Games, tasks and exercises for the development of speech. Part 1. Games for the development of the child's speech Games for the development of the speech of children 2 3

It is 3 years - this is the peak of rapid knowledge of the child's native language, someone else's and his own speech. In about a year, your baby enriches his vocabulary several times, comprehends grammatical, word-formation and syntactic patterns. And it is not so important whether you studied with him according to a special technique from the cradle, taught him to read from birth, or studied and played according to the tradition of your parents and grandmothers.

Therefore, it is important not to miss this moment, actively helping the child to learn and remember as much as possible. To do this, talk, tell and play!

To begin with, do not forget to comment on all your actions, focus the baby's attention not only on the names of objects, but also on the names of its parts (this is a car, and it consists of a body, cab, wheels, etc.). And make sure that the child pronounces all the words correctly and as articulately as possible - now is not the time to be touched by babble, as it was before, when the baby only tried his first phrases.

Remark:pay attention not only to the memorization of words, but also to the "mechanics" of speech. That is, do breathing exercises, pronounce tongue twisters and memorize rhymes.

Games for the development of the articulatory apparatus:

Repetition. The essence of the exercise is that the child repeats the last syllable of each phrase after you - this forms the skills of correct pronunciation of sounds.
Repeat in a singsong voice: The kids came running - ra-ra-ra, ra-ra-ra; A foot higher, a step bolder - ley-ley-ley, ley-ley-ley.
Come up with such chants with animals or characters that are interesting to your baby.

Animal voices. Onomatopoeia - very important point in the development of speech, although it seems like a simple game. In fact, this helps not only improve articulation, but also improves phonemic hearing.
Use animal cards or other pictures. Together with your child, remember the sounds that this or that animal makes and name the corresponding verb (kar-kar - croaks; woof-woof - barks, etc.).

The toys are sleeping. This is a fun trick to practice intonation and whispering skills. Announce to your baby that his favorite toy wants to sleep. Lay her down together, sing a song, and then talk in a whisper so as not to wake her up. Continue the game or just discuss something, but not out loud. The main thing is not to delay, as the child quickly gets tired.

Remark:ordinary teddy bears and dolls are actually great. Along with special aids, interactive devices, they become teaching aids in capable hands.

Games for the development of speech and attention:

Finish the word. Say words that are simple and familiar to the child (road, doll, dog) and offer to finish them for you (road, dog). If you have difficulty, point to the appropriate objects.

True or not? This game enriches the vocabulary, improves the child's understanding of the relationship between objects, helps to classify and generalize.
Agree in advance that you can "make a mistake", that is, call an apple a dish, for example.
The bottom line is that you tell the child statements, and he must agree or not:
Apple and pear are vegetables.
Spoon and fork are utensils.
Summer and winter are the seasons, and so on.
If the child does not agree with the statement, ask him to name correct word for these items.

Games for the development of speech, word formation, imagination:

Bolsheslov. Invite the child to name the qualities or features of objects in one word. For example, a hare with long ears is long-eared; a house with many floors is a multi-storey building.

Riddles. Think of an object and describe its properties so that the child can guess. Then let him guess :)

Talking on the phone. Talk to the child "on the phone" on behalf of toys, fairy-tale characters, ask simple questions to maintain a dialogue.
Then switch places so that the child can also "call" you.

Play and develop speech actively!

Alina Kulkova
Card file of games for the development of speech of children 2–3 years old

Games on speech development for children 2-3 years old.

A game "Tree".

Target: activate speech, encouraging, use in speech prepositions.

Description: the teacher reads the poem, showing hand: high - on, below - under. Invite the child to tell what else happens "on the." And "under.".

High in the sky - clouds,

And below - under the cloud - the river.

High on the tree - leaves,

And below, under the tree, there are flowers.

A game "Doll sleeps".

Target: develop speech, hearing.

Game material and visual benefits: doll (soft toy) .

Description: the teacher offers the child to lay the doll sleep: shake her in your arms, sing a lullaby, put her in a crib and cover with a blanket. Explain to the child that while the doll is sleeping, it is necessary to speak in a whisper so as not to wake her. At this time, you can talk about something with the child, ask him questions, ask him to tell something. Don't drag out the game. Announce that it's time for the doll to get up and now you can talk loudly.

A game "What does our doll love?".

Target: develop speech, imagination.

Game material and visual benefits: doll (soft toy).

Description: the teacher invites the child to ask what the doll likes do: "Doll, what do you like to do?" In the voice of the doll, tell in short sentences about her loved ones. classes: "I like to play. I like running. I like to eat". Now it's the doll's turn to ask what the child likes to do. Help him to tell about his studies in the same simple sentences. You can invite the child to talk about what mom, dad, grandmother, etc. like to do.

A game "Finish the word".

Target: develop speech, memory, attention.

Description: invite the child to complete the word that the teacher calls him. For example: expensive. (ha, magician. (zin, colo. (side) it. e. If it is difficult for the child to orient himself, point to the object that is named. Taking the doll in hand say: Cook. (la)". Pick up a cube - “Ku. (beek)" and so on.

A game "Repeat after me".

Target: develop speech, attention.

Description: invite the child to repeat the rhyming lines.

The bird flew in, sang a song to me.

The girl woke up, stretched sweetly.

The sun sets, Masha goes to bed, etc.

After repeated repetition, pause before last word, even when new ones are being read rhymes:

The little bunny doesn't read. (books).

A game "Apple or plate?".

Description: asking the child questions, warn him that you can be wrong.

Are apple and pear vegetables?

Spoon and plate are dishes?

Are shorts and a T-shirt furniture?

Are chamomile and dandelion trees?

Complicate tasks by naming objects from different thematic groups:

Tomato and orange are vegetables?

Spoon and wood are dishes? Etc.

A game "My phone rang".

Goals: develop speech; Expand words knowledge.

Description: Invite the child to play "telephone". The role of the phone can be played by any items: cubes, sticks, parts from the designer, etc. Take turns depicting a phone call. Talk to the child on your own behalf, asking him simple questions: "What is your name? How old are you? What is the name of your favorite toy? What do you play?" Etc. roles: teacher - child, child - dad (Mother). Talk on the phone on behalf of toys, animals. Build a dialogue in such a way that the child's answer is not limited to words "Yes" And "No". Describe various objects, things, products, etc.

A game "What do we see in the yard?".

Goals: develop observation, attention; Expand words knowledge.

Description: look out the window with the child. play the game "Who will see more". Take turns list something what is seen from the window. Describe in detail what you see. For example: "I see a tree. It has green leaves, so it's summer. It is tall and thick, it has many branches and twigs, etc.” If the child finds it difficult to describe the object, help him with suggestive questions: Did you see the house? Is he tall or short? Does it have many or few windows? Is it brick or wood? Etc.

A game "What did we see yesterday?".

Goals: develop memory, attention, observation; Expand words knowledge.

Description: to remember with the child where he was with his parents yesterday, what he did, whom he met, what they talked about. Focus on details: “Did you play with Sasha? What did you play? What color was Sasha's bucket? And the owl?"

A game "What are we going to do tomorrow?".

Target: develop planning skills, memory, speech.

Description: invite the child to come up with some important joint case: count the benches in the park, go to visit, come up with a fairy tale for Masha's doll, etc. In the morning of the next day inquire: Does he remember what you wanted to do today. Try to come up with such things, the execution of which cannot be postponed or canceled. Or discuss in advance the circumstances that may violate your plans, For example: "We'll go to the sandbox if it doesn't rain".

A game "Who Was Who".

Target: develop speech.

Game material and visual benefits: Pictures with images of adult animals and their cubs.

Description: ask and check if the child knows what the names are cubs often differ from the names of adult animals. Consider Pictures asking the child questions about who is depicted on them. Read a poem by A. Shibaev "Who Becomes Who":

There was a little puppy.

He grew up, however,

And now he's not a puppy -

Adult. (dog).

Foal - every day

He grew up and became. (horse).

Bull, mighty giant,

Was in childhood. (calf).

Fat lamb ram -

plump. (lamb).

This important cat Fluff -

Small. (kitty).

And the brave cockerel -

Cro-o-hot. (chicken).

And from the little goslings

Grow up. ducks -

Especially for the guys

Those who love jokes.

A game "Who's there?".

Target: develop imagination, speech skills.

Description: invite the child to play the game "Who's come?". Walk out the door knock: "Knock-Knock". - "Who's there?" Draw some animal For example:

It's me, the cow. Mu-u-u.

Come on, cow. Hello cow. Where are you going cow?

Change roles with the child, alternately introducing various animals, people, fairy-tale characters. Try to have a dialogue with simple questions and answers.

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Card file of games for speech development

young children from 1 year to 2 years

G. Gruba "We develop speech from an early age."

Games for the development of speech of young children

At the first stage (up to about 1.5 years) “passive” speech develops faster (there is an understanding of the meaning of words, but word pronunciation is not yet developed).

It is enough to show the child an object two or three times and name it, as he already remembers a new word. At the request of an adult, he points out what is still difficult to name, or uses a lighter version of the word, helping himself with gestures and facial expressions. So, "te" can mean, depending on the situation, "what?" or “aunt”, “eider” - “goose”, “I-I” - “apple”, “ka” - “car”, “dike” - “door”, etc. Due to the limited vocabulary of the child, one word can replace several or even a whole sentence.

Tasks of the educator:

    satisfy the child's need for communication;

    improve understanding of adult speech;

    develop the ability to imitate syllables and easy-to-pronounce words.

At the second stage (from 1.5 to 2 years) independent speech begins to form. The word becomes the main means of communication between the baby and the environment (instead of gestures and facial expressions). The child, like an echo, repeats words after adults, pronounces the lungs in full, uses his own options for difficult to pronounce (cheburashka - “grandmother”, chair - “tul”, etc.).

A significant achievement of this age is that the child can make elementary generalizations, designate objects with similar features (toys, dishes) with one word.

Tasks of the educator:

    to expand children's acquaintance with the outside world and, on this basis, enrich their vocabulary;

    to form the ability to pronounce only individual words, but also simple phrases, answer simple questions;

    to promote the appearance of the first words-generalizations in speech.

The development of speech in young children most effectively occurs in the process of specially organized games.

The main tasks of the games:

    support and activate the imitative actions of children (speech and motor);

    to promote interaction with an adult, the manifestation of elementary initiative and independence;

    develop the need for verbal communication.

Games are held in subgroups according to the age of children (from 1 year to 1 year 6 months and from 1 year 6 months to 2 years).

Games for children from 1 year to 2 years

Card #1


Tasks. Improve speech understanding; encourage appeal and active response (pronunciation of sound combinations and light words, manipulation with toys).

Material. Toys (dog, hare, etc.).

Game content

The teacher puts the toys on the table, gives the children the opportunity to admire them; wonders if you liked the toys.

He offers to play with them, for example: "Sasha, call the dog, say:" Come, come to me. The teacher beckons the toy with his hand, calls, prompting the child to imitate the gesture and words. When the dog "fits", strokes it, "feeds", asks: "What is the dog doing?"(Eats, jumps)

Then he turns to another child and offers to call a hare (doll, etc.).

If one of the kids does not imitate the actions of an adult, you should call a toy with him, beckon her with your hand. At the same time, move the hare (doll, etc.) to the child and say: “Go, bunny, to Misha. Here, Misha, take the bunny. Say: "Give the bunny, give it, give it!"(hand gesture)

The same actions are repeated with other toys. The main thing is to make children want to call, show, bring, stroke, feed, etc.

Note . If the child does not say anything, but shows the toy and performs the necessary actions, then he understands your speech.

Game variant.

The teacher alternately hides the toys, asks the children who “ran away”. Offers to find, call, bring, etc. The game is repeated several times.

Card #2

"The cat came to visit us" (from 1 year 3-4 months)

Tasks. Cause a positive emotional reaction of children to the appearance of a toy; to teach, at the request of an adult, to show ears, tail, paws. Encourage active actions (show, stroke the toy) and the pronunciation of lightened words: “kitty”, “kotya”, “ks-ks”, etc.

Material. Toy - fluffy cat, saucer.

Game content

The teacher takes out a toy (from behind, from the box) and says: “Look who came to us? Cat, kitty." Invites the children to repeat: “Tell me, Tanya, who is this? Sasha, tell me who it is? Encourages to name a toy different words: cat, kitty, kitty, etc. Together with the children he examines the toy: “What a beautiful cat, soft, fluffy!” Offers to touch her, stroke her.

Then he takes the cat and “plays” with it: with his paws he touches one or the other child: “The cat plays with its paws, it has scratchy paws.(Shows.) These are paws, paws-scratches! What is this? Paws.(Turning to a child) Show and name what it is?

He strokes his ears, calls: “These are ears, ears. What is this? Ears, ears."(Children show ears, call.)

He plays with her tail, says: “What a beautiful tail the cat has! Where is the ponytail?(He touches the children in turn, tickles them with his tail.) Here is the ponytail!(The steps are repeated several times.) A beautiful cat has come to us.(Puts the toy to his ear.) The cat wants milk, you need to feed it. Let's pour milk into a saucer.(Game situation with the child) Kitty-murisenka, drink some milk! (The cat "drinks" milk .)

The teacher reads a nursery rhyme:

kitty, kitty, kitty(pronounced emphatically)

Kitten - gray tail(strokes the toy)

Come, Kitty, visit us,

I will give you milk.

I'll show you, cat, my children.

Game variant.

You can offer to ride the cat in the car at the end of the game. Children enjoy doing it. The teacher quietly overturns the truck and says:

No, in vain we decided

Ride the cat in the car

The cat is not used to riding

Overturned a truck.

(A. Barto)

The game is repeated. The toy is put back in the car. When the car turns over, the children pronounce the words: “boom”, “fall”. The game gives them a lot of joy.


    you can tell another nursery rhyme, for example, "Kisonka-murysenka";

    instead of a cat, take a bear, a hare, etc., and in the end, read a poem or a nursery rhyme about this toy.

Card #3

"Bunny - runaway" (from 1 year 4 months)

    Tasks. Expand children's knowledge of the environment; cause an active emotional, motor and speech reaction to what is happening; encourage the pronunciation of onomatopoeic and lightweight words, for example: “zaya”, “bo-bo”, “oh-oh” (it hurts), etc .; cause a desire to pity the bunny.

Game content

    The toy hare is hidden in a bag or box. The teacher reports that someone ran to the children from the forest: a small one, with long ears, loves carrots. He asks: "Who is this?" Shows the ears of a hare from the bag: “Who is here, who? Who has long ears? Bunny, Bunny came to visit us. Say hello to him. Bunny, go to the children. Addresses the kids: “Call the bunny, say:“ Go, go.(Hand gesture.) The children take turns calling the bunny. The teacher says: "Here's a bunny, bunny, bunny."(Highlights in voice.)

    The teacher shows bunny ears, asks: “What is this bunny? Ears, ears. What ears? Large ones. Offers to touch them, name them.(Children can use facilitated words or gestures.)

    The teacher moves the hare's tail, asks: “What is this with the bunny? Tail. What is the tail of a bunny? Small.(Stresses this word with intonation and gesture, the children repeat.) A good bunny came to us, let's play hide and seek with him.(Imperceptibly passes the toy to another adult, and he goes with the children to look.) Where did the bunny run away, bunny runaway? Let's eat it. (Go around the room and find a hare.) Here is a bunny. (Addresses one of the children.) Sasha, call the bunny. Say: “Hare, bunny, etc.(The game is repeated two or three times, while the hare is hidden in different places.)

    After the toy is found several times, the children sit on the chairs. The teacher says: “Here is our runaway bunny. Now he won't hide from us."

    Is readingpoem(The underlined words are spoken several times.)

    Bunny jumps on the lawn -

    Jump, jump, jump.

    Pricked a bunny paw

    On a knot.

    Bunny hurts! Oh! Oh! Oh!

    Barely rode home.

    Offers to take pity on the hare, stroke the paw, put it on a chair or on a carpet.

Doll activities

Card number 4

"Doll Lyalya and I" (from 1 year 3 months)

    Tasks. To form in children knowledge about themselves and their immediate environment (acquaintance with names), develop understanding of adult speech; exercise in the pronunciation of sound combinations and lightweight words; develop attention, memory.

Game content

    The teacher puts a doll in front of the children and happily asks: “Who came to us? This doll Lyalya came to visit us! Invites the children to say hello to the doll: "Hello, Lyalya." Approaches each child, encourages the pronunciation of words and sound combinations: “Doll (“ku-ka”) Lyalya.”

    Then the teacher asks the kid: “What is your name?” and he answers: “This is Sasha! Sasha, give Lyalya a hand. (You can take the child by the hand) Where are Sasha's hands? Show me, Sasha, your hands. (Strokes the child’s hands, asks to clap, say “clap-clap”) Well done, Sasha! He turns to the doll: “Lalya, show me where Sasha is? Here is Sasha! (Points at the child with the doll's hand.)

    Then the teacher approaches another child, and the game actions are repeated.

    This is followed by a game of hide and seek. The teacher closes the doll with a napkin, asks: “Where is Lyalya? Where did she hide? (Children are looking.) Here is Lyalya! (Several individual appeals to children.) Say: “Where is Lyalya? Here is Lyalya!

    Similarly, a game of hide and seek is played with children: the teacher covers the child with a napkin, asks: “Where is Sasha? (Where is Vova? Etc.)." Then he opens it and says: “Who is this? Sasha (Vova, etc.)”.


    If one of the kids himself approaches the teacher, points to his head, takes a napkin and says something, it means he takes the initiative, wants to play. Such actions must be supported and praised by the child.

Card number 5

"We bathe the doll" (from 1 year 3-4 months)

Tasks. To consolidate children's ideas about clothing; exercise in the repetition of lightweight words (soap, water, bathe, etc.); support the initiative actions of children, appeal to an adult (gestures and speech); create a happy mood.

Material. Doll and bathing items (bath or basin with water, soap, towel).

Game content

Educator. Look what happened to our Lyalya?(Picks up the doll.) Oh, you grimy girl, where did you get your hands so dirty? Black palms, paths on the elbows.(The doll can be a little dirty in advance) What to do, how to help her?(Individual appeal.) What kind of hands does Lyalya have? What need to do? Wash.(Puts the doll to her ear.) Our Lyalya wants to swim. Let's help her. What should be done first? Remove clothing. What will we shoot first?(Pointing to the dress.) Dress.(Individual appeal.) Help Lala take off her dress.(The child helps. Then the children take off other items of clothing - shorts, socks - and name them.) All clothes were taken off.(The teacher offers one of the children to carefully put the doll's clothes on a chair, praises.) Now let's bathe Lyalya.(All items must be pre-prepared.) What will we bathe Lyalya in? In the bath. Where is the bath?(Individual appeal.) Show me. Where is the soap? Soap what? The soap is fragrant.(Children touch, sniff soap) Oh what a fragrant soap! (The teacher puts the doll in the bath, washes her face, arms, legs. Names the actions that she performs, asks the children to repeat. The doll “rejoices, slaps” her hand in the water.) Oh, how happy our Lyalya is, how she likes to swim!

The teacher offers the children to pour water from a watering can on Lyalya. Toddlers can only support the watering can, but this is enough to cause them the joy of joint action. The teacher waters and says:

Warm water

We pour on our bird.

Oh, water off the goose,

With Alyonushka thinness.

(E. Blaginina)

“So they washed Lyalya! How to wipe it off? Towel. Where is the towel? Sasha, bring a towel! This is how soft and fluffy it is.(He touches the child's cheek, hands with a towel.) Let's wipe Lyalya. What our Lyalya has become? Pure! Good! Now you can play with her."

Note. The game "We bathe the doll" should be played in the presence of 5-6 children so that they can be active. The next time the teacher invites other children.

Such games are also interesting for kids over one and a half years old. The options may be different, for example: the doll "plays" in the water with a ball, a fish or any other toy. Children find these toys, call them, bring them, give them to the doll, say: “Na, Lyalya, ball (duck - “utyu”)”, “talk” with the doll, etc.

Card #6

“Who screams how” (from 1 year 4-5 months)

Tasks. To consolidate the ability to find and choose a familiar toy; repeat, imitating an adult, sound combinations and words; name words on their own initiative.

Material. Toys (dog, cat, chicken, rooster, etc.).

Game content

The unexpected appearance of each toy is played out (you can get them out of a bag or a bright box).

The teacher shows the toy, performs actions with it. For example, he takes a fluffy dog, “leads” it, touches each child in turn and says: “Oh, what a dog! Good doggy! Sasha, what is the dog doing?(The dog "runs" to Sasha.) How does the dog bark? Aw, aw!(He turns to the children in turn.) Repeat".

The same actions are performed with other toys. Sound combinations (mewing, clucking, etc.) are pronounced softly and loudly, with different intonations.

Then the teacher invites each child to bring any toy, name it, ask how she “talks” (barks, growls, etc.), repeats the sounds he uttered after the baby, corrects if he made a mistake. You can put the child in the conditions of choice: “Which toy do you want to take?” Or immediately offer to bring, for example, a cat. Ask: “Who did you bring? Cat, kitty brought. How does a cat meow? That's right, the cat meows; "Meow meow".

The teacher asks similar questions if the child brings another toy.

Note. Tasks and questions depend on individual features readiness of children.

The game can be complicated: hide the toy in the room and invite the child to call, for example: “Meow-meow, where is the cat; Meow meow, come here!” etc.

Card number 7

"Hide and Seek" (from 1 year 6-7 months)

Tasks. Learn to navigate in space, find out where the toys are, bring them and call them with common words instead of onomatopoeic and lightweight ones; stimulate activity; develop attention and memory.

Dictionary . The generalizing word "toys" (passive dictionary); names of toys: ball, duck, bear, bunny (bunny), etc .; names of actions: rolls, lies, shouts, etc.

Material. Toys (ball, duck, bear, hare, etc.) are located in different places in the room.

Game content

caregiver(holds a doll). Katya doll came to visit us. She wants to see our toys.(The generalizing word is emphasized by the voice.) Katya, what toy can I bring you?(speaking for the doll) Bunny, bunny. (Turns to children.) Let's call the hare: “Run bunny, where are you? Come to us, come, come!” (The words are spoken together with the children.)

The teacher and the children are looking for a toy, first they go to the play corner, then to the closet where the hare lies.

Educator. Where is our bunny (bunny)? (Joyfully.) Here he is! Who is this? Name. Bunny! (Several individual repetitions) Where is the bunny sitting? In the closet. Show me, Sasha. (The child can point a finger or say "there", "here". His actions are encouraged.) Who did we find? (children's answers) Who to give the bunny to? Misha, say: "Katya, to the bunny." Let's put the bunny next to Katya. What is the bunny doing? Is sitting".

The hare can “play” with children: “jump”, “run”, “say hello”, etc.

The doll "gives a new task" - asks to bring the ball. Kids search, find, name. The teacher addresses several children individually: “What did you find? Where was the ball? Take the ball to Katya. Say: "Katya, take the ball, on the ball," etc.

Similar actions are repeated with other toys.

At the end of the game, the teacher says: “This is how many toys we found for Katya: a hare, a ball, a bear, a duck. These are our toys. (highlights the word in voice).

Invites children to play with Katya toys.

Game options.

1. Find a toy and name its color, shape (ball), individual parts (ears, paws) etc.

2. One child hides the toy, and the teacher and the rest of the children look for it. If there are no more than 5-6 children in the subgroup, you can invite everyone to hide the toy.

Card number 8

“Someone came to visit us” (from 1 year 6-7 months)

Tasks. Exercise children in naming toys and their parts. To lead to an understanding of the use of the word-concept "toys". Expand passive vocabulary. Encourage emotional response and initiative speech.

Material. A set (4-5 pieces) of toys familiar to children: a hare, a bear, a cat, etc. (in a box).

Game content

There is a knock on the door. The teacher opens and brings a toy hare into the group. Addresses the children: “Look who came to visit us! Good bunny? Say hello to him. Where did you come from, hare? (Responsible for the hare.) From the forest."

He takes the toy in his hands, reads the poem and accompanies the words with actions.

There lived a bunny

Long ears. (Strokes rabbit ears.)

Frostbitten bunny

Nose on the edge. (strokes nose)

Frostbite ponytail (Strokes tail.)

And went to warm up

Visit the kids.

It's warm and nice here

And they give carrots for dinner.

(V. Choral)

Educator. Let's treat the hare with a carrot. (Pulls out pre-cooked carrots.) Tanya, take a carrot, give it to the hare! Say: "Here, hare, eat!" We all say: "Eat, hare, eat." Look, he says “thank you” to us, nods his head.

You can invite children to take pity on the hare, stroke (show and name) his ears, nose, tail - this activates the children's play activities and vocabulary.

Educator. Bunny wants to say something. (Depicts (conversation "with a hare.) He found a beautiful box and doesn't know how to open it.

Let's help him and see what lies there. (Opens the box with the help of the children.) What is here? Toys. (Highlights the word in voice.) A lot of toys! What toys? (The teacher addresses each child individually.) Name it. Take it. Show all the kids. What toy did Sasha take? Mishka. Is the bear big or small? (Helps to show with hands.) Let's pat the bear on the head, take pity on him. (Shows ears, paws) What is this? (Individual appeal to each child.) Name it. show me. (Slams the toy with its paws.) What is the bear doing? He claps his paws, rejoices that he has come to visit us. Let's call him: "Come, come, bear, to us!" (Encourages children to repeat the words "go, go")

Other toys are treated in the same way. At the end of the game, the teacher asks again: “What did the hare bring? Toys. Beautiful toys." (Highlights in voice.) Offers to play with them.

Card #9

"Hen and chickens" (from 1 year 7-8 months)

Tasks. Enrich children's vocabulary (chicken, chickens, chick, pecks); promote the use of simple phrases; encourage dialogue, create a joyful mood.

Material. Clockwork chicken, chickens (made of cardboard).

Game content

A clockwork toy, a chicken, is moving and “pecking” near the door.

Educator. Who came to visit us? Chicken, chicken - ryabushka. Say hello to the chicken. Hello chicken grouse! Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko! Who is the chicken calling? (Summarizes answers.) A mother hen calls her baby chicks. Where are the baby chickens? Let's ask the chicken. (Individual appeals.) Tanya, ask where are the chickens? Let's call the chickens: "chick-chick-chick!" (Supports and encourages children's speech activity. Takes out a box of chickens.) Who is it squeaking: "pee-pee-pee"? Chickens. (Supports the emotional reaction of children. Offers to take chickens, consider) What chickens? Small, good. The hen calls the chickens: “Ko-ko-ko! Guys - yellow chickens, come to me!

The teacher invites the children to place the chickens next to the chicken. He asks each child what he did, who he took to the chicken. Draws the attention of the children to the reaction of the chicken: "The mother hen is glad that she found her baby chickens, and thanks you." Arranges chicken and chickens in a row asks: “What kind of chicken? Big. What are chickens? Small. What do chickens call their babies? How do chickens squeak? (Children's answers.)

Starts a chicken. "What is the chicken doing? She pecks at the grains, calls her baby chickens.


Don't go far

Row with your paws,

Looking for grains!

The teacher invites the children to show how the chicken pecks grains (tap fingers on table) and say: "Klu-Klu-Klu".

Card number 10

"Let's ride a horse" (from 1 year 8 months)

Tasks. Introduce children to new toy and ways of dealing with it; continue to teach to compare toys in disguise; enrich vocabulary; encourage onomatopoeia, the use of simple phrases and participation in dialogue.

Material. Large rocking horse, small toy horse, bunny.

Game content

The appearance of a big horse is played out: an adult “introduces” it into the group, clicks its tongue: “tsok-tsok-tsok!”

Educator. Who came to visit us? Horse! (Gives children the opportunity to examine the toy, stroke it.) What horse came to us? (If necessary, asks additional questions: beautiful? Big? Small?) big beautiful horse. (Invites children to repeat.) How does a big horse scream? Yoke! (Speaks in a low voice. Asks several children to repeat, then shakes the horse.) We also have a small horse. Let's find her. (Children who are familiar with this toy bring it at the request of an adult. It is advisable to put a small horse next to a large one.) What kind of horse is this (points to the rocking chair) - big or small? (Several individual responses.) What kind of horse is this (points to another) - big or small? (Children's answers.) The big horse yells: “yoke-ho-ho!” (says in a low voice) ; the little horse yells: "yoke-hoo-hoo!" (says in a high voice). (Children repeat) Today a big and a small horse came to visit us. What is the big horse doing? (Shakes her.) Swinging. What is the little horse doing? Costs. Let's ride a hare on a big horse. Ask the bunny: "Do you want to ride a horse?" Sasha, put the bunny on the horse. What is the bunny doing? He sits on a horse. Rides on a horse. (The teacher stimulates individual responses. Then he reads a poem.)

Bunny rides a horse

The path is flat and smooth.

Katya (Sasha, Tanya), do you want to ride a horse? Say: "I want to ride a horse." Say, "But let's go! But!"

At the end of the game, you can read a poem.

I love my horse

I will comb her hair smoothly,

I stroke the ponytail with a scallop

And I'll go on horseback to visit.

(A. Barto)

The game is repeated several times.

In this article:

In the period from 2 to 3 years, speech develops especially actively in children, so parents will need to pay attention to this process, helping the child learn to speak correctly and clearly. The key to free expression of thoughts or desires at any age is vocabulary. The more words the baby will use, the more meaningful and understandable he will get phrases and sentences.

Parents need to accustom themselves to pronouncing all their actions in the presence of children, to describe the objects and phenomena that they have to face. In addition, the development of a child’s speech from 2 to 3 years old will be facilitated by proper breathing and the development of the articulatory apparatus, which will allow the baby to express thoughts confidently and clearly using complex sentences and turns.

An excellent option for the development of the articulatory apparatus of children is the study and repetition of tongue twisters.
When pronouncing them, you will need to monitor the pronunciation of words, focusing on the correctness of stress.

Working on the development of the speech of children from 2 to 3 years old, in order to achieve a result, care must be taken to ensure an integrated approach. Try to talk more with the baby, adding as many adjectives, comparisons, descriptions, synonyms and antonyms as possible to your own speech, but most importantly - do everything so that classes bring the baby a pleasure!

Below we consider the most popular games for the development of speech for children from 2 to 3 years old.

Games for training breathing and developing speech

Proper breathing is the basis of a literate speech (after all, words are pronounced on the exhale). Therefore, pay attention to those games that can help the child reach the desired level of development of this breathing function.

A game "pipe and
whistle". The world of a two year old is amazing. He sees it bright, colorful, filled with sounds that pour from everywhere. You can not only listen to the sound, but also extract it, for example, if you tap a stool with a spoon or rustle with foil.

But it is even more interesting to extract sounds from special instruments. Offering the baby to blow into a pipe or a whistle, parents will unobtrusively train the crumbs to exhale, and at the same time will interest him in a new cause-and-effect relationship.

The rules of the game are quite simple. The kid is offered the most primitive whistle (you can use a water whistle that can gurgle) and are asked to blow into it to make a sound. The result of their own actions will certainly make a positive impression on the child. Try to choose comfortable compact whistles for your baby with a quiet sound so as not to annoy relatives and neighbors.

From 2 to 3 years old, a child can already be offered to extract sound from a more complex instrument - a pipe. The structure of the pipe with simple manipulations with it allows you to extract sounds of different sounds, and this will especially please the baby - when, of course, he learns to do it correctly.

Candle game.
Children from a very early age love to look at the light. Therefore, they will especially like the game of blowing out the candles. Firstly, candles are an invariable attribute of the holiday, and secondly, the kids will get a lot of pleasure from the mission entrusted to them. And the rules of this game are very simple.

The child will need to blow out the candle so that the flame goes out immediately. Not all children will be able to do this on the first try, so parents should encourage by showing them how to blow smoothly and for a long time in order to get the desired result.

Why is it better to choose a candle? Yes, because the "behavior" of the light will tell the baby how to blow correctly, what distance to keep.

One more game with foam and cotton. The child is offered, as in the case of a candle, to blow on a piece of foam. It will be especially fun if several people take part in the game, each of which will try to blow harder.

Fairytale games for speech development

When choosing games for the development of speech in children from 2 to 3 years old, of course, you need to give preference to those that will amuse the baby and bring him pleasure. Below are a few of these options.

"Who is longer?" The rules of the game are extremely simple:

  1. Together with another child or adult, the baby is invited to hold out any sound for as long as possible.
  2. Who will cope with the task better, he won!

In the game you can
try to draw both vowels and some consonants, the main thing is to stock up on as much air as possible.

Another game for the development of not only speech, but also memory, as well as artistic abilities of children from 2 to 3 years old - game "Who's there?". Again, the rules of the game are so simple that a two-year-old child will understand them without difficulty.

Invite the baby to play as follows. Go out the door and knock. Let the kid answer: “Who is there? Come in." Sign in and identify yourself. During the game, you can change roles and come up with more and more images, pretending to be different animals, friends, relatives.

The game "Who lives in the little house?". Variation on the theme of the first game. Before playing, read a book about the tower with your child, where there will be pictures depicting the main characters. Try to stage a fairy tale in real life. Let the baby live first in the tower, and you will come to him under the guise of different animals, after which you can switch roles.

Development game
speech and memory "Names of animals".
The kid will need to be asked, expecting answers to questions from him. If the baby speaks confidently enough, then he will be able to answer on his own, if not, then let him repeat after you. The essence of the game is to ensure that the child named the names of the young animals. For example:

  • the dog has puppies;
  • the cat has kittens;
  • a pig has piglets, and so on.

The game "About the purpose of objects." Also interesting option for the development of a child in two years, not only speech, but also horizons. The kid is asked questions about why water, a chair, a table, earth, and so on are needed. The more features the baby can remember, the better.

For especially smart children from 2 to 3 years old, who have already mastered the skills of speech development well, a game that can introduce them to grammar at a primitive level is suitable. Its essence boils down to ensuring that the child intuitively correctly names the genus of an object or object, choosing suitable pronouns.

For example, a dog is she, a bunny is he, ice cream is it. Try to name both animate and inanimate objects.

Games for the development of speech and logical thinking

familiar to everyone
since childhood game "Cold, warm, hot". The essence of the game is to ensure that the baby is looking for clues hidden in the apartment thing or toy. The closer he comes to the hiding place, the more often he will hear words like "warm", "very warm", "hot" and finally "hot". Just like in previous games, you will need to change places with the child.

Another great game option that develops not only speech, but also logical thinking and children's attention the teacher's game. Invite the baby to try on the role of a knowledgeable and experienced teacher who will correct your mistakes.

specially absurd phrases so that the baby can correct you, from time to time inserting correct remarks into the speech. For example, you can say to a child: “The chair is on the floor,” and he will agree. But the expression “the chair lies on the cat” will cause him laughter and denial. Kids really like this game, and they are happy to play the role of both teachers and students, taking the initiative.

All of the games listed above will accelerate the development of speech in children from 2 to 3 years old, and will not let them get bored, strengthen contact with adults and, of course, help them get to know the world better.

In this article:

At the age of 2-3 years, there is an active development of speech motor skills in babies, although, of course, not for everyone. And in this case, the baby should come to the rescue loving mother, which should be armed with various educational games for children aimed at accelerating this process.

In order for the baby to have fun playing, you need to create a relaxed atmosphere around him and make classes as interesting as possible. The main thing is to attract his attention, and then the learning process will go much easier and faster.

Effective games for the development of speech

It is necessary to start conducting educational games after the baby has reached the age of one. At this time, everything new is learned by the crumbs much faster, so you should not miss such a chance. The following games are great for helping to master the first, most difficult, speech skills.

"Who is longer?"

The essence of the game is quite simple. Mom calls any vowel or consonant letter. The task of the crumbs is to replay the mother, stretching out the named sound longer.

Play Who's Longer? you can do it with the whole family - this will only interest your child. It is allowed to engage in at least every day, but it is better to alternate fun with another so that it does not bore the baby. This exercise develops not only speech, but also the respiratory system of the child.


very funny and interesting game, which forms the skills of correct pronunciation, and trains the articulatory apparatus of the crumbs. It involves reading small sentences by the mother, and the task of the baby is to repeat the last syllable of each line. For example:

“Winter has already come - ma-ma-ma, ma-ma-ma.

We will have fun playing - army-army-army, army-army-army.

It's raining outside - det-det-det, det-det-det.

Such rhymes can come up with every day - so the crumbs will be much more interesting to play. Such a creative approach will speed up the development of the baby's speech. You need to play "Repeat" with children at the age of 1-2 years.

"See the Bunny"

Such a game improves not only the speech motor skills of the crumbs, but also teaches him to navigate in space. To hold such an event, you will need your baby's favorite toy (in this case, a plush bunny).

Mom's task: pick up a toy and tell your child in her voice that she wants to get to know the house. Ask the kid to take the bunny in his hands and show him all the most interesting things in the house. But not only show - the baby should try to tell his plush friend about everything that might interest him.

After examining the nursery and the living room, go with the child to the kitchen, where, in the same “toy” voice, ask him for the name of the various kitchen utensils and items that are there. Be sure to ask what they are for.

Do not fill the baby with all the questions at once - it is better to play this game with him every day, gradually “talking” to him. If you start asking him about everything at once, he will get confused, and even lose interest in the game.

The game "Show the Bunny" is intended for children who are at least 1.5 years old. But if your child at 1 year old is already learning how to connect words and phrases into sentences, you may well work with him until he reaches the age of two.

"Sleeping Doll"

This game is aimed at the development of the speech and hearing apparatus. To carry it out, you will need a doll, a rubber baby doll or a soft toy. Then everything must be done according to the algorithm below:

  1. Ask your child to put the doll to sleep by singing her a lullaby.
  2. When the toy "falls asleep", let the baby gently lay it in the crib and cover it with a blanket.
  3. While the doll is "sleeping", tell the child that you need to talk in a whisper so as not to "wake her up.

During the “sleep” of the toy, talk to the baby, ask him about what they will do when the doll “wakes up”, what they will play, etc. Your goal is to teach the baby a coherent conversation. It will not be easy, but do not put pressure on the baby, and even more so do not yell at him. Such actions can discourage him from playing such games for a long time.

Finger games for the development of speech motor skills

Finger games are designed for the development of speech in children at the age of 10 months. Through these activities, it develops fine motor skills, which positively affects the articulatory apparatus of the crumbs. They involve doing the so-called "finger gymnastics" based on the use of funny nursery rhymes.

It is not necessary to do everything according to a template. Mom may well pick up rhymes herself, and for each line come up with finger movements that will convey the meaning of what was said.

Such training is divided into several stages:

  1. Mom shows the baby a scene only with her fingers.
  2. Under pre-prepared rhymes, the mother moves both her fingers and the baby's fingers.
  3. Adult and baby perform finger movements synchronously.
  4. The baby performs the movements on his own, the adult pronounces the verse, and, if necessary, helps the child to do finger gymnastics correctly.
  5. The child independently performs the exercise and pronounces the rhyme, the mother only prompts and helps him a little.

Little children who have not reached at least one year of age, you only need to show finger "performances". You should learn them together already when the baby learns to pronounce phrases. One and a half year old babies and older children are perfectly amenable to learning.

To begin with, mom will need to practice by learning one nursery rhyme on her own, and coming up with interesting finger movements for her. For example:

"Early morning Cockerel

sings songs,

Cleans the tail, comb,

The round dance leads.

Children love to play with it

Songs to sing and dance.

Come up with a movement for each line, practice for several days, and only then proceed to classes with the child. Many kids are simply delighted with such exercises, especially if they are offered new verses every day.

Articulation gymnastics for children 1-3 years old

Classes in articulation gymnastics with a small child are especially necessary if there is a pronounced one. There is a whole range of exercises that are performed to strengthen and improve the work of all elements of the articulatory apparatus (tongue, cheeks, frenulum, lips).

Classes with a child need to be made colorful, entertaining, unusual. It should make the baby delight and desire to exercise every day. Then the process of development of the speech apparatus will begin to move much faster.

Here are a few effective exercises that can be done daily. You need to deal with a child who has reached a year and a half (or at least a year) of age.

Exercise "Pancake"

Smile broadly and stick out your tongue. Place it on the lower lip and hold for 5-7 seconds. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the lip is relaxed and does not rub against the teeth. Even slight tension is an indication for repeated manipulation.


This is one of the simplest exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus in a child. The baby just needs to stretch his lips in a smile so that his teeth are not visible. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Do 3-4 sets per day.

Exercise "Piglet"

Extend the lips with a tube, and then move them to the right, to the left and in a circle. Perform the procedure for 1-3 minutes.

Game "Pendulum"

Open your mouth a little, stretch your lips in a wide smile and stick out the tip of your tongue. At the expense of the mother, the child should alternately touch each corner of the mouth with the tip of the tongue. Repeat movements should be at least 10 times, gradually increasing the duration of classes.

All exercises that make up the complex of articulatory gymnastics must be performed in a sitting position. At the same time, the child should be relaxed and set in a playful way. Only then will such activities be useful.

Breathing exercises for the development of speech in children

Such exercises are especially important because they train the child's respiratory system. The principle is simple: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. It is on the exhale that most of these exercises are performed.

Exercise "Fly, butterfly!"

To complete this exercise, you will need to cut out several butterflies from multi-colored paper. Attach each butterfly to a not very long thread, and then attach all the figures together to a cord or a thin wooden block. Hang the blank for the game so that it hangs at the level of the baby's face.

Show your child butterflies, then say something like: “Look, what beautiful butterflies - colorful, small, interesting. How can they fly!

After that, lightly blow on the butterflies to show the child what is required of him. Tell him, “Look how far they have flown! Well, come on and try it. Will they fly as far as you?”

The task of the baby is to take in as much air as possible through the nose, and with all the force to blow on paper butterflies. You must ensure that his shoulders remain straight, he does not rise on his toes, does not even get a little air into his lungs, and does not puff out his cheeks. Blow should be done carefully so as not to cause dizziness.

Exercise "And the first snow fell"

This game will require you to have a small piece of cotton, divided into many small pieces. They will serve as snowflakes. After placing the “snowflakes” on the table, say: “Look how many snowflakes. All of them are reminiscent of winter, and if you love this time, let's blow on them together.

Show the child how to do the exercise correctly, after which he must repeat the procedure himself. Play these games every day for 3-5 minutes.

Such exercises should be performed only if the child wants, so do not force them to study against their will. By doing this, you can achieve an effect that is exactly the opposite of what you expected.

Role-playing games

Role-playing games not only help develop the speech apparatus, but also improve memory, thinking, fantasy and fine motor skills.

So, with a child, you can play anything, imitating:

  • family;
  • school;
  • shop;
  • beauty saloon;
  • holidays, etc.

Such games have their own algorithm, which must be followed. It includes the following steps:

  1. Topic selection.
  2. Careful development of a game plan.
  3. Creating a situation.
  4. Distribution of roles.
  5. Game start.
  6. Maintaining the child's interest in fun by inventing various unexpected twists and turns.
  7. End of game event. The ending should be logical so that the kid understands what the game was for.

To make it more fun to conduct such classes, it is better to play with the whole family. This will benefit both the baby and the parents.

Educational games for children from 2 years old

Children aged 2 years and older already have some communication skills, so the task of parents is to consolidate and develop them.

For this purpose, an interactive training complex "Mersibo" was created, which consists of exercises aimed at:

  • performing breathing exercises;
  • development of phonemic hearing;
  • conducting sound-letter analysis;
  • improvement of non-speech hearing;
  • teaching the basics of grammar (children from 3 years and older);
  • development of logical thinking;
  • improved attention;
  • stimulation of full-fledged thinking, etc.

All games that make up the Mercibo training course are played in visual mode. This is provided by sets of pictures that are displayed on the screen of a special multimedia board.

Who is the training complex for?

The Mercibo exercise book is used mainly in preschool educational institutions that do not have access to the Internet. This is a paid course, however, the training program is quite extensive, so it has gained immense popularity not only among kindergarten teachers, but also among parents.

Classes according to the "Mersibo" method help to develop the articulatory and respiratory apparatus, strengthen memory, develop ingenuity, teach you to fantasize and think logically. Such games contribute to a significant replenishment of the child's vocabulary, prepare him for school.

Interactive complex "Mersibo" can be installed on a home PC so that at any time you can open a particular game and start working with your child. But if you are of the opinion that parents should teach the child, then the options for home games presented above will help you out at any time and in any weather.

Useful video on how to develop the speech of a child 2-3 years old