fetus and access to it the necessary substances, including oxygen. Such a pathology is fraught with consequences for the crumbs, therefore, it requires immediate inpatient treatment.


Doctors call different causes of placental hyperplasia, which can be caused by both external and internal factors. The most common include:

  • severe form of anemia;
  • diabetes;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • infectious diseases, especially of the genital organs: chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, STDs, syphilis;
  • late gestosis;
  • genetic mutations (read about fetal chromosomal pathologies here).

Every woman needs to know the causes of placental hyperplasia in order to protect herself from the factors that provoke the occurrence of this pathology. This will be the basis for the prevention of this disease. If it was not possible to avoid thickening, it is very important to detect it in time. And here already there are problems.


The problem of the clinical picture of placental hyperplasia is that there are no external manifestations of pathology. Mom will not feel anything, that something is going wrong inside her. Pathology is detected only at a doctor's appointment, or more precisely, at one of the scheduled ultrasound scans. Signs of thickening of the child's place include:

  • expansion of the intervillous space, visible on ultrasound at 18-20 weeks and characteristic of placental hyperplasia;
  • the motor activity of the fetus changes: intense movements are replaced by barely perceptible ones;
  • the baby's heartbeat becomes muffled, contractions either increase to tachycardia, or slow down to bradycardia;
  • excess volume of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios);
  • hyperglycemia in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus.

There is a norm for the size of a child's place for each week of pregnancy. The doctor compares with her the indicators obtained in the course of laboratory tests, and already draws a conclusion about the confirmation or refutation of the diagnosis. To reassure herself, it is useful for a woman to know these data.

Indicators of norm and deviation

In order not to panic in vain and make sure that placental hyperplasia is not in vain, you need to keep in mind the norm indicators for each week of pregnancy:

  • at 20 weeks, the average thickness of the placenta should be normal 20 mm;
  • at 25 weeks - already 25 mm;
  • at 33 weeks - respectively 33 mm;
  • at 37 weeks, the indicator is maximum - 37 mm.

Stay within the norm - everything will be fine. There are deviations - do not worry. Pack your things to the hospital and go to the hospital. There you will be under the constant and close supervision of doctors, you will undergo a full course of treatment in order to give birth to a healthy and strong baby. And most importantly - do not make a mistake with the diagnosis.


To confirm uterine hyperplasia, the doctor directs the pregnant woman to the following studies:

  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound);
  • auscultation - listening to the baby's heartbeat;
  • cardiotocography captures his heartbeat;
  • dopplerometry;
  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • blood test for TORCH and RPR;
  • blood sugar test;
  • smear for urogenital microflora;
  • general urine analysis.

These diagnostic methods allow you to clarify the diagnosis and begin timely treatment in order to conduct a full course of therapy before the birth of the baby.


Inpatient treatment of placental hyperplasia is aimed at normalizing blood circulation in this organ and eliminating the disease, which was the impetus for the thickening of the child's place. In addition to prescribing medications, doctors create conditions that are most favorable for the normal intrauterine development of the fetus. What does the full course of therapy for this pathology include?

  1. etiological therapy.
  2. Intraperitoneal blood transfusion with Rh factor.
  3. Complete nutrition.
  4. With placental hyperplasia, ferrous iron preparations are prescribed in combination with vitamin C: Aktiferrin capsules, Ferroplex, Hemoferon solution.
  5. Medicines for the normalization of placental circulation: Actovegin, Trental, Dipyridamole.
  6. Vitamin therapy.
  7. Essential phospholipids.
  8. Anticoagulants.

The doctor will tell you in detail how to treat hyperplasia, prescribe the appropriate drugs, and will constantly monitor the condition of the placenta, mother and child. If everything goes well, no complications are expected. If there was too little time for therapy and the baby should be born the other day, it will be very difficult to avoid undesirable consequences.


Untreated and prolonged hyperplasia (thickening) of the placenta can have dangerous consequences for the child and his mother.

For the fetus:

  • lack of oxygen and nutrients;
  • with a moderate form of hyperplasia, natural childbirth is carried out, with a pronounced form - the baby is weakened and cannot be born without outside help - it is carried out C-section;
  • intrauterine growth retardation;
  • such babies are born with low weight, malnutrition, all kinds of signs of fetal hypoxia;
  • the risks of complications after placental hyperplasia persist for a year;
  • with oligohydramnios, the bones of the skeleton can be bent in a child, fusion of various parts of the body can be observed;
  • If left untreated, intrauterine fetal death is possible.

For woman:

  • very often, placental hyperplasia leads to phytoplacental insufficiency, which significantly complicates the course of childbirth;
  • polyhydramnios provokes leakage of amniotic fluid or premature birth;
  • high risk of caesarean section.

As you can see, placental hyperplasia during pregnancy is a rather dangerous, but not at all a critical disease. It is corrected by modern medicine, which allows in 90% of cases to avoid negative consequences for the mother and child. The prognosis largely depends on the timely diagnosis and the usefulness of the therapeutic course. If a woman aims to bring the baby to the end and give birth to him strong and healthy, this pathology will not interfere with her in this with the help of qualified doctors.

Symptomatic treatment of placental hyperplasia is to create conditions that are most conducive to the normal intrauterine development of the fetus. If possible, etiological therapy is carried out (reducing the level of insulin resistance, antimicrobial, antihypertensive, etc.). But in any case, treatment, especially medication, is prescribed only after a complete examination and identification of signs of intrauterine growth retardation.

So, with immunological incompatibility of the blood of the fetus and the mother, it is often necessary to terminate the pregnancy, but you can take a chance and resort to intraperitoneal blood transfusion - intrauterine transfusion of erythrocytes with negative Rh (through the umbilical artery), and today this the only way treatment of this pathology.

To increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, according to gynecologists, it is not enough to have a complete diet and you need to use ferrous iron preparations with vitamin C. For example, Aktiferrin or Ferroplex capsules are recommended to be taken one capsule twice a day, and Hemoferon solution is usually prescribed in 15-20 ml once a day (before meals).

In order to normalize placental circulation in the treatment of placental hyperplasia, doctors often use pharmacological drugs such as Actovegin, Dipyridamole and Trental. Let's find out what they are used for.

Actovegin belongs to the group of biogenic stimulators and contains an extract from the blood of calves purified from protein as an active substance. This tool helps to activate metabolic processes in cells and is used (one tablet three times a day before meals) for chronic cerebrovascular disorders (for example, after a stroke), as well as in the complex therapy of diabetic polyneuropathies. The instructions note that Actovegin does not have negative impact on the fetus and the pregnant woman, but the likelihood of adverse effects during pregnancy must be taken into account and this remedy should be used very carefully.

Angioprotector Dipyridamole (synonyms - Curantil, Dipyridamole Parsedil, Penselin, Persantine, Trombonil) refers to vasodilating (vasodilating) drugs that increase the activity of venous blood flow and the level of oxygen in the blood, prevent the formation of blood clots. In some instructions for Dipyridamole, the period of pregnancy is unambiguously classified as a contraindication, in other versions, in the indications for use section, there is a phrase about the prescription of the drug "for the prevention of placental insufficiency in complicated pregnancy", as well as an indication that "use during pregnancy, especially in the II and III trimesters, possibly in cases of emergency. And in one version of the instructions for Curantil (in fact, the same dipyridamole) it is indicated that it is intended, among other things, for "treatment and prevention of placental insufficiency resulting from impaired placental circulation." However, clinicians are reminded to first weigh and balance expected benefits against possible risks the use of this tool.

The drug Trental (other trade names - Pentoxifylline, Pentilin, Agapurin, Vasonite) has a positive effect on peripheral circulatory disorders in atherosclerosis, diabetic angiopathy, vascular pathology of the fundus, etc. Trental is contraindicated in acute myocardial infarction, severe vascular sclerosis (cerebral and coronary), as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

The placenta is a temporary organ that forms in a woman's body during pregnancy. Its purpose is simple - to ensure the successful bearing and development of the fetus.

Functions of the placenta

The placenta in the female body is formed up to the 16th week of pregnancy, provided that everything goes well. A fertilized egg is fixed in the uterus, which gives a signal for the development of the placenta. It performs very important functions: it provides the unborn baby with the right amount of useful and nutritious substances, and also transports oxygen to it.

On ultrasound, you can determine the thickness of this important organ, and then easily analyze whether its purpose is being fulfilled in full.

What is hyperplasia?

Hyperplasia of the placenta is called its excessive thickening when it does not meet developmental standards. This means that there are some pathologies in the woman's body. It is advisable to carry out an analysis of the thickness of the placenta starting from the 20th week of pregnancy.

What is normal thickness? Depending on the gestational age, the thickness of the placenta in millimeters is also determined. That is, as many millimeters should be approximately how much corresponds to the gestational age.

Degrees of maturity of the placenta

The peak growth of the embryonic organ occurs at 37 weeks. Its thickness is normal during this period should be 33.7 mm. After that, the placenta no longer grows, and even decreases somewhat. By childbirth, its thickness can normally be 33.2 mm.

In this regard, five degrees of maturity of the embryonic organ are distinguished. The zero degree is the thickness of the placenta up to the 30th week of pregnancy, the first degree of maturity - 34-36 weeks, with the existing pathology - 27-28 weeks, the second degree - 34-38 weeks, the third degree - from 38 weeks. The fourth degree of maturity is the state of this important organ just before childbirth. During this period, his aging begins.

In some cases, the placenta may be unnecessarily thin. This condition is also a pathology, but not as dangerous as hyperplasia. It often occurs in thin and petite women.

When is placental hyperplasia most common during pregnancy? 20 weeks is a critical period.

The maximum growth of the placenta occurs precisely in the last 20 weeks. Its thickness is most often measured at the point where the umbilical cord is attached to it. Of course, when measuring its dimensions, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics women. If there are deviations in the thickness of the placenta, this can be fraught with unpleasant consequences for the fetus. With hyperplasia, the embryonic organ thickens in some cases up to 60 mm.

What are the main causes of placental hyperplasia?

There are certain factors that can trigger hyperplasia. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Clinical incompatibility of mother and fetus by blood (Rhesus conflict or incompatibility by blood type). In this case, intrauterine blood transfusion is most often required.
  • genetic mutations.
  • Development of acute viral infections. Antiviral therapy may be needed.
  • Hemoglobin in the blood is significantly reduced, iron deficiency anemia develops. It needs to be leveled up. This can be done with special iron preparations.
  • Blood sugar rises, which leads to the development of diabetes. Careful control of sugar is needed, with an increase it must be reduced.
  • As a result of chronic sexual infections (ureaplasma, toxoplasma, syphilis, mycoplasma, chlamydia, gonorrhea).

In connection with these pathological conditions, placental hyperplasia manifests itself. How dangerous is this? This will be discussed below.

On early dates(in the 1st and 2nd trimesters) thickening is more often due to infectious diseases. So the body itself tries to protect the fetus.

Hemolytic disease of the fetus is often detected precisely by the thickness of the placenta. Sometimes there is an abnormal proliferation of blood vessels when the blood circulation of the placenta and the fetus is formed.

In rare cases, doctors are unable to understand why this important organ thickens.

Signs of thickening of the placenta

What does placental hyperplasia mean, we figured it out. But what are the symptoms of this pathology?

In short periods of pregnancy, the placenta can also increase. This can only be determined by the results of ultrasound. There are no other signs indicating the development of pathology.

When the period is already quite long, there are certain symptoms of hyperplasia:

  • Change in the nature of fetal movements. He may start to move too actively or, conversely, become too calm.
  • The heartbeat in the fetus can also slow down or, conversely, accelerate (this is how tachycardia or bradycardia manifests itself), but cardiotocography is required to determine this symptom. In the fetus, the heart rate is normal - 140-160 beats per minute. If there are constant jumps in the frequency of strokes from acceleration to deceleration, this indicates that the fetus is experiencing oxygen starvation (hypoxia).

If a woman has diabetes mellitus, then hyperplasia develops polyhydramnios or an excessive amount of amniotic fluid. In a pregnant woman, hyperglycemia is found, insulin synthesis increases, metabolic acidosis manifests itself.

If placental hyperplasia is not detected in a timely manner, a serious condition of the fetus develops, in which it may die as a result of spontaneous abortion.

Diagnostic methods

As mentioned above, it is possible to determine the thickening of the embryonic organ only on ultrasound.

But in order to identify the causes of hyperplasia, additional tests and examinations of the expectant mother will be required:

  • blood test for biochemistry;
  • fetal cardiotocography;
  • general urine analysis;
  • general blood analysis;
  • tests for the presence of genital infections, including TORCH infections;
  • determination in the blood of antibodies to various bacteria and viruses;
  • Doppler study;
  • taking a gynecological smear to determine pathogenic microflora.

Treatment of hyperplasia

So, all the necessary tests have been passed, the research has been carried out. After that, placental hyperplasia and its cause were identified. The expectant mother must be hospitalized if this pathology affects the intrauterine development of the fetus. The woman will receive the necessary treatment in a hospital.

The thickness of the placenta can be regulated with the help of special preparations. They also provide good microcirculation in the embryonic organ. It is advisable to prescribe drugs that help thin the blood.

Oxygenation of the fetus and placenta is also provided by special medicines. Essential phospholipids will help cells not to break down, because they have good building functions.

After all, placental hyperplasia is extremely dangerous. The treatment doesn't end there.

What therapies are still being used?

Also individually can be applied:

  • Vitamin therapy. The expectant mother should eat well, but sometimes this is not enough. After all, the baby needs a lot of useful substances and vitamins. For this, their reception from the outside is appointed.
  • Treatment of viruses and infections. This is necessary if it was they who led to hyperplasia.
  • Therapy of preeclampsia in the later stages. Preeclampsia in general is very dangerous in itself, especially if combined with a thickening of such an important embryonic organ as the placenta.
  • Intrauterine blood transfusion with incompatibility of the blood of the fetus and his mother.
  • Normalization of blood sugar levels. This is necessary when the cause of placental hyperplasia has become such serious illness like diabetes.

When may hyperplasia treatment not be required? If the placenta is slightly thickened, the fetus develops, and all indicators are within the normal range, then there is no need for treatment.

If there is incompatibility in the blood of the mother and child, then such a pregnancy will most likely need to be terminated. This is where intrauterine blood transfusion can help. To date, this is the only way to treat such a pathology.

For severe iron deficiency anemia, a diet rich in iron-rich foods is prescribed. But one diet will not be enough. Then use preparations that contain ferrous iron and vitamin C.

Placental hyperplasia: consequences

What is the main danger of such pathology? More on this later.

There are quite serious consequences of thickening of the placenta. Here are some of them:

  • This pathology can cause fetoplacental insufficiency. As a result, the unborn baby may lack various nutrients, and due to insufficient oxygen supply, fetal hypoxia may occur.
  • These factors will slow down intrauterine development, as well as negatively affect the process of childbirth.
  • Hyperplasia of the placenta during pregnancy will lead to chronic fetal hypoxia, which will also adversely affect its development.
  • The fetus may die in the womb.
  • Amniotic fluid may change in volume (this will lead to polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios).
  • The pregnancy may end prematurely.

Expectant mothers must be registered with antenatal clinic in order to timely diagnose various deviations from the norm. Since the expectant mother herself is not able to determine any pathology dangerous to health.

If the diagnosis is made by a doctor, then all his recommendations should be followed. After all, placental hyperplasia during pregnancy can be very dangerous. Treatment should be comprehensive and timely. If a woman is shown to stay in a hospital, she must definitely listen to what the doctor tells her.

Therapy, first of all, is aimed at ensuring that the future baby develops fully. In order for the pregnancy to end safely and the child was born healthy, it is imperative to find out the reason why the pathology of the placenta arose.


The best prevention of severe pathologies is careful planning of pregnancy. Before conception, the body must be prepared for carrying a baby. To do this, they take tests for all kinds of sexual infections, undergo a comprehensive examination to identify deviations in health. If any chronic diseases are found, they must be treated before pregnancy. After all, the expectant mother is contraindicated in taking medications. An examination, and if necessary, treatment, must also be passed to a man who will participate in the process of conception.

We have considered placental hyperplasia during pregnancy.

Thickening of the placental tissue can lead to a change in the course of pregnancy. Placental hyperplasia has a number of features that can affect the intrauterine development of the fetus.

What it is?

Normally, the placenta has a certain size. With each day of pregnancy, the thickness of the placental tissue increases. The normal thickness of the placenta depends on the duration of pregnancy. If its thickening occurs, then doctors call this condition hyperplasia.

By childbirth, the thickness of the placenta is approximately 2-4 cm. If the placenta becomes very thick before the due date, then the course of pregnancy may change.


A variety of reasons can lead to the development of thickening of the placental tissue. As a rule, if a too thick placenta is diagnosed during pregnancy, then this is evidence that there are some pathologies in the body of the expectant mother.

Various viral and bacterial infections can lead to the development of placental hyperplasia. Pathogenic microbes cause an inflammatory process that leads to disruption of the formation of the placenta. Ultimately, this contributes to the fact that the placental tissue thickens excessively, which leads to the development of its hyperplasia.

Also, a change in the thickness of the placental tissue can develop in anemic conditions, which are accompanied by a strong decrease in hemoglobin in the blood. Diabetes mellitus can also lead to the development of placental hyperplasia. A persistent increase in blood glucose leads to the development of damage to the placental tissue.

Vascular pathologies can also lead to the development of hyperplasia - it can develop with arterial hypertension. In this case, the development of damage contributes to a persistent increase in blood pressure. The higher these numbers in the expectant mother, the higher the risk of developing placental pathology.

Hyperplasia can also develop after suffering infectious pathologies. So, ureaplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, as well as a number of diseases that are sexually transmitted can lead to thickening of the placenta.

The Rhesus conflict that occurs between mother and baby can also contribute to the development of characteristic changes in the placenta. In this case, intrauterine development of the fetus may be disturbed due to the development of complications.

Late toxicosis of pregnancy can also affect the development of placental disorders. This pathology is dangerous because the prognosis for the development of pregnancy, as a rule, worsens. The expectant mother develops severe edema, the general condition is disturbed, and a violation of the uteroplacental blood flow may also develop.

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How can it manifest?

In most cases, placental hyperplasia is asymptomatic. It is simply impossible to suspect the presence of this pathology in this case for some clinical signs. That is why, most often, placental hyperplasia becomes a real “find”, which is detected during planned ultrasound scans during pregnancy.

Thickening of the placenta in some cases can lead to the development of dangerous complications. In this case, the expectant mother begins to worry about adverse symptoms that affect her well-being. So, a woman may have discharge from the genital tract or experience a slight soreness in the lower abdomen.

Sometimes it happens that the only symptom that worries a future mother who has placental hyperplasia during pregnancy is poor health and general weakness. Such a non-specific manifestation, as a rule, is not a reason to consult a doctor, which leads to untimely diagnosis of the pathology.


The main diagnostic method that allows you to identify this pathology is an ultrasound examination. During the ultrasound, the doctor can determine the thickness of the placenta, as well as identify various anatomical defects. Quite often, thickening of the placenta is first diagnosed at 18-20 weeks of gestation, but this pathology can be detected much later.

During the determination of the thickness of the placenta, the ultrasound specialist also evaluates its density. The structure of placental tissue largely depends on the duration of pregnancy. So, in the second trimester, it is quite smooth and uniform.

As labor approaches, the placenta changes its density. Diffuse changes appear in it, as well as areas of compaction. For example, the structure of placental tissue at 32 weeks of gestation is significantly different from that at 20-22 weeks. Such changes are absolutely normal and indicate a healthy course of pregnancy.

If, for some reason, the placenta changes its thickness earlier than it should be for this period, then the ultrasound doctor diagnoses the presence of its hyperplasia. At the same time, he necessarily conducts accurate measurements of the thickness of the placental tissue and indicates the results in his medical report, which is issued after the examination. expectant mother. This conclusion must be included in the medical card in the future. Evaluation of the thickness of the placenta in dynamics allows doctors to track how this pathology develops.

If the expectant mother has been diagnosed with placental hyperplasia, then she is also assigned a number of additional examinations. A pregnant woman will need:

  • take a biochemical blood test, as well as general blood and urine tests;
  • undergo cardiotocography;
  • be examined for the presence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • determine the presence of antibodies (according to indications);
  • visit the dopplerography room to identify various disorders of the uteroplacental blood flow;
  • visit an obstetrician-gynecologist for a clinical examination and sampling of swabs from the genital tract for analysis.

Possible consequences

A strong thickening of the placenta most often threatens the development of an extremely dangerous condition - fetoplacental insufficiency. This pathology is accompanied by a strong violation of the uteroplacental blood flow, as a result of which the fetus does not receive oxygen, which means that the process of oxygenation of the child's body is disturbed. Persistent oxygen deficiency can even lead to the development of fetal growth retardation syndrome. In this case, the normal course of intrauterine development of the fetus is disturbed.

A slower growth rate in a baby in this situation can also cause him to grow and gain weight much more slowly. Ultimately, severe placental hyperplasia can contribute to the fact that the baby will be born small and much earlier than the due date.

Placental hyperplasia can be treated in different ways. Basically, basic therapy involves the appointment of drugs. They are selected individually, taking into account the features of the expectant mother. Also, when prescribing drugs, their effect on the fetus is also necessarily evaluated.

The expectant mother is waiting for the procedure of a planned ultrasound with bated breath - what will the doctor say to her? Unfortunately, some women receive disturbing news. These include the diagnosis of "thickening of the placenta during pregnancy." The pathological condition threatens the normal development of the fetus and promises serious complications during childbirth. An unfavorable prognosis of the disease can be corrected by timely treatment. We will talk about the signs, treatment and prevention of deviation in the article.

The placenta (children's place) is a specific organ that is formed in the female body during the period of the birth of a new life. It has a complex structure, due to which the circulatory systems of the mother and fetus exist independently of each other. The birth of the placenta begins simultaneously with the implantation of the fetal egg into the wall of the uterus. After a while, the child's place takes over the job of providing the child with substances useful for growth and oxygen. In addition, the placenta protects the future person from all kinds of infectious diseases.

The placenta becomes a full-fledged organ when the pregnancy reaches 16 weeks, and continues to increase in size up to 37 weeks (if there are no pathologies). The first ultrasound to study the parameters and assess the condition of the placenta is prescribed at the 20th week of pregnancy. As the birth approaches, the baby's place becomes thinner. This process also proceeds in accordance with established norms, which depend on the gestational age.

Thickening of the placenta during pregnancy: what happens in a woman's body

Thickening or hyperplasia of the placenta is said to occur when an excessive thickening of the organ occurs. This is undoubtedly a deviation from the norm and it requires surgical treatment in a hospital setting. Due to the too thick walls of the child's place, the nutrition of the fetus is difficult and the portions of oxygen that the baby should receive regularly are significantly reduced. The excretory function is also impaired. Pathology is diagnosed at 20 weeks or later.

Consequences of thickening of the placenta in a pregnant woman

Too late diagnosed hyperplasia and, accordingly, its untimely treatment threatens with serious complications. Since the placenta is a common organ for mother and baby, both will inevitably suffer.

Complications of thickening of the placenta in the fetus

The consequences of hyperplasia for a child are very severe:

  • lack of oxygen and nutrients;
  • a moderate form of deviation allows the natural birth of a child, while pronounced hyperplasia forces doctors to give birth through a caesarean section, since the baby is very weakened and will not be able to be born on its own;
  • intrauterine growth and development delay;
  • underweight and hypoxia at birth;
  • organ hypertrophy at birth;
  • if hyperplasia was accompanied by oligohydramnios, there is a high risk of curvature of the bones of the skeleton and fusion of body parts;
  • the likelihood of developing complications after thickening of the placenta remains for the child during the first year of life;
  • if timely treatment of hyperplasia does not follow, the child dies in the womb.

Complications of thickening of the placenta for the mother

The abnormal state of the placenta will also affect the course of pregnancy, which will cause severe inconvenience to the woman:

  • development due to thickening of the placenta of fetoplacental insufficiency, which is a serious obstacle to normal delivery;
  • hyperplasia in combination with polyhydramnios causes leakage of amniotic fluid or premature birth;
  • more likely to have a caesarean section.

Fortunately, thickening of the placenta during pregnancy is not considered a critical condition, although doctors do not deny its danger. The possibilities of modern medicine allow in 90% of cases to prevent the development of complications either during childbirth or after them. The earlier treatment is started, the better the prognosis of the disease.

Causes of thickening of the placenta during pregnancy

Doctors explain the fact of the existence of such an anomaly for many reasons. They can be divided into external and internal factors. Let's list the most common:

  • anemia in advanced stage;
  • diabetes mellitus (in this case, a diffuse thickening of the placenta develops when it grows so much that it covers almost the entire inner surface of the uterus);
  • the presence of a Rh conflict between a woman and a fetus;
  • dropsy of the fetus;
  • diseases of the genital organs of an infectious nature (chlamydia, syphilis, mycoplasmosis);
  • gestosis on late term pregnancy;
  • genetic mutations.

Every expectant mother should be aware of the reasons for the development of hyperplasia, since all of them underlie its prevention. However, if the thickening is nevertheless formed, its timely diagnosis is of great importance.

Signs of thickening of the placenta during pregnancy

The main danger of hyperplasia is the absence of visible signs of pathology. This means that the expectant mother in the presence of such a disease will feel good and will not suspect anything.

The disease becomes known during a planned ultrasound procedure. We single out such characteristic signs of pathology that the diagnostician sees on the monitor of the ultrasound machine:

  • excessively expanded space between the villi of the placenta for a period of 18 - 30 weeks;
  • a sharp change in the activity of the child's movements: intense movements in a few moments become smooth, slowed down;
  • muffled heartbeat of the child and a change in the activity of heart contractions (tachycardia is replaced by bradycardia);
  • too much amniotic fluid;
  • high blood sugar in a mother with gestational diabetes.

Thickening of the placenta during pregnancy: norm and pathology

For each period of pregnancy, there are certain norms for the size of the placenta, which the doctor always focuses on when managing the pregnancy of each of his patients. Once installed normal performance help specialists confirm or refute the diagnosis of hyperplasia. It will not hurt to familiarize yourself with this information for expectant mothers, so as not to worry in vain:

  • 20 weeks of pregnancy - the normal thickness of the child's place ranges from 20 mm;
  • 25 weeks - 25 mm;
  • 33 weeks - 33 mm;
  • 37 weeks - the normal thickening of the placenta reaches its limit and is 37 mm.

If the personal indicators of a pregnant woman are the same, there is nothing to worry about. If there are deviations, you should not panic, but go to the hospital. By trusting doctors, a woman increases her chances of successfully giving birth to a healthy child.

Treatment of thickening of the placenta in pregnant women

Medical intervention in the pathological process of the growth of a child's place has two goals - to achieve normalization of blood circulation in the placenta and eliminate the root cause of the disease. The expectant mother is prescribed a course of treatment with drugs, and is also recommended to do everything to ensure the most comfortable intrauterine development of the baby. An approximate course of complex therapy for hyperplasia looks like this:

  1. A variety of healthy food.
  2. Permanent rest.
  3. Measures to eliminate the factor that served as an impetus for the thickening of the placenta.
  4. Embryonic blood transfusion if there is an Rh conflict.
  5. Taking iron supplements in combination with ascorbic acid(Hemoferon, Aktifferin, Ferrocomplex)
  6. Taking medications that help restore normal blood circulation in a child's place (Actovegin, Trental, Dipyridamole).
  7. Taking multivitamin complexes, anticoagulants and essential phospholipids.

Often, the treatment is successful and the most terrible fears of an excited expectant mother are not confirmed. However, if the pathology was detected too late and there was little time left before the birth, even the most prompt treatment will not be able to prevent the development of complications when the baby is born.

Thickening of the placenta during pregnancy: how to prevent a complication of pathology

If an ultrasound scan at the 20th week of pregnancy prompted the doctor to think about the hyperplasia of the child's place, the panic of the expectant mother should be set aside. The specialist will certainly prescribe appropriate treatment for her, as well as instruct her on preventive measures in order to prevent the development of complications of the disease.

To contribute to her speedy recovery, nothing supernatural is required from a pregnant woman. Enough:

  • regularly walk away from places of heavy traffic. Ideally, you need to get out into the forest more often;
  • do not drink alcoholic beverages and forget about smoking forever, if such a habit exists;
  • eat high-quality healthy food;
  • avoid crowded places so as not to get ARVI;
  • monitor body weight;
  • take vitamins regularly
  • take scheduled tests in a timely manner so as not to “oversee” anemia;
  • do not miss scheduled visits to the antenatal clinic.

If the child's place develops incorrectly and the reason for this has already been found, the matter remains small - the doctor draws up a treatment program taking into account the gestational age in order to improve metabolism and help the fetus grow in the prevailing conditions. The main thing is not to miss valuable time, then the baby will have every chance to be born healthy even with such an unfavorable diagnosis. Be healthy!