Comprehensive thematic planning for November (preparatory group). Thematic week "National Unity Day" Calendar thematic planning preparatory group November

Olga Polezhaeva
Daily planning in preparatory group. November, 8–10 days

Morning Morning exercises

Conversation "This is a farm"

Target: by cultivating respect for the agricultural labor of people

DI "Finish the word"

Target: to develop the ability of children to divide words into syllables.

AG "Teasers"


PG "The words"


KGN. IP "Help your little sister"

Obrdeyut Communication. Retelling of the story by V. Sukhomlinsky "Apple and Dawn". Gerbova, 34

Target: perfection the ability to retell and compose retelling plan

Obrdeyat Physical culture (st)

Walk Watching the dog

Target: to learn to establish a connection between the features of appearance, the behavior of animals and the conditions of the winter season

SyuzhR ​​game "Mail"

Target: to cultivate respect for work and the desire to work.

PI "Empty place"

Target: improve children's running skills; develop coordination of movements

Ind work. Movement development.

Target: to consolidate the skills of squatting from the position of the legs apart, transferring body weight from one leg to the other without rising.

Work. Garbage collection on site.

Target: to cultivate a sense of pleasure from the work done.

Reading x. l. Story "Wonderful Cloud"

Goals: to learn to understand the figurative content of fairy tales, to understand and appreciate the characters of the characters

DI "Guess it"

Target: to teach to describe an object without looking at it, to highlight essential features in it, to recognize the object from the description; develop memory, speech.

SyuzhR ​​game "Score"

Target: to enrich the life experience of children, contributing to the emergence of a variety of designs.

Obrdeyat Artistic creativity (application). Dymkovskaya lady. Komarova, 61

Target: consolidated the ability to sculpt based on folk toys, shaping the ability to sculpt hollow forms, observing the proportions of the figure, developing aesthetic perception, feeling of form, aesthetic taste, creativity, perfecting the ability to correctly assess the work and work of comrades

Walk Observing the behavior of birds

Target: encourage independent observations of children and statements about what they saw, learn to notice the actions of a bird

PI "One, two, three - run!"

Target: to develop running speed, agility, coherence of collective actions, ingenuity.

SyuzhR ​​game "Wizards"

Target: to form in children an understanding of the different emotional states of people.

Conversation with casters about the need for content, emotionally telling children about interesting facts and events, about instructive cases from his childhood

Morning Morning exercises

Talk about last weekend

DI "Tops and Roots"

Target: consolidation of knowledge about the parts of agricultural plants.

AG "Punish the naughty tongue"

Target: the development of full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, the development of the ability to combine simple movements into complex ones, necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

PG "Naughty Kitten"

Target: improve hand movements by developing mental processes, develop fine motor skills fingers, hands

KGN: follow the rule "When I eat, I am deaf and dumb"

Obrdeyat Cognition (FTsKM). School. Teacher. Dybina, 17

Target: familiarization of children with the profession of a teacher, with the school, showing the social significance of the work of a teacher, familiarity with the business and personal qualities of a teacher, nurturing a sense of gratitude, respect for the work of a teacher, forming an int-s to school

Obrdeyat Musical activities

Walk Observation of coniferous and deciduous trees

Target: to form knowledge about trees (what do they have in common and what are the differences).

SyuzhR ​​game "The outside"

Target: consolidate knowledge about modes of transport, traffic rules

PI "Swan geese"

Target: development of agility, endurance, ability to run

Ind work. Standing long jump.

Target: exercise in jumping, pushing off with two legs;

Work. Cleaning at the gym.

Target: to learn to work together, to distribute responsibilities among themselves.

Second half of the day Circle work

Reading x. l. A. Kuprin "Elephant"

Goals: consolidated ideas about the genre features of the story, its differences from a fairy tale and a poem; teach understand the main idea of ​​the story, coherently betray the content of the work

DI "It happens, it doesn't happen"

Target: clarify children's ideas about seasonal phenomena.

SyuzhR ​​game "Library"

Target: to form ideas about new professions, to form labor skills, the ability to use the learned norms and rules of behavior in the game.

Walk Watching the color of the sky

Target: show features of the autumn sky.

PI "Running".

Target: learn not to bump into others while running, deftly dodge.

SyuzhR ​​game "Space Journey"

Target: Develop creative imagination

Morning Morning exercises

Conversation "Excursion to the Library"

Target: familiar with the concept "library", with the difficulty of people who work in the library

DI "What it is?"

Target: clarify children's ideas about objects of inanimate nature.

AG "Delicious jam"

Target: developing full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, developing the ability to combine simple movements into complex ones, necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

PG "Ducklings"

Target: perfection of hand movements, developing mental processes, develop fine motor skills of fingers, hands

KGN: dry your hands with a towel

Obrdeyat Cognition (FEMP). Metlin No. 21, p. 158

Target: give an idea that when any number is reduced by one, the previous number is obtained, control the children in solving problems on establishing relationships m-du values

Obrdeyat Physical Education

Walk Helicopter Watching

Target: consolidated knowledge about air transport; generate interest in the profession of a pilot.

SyuzhR ​​game "We are firefighters"

Target: to teach children to independently distribute roles, understand an imaginary situation and act in accordance with it

PI "Sly Fox"

Target: developing children's endurance, observation

Ind work. Exercise in walking on a log straight and sideways.

Target: develop motor activity.

Work. Area cleaning.

Target: strengthen the ability to work together.

Second half of the day Circle work

Reading x. l. K. Korovin "Squirrel"

Goals: fixed representation of the genre features of the story, its differences from a fairy tale and a poem; teach them the main idea of ​​the story, coherently convey the content of the work

DI "Tell Without Words"

Target: develop non-verbal means of communication

SyuzhR ​​game "School"

Target: expand, clarify and concretize children's knowledge about the school

Cognition (construction). Tower (from building material)

Target: exercise children in the construction of various structures according to the proposed conditions

Walk Observation of the state of the weather

Target: continued acquaintance with various natural phenomena; learn to distinguish the weather, associating it with the state of the sky (clear, cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds).

PI "Kangaroo"

Target: development of coordination of movements

SyuzhR ​​game "Pilots"

Target: learn to distribute roles without conflict, obey the rules, increase the number of players.

Conversation with parents about the need to work to enrich the everyday, natural history, social science vocabulary of children

Target. Expand children's ideas about their native country, about public holidays. Give basic information about the history of Russia. Deepen and clarify ideas about the Motherland - Russia, Maintain children's interest in the events taking place in the country, cultivate a sense of pride in its achievements. To consolidate knowledge about the flag, coat of arms and anthem of Russia. Expand ideas about Moscow - the main city, the capital of Russia. Tell the children about Yu. A. Gagarin and other heroes of space. Cultivate respect to people of different nationalities and their customs.

Final event: Holiday "Day national unity". Exhibition of children's creativity.

Day of the week: Monday Date: 02.11.15.



Independent activity


Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work


Physical development,

cognitive development,

Morning gymnastics. Conversation with children “How and what animals eat” Purpose: to teach to establish links between the availability of food for animals and their adaptation to winter. P / I "Cunning Fox"

Exhibition of books-encyclopedias, a set of subject pictures. Independent activity of children in activity centers

Consideration of plot pictures: "Children's fun", "Seasons", "What is good and what is bad" Purpose: in subgroup and individual work teach children to compose a coherent story based on a picture.


Physical development,

social and communicative,

cognitive development,

    O.O. Cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world "

    Tatar / mother tongue

    Physical culture.


Physical development,


cognitive development,

speech development

Go around the territory of the kindergarten. Note the changes that have taken place in the surrounding landscape. How has everything changed since summer?

Logical games“Flies, swims, runs”, “Tops-roots”. Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about plants and animals.

Situational conversation "How to behave in the forest?" Goal: environmental education. and safe rules of behavior in the forest

Labor on the site is to collect dry leaves around young Christmas trees. Purpose: to give an idea of ​​how to save young seedlings in winter. Independent. game activity.


Physical development,

social com.,


Conversation "My friends". Purpose: to consolidate the concept of "friends", to teach to understand the meaning of the words "Friends", "friends"; to learn to value friendship, to cherish it; foster a sense of mutual assistance, mutual assistance; instill love, careful attitude to all living things (plants, birds, animals)

Situational conversation "Games in the yard." Purpose: to cultivate skills of safe behavior on the street

Remind the children of the rule “Every toy is in its place” Purpose: to cultivate the desire to maintain order in the group.

Board games for the development of fine motor skills.

(lego, mosaic…)

Reading fiction: V. Suteev "The Magic Wand"

Interaction with parents

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children.


Day of the week: Tuesday Date: 03.11.15.

The complex of morning exercises according to the physical plan. worker



Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity


Direct educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work


Physical development,



speech development

Conversation with children "What do you like in kindergarten." Purpose: to develop a sense of love and pride in their group, to educate children in accuracy, skillful, careful attitude to objects.

Organization of the experiment "Evaporation of water" Purpose: to show the dependence of water evaporation on the temperature in the room, to teach how to make sketches of the experiment.

Board game: "What did the artist mix up?" Purpose: to develop logical thinking


Physical development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

1 Musical

2. Tatar language

3. .o.o Cognition of FEMP

O.o Cognition is a constructive activity

The work of the attendants.Instill a love of work


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development

Watching dogs. Why are dogs called "man's friends"? ask who has dogs, what are their nicknames? Encourage children to talk about their pets' habits

Keep learning toss

ball up and catch it.

Choice games. Pay attention to the relationship of children, to the way out of conflict situations

P / game "Paints" - exercise children in running, cultivate dexterity, attention P / I "Shaggy dog"


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Examination of dummies of mushrooms - to cultivate curiosity,

systematize ideas about forest inhabitants, introduce the names of mushrooms - edible and poisonous.

D / I "The fourth extra" Purpose: to develop logical thinking. Board-printed game "Labyrinth paths", "Magic pictures" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to collect puzzles

D / game "Counting sticks" - to consolidate the ability to work according to the model.

Reading fiction

Reading fiction: K. Ushinsky "The dispute of animals"

Interaction with parents

Work with parents on registration of contracts for mugs


Learn to answer questions: Sin by whom? Who are you?) Sina nichi yash? (How old are you?)

Topic: "Monitoring" (November 5 - 14).Filling in personal cards of children.

Day of the week: Thursday The date: 05.11.15.



Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity


Direct educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Morning gymnastics. Conversation with children “My favorite pet” Purpose: to teach children to make up stories from personal experience. Examining photos and illustrations "Pets" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the appearance of animals. P / I "The mother hen and chickens"

D / I "Help the kids find their mother" Purpose: to teach how to compare objects by size

Board game "Zoological Lotto"

D / I "Whose silhouette"


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

    FEMP knowledge

    Tatar language - mother tongue

    Physical Culture

Artistic creativity (modeling-application)

The work of the attendants.Instill a love of work


Physical development,


Target walk around the village. Pay attention to the building of the d.s., structures around it, plots, trees, bushes. Enrich children's knowledge.

Learn the technique of throwing a ball at a horizontal target.

Site cleaning -

Raise the desire to help adults.

The outdoor game "At the bear in the forest" - to raise interest in folk games.


Physical development,

social-communicative, cognitive,

speech, artistic and aesthetic development

Exercise after sleep.

D / I "The fourth extra" Purpose: to develop logical thinking. Board game "Labyrinth paths", "Magic pictures"

Reading fiction

Interaction with parents

Consultation in the parent's corner: "We walk together and observe"


Learn to answer questions: Sin by whom? Who are you? Sina nicha yash? (How old are you?)

Day of the week: Monday Date: 09.11.15.

The complex of morning exercises according to the physical plan. worker



Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity


Direct educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work


Physical, social-com. development,


Conversation with children "My favorite pet" Purpose: to teach children to compose stories from personal experience. Examining photos and illustrations "Pets" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the appearance of animals. P / I "The mother hen and chickens"

Practice drawing trees with paints and crayons

D / I “Who has who?” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about baby animals. D/I “Who gives what?” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the benefits of pets for humans.

Canteen duty. Purpose: to fix the rules of table setting. Involve children in the design of the exhibition "Books about animals." Independent gaming activity in employment centers.


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

    Cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world "

    Tatar / mother tongue

    Physical culture


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Watching dogs. Why are dogs called "man's friends"? ask who has dogs, what are their nicknames? Encourage children to speak about the habits of their pets P / F "Shaggy dog"

Exercise girls in jumping on one and two legs moving forward

Situational conversation "Rules for the treatment of animals" Purpose: to educate the rules safe behavior.

Work on the site - to collect large garbage Purpose: to cultivate the ability to work together. Independent gaming activity on the site.


Physical, Social-com.,

Exercise after sleep.

Table theater "Like a dog was looking for a friend" Purpose: to involve children in theatrical games, develop imagination.

Drawing "Cat" Purpose: to teach children to draw with a stroke

D / I "The fourth extra" Purpose: to develop logical thinking.

Attributes for theatrical activities, d / and, desktop-printed games, independent gaming activities in employment centers.

Reading fiction

"Blind Horse" by K. Ushinsky. Purpose: to lead to an understanding of the moral meaning of a fairy tale, to teach how to evaluate the actions of heroes.

Interaction with parents

Advice for parents "Pets and children"


caregiver Children: Isanmesez!

Educator: Heller no good? Children: Aibet. R ә hm ә t

Day of the week: Tuesday Date: 11/10/15.

The complex of morning exercises according to the physical plan. worker



Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity


Direct educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work



social and communicative,

Conversation with children “Inhabitants of the barnyard” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about domestic animals. D / I “Who lives where” Purpose: to consolidate the ability to coordinate noun. pl. Numbers with numerals, introduce the names of buildings for pets.

Exercise in drawing up and solving problems on a visual basis

Board game "Animals" (lotto)

P / I "Cats and mice"

Duty in a corner of nature. Purpose: to cultivate a desire to care for plants. Involve children in the design of the three-dimensional panel "At the grandmother in the village" Independent play activities in employment centers.



social and communicative,



    Tatar / mother tongue

    FEMP knowledge

Cognition is a constructive activity



social and communicative,

cognitive, speech artistic and aesthetic development

Cat watching. Consider the animals of the cat family. What do cats eat and what are their habits? Ask the children to remember and recite poems about cats. P / I "Mousetrap"

Exercise in the ability to hit the ball from the ground and catch it with one and two hands

Situational conversation “Can pets be replaced by machines and robots?” Purpose: to teach children to reason

Work on the site - sweep the paths. Purpose: to cultivate a desire to bring the matter to the end. Independent gaming activity on the site.



social and communicative,

cognitive, speech artistic and aesthetic development

Exercise after sleep. Watching the cartoon "Whose child?" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about animals and their cubs. C / R game "In the barnyard" Purpose: to fix the conditions for caring for pets.

Exercise children in sculpting a cat. Purpose: to teach children to convey the movements of a cat in modeling

Board and printed game "Zoological Lotto". Designing "Houses for animals" Purpose: to develop constructive skills

Attributes for s / r games, board-printed game, video equipment.

Self-play activities in employment centers

Reading fiction

G.H. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling"

Interaction with parents


caregiver : Hello guys! Isanmesez balalar!Children: Isanmesez!

Educator: Heller no good? Children: Aibet. R ә hm ә t

Day of the week: Wednesday Date 11.11.15.

The complex of morning exercises according to the physical plan. worker



Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity


Direct educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work



social and communicative,

cognitive, speech artistic and aesthetic development

Morning gymnastics. D / exercise "Tales about animals" Purpose: to learn to compose a coherent story - a fairy tale based on a series of plot pictures. P / I "Cat on the roof"

D / I "Magicians" Purpose: to clarify ideas about geometric shapes

D / I “Who is doing what?”, “Gather a family” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about pets.

Labor - to help the junior teacher wipe the chairs. Purpose: to cultivate a desire to help adults. Independent gaming activity in employment centers.



social and communicative,

cognitive, speech artistic and aesthetic development

3.O.O.Physical culture

The work of the attendants.Instill a love of work



social and communicative,

cognitive, speech artistic and aesthetic development

Observations for seasonal changes. Purpose: to form concepts about natural phenomena (hoarfrost, frost, waning day, staying night). Y/N “What has changed?” Purpose: to teach to establish cause-and-effect relationships

P / I "Fox in the chicken coop"

D / I “Count cats in order” Purpose: to exercise children in ordinal counting

Experimental activity "Do all liquids freeze the same way?" Purpose: to introduce various liquids, to identify differences in the freezing processes of various liquids (water, salt water, milk, juice, vegetable oil)



social and communicative,

cognitive, speech artistic and aesthetic development

Exercise after sleep. C / R game "Veterinary Clinic" Purpose: to introduce the profession of a veterinarian, his professional duties.

D / I "Say kindly" Purpose: to teach children to form words in a diminutive form

Watching the cartoon "Neumoyka" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs.

Equipment for the workshop "Skillful Hands", video equipment. Independent gaming activity in employment centers.

Reading fiction

E. Uspensky "Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat"

Interaction with parents

Ind. conversations with parents "Repeat the studied material with the children at home"



Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of the principle of constructing symmetrical elements and compositions. Learn the basic techniques of drawing symmetrical patterns. Develop eye and fine motor skills

Day of the week: Thursday Date: 11/12/15.

The complex of morning exercises according to the physical plan. worker



Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity


Direct educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work



social and communicative,

cognitive, speech artistic and aesthetic development

Morning gymnastics. Talk about the work of people caring for pets. Purpose: to teach to form words - professions, to cultivate respect for their work. P / I "Trap on one leg"

D / I “I will start, and you continue” Purpose: to teach children to come up with endings for sentences and stories.

Board and printed game "Machine Lotto".

D / I "Encrypted Word" Purpose: to learn to identify and name the first sound in a word, designate it with a letter, develop the ability to read

Labor in the corner of nature - loosening the soil in pots. Purpose: to cultivate accuracy in work.

A set of plot pictures on the topic, for games, desktop-printed games. Independent gaming activity in employment centers.



social and communicative,

cognitive, speech artistic and aesthetic development

    O.O. Cognition (FEMP)

2. Tatar / mother tongue

    O.O.Physical culture.

O.o. Artistic creativity (modelling/appliqué).

The work of the attendants.Instill a love of work


Observation of a truck - to enrich knowledge about the types of vehicles. "What is he doing?" - to teach how to select verbs for a noun.



social and communicative,

cognitive, speech artistic and aesthetic development

Free communication: “What we do in kindergarten”, Purpose: to teach children to answer the questions of the teacher, to develop a sense of love and pride in their group, to educate children in accuracy, skillful, careful attitude to objects.

Kuizener sticks, Gyenes blocks, lacing.

Purpose: To develop fine motor skills, distinguish figures by color, shape, size, thickness, spatial orientation.

Culture of behavior:

exercise in different ways courtesy when meeting and parting. Conversation "Affectionate word and the cat is pleased"

Plot - role-playing games:

"Family", "School"

Purpose: development of flexible role-playing behavior in the development of game plots in individual and joint activities with peers.

Reading fiction

G. Tukay "Autumn" (excerpt), trans.A. Akhmetova; R. Valeeva.

Interaction with parents

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children


Day of the week: Friday Date: 11/13/15.

The complex of morning exercises according to the physical plan. worker



Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity


Direct educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work


Physical, socio-communicative,

cognitive, speech development

Conversation: "What's in my name?" Purpose: To acquaint with the history of the origin of names, how our ancestors treated the name of a person, how the names of people sound in different languages. What is a name? Who chooses and when? Names for girls, names for boys.

Didactic game"learn by contour" Purpose: to develop visual perception.

To pay attention to the correct use of cutlery - to educate KGN.

Board games: "Domino", "Lotto", "Geocond" (the image of a man). Purpose: to develop attention, ingenuity.



social and communicative,

cognitive, speech artistic and aesthetic development

    Communication. Speech development

    O.O. Music.

Artistic creativity-drawing


Physical, socio-communicative,

cognitive, speech development

Observation of vegetables in the garden - develop observation, the ability to compare vegetables in shape and what grows.

learn to roll the ball in a given direction. Examining carrots.

Did.i. "What season?" - Learn how to write short sentences.

"Labor" - Collection of garbage and dry leaves on the site, -

Develop a desire to provide all possible assistance to adults



social and communicative,

cognitive, speech artistic and aesthetic development

Canteen duty. Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to consistently and accurately set the table; understand the importance of the work being done.

Work in a corner of nature Purpose: to teach children to determine and distribute the scope of work, to agree on interaction.

C / r game "School" Purpose: to arouse the desire to play, to consolidate the purpose of school supplies. Independent activity of children in employment centers.

Reading fiction

Fairy tale "How Taz told the padishah a fable"

Interaction with parents

Parent group meeting.


Teacher: Hello guys! Isanmesez balalar! Children: Isanmesez!

Educator: Heller is no good? Children: Abeth. Rakhmat

Teacher: Ask me how I'm doing? Khärle kon! Children: khärle kon!

Target. To involve in active diverse participation in the preparation for the holiday and its holding. Cultivate a sense of satisfaction from participating in collective pre-holiday activities. Lay the foundations of a holiday culture. evoke emotionally positive attitude to the upcoming holiday, the desire to actively participate in its preparation. Arouse the desire to congratulate loved ones on the holiday, present gifts made by oneself. Continue to acquaint with the traditions of celebrating the New Year in various countries.

Final event: Holiday " New Year". Exhibition of children's creativity.

Day of the week: Monday 11/16/2015

The complex of morning exercises according to the physical plan. worker



Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity


Direct educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work


Physical, socio-communicative,

cognitive, speech development

Talk about (milkmaid) - to enrich children's knowledge about agricultural professions

Communication The wind plays with the leaves of A. Zhilin - to develop communication skills.

Strengthen the ability to answer questions with a full answer

A situational conversation about the fact that now the children are the oldest in kindergarten should set an example with all their behavior.

D / games "Fold the pattern" - to consolidate the ability to compose objects from memory and from a picture

About OD


social and communicative,

cognitive, speech artistic and aesthetic development

    O.O. Knowledge (formation of a holistic picture of the world)

(Complex classes in the training group N.V. Lobodin)

    Tatar / native language.

    O.O.Physical culture.

Work activity in a group: put in order your workplace


Physical, socio-communicative,

cognitive, speech development

Observation of the weather to acquaint with the signs that characterize nature.

Continue to teach the technique of throwing the ball up and catching it.

P / game "Paints" - to exercise children in running, to cultivate dexterity, attention. Verbal. the game "Leaves" - the development of children's speech, vocabulary.



social and communicative,

cognitive, speech artistic and aesthetic development

Word game "Rights of the Child" Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about their rights to life, to maintain family ties; in the name, patronymic, surname.

game exercise"Where have you been (name)?". Purpose: to develop coordination of speech with movements, to work on speech skills.

Plot - role-playing games: "Kindergarten", "Dining room"

Purpose: to expand children's ideas about adults, children and their relationships


R. Kipling "The cat walking by itself"

Interaction with parents

Remind parents to pay childcare on time


The game

Day of the week: Tuesday Date: 17.11.15

The complex of morning exercises according to the physical plan. worker

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity


Direct educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments


form of work


form of work


Physical development,

P / I "Wider circle"

pin the months to the seasons.

S.r. "Family" - to educate the culture of relationships between children. Round dance game "Let's go to the garden" - to cheer up the children

About OD

Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

    O.O. Music.musical

    Tatar / mother tongue



Gymnastics for the eyes "Who is far and who is close"


Physical, social-comm., cognitive development,

speech artistic and aesthetic development

Observation of a truck - to enrich knowledge about the types of vehicles.

Mobile game "Who called - guess"

Practice jumping on one leg

Collecting leaves for crafts - nurture the desire to help the caregiver

Etude "The forest is noisy" - convey your emotional state in facial expressions and gestures.


Physical development,

social comm. development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Considering drawings about flowers, enrich vocabulary with new words, fix the names of flowers - marigolds, dahlias, etc.

fix the names of the autumn months

Riddles about autumn - to develop logical thinking, memory. Situational conversation "Day until evening is boring, if there is nothing to do"

Games with building material - to consolidate the skills acquired in the lesson.

Reading fictioncheers

"Trace of a man" N. Bogdanov

Interaction with parents

Consultation on the topic "Proper nutrition is the key to health."


The game"Vegetables" Educator: Bu nәrsә? Children: Barange. Kisher. Sugan. Kabesta. Kyyar. Tomato.

Day of the week: Wednesday Date: 18.11.15

The complex of morning exercises according to the physical plan. worker

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity


Direct educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments


form of work


form of work


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Examination of illustrations of the emblem and flag of the Russian Federation. D/I “Who lives where?” Purpose: to consolidate word formation - the names of residents from the name of the city. Board-printed game "Collect the flag" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to collect split pictures.

D / I "Live Week" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the sequence of days of the week, to consolidate the signs of autumn

Situational conversation "How to behave with strangers" Purpose: to educate the rules of safe behavior.

Duty in a corner of nature - caring for indoor plants. Purpose: to cultivate a desire to care for flowers

About OD

Physical, Social and communicative,

cognitive development,

speech, artistic and aesthetic development

    Communication. Literacy education

    Hood. tv-in (drawing)

3.O.O.Physical culture



Physical development,


cognitive development,

speech development

Soil observation. Ask the children what happened to her? She froze. Puddles and dirt on the roads are also hard. It's getting colder. Cultivate a love for nature at any time of the year. P / I "Funny guys"

Exercise the boys in fast running with a change of direction at the signal of the leader

Situational conversation "Who is more important on Earth?" Purpose: to teach to draw conclusions about the relationship various chains animals, plants.

Work on the site - the collection of large debris. Purpose: to develop the skills of diligence. Self. play activities in the area.


Physical development,

social com.,

cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic development

Morning gymnastics. Conversation with children "What do we know about Russia?" Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about their country, to bring up pride in their country, respect for the people.

P / I "Wider circle"

A set of illustrations about Russia, d / i, board - printed games.

Duty in a corner of nature - caring for indoor plants. Purpose: to cultivate a desire to care for flowers.

Independent gaming activity in employment centers.

Reading fiction

Reading fiction: A. Kurlyandsky “Well, wait a minute! Or two for one

Interaction with parents


"MAKE A PATTERN" Purpose: To teach children the actions of analysis and synthesis, the ability to isolate parts and make up a whole. To consolidate the knowledge of children of the elements of the Tatar ornament.

Day of the week: Thursday Date: 11/19/15

The complex of morning exercises according to the physical plan. worker

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity


Direct educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments


form of work


form of work


Physical development,

social comm. development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Drawing up a story "About the weather" - to consolidate the ability to compose a short story.

Fix the days of the week, seasons, months

To draw the attention of children to the fact that you need to come to kindergarten in neat clothes and a handkerchief should be in your pocket - continue to form the habit of taking care of yourself.


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech, artistic and aesthetic development

1. O.O. Cognition (FEMP)

(Complex lesson in the training group N.V. Lobodin).

2.Tatar language

3. O.O. Physical culture.

Physical culture.

Artistic creativity - modeling

Duty. Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to consistently and accurately set the table; understand the importance of the work being done.


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Continue to learn to determine the temperature of the air with a thermometer. Draw the attention of children to lowering the temperature. Form elem. search activity. Learn to draw conclusions, develop mental activity.

Girls learn to roll the ball in a given direction

P / I "Anthill"

Didactic game "Similar - not similar" Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to draw conclusions by comparing 2 people with each other, noticing signs of similarities, differences

Etude "The wind is blowing" - show the wind with the help of gestures and movements.

D / game "Tops - roots" - develop thinking


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Quiz "Guess the vegetable" - to consolidate the ability to guess the taste of vegetables with closed eyes.

Board and printed games « Funny pictures» Purpose: to exercise in the collection of split pictures according to the model

Put things in order in the garage and in the house - cultivate respect for toys.

C / R "Kindergarten" Purpose: to continue to introduce professions in kindergarten.

Reading fictioncheers

Round dance "Keriya-Zekeriya" folk song, trans.S. Malyshev.

Interaction with parents

Draw the attention of parents to the corner of the Tatar language.


The game"Vegetables" Educator: Bu nәrsә? Children: Barange. Kisher. Sugan. Kabesta. Kyyar. Tomato.

Day of the week: Friday Date: 11/20/15.

The complex of morning exercises according to the physical plan. worker

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity


Direct educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments


form of work


form of work


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Conversation "Ambulance" - repeat, fix the phone number "03", teach how to call an ambulance medical care”(the importance of clearly knowing your name, surname and home address.) Discuss the inadmissibility of false calls. Training - call for help by calling.

Work in the corner of nature. Purpose: to cultivate respect for plants, nature, independence and responsibility.


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

    Communication. Speech development

    O.O. Music.


With all the children, fix the words "thank you", "please"

Artistic creativity (drawing)

Independent artistic creativity of children


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Watching a sparrow - to expand children's knowledge and ideas about the features of appearance, habits.

With Yasmina, to consolidate the ability to walk with a high knee raise.

Conversation on the topic "How can you help the birds" - to enrich the knowledge of children.

P / game "Sparrow" - to develop dexterity, the ability to jump on two legs.

D / game "Guess the description" - develop attention, thinking.


Physical, social-com., cognitive

Speech, artistic and aesthetic development

Sketches for imitation of various natural phenomena - to consolidate the ability to show various natural phenomena with the help of gestures and movements.

fix the rules of behavior of children in the group.

.Toy washing, dusting, watering indoor plants- under. learn to work in groups.

C / r game "Builders" - to consolidate the ability to build buildings from memory.

Reading fictioncheers

"FROM Good morning…”, trans.R. Yagafarova, trans.L. Kuzmina.

Interaction with parents

Ask parents to fix at home - last name, first name, patronymic of the child, parents and home address


The game"Vegetables" Educator: Bu nәrsә? Children: Barange. Kisher. Sugan. Kabesta. Kyyar. Tomato.

Day of the week: MondayThe date: 23.11.15

The complex of morning exercises according to the physical plan. worker



Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity


Direct educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work


Physical, social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech artistic and aesthetic development

A conversation on the topic "Wild Animals" - to introduce children to how animals prepare for winter (frogs, hedgehogs, bears hibernate), and hares molt.Card quiz "Seasons" - to summarize and systematize children's knowledge about the seasons. Cultivate respect for nature.

Independent gaming activity in employment centers.


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

1.O.O. Cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world "(p. 58)

    Tatar / mother tongue

Duty in the classroom Purpose: to teach children to prepare the workplace for classes.

Performance of the song “Antoshka” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by Y. Entin).


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Continue cleaning on the site - to cultivate a desire to help adults.

Exercise “How the water makes noise” - fix the pronunciation of sounds s and sh.


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Examination of dummies of insects - to cultivate curiosity,

systematize ideas about insects introduce their names

fix colorize the picture without leaving the outline.

Pay attention to how children wash themselves after sleep - to cultivate k / g skills.

D / game "Counting sticks "- to consolidate the ability to work according to the model.

Reading fictioncheers

The work of S. Baruzdin "The country where we live."

Interaction with parents

Information stand "Convention on the Rights of the Child". Educate parents about the rights of the child.


The game"Vegetables" Educator: Bu nәrsә? Children: Barange. Kisher. Sugan. Kabesta. Kyyar. Tomato.

Day of the week: Tuesday Date: 24.11.15

The complex of morning exercises according to the physical plan. worker

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity


Direct educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments


form of work


form of work


Physical development,


cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Examination of the painting "Flying away birds" - to introduce children to birds flying to warm lands (geese, ducks, cranes)

With Regina and Azalea fix the name of the flying birds ..

Pay attention to how the children hang up their clothes upon arrival at the kindergarten.

Board game"Loto" - fix the names of birds.

Round dance game "Rain" - coordination of speech with movement.


Physical, social-com-.e, cognitive,

speech, artistic and aesthetic development

    .О.о Knowledge of FEMP



"Butterfly from natural material» - learn to work carefully with natural material.

On duty work


Physical, social-com, cognitive,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Watching a sparrow - to expand children's knowledge and ideas about the features of the appearance and habits of a sparrow.

Exercise in the ability to throw the ball over the cord with both hands.

Collecting leaves for crafts - nurture the desire to help "Sparrows" - to develop dexterity, the ability to jump on two legs.


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Looking at pictures of a village house, enriching vocabulary with new words.

fix the name and structure of the trees.

Conversation with children “My friend” Purpose: to help highlight and summarize the external and internal qualities of a friend. Examination of an illustration on the theme “Good deeds” Purpose: to teach to draw conclusions.

Household work - washing toys, combing dolls. Purpose: to develop labor skills. Independent activity of children in employment centers.

Reading fictioncheers

Reading Tatar folk tales

Interaction with parents

Consultation on the topic "How and what to dress children in the fall."


Day of the week: Wednesday Date: 11/25/15

The complex of morning exercises according to the physical plan. worker

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity


Direct educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments


form of work


form of work


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Conversation-explanation about the meaning of ancient words, their origin.

A conversation about Russian folk culture, antiquities, traditional jewelry.

singing performance

"Three Bears" (music by N. G. Kononova). Goal: mastering singing skills, developing voice and ear for music.

Cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world)

Russian folk culture. - to form an idea of ​​the culture of folk art.

Outdoor game "Kingley" - fixing accuracy and developing an eye.

M. p / game "Leaves" - to develop coordination of speech with movement.


Physical development,

socio-com., development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

    Communication. Literacy education

    Native language / Tatar language

3.O.O.Physical culture


Encourage the desire to take an active part in outdoor games.

Hood. tv-in (drawing)

“Decorate a handkerchief with daisies” - teach children to make a pattern on a square, filling in the corners and the middle

Individual conversationsabout the world around what the child saw on the way, natural, seasonal, weather changes.


Speech, artistic and aesthetic development

Sunflower observation - introduce the history of the creation of sunflower oil.

fix to keep balance in the game "Walk along the path"

Cleaning fallen leaves on the site - to bring up the desire to make all possible assistance.

P / game "We are sunflowers" - coordination of speech with movement


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Exercise after sleep.

Invite children to put things in order in the play area - to cultivate a desire to clean up after themselves.

C-r game"Hostess" - to develop the ability of children to distribute roles on their own.

Reading fictioncheers

Reading L. Tolstoy "Bone" Purpose: to cultivate honesty, the ability to evaluate actions.

Interaction with parents

Conversation on the topic "Slowness of children and what to do about it"


"LAY OUT ORNAMENT" Consolidate children's knowledge of the elements national costume(skullcap, kalfak, shoes, apron).

To teach children using color templates to make their own compositions on the forms. Develop a sense of rhythm, color, composition.

Day of the week : Thursdaythe date : 26.11.15.

The complex of morning exercises according to the physical plan. worker

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity


Direct educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments


form of work


form of work


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Did. The game "Find the same shape" - to develop the ability to compare objects, establish their similarities and differences.

Fix days of the week, autumn months, seasons

To draw the attention of children to the fact that in the group each thing should lie in its place - to educate the c.g. skills.

C / r game "I am a musician" - give children the opportunity to imagine themselves as a musician, develop the ability to play simple melodies


Physical, Social-com, Cognitive,

Speech, artistic and aesthetic development

1 Communication Reading literature

2. Tatar native language according to the plan of the tutor in Tat.

help answer questions about the reading.

Artistic creativity Application.

Games at the request and choice of children. Encourage self-assignment of roles.


Physical development,

social comm.,

cognitive development,

speech development

Watching rainy weather - introduce the most typical feature of autumn - rainy weather.

Continue to reinforce throwing the ball into the distance with all the children.

Continue cleaning on the site - to cultivate a desire to help adults.

P / game "Frogs and rain" - teach children to jump on two legs.


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Exercise after sleep.

Workshop "Skillful Hands" Purpose: to teach how to make crafts for Mother's Day. Purpose: to develop the ability to cut out details along the contour, to cultivate accuracy in work, the desire to please mom.

Games and exercises with verbal accompaniment "Listen, remember and name."

Didactic games and exercises. “We select a rhyme”, “Preparations for the winter”, “Guess what is gone?”

Plot - role-playing game"Vegetable Bazaar", "Shop". Improving and expanding the game ideas and skills of children.

Reading fiction

Interaction with parents

Information stand “Safety on the road. Is it easy to teach a child to behave correctly on the road? Implementation of a unified educational approach to teaching children the rules of the road.


We count in Tatar. Ber, ike, öch, dүrt, bish………

Day of the week: Friday Date: 11/27/2015.

The complex of morning exercises according to the physical plan. worker

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity


Direct educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments

groupform of work

Individual form of work


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Conversation with children “My good deeds” Purpose: to teach to compose stories from personal experience, to evaluate their actions.

Examination of photos, reproductions, illustrations, dummies, natural vegetables and fruits.

To form the ability to independently lay out prepared materials for the lesson.

Nast. Game "Constructor" - to develop the ability to connect the screw with the nut and build buildings.


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development



    O.O. Communication.

O.O. Artistic creativity (drawing) (complex lesson in the teacher N.V. Lobodin.

With all children, fix the names of the trees.

to fix the techniques of work with a brush and paints.

Research activity: examination and comparison of objects. The development of the ability to compare objects, to establish their similarities and differences.

The work of attendants in the classroom.


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development

Watching rainy weather - introduce the most typical feature of autumn - rainy weather.

Continue to reinforce throwing the ball into the distance with all the children.

Continue cleaning on the site - to cultivate a desire to help adults.

P / game "Frogs and rain" - teach children to jump on two legs.

Exercise "How noisy water" - fix the pronunciation of sounds


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Exercise after sleep.

Workshop "Skillful Hands" Purpose: to teach how to make crafts for Mother's Day. Purpose: to develop the ability to cut out details along the contour, to cultivate accuracy in work, the desire to please mom.

With all children, remember and consolidate the rules of behavior for children in the forest.

Joint economic and household work Washing toys, dusting, watering indoor plants - under. learn to work in groups.

C / r game "Lego" - to consolidate the ability to build buildings from memory.

Reading fictioncheers

Reading, discussion, fairy tales by D. Rodari "Cipollino"

Interaction with parents

Folder "Our Motherland - Russia". Involve parents in the education of patriotic feelings in children.


Day of the week: MondayThe date: 30.11.15.

The complex of morning exercises according to the physical plan. worker



Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity


Direct educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

Finger gymnastics "Family".

A conversation about the family, about the relationship of family members, about what a pedigree is.

Listening to works from the piano cycle of P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons": "Autumn Song". Purpose: development of musical ear.

Pay attention to the elimination of disorder in your appearance - to cultivate k / g skills.

Consideration and

story based on the painting by I. Levitan “ gold autumn» - develop aesthetic perception.


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development, artistic and aesthetic development

1. O.O. Cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world "

(Complete classes in preparatory group

N.V. Lobodin.

2.Tatar / native language

3.О.О.Physical culture Physical culture.


Physical development,

social and communicative development,

cognitive development,

speech development

Watching rainy weather - introduce the most typical feature of autumn - rainy weather. Outdoor games and imitation games "Throw Catch".

Game "Finish the sentence":

- If mom and dad are at home, then I ...

- If I am without parents, then I ...

Continue cleaning on the site - to cultivate a desire to help adults.

Drawing up the story "My family tree" (with the support of the educator).


Physical, Socio-com., Cognitive,

Speech, artistic and aesthetic development

Physical culture leisure: “We are athletes” - exercise in tossing and catching the ball with both hands, in throwing the ball to each other. Strengthen the ability to combine movements, showing Creative skills. To promote the development of general endurance, speed, agility.

Pay attention to how children wash themselves after sleep - to cultivate k / g skills.

Plot - role-playing games: "Family", the development of flexible role-playing behavior when deploying the plots of the game

Reading fiction

Reading of Jan Kim's poems "Mom and Dad are my relatives"; V. Avdeenko "Autumn walks along the path"; A. Pleshcheeva “A boring picture! Clouds without end ... "; I. Bunina “Forest, like a painted tower. ..".

Interaction with parents

Information stand “Safety on the road.


We count in Tatar. Ber, ike, öch, dүrt, bish, alty, җide.

The relatively young holiday "Day of National Unity" is celebrated in Russia on November 4th. But he reminds us of the events of 1216, when Moscow was liberated under the leadership of Minin and Pozharsky. Then the whole people gathered for the liberation movement, and only in complete unity did the Russian people win. In the preparatory group on the eve of the holiday, you can tell the children about the valor of the Russian people, about the heroes and how Russian troops protect the borders of our Motherland.

Based on the recommendations of the “From Birth to School” program, the teacher organizes conversations “Russia is a multinational country”, viewing the album “Folk Crafts of Russia”, virtual excursions into the past of our homeland. The content of conversations about the history of the holiday, about the Russian army and military branches, about heroes, verses for learning with children you will find in the appendix to the plan " Theme week"Day of National Unity".

Social and communicative development

Preschoolers share their impressions of the weekend, play communication games, preparing reports about Moscow and story games they try to embody game ideas, which contributes to the social and communicative development of children.

cognitive development

In the area of cognitive development in addition to conversations about the history of the motherland, experiments with water, bird watching, the introduction of the album "Modern Russia", a conversation about the holidays of Russia and acquaintance with the swamps are planned.

Speech development

An adult creates conditions for speech development, causing children to desire to make riddles about vegetables, perform breathing exercises and learn poems about Russia. The teacher introduces children to epics and talks about heroes, introducing ancient names of clothes into the dictionary.

Artistic and aesthetic development

In the field of artistic and aesthetic development, creative drawing “What my mood looks like”, construction of a fortress, consolidation of knowledge about different types painting, as well as the execution teamwork"Dance of Friendship".

Physical development

The result of the week is sports and musical entertainment based on outdoor games different peoples inhabiting Russia. physical development looking at encyclopedias and talking about a healthy lifestyle also contribute.

Check out the theme week snippet


OOcognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation "How I spent the weekend." Purpose: to learn about family traditions.Journey by time machine into the past of Russia. Purpose: to introduce children to the history of the holiday on November 4th.Writing stories about autumn. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to compose short stories according to the plan of the educator.Examination of the monument "Minin and Pozharsky". Purpose: to continue acquaintance with the features of sculpture, to arouse the desire to convey impressions in modeling.Fizminutka "At the Parade". Purpose: to remember the words.
WalkOrganization of a labor landing for the purpose of treating trees. Purpose: to teach how to properly help trees and shrubs, to cultivate a positive attitude towards work.Sparrow watching in autumn. Purpose: to continue consolidating knowledge about the sparrow, to teach to see changes in the behavior of birds with the advent of autumn, to activate attention and memory.Board game "Seasons". Purpose: to promote the development of dialogic speech in the game.Independent drawing. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to mix paints on the palette, to achieve the desired shade of color.P.i. "Whoever was named, he catches." Purpose: to introduce the rules of the game, to develop auditory attention.
2 p.d.Dragon tail game. Purpose: to promote the development of communication between children.Introduction of the album "Modern Russia". Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with large-scale industries in Russia, to bring up pride in their country.Reading stories about Russia at the choice of the teacher. Purpose: to continue acquaintance with the motherland through literature.Modeling "Monument to the Russian people." Purpose: to consolidate the ability to sculpt a human figure, to convey movement in modeling.Valeological lotto. Purpose: to form the habit of a healthy lifestyle.


OOSocial and communicative developmentcognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Split pictures on the topic "Road traffic". Purpose: to consolidate the rules of safe behavior, to discuss behavior in various situations.Cognitive-research activity "Aggregate states of water". Purpose: to prove that the state of water depends on air temperature and is in three states: liquid - water; solid - snow, ice; gaseous - steam.Conversation "Who lives in Russia". Purpose: to remember that Russia is a multinational country, to develop coherent speech.Opening of the photo exhibition "The Past of Russia". Purpose: to introduce children to some historical facts, pay attention to the unity of the people in troubled times.P.i. "Icicles, wind and frost." Purpose: to remember the games of the peoples of the north.
WalkS.r. game "Border guards". Purpose: to promote the development of the game plot, the desire to protect the homeland.Cleaning up fallen leaves. Objectives: to teach to bring the work started to the end; to cultivate accuracy, responsibility.Drawing up riddles about vegetables Purpose: to consolidate the ability to highlight the distinguishing features of a vegetable and arrange it in speech, develop logical thinking.The game "Lay out of the sticks." Purpose: to develop imagination and analytical thinking.P.i. "Who is the smartest?" Purpose: to introduce the game. P.i. "Brook". Purpose: to remember the rules of the game.

Lola Ismailova
Complex- thematic planning for November (preparatory group)

Comprehensive - thematic planning November 2017. preparatory group

National Unity Day To expand children's ideas about their native country, about public holidays. Inform children of elementary information about the history of Russia. To deepen and clarify ideas about the Motherland - Russia. Encourage children's interest in the events taking place in the country, instill a sense of pride in its achievements. To consolidate knowledge about the flag, coat of arms and anthem of Russia. Expand ideas about Moscow - the main city, the capital of Russia. Tell children about Yu. A. Gagarin and other heroes of space. To cultivate respect for people of different nationalities and their customs. Final event: "Festival of Folk Games" Exhibition of children's creativity.

Educational relationship with parents

1. Information stand "Convention on the Rights of the Child" Educate parents about the rights of the child.

2. Information stand "Road Safety" Implementation of a unified educational approach to teaching children the rules of the road.

3. Holiday "Mothers Day" Help parents in raising love, respect for mothers, convey to children that dearer than mother there is no one that mom is the closest and best friend.

4. Workshop of good deeds "Do-it-yourself feeders" (joint activity of parents with children). Invite parents to moral education children, joint work; bonding between children and adults.

5. Folder mover "Our Motherland - Russia" Involve parents in the education of patriotic feelings in children.

Planning joint activities of the educator with children Morning:

Week 1 "My motherland" Target: introduce the historical event that formed the basis of the proclamation 4 november public holiday. Learn how to write short stories significant dates in the history of their country. Introduce children to folk art. "Grandma's Chest" Target: form: knowledge about the interests of relatives; idea of ​​the fate of relatives. Consolidate knowledge about yourself: give your middle name, last name, home address, phone number, first and middle names of other relatives

Quiz "Vitamin Garden" Target: expand children's ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle. To consolidate children's knowledge about the features of the structure and functions of the human body. Cultivate a desire to lead healthy lifestyle life. To form in pupils the need for motor activity, physical improvement.

game situation "In the World of Theater" Target: to attach and form a positive attitude towards theatrical art. Introduce types of theatre. Discuss the rules of conduct in the theatre. Education in children of artistic and aesthetic taste. "On Guard for the Motherland" Target: stories about the difficult but honorable duty to defend the Motherland, to protect its peace and security; about how great-grandfathers, grandfathers, fathers bravely fought and defended our country from enemies during the wars. Raising children in the spirit of patriotism, love for the motherland. Acquaintance with different types of troops (infantry, naval, air, tank troops, military equipment.

2 weeks "Bread-father". Target: to generalize and systematize children's knowledge about bread, the process of growing and making it. To cultivate respect for working people, a careful attitude to bread. "What is valeology" Goals: introduce children to the human respiratory system. Continue to cultivate a cognitive interest in a person. Games with a constructor "LEGO" Target: we build according to plan, teach how to create new designs based on acquaintances, show creativity. DI "What to whom?" Target: to cultivate interest in the work of adults, knowledge of inventory, a desire to help. C/R the game: plot "Trip to the Zoo" Target: to teach children to independently prepare the environment for the game. Offer to play with different situations, applying their knowledge of the rules of behavior in public places.

3 week D/I "Tops and Roots" Target: exercise children in the classification of vegetables and fruits on a given basis. Learn to apply knowledge about what is edible in various vegetables, to argue the answer. "Painting with watercolors" (by design) Target: to consolidate the ability to mix paints to obtain the desired color, to work correctly with a brush.

"On duty in class" Target: to teach children to qualitatively and independently perform the duties of duty officers, to organize the work of other children. DI "Who is first?" Target: to teach children an eye assessment of the length, drawing up a segment of a certain length from two parts by eye. Develop visual perception, eye, learn to formulate the results of work .. Application "Festive round dance" Target: safety precautions when working with scissors, fix cutting techniques, learn to compose an image of a person from the details of the application

4 week “Mom dear, dearest!” Target: Deepening children's understanding of the family and its history, where parents work, what they do, and how important their work is for society. Encourage the active participation of children in preparing various family holidays; performing regular household chores. D.I. "Name the days of the week" Target: exercise children in naming the days of the week from any day, teach them to pronounce the name correctly. Reading a poem by S. Gorodetsky "First snow" Target: discuss the content of the work with children, learn to listen to the rhythm of the text, highlight expressive means. Help imbued with the expectation of the imminent arrival of winter. Game activities for the interests of children. Target: to develop independence, activity in children, to form the ability to spend leisure time interestingly and usefully. Conversation with children "My appearance» Target: to consolidate the ability of children to use individual personal hygiene items.

5 week Did. The game "What changed" Target: exercise children in determining the spatial arrangement of objects. Retelling of the story by V. Sukhomlinsky "Apple and Dawn". Target: improve the ability to retell and compose retelling plan. Sport. corner "Rastishka" Target: to teach children to independently organize the motor activity of children, to teach children to select attributes for exercises of various games using non-traditional sports. equipment. Did. The game « Miraculous Pouch» Target: to teach children to touch to determine the properties of objects. Conversation on the topic "Soon to School" Target: to form children's ideas about personal qualities and skills needed by the student.


Week 1. "My city, my country"

Expanding children's ideas about their native country. Formation of interest in "small motherland". Stories to children about the sights, culture, traditions of their native land; about wonderful people glorified their region. Stories to children that Moscow is the main city, the capital of our Motherland. Acquaintance with the flag and coat of arms of Russia, the melody of the anthem. "Smell, taste, touch, listen"

Target: to consolidate children's ideas about the sense organs, their purpose. Ears - hear, recognize various sounds. Nose - to determine the smell; fingers - determine the shape, structure of the surface. Language - to determine the taste.

"What good can be done for friends".

Target: introduce children to various situations, enrich the experience of showing friendly disposition. Stimulate the desire to do something good for friends.

Di "What more?"

Target: exercise children in counting within ten. To consolidate the ability to break the set into parts and establish relationships between the whole set and its part.

"Jolly Orchestra"

Target: to consolidate the ability of children to play children's musical instruments, the simplest Russian folk melodies are agreed.

Week 2 Reading A. Barto "Vovka is a kind soul".

Target: introduce children to a new work, evaluate the actions of the main character, highlight the good deeds done by the boy, cultivate emotional responsiveness, interest in reading. Concert "Chasushki - fun" Target: continued acquaintance of children with folk traditions and customs, musical instruments and folklore, national clothes Russian people. ABC of courtesy. "Let's live, respecting each other." Target: education of friendly relations between children, respect for others. Formation of the desire to take care of the younger ones, help them, protect those who are weaker, develop empathy, responsiveness. Enriching children's vocabulary with polite words Recitation contest "Leaf fall" Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about autumn. Continue to acquaint with the seasonal types of human labor. To consolidate the rules of safe behavior in nature and in the city. To consolidate knowledge about the seasons, the sequence of months.

Did. the game: "School" Develop cognitive interest, interest in school, in books. Consolidate knowledge about the school, why you need to study, who and what teaches at school, about school supplies, etc. Form ideas about the teaching profession and "professions" student, a positive attitude towards these activities.

"City of masters"

Target: continue to acquaint children with folk arts and crafts; with a folk toy; form a representation of Gorodets painting and golden Khokhloma; educate interest in art, respect for works of art. inventing fairy tales: "Hare's Birthday". Target: to teach children to independently invent a fairy tale on a given topic according to plan, use description, dialogue, means of expression. "Knizhkin hospital: Target: restoration of worn-out specimens, to teach how to choose rational methods of work, to provide mutual assistance. Cultivate diligence, respect for books.

Did. The game "Name the Neighbors"

Target: fix the count to 10, automate the number selection skill. Album review "Mezhhirya" Target: get acquainted with the symbols and sights of the city

4 week "The most best mom in the world" Target: organization of all kinds of children's activities around the theme of the family, love for mother, grandmother. Raising respect for teachers.

Expansion of gender representations, formation in boys of ideas that men should be attentive and respectful to women. Involving children in making gifts for mothers, grandmothers, educators. D/game "Paints" Invite the children to tell the rules together, supplement each other's statements, ask the children what the driver should do. Work in notebooks Target: learn to work carefully, do not go beyond the contour, hold the pencil correctly; drawing by cells, find 4 differences and color. DI "Who gives what?" Target: consolidate knowledge about the benefits of pets for humans D/I "Encrypted Word" Target: learn to identify and name the first sound in a word

Week 5 Reading the story of E. Nosov "How the Crow on the Roof Got Lost" Target: invite children to listen carefully to the work in order to find the answers of the educator, to teach them to convey inferences in speech. To instill in children a love of reading, to cultivate a caring attitude towards living beings. Games. situation "My locker" Target: to form self-service skills, teach children to follow, teach children to keep their locker clean and tidy. cleanliness in order in your locker. Did. The game What did the toy say about itself? Target: to teach children to describe an object, highlighting its most significant features Did. The game “Who will collect faster?” Target: exercise children group objects according to a given attribute. Conversation: "Who's knocking on my door" Target: to consider and discuss with children dangerous situations that may arise when dealing with strangers.

Role-playing games "Diving" Sailors go on a voyage, watch the marine life from the portholes, descend in space suits to the bottom of the sea. The team works together. There is a commander, sailors, a cook, a doctor, mechanics on the ship. Examination of illustrations of underwater inhabitants. The teacher's story. Productive activity: attributes for the game "Fish, plants and other Marine life» "Transport" Trucks and cars drive down the street, pedestrians walk along the sidewalk and cross the road. Drivers and pedestrians follow the rules of the road Targeted walk to the traffic light, unregulated crossing. Didactic games: "Caution, pedestrian!", "Red, Yellow, Green". productive activity "Road signs"

"Journey to another country" Travelers go to different countries, sightseeing, meeting people of different nationalities, talking about their country Examining illustrations. The teacher's story. Conversation What countries have you visited with your parents?. productive activity "Gifts for Friends"

"Cafe" Chefs prepare delicious food, waiters take orders, bring food, receive money. Customers order different dishes, eat, thank. Conversation "If you came to the cafe". The teacher's story "How children play in another group» . productive activity "Different cafe menus"

Acquaintance with nature Walk: Observations

Flora Note changes in the appearance of trees, compare with the one that was at the beginning of autumn. Consider an alder branch with earrings: it's already flowers ready for spring, alder blooms before all trees, before the leaves appear. Compare hazel with alder: he too prepared earrings and cones. Consider birch and aspen, learn to do conclusion: early flowering trees already prepared your kidneys by spring Examining illustrations. Conversation "Trees in late autumn". Reading: A. Pushkin "Already the sky breathed autumn.".Productive activity: "Autumn Park", "Our site in autumn"

Animal world

Watch the bullfinches, see the appearance of the female and male. Expand knowledge about woodpecker, forest doctor. To acquaint with the life of a reservoir in the autumn period Examining illustrations. A conversation about birds. The teacher's story about the life of reservoirs. Reading: G. Skrebitsky "Little Arborist", I. Sokolov-Mikitov "Woodpeckers" Inanimate nature sky: overcast, gloomy; it often rains, it's cold, all these are signs of autumn. Watch for sun: pay attention to the length of the shadow at noon, the path of the sun is getting shorter, it gets dark early, the day is getting shorter. Continue to learn how to determine the air temperature with a thermometer, draw attention to lowering the temperature. Offer to keep a graph or chart of sunny and cloudy days. Consider the soil (puddles and mud froze, became hard) Examining illustrations. Autumn weather talk (according to the weather calendar). Reading: Ya. Akim "First snow"

The labor of people in nature To consolidate knowledge about autumn work in parks, fields and gardens, taking care of pets ( preparing plants for winter, cleaning foliage, warming rooms for livestock) Examination of illustrations. Teacher's story Work on the site Bring snow to the beds, lawns, flower beds. rake snow under trees and bushes To form labor skills, introduce children to cleanliness, instill a love of nature. Experimental activities "Aggregate states of water"

Target: prove that the state of water depends on air temperature and is in three states: liquid - water; solid - snow, ice; gaseous - steam.

Self-management Game "Turntables", remote material: shovels, buckets for playing with snow. Plot - role-playing game of the choice of children Individual work

"Who is the most accurate" (Liana, Mira, Dasha)- throwing at a target

"Pass the ball" (Artem, Ural, Nastya P.)- hitting the ball forward Outdoor games Sly fox

Develop patience and observation in children. Exercise in fast running, in building in a circle, in catching. Fishing rod To develop braking in children, the ability to act on a signal. Exercise in running with dodging, in catching. Traps with a ball

Develop the ability to perform movements according to the word. Practice throwing at a moving target and dodging. Find out where it's hidden.

To develop in children endurance, observation, parity. Traps from the circle

To develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with words. Exercise in rhythmic walking, in dodging and catching, in building in a circle

Frogs and herons To develop in children the ability to act on a signal, dexterity. Exercise high jump from a place Bird flight

To develop in children endurance, the ability to coordinate movements with words, dexterity. Exercise in running and squatting, building in a circle and walking in a circle.

Roll the ball To develop endurance in children, the ability to move on a signal. Develop endurance, attention, dexterity. Practice rolling the ball.

Year of Ecology

“What do we plant when we plant forests?”

To reveal and enrich children's ideas about the importance of the forest in human life (health, aesthetic, economic); explain the reasons for the disappearance of forests, pay attention to environmentally illiterate behavior in the forest; to systematize the idea of ​​the forest as an ecosystem; cultivate respect for the forest.

"Nature is a miracle" Show children the diversity of flora and fauna, teach them to observe the life of nature; help children feel the beauty and diversity of nature "Medicinal Plants"

To develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of forming ideas about medicinal plants; formation of ideas about medicinal plants; on the rules for their collection, storage and use. Develop environmental thinking in the process of research activities, creative imagination.

Social - personal development

"Culture of Behavior" Strengthen public transport skills Conversations: How do we get in and out of vehicles?,"Rules of conduct in transport". Reading: E. Karganova "In the bus", S. Mikhalkov "One rhyme". Didactic exercise "Who will give way to whom" "Positive Moral Qualities" Strengthen the ability to negotiate, help each other Conversations: "Fight or Deal", "How to play and not quarrel", "Smarter is the one who yields". Reading: N. Kuznetsova "We had a fight with a friend", V. Oseeva "Before the first rain", G. Tsiferov "When there are not enough toys". Didactic game "It's good to be friends with you"

"Ethical Views" Form ideas about kindness and greed Conversation "What does it mean to be kind". Reading: Ya. Akim "Greedy", E. Blaginina "Gift", A. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", E. Serova "Good Giant", "If I am a giant", T. Ponomareva "Sly Apple". Didactic game "The Flower of Kindness"

legal education


Nutrition and regimen for boys and girls. Me and my name, origin of names, patronymics and surnames Conversations: "How to get slim", "How to Become Strong". "Physical education is good for everyone". Examination of illustrations, the story of the educator. Excursions, targeted walks to other groups(name matching). Conversations: "My parents", "To whom they give names", "Who Has Names", "What is a surname", "Where did the surnames come from", "Such different children"(nationalities and races, "Name day - a holiday of the name". Reading: A, Barto "I am growing", N. Nosov (chapters from the book, E. Charushin "Why was Tyupa called Tyupa", L. Uspensky "You and Your Name".Didactic games: "Change Your Name", "Say Different", "Form a surname, name and patronymic", "Call it sweetly". Role-playing games: "A family", "Journey to Other Countries". Productive activity: "Children of all planets» , "My house", "My relatives", "Let's give the globe to the children"

family affiliation

Convention on the Rights of the Child: rights to a name, citizenship

Mother's Day Teacher's story. Conversation "Most good word"mother"".

productive activity "For my beloved mother"

Citizenship Moscow is the main city Russia: monuments of culture, monuments to famous people Examination of illustrations. The teacher's story. Conversations: "Moscow is the capital", "They glorified Russia". Reading: I, Vekshegonova "Capital of the Motherland", F. Glinka "The city is wonderful, the city is ancient.", E. Katz "We live in Moscow", G. Yurmin "King Tower". Role-playing game "Journey through Moscow". productive activity "My Moscow" National Unity Day Target walk along the festive street. The teacher's story

career guidance

"People's Labor" The work of an artist, writer Examination of books, paintings.

The teacher's story about the work of people in creative professions.

Conversation "Who is a Creator"

"Object World" Rail, air and water transport - types, features of movement. Passenger, cargo, military transport Consideration of illustrations. Conversations: "What do people ride", "On rails, water and air". Reading: A. Lyapidevsky "All on Ice", "On North", N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"(chapters from the book, S. Sakharnov "Two radio operators", "How did you get the anchor", "The best ship". Didactic games: "Name it right", "What's extra".

Role-playing game "Transport". Productive activity: "Ships on the road", "The Train from Romashkov", "Air Parade"

Fundamentals of Life Safety

"Child and his health" Caring for dental health Examining the oral cavity in the mirror, determining the condition of the teeth. Conversations: "Healthy teeth - healthy children", "Why you need to treat your teeth". Reading: A. Anpilov "Teeth hurt", V. Lanzetti "Everything is rocking", S. Prokofieva, G. Sapgir "Rosy cheeks". Didactic game "Tooth Neboley-ka". Role-playing game "Polyclinic"

"Child on the city street" Pedestrian culture Target walking down the street. Conversations: "Two traffic lights", "Rules for Pedestrians". Reading: B. Zhitkov "Like in Moscow on the street", S. Mikhalkov "Bad History", "My street". Role-playing games: "Transport", "City Journey". Productive activity: production of traffic lights for cars and pedestrians "Child safety at home" The danger of contact with unfamiliar animals, the rules of conduct in case of their aggression Considering illustrations. Conversation "How to behave with unfamiliar animals". Playing and discussing situations. Reading: A. Dmitriev "Unknown Cat", G. Novitskaya "Cur". Stock "Help homeless animals". productive activity "My pet" "Child and other people"

Conversations with strangers in transport "How to behave in transport". Acting out and discussing situations

Traffic Laws

"Know and follow the rules of the road"

Conversation to consolidate the rules of the road with children; repeat the traffic lights.


invite children to consider cars passing by the site, name categories and modes of transport familiar to children, car brands.

Quiz "Road signs". Clarification of children's knowledge about the elements of the road (carriageway, pedestrian crossing, sidewalk, traffic, traffic lights. Getting to know the name of the nearest kindergarten streets and streets where children live. Creating conditions for consolidating knowledge in children about the rules of the road.

Independent activity of children

Socio - communicative development Interactive the game: "Interview" Enrichment of vocabulary; building cohesion;

development of the imagination.

cognitive development

"Sensory development" Strengthen knowledge of the form. Develop fine motor skills of Did's hands. games: "Find by description", "Unfinished Pictures", "Find by touch". Games with nuts: rotation in two palms and one palm each, holding between two fingers, rolling

Speech development Word game "Finish the sentence" Formation of the ability to add a word by meaning;

Hood. aesthetic development "City in the Evening" Developing a sense of color (smooth color transitions when depicting the evening sky). Anchoring compositional skills: Houses further away are placed higher on the sheet.

Physical development Bashkir folk game "Copper Stump" Target: independently organize the game, the development of running, dexterity.


Thematic leisure "Day of national unity" Target: to attach to the historical past - to develop interest in the history of Russia - to cultivate love for the Motherland

Evening of rest "Mothers Day" Target: organize entertainment with parents (mothers, create a favorable environment for communication, develop an ear for music, instill in children a tender feeling of love and respect for mothers.

Physical culture leisure "Sports KVN" Target: to consolidate the skills of performing various exercises with running, jumping. To develop in children thinking, attention. Induce a positive emotional state.


1 week (from 10/30/17 to 11/03/17) Theme: National Unity Day

Target: expansion of children's ideas about their native country, about public holidays. Deepening and clarifying ideas about the Motherland. Encouraging children's interest in the events taking place in the country, fostering a sense of pride in its achievements. Consolidation of knowledge about the flag, coat of arms and anthem of Russia. Final event: Productive activities of "Borders of Russia"

Week 2 (from 06.11.17 to 10.11.17) Topic: House. What is he?

Target: Consolidation of ideas about why a house, an apartment is needed, what kind of houses there are, how they differ; what is furniture, what it is, what it is intended for. Final event: Productive activity “I will build a house for myself - let it be comfortable in it”

Responsible for the final event: educators.

Week 3 (from 11/13/17 to 11/17/17) Topic: Transport

Target: Systematization of children's knowledge about the structure of the street, about traffic. Continued acquaintance with road signs. Bringing children to the awareness of the need to follow the rules of the road. Expansion of ideas about the work of the traffic police. Education of a culture of behavior on the street and in public transport.

Week 4 (from 11/20/17 to 11/24/17) Theme: Mother's Day

Target: the formation of children's knowledge about the holiday Mother's Day. Focus on the unique role of the mother in harmonious development children. Raise love and respect for the dearest person on earth - mom. Final event: Mother's Day entertainment.

Responsible for the final event: educators.

Week 5 (from 11/27/17 to 12/01/17) Topic: How books are made

Target: to form children's interest in the book and the need for reading; expand and clarify ideas about people of different professions.

Group: preparatory"BUT"Cherry

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Creation of conditions for joint activities

Working with parents

Group, subgroup



MONDAY (November)


cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic

Physical development

Speech development

Morning gymnastics. Conversation with children "What do we know about Russia?" Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about their country, to bring up pride in their country, respect for the people.

P / I "Here it is, what a big Motherland"

Conversation "Symbols of Russia"

D/I “Who lives where?” Purpose: to consolidate word formation - the names of residents from the name of the city.

Situational conversation "Flag and coat of arms of Russia"

Situational conversation about politeness and etiquette.

Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Board game introduction

Board-printed game "Collect the flag" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to collect split pictures

Talk to parents about how their children are feeling.

Individual conversations at the request of parents.