Official holidays in Belarus. Public holidays in Belarus. Twelfth non-passing holidays

A public holiday is a holiday established in the Republic of Belarus to commemorate an event of special historical or socio-political significance for the Republic of Belarus, which had a significant impact on the development of the Belarusian state and society.

Public holidays in Belarus are established in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated March 26, 1998 No. 157 "On public holidays, holidays and memorable dates in the Republic of Belarus"

The following public holidays are celebrated in the Republic of Belarus:

Holidays are celebrated:



Declared non-working days:

The decision to establish public holidays and public holidays granting the status of a state holiday to the corresponding event is accepted by the President of the Republic of Belarus.

A draft of such a decision is submitted in accordance with the general procedure established for submitting draft acts of the President of the Republic of Belarus for consideration by the President of the Republic of Belarus. A reasoned justification for the need for its adoption is attached to the project.
On state holidays and national holidays, the State Flag of the Republic of Belarus is hoisted in accordance with the law.

On the occasion of state holidays and holidays, official celebrations, military parades, artillery salutes and fireworks are carried out in accordance with the law.

Days dedicated to outstanding events, traditional dates, honoring employees of a certain profession, sector of the economy or field of activity, etc., are public holidays if it is established by the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Dates that do not have signs of public holidays or holidays, but are associated with certain historical events in the life of the state and society, or traditionally celebrated by certain categories of citizens, are memorable dates.

The Republic of Belarus may celebrate holidays established by acts of international organizations, other international legal documents.

Production calendar with colored squares cannot be confused with anything - it has its own clear specifics. It is necessary for accounting calculations, and accounting workers simply cannot do without it. After all, it contains all the basic information about how many working days are in a year, quarter or month, what days public holidays fall on, and also what is the total number of days off. This is necessary in order to correctly keep records and draw up a correct report on the transfer of salaries, so that there is not a single mistake, hours would be accurately distributed on working days and all paid holidays would be taken into account.

Production calendar should be at every enterprise, because it is needed not only for accountants and executives, but also for ordinary workers. After all, it is important that everyone knows about their rights to legal rest and about when they are supposed to and when they are not supposed to work. After all, employees can not only calculate by the calendar how many regular days off they have, but also learn about all the holidays. It is impossible to remember and keep everything in mind, especially since some holidays on weekdays are worked out on certain weekends. In the calendar, you can also find out about the shortened days that come before the holidays. Knowing your rights is very important, and this will help everyone production calendar.

That is why a working person can properly plan his time, choose the most suitable month and days for going on vacation. The calendar also contains information about some professional holidays.

Production calendar for 2017 Belarus

A special calendar has been released in Belarus for 2017, according to which it is easy to plan your working days and find out in advance weekends and holidays. From the calendar you can find out that this year there will be a certain norm of hours for a five-day working week and a six-day one. The five-day period is 2019 hours for the year, taking into account two days off. And for the six-day period - 2021 hours, with one day off on Sunday. Thanks to such an accurate calculation, the employer will be able to clearly arrange and plan working hours, as well as ensure that the employee is in his place until the end of the hours norm in it.

Production calendar for 2017 Belarus enables accountants to draw up a schedule of work schedules and shifts of employees. In 2017, all days before public holidays will be considered shortened and shortened by an hour. And this is regardless of whether a person works five or six days a week. This applies to all enterprises, regardless of whether the employee works at the main job or part-time.

The production calendar for 2017 Belarus has its own peculiarity. If you compare the calendars of other countries, then a special principle applies here. If the holiday falls on a legal day off, then the next day after the holiday is not considered a holiday, since holidays in this case are not transferred, an additional day for rest is not given. But if the holiday is the day before the weekend, then the working day in the interval is transferred to another.

Holidays in 2017 in Belarus

Holidays in 2017 in Belarus are celebrated strictly according to the calendar. These days include January 1 - which falls on a Sunday. Also on January 7 - Christmas, without fail Women's Day (March 8). And by Orthodox calendar April 25 is celebrated as the Radunitsa holiday. May holidays May 1 and 9 - Labor Day and Victory Day. AT summer period there are almost no public holidays, only July 3 - Independence Day. November 7 is the Day of the October Revolution. And in winter - Christmas according to the Catholic calendar (December 25).

If the work is five-day, then the days before Christmas in January, Women's Day, Radunitsa and October Revolution Day are considered pre-holiday shortened. The same is true for the six-day work week. It is also worth knowing that in Belarus there are many holidays that are not celebrated, and the days remain working. These are the Constitution Day, the Day of the State Emblem and the State Flag of the Republic of Belarus, the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, as well as Easter according to the Orthodox and Catholic calendars. This also includes Remembrance Day.

Existing professional holidays such as Teacher's Day, Physical Culture Workers' Day or Lawyer's Day are not considered non-working days. Therefore, before these holidays, the day is not considered shortened and is not reduced by an hour.

Holidays in 2017 in Belarus apply to all employees who initially work on a reduced working day or cooperate part-time. This applies to all working people. But there is also a nuance that will be easy to calculate according to the calendar. If after the weekend of the holiday there is immediately a stable day off (Saturday or Sunday), then in this case the day before the holiday is not considered shortened, and people will work full time. Therefore, it is very important to know the holidays in 2017 in Belarus in order to initially make the correct schedule and calculate working days and days off correctly.

There will be 253 working days, and with a six-day working week - 304 working days (12 calendar months are taken into account).

The average monthly number of working days in 2017 will be 21.1 days with a five-day working week, and 25.3 days with a six-day working week.

When determining the number of working days from among calendar days weekends are excluded according to the calendar of a five-day (Saturday and Sunday) or six-day (Sunday) working week, as well as public holidays and public holidays that are declared non-working days.

Non-working holidays in 2017:

1st of January - New Year(in 2017, a non-working holiday on January 1 falls on Sunday);

The hours of work on the working day immediately preceding a public holiday or public holiday shall be reduced by one hour. In 2017, pre-holiday days will be shortened: January 6, March 7, April 24, May 8 and November 6.

!This rule applies to all employees of the organization, regardless of the length of their working hours. This rule does not contain an exception for any categories of employees, including those who work part-time, for employees who have reduced working hours or part-time work.

However, taking into account the peculiarities of part-time work, if necessary, the duration of work on the pre-holiday day for the specified category of workers, taking into account the needs of production, can be indicated in the local regulatory legal acts of the employer.

In order to provide employers with the opportunity to make more rational use of working time and to establish work schedules (shifts) in advance, by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of November 9, 2016 No. 912, shifts of working days in 2017 were announced:

  • business day is shifted from January 2(Monday) on Saturday 21 January, with the days of rest being 31 December 2016, 1 January (New Year) and 2 January 2017;
  • business day is shifted from April 24(Monday) on Saturday April 29, while the days of rest will be April 22, 23, 24, 25 (Radunitsa);
  • business day is shifted from May 8(Monday) on Saturday May 6, the days of rest will be three days in a row - 7, 8, 9 (Victory Day) of May;
  • business day is shifted from November 6(Monday) on Saturday November 4, the days of rest will again be three days in a row - 5, 6, 7 (October Revolution Day) of November.

!The transfers apply only to employees of organizations that have a five-day working week with days off on Saturday and Sunday, and also for whom the transferred day is a working day, and do not apply to employees of organizations that have a summarized accounting of working hours, as well as employees during a six-day work week.

Production calendar for 2017

1. For a five-day work week

Months and other periods of the year

Amount of days

Estimated working time (in hours)


(regular and pre-holiday)

With a 40 hour work week

With a 35 hour work week

I quarter

II quarter

I half year


III quarter

IV quarter

II half year


253 (248+5)

112 (103+9)

2. For a six-day work week

Months and other periods of the year

Amount of days

Estimated working hours


(regular and pre-holiday)

Non-working (weekends and holidays)

With a 40 hour work week

With a 35 hour work week

I quarter

II quarter

I half year


III quarter

IV quarter

II half year


304 (299+5)

61 (52+9)

If divided into categories, then in addition to the usual two days at the end of each week, there are three more types of weekends or holidays. In 2017 in Belarus, these will be either dates associated with political memorable events in the state; either all-republican, or based on various beliefs and folk traditions.

Countries and cities are developing, culture is also changing. Some holidays appear and others disappear. Annual memories of significant events make the people of the country as if involved in those ancient times and the past of their land. There are solemn or mournful dates that are appointed by the state, but there are also those that are transmitted at the level of rituals, while it practically does not matter what political system is in the country at the moment.

The most official are, of course, holidays established by the state - memorable dates celebrated in honor of events that played a key role in the history, politics or public life of the country.

The list of these dates itself was officially established back in 1998 by a special Decree of the Head of the country. On the occasion of state solemn days, various official events are held, fireworks, processions, and the flag of the country is raised.

Public holidays in Belarus in 2017

Celebration of the adoption of the "Constitution of the Independent Republic of Belarus"

Like all European nations, Belarusians are celebrating the adoption of their own Constitution. This holiday is celebrated every year, on March 15, since the signing of a special Decree in 1998.

unity day

In 1997, on April 2, the signing of a special document between Belarus and Russia, establishing the union of these countries, gave rise to the celebration of the Day of Unity of the Peoples of the two neighboring states.

Victory Day

Following the example of their closest neighbors, Belarusians on May 9 witness festive parades and participate in solemn ceremonies. May 9 is a special date for a country that lost a huge number of soldiers and civilians in that terrible war.

Flag and Emblem Day

In 2017, it will be May 14, since the celebration is established annually on the second Sunday of this month. Residents of the Republic will celebrate the Day of the most important symbols of the independence of the state - their own flag and coat of arms.

Independence Day or Republic Day

In 1944, on July 3, the main city of Belarus - Minsk was liberated from German troops. On this occasion, Belarusians and guests can become spectators or even participants in the solemn parade.

Of the entire list of public holidays, days off in Belarus in 2017 will be May 9 and July 3, Victory over the forces of the Reich and Republic Day, respectively.

National holidays 2017

On January 1, Belarus, like all European countries, celebrates the coming year. In 2017, this date will fall on a Sunday, so the next day in January will also be a holiday.

Day of the Belarusian Army

This date coincides with the Day of the Soviet Army, memorable from the times of the USSR, is celebrated on the same days - February 23, and is dedicated to all the defenders of their Motherland and the Belarusian Army, that is, to all the Armed Forces of the Republic.

Women's Day

The holiday associated with the congratulation of women and the onset of spring is celebrated by the inhabitants of the Republic. According to tradition, this holiday is a holiday for all women who, on this spring day, rejoice in the received gifts and warm congratulations.

Labor Day

The first of May, although called the holiday of labor, is a day off. Since this time is the height of spring, residents willingly celebrate Labor Day in nature, having picnics, or attend various concerts and other outdoor events.

October Revolution Day

Another holiday that Belarusians inherited from Soviet times. On November 7, official events are held in honor of the Bolshevik revolution that took place in 1917.

Republican holidays in Belarus in 2017

  • New Year - January 1-2;
  • Day of Women and Spring - March 8;
  • Workers' Day - May 1;
  • Anniversary of October - November 7th.

Religious holidays and public holidays in 2017

In Belarus, the majority of residents consider themselves to be of the Orthodox Christian denomination, however, folk traditions of pre-Christian times are also alive in the Republic. Accordingly, the Birth of the Savior is celebrated, according to both calendars - Julian (January 7), and Gregorian (December 25) and. After the Orthodox Church celebrated the Resurrection of Christ, after 9 days, Belarusians honor their dead relatives and friends on spring day commemoration of the dead (Radunitsa). The tradition of honoring and commemorating the dead is very pronounced in Belarus: in addition to Radunitsa, November 2 is also celebrated as the autumn Day of all the dead believers and Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday (Dida), which in 2017 falls on October 21.

The ancient folk holiday Kupalle, which begins to be celebrated after dark on July 6 with festivities, round dances, jumping over fire and swimming.

Of all these holidays, the days off in Belarus in 2017 are January 7, April 25 and December 25. These days, the country will celebrate Christmas twice along with the main Christian denominations, and on April 25 - the national Belarusian holiday - Radunitsa (Radonitsa).

If we separate celebrations and dates memorable events according to the seasons, the list will be as follows:


  • December 25 - Belarusian Catholics celebrate Christmas;
  • January 1 is the New Year and a national holiday. Everywhere for children, matinees are organized with a special program; for adults - matinees are replaced by parties and corporate parties. At the same time, everyone who wishes can celebrate the World Day of Peace, founded by Paul IV;
  • January 6 - Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve, Holy Evening;
  • January 7 - the coming into the world of the Savior Jesus Christ, the day of His birth in Bethlehem, celebrated by Christians of the Byzantine rite;
  • January 13 - Malanka, generous evening;
  • January 19 - The Baptism of the Lord Savior Christ and at the same time - the Day of Belarusian Rescuers;
  • January 25 is a date that all students are looking forward to, because on the 25th is the student holiday - Tatyana's Day. The holiday was founded in the 18th century by Mikhail Lomonosov in honor of his mother, whose name was Tatyana.
  • February 14 is celebrated in the Republic not so long ago, somewhere since the beginning of the 90s of the last century. The symbols of Valentine's Day are red roses and "valentine hearts";
  • February 15 - the meeting of the Lord Jesus in the Temple (Meeting of the Lord), is celebrated on the 40th day after Christmas, when Mary, the mother of Jesus brought Her Son to the temple;
  • February 20 - 26 - the last seven days before Lent - the holiday of Maslenitsa, the main attribute of which is pancakes, as a symbol of ancient pagan worship of the sun;
  • February 23 is the Day of the Belarusian Armed Forces. Also, according to the established tradition, this day is considered a holiday of the entire male population of Belarus.


  • March 8 is a holiday dedicated to women. Declared a holiday in Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Georgia, Mongolia and several other countries;
  • March 15 is the Day of the Belarusian Constitution, which has become such since 1994;
  • March 25 is not an official date, but, nevertheless, a memorable Freedom Day. On this day in 1918, the people of Belarus proclaimed their own independent people's republic - the BNR;
  • April 1 is an unofficial but very well-known date when it is customary to make fun of others, arrange all kinds of funny pranks;
  • April 7 - Christians celebrate the Annunciation, the news announced to the Virgin Mary by the Archangel Gabriel about the birth of a Miraculous Child;
  • April 12 is a memorable date for the older generation. In 1961, on April 12, the country first heard that a man had flown into outer space, which marked the beginning of the annual celebration of Cosmonautics Day;
  • April 16 - in 2017, Easter falls on this date in Belarus - the feast of the Resurrection of Christ;
  • April 22 is Earth Day, which is increasingly gaining popularity in the world, established so that people can think about environmental problems and understand how we can help in solving them;
  • April 25 - 9 days after Easter, the national day of remembrance of deceased loved ones - Radunitsa;
  • April 26 is the sad anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster. In 2003, at the suggestion of the then President of Ukraine L.D. Kuchma, Belarus, together with other countries, declared this day the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Radiation;
  • May 1 - the day became a special day for all working people after in 1886 workers in America demanded that the working day be reduced to 8 hours. The demonstration ended in clashes with the police, and already in 1889, in memory of her, marches and demonstrations were decided to be held every year. In Belarus, this day has been celebrated since Soviet times, but most citizens use an extra day off for trips to nature and family vacations;
  • May 8 is the International Day of the Red Cross and Crescent Humanitarian Organization. Members of this world movement defend the right of people to life and health in the conditions of hostilities and conflicts;
  • May 9 - celebrated annually, in honor of the Victory and the end of the war with Nazi Germany in 1945;
  • May 15 is Families Day, founded by the UN General Assembly in 1994.


  • June 29 - since 2014, Belarus has been celebrating this date as the Day of partisans and underground fighters who successfully operated in the country during the war.
  • July 3 - Independence Day - the date was chosen in 1996 at the republican referendum and timed to coincide with the liberation of the capital of the Republic from the Nazis in 1944. Until 1996, the Independence Day of Belarus was celebrated on July 27 (the time of the withdrawal of the Belarusian SSR from the Soviet Union and the declaration of sovereignty);
  • July 6 - the celebration of Ivan Kupala begins in the evening, which lasts all night until the morning of July 7;
  • August 27 - In 2017, Belarus will celebrate Miner's Day, dedicated to the famous record of Stakhanov, when one miner mined coal in an amount more than 10 times higher than the norm.


  • September 3 - Belarusian Literature Day;
  • October 1 - since, in 2017, this is the first Sunday of October, it is on this day that they will accept congratulations on their professional holiday education workers;
  • November 2 is a date originating in the pagan traditions of honoring the dead - "Dida", which was called "Parental Saturdays" during Christianization. Belarusians remember their dead ancestors, prepare ritual food and participate in various rituals;
  • November 7 is the day according to the new style, when the October Revolution took place in 1917.

In addition to regular, calendar Saturdays and Sundays, holidays in 2017, residents of Belarus will have: in January - the 1st and 7th; in March - the 8th; in April - on the 16th and 25th; in May - the 1st and 9th; in July - the 3rd; in November - the 7th; December 25th.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Belarus "made up" the production calendar for 2017.

With a full norm of working hours (40 hours per week), the estimated norm of working hours for 2017 will be 2019 hours for a five-day working week with days off on Saturday and Sunday; for a six-day working week with a day off on Sunday - 2021 hour.

The established estimated working time norm is used by the employer to determine the number of employees, the length of working time during which the employee is obliged to be at the workplace, drawing up work (shift) schedules, and also in order to monitor compliance with the norms of working hours established by the Labor Code.

In 2017 there are 365 calendar days. Of this number of days, with a five-day working week there will be 253 working days, and with a six-day working week - 304 working days (12 calendar months are taken into account).

The average monthly number of working days in 2017 will be 21.1 days with a five-day working week, and 25.3 days with a six-day working week.

When determining the number of working days, the number of calendar days excludes days off according to the calendar of a five-day (Saturday and Sunday) or six-day (Sunday) working week, as well as public holidays and public holidays that are declared non-working days.

In 2017, non-working holidays will be:

The hours of work on the working day immediately preceding a public holiday or public holiday shall be reduced by one hour. Both with a five-day working week and a six-day working week, the pre-holiday days in 2017 will be January 6, March 7, April 24, May 8 and November 6. This rule applies to all employees, regardless of the length of their working hours. This rule does not contain an exception for any categories of employees, including those who work part-time, for employees who have reduced working hours or part-time work. Therefore, it applies to all employees of the organization.

However, taking into account certain features of part-time work, if necessary, the duration of work on the pre-holiday day for the specified category of workers, taking into account the needs of production, can be indicated in the local regulatory legal acts of the employer.

According to Article 136 of the Labor Code, in order to rationalize the use of working time, days off, public holidays and public holidays, the government of Belarus, in agreement with the President, can transfer certain working days to weekends that fall on Saturday. The right to postpone working days is granted only to the government, but not to the employer, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection noted.

In order to provide employers with the opportunity to make more rational use of working time and to establish work schedules (shifts) in advance, by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of November 9, 2016 No. 912, shifts of working days in 2017 were announced.

The working day is postponed from January 2(Monday) to Saturday 21 January, with the days of rest being 31 December 2016, 1 January (New Year) and 2 January 2017.

The working day is postponed from April 24(Monday) on Saturday April 29, while the days of rest will be April 22, 23, 24, 25 (Radunitsa).

Working day from May 8(Monday) is postponed to Saturday, May 6, the days of rest will be three days in a row - 7, 8, 9 (Victory Day) of May.

Working day from November 6(Monday) is postponed to Saturday, November 4, the days of rest will again be three days in a row - 5, 6, 7 (October Revolution Day) of November.

The transfers apply only to employees of organizations that have a five-day working week with days off on Saturday and Sunday, and also for which the transferred day is a working day, and do not apply to employees of organizations that have a summarized accounting of working hours, as well as those working in six-day work week.

The rescheduling of working days allows employees to use the holiday period in their own interests (to visit relatives, friends, on a tourist trip, etc.).

Production calendar for 2017

1. For a five-day work week

Months and other periods of the year

Amount of days

Estimated working time (in hours)


(regular and pre-holiday)

With a 40 hour work week

With a 35 hour work week

I quarter

II quarter

I half year


III quarter

IV quarter

II half year


253 (248+5)

112 (103+9)

2. For a six-day work week

Months and other periods of the year

Amount of days

Estimated working hours


(regular and pre-holiday)

Non-working (weekends and holidays)

With a 40 hour work week

With a 35 hour work week

I quarter

II quarter

I half year


III quarter

IV quarter

II half year


304 (299+5)

61 (52+9)