Scenario of the holiday "March 8" for elementary school. Scenario of the holiday "March 8"; elementary grades Download the script with a presentation by March 8

“We will forever glorify the woman whose name is Mother” M. Jalil
1st student. There is turmoil and din in our school!
The rustle of movements, disputes, chuckles.
Maybe the generals will come?
Maybe a hero who has circled the whole world?
Quit guessing! See. Here are our guests.
Hello mothers and grandmothers!
2nd student. Our lovely ladies, our miracle, our decoration! Just think, getting up early in the morning, collecting children for school, her husband for work, swallowing a small piece herself on the run, having time to comb her hair, sketch something on her face. Come to work and look the most beautiful.
And after work, run home, feed the children, and at the same time my husband ... and wash, iron, sew. And all run, run, run. And they love you just not for this, everyone is used to it, they love you for something else - for your skin, eyelashes, for your lips and weakness, for your tenderness.
So let's entertain them a little, make them smile, because when a woman smiles, the whole world smiles.
3rd student. Mom, I love you very, very much!
I love it so much that I can't sleep in the dark at night.
I peer into the darkness
I'm in a hurry.
I love you all the time
Mommy, I love.
Here the dawn shines
It's already dawn.
There is no one better than a mother in the world.
4th student. On Women's Day March 8
spring begins
Women's Day celebrates
Our glorious country.
5th student. Spring day, not frosty,
A fun day, not a mimosaic one.
All. It's mother's day!
6th student. The day is cloudless, not snowy,
The day is excited and tender.
All. It's mother's day!
7th student. The day is spacious, not capricious,
Gift day, surprise.
All. It's mother's day!

1st student. Mom has a job, dad has a job,
They have Saturday left for me
Fa grandmother is always at home,
She never scolds me!
Seated, feed:
"Don't rush!
What happened to you, tell me!”
I speak, but my grandmother does not interrupt,
Bit by bit, he sorts through the buckwheat.
We're good - like this together,
What is a house without a grandmother?
Girl. There is a women's holiday in the world,
He is, of course, visible.
Too bad - March 8
Only once a year.
Boy. That's how it's written, I guess.
Men already in the family -
Give them flowers
Only once a year.
Boy. Folk wisdom says: "He who grows flowers brings joy to himself and people." Every mother has her favorite flower. One has a carnation, the other has an aster, the third has a chrysanthemum. There are many flowers on earth. And now we will make a magical bouquet of flowers for our mothers.

1st student. On this holiday, on the day of flowers,
Everyone is ready to give them
Get ready to receive
Just answer in rhyme!
I am holding a bouquet of flowers
There are none here...
Here's for Tanya and for the jackdaw
Here is for Sasha and for Fenya
Foamy branch……. lilacs.
And for Katya and Alice
Yellow-white ... daffodils.
Here is for Olya and Oksana
Multi-colored ... tulips.
Here is for Julia and for Emma
A cap of lush ... chrysanthemum.
Here is for Nastya and for Rosa
A branch of the March ... mimosa.
And for Ksyusha and for Alla
Blooming ... callas.
Here is for Anya and Irina
Pink ... dahlias.
And for Valya and Natasha
Wonderful ... daisies.
Here is for Sveta and Larisa
Very delicate ... irises.
Here's to Sonya, Veronica
Bright red...carnations.
And for Zina and for Nina
A branch of white ... jasmine.
2nd student. Well, the most magic flower everyone knows, of course. This is ... a flower - a seven-flower!
Let's say the cherished words together:
Fly fly petal
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground
Be my way!
(Moms tear off a petal and make a wish).

3rd student. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
Let's start congratulating!
Right from the morning
Mom, grandmother, sister.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
I continue to congratulate!
Don't forget to congratulate your aunt!
(You won't find a better aunt)
And neighbor aunt Natasha,
And our teacher.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
I continue to congratulate!
All the girls in our class
And the watchman Aunt Asya.
In the shop and on the tram
Congratulations, congratulations!
There are already wrinkles on the forehead,
I lost weight, I walk like a shadow ...
Oh, and it's hard to be a man
Be a man on women's day.
Boys dance. The boys, holding green handkerchiefs in their hands, perform a dance-song to the motive of the Russian folk song "There was a birch in the field."
We dressed up with birches
And everyone loved it!
Lyuli, lyuli, dressed up,
Lyuli, lyuli, fell in love.
We walked in a smooth round dance,
To become famous among the people!
Lyuli, lyuli, in a round dance!
Lyuli, lyuli, in a round dance.
We congratulate our mothers,
We are dancing this dance for them!
Lyuli, lyuli, dance dance,
Lyuli, lyuli, dance dance.
4th student. They put me at a desk with a girl.
She smiled.
- Call me Martha.
And I smiled
- Are you, or what, - Eighth?
She laughed.
- No, that's the name.
And I laughed:
- And I'm Vasilek,
But just not the one
What is a flower in the field ...
We laughed at each other for a long time.
But very satisfied
Remained with each other.
5th student. What are the girls talking about?
Lessons all and changes all in a row!
They laugh so merrily together
They rumble so loudly.
Everyone thinks: why love them?
There are other girls, maybe
Who needs to be protected
For them to fight with enemies,
Which, well, at least something.
Even a little afraid?

"Sweet" contest for girls
Try to remember the name of chocolate.
I'm not used to dissembling, I love ... Picnic
You will be strong like a leopard if you eat a bar ... Mars
Very tasty chocolate girl ... Alenka
If you're tired and sour, eat a double crunchy… Twix
You can take delicious chocolate with you on a hike ... Road
Do not take a bandage in the pharmacy, it is better to eat a bar ... Feint
Do you believe in fairy tales, my friend, every time you eat ... Shock
If it's not easy, please eat… Sweet
It will immediately become more fun if you eat ... Milky Way
This is not a whim at all - to buy yourself ... Surprise
Mr. Kickers loves to eat a sweet bar ... Snickers
Experience bliss by eating…Perfection
Everyone likes without a hint chocolate with the name ... Fairy Tale
In cities and in the countryside, children eat ... Nestle.
1st student G. Branlovskaya
Happy International Women's Day
I congratulated my mother
And to the old cards in the album
Added a new one.
Mom will throw back the binding,
beautiful cover,
And sees how year after year
I am growing a little.
Under each card of mine
The date and year are marked.
I want to grow faster
Fly towards the years!
I try to mark them
good deeds,
To be fun to meet
Your women's holiday mom!
Spring morning binding
Throw back mom blue
And he will say: “This is how the son grows!
It was not in vain that she raised her son.”
Our dear mothers! We will sing ditties to you.
Congratulations on March 8 and hello big helmet to you!

Oh, thank you, mom, for giving birth to such.
Mischievous, fighting - and called Mashutka.
Chorus: Oh, deeds, oh, deeds, and called Mashutka.

Alla went for mushrooms, she chose a beautiful mushroom.
I collected it as a selection - that neither mushroom, then fly agaric!
Chorus: Oh, deeds, oh, deeds, I got fly agarics.

Mom instructed Misha to remove the pits from the cherries.
Misha managed to do everything, took out the bones. Ate cherries.
Chorus: Oh, deeds, oh, deeds, cherry let Misha down.

Larisa assured us: "These are narcissus onions",
And suddenly green onions began to grow in our flower bed.
Chorus: Oh, deeds, oh, deeds, Larisa let us down.

Whether in the garden in the garden Volodya helped to weed
After his help, nothing grows there.
Chorus: Oh, deeds, oh, deeds, nettles bloomed there!

Marina narwhaled flowers and gave a calf.
He did not understand the beauty, took and ate her flowers.
Chorus: Oh, deeds, oh, deeds, sorry for the little narwhal.

I found a broom in the kitchen and swept the whole apartment.
Only three straws were left of him.
Chorus: Oh, deeds, oh, deeds, swept the whole apartment.

Congratulatory telegrams from celebrities
I want to sing more often with a guitar!
Have a good company…. Rotaru
I wish you a lot of music and laughter,
Love and eternal youth .... Pieha
You look like a painting today!
I hand over the key to happiness ... Pinocchio
Let white fluff fall to the ground
And you bloom like a rose ... Winnie the Pooh
Be more often in the field and in the forest
Good health to you ... Alsou
Do not get into an emergency and alterations
We wish you a long life ... Strelka group
Let there be money always to the fig
And chicken legs ... Baba Yaga
Girl. Mom is in the kitchen all day.
At work and in the garden.
Resting on this holiday
Only once a year.
Boy. Us, rocking in the cradle,
Our mothers sang songs to us.
Let's grow up and be ourselves
We take care of mom.
In the meantime, let's deliver to her
Joy with your song.

1. There is a riddle in our class
So wise,
Who will solve the riddle
Will fall into scientists:
The cold will drive away, smile brightly,
The kindest.
If at work
Let him come back soon.
The warmest, kindest!
Maybe you think
It is spring?
Guess what, it's not her at all!
This is my mommy!
2. Why does the sun shine brighter on March 8?
Together. Because our mothers are the best in the world!
3. Announcements - congratulations!
The snow is melting on the street, drops are dripping,
May everything come true for you
On this bright day.
Let spring-beauty knock on the door,
Happiness and a smile, laughter will give.
4. With the beginning of spring!
With your bright holiday,
So charming
Full of bounty!
May your every day
Will be the most treasured
Let it be significant
Every year of yours!
5. Congratulations on March 8!
We wish you happiness, joy!
6. We close our holiday.
What else can you say?
Allow me to say goodbye
Wish you good health!
Don't get sick, don't get old!
Never get angry.
So young
Stay forever!

Mikheeva O. A. MOU "NOSH No. 5", Lysva, Perm Territory

Holiday script: "March 8!"

On the board (screen):

Thank you dear!
And your skillful and gentle hands.
They are golden as the sun is always
We will never forget mother's hands!


    Introductory part

Mother! What a good word!

Mom is always ready to be there

In a moment of misfortune, she is always there,

Support with a smile, and a word, and a look.

Share hopes, console, understand

It will confidently go through life.

You can always trust her without looking back,

It is easy to entrust any secret to her.

Good afternoon, dear guests! We have gathered today for a celebration dedicated to the Mother Woman.

1 student:

Family holiday,
Spring holiday.
With all my heart today
We give poems and songs to you.

2 student:

Let the dawns be radiant, clear
Ringing rise above you.
All the purest, clearest, best
Warmed by the warmth of your eyes.

3 student:

Allow me to congratulate you
Leave joy in your soul.
Give a smile, wish you happiness
Away with adversity and bad weather.
Let the shadow of sadness disappear
On this festive day of yours.

4 student:

The golden sun rolled down.
The gentle sun turned into a mother
Dear mommy, smile
With your tender heart
You come close to me!

5 student:

Mom is like a magician
If he smiles -
Every wish comes true for me.
Mom kisses - the bad is forgotten.
New day, happy day
Starts right away.

2. Main body

Is it difficult to be a mother?:

The children act out the scene "Three mothers".


(There is a table on the stage, there are four chairs around the table. In the foreground is a toy chair, a doll is sitting on it)


Tanyusha in the evening

Came from a walk

And the doll asked:

DAUGHTER: How are you, daughter?

Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?

Did you sit all day without lunch again?

These girls are in trouble!

Come to dinner, spinner!

(The girl takes the doll and puts her at the table)


Tanyushina's mother

I came back from work

And Tanya asked:

MOTHER: How are you, daughter?

Played again, probably in the garden?

Did you manage to forget about food again?

"Lunch!" - Grandma shouted a hundred times,

And you answered: “Now, yes now!”

These girls are in trouble!

Soon you will be as thin as a match,

Come to dinner, spinner!

(Daughter sits at the table)


Here grandmother - mother's mother came

And she asked her mother:


How are you, daughter?

Probably in the hospital for a whole day

Again, there was not even a minute for food.

And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich ?!

You can't sit all day without eating!

She's already become a doctor, but she's still a fidget.

These girls are in trouble!

Soon you will be as thin as a match,

Come to dinner, spinner!


Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,

Three mothers look at their daughters!

What to do with stubborn daughters?

ALL IN CHOIR: Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

Mothers love their children the way they are. Mothers recognize their child from thousands of other children. Can we check?


You alone understand me
You alone will help me in trouble,
Of course you know all the secrets
You alone sympathize with me.
You gently warm with your warmth,
Caressed on my chest,
You alone cherish me tenderly,
Giving away a piece of your soul.
Oh, sweet, tender mother!
I offer my respects to you
I love you dear mother
And I will always be by your side!



- Mommy, mommy! How much warmth is hidden in this magic word, which is called the closest, dearest, only person. Mom follows our path. Maternal love warms us to old age. Mom teaches us to be wiser, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us.


1. Dear and relatives
We will sing ditties to you
Congratulations on the holiday.

And a big hello to you.

2. To get mom to work

The evil alarm clock did not wake up

I am to him tonight

Unscrewed three parts!

3. I walk with my mother by the hand,

I hold my mother tightly

So that mom is not afraid

Don't let her get lost!

4. I have a miracle sister!

Liho washes all the dishes.

I help her too

I'm picking up pieces!

5. I boiled milk,

Walked away

I go to him again

No more milk!

6. Oh, ditties are good,

We sing them from the heart.

But don't yawn either

Clap and sing along!

7. I found a broom in the kitchen,
And swept the whole apartment,
But what's left of him
Three straws in total.

8. To make mom surprised

We cooked her dinner

For some reason even a cat

Run away from cutlets

9. Burnt soup and porridge

Salt poured into compote

When mom came home from work

She had a lot of trouble!

10. We finish singing ditties

We promise our mothers

Let's grow good

To behave!

- And now we will predict the fate of our mothers.


Moms are given envelopes with items:

button- you buy yourself something beautiful from clothes;
candy- a sweet, sweet life awaits;
penny- you will be a very money person;
Bay leaf- great success in work;
thread- a long road to distant lands;
smile- you have to look in the mirror and it will tell you that a smile really suits you;
butterfly- this year you will be lucky, you will fly on the wings of success in life;
heart- love;
key- new flat;
book- new receipts on the passbook.

Our mothers, believe me, it is better not.
Smile, let it become brighter in the classroom.
And from those smiles a bright light
For many years, let it not go out for us yet.

We congratulate mothers loving
And, giving warmth of hearts,
Let's sing this song to the whole class!
We wish you well
Light, sun and heat.
We love you, we tell you this honestly!

If the sun woke up - the morning shone,
If mom smiled, it was so gratifying.
If the sun hid in the clouds, the birds fell silent,
If mom is upset - where can we have fun!
So let it always sparkle
The sun shines on people!
Never, you, dear,
We will not grieve!

Children's Promises:

1. We promise, we promise:
First things first five
receive in the classroom.

Ride carefully downhill
Do not tear new trousers.

2. And do not fight, do not swear.

Do not hit glass with washers.

Do not climb into the attic.

Eat porridge - so be it.

3. You, mothers, understand us
You, mothers, forgive us
We are such a people - boys
It's hard to readjust
But don't talk about us like that
Worry a lot!

4. We often upset you,
What we sometimes don't notice
We love you very, very much.
Let's grow good
And we will always try
To behave!

5. Is there a dad in this room?
Ten, five, even one?
We want to tell you ourselves:
« Help better mom

6. Feel free to cook borscht,
Wash floors, wash dishes.
Any work is not terrible for mothers
Sewing, knitting, flying.

7. Why are our dads
Don't learn how to wash?
Mom and dad together
Should be equal in everything!

8. How to find worthy words,
How to say without extra phrases,
That we are very grateful
That we love you very much!


Guys, you have seen more than once how mom is going to work. Let's try to portray our mothers. The girls are called.

SONG "Mom's smile"

8) Congratulations to moms

Children give their mothers pre-made gifts.

3. Final part.


- Peace and happiness to your house, your family!
Peace and happiness to the land on which you walk - Woman! (Bow.)

The event ends with a tea party for parents and children.

Music at the presentation

Mom is the first word you can turn on the trill of birds or the sound of spring

The main word in every destiny.

Mom gave life

The world gave me and you

(Soundtrack turns on, all students come out)

Student. Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!

Holiday of grandmothers and mothers

This is the most good holiday

In early spring he comes to us!

Leading. Our dear mothers, grandmothers!

Today, on the eve of Women's Day, we greet you and want to please you with our performances and surprises. The word - mother, mother is one of the most ancient on earth and sounds almost the same in the languages ​​of all peoples. This suggests that all people revere and love mothers.

People congratulate their mothers, come to visit them, give gifts, arrange a holiday for them.

We also decided to make such a holiday for you to show how much we love and appreciate you. Perhaps not everything will turn out as we would like, but you know, we were preparing ... ..

Choir: with all my heart!

U. Invited to visit us

We are grandmothers and mothers.

We promise, we promise

You won't get bored here!

Leading. Mom is a huge window to the world. It helps the kid to understand the beauty of the forest and the sky, the moon and the sun, clouds and stars... Mom's lessons are for life.

Sonny, wake up, the first snow fell!

Daughter, look, the snowdrop has blossomed!

The life of each of us in childhood is made up of small, sometimes imperceptible grains of mother's tenderness and care ......

At the loss of the song “Today is a holiday”, children tell a verse one line each

Dear mothers, grandmothers and aunts,

It's good that at this hour

You are not in the service, not at work,

Look at us in this hall!

We love you very, very, very,

Very, infinitely - this is not a secret;

However, in short:

You have never been more loved!

From pure heart, in simple words

Come on, friends, let's talk about mom.

We love her as a reliable friend,

For the fact that we have everything together,

For the fact that when we have a hard time,

We can cry at our native shoulder.

We love her and for the fact that sometimes

Eyes become stricter in wrinkles,

But it's worth coming with a confession with your head

Wrinkles will disappear, a thunderstorm will rush off.

For always without concealment and directly

We can open our hearts to her

And just because she is our mother

We love her deeply and dearly.

We can do a lot in the world -

In the depths of the sea and space too;

We will come to the tundra and to the hot deserts,

We can even change the weather!

There will be a lot of things and roads in life ...

Let's ask ourselves? Well, where do they start?

Here is our answer, the correct one:


With the first rays in this bright hour.

Dear mothers, we love you very much.

And congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

If mom is at home, the sun shines brighter,

If there is no mother, it is bad for one.

I promise you, we'll finish the holiday,

I will hug my mother tightly.

Song "Sunshine"

March from the first
Spring begins.
Mother's day -
March 8
The whole country celebrates.

Different children live on the planet,
But all the children in the world love their mothers.
Sometimes we don't listen to moms,
And mothers teach us good deeds.

And mothers teach us how to be kind,
How to protect and love our Motherland!

Moms can do everything, moms will help,
Moms know everything!

If they have a holiday, then we have a holiday.
Let's congratulate our mothers!

A dance is dedicated to all mothers.

Who came to me in the morning? (in chorus "Mommy!")

Who said: “Is it time to get up?

Who managed to cook the porridge?

Shall I pour tea into a mug?

Who braided my hair?

Whole house swept one?

Who kissed me?

Who childish loves laughter?

Who is the best in the world?

For you, our dear mothers, we will perform ditties for you:

Our dear mothers,

We will sing ditties to you

Congratulations to all of you

And a big hello to you

I dressed up today

In a sundress with a needle

Enjoy it guys

On my frills

I am a fighting boy

I will remain fighting

Oh! And it will be difficult

Who will I get!

Galya washed the floors

Katya helped

It's just a pity, mom again,

Washed everything

Dad solved my problem

Helped with math

Then we decided with mom

What he couldn't solve

To make mom surprised

We cooked dinner

For some reason, even a cat

Run away from cutlets

Sooty saucepan

Lena cleaned with sand,

Two hours in Lena's trough

My grandmother washed it afterwards.

Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers

We are for everything, for everything, dear


Dear mothers, congratulations on this day.

Wonderful gifts we give them?

Accept gifts from your children,

They were made by our friendly, cheerful squad

Children sing a song to the tune of "Little Country"

Mom is the best in the world

We love mommy

Mommy all our smiles

The best dreams in the world.

Mom is always in household chores

She has many worries.

We know that mom is very strong

Tired by evening.

Chorus: There is no mother,

Mom is no dearer

What is our beloved mother

Youth secret?

Leading : We talked a lot about mothers,

But we forgot about grandmothers.

Your dads, moms also have a mom - your grandmother.

What affectionate words do you call your grandmother?

Our grandmothers are not only affectionate, skillful, they are also very, very caring.

Many people like to accompany their grandchildren to school, they even prepare lessons with them and, of course, always rejoice at your success.

1. Two grandmothers on a bench

They sat on the hillside.

Grandmothers said:

“We have only fives!”

congratulated each other

They shook hands with each other!

Although the dictation was written

Not grandmothers, but grandchildren!

My grandmother and I are similar: I am beautiful, so is she!

We love cheesecakes and rolls,

And songs while walking.

We are together on a sewing machine,

And together we dress her up, and together we adore her.

Grandma and I are very similar

I'm smart, my grandmother too.

She's not my old lady

And the best friend in the world!

2. Very my grandmother -

I love my mother's mother.

She has a lot of wrinkles

And on the forehead a gray strand

So I want to touch

And then kiss!

3. How to bake a big pie?

How to knit a colored sock?

Who will give the right advice?

Guessed or not?

I don't have a grandmother

Kiss her soon!

Chorus: Without a grandmother, without a grandmother, do not bake pancakes

Cutlets will be overcooked, milk will curdle

And with grandma-grandmother everything will immediately become delicious

Live in the house cheerfully and breathe easily

Guys, what's your mom's name?

Who knows the full names? How do they, for example, call colleagues at work?

If we close our eyes, listen, we will hear our mother's voice, because it lives in all of us and we will not confuse it with any other. Even when you become adults, you will always remember your mother's voice, mother's hands. And now we will play a game called “Know Mom by Hands” (blindfolded)

Competition program

What do moms do after work? (cards with tasks, the boys alternately show these actions, and the audience guesses)

2. Fries scrambled eggs

3. Vacuuming

4. Kneads dough and cooks pies

5. Washes dishes

6. Removed

Relay "Breakfast"

Teams are built in front of the start line in a column one at a time. At a distance of 20-30 steps from the starting line, there is a frying pan. Each of the participants has a spoon with an egg from a kinder surprise in their hands. On a signal, the first numbers run to their mother, break the egg (open it into a frying pan), close it and return.

Competition "Spring drops"

It's time to warm up and compete in speed for the participants! Drops dripped into the vessel! Let's see how our girls will transfer water from one container to another, quickly without spilling, with a spoon.

Relay race. Teams are built in front of the start line in a column one at a time (child, mother, child, mother). On a signal, each of the teams runs around the flags, the first participant jumps on the rope 5 times, the second jumps into hopscotch and again .......

Relay "Gathering to school"

Teams stand in front of the start line in a column one at a time. Now you will be mothers and gather one of the team members to school:

The first participants carry a briefcase, the second put on shoes, the third carry two books in the briefcase, the fifth - a pencil case, the sixth - two notebooks and a diary, the seventh - put on a hat, mittens and a scarf, the eighth - a jacket, the last takes the student by the hand and returns with her to the team.

Leading: And now I want to invite our children to me, one person from each class.

You have to remember affectionate words and give a bouquet of affectionate words to all our mothers.

(affectionate, kind, dear…….)

Host: These are the words our guys know. Do not forget, guys, to give such words to your mothers every day and grandmothers!

B. Before you are your favorite toys - girlfriends - dolls and their outfits. Task: dress and swaddle the doll. Speed ​​and accuracy are taken into account and it is necessary to swaddle tightly !!!

Collect puzzles. Who quickly

Tie a scarf. Team of mothers and team of girls. The first players are given a headscarf (simple). The game is as follows, one ties to the other participant, he unties and puts on the next.

Game "Good deeds at home".
Children, standing in a circle, overeat each other's basket. With the end of the music, the one who had the basket tells how he helps his mother.


Several teams are selected, consisting of a mother and a child. Mothers should put on a blouse, shoes, a scarf as soon as possible. The team that completes the task faster than the others wins.

Our dear mothers and grandmothers. Now we offer you to make your own portrait. Do not be afraid. It's very simple. You only need to select a petal on each daisy. On the first chamomile, a petal is a characteristic of your appearance, stretching out a petal on the second chamomile, you will find out what kind of smile you have, a petal on the third chamomile will tell you what kind of gait you have.

(There are chamomiles on the board, numbers on the petals. Teachers choose numbers, and the presenters turn over the petals with inscriptions)

(The first chamomile is delightful, breathtaking, captivating, attractive, bewitching, seductive, bewitching)

(The second chamomile is magical, mysterious, radiant, dazzling, tender, mischievous, flirtatious)

(the third chamomile is smooth, swift, light, graceful, fast, proud, flying)

The boys come out to congratulate the girls

Boys: 1. You, dear girls,

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,

military, business,

You are all very good!

All are beautiful and beautiful

It's hard for us to look away

We will love you

3 more months in a row!

We are all dressed up today
The boots are on fire.
congratulate you on women's holiday
Gathered for a parade!

All shirts are ironed
All pants are ironed.
We walked around the puddles today.
And we didn't fight.

We didn't go upside down
Didn't roll on the floor
We did not sit on each other
And do not get dirty in chalk.

Today we are like dandies,
In front of you at the blackboard
But more beautiful than our girls
We still didn't!

You are beautiful like stars
And eyes sparkle with fire.
And your smiles are cute
Block out the sun during the day!

You are so nice to us!
You girls are simply awesome!
That's why we all want
Be like you!

We wish you only happiness.
And let's tell you a secret:
Our girls are more beautiful
Not in the whole school!

Chastushkas for boys

Girls holiday coming soon

We need to sing ditties

Oh guys, in my ear

As a child, a bear came

You, dear girls,

Congratulations on women's day,

And now we ditties to you

Let's sing very loudly!

I won't sing! Me too!

I'm shy! I'm afraid!

And let's sing together

Let them laugh!

We envy girls

They love to play

And for this guys

Need to buy dolls!

you dance, you sing,

Don't forget in class

Give us some hint

There are girls in our class

Smarties, beauties

And confess to us boys

Like it a lot

you are always beautiful

Ponytails, pigtails

We sometimes pull for them

Just out of habit

We promise everyone today

Complements speak

And grow up a little

We will give you flowers

How does change come

We love to play with you

We run away with all our strength

So that you can catch up with us

We sang ditties to you

Don't be offended

Clap your hands louder

smile wider

We sang ditties to you

But we want to say

You always, everywhere and everywhere

Let's defend boldly!

Girls: Thank you for the congratulations,

You are attentive, gentle,

You just don't have a price!

Leading. Today we once again made sure that our mothers and grandmothers are the most creative, the most cheerful, resourceful, the most - the most ....

You are the people closest to us. Thank you for taking the time to visit us today. Once again, we congratulate everyone on the coming of spring. May the sun always shine in your families! Fantasies to you and spring mood! Come more often, because the school is the second home of your children, and therefore your home. We are always glad to see you! Happiness and Health to you!

Phonogram "Woman with a child in her arms"

We wish you happy, clear days. More light and goodness

Health, joy, success, peace, happiness and warmth!

May women's day never end

Let the streams sing in your honor,

Let the sun smile at you

And men give you flowers!

1. Girls and boys! Let's go with us

For songs and fairy tales, for chores and affection!

For delicious cheesecakes, for new toys!

2. Girls and boys! Let's go with us

Thank you grandma, thank you mom.

For books and counting rhymes, for skis and ropes!

For sweet jam, for long patience!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

All children: "We love you"

Song "Sunshine"

All participants throw in the hall Balloons.

And now we invite our mothers and grandmothers to our tea party!

March 8 in elementary school

The script for the festive morning March 8 in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade.

Holiday script for March 8 "For the beautiful Ladies!"

Matinee dedicated to the International women's day, can be held in the form of a comic concert prepared by the boys. Girls may participate in some episodes (songs).

Spectators: mothers, grandmothers, teachers.



Old Shapoklyak.


Yaroslavl guys.

The gentlemen are the hosts of the concert. They have the largest text load. They can sometimes read their remarks from a cheat sheet. It is necessary to work not only on the diction and intonation of the performers, but also pay attention to their stage image. They must convey the importance, stiffness, solidity of real gentlemen. During the serenade, gentlemen wear wide-brimmed hats with feathers. Feathers and hats can be made from colored paper.

The roles of the old woman Shapoklyak and Babka-Ezhka should be offered to the guys who are used to making everyone laugh. They need to grimacing and buffooning as much as possible. Particular attention should be paid to outfits. Old woman Shapoklyak - a suit with a tight skirt, a small hat, glasses and a handbag. Grandmother-Ezhka - a scarf, a fluffy colorful skirt, a wide blouse, a broom.

Yaroslavl guys - caps with paper chrysanthemums on their heads. During the execution of "suffering" they should "okay".

Props. Balalaikas and guitars can be cut out of thick cardboard.

Musical arrangement:

Phonograms of songs:

- “A song about a good mood” (from the movie “Carnival Night”);

- « A true friend"(from the film "Timka and Dimka");

- "The Song of the Old Woman Shapoklyak" (from the film "Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena");

- "Old grandmothers" (VIA "Merry guys");

Chastushki Babok-Ezhek (from the m / f "Flying Ship");

- "Neapolitan Song" ("Uno Momento") (from the movie "Formula of Love");

- "Yaroslavl guys" (chastushki-suffering);

- “Song of the Mammoth” (from the m / f “Mom for the Mammoth”),

Music sounds. Four speakers take the stage.

Student 1.

The beautiful spring is walking on the planet,

It brings prosperity and awakening to the earth.

Student 2. Lily of the valley and lilacs bloom in spring.

Student 3. And women bloom on the spring women's day!

All. And congratulations on the spring holiday to all women!

Student 1. The best and most beautiful, the kindest of our mothers,

Student 2. Our beloved grandmothers who read fairy tales to us,

Student 3. The smartest and best school teachers of all,

Student 4. And our glorious girls, which are more beautiful and sweeter than all.

Student 1. On International Women's Day, we decided not to be naughty,

All. Happy Holidays to all of you and give you a concert.

Student 2.

And on behalf of the boys we give for our ladies

Three servings of giggles and smiles per kilogram!

Student 3.

In our class, all the boys tried very hard,

So that all women laugh together today!

Student 4.

So that you can make friends with a spring smile

And we spent the day in a good mood!

Performed "Song about a good mood." 4 gentlemen with white scarves on their shoulders enter the stage.

Gentleman 1. Welcome ladies and gentlemen to our International Women's Day concert...

All. March 8!

Gentleman 2. We have had the difficult task of leading this festive concert...

Gentleman 3. Because we are true gentlemen!

Gentleman 4. And only we can adequately congratulate our beautiful ladies on their holiday.

Gentleman 1. Ho do you know, gentlemen, who are the beautiful ladies?

All. These are real ladies!

Gentleman 2. And the first ladies at today's holiday are, of course, our mothers!

Gentleman Z. Well then - this is lady-perfection!

Gentleman 4. Because they are the most beautiful!

Gentleman 1. The cleverest!

Gentleman 2. The kindest!

Gentleman 3. The most favorite!

All. Happy holiday, our dear mothers!

The gentlemen step aside. Several girls and boys come on stage and sing a song to the tune of the song "A True Friend".


Who wakes us up in the morning with a smile,

Protects us from rain and blizzards?

We will answer directly: “Well, of course, mother.

The closest, kindest, most faithful friend.


Very smart and beautiful

Everyone around us knows about it.

Everything in the world can and will always help.

Mom is a real, true friend.

Everything in the world can and will always help

Mom is a true true friend.


Who can always help you out

What if something happens all of a sudden?

We will answer directly: “Well, of course, mother.

The closest, kindest, most faithful friend.

We will answer directly: “Well, of course, mother.

The closest, kindest, most faithful friend.

They leave the stage.

Gentleman 1. I hope you gentlemen all help your moms?

All. Well, of course we help!

Gentleman 2. After all, we are real gentlemen!

Music sounds. Shapoklyak runs out onto the stage, pushes the gentlemen aside, stands in the middle and begins to sing to the tune of “Songs of the Old Woman Shapoklyak”.

Whoever helps mom is wasting time.

Good deeds cannot be celebrated.

Therefore, I advise everyone and everyone

frolic and play,

After all, all the kids need more rest,

All kids need more rest.

Who helps mom - that wastes time in vain.

You can't be famous for doing your homework.

You can't be famous, you can't be famous.

Having finished the song, Shapoklyak makes curtsies.

Gentleman 3. Dear Lady Shapoklyak! We fundamentally disagree!

Gentleman 4. Our mothers carry a heavy load of household chores!

Gentleman 1. And our task is to lighten this burden!

Listening to the gentlemen, Shapoklyak nods his head approvingly.

Gentleman 2. For example, I never refuse to go to the store for ice cream.

Gentleman Z. And I never interfere with my mother to wash the dishes!

Gentleman 4. And during the cleaning, I try to go outside so as not to get under my mother's feet.

Gentleman 1. And I always hide my dirty jeans away after football so that my mother has less washing.

Gentleman 2. I always help my mom watch TV shows.

Gentleman Z. And I always remind my mother when to take out the trash can.

Gentleman 4. And I'm constantly dusting my mom's cell phone!

Shapoklyak. That's what it means - true gentlemen!

Solemn music sounds. The gentlemen leave.

Shapoklyak. And now caring mothers will take the stage and show what wonderful children they have!

Music sounds. Girls with dolls take the stage. Perform arbitrary movements to the music, show their dolls. Four speakers take the stage.

Student 1.

We congratulate today

The sweetest, dearest,

The kindest and best

All. Our grandmothers!

Student 2.

Like our grandmothers

delicious pancakes,

Vareniki, dumplings -

Just a meal!

Student 3.

Our grandmothers cook

Winter jam

And bake for the holidays

Cakes and cookies.

Student 4.

And besides, grandmothers

Just masters:

They knit scarves for all of us,

Socks and mittens.

Student 1.

Our grandmothers know

School program.

All puzzles click

Better than mom and dad.

Student 2.

Our grandmothers know

Declensions and conjugations,

With them we are not afraid

Any essay!

Student 3.

We open to grandmothers

We are our secrets

And grandmothers give us

Wise advice.

Student 4.

Dear our grandmothers

On this spring day

We'll bring it as a gift

All. Love and respect.

The members take a step back and remain on stage to perform the song. Another group of children enters the stage: three "grandmothers" in handkerchiefs and three "grandchildren" (one has a ball in his hands, the other has a book, the third has a racket). They sing the song “Old Grandmothers”, performing simple movements along the song (“grandmothers” take their “grandchildren” by the hands, give them big sweets, play with a ball, racket, open a book). The rest of the members sing along.

Who from school every day

Meets you and me

Who bakes pies for us

Who walks with us?

Who will read us a fairy tale,

Who caresses us

Who are the difficult tasks

We always decide?


Grandmothers, grandmothers, old grandmothers,

Grandmothers, grandmothers, ears on top.

Grandmothers, grandmothers, we respect you,

And today we congratulate you on Women's Day,

And today we congratulate you on Women's Day.

All performers of the song leave the stage. Gentlemen take the stage.

March 8 at elementary school with contests. Scenario

Scenario for March 8 extracurricular activities in elementary school (grades 1-4). Holiday of girls and mothers

For this holiday, children prepare postcards with their own hands, gifts at technology lessons, fine arts, circles, learn dances and songs with their own hands.

(Children enter the hall to the music and start dancing "Polka" or any other dance)

1st student:

Kind mothers, dear, for you

Concert spring joyful

We'll set it up now.

2nd student:

March from the first

Spring begins.

The whole country celebrates.

3rd student:

Mothers of all peoples of the world

They want a lasting peace.

Mothers of all peoples of the world

Children are kept from war.

4th student:

Here are our mothers!

We are always proud of you

Smart, calm.

We will be worthy of you.

5th student:

drops of sunshine,

Splashes of sunny summer

We bring home today

We give to grandmother and mother.

All: Happy Women's Day!

(All children sing a song about mom)

Leading: Your moms have moms too. What do you call them? (Grandmothers) We are announcing a contest for an affectionate appeal to grandmother. (Granny, grandmother, dear grandmother, etc.) How do you live with your grandmothers? Elena Blaginina wrote a poem about grandmother's worries. And now the boys will read it.

1st boy:

If the grandchildren are cheerful, -

Grandmother even more:

- Look, they sang like goldfinches.

How glorious!

2nd boy:

If the grandchildren want to eat, -

Grandma's consolation:

Let them sit, let them eat

They need to grow up!

3rd boy:

If the grandchildren went out into the garden, -

Grandma is worried

- Well, like rain or hail,

After all, your feet will get wet!

4th boy:

If the grandchildren went to bed, -

Grandma is not breathing

- bye-bye, people,

Hush, hush, hush!

5th boy:

purity, silence,

Warmth, drowsiness.

Here's what she is -

Grandma care!


Well, what about you? What?

How are you and your grandmother?

(3-4 children answer with short sentences, ask in advance what interesting common things children and grandmothers do. For example: “I go to the cinema with my grandmother”, “And I sew dresses with my grandmother for dolls”, “Grandma and I are fond of rollerblading skates")

Leading: We have prepared a staging of the poem "Everything is in order" by the poet and writer E. Uspensky.

Mom comes home from work

Mom takes off her boots

Mom comes to the house

Mom looks around.

Mother: Was there a raid on the apartment?

Son: Not.

Mother: Did a hippo visit us?

Son: Not.

Mother: Maybe the house is not ours?

Son: Our.

Mother: Maybe not our floor?

Son: Our.

Seryozhka just came,

We played a little!

Mother: So it's not a crash?

Son: Not!

Mother: Didn't the elephant dance with us?

Son: No.

Mother: Very happy!

Turns out I was worried for nothing!

(Children perform a pantomime dance)

Parents: Guys! Today is a holiday, and you congratulated us, your mothers, grandmothers. Who else have you congratulated? (Girls and teacher)

1st student:

Maybe we just got used to it

But you can't see this:

Lyudmila Nikolaevna usually has tired eyes in the evening.


We know what it is...

Children restless swarm.

Here with one you will not find peace,

Not with this family.


That one is funny, and this one looks askance,

There the fighter is already starting a fight.

And questions - thousands of questions,

And everyone needs an answer.

2nd student:

How much affection and care is needed,

Help everyone and understand everyone.

Thankful and hard work


Not anxious at work mom

After all, always watching the kids

Kind tired eyes.


Thank you, of course, we all!

It's hard to even find a word.

I would like to thank you!

Dad (gives the teacher a bouquet of flowers):

Allow this spring day

Congratulations on Women's Day.

(Song for the teacher)

Leading: And now the boys are ready to congratulate their classmates.

1st boy:

I'm for the girls today

congratulations taught,

And now I'm pissed -

Oh, I forgot all the words.

2nd student:

The month of March is a joyful, clear month.

Lord! Our ladies are amazing!

(The fashion show begins, each girl receives a festive medal with the inscription: “Miss Cinderella”, “Charming”, “Sweetie”, “Veselinka”, “Cute”, “Miss Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “Barbara - beauty, marvelous braid”, “ Forget-me-not", etc.)

Leading: And now let's play rhymes, I will start the poem, and you will finish.

I love to work

I don't like being lazy.

I can do it myself, smoothly

Make your ... (crib).

Our little Irinka

I like to draw... (pictures).

I will help my mother

I will wash with her ... (dishes).

Yura and Vova have updates,

We sewed pants for the boys,

And the pants have pockets.

Who sewed the pants? (moms)

Leading: The next contest "Why?". Boys ask a question that begins with the word "why", and girls answer it with the words "perhaps because ...".

Leading: Guys. Are you good at helping your moms? And now a few questions for moms, by the answers we will find out if they agree that you are good helpers in the house.

He gets up in the morning from bed:

- Where did you put your shoes?

Where is the shirt? Where is the sock? —

Do you have such a son?

I made the bed myself

Swept the floor, watered the flowers,

Helped mom set the table.

Do you have such a son?

Leading: And now let's listen to what the boys passionately dream about (E. Uspensky “If I were a girl”).

1st boy:

If I were a girl

I wouldn't waste my time!

I wouldn't jump on the street

I'd wash my shirts.

2nd boy:

I would wash the floor in the kitchen,

I would sweep the room

I would wash cups and spoons.

I'd peel the potatoes myself

All my own toys

I would put it in place.

1st boy:

Why am I not a girl?

I would love to help my mom!

Mom would have said:

"Well done, son!"

Leading: The next competition "Pantomime". One girl thinks of a word, another says it. The second girl without words with her hands, gestures, facial expressions depicts this object, for example, on the theme "Fruit". The boys are trying to guess the word. Dads are allowed to help boys.

Leading: The next competition is "Who is faster." The girls should line up by height, then alphabetically, then by eye color, from lightest to darkest.

Leading: And now the boys will perform ditties.

Our dear mothers,

We will sing ditties to you.

And hello big helmet to you.

Burnt soup and porridge

Salt is poured into compote.

When mom came home from work

She had a lot of trouble.

Here's to cleaning once a year

I decided on a frying pan.

And then four days

They couldn't wash me.

I painted a picture of Vasya,

He is an artist, no doubt

But why did he paint the floor

In red, blue, yellow.

We finish singing ditties

And we always promise you

Listen to you everywhere in everything

Morning evening and afternoon.

(Boys leave)

Leading: But that's not all. After all, there are also ditties for girls.

(other boys come out)

If I were a girl

I would get up at dawn.

Got one five

And didn't fight in the yard.

If I were a girl

I wouldn't waste time.

I would embroider a dress for a doll

And he played with nesting dolls.

If I were a girl

I would be much smarter.

I would then not only hands,

But I also washed my neck.

If I were a girl

I would wash and dry the cups.

And I was your sister

And picking up pieces.

All: Why are we not girls?

That's the trouble, that's the trouble...

We would then be the eighth of March

Congratulations always.

Leading: The next competition is "Sweet Tooth".

(Small cups with various jams are placed on the table, and blindfolded girls try it and guess what fruit it is made from)

Leading: And the last competition for girls "Miracle Mirror". In which fairy tale did the queen have a mirror that praised her and admired her beauty? Now all the girls will sit in front of the mirrors and take turns praising themselves. The most indiscreet girl will win, this is a joke. But nevertheless, the girl who praises herself best and most interesting will win.

1st student:

Already the willow is all fluffy spread around.

Again, fragrant spring breathed warmth.

2nd student:

The clouds are worn by the village, illuminated with warmth,

And captivating dreams again ask for the soul.

3rd student:

Everywhere the eye is occupied with a varied picture.

Noisy crowd of idle people, something happy.

4th student:

Some secret thirst inflamed the dream,

And over the soul of each sweeps spring.

All together: Happy March 8, we congratulate dear ladies, grandmothers and mother, teachers of all our and mischievous girls!

(Children are preparing an exhibition of soft toys made by their own hands. They invite students from other classes, parents and in poetic form introduce guests to their work)

Look, please the soul

A fairy tale of tenderness and color,

Like a toy factory

I prepared all this.

These are baby hands

We sewed wonderful things,

Our lovely girls

Our miracle craftsmen.

These Stuffed Toys -

Not simple trinkets.

Here is a needle case - a little thing,

Useful in every home.

This cat is not a bauble

The cat is a sofa cushion.

Great relaxing pouf

Unusual, cute.

Both dogs and cats

Unprecedented beauty.

They will decorate your house

And it will be comfortable in it.

And the horses are amazing.

Despite the failures

It was a happy year of the Horse,

Do you think otherwise?

And from what fairy tale

This sorceress is a rook?

Now close your eyes for a moment

And I'll show you the trick.

From scraps and scraps

Just junk pieces

It will do wonderful

Each, a couple of trifles,

If he tries!

Now I will turn the bunny

In whom? Didn't you guess?

I will forgive your mistake.

(opens the box)

Here are the sorcerers

Here we would have a bag of sweets,

Or would "Donalds" here,

Or a treasured gift

And here - such nonsense.

Such wonderful planes

The boy is being made by us!

Do you want to see them in flight?

We will be happy to see you.

Pine branch, rowan bunch

Or just an indoor flower

Hang on a regular nail

In this charming pot.

Not at all strict, it will become bright

Your director's office

And suddenly make you smile

When there is no rest from us.

When you can't sleep until dawn

And stares at the window with cold

Let's remember the summer

This panel will warm you.

Smell of herbs and the sea

From a darkened window

And a broken lesson is not grief,

The mountain of notebooks is not terrible.

And this lampshade, perhaps

Make your home more comfortable

Notebooks will help to check

With its mysterious warmth.

Beautiful clothes are sewn for us

Kruzhkovtsy cutting and sewing.

We are glad to our sundresses:

Not sundresses, but a dream!

And from scarves we sewed sweaters:

They sewed their trimmings here.

For both singers and dancers

For ensembles and choir

In folk style, and in pop

The costumes are fashionable and elegant.

And our spoons were painted

The boys of the art studio:

The pattern on the spoons was burned out,

And we give joy to people.

You will like us

Come, please!

Send your kids to us

Both girls and boys!