Hire of dresses for pregnant women. Maternity dress rental

Pregnancy photo session very creative, versatile, tender and beautiful! I recommend that expectant mothers who plan to have a pregnancy photo shoot take responsibility and prepare it well in advance. It is very important to think over the images, choose clothes and accessories. I try to help my future mothers as much as possible in preparing for a photo shoot, I tell them what will look most advantageous and interesting in our series, what clothes and accessories are suitable for the chosen studio, etc. You can always tell me about your wishes and together we will realize all your ideas!

In order to make my future mothers as comfortable and convenient as possible during our photo shoots, I bring several beautiful ready-made images to the studio. Optionally, you can choose one outfit or all images.

  1. Dress-cloud blue color. (rent is free). It is also possible to rent other colors of dresses from the rental for an additional fee. Rs 2000 for a dress

2. Light-airy dress (rental is free)

4. White dressing gown (Great for delicate looks in lingerie) Rent is free

Under it you can wear white lingerie, black lingerie and bodysuit. Also suitable linen of multi-colored pastel colors.

It is possible to rent other colors of peignoirs from the rental for an additional fee. Approximately 1500 rubles for a peignoir

5. Fluffy skirts and tulle skirts. Rent is free

6. Airy fabrics, with which you can make a beautiful dress or skirt, as well as beautiful effects. Rent is free

I also work with several rentals of beautiful clothes for expectant mothers. If you wish, you can rent chic outfits at very pleasant conditions! I need to inform me about this in advance and I will send you a catalog of clothes. The approximate cost of renting 2500 rubles for 2 dresses!

As a rule, girls choose the style of the dress, which will hide figure flaws and emphasize the tummy. The outfit can be made of thin fabrics, they gently fit the camp. Large folds and flounces look gentle and feminine. Puffy skirts with a long train also look harmonious on pregnant women.

Hair color and skin tone of the face will be a hint for choosing the color of the dress. For a contrasting look, blondes are offered rich blue or red tones. For girls with dark hair, light bed colors are suitable: pink, blue or white. About the white color must be said separately. This is a popular solution for a photo shoot of a pregnant woman. A white dress looks great on any background and conveys all the romance of the image of the expectant mother.

A lace dress looks delicate and noble. It is also a win-win for photo shoots. Lace is elegant in itself and you don’t even need extra accessories to create a bright look.

The length of the dress for a photo shoot depends on the preferences of the model herself. In the lens of the camera, both long and short outfits look spectacular on pregnant women. In Moscow, you can find a variety of maternity dresses that are offered for rent for photo shoots. Choose what your soul lies in, do not forget about a good mood and the photo session will be great!

Gorgeous dresses for expectant mothers for rent at YesDress Studio

In our salon you will find stunning maternity dresses that you can rent for a photo shoot. Your choice of floor-length, knee-length or above-the-knee dresses. The catalog contains different colors, styles and styles. At any stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother will choose an outfit for a romantic photo shoot.

YesDress: With beautiful dresses, pregnancy will become an even more magical event in your life!

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting and memorable parts of a girl's life, which is why each of them wants to capture her in all its glory. Professional photographers and designers use a variety of means to accomplish this task - from scenery to aesthetic designer clothes, created just for those who are currently expecting a baby and want to immortalize the moment as original and beautiful as possible.

However, the acquisition of such an expensive item in your own wardrobe for one or two photo shoots is not always advisable. That is why photographer Victoria Sergeeva offers her clients a unique service - renting a maternity dress for a photo shoot. Rent clothes and dresses in Moscow It will be cheaper, as I work with companies and ateliers for whom the provision of unique clothes for a short time is the main activity.

Prices for renting clothes for a photo shoot of pregnant women in Moscow

Dress-transformer with a skirt to the floor, turn - the sun 360 degrees. There are many variations on the top. Sizes: 42-50.

Price: 5000 rubles.

Delicate dressing gown made of guipure with a train. The top is available in three different options, depending on your body type and the theme of the photo shoot. Sizes: 42-50.

Price: 5000 rubles.

Gorgeous dress with open shoulders and a long train. Sizes: 42-48.

Price: 5000 rubles.

Price: 2000 rub.

Long floor-length dress with a cutout at the back and chest. Size 42-48.

Price: 3000 rub.

The dress is a transformer with a train of 1.5 meters. There are many variations on the top. Size 42-46.

Price: 3000 rub.

Made from luxurious velvety guipure. Loop 1.5 meters. The top is available in 2 versions. Size 42-46.

Price: 3000 rub.

Dress with two skirts, short on the inside and longer on the top. Size: 42-46.

Price: 3000 rub.

Dress for rent for pregnant women "Flight"

The dress is made of chiffon with a 3m train that takes off easily. Sizes 42-46.

Price: 3000 rub.

Natural finest silk 6 meters. Sizes 42-50.

Price: 2000 rub.

Chiffon 8 meters. Sizes 42-50.