Plot-based role-playing games, the average group in the federal state. Role-playing games for children of the middle group of kindergarten. The direction of the formation of story games


1. To develop in children an interest in role-playing games, to help create a game environment, to establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles. Teach children to implement and develop the plot of the game. 2. Form friendly relationships in the game, the ability to change their role behavior in accordance with the different roles of partners. Learn to perform game actions according to speech instructions. 3. Enrich children's knowledge about the work of a hairdresser, cultivate respect for the work of a hairdresser. 4. Activate the children's vocabulary: hairdresser, master, scissors, comb, hairstyle, hair dryer, haircut, haircut, bangs, wind on curlers.
Preliminary work:
1. The teacher's story about the profession of a hairdresser, about the importance of work. 2. Looking at pictures, photo illustrations about the work of a hairdresser. 3. Conversation with children "How my mother and I went to the hairdresser." 4. Excursion to the hairdresser (with parents). Supervision of the work of the master. 5. Reading S. Mikhalkov "In the barbershop." 6. Consider several hairstyles for boys and girls in the group (braids, short haircut). 7. Didactic games "We will not say what we saw, but we will show what we did." "What are these items for"; 8. Preparation of the playing area for the game "Hairdresser". Roles that children can play:  hairdresser;  client Game actions 1. Putting on a cape on the client. 2. Combing. 3. Haircut. 4. Washing the head. 5. Wiping with a towel. 6. Blow dry. 7. Wrap on curlers. 8. Braiding. 9. Tying ponytails. 10. Pinning hairpins. 11. The client, while the head is drying, can be offered to look at a fashion magazine. Developing subject-play environment 1. Mirror. 2. Bedside table for storing game attributes. 3. Different types of combs (combs should be with rare, non-sharp teeth, handles are short, rounded). 4. Shampoo bottles with a bright, attractive shape. 5. Curler for one turn of the strand.
6. Plastic scissors. 7. Toy hair dryer. 8. Cape for the client. 9. Apron cape for the hairdresser. 10. Towel. 11. Hairpins, colorful rubber bands, bows. 12. Magazine with samples of hairstyles.
Game progress
Surprise moment (artistic word). (Teacher - approaching the "Hairdresser's" play area) Who is the hairdresser today? Let me be. (puts on an apron, prepares the playing area for the game) I will do your hair, For example, like mine. Hello, you pass, (invites an interested girl to join the game) Sit down in front of the mirror, I'll tie a cape. And, of course, the first thing I do is neatly comb my hair. And now we will wind the bangs On the big curlers, We will braid the pigtails on the side, We will tie the tail behind. We'll fix it all with varnish Or hair gel, Let's put lipstick on the lips And powder our nose a little. I did everything perfectly, Praise me. After all, now my girlfriend has become better than she was! (draws the attention of the children to the girl whose hair was done) The teacher announces to the children that the holiday is coming soon - “ New Year". And for the holiday, in order for everyone to be beautiful, you need to make a neat hairstyle. - Guys, have you been to the hairdresser? Who works there? Do you know the name of the profession of a person who cuts his hair? (children's answers). Correct hairdresser. The teacher, taking on the role of a hairdresser, explains to the children his role in the game, while giving a model of action and communication. "Hello, please come in and have a seat." "Which hairstyle would you like?" "Braid or tie a ponytail?" “Do you want two pigtails? Very good.” “Please!” "Did you like it?" "I'm glad you liked it too." "Come to us again, I will do new hairstyle". "Please next!" Further, the teacher helps to distribute the roles, the children fix the name of the hairdresser's inventory (scissors, electric machine, comb, towels, shampoo, hair dryer). Ways to exit the game  “What beautiful and varied hairstyles you all have! Well done our hairdressers. And now our barbershop is closing, but tomorrow it will be open again. Be sure to come."  If the game does not fade, then you can warn the children in advance that the hairdresser will close soon, there is very little time left, so the last client is served. Not
children who have time can come up with a hairstyle and come tomorrow. Thus, all children will participate in the game and no one will be upset. Game result: The hairdresser's game is over. Did you like her? What they were doing? Educator: And tomorrow the barbershop is again waiting for its customers.
Synopsis of a role-playing game

(middle group) Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "Speech development".
1. To develop in children an interest in role-playing games, to help create a game environment, to establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles. Teach children to implement and develop the plot of the game. 2. Form friendly relationships in the game, the ability to change their role behavior in accordance with the different roles of partners. Learn to perform game actions according to speech instructions. 3. To form a positive attitude towards doctors (veterinarians), nurses, an understanding of the responsibility of workers in this profession for the lives of people (animals), as well as a sensitive, attentive attitude towards a sick person (person, animal). 4. Activate the children's vocabulary: height meter, prescription, mask, cap, couch, medicine, pills, ointment, scales, phonendoscope, bandage, cotton wool.
Preliminary work:
1. The teacher's story about the profession of a doctor (veterinarian), about the significance of his work. 2. Examination of pictures, illustrations about the work of a doctor (veterinarian, nurse). 3. Conversation with children “What should be done in order not to get sick?”, “I am not afraid of an injection, if I need to inject myself.” 4. Excursion to the medical office kindergarten. 5. Reading fiction on the topic: "My Bear" Alexandrova; “The rooster fell ill with a sore throat” by A. Krylov; "Aibolit", K. Chukovsky, V. Suteev "About a hippo who was afraid of vaccinations." 6. Listening to the song "The doll got sick" music. A Filippenko, op. T. Volgina; 7. Didactic games "What are these items for", "What does the doctor need?" 8. Preparation of the playing area for the game "Hospital". Roles that children can play:  doctor (doctor)  nurse  veterinarian  patient (patient) Game actions 1. Examine the patient (listen, put a thermometer, examine the sore spot). 2. Treat. 3. Prescribe treatment. 4. Release procedures, medicines, give injections, vaccinations.
Developing subject-play environment 1. Table, chairs, couch, screen. 2. Children's white dressing gown, cap. 3. Set of the game "Doctor". 4. Jars, boxes.
Game progress
Guys, look who I brought you. This doll is Katya. Katya’s mood is completely bad, let’s ask the doll what happened to her? Our doll is sick. I didn't even eat in the morning. Barely opens his eyes. He doesn't laugh, he doesn't play. She is silent all day. Even "mom" doesn't scream. Who can help our doll? (children's answers). That's right, guys, this is a doctor (doctor). Let's take the doll to the doctor as soon as possible (everyone goes to the "Hospital" play area). Educator: Guys, look how many medical supplies are here (children examine them, call them). The teacher puts on a hat (“attributing” to himself the role of a “doctor”) - And now I want to ask the Katya doll what hurts her. "Show me your neck. Now we are measuring your temperature (puts a thermometer on the doll). Now I will listen to you. You have angina. Teacher: I need help. It is necessary to hospitalize the sick doll, and make sure that she takes the medicine that I prescribed for her. Who will help me? Well, of course, a nurse (involves one of the children watching her in the game, puts on a white coat, a cap for the child, gives out medicine). Suddenly the doll came to life again, Now she is healthy! May blink his eyes. Bending down, call mom. Educator: And now I have a lunch break. Another doctor will replace me (offers the child to take her place). The "treatment" procedure can be repeated with two or three dolls brought to the hospital by children. The educator gives a model of action and communication. “Hello patient, please come in, sit down, what hurts you?”. An artistic word to involve children in a story game: Bunny caught a cold in his ear - I forgot to close the window. You need to call a doctor And give the bunny medicine. Crying teddy bear. The hedgehog pricked him. Black straight into the nose. The lumberjack is agile. The unfortunate cat hurt its paw. He sits and can't take a step. Hurry, to cure the cat's paw, We need to hurry to the doctor.
Always attentively, with love A kind doctor treats us, And having improved our health, He is most glad of all.
Synopsis of a role-playing game

(middle group) Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "Speech development".
1. To develop in children an interest in role-playing games, to help create a game environment, to establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles. Teach children to implement and develop the plot of the game. 2. Form friendly relationships in the game, the ability to change their role behavior in accordance with the different roles of partners. Learn to perform game actions according to speech instructions. 3. Enrich children's knowledge about the work of the seller, cultivate respect for the work of the seller. 4. Activate children's vocabulary: seller, buyer, package, counter, price tags, scales, food, dairy products, bakery products, fruits, vegetables.
Preliminary work:
1. The story of the educator about the profession of the seller, about the significance of his work. 2. Examination of paintings, photo illustrations about the work of the seller. 3. Conversation with children about the variety of types of stores: vegetable, grocery, toy store. 4. Excursion to the store (with parents). Supervision of the work of the seller. 5. The teacher's story about the benefits of food. 6. Conversation about the painting in the "Shop". 7. Didactic games "Wonderful bag"; “I will give you riddles, find riddles for me”, “Know the profession”. "Who needs what to work." 8. Preparation of the playing area for the game "Shop". Roles that children can play:  seller;  the buyer;  driver. Game actions: Seller: puts on a uniform, offers goods, weighs, packs, lays out goods on shelves (decorates a showcase), receives money, gives change to the buyer. Buyers: come for shopping, choose a product, find out the price, consult the seller, follow the rules of conduct in a public place, set up a queue, pay for the purchase. Driver: delivers a certain amount of various goods, unloads the brought goods. Developing subject-play environment 1. Counter.
2. Special clothing (apron, cap). 3. Cash desk, money, price tags. 4. Food products: replicas of vegetables and fruits, various pastries from salt dough, boxes (from sweets, cookies, cakes, pastries, tea, chocolates, juice, drinks), sausages, fish, milk packaging, cups, jars from yogurt. 5. Scales. 6. Bags, baskets, packages.
Game progress
Surprise moment (artistic word). Educator: - Guys, I’ll give you a riddle, listen carefully: We need to buy bread for us, Or give us a gift, - We take a bag with you, And we go out into the street, We pass along the shop windows And go into .... Children: - shop Educator: - Well done! Right! I suggest you play interesting game"Shop". -Look (the teacher points to a children's truck), someone brought vegetables and fruits, who could it be? (children's answers - the driver), but he did not have time to unload them into the store. Let's help him? (unload, laying out vegetables separately from fruits). Guys, what is the name of the person who sells this product? (children's answers - the seller). Educator: - That's right! Salesman. Let's distribute the roles, I will be the seller. And who wants to be buyers? -The first buyer will be Kuzma, and the rest will take a turn. 2nd buyer: - Who is the last one? 1st buyer: - me. 2nd buyer: - Then I'm behind you. 3rd buyer: also takes a queue, etc. Educator (behind the counter): - Hello, what do you want? 1st customer: Hello! Weigh the cheese for me, please, and give me the juice. Educator: - Please, do you need a package? 1st buyer: - yes Educator (puts the goods in a bag): - "3 rubles" from you for the purchase. 1st buyer (calculated): - thank you, goodbye. Teacher: Thank you for your purchase. Goodbye! Come again! The teacher changes roles with the children: - guys, I also want to make a purchase, maybe someone wants to replace me? The child stands behind the counter and assumes the role of a salesman. The teacher stands in line: - Who is the last one? I will follow you. Throughout the game, the teacher reminds the children of the speech patterns necessary for polite communication between the seller and the buyer, the rules of conduct in the store, helps to cope with the role if difficulties arise, praises the children.
Synopsis of a role-playing game

(middle group) Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "Speech development".

1. To develop in children an interest in role-playing games, to help create a game environment, to establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles. Teach children to implement and develop the plot of the game. 2. Form friendly relationships in the game, the ability to change their role behavior in accordance with the different roles of partners. Learn to perform game actions according to speech instructions. 3. To acquaint children with the work of the post office, with the profession of a postman. To form in children ideas about the purpose of mail as a means of communication. 4. Activate children's vocabulary: mail, postman, mailbox, addressee, telegram, letter, package, postcard, stamp, newspaper, envelope.
Preliminary work:
1. The teacher's story about the profession of a postman, about the significance of his work. 2. Examination of pictures, illustrations about the work of the postman. 3. Excursion to the post office (with parents). 4. Reading fiction on the topic: S. Marshak “Mail”, 5. Viewing the m / f “Vacation in Prostokvashino”, “Winter in Prostokvashino”, “Snowman-mailer”. 6. Riddles on this topic. 7. Didactic games "To whom - what is needed for work", "Name your address." 8. Paper construction. Theme "Envelope". 9. Preparation of the playing area for the game "Mail". Roles that children can play:  postman (delivers mail to addresses)  operator (receives parcels)  addressee  mail visitors  loader driver , buy newspapers, stamps, envelopes at the post office. Developing subject-play environment 1. The form of the postman. 2. Postman's bag. 3. Mailbox. 4. Envelopes with paper, postcards, newspapers, parcels. 5. Phone. 6. Print.
Game progress
The postman's song sounds (the teacher attracts children to listen to it) The mail walks, travels and flies, The path to the mail is open everywhere, And when there is not enough land, It is ready to swim on the water.

It is not for nothing that everyone knows that a letter will not rush into the house by itself, And at any time everyone needs mail. The postman is the happiest of all, believe me, The postman is always on the road, The news is in a sealed envelope He must bring it on time. The post office goes, travels and flies, The path for the post office is open everywhere, And when there is not enough land, It is ready to sail on the water. Educator: Guys, who and what is this song about? (children's answers). Correctly about mail and about the postman. And who knows why people need mail? (children's answers). Let's look in our mailbox, maybe there is a letter or a postcard for us (they take out a letter). Who do you think this letter is from? Look, a Snowman is drawn here, probably from a Snowman (children's guesses). The teacher reads the letter: - Dear children, the Snowman writes to you. Santa Claus is sad because he does not have time to color Greeting Cards Happy New Year and I don't know what to do. Help me please! Guys, can we help Santa Claus? (children's answers). Educator: then we get to work (distributes postcard templates and pencils). After completing the work, the teacher turns to the children with the question: - How will Grandfather Frost receive postcards? After all, he needs to have time to fill them with congratulations on the New Year (children's answers). That's right, we'll send it by parcel (children put postcards in a parcel, write the address, stick a picture of Santa Claus). Educator: now you need to go to the post office and send our package. (The teacher brings the children to the "Mail" corner, together with the children they choose the operator who will receive the parcel). The operator accepts the parcel, weighs it, and stamps it. Educator: Well done guys, they did a good deed, they helped Grandfather Frost, he will be very happy, and we will wait for an answer from him.
The relationship of the mail game with other role-playing games:
Kindergarten games: children write a letter to television and ask to show their favorite cartoon, the postman brings a letter for mom, children receive a parcel from a fairy-tale hero. Games in the hospital: send a letter to the doll Katya, who is in the hospital. Transport Games: Passengers leave for another city and send a telegram to relatives to be met. Family games: Subscribe or buy newspapers or magazines, put a letter in the mailbox, send a package to grandparents.

Synopsis of a role-playing game

(middle group) Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "Speech development".
1. To develop in children an interest in role-playing games, to help create a game environment, to establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles. To teach children to implement and develop the plot of the game, to use various objects - substitutes. 2. Form role-playing interaction (mom-dad-daughter-son). 3. Teach children to do household chores. To consolidate children's ideas about the family, about the responsibilities of family members. 4. Raise love and respect for family members and their work. 5. Activate children's vocabulary: family, relatives, friends, kitchen utensils, tea set, cutlery, breakfast, lunch, dinner, morning, afternoon, night, day, comfort, order, family holidays, care.
Preliminary work:
1. Examination of family photos 2. Conversations about the family, about family holidays. 3. Finger game "Family". 4. Reading the works of: K. Ushinsky “The Cockerel with the Family”, E. Blaginina “I’ll Teach My Brother to Wear Shoes”, V. Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad” 5. Conversations: “What kind of dishes are there”, “My family” , “How do I help my mother”, “Who works for whom?”. 6. Design of a stand with photographs of children "Mom's Helpers". 7. Didactic games: "Let's treat the doll with tea", "Let's feed the doll with lunch" "How to meet guests", "What are these dishes for", "Let's set the table for tea (lunch)", "Let's put the doll to sleep", "We're going for a walk ". 8. Preparation of the playing area for the game "Family". Roles that children can play:  mother, father, daughter, son;  grandmother, grandfather;  guests. Game actions: Mom. Collects and escorts her daughter to kindergarten, her husband to work; takes care of the younger child (doll), walks with him, cleans the house, cooks food; meets a child from kindergarten, a husband from work; feeds them, communicates, puts the children to bed. (He gets ready and goes to work; returns home from work; rests, communicates with his children and husband; helps his grandmother, puts the children to bed). Dad is a driver. Going to work; takes the child to kindergarten; he's going to work; delivers goods (bricks) to the construction site, unloads them, goes for new ones; picks up a child from kindergarten; returns home; helps his wife around the house; invites neighbors to visit for tea; escorts neighbors; communicates with children, plays with them, puts them to bed. Children are preschoolers. Get up, get ready and go to kindergarten; in kindergarten they are engaged: they play, draw, walk; returning from kindergarten, playing, helping parents, going to bed.
Developing subject-play environment 1. Dolls. 2. Children's furniture (table, sofa, armchairs, "Kitchen" (stove, sink, oven), doll's bed with bedding), bath. 3. Phone. 4. Carriage for a doll. 5. A set of toy dishes. 6. Apron, towel, clothes, bags.
Game progress
(A child is heard crying) Educator: Guys, do you hear? Is someone crying? He takes out a doll-baby doll from the stroller ... who is it? Children: Baby! Educator: Why do you think the baby is crying? Who does he need? Children: He needs mom and dad. Educator: Of course, the baby needs mom and dad. So he needs a family. Who will be the baby's mother? Who is dad? (the teacher helps the children to assign roles, the children talk about the chosen role in the game). The child is a mother. I will take care of all family members, cook food, wash clothes. The child is dad. I will earn money, help around the house and farm, go shopping. Educator: But the name of the baby is unknown. What will mom and dad name the boy? (come up with the name "son"). Educator: And the family can be big, Vanya can have sisters and brothers (invites the children to assign roles). That's how big Friendly family, in it - dad, mom, little son Vanechka, son Alyosha, and daughter Anya. Educator: Can I be a grandmother in our family? What are the responsibilities of the grandmother in the family? (children's answers). That's right, the grandmother reads fairy tales to her grandchildren, educates them, bakes pies, knits warm socks. Educator: And what do the children in the family do? (children's answers). That's right, help mom and dad. Teacher: Very good! Now the baby has a mother, father, sister, brother and grandmother. The teacher connects the game "Family" with other role-playing games, such as - "Mail", "Shop", "Hospital" to involve all children. Assign roles to children. The teacher monitors the role relationships of children. Helps develop the story.

(middle group)

Educator: Molokova E.N.

  1. Zoo

Target: expand children's knowledge about wild animals, their habits, lifestyle, nutrition, cultivate love, humane treatment of animals, expand children's vocabulary.

Equipment: toy wild animals familiar to children, cages (made of building material), tickets, money, cash desk.

Game progress : the teacher informs the children that the zoo has arrived in the city, and offers to go there. Children buy tickets at the box office and go to the zoo. They examine animals there, talk about where they live, what they eat. During the game, children should pay attention to how to treat animals, how to care for them.

  1. Kindergarten

Target: to expand children's knowledge about the purpose of a kindergarten, about the professions of those people who work here - an educator, nanny, cook, music worker, to instill in children a desire to imitate the actions of adults, to treat their pupils with care.

Equipment: all the toys you need to play in kindergarten.

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to play in kindergarten. At will, we assign children to the roles of the Educator, Nanny, Musical Director. Dolls and animals act as pupils. During the game, they monitor relationships with children, help them find a way out of difficult situations.

  1. Family

Target. Development of interest in the game. Formation of positive relationships between children.

game material. Doll - baby, attributes for the equipment of the house, doll clothes, utensils, furniture, substitute items.

Game progress.

The teacher can start the game by reading the work of art by N. Zabila "Yasochka's garden", at the same time a new Yasochka doll is introduced into the group. After reading the story, the teacher invites the children to play the way Yasya helps to prepare toys for the game.

Then the teacher can invite the children to dream up how they would play if they were left at home alone.

In the following days, the teacher, together with the children, can equip a house on the playground in which Yasochka will live. To do this, you need to clean the house: wash the floor, hang curtains on the windows. After that, the teacher can talk in the presence of children with the parents of a recently ill child about what he was ill with, how mom and dad took care of him, how they treated him. You can also play a lesson with a doll (“Yasochka caught a cold”).

Then the teacher invites the children to play the "family" on their own, watching the game from the side.

During the subsequent game, the teacher can introduce a new direction, invite the children to play, as if Yasha had a birthday. Before that, you can remember what the children did when someone in the group celebrated a birthday (children prepared gifts in secret: they drew, sculpted, brought postcards, small toys from home. At the holiday, they congratulated the birthday man, played round dance games, danced, read poetry). After that, the teacher invites the children to make bagels, cookies, sweets - a treat in the modeling lesson, and in the evening celebrate Yasochka's birthday.

In the following days, many children can already develop various options for celebrating a birthday in independent games with dolls, saturating the game with their own experience acquired in the family.

In order to enrich the knowledge of children about the work of adults, the educator, having previously agreed with the parents, can instruct the children to help their mother at home and cook food, clean the room, do laundry, and then talk about it in kindergarten.

To further develop the game in the "family", the teacher finds out which of the children has younger brothers or sisters. Children can read A. Barto's book "The Younger Brother" and look at the illustrations in it. The teacher brings a new baby doll and everything necessary to take care of it to the group and invites the children to imagine that each of them has a little brother or sister, to tell how they would help their mother to take care of him.

The teacher can also organize a game in the "family" for a walk.

The game can be offered to a group of three children. Distribute the roles: "mom", "dad" and "sister". The focus of the game is the baby doll "Alyosha" and new kitchen utensils. Girls can be offered to clean the playhouse, rearrange the furniture, choose a comfortable place for Alyosha's cradle, make a bed, swaddle the baby, put him to bed. "Papa" can be sent to the "bazaar", bring grass - "onion". After that, the teacher can include other children in the game at their request and offer them the roles of "Yasochka", "dad's friend - driver", who can take the whole family to the forest to rest, etc.

The educator should provide children with independence in the development of the plot, but also carefully monitor the game and skillfully use the role relationships of children to strengthen real positive relationships between them.

The teacher can finish the game with an offer to go (the whole family has lunch in a group.

The plot of the game in the "family" the educator together with the children can constantly develop, intertwining with games in the "kindergarten", in "chauffeurs", "moms and dads", "grandparents". Participants in the “family” game can take their children to the “kindergarten”, take part in (matinees”, “birthdays”, repair toys; “moms and dads” with children as passengers go on a bus for a country walk in the forest, or a “chauffeur” to take a mother with a sick little son to the “hospital” in an ambulance, where he is received, treated, cared for, etc.

  1. bath day

Target . Development of interest in the game. Formation of positive relationships between children. Raising in children a love for cleanliness and tidiness, a caring attitude towards the younger ones.

game material

Game roles. Mother, father.

Game progress . The teacher can start the game by reading the work "Dirty Girl" and "Bathing" from A. Barto's book "Younger Brother". Talk about the content of the texts. After that, it is advisable to show the children the cartoon of K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr", to consider the paintings and E. I. Radina, V. A. Ezikeyeva "Playing with a Doll". And also to conduct a conversation “How we swam”, in which to consolidate not only the sequence of bathing, but also to clarify the ideas of children about bathroom equipment, about how attentively, caringly, affectionately mothers and fathers treat their children. Also, the teacher can involve children, together with their parents, to take part in the manufacture of attributes, equipping a large bathroom (or bath) for dolls.

With the help of parents and with the participation of children, you can build a towel rack, a grate under your feet. Children can construct soap boxes. Benches and chairs for the bathroom can be made of large building material, or you can use highchairs, benches.

During the game, the teacher tells the children that they cleaned the play corner very well yesterday; washed all the toys, arranged them beautifully on the shelves. Only the dolls were dirty, so you need to wash them. The teacher offers to arrange a bath day for them. Children put up a screen, bring baths, basins, build benches, chairs from building material, put a grate under their feet, find combs, washcloths, soap, soap dishes. Here is the bath and ready! Some "mothers" Are in a hurry to start bathing without preparing clean clothes. For dolls. The teacher asks them: “What will you change your daughters into?”. "Moms" run to the closet, bring clothes and put them on chairs. (Each doll has its own clothes). After that, the children undress and bathe the dolls: in the bath, under the shower, in the basin. If necessary, the teacher helps the children, makes sure that they take care of the dolls, call them by name; reminds that you need to bathe carefully, carefully, do not pour water into the "ears". When the dolls are washed, they are dressed and combed. After bathing, the children pour out the water, clean the bathroom.

  1. Big Wash

Target. Development of interest in the game. Formation of positive relationships between children. Raising in children respect for the work of the laundress, respect for clean things - the result of her work.

game material. Screen, basins, baths, building material, play bath accessories, substitute items, doll clothes, dolls.

Game roles. Mom, dad, daughter, son, aunt.

Game progress . Before starting the game, the teacher asks the children to watch the work of their mother at home, to help the spa during the wash. Then the teacher reads A. Kardashova's story "The Big Wash".

After that, if the children do not have a desire to play the game on their own, then the teacher can offer them to arrange a “big wash” themselves or take out a bath and linen to the site.

Next, the teacher offers the children the following roles: “mother”, “daughter”, “son”, “aunt”, etc. You can develop the following plot: the children have dirty clothes, you need to wash all the clothes that are dirty. “Mom” will manage the laundry: what clothes should be washed first, how to rinse the laundry, where to hang the laundry, how to iron.

The educator must skillfully use role-playing relationships during the game to prevent conflict and form positive real relationships.

During the subsequent conduct of the game, the teacher can use a different form: the game of "laundry". Naturally, before this, appropriate work should be carried out to familiarize oneself with the laundress's work.

During an excursion to the laundry of the kindergarten, the teacher introduces the children to the work of the laundress (washes, turns blue, starches), emphasizes the social significance of her work (she washes bed linen, towels, tablecloths, bathrobes for kindergarten employees). The laundress tries very hard - snow-white linen is pleasant for everyone. Washing machine, electric irons facilitate the work of the laundress. The excursion helps to educate children in respect for the work of the laundress, respect for clean things - the result of her work.

The reason for the appearance of the game in the "laundry" is often the introduction by the educator into the group (or to the site) of objects and toys necessary for washing.

Children are attracted to the role of "laundress" because they are "interested in doing laundry", especially in washing machine. To prevent possible conflicts, the teacher invites them to work in the first and second shifts, as in a laundry.

  1. Bus (Trolleybus)

Target . Consolidation of knowledge and skills about the work of the driver and conductor, on the basis of which the guys will be able to develop the plot, creative game. Familiarity with the rules of conduct on the bus. Development of interest in the game. Formation of positive relationships between children. Raising in children respect for the work of the driver and conductor.

game material. Construction material, toy bus, steering wheel, cap, policeman's stick, dolls, money, tickets, wallets, bag for the conductor.

Game roles . Driver, conductor, controller, policeman-regulator.

Game progress . The educator needs to start preparing for the game by observing the buses on the street. It is good if this observation is carried out at a bus stop, since here children can observe not only the movement of the bus, but also how passengers get in and out of it, and see the driver and the conductor through the windows of the bus.

After such an observation, which is led by the educator, attracting and directing the attention of the children, explaining to them everything that they see, you can invite the children to draw a bus in class.

Then the teacher should organize a game with a toy bus in which the children could reflect their impressions. So, you need to make a bus stop, where the bus will slow down and stop, and then hit the road again. Small dolls can be put on a bus stop at a bus stop and taken to the next stop at the other end of the room.

The next step in preparing for the game should be the trip of children on a real bus, during which the teacher shows and explains a lot to them. During such a trip, it is very important that the children understand how difficult the work of the driver is, and watch it, understand the meaning of the conductor's activity and see how he works, how he politely behaves with passengers. In a simple and accessible form, the teacher should explain to the children the rules of behavior for people on the bus and other modes of transport (if you have given up your seat, thank; yourself give way to an old man or a sick person who finds it difficult to stand; do not forget to thank the conductor when he gives you a ticket; sit down to a free seat, and do not necessarily demand a seat by the window, etc.). The teacher must explain each rule of conduct. It is necessary that the children understand why an old man or a disabled person must give way to a seat, why one cannot demand a better seat by the window for oneself. Such an explanation will help children practically master the rules of behavior in buses, trolleybuses, etc., and then, gaining a foothold in the game, they will become a habit, become the norm of their behavior.

Another one from important points while traveling by bus - to explain to children that trips are not an end in themselves, that people do not make them for the pleasure they get from the ride itself: some go to work, others go to the zoo, others go to the theater, others go to the doctor, etc. The driver and the conductor with their work help people quickly get to where they need to, so their work is honorable and you need to be grateful to them for it.

After such a trip, the teacher should conduct a conversation with the children on the picture of the corresponding content, after carefully examining it with them. When analyzing the content of the picture with the children, you need to tell which of the passengers depicted on it goes where (grandmother with a big bag - to the store, mother takes her daughter to school, uncle with a briefcase - to work, etc.). Then, together with the children, you can make the attributes that will be needed for the game: money, tickets, wallets. The teacher, in addition, makes a bag for the conductor and a steering wheel for the driver.

The last step in preparing for the game may be watching a movie that shows the bus ride, the activity of the conductor and the driver. At the same time, the teacher must explain to the children everything that they see, and by all means ask them questions.

After that, you can start the game.

For the game, the teacher makes a bus by moving the chairs and placing them the way the seats are on the bus. The entire structure can be fenced with bricks from a large building set, leaving front and rear doors for boarding and disembarking passengers. At the rear end of the bus, the teacher makes the conductor's seat, at the front, the driver's seat. In front of the driver is a steering wheel that is attached either to a large wooden cylinder from a building kit or to the back of a chair. Children are given wallets, money, bags, dolls to play with. Ask the driver to take his seat, the conductor (teacher) politely invites the passengers to enter the bus and helps them get comfortable. So, he offers passengers with children to take the front seats, and for those who did not have enough seats, he advises to hold on so as not to fall while riding, etc. Placing passengers, the conductor along the way explains to them his actions (“You have son. It's hard to hold him. You need to sit down. Make way for a hundred, perhaps, otherwise it's hard to hold the boy. Grandfather must also give way. He is old, it's hard for him to stand. And you are strong, give way to grandfather and hold on with your hand here, and you can fall when the bus is moving fast”, etc.). Then the conductor distributes tickets to passengers and along the way finds out which of them is going where and gives a signal to depart. On the way, he announces stops (“Library”, “Hospital”, “School”, etc.), helps the elderly and the disabled get off the bus and enter it, gives tickets to those who have entered again, keeps order on the bus.

The next time the teacher can entrust the role of the conductor to one of the children. The teacher directs and fu, now becoming one of the passengers. If the conductor forgets to announce stops or send the bus on time, the teacher reminds of this, and without disturbing the course of the game: “What stop? I need to go to the pharmacy. Please tell me when to leave” or “You forgot to give me a ticket. Give me a ticket, please,” etc.

Some time later, the teacher can introduce into the game the role of a controller who checks whether everyone has tickets, and the role of a policeman-regulator who either allows or forbids the movement of the bus.

The further development of the game should be directed along the line of combining it with other plots and connecting to them.

  1. Chauffeurs

Target. Consolidation of knowledge and skills about the work of the driver, on the basis of which the guys will be able to develop a plot, creative game. Development of interest in the game. Formation of positive relationships between children. Raising in children respect for the work of the driver.

game material. Cars of various brands, a traffic light, a gas station, building materials, steering wheels, a cap and a stick of a traffic controller, dolls.

Game roles . Chauffeurs, mechanic, gas tanker, dispatcher.

Game progress . Preparation for the game teacher should begin with the organization of special observations for | driver activities. They should be directed by the teacher and accompanied by his story, explanation. A very good reason for the first detailed acquaintance of children with the work of a driver can be to observe how food is brought to kindergarten. Showing and explaining how the driver brought food, what he brought and what of these products they will then cook, it is necessary to inspect the car with the children, including the driver's cab. It is advisable to organize constant communication with the driver who brings food to the kindergarten. Children watch him work, help unload the car.

The next step in preparing for the game is to observe how food is brought to neighboring stores. Walking down the street with children, you can stop at one store or another and watch how the brought products are unloaded: milk, bread, vegetables, fruits, etc. As a result of such observation, the children should understand that being a driver is not at all does not mean just turning the steering wheel and honking that the driver is driving in order to bring bread, milk, etc.

Also, before the start of the game, the teacher organizes excursions to the garage, to the gas station, to a busy intersection, where there is a police traffic controller.

It is advisable for the educator to conduct another excursion to the garage, but not to any garage, but to the one where the father of one of the pupils of this group works as a driver, where the father will tell about his work.

Emotionally colored ideas of children about the work of parents, its social benefits are one of the factors that encourage a child to take on the role of a father or mother, to reflect in the game their activities in everyday life and at work.

The impressions received by children during such walks and excursions must be consolidated in a conversation on the basis of a picture or postcards. In the course of these conversations, the educator needs to emphasize the social significance of the driver's activities, to emphasize the significance of his activities for others.

Then the teacher can arrange to play with toy cars. For example, children are given vegetables, fruits, bread and confectionery products fashioned by them in the classroom, furniture made of paper. The teacher advises taking food to kindergarten, goods to the store, moving furniture from the store to new house, ride dolls, take them to the dacha, etc.

To enrich the experience of children, their knowledge, it is necessary to show the children on the street different cars (for transporting milk, bread, trucks, cars, fire engines, ambulances). medical care, if possible, to show in action the machines watering the streets, sweeping, sprinkling sand), explaining the purpose of each of them. At the same time, the teacher must emphasize that everything that these machines do can only be done thanks to the activity of the driver.

The teacher should also consolidate the knowledge gained by the children during walks and excursions, examining with them pictures depicting a street with various types of cars, and in an outdoor game with a plot element. For this game, you need to prepare cardboard steering wheels and a stick for the traffic controller. The essence of the game is that each child, driving the steering wheel, moves around the room in the direction that the policeman points to him with his wand (or hand). The traffic controller can change the direction of movement, stop the transport. This simple game, well organized, gives children a lot of joy.

One of the stages in preparing children for a story game can be watching a movie showing some specific case of the driver's activity and different types of cars.

At the same time, for two weeks, it is advisable to read several stories from B. Zhitkov’s book “What did I see?”, Conduct several classes on designing from building material (“Garage for several cars”, “Truck”), followed by playing with buildings. It is good to learn with children the mobile game “Colored Cars” and the musical and didactic game “Pedestrians and Taxi” (music by M. Zavalishina).

On the site, children, together with the teacher, can decorate a large truck with multi-colored flags, carry dolls on it, build bridges, tunnels, roads, garages in the sand on walks.

The game can be started in different ways.

The first option could be next. The teacher invites the children to move to the country. First, the teacher warns the children about the upcoming move and that they need to pack their belongings, load them into the car and sit down themselves. After that, the teacher appoints a driver. On the way, be sure to tell the children about what the car is passing by. As a result of this move, the puppet corner moves to another part of the room. Having sorted out things at the dacha and settled in a new place, the teacher will ask the driver to bring food, then take the children to the forest for mushrooms and berries or to the river to swim and sunbathe, etc.

Further development of the game should go along the line of connecting it to other game themes, such as "Shop", "Theater". kindergarten, etc.

Another option for the development of this game may be the following. The teacher takes on the role of a “driver”, inspects the car, washes it, and with the help of the children fills the tank with gasoline. Then the "dispatcher" writes out a waybill, which indicates where to go and what to transport. The "chauffeur" leaves for the construction of a residential building. Further, the plot develops in this way: the driver helped build the house.

Then the teacher introduces several roles of "drivers", "builders" into the game. The children, together with the teacher, are building a new house for Yasya and her mom and dad.

After that, the teacher encourages the children to play on their own and reminds the children that they themselves can play as they want.

During the subsequent game of “chauffeurs”, the teacher brings in new toys - cars of various brands that he makes with the children, a traffic light, a gas station, etc. Also, children, together with the teacher, can make new missing toys (tools for car repair, a cap and a stick policeman-regulator), improve ready-made toys (attach a trunk to a car or an arc to a bus with plasticine, turning it into a real trolleybus). All this contributes to maintaining interest in the device, purpose and ways of using the toy in the game.

At this age, children's "driver" games are closely intertwined with "construction" games, as drivers help build houses, factories, dams.

  1. Shop

Target: to teach children to classify objects according to common features, to cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, to expand the vocabulary of children: to introduce the concepts of “toys”, “furniture”, “food”, “dishes”.

Equipment: all toys depicting goods that can be bought in a store, located in a window, money.

Game progress : the teacher offers the children to place a huge supermarket in a convenient place with departments such as vegetables, grocery, dairy, bakery and others where customers will go. Children independently distribute the roles of sellers, cashiers, salespeople in departments, sort goods into departments - products, fish, bakery products, meat, milk, household chemicals, etc. They come to the supermarket to shop with their friends, choose goods, consult with sellers, pay at the checkout. During the game, the teacher needs to pay attention to the relationship between sellers and buyers. The older the children, the more departments and goods can be in the supermarket.

  1. At the doctor's

Target : teach children how to care for the sick and use medical instruments, educate children in attentiveness, sensitivity, expand vocabulary: introduce the concepts of "hospital", "sick", "treatment", "drugs", "temperature", "hospital".

Equipment : dolls, toy animals, medical instruments: a thermometer, a syringe, tablets, a spoon, a phonendoscope, cotton wool, medicine jars, a bandage, a dressing gown and a bonnet for a doctor.

Game progress : the teacher offers to play, the Doctor and the Nurse are selected, the rest of the children pick up toy animals and dolls, come to the clinic for an appointment. Patients with various diseases go to the doctor: the bear has a toothache because he ate a lot of sweets, the Masha doll pinched her finger in the door, etc. We specify the actions: the Doctor examines the patient, prescribes treatment for him, and the Nurse follows his instructions. Some patients require inpatient treatment, they are admitted to the hospital. Children of the elder preschool age they can choose several different specialists - a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a surgeon and other doctors known to children. Getting to the reception, the toys tell why they went to the doctor, the teacher discusses with the children whether this could have been avoided, says that you need to take more care of your health. During the game, children watch how the doctor treats patients - makes dressings, measures the temperature. The teacher evaluates how the children communicate with each other, reminds that the recovered toys do not forget to thank the doctor for the help provided.

  1. Building a house

Target: introduce children to construction professions, pay attention to the role of technology that facilitates the work of builders, teach children how to build a building of a simple structure, cultivate friendly relations in a team, expand children's knowledge about the features of builders' work, expand children's vocabulary: introduce the concepts of "building", "mason ”, “crane”, “builder”, “crane operator”, “carpenter”, “welder”, “building material”.

Equipment: large building material, cars, crane, toys for playing with the building, pictures of people in the construction profession: bricklayer, carpenter, crane operator, driver, etc.

Game progress : the teacher invites the children to guess the riddle: “What kind of turret is standing, but is the light on in the window? We live in this tower, and it is called ...? (house)". The teacher offers the children to build a large, spacious house where toys could live. Children remember what construction professions are, what people do at a construction site. They look at pictures of builders and talk about their duties. Then the children agree on building a house. Roles are distributed between children: some are Builders, they build a house; others are Drivers, they deliver building materials to the construction site, one of the children is a Crane Operator. During construction, attention should be paid to the relationship between children. The house is ready, and new residents can move in. Children play on their own.

  1. Salon

Target : to introduce children to the profession of a hairdresser, to cultivate a culture of communication, to expand the vocabulary of children.

Equipment: a dressing gown for a hairdresser, a cape for a client, hairdresser's tools - a comb, scissors, bottles for cologne, varnish, hair dryer, etc.

Game progress : knock on the door. Doll Katya comes to visit the children. She gets to know all the children and notices a mirror in the group. The doll asks the children if they have a comb? Her pigtail was untangled, and she would like to comb her hair. The doll is offered to go to the hairdresser. It is clarified that there are several rooms there: women's, men's, manicure, they work good masters, and they will quickly put Katya's hair in order. We appoint hairdressers, they take their jobs. Other children and dolls go to the salon. Katya is very pleased, she likes her hairstyle. She thanks the children and promises to come to this hairdresser next time. During the game, children learn about the duties of a hairdresser - cutting, shaving, styling hair in a hairstyle, manicure.

  1. Ambulance

Target: arouse in children an interest in the professions of a doctor, a nurse; to cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude to the patient, kindness, responsiveness, a culture of communication.
Roles: doctor, nurse, ambulance driver, patient.
Game actions:The patient calls 03 and calls an ambulance: he gives his full name, age, address, complaints. The ambulance arrives. The doctor and nurse go to the patient. The doctor examines the patient, carefully listens to his complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures pressure, looks at the throat. The nurse measures the temperature, follows the instructions of the doctor: gives medicine, gives injections, treats and bandages the wound, etc. If the patient feels very unwell, he is picked up and taken to the hospital.
Preliminary work:Excursion to the medical office d / s. Observation of the work of a doctor (listens with a phonendoscope, looks at the throat, asks questions). Listening to K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit" in a recording. Excursion to the children's hospital. Surveillance of an ambulance. Reading lit. works: I. Zabila “Yasochka caught a cold”, E. Uspensky “Played in the hospital”, V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?”. Examination of medical instruments (phonendoscope, spatula, thermometer, tonometer, tweezers, etc.). Didactic game "Yasochka caught a cold." Conversation with children about the work of a doctor, a nurse. Consideration of illustrations about the doctor, honey. sister. Modeling "Gift for sick Yasochka". Making with children attributes for the game with the involvement of parents (robes, hats, recipes, medical cards, etc.)
Game material:telephone, bathrobes, hats, pencil and prescription paper, phonendoscope, tonometer, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, sponge, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.

  1. veterinary hospital

Target: arouse in children an interest in the profession of a veterinarian; to cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards animals, kindness, responsiveness, a culture of communication.
Roles: veterinarian, nurse, nurse, veterinary pharmacy worker, people with sick animals.
Game actions:Sick animals are brought to the veterinary clinic. The veterinarian receives patients, carefully listens to the complaints of their owner, asks questions, examines a sick animal, listens with a phonendoscope, measures the temperature, and makes an appointment. The nurse writes a prescription. The animal is taken to the treatment room. The nurse gives injections, treats and bandages wounds, lubricates with ointment, etc. The nurse cleans the office, changes the towel. After the reception, the owner of the sick animal goes to the veterinary pharmacy and buys the medicine prescribed by the doctor for further treatment at home.
Preliminary work:Excursion to the medical office d / s. Observation of the work of a doctor (listens with a phonendoscope, looks at the throat, asks questions) Listening to K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit" in a recording. Consideration with children of illustrations for the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit". Reading lit. works: E. Uspensky "Played in the hospital", V. Mayakovsky "Whom to be?". Examination of medical instruments: phonendoscope, spatula, thermometer, tweezers, etc. Didactic game "Yasochka caught a cold." Conversation with children about the work of a veterinarian. Drawing “My favorite animal” Making with children attributes for the game with the involvement of parents (robes, hats, recipes, etc.)
Game material:animals, bathrobes, hats, prescription pencil and paper, phonendoscope, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, sponge, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.

  1. Polyclinic

Target: revealing the meaning of the activities of medical personnel to develop in children the ability to take on roles. develop interest in the game. form positive relationship between children. education in children of respect for the work of a doctor.

game material: game set "Puppet doctor", substitute items, some real items, doctor's hat, dressing gown, doll.

Situation 1 The educator offers the child the additional role of a patient, while he himself takes on the main role of a doctor. Educator: "let's play Doctor": I will be a doctor, and you will be a patient. Where will the doctor's office be? Come on, as if it were an office (puts up a screen) What does the doctor need? from the first-aid kit). And this is a jar of ointment, and this is a syringe ... "(Gradually, the child himself begins to name and arrange the necessary). The teacher puts on a hat and a white coat: “I am a doctor. Come to my appointment. Come in, hello. Do you have a sore throat or tummy? When did you get sick? "Oh, what a red throat. Let's lubricate it now, doesn't it hurt? Doesn't your head hurt?"

Playing with one child attracts the attention of other children. The teacher, noticing the children watching the game, says: "Do you also have something sick? Get in line, sick people, Wait."

Situation 2 The teacher plays a doctor, two children are sick. Educator "Now let's play like I'm a doctor. I'm in my office. I have a phone. You are sick, call me and call the doctor, ding, ding! My phone is ringing. Hello! the doctor is listening. who called "Girl Katya? Are you ill? Do you have a headache or a stomach ache? Did you take your temperature? How high! Tell me Katya, where do you live?"

I come to you. I will treat you. In the meantime, drink tea with raspberries and go to bed. Goodbye! My phone rings again. Hello, who's calling? Boy Dima? What are you complaining about? Runny nose? Have you been sick for a long time? Did you take drops or take pills? Does not help? Come see me today. I'll prescribe another medicine for you. Goodbye!

Situation 3. The doctor himself calls the patients, finds out how they feel about themselves, gives advice. In the process of talking on the phone, the educator uses a system of alternative and prompting questions that show the variability of game actions and contribute to the further development of creativity.

  1. "The wind walks on the sea and the boat drives"

Target : To consolidate with children knowledge of the rules and measures of safe behavior on the water.

Program content:Build a basic understanding of safe behavior on the water; consolidate knowledge about how to help a drowning person, consolidate children's knowledge about animals that live in hot countries; educate the ability to behave correctly in an emergency.

Equipment: construction set with large parts, steering wheel, rope, anchor, life buoys, peakless caps, mats, cap for the captain, sailor collars, buoys, “swimming allowed” sign red life jacket, pictures of animals from hot countries, palm trees, toys, hats for passengers .

Game progress

We love it when guests come to us. Look how many there are today, every morning we say to each other: “ Good morning”, so that we have a good all day, so that we have a good mood. Let's say these morning magic words to our guests: "Good morning"

The teacher reads the poem:

What is summer?

That's a lot of light

This is a field, this is a forest,

It's a thousand wonders!

caregiver : It is warm and even hot in summer, so many people will relax on the sea, near a river, lake or pond. Let's go on a journey by sea. And for this we will build a ship.

Children with the help of a teacher build a ship from a building kit

Educator: Did you forget to take a circle, a rope?

Children A: Do not forget to take.

Educator: And why do we need a circle and a rope?

Children: To save a man if he drowns.

Educator: Right. Almaz will be the captain on our ship. He will put on a cap and take a spyglass, and Ruzal, Azamat, Azat, Damir - they will be sailors, they will put on peakless caps and sailor collars. The rest of the children are passengers. Put on hats, pick up "daughters" / dolls /, take bags with rugs.

Captain: gives the command. Take your seats on the ship. The ship is sailing. Give up the moorings, raise the anchor!

The ship "floats" Children sing the song "Chunga-changa". At the end of the song, put up the sign "Swimming is allowed" and buoys.

caregiver : Look guys, a wonderful place, this is a beach, you can moor, swim and sunbathe.

Captain: Land on the shore! Drop anchor!

The teacher with the children “goes ashore” and explains that this is a beach and you can swim only on the beach, as this is a place specially equipped for swimming. In this place, the bottom has been checked and cleaned, the shore has been prepared, lifeguards and a medical worker are on duty, the swimming area is fenced with buoys, beyond which you cannot swim.

We choose who will be on duty on the tower and watch the swimmers, i.e. (lifeguard)

In case of danger, he will rush to help, taking Lifebuoy. The child rescuer puts on a red life jacket.

Educator: And I will be a nurse who is on duty on the beach and makes sure that vacationers do not get sunburn.

Children, let's show how we sailed here on a ship, and now let's swim like real dolphins in the sea waves(imitation of dolphin movements) swim, get out of the water, spread the rugs and “sunbathe”. First we lie on our backs, then we roll over on our tummies.

Guys, can you stay in the sun for a long time?



You can get sunstroke and burns on the skin.

Educator: Dear tourists, after resting and swimming, take your seats on the deck. Our journey continues.

Captain : Raise the anchor! Give away the moorings! Heading to hot countries!

during the "journey" the teacher reads riddle poems about the animals of hot countries. Palm trees and an easel with pictures of animals are placed

caregiver : Guys, here we sailed to hot countries. Look guys what animals live here. Come on guys, let's draw them now.

1. Stand in a circle and show how the elephant walks.

2. Like a monkey climbs for bananas.

3. Now let's show a growling tiger.

4. How a kangaroo jumps.

Okay, well done. Guys, not only animals live here, but also people who dance a beautiful dance called "Lambada". Let's try to dance it.

Well, it's time to rest and go back.

Captain: Raise the anchor! Give away the moorings! Heading back!

Educator: Oh, look, "man" in the water! quickly throw a lifeline!

Captain: Man overboard! Throw a lifeline!

Sailors throw a life buoy on a rope and pull it out, save the "daughter" /doll/. Passengers thank the captain and sailors.

caregiver : Guys, this will never happen if you and your friends follow the rules of behavior on the water.

Well, if suddenly, for some reason, a person is overboard, he can be helped by throwing a lifebuoy, an air mattress, a log, a stick, a board, even a ball. You don't have to jump into the water yourself. You can help a drowning person by yelling loudly "The man is drowning!" and call an adult for help.

And in order to remember the subject well, with the help of which you can save a drowning person, we will learn a poem that Aliya G. has already learned.

If someone drowns in the river,

If he goes to the bottom

Throw him a rope, a circle,

A stick, a board or a log ...

Now, we are well aware of the rules of behavior on the water, and our ship has safely returned from the trip!

Let's thank the captain and sailors for an interesting journey and a safe return home /children thank the crew of the ship/. And we will go down from the ship to the shore.

16. Travel around the city
▪ consolidate the ability to perform game actions according to verbal instructions, act with imaginary objects, use substitute objects,
▪ continue to develop speech,
▪ to replenish the idea of ​​the city, professions.
▪ driver's cap, steering wheel,
▪ signboard "cash desk", cafe "Skazka", "Palace of Sports",
▪ Uniform: park employees, instructor, waiter,
▪ hats are animals,
▪ carousel,
▪ building material.
Preliminary work:
▪ targeted walk along Kirova street and Leningradskaya embankment,
▪ viewing the photo album "Our beloved city",
▪ viewing the multimedia presentation "Walking around the city",
▪ learning the rules of the road,
▪ role-playing game "We are going, we are going, we are going...",
▪ familiarization with the work of park employees, physical education instructor, waiter,
▪ learning games and songs, role-playing words and actions.
Game progress.
Children with a teacher are building a bus.
Leading. Guys, I want to invite you to go on a tour. Do you agree? (children's answers). Then get on the bus. I will be the tour guide, and Yegor will be the driver (children take seats on the bus).
Bus driver. Attention, the bus is leaving! Fasten your seat belts.
The audio recording of "Bus" sounds.
Chauffeur. Stop "Palace of Sports".
Leading. Let's go there. And tell the guys what people are doing in the sports palace? (Answers of children). And who does the training? Instructor.
Denis. Hello, I am your physical education instructor, I suggest you improve your health, let's do animal wort (children put on animal hats). Get on the flowers!
Children stand on flowers and perform movements to the music.

Leading. Is your health okay?
Children's answer. Thank you charger.
The leader and children thank the instructor.
Leading. I'll ask everyone to get on the bus, our tour of the city continues.
Chauffeur. Be careful, the doors are closing, fasten your seat belts. Next stop is Amusement Park.
funny bus,
Run along the path
And to the amusement park
You bring us.
Leading. There are many swings
And the magician is waiting
There are carousels
Cheerful people.
The song "Bus" sounds one verse.
Chauffeur. Stop "Amusement Park".
Leading. Slowly we go out, do not push.
Park director. Hello, I am the director of the park, I invite you to ride on our fun carousels, but first I ask you to purchase a ticket at the box office (gestures to the box office).
Children go to the box office and buy tickets. The game "Carousel" is being played.
Director. Well, how did you like our park? (children's answers). Would you like to look into the children's cafe "Skazka"? (children's answers)
Leading. Guys, the cafe is on the other side of the street and we have to go across the street. What is the right way to cross the road? (children's answers). Get up in pairs, I will go in front with a red flag, and Misha will go behind our column. Look, keep up, otherwise you will get lost in the city.
We walk the streets
We lead each other by the hand.
All we want to see
We want to know about everything.
Children on a pedestrian crossing go across the road.
Leading. Here we come.
Waiter. Hello, please place your order. Here is the menu for you.
Leading. Let's order juice (a box of juice for each).
Waiter. Will be done.
The waiter brings juice, the children drink, thank the waiter and leave the cafe.
Leading. This is where our tour ends. Please take your seats on the bus, buckle up - we are going back to kindergarten (children get on the bus, sing a song).
Chauffeur. Stop kindergarten "Smile".
The children get off the bus, thank the driver and the guide, the teacher invites the children to tell their families about the tour.

  1. Zoo
  2. Kindergarten
  3. Family
  4. bath day
  5. Big Wash
  6. Bus (Trolleybus)
  7. Chauffeurs
  8. Shop
  9. At the doctor's
  10. Building a house
  11. Salon
  12. Ambulance
  13. veterinary hospital
  14. Polyclinic
  15. The wind walks on the sea and the boat drives
  16. Travel around the city

In the lives of children 4-5 years old, the role-playing game continues to develop and occupies a leading place. The child builds plots with enthusiasm, strives to play a wide variety of roles, and becomes more proactive. Increased opportunities allow him to choose a theme and outline the idea of ​​the game, equip the playing space with the help of objects, use various attributes in the game. The teacher directs his efforts to enrich the role-playing behavior and relationships of children in the game, which are manifested through dialogue and game action.

The teacher encourages children to plan, that is, to create an elementary plan that will be embodied in the game; teaches them to describe plot events, outline (name) the circle of actors (characters) in the game, and reveal their interaction.

Traditional stories
The favorite stories for children aged 4-5 are games to the hospital and the store, in which the children most easily embody their life experience. The teacher, introducing new roles into the game, helps to expand children's ideas about the game image, about the variety of roles and role behavior. For example, in a game of shopping, drivers who bring products to the store can simultaneously act as loaders, can change their roles to others, for example, to the roles of storekeepers working in a warehouse. Children, based on their life experience, can play out various situations that occur in medical offices, since each of them has visited the clinic at least once.

How to prepare children for the game?
Mastering new plots, roles and play actions, the child enriches the game with new content, and, therefore, it will remain interesting for him. It is extremely important for the educator to maintain this interest, contributing to the enrichment of life experience, providing the child with time and space for play, stimulating his creative activity. Enrichment of game plots is facilitated by excursions and targeted walks, stories about professions, thematic conversations, didactic and theatrical games, and illustrations. All these forms of interaction between an adult and a child become the content of preliminary work that prepares children for play.

Preliminary work should be purposeful, pedagogically capacious, multifaceted, which will allow covering the entire theme used in the game. This kind of work involves all the ways and forms of interaction between an adult and a child in pedagogical process kindergarten; in it, as in no other work, interaction and interpenetration are visible various kinds children's games.

The game absorbs everything that happens in a child's life.
1. Targeted walks and excursions will allow the teacher to acquaint children more closely with the activities of adults, give them the opportunity to talk with representatives of this profession, and satisfy the interest of the kids. Achieving the intended goal, a wise teacher will turn the excursion into an exciting journey.
2. Stories about professions will interest the children in vivid figurative comparisons, give food for the imagination. If you provide such a story with illustrations, then the children will have a desire to get to know each other better: to use or make similar tools, to perform actions. You can use the book of the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” series “What are the professions” Children are captivated by stories invented by the teacher, specifically aimed at reproducing any situation, telling about the event (“How I visited the airport”, “How the girl got lost on station”, “How I was in the new store”, etc.). These stories, coming from the perspective of a significant adult for the child, provide freshness of perception and inspire faith in the authenticity of the event.
3. Thematic conversations are designed to clarify children's ideas about a particular game (life) situation, their opinion regarding any plot. The teacher involves the children in a dialogue and prompts their speech activity with leading questions. A conversation on any plot allows you to show the models of the game’s ideas and their development: “You know, usually the doctor first lays out the instruments, and then calls the sick”, “When the driver put the car in the garage, what could he find?”; "What's the best way to start the game? Think about where the place for the airfield will be?
4. Didactic games will help children learn game actions and behavior (weigh the goods, repair the car, listen to the patient, determine the quality of the goods), as well as follow the rules in the game, be organized, and show leadership qualities. To conduct didactic games, you will need various items that can be found in the sections "Game sets", "Tools and weapons", "Cookware sets",
5. Theatrical games will teach children to play with ready-made stories, understand and implement the game plan in action, and be expressive in the role. Special sets of furniture will help you to create an interior for theatrical games.
6. The illustrations will complement everything the children have seen and heard before. Children will see in them a lot of details that can be easily considered and which they had not noticed before. The bright colors of the illustrations will evoke emotional experiences and will make you want to imitate the actions of the depicted characters.

The main occupation of preschoolers are games that contribute to the knowledge of the world, help build relationships with peers and elders, contribute to the acquisition of their native language, and assist in obtaining a variety of new knowledge, which is so necessary during this period. They develop cognitive processes, form the skill and experience of children, teach them reasoning, analysis, motivation.

Role-playing games are a special type of games, which allow children to feel like adults, to practice finding communicative contacts. They do not contain specific arrangements or programs, giving kids a chance to show originality and their abilities. There are role-playing games in the middle group at the initiative of the preschoolers themselves.

At preschool age, the baby only begins to realize himself as an individual with personal aspirations and potential. He acquires a whole world, concentrating for him first in the family and gradually expanding. Role-playing games are genuine social practices of children, duplicate their real life. That is why using them for the versatile education of children in children's institution is a pressing issue.

This game is based on cooperation between kids and adults. It is characterized by emotional intensity, inspiration, enthusiasm, creative fantasy. The main source that feeds children's play is the surrounding life of peers and parents. The base is an illusory or imaginary position in which the baby imagines himself in the role of an adult, and plays this role in the environment invented by him. For example, playing in the store, he imagines himself as a seller serving peers.

The role-playing game is characterized by the independence of children. They freely select the leitmotif and content of the fun, establish the development of the plot, distribute roles. Each kid is free to choose the means to implement his ideas. He has unlimited possibilities for this: a chair can become a rocket for a flight to Mars, a sofa can become a car, and a carpet can become a store. This allows the child to take part in those areas of adult life that are still inaccessible to him. The beauty of the game for children is that they themselves find partners and introduce their own rules. However, the most important thing is the child's embodiment in the game of his ideas, attitudes, views on the event being played.

The information and experience that the child receives in the role-playing game are supplemented, concretized and transformed. The very process of the game and its result gives the child entertainment.

Game Structure: Story

The plot, essence and role serve as constructive elements of role-playing games. They don't exist without a story. It is its main link and personifies the display by the baby of actions and incidents from life and practice.

Realizing the plot, children:

  • turn the steering wheel;
  • cook food;
  • teach students to write and count;
  • treat patients;
  • doing hair in the salon.

The stories are different:

  • household (family, kindergarten);
  • production related to the professional work of a person (hospital, shop, hairdresser);
  • social (various celebrations).

In the course of human history, due to periods, culture, natural and geographical nuances, children's play plots have changed. For example, the games of the northern peoples display the details of reindeer herding and hunting for animals of that area. Children from coastal areas play shipbuilders, port workers. Extraordinary incidents that happen at different times and radically affect the fate of the world, also warmly responded to the children's imagination, and invariably gave rise to fresh plots of games. For decades, Russian children played war, partisans, and the flight of Yu.A. Gagarin became the impetus for the creation of games on the theme of space.

There are also constant plots that connect human generations: school, hospital, transport. Of course, they all have a national flavor.

The content of the games is connected with the seriousness of the child's understanding of the actions of adults. younger preschoolers, depicting physicians, repeatedly repeat manipulations: temperature measurement, throat examination, vaccinations. The scenario of the role-playing game in the middle group becomes more complicated: children clarify the specialization of doctors and act as in a given role, while friendly admonishing them not to be afraid to give an injection, bandage a wound or take medicine.

For changing outside real life reflected in the game, as the social significance of labor is understood, a reflection of the relationship of people comes. And jokingly, you can replace objects: imagine a cube with bread, an iron, a device, or you can even just imagine them, for example, imagine as if there is a scuba gear. Toddlers combine different stories, adding scenes from life, movies or books to the game, and additions from other games or illustrations are the most valuable.

Differences in children's games younger age from the elders depends on the limitations of their experience. Children games middle group are characterized by the integrity of the plot. Usually they are interested in certain scenarios, but they quickly respond to fresh impressions, adding them to familiar games. The meaning of the game is enriched by the cooperation of children, the introduction by each of something of his own, individual. During this period, babies begin to generalize and reduce the depicted situations that they are not very interested in.

Average preschoolers carefully choose a plot, analyze it in advance and outline a plan in a simple way. The appearance of fresh stories is inspired by new sensations. When generalizing various circumstances, in addition to imaginary and non-existent actions, the guys use verbal interpretations: “As if we had already had dinner and immediately went to the zoo” ... Such explanations replace the missed episodes. This technique is used in order not to destroy the logic of the game.

Child's play position

The preschooler embodies the meaning of the game through the role he plays. The kid likens himself to any character and acts according to how he sees this character. Each role maintains its own rules of conduct. The obedience of the baby to the laws of the role becomes a key detail of the game. The deviation of one of the participants from the rules creates discontent among the partners. Preschoolers evaluate the actions of partners and their own, based on these laws.

The emergence of roles occurs precisely in the middle preschool age, when their observance is an important reason for fun. The child does not want to play mediocre, but to fulfill his role. A 4-5-year-old kid understands the meaning of the game as the relationship of characters, which he conveys through speech, facial expressions, and gestures. Children are selective about roles, which is why assigning them becomes a very emotional process that requires the help of a teacher. The attitude of the baby to his role affects the quality of his performance. The teacher must take into account that preschoolers are reluctant to take on roles that do not suit them by gender.

In the middle group, the plot of the game and its content are complicated by:

  • increasing purposefulness, order and consistency;
  • step-by-step switching from a detailed game layout to an abbreviated one;
  • the use of imaginary deeds and oral substitutions.

The direction of the formation of story games

The emergence of collaborative play allows for a rapid transformation of the themes and design of games. Topics naturally change from everyday to labor, and later to social.

The content of the games is also evolving. In addition to actions, there is a reflection of various social relations and actions. For children, their direct life skills, knowledge gleaned from literature, and messages from their parents are included in the game. The main features of skills also change: children depict not only those cases in which they were participants, but also those that became objects of their observation during excursions, walks, at home and on the street. In the process of expanding the game theme and deepening the meaning, the structure is transformed, in which the preliminary stage, which is part of the design of the role-playing game in the middle group, is isolated.

At first, at the stage of the preparatory period, the guys only determine the theme of the game, assign roles. Then, step by step, they agree on the development of the storyline, plan it. A preliminary agreement is necessary due to the richness of sensations and the versatility of the facts displayed in the game. Exactingness to the quality of the performance of roles is increasing. Moreover, the interests of all players are taken into account in the contract. Such an agreement requires coordinating abilities, an understanding of the potential of the participants, which is why children who are used to playing together usually collude. At the preliminary stage, the children prepare a playful atmosphere, toys are selected, which requires the guidance of a teacher.

By the middle preschool age, the number of players increases. The standards for toys are also changing. The average preschooler wants a toy that matches their ideas and intentions. They give preference to more intricate, similar to the prototype of the game item.

Construction of role-playing games

The story game should develop, moving to another, higher level. One such variation is the fantasy game. It consists in building an illusory world, fascinating and entertaining. Such a collective game helps to develop the creative imagination of children. Children must learn to connect different cases, coordinating personal ideas in a common plot.

Of course, preschoolers are not yet able to build their own fantasy game without objective actions and roles, only at the speech level. They can be directed by a teacher. The readiness of preschoolers of the middle group to master such skills is associated with an increase in their knowledge of life. Each child tries to implement his own, already rather difficult plan in the game. Moreover, the desire of the baby to play collectively is brighter.

However, the complexity and versatility of children's ideas makes it difficult to build a common game, so more effort needs to be made to harmonize them.

Early design and strict adherence to the plan is not typical for a story game. Its specific features are optionality, independence. At first, preschoolers usually set only the general theme of the game, and later the episodes build up.

A single plot is summed up from the initiatives of the players already during the entertainment. Matching children's proposals in a team of 4 people is a difficult mission even for older kids. Misunderstanding and impossibility of correlating incompatible ideas often causes the game to fall apart almost at the very beginning or transfers it into the knurled track of an unpretentious plot. The desire to promote an entertaining game fades into the background, and the first is satisfaction from collective actions with peers.

In order to realize their creative possibilities and the coordination of actions, despite all the whimsicalness of their personal desires, it is significant for children to master a new way of building a game - collective plot addition. It lies in the ability of the children to build unusual arrangements of episodes, including a variety of subject content, and with a focus on peers-participants. Each child should be able to explain what he wants to do in the next moment, and hear from others what they want. Children should be able to combine their initiative with the wishes of other players in a common plot.

You can learn such a game with the help of the participation of children and an adult who will help organize a game with inventing, which takes place orally. It enables the teacher to naturally and voluntarily push preschoolers to connect and coordinate various episodes. At the same time, the creation of a fresh plot is not hidden for the kids by the role. Such a game is understandable to children only as collective actions with the educator. Playing individually, the kids will return to their old toys again. However, unusual skills collective creation plots will allow them to compose much more complex plots of games, and coherently implement them.

In order not to become an independent fantasy of any player, fictions need a semantic support that orients the fantasy in one direction. The plots known to children become such a base. Collective games are recommended to be initiated not by writing a new plot, but by a fragmentary modification of the known one, and only then move on to the unknown ones. In preparation, it is desirable to use the experience acquired by children in inventing games, when all players bring in fresh plot episodes.

Given the topic named by the children, the teacher encourages them to make additions and offers an additional option. He should not criticize children's initiative so that children feel pleasure from their ideas. In the individual game, collective creativity will continue, which means that the preparatory stage has reached its goal. The role-playing game will become successful if the teacher organizes it methodically, systematically and regularly. Observing children gives the educator information for reflection, understanding of game ideas and emotions, and, based on these facts, designing games for middle preschoolers.

The educator influences the choice of the game in that it keeps the children interested, promotes undertakings and entrepreneurship, encouraging them to think about the topic, choose the most exciting one after the discussion. When the game fades, the teacher can diversify it with fresh characters and actions. Experienced teachers are united with children by the ability to take their point of view and participate on an equal footing with them in a game that is carried out effectively, subject to the reasonable guidance of the teacher.

Familiar game plots

The simplest embodiment of the life experience of middle group preschoolers is their favorite games in the hospital and the store. In them, teachers expand the concepts of children about role-playing images, for example, in a game in a store, drivers who deliver goods also perform the functions of a loader in parallel. Guys can diversify the episodes taking place in the doctor's office based on their life experiences.

The development of the role-playing game "Driver"

Tasks set by the teacher:

  • improvement and enrichment of the game plot, reflection of people's communication in it;
  • replacing role statements with an interview;
  • the formation of a positive microclimate in the team, the ability of children to take into account the wishes of their peers, providing them with affordable assistance;
  • organization of the creative environment.

Before the start of the game, a lot of preparatory work is carried out. Children in the process of walking watch the work of drivers, read stories about their work, look at pictures depicting various types of transport. The teacher conducts thematic conversations, for example, what types of transport drivers drive, what parts and parts the car consists of. In the classroom, kids draw cars, create applications that reproduce the wheels of cars, assemble trucks from designer parts. The teacher, if possible, can show a presentation about the work of drivers, organize desktop didactic games: how to fix the car, what the driver needs, organizes the staging of sketches about how the driver brought food to the kindergarten. Great pleasure is given to the children by the familiar outdoor games about sparrows and a car, about traffic signals.

They try to equip the game with real items and items made by the parents of the middle group: a steering wheel, clothes, a driver's license. The teacher at the beginning of the game can create a problematic situation - report a call to the police. They choose a driver, a mechanic who will repair a police car, the girl is assigned to wash this car. The teacher has a reason to remind the children of the rules of the road and take stock.

Role-playing game "Hospital" in the middle group

The teacher sets the task:

  • familiarization of preschoolers with the actions of physicians;
  • respect for their profession;
  • memorization of medical terms by children;
  • learning to interact in the game.

Toys and real items of medical clothing become equipment for the game. In preparation, an excursion to the doctor's office is carried out. Children are read the stories of writers and fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky, they watch the cartoon "Aibolit", look at pictures on the topic, prepare dramatizations: at a dentist's appointment, in an emergency room, a doctor's house call.

Among preschoolers, the roles of a pediatrician, a traumatologist, a nurse, an orderly, and a pharmacist are distributed in a playful way. The educator recruits staff for the newly opened polyclinic and conducts a correspondence tour of it, explaining the purpose of various rooms.

During the game, the kids can change roles. Patients bring their diseased dolls to the doctors, have dialogues about temperature and other symptoms of their diseases. Doctors put thermometers, listen to breathing, prescribe medications. The teacher observes the course of the game, gradually orients the children. Finally, he sums up, draws a conclusion, certainly encourages for an interesting game, offers vitamins to everyone.

Role-playing game "Bus" in the middle group

  • helps to concretize and detail the concepts of preschoolers about safety rules on the road, on the street, in transport;
  • fixes the stability of the habits of compliance with traffic rules;
  • expands the children's vocabulary on the topic.

On preparatory stage pictures depicting a bus and a driver are considered, excursions are conducted to the carriageway and to the bus stop, monitoring the actions of the driver.

The teacher reads poems and stories by S. Mikhalkov, B. Zhitkov, E. Nosov and others. The child who has taken the role of a driver is prepared individually. At first, children are engaged in building a road, a bus stop, a gas station, a pedestrian crossing on the site or in a group. The teacher conducts a conversation about the danger of cars moving at speed and about the caution of pedestrians and passengers. He acts as a police inspector. The driver of the bus that has arrived at the bus stop addresses the passengers with a proposal to take their seats. Children with their dolls sit down and take tickets from the conductor. The driver tells the name of the stops and reminds you how to behave in transport: one by one, enter the bus without pushing, pay for the fare, do not take up seats for the disabled, etc.

The traffic police inspector expresses gratitude to the guys for the fact that they follow the rules of the road.

Role-playing game "Family" in the middle group

  • recycles the social and gaming experience of children on the topic;
  • reinforces the concept of preschoolers about the duty of family members;
  • motivates kids to creatively reproduce family life in the game;
  • fosters affection and respect for relatives and their work.

Preliminary preparation is based on a conversation on everyday topics: how children play with a doll, how they help their mother, who in the family works with whom. In the process of productive activities, the guys draw pictures and mold products, vegetables from plasticine, make albums with various hairstyles and other everyday pictures.

The teacher reads them stories, poems on family topics, conducts conversations, carries out didactic games in daughter-mothers, how to meet guests, about the purpose of dishes, teaches them to set the table.

In a lesson on the development of speech, preschoolers compose a story based on a picture. The game begins with an introductory conversation, during which children report how their families take care of each other, then the roles of mom, dad, daughter and other characters are assigned.

At the next stage, the kids show the usual family life: go to the store, to the clinic, to the hairdresser, cook dinner, meet guests.

The participants in the game get great pleasure, and the teacher sums up and praises the children.

Role-playing game "Hairdresser's" in the middle group

  • deepens in kids the concept of the work of the salon staff;
  • teaches the application of previously acquired knowledge about the world of beauty;
  • fosters a respectful attitude to the work of the master;
  • creates interest in a new profession for them;
  • establishes friendly and friendly relationships among the children in the group;
  • reinforces information about the norms of how to behave in a public place;
  • activates children's vocabulary.

The game will require items related to the theme. During the game, preschoolers, answering the teacher's questions, talk about what they observed when visiting a real hairdresser, what equipment is there, what employees and customers do.

The teacher takes on the role of administrator. In turn, several children, acting as clients, conduct a dialogue, voicing their wishes, how they would like to have their hair cut. Summing up the results of the game also takes place in the form of a live conversation - questions from the teacher and answers from preschoolers.

Arbitrary story games are the most attractive for middle preschoolers due to their conventionality, optionality, providing a comfortable feeling for the child. Playing with a plot develops the personality of a child who takes on different roles and reproduces various episodes and actions, imbued with other people's thoughts and emotions, and empathizes with the characters.

The game is of great importance for the formation in children of the skill of interaction with peers: he not only acquires the ability to understand others, but also to explain his actions.

Karina is a permanent expert of the PupsFull portal. She writes articles about play, pregnancy, parenting and learning, baby care, and mom and baby health.

Articles written

Card file of role-playing games for preschoolers

Development of gaming activity.
Main goals and objectives:
Creation of conditions for the development of children's play activities. Formation of game skills, development of cultural forms of the game. Comprehensive upbringing and harmonious development of children in the game (emotional-moral, mental, physical, artistic-aesthetic and socio-communicative). Development of independence, initiative, creativity, self-regulation skills; formation of a benevolent attitude towards peers, the ability to interact, negotiate, independently resolve conflict situations.

Plot - role-playing game "Shop"

Target: to teach children to classify objects according to common features, to cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, to expand the vocabulary of children: to introduce the concepts of “toys”, “furniture”, “food”, “dishes”.
Equipment: all toys depicting goods that can be bought in a store, located in a shop window, money.
Age: 3–7 years.
Game progress: the educator suggests that the children place a huge supermarket in a convenient place with such departments as a vegetable, grocery, dairy, bakery and others, where buyers will go. Children independently distribute the roles of sellers, cashiers, sales workers in departments, sort goods into departments - food, fish, bakery products,
meat, milk, household chemicals, etc. They come to the supermarket for shopping with their friends, choose goods, consult with sellers, and pay at the checkout. During the game, the teacher needs to pay attention to the relationship between sellers and buyers. The older the children, the more departments and goods can be in the supermarket.

Plot - role-playing game "Toys at the doctor"

Target: teach children how to care for the sick and use medical instruments, educate children in attentiveness, sensitivity, expand vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “hospital”, “sick”, “treatment”, “medicines”, “temperature”, “hospital”.
Equipment: dolls, toy animals, medical instruments: a thermometer, a syringe, pills, a spoon, a phonendoscope, cotton wool, medicine jars, a bandage, a dressing gown and a bonnet for a doctor.
Age: 3–7 years.
Game progress: the teacher offers to play, the Doctor and the Nurse are selected, the rest of the children pick up toy animals and dolls, come to the clinic for an appointment. Patients with various diseases go to the doctor: the bear has a toothache because he ate a lot of sweets, the Masha doll pinched her finger in the door, etc. We specify the actions: the Doctor examines the patient, prescribes treatment for him, and the Nurse follows his instructions. Some patients require inpatient treatment, they are admitted to the hospital. Children of senior preschool age can choose several different specialists - a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a surgeon and other doctors known to children. Getting to the reception, the toys tell why they went to the doctor, the teacher discusses with the children whether this could have been avoided, says that you need to take more care of your health. During the game, children watch how the doctor treats patients - makes dressings, measures the temperature. The teacher evaluates how the children communicate with each other, reminds that the recovered toys do not forget to thank the doctor for the help provided.

Role-playing game "Pharmacy"

Target: expand knowledge about the professions of pharmacy workers: a pharmacist makes medicines, a cashier-seller sells them, a pharmacy manager orders the necessary herbs and other preparations for making medicines, expand the vocabulary of children: “ medications”, “pharmacist”, “order”, “medicinal plants”.
Equipment: toy pharmacy equipment.
Age: 5–7 years.
Game progress: a conversation is held about what people of what professions work in a pharmacy, what they do. We are getting acquainted with a new role - the Head of the pharmacy. She accepts medicinal herbs from the population and gives them to Pharmacists to prepare medicines. The manager helps Pharmacy Employees and Visitors to sort out difficult situations. Medicines are issued
strictly by prescription. Children distribute the roles independently, at will.

Role-playing game "Building a house"

Target: introduce children to construction professions, pay attention to the role of technology that facilitates the work of builders, teach children how to build a building of a simple structure, cultivate friendly relations in a team, expand children's knowledge about the features of builders' work, expand children's vocabulary: introduce the concepts of "building", "mason ”, “crane”, “builder”, “crane operator”, “carpenter”, “welder”, “building material”.
Equipment: large building material, cars, crane, toys for playing with the building, pictures of people in the construction profession: bricklayer, carpenter, crane operator, driver, etc.
Age: 3–7 years.
Game progress: the teacher invites the children to guess the riddle: “What kind of turret is standing, and the light is on in the window? We live in this tower, and it is called ...? (house)". The teacher offers the children to build a large, spacious house where toys could live. Children remember what construction professions are, what people do at a construction site. They look at pictures of builders and talk about their duties. Then the children agree on building a house. Roles are distributed between children: some are Builders, they build a house; others are Drivers, they deliver building materials to the construction site, one of the children is a Crane Operator. During construction, attention should be paid to the relationship between children. The house is ready, and new residents can move in. Children play on their own.

Plot - role-playing game "Zoo"

Target: expand children's knowledge about wild animals, their habits, lifestyle, nutrition, cultivate love, humane treatment of animals, expand children's vocabulary.
Equipment: toy wild animals familiar to children, cages (made of building material), tickets, money, cash desk.
Age: 4–5 years.
Game progress: the teacher informs the children that a zoo has arrived in the city, and offers to go there. Children buy tickets at the box office and go to the zoo. They examine animals there, talk about where they live, what they eat. During the game, children should pay attention to how to treat animals, how to care for them.

Plot - role-playing game "Kindergarten"

Target: to expand children's knowledge about the purpose of a kindergarten, about the professions of those people who work here - an educator, nanny, cook, music worker, to instill in children a desire to imitate the actions of adults, to treat their pupils with care.
Equipment: all the toys you need to play in kindergarten.
Age: 4–5 years.

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to play in kindergarten. At will, we assign children to the roles of the Educator, Nanny, Musical Director. Dolls and animals act as pupils. During the game, they monitor relationships with children, help them find a way out of difficult situations.

Plot - role-playing game "Hairdresser's"

Target: to introduce children to the profession of a hairdresser, to cultivate a culture of communication, to expand the vocabulary of children.
Equipment: dressing gown for a hairdresser, cape for a client, hairdresser's tools - a comb, scissors, bottles for cologne, varnish, hair dryer, etc.
Age: 4–5 years.
Game progress: knock on the door. Doll Katya comes to visit the children. She gets to know all the children and notices a mirror in the group. The doll asks the children if they have a comb? Her pigtail was untangled, and she would like to comb her hair. The doll is offered to go to the hairdresser. It is clarified that there are several rooms there: women's, men's, manicure, good masters work in them, and they will quickly put Katya's hair in order. Assign
Hairdressers, they take their jobs. Other children and dolls go to the salon. Katya is very pleased, she likes her hairstyle. She thanks the children and promises to come to this hairdresser next time. During the game, children learn about the duties of a hairdresser - cutting, shaving, styling hair in a hairstyle, manicure.

Plot - role-playing game "In the library"

Target: broaden the horizons of children, teach children how to use the services of the library correctly, apply the knowledge of literary works previously obtained in the classroom, consolidate knowledge about the profession of a librarian, cultivate respect for the work of a librarian and careful attitude to the book, to expand the vocabulary of children: “library”, “profession”, “librarian”, “reading room”.
Equipment: books familiar to children, a box with pictures, a card file, pencils, sets of postcards.
Age: 5–6 years old.
Game progress: The teacher invites the children to play in the library. Everyone together remembers who works in the library, what they do there. Children themselves choose 2-3 Librarians, each of them has several books. The rest of the children are divided into
several groups. Each group is served by one Librarian. He shows many books, and in order to take a favorite book, the child must name it or briefly describe what is written in it. You can tell a poem from a book that the child takes. During the game, they give advice to children who find it difficult to choose a book. The librarian needs to be more attentive to visitors, show illustrations for the books they like. Some children wish to stay in the reading room to look at sets of pictures, postcards. They share their experiences. At the end of the game, the children tell how they played, what books the Librarian offered them, and what they liked the most.

Plot - role-playing game "Cosmonauts"

Target: expand the theme of story games, introduce the work of astronauts in space, instill courage, endurance, expand the vocabulary of children: "outer space", "cosmodrome", "flight", "outer space".
Equipment: spacecraft and building material, seat belts, spacecraft tools, toy cameras.
Age: 5–6 years old.
Game progress: the teacher asks the children if they would like to go to space? What kind of person do you need to be to fly into space? (Strong, brave, dexterous, smart.) He suggests going into space to leave a satellite there that will transmit weather signals to Earth. It will also be necessary to take photographs of our planet from space. Together they remember what else they need to take with them so that nothing could happen during the flight. Children play the situation. They complete the mission and return to Earth. The roles of Pilots, Navigator, Radio Operator, Captain are distributed at the request of the children.

Plot - role-playing game "Family"

Target: form an idea of ​​collective farming, family budget, about family relationships, joint leisure activities, to cultivate love, benevolent, caring attitude towards family members, interest in their activities.
Equipment: all the toys needed for family play: dolls, furniture, dishes, things, etc.
Age: 5–6 years old.
Game progress: The teacher invites the children to "play in the family." Roles are distributed as desired. The family is very large, Grandma has a birthday coming up. Everyone is busy about arranging a holiday. Some family members buy food, others prepare a festive dinner, set the table, others prepare entertainment program. During the game, you need to observe the relationship between family members, help them in time.

Plot - role-playing game "In a cafe"

Target: to teach the culture of behavior in public places, to be able to perform the duties of a cook, a waiter.
Equipment: necessary equipment for a cafe, toys-dolls, money.
Age: 5–6 years old.
Game progress: Pinocchio comes to visit the children. He met all the children, made friends with other toys. Pinocchio decides to invite his new friends to a cafe to treat them to ice cream. Everyone goes to the cafe. Waiters serve them there. Children learn how to place an order correctly, thank you for the service.

Plot - role-playing game "Around the world trip"

Target: expand the horizons of children, consolidate knowledge about parts of the world, different countries, cultivate a desire to travel, friendships, expand the vocabulary of children: "captain", "travel around the world", "Asia", "India", "Europe", "Pacific Ocean".
Equipment: ship made of building material, steering wheel, binoculars, world map.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: the teacher invites the children to go on a round-the-world trip on a ship. At will, children are chosen for the roles of Captain, Radio Operator, Sailor, Midshipman. We consolidate knowledge about what these people do on the ship - their rights and obligations. The ship sails through Africa, and India, and other countries and continents. Sailors have to deftly manage the ship in order not to collide with an iceberg, to cope with a storm. Only well-coordinated work and friendship help them cope with this test.

Plot - role-playing game "On the roads of the city"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of the road, introduce them to a new role - a traffic controller, cultivate endurance, patience, attention on the road.
Equipment: toy cars, flags for the traffic controller - red and green.
Age: 5–7 years.
Game progress: children are offered to build a beautiful building - a theater. Choose a place to build. But first you need to transport the building material to the right place. Drivers in cars can easily cope with this. Children take cars and go for building materials. But here's the failure - the traffic lights do not work on the main roads. To avoid an accident on the road, it is necessary that the movement of cars is controlled by a traffic controller. Choose a Regulator. He becomes a circle. He has red and green flags in his hands. The red flag is "stop", the green flag is "go". Now everything will be all right. The traffic controller controls traffic.

Plot - role-playing game "Rules of motion"

Target: continue to teach children to navigate by road signs, to follow the rules of the road. To educate the ability to be polite, attentive to each other, to be able to navigate in a traffic situation, to expand the vocabulary of children: “traffic police post”, “traffic light”, “traffic violation”, “speeding”, “fine”.
Equipment: toy cars, road signs, traffic light; for a traffic police officer - a police cap, stick, radar; driver's licenses, technical cards.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: children are offered to choose traffic police officers to keep order on the roads of the city. The rest of the children are motorists. At will, children distribute the roles of gas station workers among themselves. During the game, children try not to violate the rules of the road.

Plot - role-playing game "We are athletes"

Target: to give children knowledge about the need for sports, improve sports skills - walking, running, throwing, climbing. Develop physical qualities: speed, agility, coordination of movements, eye, orientation in space.
Equipment: medals for the winners, a billboard to demonstrate the number of points earned, sports equipment - balls, jump ropes, skittles, rope, ladders, benches, etc.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: the teacher invites the children to hold a competition in different types sports. At the request of the children, judges and organizers of the competition are chosen. The rest of the kids are athletes. Everyone independently chooses the sport in which he will compete with rivals. The judges award points for completing the task. The game ends with the awarding of the winners.

Plot - role-playing game "At the car service station"

Target: expand the theme of building games, develop constructive skills, show creativity, find a good place to play, introduce a new role - a car repairman.
Equipment: building material for building a garage, locksmith tools for car repair, car washing and painting equipment.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: inform the children that there are a lot of cars on the roads of the city and these cars break down very often, so we need to open a car service station. Children are offered to build a large garage, to equip a place for washing cars, to choose employees, attendants. They are introduced to a new working specialty - a mechanic for the repair of machines (motor, steering, brakes, etc.).

Plot - role-playing game "Border guards"

Target: continue to acquaint children with military professions, clarify the daily routine of military personnel, what their service consists of, cultivate courage, dexterity, the ability to clearly follow the orders of the commander, expand the vocabulary of children: “border”, “post”, “guard”, “violation”, "alarm", "border guard", "dog breeder".
Equipment: border, border post, machine gun, border dog, military caps.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: the teacher invites the children to visit the state border of our Motherland. A conversation is held about who guards the border, for what purpose, how the service of the border guard goes, what is the daily routine of a military man. Children on their own
distribute the roles of the Military Commander, Head of the Border Outpost, Border Guards, Dog Breeders. In the game, children apply the knowledge and skills acquired in previous classes. It is necessary to draw the attention of children to support and friendly mutual assistance.

Plot - role-playing game "School"

Target: clarify children's knowledge about what they do at school, what lessons there are, what the teacher teaches, cultivate a desire to study at school, respect for work children's vocabulary: "school supplies", "briefcase", "pencil case", "students", etc. d.
Equipment: pens, notebooks, children's books, alphabet, numbers, blackboard, chalk, pointer.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: The teacher invites the children to play school. A conversation is held about why the school is needed, who works there, what the students do. At the request of the children, a teacher is chosen. The rest of the children are students. The teacher sets tasks for the students, they independently and diligently complete it. Another teacher in another lesson. Children are engaged in the lessons of mathematics, their native language, physical education, singing, etc.

Plot - role-playing game "Space Adventure"

Target: teach to apply their knowledge and skills in practice, create a friendly atmosphere between children, develop their responsibility, interest, expand their vocabulary - “space”, “planet”, “Mars”, “outer space”, “weightlessness”, “cosmodrome” .
Equipment: spaceship, medical instruments for a doctor, posters of views of our planet from space.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: the children are announced that in a few minutes the spaceship will start. Those who wish can become space tourists. But in order to fly into space, you need to think about what qualities you need to have? (To be smart, brave, strong, kind, cheerful.) And you also have to be healthy. Those who decide to go into space must pass a medical examination. The doctor examines tourists and writes out permission. Children choose the Pilot, the Doctor on the ship, the Navigator. Everyone is ready to fly. The dispatcher announces the start. Passengers fasten their seat belts. From a height, children consider (pictures) a view of the planet Earth, discuss why it is called the blue planet (most of it is covered with water). Children tell what they know about oceans, seas, mountains. The spacecraft makes a stop on the planet Mars. Tourists go out, inspect the planet, draw conclusions about the existence of life on this planet. The ship flies on. Next stop is Jupiter. Tourists once again inspect the planet, share their knowledge and impressions. The ship returns to Earth.

Plot - role-playing game "We are military scouts"

Target: develop the theme of paramilitary games, teach children to complete tasks exactly, be attentive, careful, cultivate respect for military professions, a desire to serve in the army, expand the vocabulary of children - “intelligence”, “scouts”, “sentry”, “security”, “ soldiers."
Equipment: elements of military clothing for children, weapons.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: the teacher offers to remember films, stories about the life of military intelligence officers, invites children to play them. Children distribute among themselves the roles of Scouts, Sentinels, Commanders, Security Soldiers, determine goals and objectives, monitor their implementation.