When and how is the day of the railwayman celebrated? Railway Worker's Day is a professional holiday for all employees of the railway industry Congratulations on the day of railway workers

Every year Russian Railways and all railway workers celebrate their professional holiday. It falls on the first Sunday in August. In neighboring Belarus, it is celebrated on the same day. The Decree of the Supreme Council was signed on the celebration of the day of the railway worker in 1980, in Belarus they began to celebrate the professional holiday in 1995. The corresponding Decree was signed by the President.

In 2017, the holiday falls on August 6th. This day has a special meaning for all railway workers:

  • machinists;
  • conductors;
  • repairmen;
  • cashiers;
  • service personnel and so on.

The holiday applies to all who work on the railway, at railway stations and stations, in tram depots and on the subway. In addition, students of educational institutions of the railway industry also celebrate the day.

Railways include not only canvases, but also stations, as well as other infrastructure facilities and structures that provide transportation of passengers and goods over various distances.

When and how did the holiday appear?

The history of professional celebration dates back to the nineteenth century. In 1896, Nicholas the First signed a decree honoring railway employees. It is not surprising that the holiday coincided with the emperor's birthday, because he was considered the "father" of steel sheets.

With the advent of Soviet power, the holiday was canceled, like other celebrations associated with imperialism. But rather quickly he revived. They returned to tradition in 1930. The celebrations were held on 30 July. Since 1940, professional day has been moved to the first Sunday in August.

established traditions

On the day of the railway worker, colleagues, friends and relatives gather for festive table. The clink of glasses is heard, and toasts and congratulations are pronounced from the lips. Best wishes. In addition, the leadership of this transport industry and officials present diplomas and thanks on this day, celebrate the best employees give them valuable gifts.

For railway workers, concerts and performances by folk groups and artists are organized in the houses of culture. On radio and television, they tell and show documentaries and feature films about the creation and development of this transport infrastructure industry, which is important for the economy.

On this day, students also do not stand aside. They arrange sports competitions and other recreational activities. They are significantly different from ordinary sports games and have a bias towards professional topics. For example, railroad tracks are pulled or sleepers are thrown. In addition, often the team goes to nature for unity and joint celebration.

About the profession

Railway workers are engaged in ensuring the movement of trains along the tracks. All employees graduate from specialized educational institutions and receive education in accordance with the chosen profile. Students can become conductors, assemblers, machinists, repairmen and so on.

The regulation of passenger and freight traffic on the railway is carried out by graduates of higher educational institutions. They hold senior positions and are responsible for the traffic schedule, repair work, loading and unloading, the condition of cars and railroad tracks, maintenance at stations and train stations, and inside trains. The officials from the Ministry of Railways are responsible for the development of the railway.

On the Gorky railway, after a long break, they began to celebrate the day of the driver.

Not being a federal or regional holiday, the day of honoring one of the main railway professions has always been celebrated at a decent level. On the driver's day, not only the representatives of this glorious profession were gathered, but also their families, and they all celebrated the holiday together cheerfully, amicably, one might even say - noisily.

For various reasons, Driver's Day has not been celebrated in recent years, and this can be understood. The difficult economic situation in the country, the task of the railways was to maintain the volume of traffic, so for some time it was simply not up to the holidays. But now, when the role of a working man is being restored, the Engineer's Day has returned to a number of holidays on the Gorky Railway.

The road territorial organization of the trade union took the most active part in the holiday. At the solemn meeting in TChe Gorky-Sortirovochny, it was decided to congratulate and encourage those who have been waiting for industry and regional awards for a long time.

First Deputy Chairman of Dorprofzhel Viktor Kuznetsov, together with Deputy Chairman Viktor Tsyplyaev, solemnly presented awards, thanks and valuable prizes to the best and noted that Engine Driver's Day has always been special holiday for the railroad elite.
- And even now the holiday is not celebrated on such a scale as before, - Viktor Kuznetsov noted, - But there is an opportunity to single out the best of the best in one of the main railway professions. Such a holiday must be celebrated, and I think that from now on this tradition has been restored and will never be interrupted again!

Compared to how Driver's Day was celebrated a few years ago, the changes are certainly noticeable. First of all, the event became more official, strict, not so numerous. Gifts are gifts, but the main industry holiday is still the day of the railwayman. On the other hand, Driver's Day is a tribute to a complex and important profession, so a reasonable balance is needed here as well. The fact that the traction management decided to restore the holiday in its current form shows correctness and respect for the profession. And any driver can celebrate Driver's Day with his family, but already at home.

A similar holiday has already taken place in Agryz, on November 17 the driver's day will be held in Murom, and on November 25 in Krasnoufimsk. And trade union leaders of the regions will definitely be present everywhere to present well-deserved awards to the machinists.

Photo by Alexey Yashpertov

It is difficult to imagine a construction site without such a mechanism as a crane. Thanks to this wonderful ingenious device, people have learned to create a variety of architectural structures, including real masterpieces. But there would be no way to take advantage of all the benefits that this machine gives us, if it were not for the specialists who manage it. On June 4, crane operators or, in other words, crane operators celebrate their professional holiday, Crane Operator Day.

Features of the profession

Crane Operator Day is a great occasion to talk about the profession of a crane operator.

So what is a crane operator? So they call a person, the basis labor activity which consists of the following actions: loading and unloading, lifting a variety of goods. It is carried out not only at construction sites, as you might think, but also in ports and factories.

The main tasks of the profession "crane operator" are:

  • movement of goods according to the signal produced by the slinger;
  • ensuring the cleanliness of the tap;
  • regular check of the mechanism for faults; if they are found, the crane operator submits an application for repair work to the mechanics department;
  • monitoring the state of the site on which the crane is installed, and performing direct installation of the mechanism on the specified site;
  • preliminary acquaintance with specialized documents that are directly related to the main stages of work on the crane, taking into account the specifics of the forthcoming activity and the place of its implementation, as well as the specific task assigned to the driver.

The profession of a crane operator belongs to the category of technical ones and requires a rather large expenditure of physical energy from the driver. At the same time, the crane operator must have a baggage of certain knowledge and labor skills. Schoolchildren who wish to master this specialty after graduating from a basic educational institution will have to graduate from a vocational school, technical school or special courses in the specialty "Crane Operator" or "Crane Operator". There, future crane operators are provided with professional training, they are given information on the construction business, they are introduced to the technical device of a load-lifting crane. But even in an ordinary school, a person who dreams of the profession of a “crane driver” should especially lean on the following subjects: geometry, labor, physics (primarily mechanics and kinematics), as well as life safety (basics of life safety). Understanding and ability to understand drawing will not interfere.

In addition to controlling the crane, the driver communicates with colleagues on work. True, most of the time at the office he is in contact with employees through the operation of technical means of communication, and even at all - conditional signals.

A crane operator can only become a person endowed with the following personal qualities: quick response to suddenly changing conditions, the ability to instantly assess the situation and make the right decision without much thought, punctuality, pedantry, meticulousness, increased responsibility, accuracy and discipline, good concentration, the ability to perceive and work with several objects at once, excellent visual memory, objectivity, abstractness, figurativeness and spatial thinking, speed of thinking.

Among other things, the crane operator must be sufficiently a healthy person: to have one hundred percent vision, musculo-articular sensitivity, a normally functioning vestibular apparatus and good coordination of movements, an excellent eye, excellent color perception, the ability to work in conditions of high vibration. By the way, ideally, a crane operator is a hardy, strong, hardworking individual.

This profession has a lot of serious contraindications: diseases of the cardiovascular, neuropsychic, digestive systems, poor eyesight, hearing impairment, hemorrhoids, tremor (trembling) of the hands, violation of the vestibular apparatus, osteochondrosis and joint diseases. But the first thing is, of course, the fear of heights.

Crane operator is a rather highly paid profession. True, getting a job is not so easy: you need to go through the strictest selection, almost like astronauts!

Crane operator is a predominantly male profession. But women are also found among crane operators, although rarely: for 100 crane operators of the stronger sex, there are only two lady crane operators. One of the advantages of this specialty is the early retirement of machinists.

  • The weight of the pedestal of the crane is equal to that of the blue whale and is 130 tons.
  • The world's largest mechanism designed to move heavy loads is called as follows: Liebherr LTM 11200-9.1 “MAMONT”. It is capable of lifting objects with a maximum load of 1200 tons to a height of almost 200 m.

  • In Russia, the appearance of the first tower cranes dates back to the Soviet era, namely to 1936. Today, these mechanisms are produced by 9 domestic factories.
  • The world's first tower crane was built in Germany. It happened in 1913. The author of the equipment was Julius Wolf. A design feature of the first mechanism of this series was a turntable located in the upper part of the tower. The crane acquired a beam boom 15 years later, in 1928. Then it was developed and implemented new model equipment. In 1952, the tower crane boom turned into a lifting boom - again thanks to the introduction of an innovative idea.
  • By the way, the name of the mechanism comes from the Dutch word "kran", which is translated into Russian as "crane".
  • Equipment for moving goods has much more ancient history than you think. It, namely, the lever, was invented by the famous mathematician Pythagoras in the 6th century. BC.
  • However, before the advent of the first full-fledged crane, workers called goat-carriers lifted loads for construction purposes using scaffolding. The term "goat-carriers" originates from a box designed to carry bricks, called a goat.
  • The average height of a modern crane is 150 m.
  • The crane operator is forced to stay in the cab of the working machine during the shift, the duration of which is 8 hours - except for a lunch break of 60 minutes.
  • Despite the sufficient equipment of the crane cabin, it does not have a toilet. This creates certain inconveniences, given the fact that the driver does not have the right to leave the cab even if he needs to. Here is another proof of the harmful nature of the work of the crane operator.
  • In order to avoid covering the glass in the cab of the hoisting machine with an ice crust or fumes in the cold season, a special composition made from glycerin and table salt is applied to their surface. Do this with an interval of 1-1.5. If the air temperature outside drops to -30º and below, then these manipulations are performed every 3-4 hours.

Congratulate your familiar crane operators on June 4 on their professional holiday, Happy Crane Operator's Day!

Railway Worker's Day is a professional holiday for all employees of the railway industry: drivers and their assistants, dispatchers, conductors, railway workers, station workers and many other specialists in this hard work.

Railway Day in Russia is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of August. On the same day, railway workers in Belarus and Kyrgyzstan are congratulated. And in Ukraine this holiday is celebrated on the fourth of November. Here you can find interesting congratulations for railway workers in verse, congratulatory postcards(at the end of the page.

Happy Railroad Day

Railway - Romance for many, And someone understands - There is enough work there.

And work as it should, Sometimes with courage, Slowly and attentively, Beautifully and diligently.

And Happy Railway Day, We congratulate the workers! We wish you all great blessings, And strength in hard-working hands!

Congratulations for the railroad

Your whole life is under the sound of wheels, So that this day brings a surprise! Today we want to congratulate you: Deliver the wagons of happiness to you!

You will be at home more often, On the road you will be less tired. We wish you a happy journey and congratulations on the holiday!

Cool congratulations to the locomotive driver

Rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers, A belated train is coming, Our driver is sitting in it, Now he is not a chimney sweep.

He is in a decent suit, Presses the buttons personally, Educated and smart, He was born for the road!

Congratulations to the machinist, We wish you happiness, joy, To be the best of all, And live healthy for a long time!

Congratulations on the day of railway workers

On the Day of Railway Workers We congratulate you! We meet the train of happiness and victories.

There health and dreams Let them come true, So accept from fate These are all riches!

We wish you every day To spend with a smile, Have fun, so that the soul - Like the strings of a violin ...

It sounded, and brought gifts to the family - Joy and harmony, Life to become bright!

What is the railroad day?

The hottest, the lightest, And the last month of summer. We are waiting for the first day off, In August we are Sunday.

And although it, rather, does not shine with Gold, But with iron, sonorous, sonorous, Resurrection boils.

All railroads Open the way for us And to Siberia and Europe, Just have time to build them.

Your job is to build. It is priceless, And also - to transport, To know, to endure and to go forever ... We would never have been able to.

Let the road of steel, Reaping all the benefits, Your life flows like a river, My happiness is the shore!

Congratulations on the Railwayman's Day

All employees of the railways, Multifaceted roads On this holiday, without a doubt, a bag is waiting for congratulations!

We wish you not to sleep at work at night, Only sober passengers Load on the way!

Safe flights to you, So that there are no worries, So that luck smiles Constantly - all year round!

Congratulations to all railway workers

You are the railroad kings! You are the wizards of our stations! We want to congratulate everyone today - From bosses to stokers.

Let there be fewer problems on the way, Passengers insidious and harmful, That they are ready to carry away the bed, And, of course, stowaways.

And to a simple phrase: they say, yes, There are no tickets, and they will not be soon - Passengers: “Well, well, nonsense!” - They answered with a smile in chorus.

Congratulations to the railway workers

Stokers, dispatchers, conductors, Machinists, linemen, ticket office workers - Railway workers, in a word, How much sometimes depends on you.

Thank you for your care and work: Coherence, clarity in work always. For the fact that Cozy, clean trains take us to any region.

So let the train of life fly ahead of you And meet no congestion, interference. And let the stops along the way be "Health", "Love" and "Success"!

Congratulations to the railway workers in verse

Transport is the safest - This is a miracle of the train, Let the railways never fail!

Congratulations to the machinists, And more - dispatchers, And the heads of stations, And simple conductors!

Good luck! For this purpose All resources are good! Be happy, healthy! Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

Happy Railway Day

Railway Worker's Day - This holiday is known to everyone around. May you not meet anxiety! We hear a knock familiar to the heart ...

Trains and rails - that's the element, From which you will not get tired! Congratulations on the Day of the railwayman, And let your dreams come true!

Poems for the Railwayman's Day

Congratulations to the drivers of Our glorious trains! And congratulations to the stewards, And also to the dispatchers!

All those who are connected with trains, All those who spent their lives on the road, Who hundreds of flights along the rails Helped people to carry!

Happiness to you, prosperity! And good luck! Good luck! So that at least from time to time the Hour can be found to rest!

When is railway day in Russia?

In August, there is a wonderful holiday: The first Sunday of every year, the Day of the Railwayman is sure to be celebrated by the entire Russian people.

A holiday of people that they themselves do not know, They help us to meet more than once, When we follow the call of our hearts, Sometimes we run away from routine and boredom.

Cool congratulations to the railroad workers

SV, coupe, reserved seats Will arrive just in time. Hey locomotive! At the start Cheerful give a whistle!

In honor of the vigilant machinists, In honor of the dear conductor, In honor of the controllers of the strict Goody, friend, with full force!

Let them not close their eyes again on this holiday - The work schedule is harsh, But the path will be kind!

Poems for the Railwayman's Day

The city begins with the station, the holiday begins with the people. The machinist, the conductor... Are there few glorious workers everywhere?

Anxiety leaves us with them, And in the compartment we carelessly rush. In general, like this: on the railway Everyone is important and irreplaceable!

Congratulations on the Railwayman's Day

Who doesn't love trains, roads, the joys of traveling, looking into the distance? Anticipation of light anxiety, Light and warm sadness?

Railway workers give us a joyful essence of travel. Congratulations! The whole world wants you to celebrate and relax!

Trains take us to dreams, What would we all do without you? Accept our wishes - Best of all, and good luck!

Toast to the Railwayman's Day

Today, the entire composition is feasting, Through the sound of wheels, toast for toast. The conductor sets the table, Leaving her rightful post.

For those who will deliver us exactly, From point "B" to point "A". Who will put us in the car urgently, And the arrow will carry the roads!

Stations, trains, platforms, Let them delight us with cleanliness! Let millions of people go For a good bright dream!

Congratulations, railroad workers!

By train to anywhere in the world We can safely get, Because the railroad strives to make the path happy.

The conductor will give comfort to everyone, Arriving fragrant tea as soon as possible. The driver will confidently deliver the composition to the address without any problems.

We wish you calm flights Under the rhythmic, measured knock of the wheels So that the Terrorist does not bring any dangerous cases into your train.

So that the trains do not go off the rails And so that the happy flight is waiting for the end And so that the passengers give you All the warmth of grateful hearts!

Good wishes for the Railwayman's Day

The railway is not an easy calling, Only professionals can overcome it. Let them be given golden health, To warm their loved ones with their heart and tenderness.

May prosperity and luck always be near, All the people who love and appreciate you every hour. Giving yourself to work is not an easy task. Accept congratulations today from us!

Husband-railroad worker

Dear railway worker, I want to wish you, So that you buy an SUV, Get a lot of money!

To live tastefully and beautifully, And to adore work. Be rich and happy, And protect your family!

Congratulations to the driver

Composition to pull - three hundred cars, You, brother, on the shoulder! I congratulate the machinist, For you in life - a pond of happiness!

Let all the railways open a semaphore for you, Sorrows and anxieties will go away, Fun will come out into the open!

Railway worker - it sounds proud

The railway worker is a proud sound, The rustle of tickets in it and the sound of wheels, And the smell of tea, sugar in the package, And the train rushes, probably, to the stars.

Again the platform, music and faces, Already relatives - albeit for the first time, They all want to marry the conductor, Yes, the sanitary zone will not allow.

And the driver behaves calmly, Calmly the train leads to heaven, So may you, the workers of the "piece of iron", Always, in everything, everywhere and everyone is lucky!

Railroad Day - a holiday on the way

Sounds memorized motive, Flying, flying locomotive. The dispatcher sees him off, And somewhere the switchman meets him.

Having raised the flag, it will skip the post: Passed the run and crossed the bridge... You, the machinist, lead him, You will smoothly turn along the rails.

Dispatcher: Happy Holidays! - shouts, the Iron Horse rushes along the rails. On the way you meet your holiday, And accept congratulations.

Cool congratulations on the Day of the railwayman

Rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers, Your train is not late, The train is on time, It carries passengers.

Being lazy is not good for you, Your train rushes along the rails, Gaining momentum: Away with worries and worries!

On your holiday, not without participation We want the sound of wheels, Only joy, only happiness, To bring home for everyone!

Railwayman's Day celebration

Railways are the arteries of the country! It is clear to very many How important they are!

And the railway worker is the Profession of people Reasonable, cautious In responsible work!

And again gathered the summer Friends of steel machines To good holiday this note from the heart!

And I congratulate you, Health - for a hundred years! And from the bottom of my heart I wish the green light in business!

Official congratulations on the Railwayman's Day

There is a very important day in the summer, It belongs to the people of communication. After all, they are not too lazy to connect the paths, Direct the roads to happiness.

Responsible your work and post, Important Railway. Your work is priceless, that's the question - Hundreds of destinies depend on you!

Thank you, low bow to you, Worker of perpetual motion. Health to you, all the best, gifts, Much prosperity, no doubt!

May the path of life be bright. You bring joy to people. Where you are, there is happiness and comfort, The road will not forget you!

Partner news

Partner materials

Partner news

Marked it here for the third time.
The holiday was revived by the head of the department, Alexander Ryabkov, who came here a few years ago. Once he started working on the road as an assistant driver in the Agryz locomotive depot. And he well remembered this tradition of the eighties. In the city of railroad workers, it was celebrated by families and in the team. But since the time of perestroika, they have forgotten.
Today in Izhevsk, Agryz, Krasnoufimsk, as before, women were given flowers, awards were presented to locomotive drivers, certificates of honor, valuable gifts, amateur and professional artists performed.
In Izhevsk, the holiday was held at the Opera and Ballet Theatre. There were no empty seats in the auditorium. The heroes of the occasion were congratulated, presented with gifts by the heads of the department and the Izhevsk workshop for the operation of the Agryz locomotive depot in the Leninsky district of the capital of Udmurtia. And they reminded us: not a single case of marriage has been recorded in this workshop over the past three years.
In Agryz, the Engineer's Day was celebrated in the city House of Culture. The holiday began with the premiere of the video film. The locomotive workers of the junction themselves filmed it about the work of their economy. The depot employs 1930 people, 1032 of them are machinists and assistants. Many heads of departments and services of the Gorky road came out of this depot. And how many dynasties there are - grandfathers, fathers, children, grandchildren from the same family for many years paved the path to the workshops of the enterprise. Eremins, Akbashevs, Lipins worked here for 90 years and more.
Gennady Parygin, a former engineer who had worked in the locomotive depot for 42 years, spoke at the celebration. And on the occasion of the celebration he put on his awards - the Order of Lenin and the Red Banner of Labor, medals, industry insignia. His father Mikhail Fedorovich worked at this enterprise, and today his son Sergei. Thirty-five machinists were given personal watches of the head of the department to applause.
Krasnoufimsk locomotive workers gathered in the "red corner" of the depot. They played a brass band, the instrumental ensemble "Reflection". The best driver of the year at the enterprise, Yuri Lavrentiev, became the owner of a video recorder.