How can a short man make himself taller? How to look taller. Secrets of a visual increase in growth

How to dress to look taller - this question haunts inch girls. Small stature, as many believe, is a serious hindrance to personal style: first of all, because it is difficult to choose clothes, because the sizes do not fit at all. And what fits, either looks like it was sewn on teenagers, or disfigures the figure, making it look lower, fuller, stockier and on short legs.

There are some things that are almost impossible to change. For example, growth. How much trouble he gives to women! And although many are sure that the most valuable gifts come in small packages, miniature young ladies are upset that they are not only up to model standards, even up to the average, they still have to grow and grow.

And you should not be upset, because you can look amazing at any height ..

Flared jeans

Fitted at the top and flared at the bottom, flared jeans visually lengthen the legs, especially if they almost completely cover the shoes (of course, heels are required) and thus add a little height. The main trick is the high waist and the top, which is either tucked in or only slightly covers the belt.

Maxi skirts

If you, dear Thumbelina, think that maxi is not for you, you are sorely mistaken. Long, to the floor, skirt, can be yours best friend, you just need to find it, your right one long skirt. Look up to the stars, many short celebrities successfully wear maxi and look great!

Choose a solid-colored skirt in a tight but flowing material that doesn't add extra volume, but forms a vertical silhouette. The hem of the skirt should be as close to the floor as possible, just enough so that it is already possible to move freely, but the shoes were not yet visible.

And in the case of a skirt, the same law applies as with flared jeans: the top must be tucked in. In any case, make sure that the blouse / t-shirt / top is not lower than the waist. If you are going to wear a cardigan or jacket, similarly, choose cropped models.


If you are going to open your legs and wear something short, choose shoes in a shade that is as close to your skin tone as possible - this trick works by making your legs look longer and at the same time overweight, and with low growth, and in general in life. Try to get shoes that open the foot as much as possible, “holding” only by the toes. The extra inches of exposed skin will create the illusion of legs that never end... and detract from your height.

The lower the shorter

Small growth? Wear a mini! Short skirts, microscopic shorts, tunic dresses - it's all for you little inches. Of course, on the days when you don't opt ​​for a maxi. In any case, avoid middle length- to the knee or calf. She will turn you into a gnome.

high beam

Sometimes you can fight short stature by simply ... "drawing" the missing centimeters. It's simple: collect your hair in a lush high bun, make a ponytail. Just add volume, after all. Petite girls should get rid of irons.

One color

Using color to create the illusion of being tall is an ancient but highly effective strategy. Dressing head to toe in black is a traditionally chic option (tested by Angelina Jolie), but bright, saturated hues work great too.

high waist

Many, for unknown reasons, do not like the high waist. In vain, because shorts, trousers and skirts with a high waist with low growth are a real find. The high waist "stretches" the lower part of the body, visually adding a few centimeters upwards. Naturally, if you choose a thing with a low waist, do not try to cover it with an incorrectly chosen too long top.

Pointed ballerinas

No sane person would wear super stilettos every day, both in the feast and in the world. Of course, even a petite girl has a need, at least occasionally, to wear something with a flat sole - for example, ballet flats. In this case, choose a pair with an elongated pointed toe - a well-known fact that pointed shoes lengthen the line of the leg.

Stripes, stripes, stripes

Short girls go stripes. However, not all and not always. The best option is vertical stripes on a white background. This visually lengthens the figure, forcing the gaze of the interlocutor to slide along the stripes. In addition, stripes are always stylish.

Bag dimensions

Accessories should fit not only the image, but also directly to the size of the body - this is an indisputable fact. Big bag will again turn Thumbelina into a gnome, only this time into a gnome, capitally loaded with luggage. Everything is explained very simply: the eye "clings" to large things. And when it is "pulled" in width, it automatically reduces the height. Conclusion: only small bags or clutches.

Only narrow belts

The belt has a place in the life of a petite woman. True, with one caveat: the strap (or belt) must be narrow. A wide belt visually “cuts” the figure in half, significantly reducing it at the same time.

Alas, it is high time to admit that the time of effective flights in a dream, leading to an increase in height, has passed for us, we no longer have to hope for a noticeable effect from them ... Adult and beautiful girl, but not as high as she would like: ? How to visually grow up not thin and not fat woman, whose body proportions at the same time expand it somewhat, which is not in the best way affects the overall image?.

General standards for short stature for ladies include all values ​​\u200b\u200bbelow 160 centimeters , while among the celebrities full short women, not at all worried about this. They are supported by psychologists and statistics, who assure that miniature young ladies are especially attractive to tall handsome men. Contrast fragile femininity and the solidity of male power turns out to be magnetic. But, despite this, I still want to “grow up”, at least a couple of centimeters, so that our lips seem closer to the partner’s lips, and our couple looks more harmonious and spectacular. Operations? Oh no! Platform, studs? Perhaps, especially for models of boots, because now they are also summer, openwork and carved. But there are other little auxiliary secrets of

How to look taller: style for those who "grow up"

Prints and texture, search for vertical . A simple and clear pattern - vertical lines visually stretch the figure. Growth guides can be chosen for you as in prints, color solutions, for example, when highlighting lightning, and in the texture of fabrics or in folds, draperies of various fabrics for clothes, in decorative vertical inserts. Do not overdo it too much, even the unobtrusive and not very conspicuous lines of a thin pale stripe of a classic suit will already make you more slender and toned.

Pants, skirts, dresses, jackets . If the vertical lines slim and lengthen, then the horizontal ones act in the opposite direction. A skirt or dress of the wrong length and with a clear edge can work against you. Long women's jackets and jackets are mostly not for you, but strongly shortened models will visually add height to you, and most importantly, lengthen your legs. Choose short blouses and tops or tuck inside trousers, skirts with a high fit. Opponents of trousers should choose feminine outfits with a torn, uneven edge or stick to models with an asymmetric length, cuts will also be very appropriate and effective. For those who are not averse to replenishing their wardrobe with trouser models, stylists advise paying special attention to well-ironed long classic trousers that practically touch the ground with a high waist. But capris and breeches are risky options that will hardly help you look taller.

V-neck . Top part the torso is visually lengthened by a V-neckline, a rectangular neckline gives a completely opposite effect, and should be attributed to the unfortunate choice of those who would like to appear taller.

Accessories . Vertical lines help create and accessories. Jewelry: elongated pendants, thread earrings. Light and thin narrow scarves with the right pattern or contrasting color to the overall tone of the outfit, neatly thrown over the neck and shoulders.

Shoe color . One of the most popular secrets to visually increase height from the stars is flesh-colored shoes or matching tights. The same tricky maneuver is possible with other shoes.

Internal growth = visual effect

In order to appear taller, it is important, first of all, not to appear lower, and nothing shortens the height of a woman, and even a man, like bad posture. We do not slouch, we tighten the tummy, we straighten our back, chest and forward and a charming nose, and after it the chin slightly up. The gait of an elegant lady is a very useful habit that helps to visually increase your height.

Well, the last thing “internal growth” is connected with, which the readers of the Name Woman pays special attention to, is the inner core, your self-confidence. Do not fuss, be less nervous and do not worry about what nature has already tried to predetermine. There are many women in the world whose majestic, royal gaze, even from a short stature, can be directed to others “from top to bottom” .

Nadezhda Koshenkova

Many people have complexes because of their short stature. A tall person seems more successful and self-confident. Of course, this is just a prejudice, but it is strong enough, and a large number of people of short stature tend to at least visually appear taller. How to seem higher - for many, this is, if not a matter of life and death, but it seems to them that having received an answer to it, they will, in any case, become happier. Actually, it's not that difficult. To achieve this effect, you can use the right clothes, shoes and accessories.

The first and most important rule that will allow you to increase growth, and does not apply to the visual effect - stop slouching. One has only to straighten your shoulders and lift your chin up a little, as in a completely magical way your height will increase by 5 or even 10 centimeters. Not enough? Then let's start cheating.

Clothing for visual growth

All clothing with a vertical pattern contributes to the apparent increase in height. Moreover, it does not have to be vertical stripes, the main thing in this matter is the direction of the pattern. If, nevertheless, preference is given to stripes, then their width does not matter.

The top and bottom of the clothing should be solid, preferably dark (but not black) colors.

Remember, clothes should be in shape. Worn on the shoulders and loosely dangling bag, even a basketball player will make a short man.

One of the tricks to visually increase the height can be a stand-up collar and sleeves that are three-quarters of an arm long.

In women, a skirt that has a slit on the side or back visually increases the height. Dear ladies, if you want to look taller, then you will have to give up mini skirts, breeches and short tops. Best of all, two things lengthen the figure - a long dress that fits the figure and pantsuit. Moreover, trousers should not be low-waisted. Medium or high rise is best.

If still without short dress or skirts you don’t think of yourself, then use long boots or shoes with very high heels in the kit, but more on that later.

Shoes for a visual increase in height

Women in this matter are much easier than men. It is enough to use stiletto heels and growth increases significantly.

We have already mentioned over the knee boots - they also visually increase the growth in but it is worth remembering that in the summer you definitely won’t wear them.

Men, on the other hand, have to resort to certain tricks. For example, you can wear shoes with a thick platform. A little growth will help to add special thick insoles.

Other ways to visually increase growth

You should pay attention to the hairstyle. A lush hairstyle, in one fell swoop, can add several centimeters to the apparent height. Women should remember that loose hair that covers the neck can significantly offset their efforts to appear taller.

Men have much less room to maneuver with their hair. But the hedgehog haircut also helps and adds a centimeter - another.

Even accessories can affect the apparent growth. For example, the use of a narrow belt, oblong earrings and pendants seems to have nothing to do with height, but still other people rate a person using such accessories as taller.

Despite all the above, height probably plays one of the last roles in how people around you evaluate you. Remember that we are judged by our deeds.


Do you know which girls are considered petite? Those whose height is less than 152 cm. Many women like their short stature, some even say that in this case the pursuit of guys is much easier. But tell me, have you ever worn, trying to get taller, while experiencing pain and discomfort for several hours?

How to appear taller than you really are?

If you don't know how to get taller and slimmer without heels, we suggest you try these visual tricks to help you create the illusion of being tall in other ways.

1. Use vertical accents

Whether your outfits are vertical pleats, patterns, or just stripes, they will elongate your body, making you slimmer and giving your figure the illusion of extra height.

Try to arrange your wardrobe in such a way that the vertical line of the buttons of a shirt or sweater is visible. A small sexy slit in the front, side or back of the skirt will also add a few extra centimeters to you. To become taller, any vertical accents on clothes will suit you.

2. Wear V-neck shirts or sweaters

Everyone knows that heels can temporarily fix a short stature, but not many people know that a V-neck creates the illusion of a longer torso. Want to appear taller? Then just wear tops with V-neck.

3. Don't Forget Comfortable Shoes

If your feet are too sensitive to uncomfortable shoes and your relationship with heels really doesn’t add up, it doesn’t matter. Stylish sandals, shoes, boots and boots on a stable platform should be in the wardrobe of every petite girl. They cope with the task of increasing the length of the legs no worse than any heels.

4. Don't slouch

Is it possible to become taller and slimmer without resorting to wardrobe tricks? Our answer is yes! Remember when your mom told you not to slouch and keep your back straight? A straight back and squared shoulders is one of the most natural ways increase your own height. In addition, with good posture, you will not only become, but will also maintain a constant tone of the gluteal muscles.

5. Use height-enhancing accessories

Silk scarves, long earrings, pendants and necklaces have always been and will be the friends of little women. In addition, the wise use of accessories such as sunscreen or hats, hairpins and scarves will also add a few centimeters to your height.

6. Choose the right length of jeans or trousers

To appear taller, you need to wear jeans with a leg length almost to the ground. At the very least, your trousers should cover a good part of your shoes to give the appearance of long legs. But some models of trousers, such as capris, will not the best option for petite girls, especially for those who have such a goal as the illusion of height.

7. Worry less about the things you can't change.

Despite all of the above, you should not attach great importance to those things that you cannot change. All of these tricks work, and you can use them successfully, but try to pay more attention not to your height, but appearance. Choosing the perfect outfits for your figure, beautiful shoes and accessories, you will always look irresistible!

And for dessert, here are some video stylist tips that will also help you look taller and slimmer with the right wardrobe. Do not miss!

Every true woman loves to experiment with her appearance, to mask what she considers her shortcomings.

How to appear taller: 10 best female tricks

 18:30 January 18, 2017

Every true woman loves to experiment with her appearance, masking what she considers her flaws and emphasizing what, in her opinion, attracts the admiring glances of the opposite sex. For those who would like to visually add a few centimeters to their height, we offer these tips from professional designers:


Blouses, sweaters and blouses with a V-neck open the neck, lengthening it, and at the same time the whole silhouette. Collar-collar can also be suitable if the fabric is light enough

Long slit skirt

This cut looks great with both high heels and low heels. Side cuts are especially good - they suit almost everyone and are now very relevant. Remember only one rule: a skirt made of light fabric looks great with a high slit, but you need to be more careful with dense fabrics - they can distort the silhouette.

Flared trousers

This cut will adorn both tall and petite ladies. It lengthens the legs in the best possible way, suitable for an evening out, and for everyday wear.

High waist trousers

Despite the huge popularity, trousers with a low waist line have one drawback - they shorten the legs. If you do not want to lose these two or three centimeters, then it is better to give preference to a high waist.

Maxi Skirt and Crop Top

Ideal for evening wear - it makes any silhouette visually taller and slimmer.

vertical stripes

This trick invariably lengthens the entire silhouette and adds a couple of coveted centimeters to the growth. Striped suit from thick fabric great for work.

Neutral shoe color

Of course, high heels are the obvious solution for girls who want to look taller. However, high heels can have different effects. Heavy thick heels of bright-colored shoes will draw attention to the lower part of the body, and elegant, graceful flesh-colored sandals will visually lengthen the leg, adding a few centimeters to its owner. Which is exactly what was required.


Jumpsuits visually unify and lengthen the silhouette, if, of course, you manage to choose the right cut. Remember: the right jumpsuit draws attention to the waistline, not to the hips.

Mini skirts

It would seem that, Short skirt should shorten the silhouette, but in reality it is quite the opposite. The right mini skirt can do wonders. Remember that if you want to look taller, then you should abandon the narrow options and prefer flared ones.

Pants and shoes of the same color

If you wear trousers or leggings, then try to match them with shoes of the same color. This simple trick always works perfectly.