A dramatization of Charles Perrault’s fairy tale “Gifts of a Fairy. Review of the fairy tale by C. Perrault “Gifts of a Fairy II. Breathing exercises

A tale of two sisters. The eldest was rude and arrogant, and the youngest was kind and beautiful. The fairy rewarded each of them according to their merits. Now every word of the youngest daughter turned into a rose or a jewel, and the eldest daughter dropped a toad or a snake...

Fairy gifts read

Once upon a time there lived a widow in the world, and she had two daughters. The eldest is the spitting image of her mother: the same face, the same character. You look at your daughter, but it seems that you see your mother in front of you. Both, the eldest daughter and mother, were so rude, arrogant, arrogant, and angry that all people, both acquaintances and strangers, tried to stay away from them.
And the youngest daughter was everything like her late father - kind, friendly, meek, and also a beauty, of which there are few.

Usually people love those who are similar to them. That is why the mother madly loved the eldest daughter and could not stand the youngest. She forced her to work from morning to night, and fed her in the kitchen.

In addition to all other chores, the youngest daughter had to go twice a day to the source, which was at least two hours away, and bring from there a large jug of water, full to the brim.

One day, when the girl was taking water, some poor woman came up to her and asked her to drink.

“Drink to your health, auntie,” said the kind girl.

Having quickly rinsed her jug, she scooped up water in the deepest and cleanest place and gave it to the woman, holding the jug so that it was easier to drink.

The woman took a few sips of water and said to the girl:

You are so good, so kind and friendly, that I want to give you something as a keepsake. (The fact is that it was a fairy who deliberately took on the appearance of a simple village woman in order to see if this girl was as sweet and courteous as they say about her.) This is what I will give you: from now on, every word you utter , will fall from your lips either as a flower or as a precious stone. Goodbye!

When the girl came home, her mother began to scold her for being late at the source.

Sorry, mother,” said the poor girl. - I’m really late today.

But as soon as she uttered these words, several roses, two pearls and two large diamonds fell from her lips.

Look! - said the mother, her eyes wide open in surprise. - It seems to me that instead of words she drops diamonds and pearls... What happened to you, daughter? (For the first time in her life she called her youngest daughter, too.)

The girl simply, without hiding or boasting, told her mother about everything that happened to her at the source. And flowers and diamonds just fell from her lips.

Well, if so,” said the mother, “I need to send my eldest daughter to the source... Come on, Fanchon, look what comes out of your sister’s lips as soon as she speaks!” Don't you want to receive the same amazing gift? And to do this, you just need to go to the source and, when the poor woman asks you for water, politely give her a drink.

Well, here we go again! I want to trudge into such a distance! - answered the angry one.

And I want you to go! - her mother shouted at her. “And this very minute, without talking!”

The girl reluctantly obeyed and went, still grumbling. Just in case, she took with her a silver jug, the most beautiful one they had in the house.

She barely had time to approach the source when a smartly dressed lady came out of the forest to meet her and asked for a sip of water. (It was the same fairy, but this time she took on the guise of a princess to test whether her older sister was as rude and evil as they say she was.)

Do you really think that I dragged myself here to give you something to drink? - the girl said impudently. - Well, of course, just for this! I even grabbed a silver jug ​​on purpose to bring water to your honor!.. But I don’t care. Drink if you want...

However, you are not very kind,” the fairy said calmly. “Well, such is the service, such is the reward.” From now on, every word that comes out of your lips will turn into a snake or a toad. Farewell!

As soon as the girl returned home, her mother rushed to meet her:

Is that you, daughter? So how?

And so, mother! - the daughter muttered in response, and at the same instant two vipers and two toads plopped down on the threshold.

Oh my god! - the mother screamed. - What is this? Where?.. Oh, I know! It's all your sister's fault. Well, she will pay with me!.. - And she rushed at her youngest daughter with her fists.

The poor thing ran away in fear and took refuge in the nearby forest.

There the young prince, the son of the king of this country, met her.

Returning from a hunt, he found a beautiful girl in a thicket and, marveling at her beauty, asked what she was doing in the forest all alone and why she was crying so bitterly.

“Oh, sir,” answered the beauty, “my mother drove me out of the house!”

The royal son noticed that with every word the girl dropped a flower, pearl or diamond from her lips. He was amazed and asked to explain what kind of miracle this was. And then the girl told him her whole story.

The king's son fell in love with her. In addition, he reasoned that the gift that the fairy bestowed on the beauty was worth more than any dowry that another bride could bring him. He took the girl to the palace, to his father, and married her.

Well, the older sister became more and more disgusting and unbearable every day.

In the end, even her own mother could not stand it and drove her out of the house. The unfortunate woman could not find refuge anywhere or with anyone and died, rejected by everyone.

(Translation by T.Gabbe)

Published by: Mishka 10.11.2017 12:15 24.05.2019

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Lesson topic: Charles Perrault "Gifts of the Fairy". 3rd grade. Educational and training complex of the 21st century.

The purpose of the lesson:

  • introduce the fairy tale of the foreign writer Charles Perrault “Gifts of the Fairy”;
  • identify similarities and differences between Russian folk and foreign fairy tales;
  • teach students to use introductory, search and viewing types of reading;
  • cultivate a love of reading and a positive motive for learning.

Equipment: portrait of C. Perrault; book exhibition; tables for developing the visual field; signal cards with numbers for evaluating work.


I. Organizational moment

II. Breathing exercises

Let's do some breathing exercises.

Exercise "Fluff".

Imagine that there is a feather in your palm. We must blow on it slowly and evenly so that it circles in the air above the palm and does not fly away. Inhale through the nose, exhale slowly through the mouth. We look at the fluff while exhaling. It should circle above your palm. Get ready! Let's start!

Exercise with balls.

Exercise with balls develops the diaphragm, helps to speak freely, without tension, without swallowing the sound during a conversation.
- Inhale through your nose.
- We smell the flowers as we inhale.
– What a delicate aroma, how subtle and filling it is.
- As you exhale, inflate the balloon.
- We got ready, we started.
– Who was the first to raise the ball above his head?
– Look at the volume of lungs you and others have.
– Draw a conclusion: who needs to work on increasing lung capacity.

III. Let's set up the visual apparatus

Exercises to develop the visual field and strengthen the eye muscles.

1. Numerical tables of Schulte. (tables for each student)


1) As quickly as possible, name all the numbers in order, indicating them with a pencil.
2) Try to remember the location of two or three consecutive numbers at once.
3) Remember: the eyes look at the center of the table, they see it entirely.

2. Table with geometric shapes, (each student has a table, everyone speaks together in chorus)


1) Keeping the entire table in sight, sequentially count all the figures out loud.
2) Start counting from the top row from left to right: first triangle, first corner, first circle, second triangle, first segment, second circle, second segment, etc. to the end of the table.

3. Lookup table

a) At the “Start” signal, students silently count with a vertical eye movement how many times the (+) sign appears in the table. At the end of the counting, they tell the result in a whisper in the teacher’s ear, then several people say the result out loud; if the answers do not match, they all count together. (Correct answer is 17)

b) How many times does the letter “f” appear in the table? (correct answer is 9). (the methodology is the same).

c) How many times will the numbers 9 and 7 appear in the table. You need to count two numbers at the same time (The correct answer is 12 and 10)

d) restore the proverb:

27-193-24-208 107-22 113-191 3-185-4-87 103 204-192-8-103-188-132

A good deed will not go without reward.
– How do you understand the meaning of this proverb?
– What other proverbs on this topic do you know?

For good, expect good, for bad, bad.
Good is good everywhere.

IV. Articulation gymnastics

Now let's set up our speech apparatus.

1) Slowly read from the board as directed:

Nimble Leva gets on with his skis,
Red Roma paints the frame.
Kolya breaks the ice with a crowbar,
Sanya is driving the sleigh himself.

2) In one breath.
3) I gradually remove the leaves, the children reproduce the text from memory.
4) At the pace of a tongue twister.
– What does this tongue twister teach us? ( independence)


Some dialogue is omitted. It is necessary to restore them.

- What is our first lesson?
– I didn’t answer the questions.
- I’ll have time, another hour...
- No, I'll do it myself.
– What does this dialogue teach us? ( Independence, ability to manage time)

V. Reading skill self-test exercise

– Opened page 152.
- Get ready, let's start!

Exercise “Buzz Reading”

- Stop! Counted! They added the same amount.
- How many words?
– Who has more than 70?

VI. Checking homework

– In the last lesson we worked on A.P. Chekhov’s work “Vanka”.
– At home you should have come up with a continuation.
– How did this story end? ( Yes, miracles happen in life, but more often they happen in fairy tales).
- Let's remember what fairy tales are like?
– What groups do we divide all fairy tales into? (Literary and folk.)
– Let's remember some of them.

VII. Fairy tale quiz

1. From which fairy tale? (words)

“Take her, take her, old man,” he says to her husband, “where you want so that your eyes won’t see her.” Take her to the forest in the bitter cold. ( r.n.s. "Morozko")
- And her owner had three daughters. The eldest was called One-Eyed, the middle one was called Two-Eyed, and the smaller one was called Three-Eyed. ( r.n.s. "Khavroshechka")
- Why, brother, did you come without your wife? At least bring it in a handkerchief! ( r.n.s. "Princess Frog")
- Bless me, my lord, my dear father: I will go to the beast of the forest, the miracle of the sea, and I will live with him. ( r.n.s. "The Scarlet Flower")

2. What is the name of the fairy tale? (taking photographs)

I show illustrations for fairy tales:
"At the behest of the pike."
"Swan geese"

VIII. Working on the topic

You know Russian folk tales well. Today we will begin to study fairy tales of foreign writers.
– What do we learn by studying this topic?
– Page 147. Read Olya! Seryozha!
Today we will get acquainted with the fairy tale “Gifts of the Fairy” by Charles Perrault.


Charles Perrault is a French storyteller, born in Paris in 1628. In total, the storyteller wrote 11 fairy tales based on folk stories.
These are “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Donkey Skin”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “Puss in Boots”, “Cinderella” and others.
In Russia, Charles Perrault's fairy tales were first translated in 1768 and were called “Tales of Wizards with Moral Teachings.”

IX. Reading and analysis of the work

Part I. 1) Exercise "Finish".

– What was the eldest daughter like?
– How is the youngest daughter shown?
- We're ready. Let's start!

2) Questions on text comprehension.

– What was the eldest daughter like? Find the words in the test. ( The eldest is the spitting image of her mother: the same face, the same character. Rude, arrogant, arrogant, angry.)
- Guys, you have come across unfamiliar words:

(On the desk)

Spesiva- arrogant
Arrogant– swaggering
– Find No. 1 in the copybook on page 60.
- Read Maxim.
- Let's write down what the youngest daughter was like.
– You came across an unfamiliar word meek– gentle, submissive, kind.

3) Repeated reading in a chain.

– Which of your daughters did you like best? Why?
– What do you think is the main idea of ​​this part?
– Who does the author show in this part? ( Two daughters.)
– What does the second task sound like in the copybook?
- Read it Oleg.
- What should we call it?

Part I. Two daughters.

Part II. 4) Reading by the teacher (Before the words “Well, if so, ...)

Questions after reading:

- How did the youngest daughter behave with the poor woman by the stream? Find these words.
– How do we see the youngest daughter? ( Kind, attentive, affectionate)
- How is it shown? Find it. ( Auntie quickly rinsed, scooped up water in the deepest and cleanest place, held the jug to make it easier to drink)
– Why did the fairy reward her youngest daughter? ( Because the girl is so sweet and polite)
– What is the main idea of ​​Part II?
- What should we call it?
- Let's write it down.

Part II. Youngest daughter and fairy gifts.

Part III. 5) Exercise “Buzzing”. (read until the words “The poor thing ran away in fear” (p. 150)

Purpose of reading: to prepare for reading faces.
After reading, you should know:
– who are the characters;
– think about the tone in which each of the heroines will read their role.

a) “Buzzing” reading (after reading)

– Who are the characters?
– Who wants to read?
Mother– Dzhakunbaeva Lera
Eldest daughter– Alina Medvedeva
Fairy– Kurbanova Amina
Author– Olga Baryshenskaya
– How will we read the fairy’s words? ( Calmly)
- Eldest daughter? Find it in the text. ( The girl said boldly, muttered to the mother.)
- Mother's words? ( Scared)

b) Reading faces.

– Guys, did our heroes cope with the task and show the images of the characters?
– What is the main idea of ​​Part III?
- What should we call it?
- Let's write it down.

Part III. Eldest daughter and fairy gifts.

Physical education minute.

  1. Close your eyes and massage your eyelids with your finger in a circular motion from the nose to the outer edge of the eye and from the outer edge of the eye to the nose.
  2. Rub your palm against your palm with force, bring your palms to your closed eyes, mentally say: “I feel the warmth from my palms passing into my eyes, my eyes are resting. I feel good, pleased.

Part IV. 6) exercise “Reconnaissance”.

– What was the future fate of your daughters? ( Children explain)
– How did the fate of your youngest daughter turn out?
-What happened to the eldest?
– What is the main idea of ​​this fairy tale?
– What did the author show?

Part IV. Let's write down "The further fate of the daughters."

– Now let’s read the whole plan.

X. Cover Modeling

– What literary genre did we work with today?
– What is a fairy tale?
-What fairy tale is this? ( Magic)
- How do we designate it? – blue or purple color.

– What heroes did we meet?
– What are they? ( Positive and negative)
– Who is the positive hero?
– Who is negative?
– What similar fairy tale do Russian storytellers have? (“About the lazy and carefree” (R.N.S.), “Morozko” (R.N.S.), “12 months” (S. Ya. Marshak)

XI. Bottom line

– How is this tale similar to Russian folk tales?
Miracles: speaks, and from his lips flowers, precious stones fall, toads, vipers flop.
Transformations: into a poor woman, into a princess.
– What features? ( Good conquers evil. Goodness is rewarded. Evil is punished.)
- Let's read the ending again.
Why does the author end the story this way? ( Evil is punished.)
– What is the main idea?
– What did the author want to say? ( Fairy tales have this ending: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”)
– What lesson did you learn today? ( Loneliness is the worst thing in life, so we must be kind and merciful.)
– What proverbs can express the main idea of ​​a fairy tale? ( We read proverbs from the board).

XII. Reflection. Close your eyes, listen to your mood, remember your role and participation in the lesson, try to evaluate your work objectively and show what grade you gave yourself.
– I agree with you, you have already learned to evaluate yourself objectively, this is an important skill that will definitely help you be successful in life in the future.
– I would like to end the lesson with these words... (words on the board)

Once upon a time there lived a widow in the world, and she had two daughters. The eldest is the spitting image of her mother: the same face, the same character. You look at your daughter, but it seems that you see your mother in front of you. Both, the eldest daughter and mother, were so rude, arrogant, arrogant, and angry that all people, both acquaintances and strangers, tried to stay away from them.
And the youngest daughter was everything like her late father - kind, friendly, meek, and besides, a beauty, of which there are few.
Usually people love those who are similar to them. That is why the mother madly loved the eldest daughter and could not stand the youngest. She forced her to work from morning to night, and fed her in the kitchen.
In addition to all other chores, the youngest daughter had to go twice a day to the source, which was at least two hours away, and bring from there a large jug of water, full to the brim.
One day, when the girl was taking water, some poor woman came up to her and asked her to drink.
“Drink to your health, auntie,” said the kind girl.
Having quickly rinsed her jug, she scooped up water in the deepest and cleanest place and gave it to the woman, holding the jug so that it was easier to drink.
The woman took a few sips of water and said to the girl:
“You are so good, so kind and friendly, that I want to give you something as a keepsake.” (The fact is that it was a fairy who deliberately took on the appearance of a simple village woman in order to see if this girl was as sweet and courteous as they say about her.) This is what I will give you: from now on, every word you utter , will fall from your lips either as a flower or as a precious stone. Goodbye!
When the girl came home, her mother began to scold her for being late at the source.
“Sorry, mother,” said the poor girl. “I’m really late today.”
But as soon as she uttered these words, several roses, two pearls and two large diamonds fell from her lips.
- Look! - said the mother, her eyes wide open in surprise. - It seems to me that instead of words she drops diamonds and pearls... What happened to you, daughter? (For the first time in her life she called her youngest daughter, too.)
The girl simply, without hiding or boasting, told her mother about everything that happened to her at the source. And flowers and diamonds just fell from her lips.
“Well, if that’s the case,” said the mother, “I need to send my eldest daughter to the source... Come on, Fanchon, look what comes out of your sister’s lips as soon as she speaks!” Don't you want to receive the same amazing gift? And to do this, you just need to go to the source and, when the poor woman asks you for water, politely give her a drink.
- Well, here we go again! I want to trudge into such a distance! - answered the angry one.
- And I want you to go! – her mother shouted at her. - And this very minute, without talking!
The girl reluctantly obeyed and went, still grumbling. Just in case, she took with her a silver jug, the most beautiful one they had in the house.
She barely had time to approach the source when a smartly dressed lady came out of the forest to meet her and asked for a sip of water. (It was the same fairy, but this time she took on the guise of a princess to test whether her older sister was as rude and evil as they say she was.)
“Do you really think that I dragged myself here to give you something to drink?” – the girl said boldly. - Well, of course, just for this! I even grabbed a silver jug ​​on purpose to bring water to your honor!.. But I don’t care. Drink if you want...
“However, you are not very kind,” the fairy said calmly. - Well, such is the service, such is the reward. From now on, every word that comes out of your lips will turn into a snake or a toad. Farewell!
As soon as the girl returned home, her mother rushed to meet her:
- Is that you, daughter? So how?
- And so, mother! - the daughter muttered in response, and at the same instant two vipers and two toads plopped down on the threshold.
- Oh my god! - the mother screamed. - What is this? Where?.. Oh, I know! It's all your sister's fault. Well, she’ll pay with me!.. – And she rushed at her youngest daughter with her fists.
The poor thing ran away in fear and took refuge in the nearby forest.
There the young prince, the son of the king of this country, met her.
Returning from a hunt, he found a beautiful girl in a thicket and, marveling at her beauty, asked what she was doing in the forest all alone and why she was crying so bitterly.
“Ah, sir,” answered the beauty, “my mother drove me out of the house!”
The royal son noticed that with every word the girl dropped a flower, pearl or diamond from her lips. He was amazed and asked to explain what kind of miracle this was. And then the girl told him her whole story.
The king's son fell in love with her. In addition, he reasoned that the gift that the fairy bestowed on the beauty was worth more than any dowry that another bride could bring him. He took the girl to the palace, to his father, and married her.
Well, the older sister became more and more disgusting and unbearable every day. In the end, even her own mother could not stand it and drove her out of the house. The unfortunate woman could not find refuge anywhere or with anyone and died, rejected by everyone.

Once upon a time there lived a widow in the world, and she had two daughters. The eldest is the spitting image of her mother: the same face, the same character. You look at your daughter, but it seems that you see your mother in front of you. Both, the eldest daughter and mother, were so rude, arrogant, arrogant, and angry that all people, both acquaintances and strangers, tried to stay away from them.

And the youngest daughter was everything like her late father - kind, friendly, meek, and also a beauty, of which there are few.

Usually people love those who are similar to them. That is why the mother madly loved the eldest daughter and could not stand the youngest. She forced her to work from morning to night, and fed her in the kitchen.

In addition to all other chores, the youngest daughter had to go twice a day to the source, which was at least two hours away, and bring from there a large jug of water, full to the brim.

One day, when the girl was taking water, some poor woman came up to her and asked her to drink.

“Drink to your health, auntie,” said the kind girl.

Having quickly rinsed her jug, she scooped up water in the deepest and cleanest place and gave it to the woman, holding the jug so that it was easier to drink.

The woman took a few sips of water and said to the girl:

You are so good, so kind and friendly, that I want to give you something as a keepsake. (The fact is that it was a fairy who deliberately took on the appearance of a simple village woman in order to see if this girl was as sweet and courteous as they say about her.) This is what I will give you: from now on, every word you utter , will fall from your lips either as a flower or as a precious stone. Goodbye!

When the girl came home, her mother began to scold her for being late at the source.

Sorry, mother,” said the poor girl. - I’m really late today.

But as soon as she uttered these words, several roses, two pearls and two large diamonds fell from her lips.

Look! - said the mother, her eyes wide open in surprise. - It seems to me that instead of words she drops diamonds and pearls... What happened to you, daughter? (For the first time in her life she called her youngest daughter, too.)

The girl simply, without hiding or boasting, told her mother about everything that happened to her at the source. And flowers and diamonds just fell from her lips.

Well, if so,” said the mother, “I need to send my eldest daughter to the source... Come on, Fanchon, look what comes out of your sister’s lips as soon as she speaks!” Don't you want to receive the same amazing gift? And to do this, you just need to go to the source and, when the poor woman asks you for water, politely give her a drink.

Well, here's another one! I want to trudge into such a distance! - answered the angry one.

And I want you to go! - her mother shouted at her. - And this very minute, without talking!

The girl reluctantly obeyed and went, still grumbling. Just in case, she took with her a silver jug, the most beautiful one they had in the house.

She barely had time to approach the source when a smartly dressed lady came out of the forest to meet her and asked for a sip of water. (It was the same fairy, but this time she took on the guise of a princess to test whether her older sister was as rude and evil as they say she was.)

Do you really think that I dragged myself here to give you something to drink? - the girl said boldly. - Well, of course, just for this! I even grabbed a silver jug ​​on purpose to bring water to your honor!.. But I don’t care, though. Drink if you want...

However, you are not very kind,” the fairy said calmly. - Well, such is the service, such is the reward. From now on, every word that comes out of your lips will turn into a snake or a toad. Farewell!

As soon as the girl returned home, her mother rushed to meet her:

Is that you, daughter? So how?

And so, mother! - the daughter muttered in response, and at the same instant two vipers and two toads plopped down on the threshold.

Oh my god! - the mother screamed. - What is this? Where?.. Oh, I know! It's all your sister's fault. Well, she will pay with me!.. - And she rushed at her youngest daughter with her fists.

The poor thing ran away in fear and took refuge in the nearby forest.

There the young prince, the son of the king of this country, met her.

Returning from a hunt, he found a beautiful girl in a thicket and, marveling at her beauty, asked what she was doing in the forest all alone and why she was crying so bitterly.

“Oh, sir,” answered the beauty, “my mother drove me out of the house!”

The royal son noticed that with every word the girl dropped a flower, pearl or diamond from her lips. He was amazed and asked to explain what kind of miracle this was. And then the girl told him her whole story.

The king's son fell in love with her. In addition, he reasoned that the gift that the fairy bestowed on the beauty was worth more than any dowry that another bride could bring him. He took the girl to the palace, to his father, and married her.

Well, the older sister became more and more disgusting and unbearable every day. In the end, even her own mother could not stand it and drove her out of the house. The unfortunate woman could not find refuge anywhere or with anyone and died, rejected by everyone.

The main characters of the fairy tale “The Fairy's Gifts” are a widow and her two daughters. The eldest daughter was similar in character to her mother; she was angry, rude and arrogant. The youngest daughter took after her father in character; she was kind and friendly. And she was also very beautiful. The mother loved her eldest daughter more, and kept the youngest in a black body, forcing her to do all the housework.

One day the youngest daughter went to the source for water. There she met a poor woman who asked the girl for a drink of water. The youngest daughter gave the woman some water while holding the jug. That woman was a fairy, she liked the girl and gave her a magical gift. Now, when the youngest daughter spoke, roses and precious stones fell from her lips.

The mother, seeing what a valuable gift the fairy had awarded her youngest daughter, asked her for all the details and sent her beloved eldest daughter to the source. She didn’t really want to follow where her mother indicated, but she had to go.

At the spring, the eldest daughter met not a poor woman, but a richly dressed lady. It was still the same fairy, who had changed her appearance. The girl spoke rudely to her, and the fairy gave her another magical gift. Now, when the eldest daughter began to speak, her words turned into toads and snakes.

The mother, seeing what had happened to her beloved eldest daughter, blamed everything on her younger daughter and attacked the poor thing with her fists. The girl had to run away from home. In the forest, she accidentally met a prince who was hunting in those places. The prince, delighted with the beauty of the girl and her unusual gift of turning words into flowers and jewelry, immediately fell in love with her and took her to the palace. Soon their wedding took place.

And the character of the eldest daughter became worse every day. And one day her mother could not stand it and drove her into the forest, where the eldest daughter died.

This is the summary of the tale.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale “The Fairy's Gifts” is that everyone is rewarded according to his deserts. The youngest daughter was kind and welcoming, and the fairy gave her the ability to turn words into flowers and jewelry. And the eldest daughter, who had a bad character, was punished by the fairy. The eldest daughter's words turned into toads and snakes.

The fairy tale by Charles Perrault teaches you to be kind and friendly, to be truly polite with the people around you.

In the fairy tale “Gifts of a Fairy,” I liked the fairy who acted fairly by giving a valuable gift to the widow’s youngest daughter, and punishing the eldest daughter for her rudeness and arrogance.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale “The Fairy’s Gifts”?

Polite words will not dry up your tongue.
The more you become arrogant, the more you will break.
What you deserve is what you get.