The first planned ultrasound for how long. When is an additional ultrasound needed? Why is a planned ultrasound performed?

Ultrasound during pregnancy in our time is the generally accepted norm, the procedure is available and necessary, moreover, it is safe for both the expectant mother and the fetus. Modern medicine has the ability to fully examine an unborn child that is in the womb. Timely detection of abnormalities in the development of the fetus or the identification of problems with gestation will help to make medical adjustments and help the pregnant woman safely resolve childbirth, enduring and giving birth healthy baby. However, there are cases in which it is better to terminate the pregnancy, due to abnormalities in the development of the fetus, which are detected by ultrasound examination already in the early stages.

The process of pregnancy should also take place under the full control of the gynecologist, who is fully responsible for the patient and her unborn child. Ultrasound examinations, prescribed several times during pregnancy, are invaluable assistants for the doctor. When is an ultrasound scheduled?

How many ultrasounds can be done?

During the 9 months of pregnancy, ultrasound diagnostics are prescribed three times. Research should be done at the end of each trimester of pregnancy. At each stage of its development, the fetus undergoes the necessary changes, which are studied using modern ultrasound machines. For each gestation period, there are standards through which you can calculate the exact date childbirth, gestational age, gender of the baby, intrauterine development of the fetus and its possible deviations from the norm.

Ultrasound is safe. For a long period, experts from all over the world studied it and did not reveal any harmful effects on either the fetus or the woman.

If the pregnancy process proceeds normally, then the doctor is limited to 3 results of ultrasound diagnostics. In cases where there is a suspicion of any disease of the fetus, genetic mutations or problems with the placenta, additional ultrasound diagnostics are performed to confirm the diagnosis, or to cancel it. In the most critical situations during severe pregnancy or during intrauterine treatment of the fetus, the allowable number of ultrasound scans is 10 studies.

When is an ultrasound scheduled?

Expectant mothers are often interested in when they will be scheduled for the first ultrasound examination, and what their future baby will look like. In the normal course of pregnancy, expectant mothers are sent for ultrasound three times, at the end of each trimester of pregnancy.

1 trimester

In the normal course of pregnancy, you should not do the first ultrasound at the beginning and middle of the trimester. The first study should be carried out for a period not earlier than 10-14 weeks. At this time, organs are formed and become noticeable in the fetus, it is possible to measure a very important indicator of CTE with the help of ultrasound. The distance between the crown and the coccyx of the fetus will allow the doctor to judge the full development of the fetus, as well as compare the results with the normative ones.

The second indicator that the doctor is interested in during the first study is TVP. The normal thickness of the collar space allows early detection of chromosomal abnormalities, in particular, Down's Syndrome. If the TVP is within 2.7 mm, the excitement is in vain, but with an increase in the TVP, you should play it safe and take an additional blood test. The totality of the results of the study will help to accurately determine whether the baby is healthy or not.

Starting from the 12th week, almost all organs have developed and are clearly visible in the fetus. At this time, an ultrasound scan will be able to examine each organ, make sure that the heart and brain are working correctly.

In case of detection complex pathologies it will not be too late to terminate the pregnancy according to medical indications.

What will the first ultrasound tell?

At the first ultrasound, the following information will open:

  • pregnancy is confirmed;
  • the gestational age and the expected due date are set;
  • multiple pregnancy is detected;
  • the pelvic organs, the condition of the uterus and placenta are examined;
  • the rhythm of the fetal heart is examined;
  • ectopic pregnancy is determined;
  • the threat of miscarriage is detected;
  • indicators of KTR and TVP are measured.

The future mother is provided with the first photo of the baby, who will be born only in 6 months!

2 trimester

You can find out the sex of the child already at week 16, but according to the plan, it is best to go for a second ultrasound a little later, when other systems of a small developing organism will be clearly visible.

For a period starting from 20 to 24 weeks, a second planned ultrasound is done. Based on its results, it becomes possible to determine the sex of the child (which future moms and dads are really looking forward to). However, an unborn baby can play a trick on his parents and turn his back to the ultrasound sensor, then all that remains is to wait for the “kinder surprise”, or the next scheduled ultrasound examination before childbirth.

The second ultrasound allows you to carefully view cardiovascular system fetus, blood flow velocity, measure the length of the femur, the interparietal distance of the fetal head, as well as the circumference of the child's abdomen. By measuring and comparing all the indicators, you can be sure of the full value of intrauterine development, clarify the data when you should expect the birth process itself.

So, the second ultrasound will acquaint you with the following information:

  • the sex of the fetus is determined;
  • quantity is determined amniotic fluid;
  • anomalies and malformations in the development of the fetus are detected;
  • the fetus is carefully measured and examined;
  • all organs and systems of the fetus are examined, the normal development of the child is confirmed or refuted;
  • the results of the first and second ultrasound examination are compared;
  • the position of the fetus is determined;
  • location of the chorion (placenta).

The information that the second ultrasound gives is very important. By the amount of amniotic fluid, you can determine the presence of a particular infection, the Rh conflict between the organisms of the mother and child.

According to the placement of the placenta (chorion), one can already speculate about the process of childbirth. A low-lying chorion is the first indicator for the appointment of a caesarean section during childbirth.

3rd trimester

At 32 weeks, the third trimester of pregnancy begins. Research at this stage of development is ongoing. When all the baby's organs are fully formed, you can once again check the work of all body systems, detect fetal hypoxia, the presence of entanglement of the umbilical cord, etc. The last ultrasound has a direct impact on the birth process itself. An experienced obstetrician-gynecologist builds his forecasts regarding childbirth, taking into account the state of health of the mother and baby.

At 34-36 weeks, the end of the process of placental migration is noticeable. In the event that ultrasound diagnostics has detected early aging of the placenta, it will be necessary to speed up the process of childbirth, otherwise the likelihood of hypoxia and fetal death increases. With anterior placenta previa, the obstetrician-gynecologist will be forced to apply C-section.

Ultrasound indicators in the 3rd trimester:

  • the height and weight of the fetus is determined;
  • the lungs of the fetus, their structure are carefully studied;
  • all kinds of deviations in the development of the fetus are determined;
  • the systems and organs of the developing organism are checked, compared with normal indicators;
  • Doppler ultrasound is used to study the strength of blood flow in the uterus-umbilical cord-fetus system.

In the last stages of pregnancy, it is desirable to undergo a 3D ultrasound (with a three-dimensional image) using Doppler. This apparatus is able to carefully examine all blood vessels, as well as check the function of the heart, its filling with blood, the strength of the blood flow, etc.

3D ultrasound

When the baby is ready to be born, you need to make sure that the young organism is ready for birth. Best Option- undergo a 3D ultrasound examination.

3D ultrasound is a device that makes it possible to obtain a three-dimensional image. The principle of operation of the 3D device is based on the fact that wave signals coming from the sensor in different directions (in conventional devices, the waves move in the same plane, therefore the picture is displayed flat on the screen), bounce off the object under study and are again captured by the sensor. The signals are read and converted into a picture, which is displayed in color mode on the monitor of the device. The accuracy of the image is very high, the picture clearly shows the features of the baby's face, parts of the body in detail. The organs of the child, blood vessels, blood flow are clearly visible, the features in the structure of organs and vessels are determined with great accuracy.

When it is best to conduct a 3D study, for how long, the attending physician decides. If the attending physician did not find any complications when diagnosing pregnancy, then three-dimensional 3D diagnostics can be postponed until the end of the 3rd trimester. If there are suspicions of anomalies in the development of the fetus, it is best to perform 3D sonography with a device immediately after preliminary diagnosis.

Additional options for diagnosing on a 3D ultrasound machine:

  • Detects anomalies in the development of the spine.
  • Reconstruction of the child's brain will allow with great accuracy to exclude or confirm the presence of anomalies in the child.
  • With the help of volumetric sonography, all kinds of heart defects are detected.
  • Facial anomalies such as cleft palate and cleft lip are clearly defined.
  • It is possible to count all the fingers of the child.
  • Get a full photo of a baby in the womb.

The procedure is absolutely not dangerous, ultrasonic waves are emitted at the same frequencies and with the same power as in a conventional ultrasound machine.

At what time to conduct an ultrasound, the doctor decides. But this procedure should not be completely avoided. It will give the most complete picture of the health of the baby and possible pathologies that can still be prevented.

An ultrasound examination is a mandatory procedure during the bearing of a baby, so a woman should take it as seriously as possible and not skip it. When to do an ultrasound during pregnancy, the doctor usually tells the woman in the antenatal clinic, he also gives the referral.

For many years, ultrasound diagnostics has helped specialists to control the development of the embryo, as well as to diagnose and prevent various pathological processes in time. With the help of ultrasound diagnostics, you can determine:

  • pregnancy, its term, as well as to calculate future births;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • general condition of the genitals;
  • the amount of amniotic fluid, the condition of the umbilical cord, placenta;
  • the structure of the fetus;
  • violation in the formation of the fetus;
  • fetal heartbeat.

Such an examination is prescribed immediately after the woman is registered with the doctor. If the pregnancy proceeds normally, there are no violations and are not expected, an ultrasound examination is done 3 times during the entire pregnancy, if the development of pathologies is possible, the examination can be prescribed much more often. Consider what is the timing of the appointment of ultrasound during pregnancy.

The advantage of using ultrasound diagnostics is that it does not require any preparatory manipulations. If ultrasound diagnostics is carried out in a antenatal clinic, the woman will have to take a clean diaper from home, which will need to be laid on the couch.

In addition, the clinic will definitely need disposable shoe covers, otherwise they will not let you into the doctor's office, wet wipes or a towel to remove the remnants of the gel, as well as a condom, since ultrasound diagnostics early dates performed vaginally. If the study is carried out on a paid basis, then all of the above things will not be needed, they will be provided by the clinic.

In the second and third trimester, ultrasound is performed through the anterior wall of the abdomen. In this case, it is necessary to drink water half an hour before the procedure to fill bladder. As soon as the urge to urinate appears, an examination can be carried out.


At what weeks during pregnancy ultrasound is done, patients are interested in registering for the first time. The first planned ultrasound during pregnancy is scheduled for 10-14 weeks. It allows:

  • confirm uterine pregnancy;
  • see the position of the baby inside the mother;
  • general condition of the reproductive organs;
  • the presence of various neoplasms.

The doctor, using a vaginal sensor, displays the embryo on the screen, takes measurements and compares all indicators with the norms, which must necessarily correspond to the gestational age.

Sometimes, there is a need for an ultrasound in the early stages:

  • confirmation of pregnancy;
  • severe bleeding from the vagina;
  • acute pain in the lower abdomen;
  • suspected frozen pregnancy;
  • if the patient has a history of miscarriages;
  • pregnancy resulting from IVF;
  • various defects that were identified during past pregnancies;
  • with suspected multiple pregnancy.

One of important points conducting an ultrasound examination up to 10 weeks is an opportunity to diagnose the development of malformations in the embryo in time. If, after an ultrasound scan, the doctor suspects a defect incompatible with life in the fetus, it becomes necessary to use invasive diagnostic techniques:

  • taking amniotic fluid;
  • chorion biopsy.

Early diagnosis of the detection of defects is also relevant in the case when there is a serious need to terminate a pregnancy for a short period of time without harming the health and reproductive function of a woman.

Second ultrasound

At what time do 2 ultrasounds during pregnancy? Repeated ultrasound during pregnancy should be done when the period of 20-24 weeks approaches. At this time, the formation of many organs and systems in the fetus occurs, therefore, defects not previously identified are visualized much brighter than in the first study. In addition, the specialist performs such an inspection:

  • measurement of the front part and all internal organs future baby;
  • determination of the sex of the fetus;
  • general condition of the umbilical cord;
  • detection of pathologies;
  • whether the umbilical cord wraps around the embryo.

At a period of 20-24 weeks, a specialist on the screen can determine the weight of the fetus, clearly see the number of formed fingers. If an ultrasound specialist diagnosed the development of pathologies, abortion can only be done up to 24 weeks.

Third ultrasound

At 32-34 weeks, the third ultrasound is done. It helps to physically and mentally prepare a woman for future childbirth. During the study, the specialist checks for any violations in the formation of the baby, determines the presentation of the fetus, as well as the level of blood flow in the vessels, uterus and umbilical cord.


In addition to the planned mandatory ultrasound during pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe unscheduled ones. As a rule, they are carried out when several embryos are diagnosed in a fetal egg, as well as when:

  • heavy bleeding;
  • acute pain in the lower abdomen;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the endocrine system in the mother;
  • entanglement with the umbilical cord of the fetus;
  • in the age category exceeding 40 years;
  • suspicion of the development of pathologies and anomalies in the process of fetal formation;
  • the presence of infections;
  • placental detachment.


Ultrasound is divided into:

  • Transvaginal. It is done early. A special sensor is inserted into the vaginal area, on which a condom is put on, and the uterine area is examined. At later dates, this method is not applied.
  • Transabdominal. It is made at a later date. The specialist moves the sensor along the abdomen, and the resulting image is displayed on the screen.


There are many versions of the fact that ultrasound is harmful to a woman, however, experts still use it to this day. Of course, when using ultrasound, there are certain risks, which include:

  • severe stress for the fetus, which, under the influence of ultrasound, begins to move actively;
  • sharp uterine contraction;
  • possible risks associated with a violation in the structure of DNA.

However, all of the above possibilities pale in comparison to the benefits of ultrasound. Ultrasound is not just the norm, but a necessity. It allows you to determine and prevent pathological changes in the development of the embryo at an early stage, to find out the sex and date of birth of the future baby, and also to take a photograph of him in the womb.

This study allows you to answer numerous questions that arise from the doctor and the patient throughout the entire gestation period.

Scanning is designed to identify defects, as well as assess the development of the fetus. Every woman who is registered in a timely manner, ultrasound is done at least three times. But it is not necessary to adjust all cases to standard conditions. Each situation is considered individually. There are women in labor and accomplished mothers who have never visited the ultrasound diagnostic room for the entire period.

Many expectant mothers have an interest: Even the most experienced obstetrician-gynecologist will not be able to give you an answer to it. Everything is very individual. Doctors do not recommend expectant mothers to visit the scanning room every week in order to once again assess the condition of the fetus and find out how many millimeters its size has increased. At the same time, according to certain indications for pregnancy, a large number of studies can be carried out.

There is a misconception that such a diagnosis can harm the unborn child. Doctors say that this is how people who understand nothing about medicine think. In fact, doing an ultrasound is not so much harmful as useful, but again - according to indications.

If the doctor has doubts and reasons for conducting a diagnosis, then he prescribes an unscheduled study. Such monitoring can give a lot important information to prevent disastrous consequences. Ultrasound examination for expectant mothers and their children is not at all dangerous. During the procedure, there is no irradiation, and in fact it is he who is afraid of inexperienced future parents. The picture is delivered to the monitor of the device using ultrasonic reflection.

Number of ultrasounds

How often should the expectant mother visit the ultrasound diagnostic room? As you can already understand, it is impossible to give an exact and single answer. For the entire duration of pregnancy, at least three scans are performed. These are routine and are called first, second, or third trimester screenings. For their implementation, the doctor sets a certain range of weeks (usually from 2 to 4).

During this period, the expectant mother must meet: visit the specialist's office and receive a scan protocol. A woman has the right to refuse diagnostics. Then an official document is signed, which indicates the reason for this decision. All responsibility for possible congenital malformations and complications of pregnancy lies with the patient.

Often during the period you have to do not three, but several more studies. There are certain indications for emergency and unscheduled diagnostics. The number of monitorings cannot be limited by any parameter. If necessary and important, then ultrasound is performed almost every two weeks.

Scheduled examinations

How many times to do an ultrasound during pregnancy? There are three planned studies - three important screenings. With their help, the condition of the child, his development and parameters are assessed. Additionally, a woman takes a blood test, the results of which allow a more accurate interpretation of the readings received during the scan.

  • The first study is made from 10 weeks. Doctors recommend meeting the deadline of 12-14 weeks. During this period, you can get a lot of important information about the embryo, determine its size and gestational age. The estimated date of birth, set at this point, is considered as accurate as possible. Major birth defects are also found during this period. It is very important not to miss the first screening.
  • The second study is no less important. If for the first time everything was fine, then it is carried out up to 24 weeks. It is permissible to visit the ultrasound room as early as 20 weeks. This examination focuses on defects and malformations of vital organs.
  • The third diagnosis is made in the final pregnant trimester. The deadline for its implementation is set from 32 to 35 weeks. Then the state of the fetus, its readiness for an early birth is assessed. The doctor pays attention to the work of the placenta, studies the blood flow. All this is very important, since a banal lack of nutrition and oxygen can result in a serious injury for the baby.

How many times do ultrasound during pregnancy, according to the established plan? Three times.

When can the first ultrasound be done?

For the first trimester? Often it is during this period that a woman has to repeatedly visit the diagnostic room. There can be many reasons for conducting an unscheduled examination.

The first ultrasound is often assigned to the expectant mother to establish the very fact of pregnancy.. This is necessary for an irregular cycle, suspected ectopic attachment of the fetal egg, in order to treat inflammation (you need to make sure that there is no pregnancy). The first scan can be done as early as a week after the delay. At the same time, a modern device will show not only the presence of an embryo, but also record its heartbeat.

Transabdominal ultrasound

Diagnosis may be necessary up to 10 weeks due to suspicion of a threatened abortion. Scanning is prescribed for the following symptoms: bleeding, abdominal pain, back pain. If the threat is confirmed, then its therapy is carried out. After treatment, it is necessary to do another ultrasound, which will show the result of the use of medications. If you make a calculation, then we can say that in the first trimester a woman can visit the ultrasound room three times or more.

Special cases

Ultrasound during pregnancy may be prescribed for emergency indications. In the first and second trimester, diagnosis is often carried out due to the threat of termination of pregnancy. In the third trimester, we are talking about premature birth. An additional study can be carried out after a viral illness, such as influenza. Diagnosis is necessary in order to ensure the normal development of the baby and the absence negative impact drugs used on him.

If a woman has ICI or other problems with the cervix, then the study can be carried out repeatedly. Scanning is often required in the second trimester. However, it can be carried out every 7-10 days. So often, ultrasound is needed to track the behavior of the cervix and prevent its disclosure in time.

How many ultrasounds during pregnancy are performed in the third trimester? At the end of the term, diagnosis is often needed for expectant mothers with a history of caesarean section. With the help of ultrasound, gynecologists monitor the condition of the scar. If he allows, then a woman can give birth herself: in a natural way. When the scar is recognized as insolvent, another caesarean section is scheduled. However, it may be premature at the risk of divergence of the seam.

After childbirth: ultrasound diagnosis of the baby

A newborn baby needs ultrasound diagnostics no less than when he was in the mother's womb. Now the actions of doctors are aimed at assessing the development of the crumbs. There are several important studies that all children are subjected to. Remember that refusal of such manipulations can lead to bad consequences.

  • Study of the hip joints. This ultrasound allows you to assess how the joints have developed, whether there are any defects. In this way, dysplasia can be detected in time.
  • Neurosonography. This study of the brain is performed through an unprotracted fontanel. With its help, a neurologist can establish pathologies such as intracranial pressure, cysts, insufficient blood circulation.
  • Examination of the abdominal cavity. This ultrasound is prescribed for all babies. It studies the work of the digestive system and reveals its pathologies.
  • Ultrasound of the heart is prescribed exclusively according to indications. If there is no reason to examine a newborn, then it is scheduled at 12 months.
  • Ultrasound of the cervical region is necessary to establish a birth injury or torticollis. Appointed when suspected of such.

Many parents are afraid to do ultrasound to an infant. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this manipulation. On the contrary, diagnostics helps to detect pathologies in time and eliminate them without serious consequences. During the first six months of a baby's life, he should have at least 4 ultrasounds.


If you are interested in the permissible number of ultrasounds during pregnancy (how many times it is performed), then you should ask this question to your gynecologist. Only a doctor will be able to assess your individual condition and suggest whether additional scans will be needed. No one is immune from the need for an emergency ultrasound. Even an experienced gynecologist will not be able to reliably say whether you need it or not. How many ultrasounds can be done for the entire pregnancy? As much as you like, but only according to the testimony!

There is controversy about the harm or benefit of ultrasound. But whatever the attitude of future parents to such an examination, it is necessary to understand that there is more benefit from it than harm and it is necessary to do at least 2 ultrasounds during pregnancy for your own peace of mind about the life and health of the unborn child.

The first ultrasound usually takes place in the first trimester. At a period of 10-12 weeks, with an accuracy of 2-3 days, the doctor determines the expected date of delivery. At this time, the diagnosis of chromosomal diseases is possible. The collected data is analyzed, the doctor plans the medical tactics of the entire pregnancy.

A few weeks after the first study, the doctor prescribes a second planned ultrasound during pregnancy to obtain information about the mother's condition and the development of the child.

It is important not to miss this period, at 20 weeks of pregnancy, ultrasound is performed to finally exclude malformations or confirm unfavorable diagnoses.

Timing of the second ultrasound during pregnancy

Ultrasound helps to obtain information about the development of the embryo that cannot (or can, with certain assumptions) be determined using other diagnostic methods:

  • exact date,
  • multiple pregnancy,
  • diagnosis and prevention of miscarriage,
  • pathology of fetal development,
  • gender of the child, which is of particular interest to future parents for 9 months.

According to the recommendations of doctors, the second ultrasound during pregnancy must be completed no later than 22 weeks. This deadline was not set by chance. By 20 weeks, the embryo has already sufficiently formed almost all organs and systems that could not yet be considered during the first planned ultrasound. At this time, it is almost always possible to identify defects that cannot be treated and make a decision about a possible termination of pregnancy.

Sometimes, during an ultrasound scan at 20-21 weeks of gestation, pathologies of the embryo are detected, which can lead to its death even before birth or the child will not live long after birth.

  • profound disability of the child,
  • diseases that require expensive operations,
  • lack of limbs
  • the impossibility of the existence of a child without supporting his life with special equipment or medicines.

If such defects are detected at a later date, for example, at the 24th week of pregnancy, then gynecologists take such a pregnancy with great precautions. In the later stages, there is a high risk of developing complications that threaten the life of the pregnant woman herself. Therefore, it is so important to undergo a second ultrasound during pregnancy.

If the doctor has doubts about the diagnosis at 20-21 weeks, then he can reschedule another study in a week. During this time, the doctor can assess the condition of the fetus in dynamics, see if it has worsened or improved. This will allow you to clarify the diagnosis and draw the right conclusions.

If the second ultrasound is completed at the 22nd week of pregnancy, then there is less and less opportunity to influence the development of the identified pathologies.

What is examined on the second ultrasound during pregnancy

With ultrasound at 20-24 weeks of gestation, first of all, the doctor pays attention to the correspondence of the size (body weight, limb length, size of internal organs) of the fetus to the gestational age. The study at these times is very informative for further pregnancy, at this time the condition of the placenta and amniotic fluid is also assessed.

The purpose of this study is to identify pathologies of fetal development. If there are deviations, future mother referred for a consultation with a doctor - genetics. early intervention and proper treatment usually brings positive results.

Ultrasound at 20 weeks is mandatory for those expectant mothers who have abnormalities in the early stages. This is the period at the beginning of treatment at which you can get the most positive results of the identified pathologies.

You also need to take into account the fact that only up to 22 weeks the legislation allows you to legally terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

Important points of the second ultrasound

At the ultrasound of 20 weeks of pregnancy, the video clearly shows the first movements of the embryo, the doctor, at the request of the parents, can make them a disc with their baby in the title role.

At 20 weeks, the active development of the embryo begins, its internal organs are formed, the main parameters of the bone structure are laid. At this time, the embryo acquired the outlines of a little man, he had hairs on his head and nails on his fingers. The fetal heartbeat is perfectly audible using an electronic monitor or an auditory tube. With ultrasound at 20-21 weeks of gestation, the norm for the weight and growth of the fetus is approximately 250-300 g and 16-18 cm.

Starting from the 20th week, the fetus is actively gaining weight, it can gain weight up to 50 grams per week. His internal organs begin to function more and more actively, by the 22nd week they are fully formed. From 20-23 weeks of pregnancy, the formation of subcutaneous fat begins in the fetus, the skin becomes less wrinkled. The embryo also develops grasping and sucking reflexes. Nervous system at this time it is so developed that the fetus can feel the touch. The child actively moves inside, he can grab the umbilical cord or put his finger to his mouth.

Ultrasound at week 22 will show the work of all the internal organs of the fetus, you can also observe even his facial expressions. At this time, the embryo has formed to such a size that the doctor can examine not only the limbs themselves, their size, but also count how many fingers he has on his hands and feet.

At this moment, with great certainty, it is possible to establish the sex of the child, at the request of the parents, the doctor can tell them this news. With an ultrasound of 22 weeks of pregnancy, the norm of weight is about 350 g and the length from the crown to the sacrum is about 19 cm.

If for some reason ultrasound is not completed at 20-22 weeks, 23-24 weeks of pregnancy is the last possible time to interfere with fetal development.

The appointment of ultrasound at 25-28 weeks of pregnancy is quite rare and this is mainly due only to obvious indications: suspicions of missed pregnancy, deviations in the health of the pregnant woman and other adverse circumstances of pregnancy.

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, ultrasound can be prescribed for preterm birth to assess the location of the fetus, the place of possible entanglement with the umbilical cord. From this point on, the child has a reasonable chance of surviving such a birth.
