Self-birth after caesarean section: my experience

“Having joined the ranks of pregnant women, I immediately registered on a forum where women in an interesting position communicate. It turned out that in Russia now there is a boom in natural childbirth and upholding one's rights. Women are no longer afraid to voice their demands to doctors, discuss childbirth protocols and remind who exactly is in charge in this process. They refuse stimulation and, surprisingly, pain relief in childbirth. But our forefathers have been dreaming about this for centuries.

Of course, the number of “good” births and successful pregnancy outcomes will never be compared with the statistics of problem deliveries with consequences. And that's okay. Nevertheless, behind every “bad” case from banal statistics (fatal outcome, birth injuries for a mother or child) there are two, at best, living people. I did not want to replenish these ranks even purely theoretically.

Despite the fact that the 21st century is in the yard, it turned out that no one can give me a guarantee that this very birth, which they like to call the natural process so much, will go well. And at some point I realized that I simply had no right to take such risks. So a conscious decision came that my child should be born by CS, in order not to minimize, but to exclude any Negative consequences for his health. Not the last argument in favor of the COP was the desire to protect oneself from medical rudeness during childbirth.

Well, besides, I absolutely did not feel the need to give birth naturally at all costs and prove my female viability by this. It is quite enough that my body was capable of such a miracle - to conceive and endure a new person without any problems.

Recently, Russia's chief oncologist joked gloomily: "The Soviet doctor provided assistance, and the Russian one provided a service." However, when it comes to childbirth, this formula does not work. Organizing a cesarean for me was the biggest stress during my pregnancy. In Russia, no one asks a woman's opinion on this issue. And it's amazing! You can decide to increase your breasts to size 15 and no one will dissuade you, but choosing how to give birth to your own child, even if there are alternatives, is officially impossible, and even for money.

Every time I read an interview with some obstetrician-gynecologist about childbirth, I meet a tedious rehearsed monologue that a caesarean is a serious abdominal operation that is not performed by choice. Now it just makes me smile. I understand perfectly well that this same doctor, through an acquaintance or patronage, will, of course, perform a caesarean section, and the operation itself, competently and on time, has fewer consequences than natural childbirth. Times and trends have changed. Now, babies after natural childbirth are more likely to be registered with a neurologist than with the consequences of a CS. Arguments for natural childbirth and horror stories about CS now seem to me out of thin air in order to avoid a worldwide epidemic of caesarean.

Progress never stands still - especially when it comes to medicine. Here you will find new drugs, the latest research in surgery, fashionable methods of healing and rejuvenation.

One of the most ancient branches of Hippocrates' science is gynecology, and in particular, the very birth of a child. If in the very recent past, childbirth took place only naturally, now a whole surgical complex has been sent to help mothers, the result of which is C-section.

Caesarean section: what is it

A caesarean section is a surgical operation to remove the fetus from a pregnant woman by cutting the abdominal cavity and the wall of the uterus in the case when natural childbirth threatens the life of the baby or the woman in labor.

This abdominal operation is one of the most ancient methods of surgical intervention. Perhaps this is just a legend, but there is an opinion that the great Julius Caesar himself was born by caesarean section. In ancient times, the operation was used mainly for complicated childbirth among the representatives of the upper class, when the salvation of the heir was above the life of the mother. Apparently, therefore, the caesarean section is called "royal birth".

The first successful operations, when mother and child survived, began to be carried out only in the 19th century after the advent of antiseptics and methods of anesthesia. Today, according to statistics, caesarean section is used in 25% of all cases of delivery.

Caesarean section: indications for surgery

There is a fairly wide range of medical indications for surgery:
A woman in labor may have too narrow pelvis and the baby's head is too big. However, this does not always lead to a caesarean section, because in the process of contractions and childbirth, the pelvic bones can move apart, and the head, on the contrary, can shrink. The doctor decides on the operation in the case when the process is too long, and the progress labor activity No.
From my personal experience, I can say that this is perhaps one of the most "hurtful" reasons for the operation. Maybe because I had to go through it. I endured growing contractions for 12 hours and was even put into labor, breathing correctly and not publishing a single loud sound but ended up on the operating table anyway. However, this was not the only indication for surgery for me - the head of the child, as it turned out in last moment, wrapped around the umbilical cord, which strangled the poor baby.

Cord entanglement, as a rule, is not an indication for a planned operation - an experienced obstetrician or doctor can not only correctly accept the fetus, but also remove the umbilical cord loop after the fetus descends as much as possible. However, there is also such an entanglement in which there is a threat to the life of the child - the loop can tighten tightly around the neck and suffocate the child. Double or triple entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck, as a rule, is an indication for a planned operation.

Until recently, I wanted to give birth on my own and, having arrived at the maternity hospital, I didn’t even tune in to “go under the knife”. And even when they removed me from the birth chair for transfer to the surgical room, I kept asking to be given time, and everything would work out for me. Despite the pain and complete exhaustion, I was so frightened by the stories about the caesarean section and the possible consequences for the child that I dragged myself to the midwife’s words: “Tanya, that’s it, don’t feel sorry for yourself - think about the child: the baby will die.” When I realized that there was no way out, I agreed to everything. Even during the operation, the doctor said that a guardian angel stood behind the child, even while it was in the stomach, as it interfered with natural childbirth, in which the child would be stuck in the ways, which could lead to two deaths. Looking ahead, I want to say that the caesarean section did not leave any consequences for my child.

Incorrect position of the fetus can cause elective or emergency surgery. However, the child can roll over at the very last moment, and it is not worth preparing in advance for a surgical solution to the issue. There are several presentation positions in which a child can be injured when born. natural way- complete gluteal or foot, frontal and facial, posterior occipital and several other most specific

Illness of the mother or fetus. This refers not only to the pathology detected during pregnancy, but also to emergency circumstances - for example, a sharp deterioration in the condition of the child, the identification of violations in his heartbeat.
The increased pressure of the expectant mother, eye problems, a sick heart and many other diseases can serve as indications for a caesarean section.

The indications for surgery may be multiple pregnancy and second births after caesarean.

Caesarean section: operation and the first days after it

If the operation is planned, then the woman is waiting for several preliminary procedures, the main of which are an enema and one-day fasting. If a caesarean section is an emergency measure, then the woman has already gone through this in preparation for natural childbirth.

Before the operation, a urinary catheter is inserted, which will help save the woman from possible adverse effects from the kidneys.

Based on my experience, the catheter is placed after anesthesia and is therefore painless. I didn’t even know about his presence until I saw this whole system at a neighbor in the ward. Disconnect it the next day after the operation - also completely painless.

An incision for caesarean section is usually made transverse direction along the line of "belly smile". In this case, the baby is taken out by the head or by the legs - in accordance with the position of the fetus. After successful completion of the process, all incisions are carefully sutured.
Based on personal experience, I can say that all this lasts no more than an hour - my "surgical birth" generally took only 28 minutes. I chose anesthesia through a spinal tap and therefore saw everything around me happening. During the operation, there are a fairly large number of people in the hall - about 8 (anesthesiologists, surgeon, nurses, neonatologist, obstetrician, etc.). At this time, the main thing is that someone supports you - this eliminates the feeling of a guinea pig. There was a wonderful midwife next to me, who all this time held my hand and repeated: “Nothing, Tanya, we will give birth to 4 more!” It was somehow reassuring. During the operation, I periodically fell asleep, as this was preceded by long hours of contractions. When they showed the child, he was very unhappy with the fact that he was taken. These 4.5 kg of happiness were waving their arms and trying to escape back.

The first day after cesarean, the woman is in intensive care under the close attention of doctors. From nutrition, she is offered only numerous droppers. Do not be afraid that the voice will be hoarse. For example, my husband did not recognize me on the phone at all - he mistook me for a man.

Within a few days after childbirth, swelling of the legs, eyelids, and hands can be observed.

The baby is brought on the second day after the mother is transferred to a regular ward. Both patients (both woman and child) are subjected to drug treatment: the parent is given a course of injections of antibiotics and painkillers, and the baby is given bifidumbacterin to protect against the same drugs that enter the child through milk. The woman is also treated with a suture daily, changing the bandage. Before discharge, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is mandatory.

During the first week after a caesarean section, women follow a specific diet, which usually consists of chicken broth, tea, and homemade compotes.

Caesarean section: life after

At my discharge, the doctor said: “You are the same woman as the others, only with a stitch. Don't limit yourself to anything." And she also promised that I would give birth to at least three, and the seam would become small and invisible after I entered my normal weight- only 8 cm.

According to the latest medical research, the second birth after a caesarean section can be 2 years after the first, that is, the onset of pregnancy in a year. Although most doctors believe that best pregnancy- this is the one that came 2 years after the first birth. During this time, the woman's body is completely restored.

The first 2 months after the operation, you can not lift weights, exercise exercise and should refrain from sexual intercourse. The rest of the woman's daily routine does not change. As a rule, when discharged from the maternity hospital, a young mother is already getting used to her “battle scar” and does not pay too much attention to it, and there are practically no pains.

Natural childbirth after caesarean section is possible! There was a lot of uncertainty, doubt, excitement, but now I know from my own experience that it is possible. The first birth ended for me with an operation quite unexpectedly. For some reason, the whole pregnancy it seemed to me that “everyone gives birth - and I give birth.” I had no doubt that everything was fine with me and the baby, and the birth would go without problems (such is the pregnant euphoria). There were no fears. But life had other plans for me: the birth began ahead of time, the baby at that time was lying with his legs down - and by the combination of all factors, the doctors decided that there was only one way out - a caesarean section. I will not now go into details of how it was. But, having received this experience, I decided for myself that in the next pregnancy I will try to do everything possible to do without surgery and give birth naturally.

When I began to study the information on this issue, I realized that not everything is so simple. It would seem that everywhere it is written that natural childbirth after a cesarean is possible, that from a medical point of view this is quite acceptable and normal (of course, if the first time the cesarean was for transient reasons that may not be repeated in the second pregnancy). But practically, most often, women with a scar on the uterus are again and again sent for operative delivery. It's easier and more predictable for doctors. More understandable, more controlled... Therefore, the main point of preparation for natural childbirth was for me the search for such a maternity hospital, a doctor and a midwife who would loyally look at ER after CS, would have such experience and would not be afraid of such childbirth.

The first successful discovery in these searches was for me the Center for Traditional Obstetrics (in Moscow). It was there that I talked with a doctor who supported me in my desire to give birth naturally (and yet support and attitude are not the last item in a successful birth). And there I found a midwife who helped me in childbirth. And before the birth, she also helped me decide on the maternity hospital and choose a doctor (as it turned out, the choice turned out to be good, and I am very glad that I trusted her experience and her opinion). And she also gave me support in the last month of pregnancy, when the excitement and anticipation of the unpredictable, but soon and inevitable made itself felt.

True, at the very first meeting, the midwife immediately dotted the i's. She said that neither she nor anyone else can guarantee that the birth will be natural and safe. Yes, for her part, she is ready to do everything possible, but if something goes wrong, there will be some complications in childbirth, you have to be ready to go for the operation again. All the midwives with whom I had a chance to communicate agreed that initially you need to be ready for any turn of events, that the chances of giving birth on your own, having a scar on the uterus are 50 to 50. And, of course, the priority is the life and health of the mother and child, and not the “naturalness” of the process at any cost. I'm glad this was discussed in advance. No one created "pink clouds" and unnecessary illusions. But at the same time - gave a chance and hope. And between the lines they were taught not to become attached to the result.

In order for natural childbirth after caesarean section to be possible, in addition to appropriate birth assistants, it was important to prepare the body. As I learned from midwives, “if you give birth well, you will give birth.” “To give birth well” in this case is so that no medical intervention is required. After all, as I found out shortly before the birth, for women with a scar, the use of epidural anesthesia and stimulation of labor activity (with its weakness) are not allowed. It is also important that the cervix is ​​ready, well opened. So that the strength of the contractions is sufficient to move the baby “to the exit”. Well, self-control (to the extent possible in childbirth), because it was immediately said that if I start to panic, behave inappropriately, etc. will be sent for surgery.

In order for natural childbirth to take place, on the physical plane it is also important to approach the moment of childbirth without obvious complications: there must be a wealthy scar (and its consistency is assessed immediately before childbirth, which also introduces an element of unpredictability), the position of the child must be good (traditionally - head down) , the child must be full-term (highly desirable), etc. But, unfortunately, it is not allowed to overwear a child. I found out about this just a couple of weeks before the birth and was very puzzled. It turned out that if childbirth does not begin on its own before 40 weeks, then at 40 weeks they are tried to start (a special catheter is placed to open the cervix and soon after that the fetal bladder is pierced). Then they wait for a certain number of hours that labor activity will begin. And if this does not happen, they are again sent for surgery. It was very difficult for me to accept such a development of events (even theoretically), I really wanted the baby to choose his own birthday, so that the birth would start on its own, exactly when they were destined, when the body (both mine and the baby) was ready for this ... After long and painful doubts for me, I had to agree. And (miracle!) I went into labor at 39 weeks and 4 days. A few hours before they planned to start taking active steps on me. I still perceive it as a miracle and a gift from above (by the way, during the fights, while they were still tolerable, I embroidered the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker ... maybe this was his handiwork?).

I'll tell you a little about how I prepared for this birth. Knowing that EP after CS is a very unpredictable thing, I did what I could on various fronts: I went to yoga for pregnant women, attended theoretical courses in preparation for childbirth, studied materials on pregnancy and childbirth from Irina Zhgareva (links to her I gave courses), visited an Ayurvedic doctor (instead of taking hormonal drugs, which are so popular now “for preservation”), oiled the body, drank a raspberry leaf to prepare the cervix for childbirth, worked with my own, took care of myself as much as possible (unlike the first pregnancy, when it seemed that the mountains were on the shoulder), in the last months before the birth, she tried to sleep and save strength. Now I am writing and I understand that you can’t list all my actions ... but everything was aimed at doing everything possible in my power so that natural childbirth took place ... and at the same time retain acceptance of any development of events. Do not forget that not everything is in my hands. And that's okay.

And a couple more points about how the EP goes after the CS (and I was also warned about this right away). During childbirth, CTG is mandatory. All the time without taking pictures. Still, there are always risks of seam divergence, and it is important to monitor the condition of a woman and a child. The second moment is a little more unpleasant. Immediately after childbirth, a manual examination of the uterus is done (whether the seam has opened) under full anesthesia. True, I will say as a consolation that this anesthesia is short-lived (about 20 minutes) and does not leave a feeling of “hangover” (I woke up with a clear mind, as after a normal sleep). And after it is not forbidden to breastfeed.

This was my experience… I hope it will be useful to someone, it will give information, hope and support.

P.S. childbirth took place in the 29th maternity hospital in Moscow. I have had the most favorable impressions from this hospital. They are really focused on natural childbirth, and EP after CS is not new to them. Who will need contacts (doctor and midwives with whom I gave birth) - write personally, I will prompt.

So I decided to write about my birth. They were my first natural ones, since I had a caesarean section with my first baby. Throughout the pregnancy, I really wanted to give birth on my own, tuned in to the fact that there would be no caesarean, read a lot about it and consulted with doctors. Everything went well, the attachment was along the back wall, the fetus was determined by ultrasound at a maximum of 3500 g, there was no pain along the scar.

In the end, I got my way, and I was referred to the "attempted vaginal delivery" thanks to my doctor from the consultation. It was a matter of small - to find a doctor who will take delivery after cesarean. In the end, we were advised by a very competent and professional doctor.

I didn’t feel the first birth, because. gave birth with CS. Therefore, I was terribly afraid, although I still tuned in to success. I was terribly afraid of breaks, just in a panic. The doctor said that to prevent tears and to make it easier for the child to pass through the birth canal, he uses a special gel. I also used them during childbirth.

The contractions began at 40 weeks exactly on May 9 at 12 o'clock with an interval of 7-8 minutes. By morning, the interval was once every 3 minutes. At 10 o'clock in the morning my doctor examined me and told me to go up to the prenatal room. I stayed there until 13:00. Due to the fact that I did not sleep all night, the contractions began to weaken a little ... And the opening was only 7 cm - I thought I would not stand it.

At 6:30 p.m., it started to feel a little painful. When they told me to switch to a chair to give birth, I asked: “What, is it already possible? Hooray!". In a few (after each I asked the midwife if I was doing everything right, how was the baby and whether I should be cut) I gave birth to my daughter - 3560 g and 54 cm. The sensations are indescribable ... some kind of buzz, or something .. In general, giving birth, I'll tell you, is easier and better than. After 3 hours, I ran into the ward with my feet with the baby in my arms.


Oh what a good guy you are! I don't know, I probably wouldn't. I'll take note of your experience ;-)

You are so clever!!))))) "What, is it already possible? Hurrah!" - it's so cute)))) I hope that everything will be fine with your baby))

I didn’t read the article, but I gave birth 3 times myself after the EX, everything is in perfect order :)

You are a big smart girl. Were not afraid. And fortunately, all is well. I'm happy for you)

Comment on the article "Independent childbirth after caesarean section: my experience"

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On your own from start to finish - no. There is no independent work yet (we have problems with turning on - switching - getting stuck - slipping - forgetting where we started).

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I read in the stories about childbirth that the courses teach how to look at the opening of the cervix on your own at home ... I really want to know how this is determined ..

Feel free to ask questions about who is going to have a caesarean and who is afraid. 🙀It so happened that at 37 weeks I was told to give birth by caesarean section. At first, of course, I wanted to give birth naturally. Throughout the pregnancy, I prepared: breathing exercises, Kegel exercises, jumping on a fitball, etc. But since the doctors (a neurologist and an anesthesiologist) gave me such a verdict, I didn’t argue. The operation was performed at the Center for Psychological and Social Development for a period of 39.3 months under a contract with an excellent doctor from God Litvinenko S.A. By 9 am I arrived at the emergency department, waited in line for about 40 minutes. I weighed myself, changed into a local nightgown, asked questions, gave an enema and went to the operating room, where the anesthesiologist was already waiting for me for a conversation. She lay down on the table, pulled me compression stockings, connected the sensors and inserted a catheter into the vein (this was the most painful thing in the entire operation ... they were looking for a vein 3 times and could not get in). I liked the epidural anesthesia. 👌 An injection into the intervertebral space is not at all painful. A urinary catheter was inserted. Gradually, the legs and stomach go numb, and the doctors say they have begun. Of course, you don’t feel pain, but the feeling that something is being done in you is present. You feel the sweetish-nasty smell of flesh at the moment when the vessels are cauterized so that bleeding does not start. The most memorable moment was when the doctors literally started jumping on my stomach, pushing the baby out. 🙈 Fortunately, the anesthesiologist was always there and distracted me with conversations. 15 minutes have passed since the beginning of the operation and my girl was born. I nervously waited for her to scream and here it is the first cry. I cried. She was weighed 3420 grams, measured 52 cm, wrapped and put to her chest, allowing her to meet her daughter and kiss her. Apgar score 8/9. The anesthetist took great pictures with my phone. Many thanks to her for the wonderful, captured first moments of my baby. 🏼📸 Having stitched and injected, I was taken to the ICU where I stayed for 6 hours. I drank a lot of water, tried to move my legs in order to quickly move away from anesthesia. She asked me to wear a bandage. After 3 hours, I was ready to go to the ward, but they didn’t let me in. The doctor came and kneaded the uterus twice. It hurt, but it was bearable. The most difficult thing was to get up, but I managed and I was transferred to the postpartum ward. On the same day, I walked around the ward and they brought me a baby. At night, I left her in the children's department, in which I made a huge mistake. Milk in the end came only on the 10th day. I took a shower the next day. They took out the urinary catheter (painfully a little). On the day of the operation, I didn’t eat anything, on the second day they gave me porridge and chicken broth. Conditions and staff are excellent. Advised on breastfeeding and answered all questions. I was satisfied with the operation. But of course, the feeling that you went through the throes of labor and after attempts you can blissfully enjoy the baby on your chest, alas, no! A cesarean is a big stress for both the baby and the mother. I could still calmly carry her for a week for sure and come with contractions. The child was immature, although it was born at term. I had postpartum depression for 2 weeks because everything happened so fast that I didn't realize anything. Well, the hormones must have kicked in. 👻 The seam, by the way, turned out to be very neat. If you have indications for surgery, then of course you should not take risks and give birth yourself. If there is no evidence, then I am for EP, as destined by nature. Listen to doctors and your heart. Thank God for everything! 🙏