New Year holidays for schoolchildren. Scenarios for the new year senior classes. How to find out the exact vacation dates for a child

The decision on when to dismiss schoolchildren on vacation in Russia is made by the educational institution itself. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education, the duration of vacations, their start and end dates are determined by the school. Only the total duration of study and vacation periods is regulated, allowing children to cope with the curriculum without "overloads":

  • academic year for first-graders it should last at least 33 weeks, for students of other classes - at least 34;

  • the period of summer rest for children is at least 8 weeks;

  • short vacations within the school year must total at least 30 days, and first grade students are allowed an extra week.

Despite being given freedom of choice, most Russian educational institutions adhere to when approving the vacation schedule traditional scheme, established back in Soviet time: four quarters, a week of rest in November, two - for the New Year holidays, another week - at the end of March. Regional departments of education usually send out recommended vacation dates in advance of the start of the school year, but the final decision remains with the school administration.

Moscow is an exception. Here, vacation dates are the same and are set by the Metropolitan Department of Education for two options for the study schedule - traditional (quarter) and trimester (modular), when the year is divided into equal intervals and five weeks are followed by one vacation.

In the regions, the dates may vary slightly, but the vast majority of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums will have the same curriculum.

School year start and end dates

2017-2018 academic year traditionally starts September 1, on the Day of Knowledge. This year, the first week of school will be very short - the first day of autumn falls on the calendar on Friday, so that students will have the opportunity to smoothly move from rest to study.

The end date of the school year may be slightly shifted due to the peculiarities of the academic schedule. First to leave for summer vacation elementary grades- their school year is over May 22-24. Middle and high school students will study for a few days longer, for them the last day of school will be May 25-26. In Moscow schools that have chosen a modular mode of study, high school students will sit at their desks the longest - until the 31st.

9th and 11th grade students taking final exams will be exempted from study hassle in accordance with their exam schedule. Unified State Examination and OGE will begin at last week May and will run until the end of June.

graduation parties most will pass during the period from 23 to 25 May(they are not recommended to be held on June 22, on the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow), but if a student takes any exams on reserve days, his exam marathon can continue even after receiving a certificate.

Fall break dates 2017

According to a long tradition, the autumn holidays in schools are held the first week of November. In Soviet times, they were "combined" with the celebration of the anniversary of the October Revolution, but now they fall on the Day national unity celebrated on November 4th. In 2017, the holiday will be a Saturday, and due to the postponement of the holiday to Monday, November 6, adults will have a three-day mini-vacation. For schoolchildren, these days, of course, will also be "time off" - an additional day of rest will be "added" to the usual weekly duration of the November holidays.

Most Russian schools Autumn holidays - 2017 will be held according to the following schedule:

  • duration - 8-9 days;

  • official start– October 30 (Monday) or the previous Sunday;

  • last day of rest– October 6 (Monday) or October 7 (Tuesday).

Winter holidays schedule at school in 2017-2018 academic year

The middle of the school year will traditionally be marked by a two-week period of winter rest timed to coincide with the celebration of the New Year and Christmas. This is perhaps the most significant vacation of the school year. If only because the January holiday decade in Russia is the only time when both adults and children at the same time get rid of daily troubles for a long time and can plan quite long trips with the whole family. Therefore, it is especially important to find out the exact timing of the winter holidays in schools.

By tradition, schoolchildren are allowed to rest 3-4 days before the New Year, and they go “to the machine” almost simultaneously with adults - either on the same day or the next, and the period of the all-Russian weekend completely “fits” into children's holidays.

In the winter of 2017-2018, the “typical” school vacation schedule will be as follows:

  • duration - 14 days;

  • first day of rest– December 28 (Thursday);

  • last day of vacation– January 10 (Wednesday).

Additional holidays for first grade students - 2018

The third quarter is the longest and usually the most difficult for students. To "unload" the smallest, in February, first-grade students are given an extra week of rest. In addition, the February holidays are recommended for students of correctional schools, and in some educational institutions even the entire “primary school” can rest in February - from 1 to.

The timing of additional vacations is the most variable, in some regions they are preferred to be held at the beginning of February, and in some - at the end of the month, on the week when Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated.

In 2018, the first classes will rest for either a week from 5 to 11 February(this option may be the most common), or from the 17th to the 25th.

School Spring Break Schedule 2018

The date for which spring break is “aspiring” is April 1. In the fourth quarter usually began on this day. In 2018, the first day of April will be Sunday. And in most schools, the rest schedule will be like this:

  • duration - 8-9 days,

  • vacation start– March 24 (Saturday) or March 25 (Sunday);

  • last day of rest- April 1 (Sunday).

In some schools, the schedule may be shifted a week ahead, and students will rest a week later, April 1st to 8th.

Official vacation schedule for Moscow schools: traditional and trimester (modular) modes of study

In the capital, vacation dates for the 2017-2018 academic year are dictated by a special order from the city's Department of Education. It was signed on 03/09/2017.

In accordance with the order in schools where children study on, holidays will be announced:

  • in October- from 1 to 8 number;

  • In November- from 5 to 12 (in fact, children will start resting a day earlier, November 4 is a general day off);

  • on New Year's holidays– from December 31 to January 10;

  • in February– from 18 to 25;

  • in April- from the 8th to the 15th.

In educational institutions of Moscow, working according to the "classical" system four quarters, the following vacation periods will be established:

  • autumn - from October 29 to November 6;

  • winter - from December 31 to January 10;

  • additional February– from 18 to 25 February;

  • spring - from 1 to 8 April.

How to find out the exact vacation dates for a child

Since the final decision on vacation dates is made by the school management, the dates of their start or end in different educational institutions may not coincide with the “average” schedule.

There are several ways to find out the vacation schedule at your school.

  1. Go to the official website of the school. By law, all "calendar" information must be contained there. As a rule, it is located in the "Organization of the educational process" or "Schedule" section.

  2. Look into the child. Vacation schedules may be posted in the announcement or parent information sections. But even if this is not the case, you can try to "scroll" the magazine for the period of the proposed vacation and "calculate" the exact dates - no lessons will be scheduled for them;

  3. ask class teacher child. The schedule is usually approved in the summer, sometimes even earlier. By the time the school “roll calls” are held, teachers usually already have this information.

  4. Call the reception and check the vacation dates with the secretary of the educational institution.

The favorite time of all schoolchildren is the holidays, and the summer months come first in this regard. After all, we are talking about 90 days of complete freedom from study, constant homework and the need to get up for the first lesson. But there is another time no less expected by children - the winter holidays, during which everyone's favorite Christmas holidays take place. Since the government of the Russian Federation annually sets a new start and end date for this magical time, you should find out in advance exactly when it is worth waiting for the New Year holidays in 2018.

The long-awaited time

An important detail of the issue under consideration is the correspondence of the New Year holidays in schools with a trimester and quarter system of education. Such a long-awaited time partly corresponds to an extended weekend in honor of the New Year. It is at this time that not only schoolchildren can take a break from the constant educational need - adults also have an additional two weeks of “vacation”. Do you know what that means? Every Russian family has the opportunity to enjoy the holidays together. Perhaps that is why the announced period is considered the most long-awaited and unforgettable.

Unfortunately, at the moment there is no exact schedule for the winter holidays for the student, since the Ministry of Education usually resolves this issue a few weeks before the start of the new school year.

Nevertheless, with a regular calendar at hand, you can try to make a tentative winter vacation schedule.

In addition, it is easy to compare a similar time period with last year's version, so that the calculations are more plausible.

Winter timetable

Finding out how many days new year holidays among schoolchildren in 2018, it is worth announcing the following assumptions. According to preliminary information, the future New Year holidays will start on December 25, 2017 and will continue until January 9 of the next one. By the way, additional time is allocated for junior classes for a full-fledged winter holiday - from February 19 to February 25. As a result, they will have to go to school on January 10, but only if the officials do not make their changes to the announced schedule. Otherwise, the new academic quarter and trimester will begin on January 9th.

Not so long ago, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation prepared a special proposal, which refers to the possibility of postponing the winter holidays in 2018.

If such a project is approved by the deputies of the State Duma, the Russians will be able to fully celebrate the long-awaited Christmas time for only 10 days - from December 30 to January 8.

According to the announced transfer public holidays, the situation may look like this: January 6 and 7 are planned to be moved to March 9 and May 12. The government also wants to replace Saturdays on April 28, June 9 and December 29 (2018), with Mondays April 30, June 11 and December 31. It turns out that the following time periods will become additional days off for schoolchildren:

  • December 30–January 8 – 10 days;
  • February 23-25 ​​- 3 days;
  • March 8-11 - 4 days;
  • April 28–May 2 – 4 days;
  • June 10-12 - 3 days;
  • November 2–5 – 3 days.

For the working class, this time is also considered desirable and expected, moreover, according to current legislation, before the holidays, the working day should be reduced by 1 hour.

By the way, if someone did not know, it is Russia that is considered the country least of all "accustomed to work" - it has the largest number of non-working days and days off for all 12 months.

If the educational process of schoolchildren takes place in trimesters, the date of the New Year's weekend will be slightly different. So it was before. Now it is possible to combine both study options for more convenience for parents.

So, how we relax on New Year's Eve, it is clear how long this time will last, too. It remains only to wait for the end of summer to find out the exact schedule for the beginning and end of this wonderful winter season, filled with holiday surprises, pleasant surprises and bright fun.

For the New Year, high school students also want to prepare something bright, unusual. Moreover, it is already quite difficult to surprise teenagers. We really need something interesting, eventful, incendiary competitions. In order for the guests of the evening not to get bored, you need to constantly involve them in participating in the celebration.

You can do this with the help of games, give them the opportunity to address the audience, speak, for example. In the article, we have prepared several options for meeting the New 2018 Year of the Dog for high school students.

This holiday scenario is sure to please everyone present. Of course, if you approach its implementation with responsibility. Of course, high school students themselves can also be involved - let them play bandits, for example, or good fairies. By the way, do not think that high school students do not believe in fairy-tale sorceresses - everyone wants a miracle on New Year's Eve, and no one has canceled a sense of humor.

In addition, you should carefully approach the preparation of costumes for the New 2018 Year of the Dog for high school students. It is they who are responsible for making an ordinary day a bright holiday.

So, let's start the operation "Save Santa Claus." This evening's hosts are two fairy fairies dressed in sparkling white suits. Also, bandits, a gypsy and Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden participate in the production.

The first to enter the stage are the presenters - fairies.

Fairy 1: Here comes the holiday that we have been waiting for so long!

Fairy 2: It is a New Year! He is already standing right on the doorstep of the school!

Together: Friends, we sincerely congratulate you and, of course, we are traditionally looking forward to visiting us ...

Spectators: Santa Claus!

Fairy 1: We promise that the holiday will be very fun.

Fairy 2: No one will be bored - that's for sure! Let's celebrate the New Year with a round dance. Sing a song about the Christmas tree!

Participants of the holiday begin to dance, sing a song. Suddenly, bandits appear at the party. And instead of the melody “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” for some reason, the song “Because we are a gang” of the group “Disco Crash” starts playing.

Bandit 1: No, well, did you hear that at all? Yes, what is going on here?

Bandit 2: It is clear that again they sing these songs of theirs, but dance around the Christmas tree ...

Bandit 3: Dear, you haven't forgotten anything, have you?

Bandit 4: Do not understand? Oh, and also schoolchildren. Yes, you didn't invite us to your party.

Bandit 1: It's a shame ... Well, nothing, we will take revenge on you. So, the gang is behind me!

Offended robbers scatter with frightening cries. The Snow Maiden appears in the hall to the beautiful New Year's melody.

Snow Maiden: Here comes the old year. It is replaced by New. How many wonderful days he will bring with him. And our worries and sorrows old year will take forever.

Fairy 1: Hello, our dear Snow Maiden.

Fairy 2: How long have we been waiting for you!

Fairy 1: But where is Santa Claus? Didn't you meet him on your way to the party?

Snow Maiden: Ah, some bandits stole it on the way. I thought they would take me too. Now there can be no holiday. How can we light the Christmas tree?

Fairy 1: Well, nothing, Snow Maiden. Santa Claus more than once got out of trouble safe and sound.

Fairy 2: And this time everything will be fine! Well, we'll help. And be sure to celebrate the holiday together!

Fairy 1: In the meantime, let's light the lights on the Christmas tree. Let these bandits know - they will not be able to spoil our holiday.

Bandit 1: Well, take your Frost! Oh, and he turned out to be a bandit!

Bandit 2: Chatting so much. Tells some stories. I almost lost my mind!

Bandit 3: And what kind of stick he has ... This magic staff ... Wow, my sides still hurt ...

Bandit 4: Yes, and take this useless bag for yourself! We cannot open it (they take out a bag with gifts).

The Snow Maiden joyfully runs up to Santa Claus and hugs him.

Snow Maiden: Are you all right, grandpa?

Father Frost: Hello my dear. Hello kids. Look how you have grown! But I've grown old completely, now I can not distinguish between truth and deceit. Here are all sorts of dishonorable people and offend me.

Snow Maiden: We will punish their grandfather, they will know how to spoil everyone's holiday!

Fairy 1: Now I will order them: “Freeze”, and they will not be able to leave the place.

Bandits: Not! Well, forgive us or something! We also want New Year Mark!

Father Frost: Oh well stay.

Snow Maiden: So, all difficulties behind. But for some reason, the audience got bored. Let's celebrate already, young people. After all, the holiday is here - here it comes!

Fairy 1: And I have already invited someone who will help us have a cool New Year's Eve.

Fairy 2: Philip Kirkorov???

Fairy 1: Well, no ... But it won't be boring! Meet!

Sounds like a gypsy romance. A gypsy slowly enters the stage.

Gypsy: Well, good evening, dear children. Let's play a little with you. Come out here to me - let's draw!

Competition "Draw a Christmas Tree"

Guests are given pencils, sheets, paints. Blindfold their eyes.

Gypsy: And now, my dear Malevichs, draw a symbol of the New Year - a real Christmas tree. Here's a brush in your mouth.

An incendiary New Year's melody sounds. Blindfolded and hands-free high school students are trying to draw a Christmas tree.

Gypsy: My God. Yes, such pictures should be exhibited in the gallery! What good fellows you all are. Everyone deserves a small prize (gives prizes to participants).

Competition "Dress up Santa Claus"

Two teams of three people each take part in this competition. Each team will have a participant who portrays Santa Claus - they put him on a chair.

The two remaining participants are tied to each other by tying their opposite hands with a ribbon. With free hands, they will have to dress up Santa Claus to the music - put on his beard with an elastic band, mustache, hat, suit, mittens and hand over felt boots.

When the participants dress up Santa Claus, they will have to treat them with a tangerine. Of course, first they will need to clean it without untying their hands.

Competition "Come on"

3-5 people are invited to participate in the competition. Obstacles in the form of bottles or glasses are placed on the floor in front of them. Each is given a small Balloon and a tube.

The gypsy commands: Started!

Participants blow into the tube and with their breath try to roll the ball to the end of the distance, avoiding obstacles. All this is accompanied by incendiary New Year's music. Whoever completes the task first is the winner.

The evening ends, of course, with a New Year's disco. Each of the participating characters says congratulations to the guests and says goodbye to them.

Fairy 1: Do you hear the New Year is coming?

Fairy 2: Yes, here he is already walking along the corridors of the school! Approaching us!

Gypsy: AT next year you will get even older, and you may no longer want to take part in our fun New Year's antics.

Rogue 1: But we hope that you will always remain children in your heart!

Rogue 2: After all, only children know how to truly rejoice! So cool to have fun!

Rogue 3: And at the disco we will continue the fun! In the meantime, the most enjoyable part of the evening - gifts!

The Snow Maiden and Santa Claus also say goodbye to the guests and distribute gifts.

Scenario for a fun holiday based on the movie "Christmas Trees"

Another option happy holiday for New Year's Eve. It is perfect for high school students. In that New Year's scenario for the New Year 2018, an almost real Ivan Urgant and a whole pack of dogs are involved.

The host of the evening is Ivan Urgant. His colleague, the Snow Maiden, also leads the holiday. Dogs also participate - Yoko and Pirate, the dog Ugar with his flock, a rooster named Major and Santa Claus.

Ivan Urgant enters the stage and finds the Snow Maiden there in tears.

Ivan: So, I was already going to Olechka, to my son, and what I see - our Snow Maiden is all in tears! Why are you crying, you'll catch a cold?

Snow Maiden: I just heard such a sad story ... The year of the dog is on the nose, and here they are trying to separate two dogs in love. The owners took Yoko to London forever, and the Pirate will disappear here without her.

Pirate: I'm lost! Ah, my sad life! Friends, haven't you yourself loved? Help me stay with my dear Yoko. I'm going to find her in London!

During the holiday, the heroes and guests visit several countries: Belarus, Poland, Germany, France. And in the process, they participate in a wide variety of New Year's competitions.

There is a yacht in Paris that takes guests to London. Its captain is a rooster named Major. To take everyone to London, he demands that the Snow Maiden dance a festive dance for him. And then, he decides to leave her on the yacht forever.

To take the Snow Maiden from the claws of the Rooster, the guests of the evening will have to compete with him in the Karaoke contest. As a result, the rooster, of course, loses and he has to take everyone to the place.

He congratulates the guests on the holiday, and says goodbye to them.

In London, our team is waiting for other dangerous adventures. It turns out that a dog named Ugar captured Yoko. To save her, you need the help of Santa Claus. That one wins angry dog in a fair fight with snowballs made of cotton wool and adhesive tape.

As a result, Yoko hugs her beloved Pirate. Everyone is happy! New Year's disco is announced.

New Year for high school students "Yolkin Graduation"

Both teachers and students can take part in this show dedicated to the New Year of the Dog 2018.


  • tree - a beauty in a green dress or suit with bright toys, glasses and smoothed hair (the image of a young know-it-all girl);
  • a hare - a high school student in light-colored shorts and a T-shirt, with ears and a painted face;
  • snowflakes - two girls in fluffy white skirts and white T-shirts;
  • snowman - a slender high school student in a white tracksuit, with a modern haircut and advanced outlook on life;
  • the dog is a make-up high school student in a yellow dress, with a bow around her neck.

At first, the participants sit at their desks - they don’t really like studying, they already feel like adults and the smartest. For example, the dog put his feet on the desk, and makes himself a manicure. The snowman enthusiastically plays the tablet. Snowflakes take selfies and talk about Instagram snow queen. Only Yolka, sitting at the first desk, reads a book.

Christmas tree: People, by the way, we will soon have a graduation!

Snowman (continue to play): Well... and what's wrong with that?

Christmas tree: How can you not understand! Every year we take part in these holidays, round dances. And when we become graduates, no one will do this anymore. How will the kids celebrate the holiday? To whom will they shout "Christmas tree burn"? It's all sad...

Silence in the hall. Everyone sits next to each other and begins to seriously discuss what to do.

Dog: Here's how. My year is on the way. And I have the same this year - admission to the university. Don't have too much fun! How we have all changed over the years. Look at our Snowman. He used to be a cute fat guy. Now what?

Snowman: Just today in the trend to be slim. And also smart. Let's leave time New Year's matinees behind - we will take life more seriously and look to a brighter future.

Snowflakes: But after all, schoolchildren will not be able to do without snowflakes, without Christmas trees and New Year's crackers. It `s so sad. I'm going to post on Instagram now.

Christmas tree: I believe that without Santa Claus we will not solve anything.

The participants in the scene call Grandfather Frost. He comes, looks around and sits in bewilderment on a chair.

Father Frost: I do not understand anything. Who called me? Where are the children? Elka, why aren't you ready for the holiday?

Christmas tree: Grandpa, help, we don't know what to do. This year we will have a graduation and we don’t understand who will be the Christmas Tree for the guys later, and how to continue to live without Snowflakes and Bunny.

Hare: This is a real disappointment. What do we do?

Father Frost: Well, what are you guys? Let's solve your problem now. I will introduce you to your deputies. Friends, let's all call my granddaughter together: Sleep - gu - roch - ka!

The Snow Maiden goes out to the guests and brings the kids with her: the Christmas Tree, the Bunny, the Snowman and the Snowflakes.

Snow Maiden: Here is your shift. Now they will entertain schoolchildren, don't worry.

Father Frost: Christmas tree, and today before graduation, according to tradition ...

All: One! Two! Three! Shine Christmas tree!

New Year's time for children is the time when the most cherished dreams come true. During this period, a lot of interesting and exciting things happen at school. Especially loved by students primary school cheerful matinee. To make it memorable and exciting, careful preparation is necessary. An important role in it is played by funny scenarios for schoolchildren for the New Year 2018.

Another important component of any holiday is the leader. He is the main figure of any representation. Depends on his abilities:

  1. the success of the event;
  2. the mood of the participants and guests of the party;
  3. the atmosphere of the whole holiday.

The hosts for the school evening can be successful high school students who have artistic talent and strive to show themselves as creative individuals.

The next components of the festive evening are the scenery and costumes of the participants. This is of particular importance in performances for the youngest. Everything should be believable and unusually colorful. In school conditions, this is, of course, not easy to do. Parents and sponsors of the school should be involved in the organization of the festive evening, if possible. Only in this case, the New Year's play at school can take place and be truly successful.

Participants in the performance should also be selected carefully. After all, some of them will have to learn a large text. In this case, great hope is placed on teachers. They must select the most capable and talented students for the school performance. The desire of the student is also important. It is necessary that the student wants to show his acting talent. Without this, one should not hope for the success of the performance either.

As for the scenario of the holiday, it should also be taken with full responsibility. It should be simple, understandable and at the same time relevant, that is, talk about what is currently of interest to schoolchildren. For elementary grades, it should be educational.

Scenario for elementary grades

The New Year is a holiday of a cosmic scale, therefore extraterrestrial guests will also come to the children. The Star of Cassiopeia herself and her retinue will descend to the baby, headed by the romantic Astrologer. The brave Superhero will pacify the space pirates, and nothing will be the way for Santa Claus and his beautiful granddaughter.

(The hall is decorated with New Year's decorations. Space music sounds, ringing, light and noise effects are heard. The Star of Cassiopeia emerges from a piece of ice.)

Song of Cassiopeia:

I am Cassiopeia, I am a Star,
In the night sky I shone for centuries.
I feel like I got lost in space.

Cassiopeia: Oh, how many days I spent in this ice floe. Cosmic days go by so fast.

Yesterday I was at home, on my star,
Today, no one knows where.
Brought me into fear and trembling
Thick meteor shower.
He shook me around the white light,
Dropped onto this planet.
Hello blue planet
Be for me you, as a native.

Oh, I think I hear someone's footsteps. (Hides behind a piece of ice)

Astrologer: I am an astrologer stargazer. The stars tell me the fate of people, allow me to prevent grief. Time and space are nothing to me, because the cosmic bodies revealed their magic to me.

Can't be! Am I wrong! After all, I foresaw that soon a space traveler, the Star of Cassiopeia, will open to the human eye. The meteor shower ended recently - everything converges - he must deliver it to us. Guys, have you met Cassiopeia?

Children: Seen! Here she is!

Astrologer: Come out, sky wanderer. Do not be afraid, our beauty. You are on the hospitable planet Earth. planet of good people

(Cassiopeia exits)

Cassiopeia: How wonderful that I am on Earth? This is true? (addressing the audience). They say that good, sympathetic, honest, smart kids live on this planet.

Astrologer: And there is. Today the guys are celebrating the New Year, so they gathered right here, near the Christmas tree.

Cassiopeia: What is a tree?

Astrologer: A Christmas tree is a Christmas tree. They symbolize the joy and happiness that comes to every home with this holiday. It glows with lights and shines with rain. The guys and I can sing about him for you.

Cassiopeia: So sleep on.

(To the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" or "It's cold in the winter for a little Christmas tree", the children and presenters spin a round dance.)

Cassiopeia: Guys, it's so much fun with you, but should I call space friends?

Astrologer: Of course, we are all happy at our holiday.


Sending a signal to distant lands
The starry distances are wide.
So that the space of eternal ether,
Across the universe reported:
"Company of cheerful people
Invite your friends over"

(Space music sounds, the play of light and guests appear)

Astrologer: Introduce yourself dear guests!


Hello, I'm Comet
glad to meet you
Know your planet
Just what you need for a laugh.


And I'm her sister
Little comet.
I came to give a holiday
Cheerful, bright children.

Star Boy:

Hello everyone, I'm a star boy
I have a spaceship.
I will tell the whole world
You kids are just crazy.


I am the funniest star in the sky.
And joyfully to the one who starts the song together.
I work miracles, soon everyone smile.
And turn to your friend with a smile.

Astrologer: If you are Igridromeda, then show us what you can do. Our kids love games so much. Which one will make us happy?

(Games on the topic: “Who wants to become an astronaut.” Children are tested for dexterity, ingenuity, strength, using a variety of relay races, quizzes and other things.)

Comet: Guys, what fun!

Comet: We want to celebrate the New Year with you.

Star Boy: And we also heard that you have Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Playdromeda: So let's go meet them.

(A block of musical numbers followed by pirate music. Pirates appear)

Pirate: Fear us, we are real space pirates.

Pirate: Do you want to celebrate the New Year? We won't let you do that.

Pirate: We will steal your New Year and take it to our ship, where we will have fun without you.

Pirate: Let's go quickly! I have a plan.

(Cassiopeia and Stargazer enter)

Cassiopeia: Guys, why are you all so excited? What happened?

Astrologer: They were scared by space pirates. They want to ruin our holiday and say that they already have a plan for this.

Cassiopeia: Oh, do they really ruin everything here! What will happen now? What to do?

Astrologer: Let's call for help from Earth.

All: Help! Help! Help!

(A superhero runs out from backstage. He makes several circles around the stage with his hand raised up. Then, putting his hands on his belt, he carefully examines the faces of those present.)


Where adversity came to the house,
Where is the bad mood
There I will be waiting
Another adventure.
The whole planet I guys
On a bright holiday I protect
To have no worries
I quickly destroy evil.
Who will hurt the baby
On the eve of a big holiday
I will quickly punish him
I'll teach the prankster!

Cassiopeia: Space pirates are threatening to somehow steal our New Year. Take him to your ship and have fun there, and leave us in the old year.

Superhero: Don't worry! These bandits are on my shoulder. I have repeatedly punished them for meanness. Keep on having fun.

(The superhero leaves. All the guests appear on the stage)

Cassiopeia: Isn't it time for us to call the Snow Maiden and Grandfather Frost?

Star Boy: How did we get them!

Playdromeda: Come on, all together.

(Call once)

(Pirates come out, clumsily dressed as the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus)

Cassiopeia: Oh, who is this?

Pirate: What are you watching? Don't know? I am Santa Claus!

Pirate: And I'm a Snow Maiden!

Playdromeda: And I imagined you completely different.

(The pirate is grimacing, and at this time the pirate sneaks up to the bag and tries to steal it. The bag should be in a conspicuous place from the very beginning of the holiday.)

Pirate: In this bag new Year gifts. I will steal them and the whole holiday will be held on my ship. I will not share my New Year with anyone.

Superhero(runs out from backstage): Here they are, the pirates.

(The superhero picks up the bag of gifts and jokingly catches the pirates)

Cassiopeia: So it's the pirates.

Superhero: As punishment, I will send them to a distant galaxy, where they will consider their behavior. And if they improve, then we will call them to the next New Year. Do you agree?

All: Agree!

Playdromeda: It's time to call the real Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

All: Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

(Get out)

Father Frost:

Bright ray of the rising year,
In the cosmic dance I heard you.
Let from now on any adversity
It will become a victory easily, at the same hour.

Snow Maiden:

Evening sparkling with a smile is marked,
Truly a holiday of universal boundaries.
Be, my friend, happy and carefree,
How I love the warmth of your faces.

Father Frost: Well, wait! It's time to send gifts.

(Children are given gifts to New Year's music. Firecrackers, fireworks and other available means of achieving festive pathos are used).

Fun show for high school students

New Year is a time of miracles. Nobody knows what might happen. We have chosen a scenario for our readers school party where a fairy tale and modern life with its tendencies and nuances are combined. We think that with appropriate preparation, this performance can be a great success and be remembered for a long time, both by schoolchildren and teachers and parents.

"Baba Yaga. New Year's Reboot"

Characters: Baba Yaga, Stylist, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Kikimora, Goblin, Blonde, Host, Host.

On the stage scenery of Baba Yaga's hut. The leader and leader appear.


The New Year is rushing towards us, rushing,
Soon a miracle will happen
Magic time is coming soon
It's time to make a wish!
It's time to prepare congratulations
And light fires everywhere
Wear bright clothes
Have a great holiday ahead!


Right, right, get ready
Get ready, try
Soon the tree will light up
The holiday is knocking at the door!

Presenter: Dear friends, we are glad to see you today at our holiday. As you know, the New Year is a time of change and magic.

Leading: Change is always good. Everyone strives for them, and even fairy-tale heroes.

Presenter: What are you talking about now?

Leading: Didn't you hear? Baba Yaga has now decided to change her appearance. Everyone around here already knows, and only you do not know.

Presenter: You're lying! It can't be!

Leading: Maybe, maybe! We bet, on desire, that by the end of the evening, Baba Yaga will become a beauty!

Presenter: Ah, we argue! Get ready, I'll make a wish for you! I'll just look for an idea on the Internet and think of it!

Leading: Come on, I'll help you find it! And at the same time I will make sure that the desire is decent!

(The hosts leave. Baba Yaga appears on the stage, all in rags, with a mirror in her hands)

Baba Yaga:

Soon, soon the New Year
The whole country was waiting for him
Soon, soon he will come
Even I got excited!
I need to pick a dress
Makeup, hairdo,
I need to clean up the house
And make salads!
Can dye your hair
Or maybe curl them
Can I fix my eyebrows
And curl your eyelashes!
What to do, I don't know
I haven't painted in a long time
I'll conjure a stylist
In idea! Decided!

(Makes a symbolic gesture with his hands, the Stylist appears in the hall. Enters, buried in a magazine)

Stylist: Now, now my princess, I'll show you the latest! You will fall with delight! Here, look dear, what a color, what a wow! (looks up). Oh where am I? What actually happened? My baby, where are you? What bad taste around, horror, what!

Baba Yaga: Well, why immediately horror? Yes, slightly untidy.

Stylist: What bad manners! What a dress, what hair, what a look!

(Sounds the chorus of the song "Well, why are you so terrible")

Baba Yaga: Yes, I am a beauty! Wow, really a pro, appreciated my most fashion dress. Like?

Stylist: Like? Yes, you can scare children in it on Halloween!

Baba Yaga: So, what do you think I'm doing?

Stylist: What about hair? And those nails! And anyway, where is my Bead? She's not finished yet!

Baba Yaga: In general, the barber, stop lamenting! Come on, make me beautiful! Run!

Stylist: Wow, how rude. What if I refuse?

Baba Yaga: I'll eat you or turn you into a toad!

Stylist: But, I have everything on record!

Baba Yaga: Oh, enough already! Turn me into a beauty!

Stylist: Okay, I've convinced you! Say what you want?

Baba Yaga: I want, I want, I want, well, I don’t know, to be nice!

(The stylist pulls out two photos from his pocket, one of a girl with hair and makeup, the other of a horror monster)

Stylist: Alas, it is impossible to explain what "cute" is, you have to see it for yourself. It's not too late to refuse, then there will be no going back. If you choose this picture (shows the version with a monster), I can’t help you, if you choose this picture (shows the version with makeup), you will find yourself in a fairy tale. Remember, darling, I'm only offering you perfection!

Baba Yaga: What is there to choose? Paint me! New Year is coming soon!

(The stylist begins supposedly putting Baba Yaga in order. Goblin and Kikimora appear on the stage)

Kikimora: Hey old, we're here to drink tea with grebes. Put the kettle on! So I don't understand what's going on here?

Goblin: Did you suddenly think of this?

Baba Yaga: Get off you! I decided to be beautiful and find myself a groom. And that I'm all alone, yes alone? Yes, and I want to meet the New Year as a human being, transformed so to speak!

Kikimora: Leshun, did you hear? She got married! Oh, I can't! Ha, ha, ha, ha!

Goblin: The bride is old!

Stylist: And here, you laugh in vain! You, dear, need to refresh your skin, put your hair in order, in general, a complete upgrade! But you dear, a manicure, a new dress and makeup would not hurt, otherwise you look terrible!


I am the mistress of the swamps
I know how to scare
And I'm beautiful, I'm irresistible
I go to the salon every year!


And I'm beautiful from birth,
I'm beautiful, no doubt
So brutal, strong
And fashionable myself I will give advice!

Stylist: Are you on the waiting list?

Stylist: Taks, can I accept you in 2019, and then, only early in the morning, record?

Kikimora: Are you kidding me? Now come on! I also want to celebrate the New Year beautiful!

Goblin: And I!

Stylist: OK then. Only you guess a couple of riddles, and then I will decide who will be the first and who will come in 2019!

(Several riddles are read, or instead of them you can spend some fun competition in which spectators can also take part. The stylist chooses the winner. The sound of heels is heard. A blonde appears with curlers on her head, with a phone in her hands and in a hairdresser's robe)

Blonde: My bead! I do not understand! What's the matter? Where are you even lost? Why do I have to look for you by GPS?

Stylist: Well, my bubochka, they promised to eat me here.

Blonde: So what! Would have eaten, then come back and finished! It's a few hours before the New Year, and I still have to remember where I need to go.

Kikimora: Lady, in line, here, by the way, everyone wants to be beautiful!

Blonde: Fi what, not perfect.

Baba Yaga: Hey, don't interfere with the maestro's work! And then I'll turn everyone into toads!

Blonde: Oh, I don't mind, green is on trend, I'll be trendy!

Kikimora: You will be croaking, not fashionable!

(A knock is heard. A disheveled Snow Maiden with Santa Claus flies into the hut)

Snow Maiden:

Through the wind, through the snow they made their way,
And my braids are a little disheveled,
Lightly and drip makeup,
I need to be beautiful urgently, now!
I'm in an hour to lead round dances,
Songs to sing, dance and joke,
Come on, stylist, bring beauty to me,
And then I can deprive the gift!

Blonde: Fi what! By the way, there's a queue! So let's get in line like everyone else!

Snow Maiden: By the way, I am the granddaughter of Santa Claus!

Blonde: And Che, and my dad is the president, but who boasts!

Father Frost:

Waiting for care, kids,
It's time for us to go
Be good, I beg
Comb her hair!

Baba Yaga: Look, how dull, they said the same in line! I actually rented it first!

Father Frost: Yaga, are you thinking of spoiling the holiday again?

Baba Yaga: And do not spoil anything, I just want to be beautiful and get married! Maybe I want to be kind, but you all interfere!

Snow Maiden: Here, be good! Let me pass! I have a tree, children!

Baba Yaga: And I have happiness on the line!

Father Frost: Well, be a man, Yaga! I have already prepared New Year's greetings! I want to get home as soon as possible, I have a fur coat there, Olivier, aspic! And the granddaughter will have a cake!

Blonde: Oh, I parked, I parked, I don’t remember where I parked!

(Everyone begins to argue animatedly, gesticulate. The curtain falls. The presenters appear)

presenter (rubbing hands): Are you ready to fulfill my New Year's, honestly won caprice?

Leading: Are you ready to play mine if you lose?

Presenter: But this was funny. Where am I and where will I lose?

Leading (allegedly conjuring) :

Now, immediately, appear before us,
Beauty, well-groomed such,
The one that was the soul of evil for years,
The one that was called the Bone Leg!

(The curtain rises. A girl is standing on the stage in beautiful dress with makeup and hair)

Presenter: Who let a stranger into the hall? Girl, clear the stage, we have an important argument here!

Leading: Yes, you stand! What did you throw? Girl, who are you?

Young woman: My name is Yagulechka, my Stylist came up with a name for me, and chose a dress too.

Leading: Invented? What was your name before?

Young woman: Baba Yaga, but that's in the past. I am now kind, beautiful!

Presenter: You must be evil and scary!

Young woman: Why was I angry and scary before, but because I didn’t have a Stylist!

Leading: I command you, loser, to fulfill my cherished desire!

(A wish is made that matches the theme. The host can also appoint a fun competition instead of the desire. In the meantime, the Host performs, other heroes dressed in beautiful outfits appear on the stage)


The New Year is already upon us
Soon everything will happen to us
It is only worth wishing
And accept your gift!

(After that, they all sing together the song of the Disco Accident “The New Year is rushing towards us”)


The evening is drawing to a close
The holiday is knocking at our door,
I want to pay tribute to him
Let the fires burn everywhere!


I offer us friends
Light a beautiful Christmas tree!
Friendly, come on, one, two, three,
Christmas tree, come on, burn!

Cool sketches for the New Year 2018 for schoolchildren

Create a festive mood for New Year's Eve at school, short comic scenes that the students themselves can play will also help. It is advisable to put them at the beginning of the main performance as a kind of “warm-up”. Such numbers are dedicated to school life or interesting topics for students.

Teacher:"Petrov, why do you look at your watch every minute?"

Petrov:“Because I am terribly worried that a stupid call will interrupt this amazingly interesting lesson at a completely inopportune time.

The children finish reading the tale: “This is how the brothers forced Ivanushka the Fool to finally get to work. And I was there, honey, drinking beer, flowing down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.

teacher: "What do you guys think, what is the moral of this tale?"

Vovochka:"I need to shave more often."

Teacher:"Who is Chapaev?"

Vovochka:"This is the leader of the Negroes!"

Teacher:"And why is that?"

Vovochka:"Well, you yourself said that he fought against the whites."

Teacher:"Chapaev is the leader of the Reds!"

Vovochka:“What, the Indians also participated in this?”

Somehow, on New Year's Eve, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden called the children to visit and began to ask them questions based on the materials of the school curriculum:

Father Frost:"What are dense forests?"

Pupil:“These are forests in which it is good to take a nap!”

Snow Maiden:"Who can name five wild animals?"

Student stretches out his hand: "A lion, a lioness and ... three lion cubs."

Teacher:"Now I'll prove the Pythagorean theorem to you."

Little Johnny from the back : “Is it worth it, Ivan Ivanovich? We believe you anyway!”

Teacher:“Children, draw a square with a side of twelve centimeters!”

Petrov:“Marya Ivanovna, what kind of square is this - with one side ?!”

The event is best held in the assembly hall, which must first be decorated.

sweet gifts for children (spectators).

Father Frost ,
Dog ,
Baba Yaga,

Look Recommendations:
All images need to be modernized (except for Santa Claus). For example, Kikimora can be dressed up in a stylish green dress, a green wig and complete the look with appropriate accessories. It should be fashionable, glamorous, shiny and mannered. Babu Yaga can also be made into a modern fashionista. Put on her stylish scarf, long skirt and high heels. In the hands of the character, you can hand a broom to complement the image. Rogue can be dressed in leather jacket, draw tattoos for him and stick a beard. The dog can also be dressed up in stylish attire. For example, put on her a fur vest, felt ears and boots with heels.

Santa Claus, Baba Yaga, Kikimora stand on the stage.

Father Frost :
Every year,
For so many years
I have no rest from you!
You scream, you make noise
You want to steal a holiday!
Then you will take away the gifts,
Then you take the tree
You ruin the clock
Stop being kids!

Baba Yaga:
We are not good heroes
Doing evil is in our blood
Kindness is out of fashion now
Let's have fun from the heart!

Also, so interesting
Collect gifts for us
Well, not everything in this world,
Should be for kids!

Father Frost :
Enough! Tired of your antics! Do you want gifts? There will be gifts for you!

What's the catch?

Father Frost :
And the catch is that if you can live a year without harming other people, then I will put you on the cherished list of good children, and if not, you will not see gifts.

Baba Yaga:
Just! Easily!

Father Frost :
And I don't think you'll last a day.

Do we argue?

Father Frost :
And easily!

Baba Yaga:

(They hit on the hands, the curtains fall)

(Leaders appear on the stage)

Snow sweeps, sweeps outside the window,
The house will soon be filled with a holiday,
There will be gifts, sweets, toys,
I'll blow up fireworks, firecrackers!

We will congratulate each other
And we will celebrate the New Year
We will choose outfits
And Santa Claus is waiting under the Christmas tree!

Hello dear friends! And so another year is drawing to a close. For some, it was joyful, unusual, cheerful and unexpected.

And for someone he was the first school year. You had so many discoveries, novelties and delights, dear children. You have become older, wiser, more responsible, smarter. I wonder what next year will be like?

Unknown! All the wizards and astrologers of the world cannot answer this question, but one thing I know for sure, it will be unique!

I heard that next year there will be a lot of good, positive and joy.

And why not actually? And let's go, let's read the old scriptures, maybe we'll find the answer to this question, but for now the guys will look at how the fairy forest is preparing for the New Year.

Let's go! I'm so intrigued that I can't think of anything else!

(The backstage rises and Baba Yaga with Kikimora appears on the stage)

Baba Yaga:
How tired I am of being kind! All day long I do what I help the old women, but I distribute sweets to the kids. Infuriates!

Oh, and don't talk, dear. And all because of our last year's dispute. I haven't lured anyone into the swamp for ages. Boring.

Baba Yaga:
I read all the fashion magazines, sniffed all the catalogs, tried all the samplers, saved all the kittens, helped all the grandmothers, and even baked a pie. God, what have I become!

And let's go to a fashion show, there, the Mermaids have a new collection!

Baba Yaga:
Yes, we already went. There is nothing new there! Only tails and crowns!

Can you imagine, I even cleaned the house!

Baba Yaga:
Horrible! What have we come to with you! And this is all in order to win a dispute with Santa Claus and get on the list of good children!

We were evil, insidious beeches,
We kept the whole district in fear,
And we became kind, sweet, boring,
I want to return the glory of the past!

Baba Yaga:
I understand you friend
How tired I am of kindness,
How I want to fly on a broom
And scare the kids in the dark!

(Dog appears on stage)

Dog :
What a disgrace! Is this where I got to? Where are the decorations, Christmas tree, gifts? What kind of gray and inconspicuous edge?

And who are you anyway? And why didn’t our edge please you?

Dog :
I'm actually a symbol of the coming year!

Baba Yaga:
And what kind of wonderful little animal are you? The fur looks like a squirrel.

No, squirrels have fluffier fur, it will be more beautiful.

Dog :
Actually, I'm a Dog, and my name is Lucy. By the way, Santa Claus sent me to look around, get used to it, and at the same time appreciate the situation.

Baba Yaga:
Didn't Santa Claus send a list of good kids? You don't know if I'm on there?

Dog :
You're not like a child!

Baba Yaga:
Hey, it's none of your business! Yes, and I'm only 105 years old, and she (nods towards Kikimora), even younger. We're still underage, by the way.

So, are you checking in with us?

Dog :
Exactly! I just flew in from Paris. There, by the way, they are waiting for me!

kikimora (enthusiastically):
From Paris! What are they wearing there? What do they eat? I want to know everything!

(Rang out loud noise and the Rogue flies onto the stage)

Here I am,
In his best,
Rather bow down to me
The King has come
Thunderstorm of people
Applaud me soon!

Baba Yaga:
What are you making a noise about?

I stole gifts and a list of names from Santa Claus! I'm a world class villain!

Baba Yaga and
Kikimora in one voice:
We have nothing to do with it! We have nothing to do with him!

Hey, what's wrong with you? Let's run faster before the old man rushes! There are so many sweets and other useful things!

Baba Yaga:
Go away, damned! Don't ruin our reputation!

We have a couple of days left!

We planned everything a year ago! And you are retreating!

Baba Yaga:
Oh yeah, we forgot to warn you. We're out of business. We have recently become good, we have a dispute with Santa Claus.

Dog :
Steal from Santa Claus? I'm having a bite!

Take it easy! We are ready to return everything!

Speak for yourself! Here is good for millions!

Dog :
I'm going for the last check. So that by my return, everything is fixed, put in order and prepared for the holiday. New Year though!

(Scenes drop)

(Leaders return)

Yes, it was an exciting study! Now I know so much, so many interesting things I managed to read!

We haven’t guessed at the Tarot yet and haven’t studied the runes.

My head is spinning!

Come on, I'll show you something else!

(The hosts leave. The backstage rises. There is a change of scenery on the stage: there are several decorated artificial Christmas trees, garlands are hung and there is a large mirror in which Kikimora looks)

Baba Yaga:
Stop dressing up! Need to figure out how to fix it!

Let's turn him into a stump! He did it, not us!

Baba Yaga:
And we'll get everything! Let me think, here's a trick!

Yes, what's wrong with you? I traveled half the world to find this good! And at least you said thank you. Ungrateful!

Yes, you need to be beaten, for having tied this into us! Year of good deeds, down the drain!

Baba Yaga:
Do not worry! I came up with! Let's leave the bag and the list under the tree, and he will write a note of apology.

I won't apologize!

Baba Yaga:
I will damage you!

And I'll cover you with fly agarics!

Ladies, be quiet! Fly agarics and curses are not needed! Let's all share and say goodbye forever!

Baba Yaga:
Will not work! You spoiled our karma!

(There is a knock, the Dog and Santa Claus appear)

Father Frost :
I knew that you would lose the argument! What a shame!

Yes, we are not to blame! We generally decorated the lawn and dreamed of Paris!

Dog :
I can confirm that at the time of the theft, they were with me!

Father Frost :
Wow! Well, then I apologize, and I will return to our dispute later. Give back the stolen, the holiday is on the doorstep, the children are waiting for what they want!

What will it be for me?

Father Frost :
And what do you want?

I want to play! Come on, I'll ask you riddles, if you guess, I'll return everything, if not, everything is mine. Is it coming?

Father Frost :


1. Everyone in the world loves him
Children love him very much
It's more fun with him in winter
The streets are brighter with him.

2. Near the Christmas tree round dance,
We take you to...
(New Year)

3. What are the shots in the night
The lights lit up
The sky became brighter
And we have more fun!

3. Instead of a fur coat,
sharp needles,
And she lives in the forest
This is our...
(Christmas tree)

4. Multi-colored, under the tree,
And they are in big boxes
Their kids are waiting
They bring joy to the house!

This moment is important to beat! Santa Claus must interact with the children sitting in the hall.

Not! So it won't work! You should have guessed riddles, not children!

Father Frost :
I began to forget everything. I'm old already, my memory is not the same!

Baba Yaga:
Tired (grabs bag)! Santa Claus, catch (throws bag).

Oh well, then here's your list (tear list)!

kikimora (grabbing his head):
Everything is lost!

Father Frost (takes out tablet):
I'm old, but that doesn't mean I'm out of date! I have been storing all important documents in the cloud for a year now!

Baba Yaga:
Wow, even at the North Pole, progress has come!

And I want this, only pink!

Baba Yaga (referring to Dog):
Hey, shaggy, have we passed the certification? Are you ready to come to our forest?

Dog :
It's definitely more comfortable in here! So be it, I'll take a look at your light!

Father Frost :
Kikimora, Baba Yaga, I admit, you surprised me!

Baba Yaga:
Does that mean we won?

Father Frost :
Congratulations, you are on the list of good children and you will receive your gifts!

Kikimora and
Baba Yaga (in one voice):

(Leaders appear)

Rest assured, next year will be great!

We have checked everything, studied it, and we can say with confidence that the year of the Dog will be one of the most joyful, kind and cheerful!

Dog :
Still, because we are the friends of man!

I want to wish you
Jump and play more
I wish you kindness
Be smart you!

From myself, I wish you
Don't be sad, don't be sad
And with a smile every day
You kids start!

Baba Yaga:
Be naughty, only in moderation
I wish you not to know worries,
I wish you more sweets
And may it be a good year!

I want you to laugh out loud
And you don’t shed tears, kids,
And enjoy the magic
Forget about all the problems!

Dog :
Don't piss me off
Don't offend
love me
And adore!
And if you let it go
I wish you not to be sad!

Father Frost :
Children, I congratulate you,
Happy New Year from the bottom of my heart,
And I wish you all
So that your dreams come true!

Congratulations my magical
I’ll just knock with a staff,
your wishes,
In an instant I will revive!

I wish you happy days
And study well
You were all great
I understood this a long time ago!

Prepared gifts for you
I will quickly distribute them to you,
Be always healthy
I wish you happiness!

(Handed symbolic gifts children)