Childbirth with a narrow pelvis: is a caesarean always necessary? Pregnancy and childbirth with a narrow pelvis Causes of a narrow pelvis

Sometimes during pregnancy, when examined, a woman is diagnosed with a narrow pelvis. After that, the woman asks herself: what is it, is it dangerous for the child? Is it possible to give birth with a narrow pelvis? How will such a diagnosis affect the course of pregnancy? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

So, according to anatomy, the pelvis is considered narrow if one or more of its internal sections are reduced by 2 centimeters. There is a special technique for measuring it, which is used by obstetricians around the world.

Diagnosis of a narrow pelvis

Knowing the size of the pelvis is necessary in order to understand in time whether a woman herself will be able to give birth to a child or whether surgical intervention is necessary. Such a study is mandatory when a pregnant woman is registered with the antenatal clinic, as well as before the birth itself.

You can more accurately determine the dimensions using an x-ray. It is done at the end of pregnancy, after 34-36 weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, the dimensions of the pelvis of the woman and the head of the fetus are compared and a conclusion is made about the possibility of a normal course of childbirth.

Do not be afraid of this study, because at the end of pregnancy, x-rays can no longer harm the baby.

Narrow pelvis during pregnancy: what you need to know

If the child is small and lies correctly, and the contractions are strong enough, then the birth takes place without complications. Problems arise when the baby is large. Then he tries to adapt and choose for himself a comfortable position inside the uterus. He can lie down with his feet, obliquely or even across. In the last two situations, the only way out is a caesarean section.

Pregnant women with a narrow pelvis are at risk and should be registered in the antenatal clinic.

It is necessary to detect the incorrect position of the fetus and other complications in time. It is important to accurately determine the term of childbirth so that there is no overpregnancy, which creates problems with a narrow pelvis. One to two weeks before giving birth, such women are advised to go to the clinic to clarify the diagnosis and choose the most effective method of childbirth.

There are other nuances. The pelvis has a “soft” place where there is elastic cartilage instead of bone. Every woman can feel it without difficulty. During pregnancy, especially in the last 2-3 months, when the belly is already large, the cartilage is stretched. The bones in this place diverge, increasing the pelvis by 1.5-2 cm. This is a kind of natural mechanism that allows women to better endure childbirth. If the narrowing of the pelvis is insignificant, then these centimeters are quite enough, and childbirth proceeds naturally.

Causes of a narrow pelvis

Often the cause of a narrow pelvis is injuries and fractures. If the injury was received in childhood, then it is very important to perform an operation on time, when the body is still growing and the bones are soft. Correct and timely correction will save such a girl from possible problems during pregnancy. Although few doctors, having learned about pelvic surgery, will take the liberty of allowing a woman to give birth on her own. In such a situation, the risk that the bones will not withstand the load is very high.

If the pregnancy has already set foot, then it is no longer possible to change the shape and size of the pelvis. This increases the risk of miscarriage.

Indications for caesarean section with a narrow pelvis

In most cases, a woman with a narrow pelvis is allowed to give birth herself. However, in certain cases, a woman will still be offered a caesarean section. These are the following reasons:

If the pelvis is narrowed to a certain extent or severely deformed.

If the child is large.

If there was a caesarean section in a previous birth.

If the child lies obliquely, across or legs down.

If the condition of the child causes concern during childbirth.

If a woman has been treated for infertility for a long time.

If the woman's age is over 30 and this is the first birth.

In all other cases, it is believed that you can give birth with a narrow pelvis on your own. In any case, consult with your doctor so that he chooses the method of delivery that suits you and gives appropriate recommendations.

To determine whether the birth canal is sufficiently capacious in a woman in labor, doctors measure the outer dimensions of the pelvis. To do this, use a special tool - a tazomer, resembling a large compass with a measuring scale at the base and "buttons" at the end. Distances are the most important:

  • between the protruding bones of the pelvis in the lower abdomen (anterosuperior iliac spines); norm 25–26 cm;
  • between the most distant points of the iliac crests - half the circumference of the pelvis in the widest part; norm 28–29 cm;
  • between the large skewers of the femur - the places where the legs are attached to the pelvis, forming the hip joints; this is the widest place of the pelvis should normally be 30–31 cm;
  • between the upper part of the pubic articulation and the V lumbar vertebra (the last vertebra protruding above the sacrum) - this indicator is called the external conjugate;
  • normally it is 20 cm.

A decrease in one or more sizes indicates that the pelvis is narrow and natural childbirth can be complicated, and in some cases completely impossible due to a mismatch in the size of the birth canal of the mother and the baby's head.

There are four degrees of narrowing of the pelvis. With the first, when the pelvis is reduced by 2 cm, natural childbirth is possible and in most cases passes without complications. The second degree - a decrease in performance by 2–4.5 cm - will also most often allow you to do without. However, the risk of developing complications of the birth process increases. The third degree implies a deviation from the norm by 4.5–6 cm, and with the fourth degree, the pelvis is narrowed by more than 6 cm. Unfortunately, both of the latter options make natural childbirth absolutely impossible.

The pelvis is a complex "structure" in the form of a ring, formed by several bones that are interconnected. The two sitting bones at the back are attached to the spine, more precisely, to the sacrum and coccyx. Two pubic - symmetrically close the ring in front, joining above the pubis. On the sides, the ischial and pubic bones are connected to the spine by two curved iliac bones, and between themselves by powerful ligaments and thin layers consisting of special tissue. They form the walls of the bone tunnel, called the birth canal in obstetrics. The possibility of natural childbirth depends on the diameter and shape of this “road of life”: if the birth canal is not wide enough, the baby will not be able to pass through it and avoid delivery without surgical intervention.

Childbirth with a narrow pelvis: additional research methods

In addition to pelvimetry - this is what obstetrics call the measurement of the external dimensions of the pelvis using a tazomer - in the arsenal of doctors there are several additional methods that allow one to judge the internal dimensions of the birth canal. The easiest way is to calculate the Solovyov index. It is based on the fact that the capacity of the pelvic ring depends not only on the external dimensions, but also on the thickness of the bones that form it. Measure the circumference of your wrist with a regular measuring tape. If the result obtained does not exceed 14 cm, then even with a slight external narrowing, the internal lumen of the birth tunnel is suitable for the unimpeded progress of the baby. An indicator above 14 cm indicates a large thickness of the bones and that, with normal external dimensions, the internal diameter may be smaller than that required by natural childbirth.

Another way to determine the shape and size of the birth canal involves the study of the Michaelis rhombus, an imaginary figure in the sacrum area. With the normal structure of the pelvis, all sides of the rhombus are equal and converge with each other at right angles, and the distance between parallel lines is at least 10 cm. The narrowing or stretching of the rhombus vertically means that the pelvis decreases downward (it is also called flat). In this case, natural childbirth is possible, but the stage of moving the baby through the birth canal is likely to become more complicated.

A decrease in the horizontal parameters of the Michaelis rhombus shows that the pelvis of the future mother in the transverse size is smaller than the norm (it is called male). In this case, only an operative variant of delivery is possible. The curvature of the rhombus gives out an oblique pelvis - this pathology is formed as a result of severe injuries, rickets or dislocation of the hip joint. In most cases, natural childbirth with an oblique pelvis is contraindicated, regardless of its size: the bones can protrude into the lumen of the birth canal, threatening to injure the baby.

X-ray pelvimetry and computer pelvimetry will more accurately determine the size of the small pelvis. Examinations are done according to the doctor's prescription after the 34-36th week of pregnancy if a significant narrowing is suspected, found during the first measurements. Sometimes the manipulation is carried out after the hospitalization of the expectant mother in the maternity hospital, at a preliminary examination. After the procedure, the dimensions of the mother's pelvis and the fetal head are compared. Comparing the results, they make a conclusion about the tactics of childbirth. You should not be afraid of exposure to x-rays: at the end of pregnancy, they can no longer harm the baby.

Childbirth with a narrow pelvis: possible consequences

Reducing the size of the pelvis knowingly worries the expectant mother and doctors who are preparing to deliver. The narrowing of the pelvic ring can significantly complicate the natural course of events or stop it altogether. Fortunately, absolute narrowing of the pelvis, corresponding to the third and fourth degrees, is quite rare.

Much more often, doctors are faced with the so-called relatively narrow pelvis. If the size of the pelvis is reduced within four centimeters, the ratio of the volume of the baby's head and the width of the mother's pelvis becomes decisive: the first value should be smaller. It is possible to clarify the situation only in the process of childbirth, when the baby's head is already beginning to descend into the pelvic cavity. If at this moment a discrepancy in size is detected, doctors will diagnose a "clinically narrow pelvis" and begin to prepare for emergency surgery. A similar problem can also occur with normal parameters if the baby is too large or the head is incorrectly inserted into the pelvic cavity.

Birth with a narrow pelvis: a turn of events

Births with a narrow pelvis have characteristic features and are often associated with the risk of complications. That is why the diagnosis of "narrow pelvis" is placed on the front side of the exchange card. Such a record should definitely attract the attention of the doctors of the maternity hospital and force them to more closely monitor the course of childbirth: conduct examinations more often, analyzing the risks.

Possible complications of the birth process with a narrow pelvis include:

  • premature rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • incorrect insertion of the head (frontal, facial, oblique or asynclitic);
  • oblique or transverse position of the fetus;
  • prolapse of the loop of the umbilical cord, arms or legs when the amniotic fluid leaves;
  • prolonged labor due to weakness of labor activity;
  • prolonged standing of the head in the pelvic cavity;
  • soft tissue injury of the birth canal.

Procedure during childbirth with a narrow pelvis

Upon admission to the maternity ward, the expectant mother is carefully examined, external measurements of the pelvis and fetus are made. If necessary, an ultrasound examination is done to clarify the size and nature of the insertion of the head. With the 3rd and 4th degree of pathology, planned is always performed. In other cases, waiting tactics are used: doctors and obstetricians carefully monitor the health of the mother and baby.

The outcome of childbirth with a narrow pelvis depends on many factors, and a narrow pelvis is not the main item on this list. Specialists attach much more importance to the intensity of contractions, the size of the fetus, and the plasticity of its head. Intervention in the natural process is carried out only if there is a suspicion of the development of one or another complication.

Particular attention is paid to the prevention of premature discharge of water. After the violation of the integrity of the fetal bladder, childbirth is accelerated, and obstetricians face a different task - to prolong them, providing the baby with more opportunities to prepare for overcoming difficult stages of the journey. So that the fetal bladder does not lose its safety for as long as possible, the woman in labor is laid on the side to which the baby is turned back. This position slightly slows down labor activity, leaving time for the child to adapt to changes in the route. After the discharge of the waters, a vaginal examination is mandatory to exclude prolapse of the umbilical cord loop. With a weak labor activity, drugs are prescribed that enhance the contractility of the uterus. If the expectant mother is tired, and the dynamics and the stage of the birth process allow, the woman is given the opportunity to rest, plunging her into a medical sleep with the help of painkillers and sedatives. After a break, labor activity resumes and most often goes at an accelerated pace.

Important feature

The clinical correspondence between the size of the pelvis and the fetus is determined by the doctor at the end of the first - the beginning of the second stage of labor. The ratio of sizes can be judged by Vasten's sign, which characterizes the level of elevation of the head above the pubic joint at the stage of its transition into the pelvic cavity.

If the path is free, the head does not protrude above the bosom - Vasten's sign is negative, natural childbirth continues. With difficult lowering, the head is on the same level with the pubic articulation - Vasten's sign is "level". With good labor activity, a favorable condition of the mother and fetus, physiological childbirth can be continued. But with the development of weakness of the tribal forces and the already protracted process, the operative way of delivery is safer.

Due to the excess of the size of the pelvis, the head of the fetus protrudes above the pubic joint. This phenomenon is defined as a positive sign of Vasten and indicates the presence of a symptom of a clinically narrow pelvis. Childbirth in a natural way in this case is impossible and always ends with a caesarean section.

A slight decrease in the size of the pelvis with normal fetal size, good health of mother and baby, and most importantly - with competent and sensitive management of childbirth, allow us to hope for a successful course and outcome of events, the absence of complications and the birth of a healthy child.

Preparing for childbirth with a narrow pelvis: what can be done

It is clear that it is impossible to influence the size of your own pelvis and increase it by several centimeters in width. Rumors that the size of the pelvis during pregnancy and during childbirth change are incorrect. Therefore, you will be able to help yourself by working on other factors that affect the course of childbirth. The most important of these are the successful course of pregnancy and good general health.

If the fetus has normal parameters, then the prospect of independent childbirth is more real. This circumstance, among others, is influenced by the proper nutrition of a woman during pregnancy. Therefore, when an anatomically narrow pelvis is detected, the expectant mother should pay double attention to all the doctor's instructions: undergo examinations on time, strengthen measures for the prevention of infectious and chronic diseases, follow a diet, exercise, not exceeding the permissible loads.

categorical conditions

With an anatomically narrow pelvis, indications for caesarean section are:

  • narrowing of the pelvis III and IV degree;
  • incorrect position of the baby (transverse, oblique, pelvic);
  • a child weighing more than 4 kg;
  • post-term pregnancy - after 40 weeks, the fetal head becomes too hard and at the right time will not be able to decrease in size;
  • deterioration of the baby's condition (hypoxia, infections);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases in the expectant mother.

After registration, the doctor asks about past illnesses, injuries, sports - everything that can be the cause of the pathology of the bone skeleton. It is important how the previous pregnancies and childbirth went, what were the complications. If there is evidence, a woman is assigned to a risk group.

Everyone who is at risk undergoes a complete external and internal examination, and the pelvis is measured without fail. A narrow pelvis can be determined by itself, or, in any case, a decrease in the cavity due to a wide bone can be suspected. To do this, it is enough to measure the circumference of the wrist joint, which is on average 14 cm, and larger or smaller values ​​indicate the thickness of the bone.

2 weeks before the birth, the expectant mother is given a referral to the hospital, where they will determine the most favorable method of delivery.

How to determine a narrow pelvis in a pregnant woman?

The examination is carried out in the supine position using an obstetric tazomer. The tool resembles a compass with a division scale, the rounded ends of which are applied to the protruding points of the pelvis.

There are the following sizes, which are determined for all women:

  • in front between the upper protrusions of the pelvic bones (25-26 cm);
  • the buttons of the tazomer are advanced along the iliac crests to the greatest distance between them (28-29 cm);
  • on the sides measure the distance between the femurs, namely the large skewers (31-32 cm);
  • size is very important and is called the outer conjugate, from the upper edge of the womb to the fossa above the sacrum (20-21 cm). This measurement is carried out in a position on the side, bending the lower leg, and the other leg remains straight.

If there is a suspicion of a narrowing of the pelvis, then the doctor additionally determines other dimensions of the pelvis, including during a vaginal examination.


  • Anatomically narrow pelvis - all sizes or at least one less than the norm by 1.5-2 cm.
  • Clinically narrow pelvis - the size of the pelvis is within the normal range, but it is impossible to give birth on your own.

Degrees of anatomically narrow pelvis during pregnancy

The degree of narrowing is determined by the indicators of the true conjugate.

The term "conjugate" is used to refer to different linear dimensions of the female pelvis. The true conjugate is the distance between the middle of the upper-inner edge of the pubic arch and the most prominent point of the cape (indicated by line No. 3 in the figure).

It is impossible to determine this indicator directly (there are no such devices), so the size of the true conjugate is calculated through the outer or diagonal conjugate.

In the first case, 9 cm is subtracted from the size of the outer conjugate and the true size is obtained (normally about 11-12 cm).

In the second case, 1.5-2 cm are subtracted from the size of the diagonal conjugate (determined during vaginal examination). With this calculation method, the normal values ​​of the true conjugants are somewhat larger - from 12.5 to 13 cm.

Degrees of a narrow pelvis:

Dimensions of the true conjugate (cm):

In addition to degrees, the narrow pelvis differs in shape depending on the narrowing of the direct, transverse or oblique dimensions of the pelvis.

Clinically narrow pelvis during pregnancy

A clinically narrow pelvis is detected during childbirth, when, with severe labor activity, the fetus does not move through the birth canal. The reason may be:

  • fetal weight;
  • bone outgrowths;
  • incorrect insertion of the head.

This pathology is characterized by the following picture:

  • There are attempts, although the head is high.
  • The vagina and cervix swell;
  • There is urinary retention.

To determine the method of childbirth, it is important to assess the correspondence between the pelvis and the head of the fetus, which is performed by the doctor using the palm of the hand and the tazomer - if the baby's head is higher than the symphysis, then this is a direct indication for the removal of labor and operative delivery; if below the symphysis, then natural childbirth is not ruled out.

Childbirth with a narrow pelvis

If a pregnant woman has I degree of contraction, and the weight of the fetus is not more than 3,000 kg, then there are no contraindications for conventional childbirth, but there is always a risk of complications:

  • childbirth takes place over time for a longer time with the development of weakness of labor activity;
  • ascent of infection due to early rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • fetal damage;
  • prolapse of umbilical cord loops;
  • divergence of the pubic joint;
  • since the head moves slowly, the soft tissues are squeezed, which leads to necrosis and the occurrence of fistulas.
  • in the postpartum period there is a risk of bleeding, infectious diseases.

Caesarean section is planned in the following cases:

  • narrowing of the III-IV degree, which is very rare;
  • narrowing of I-II degree in conjunction with a large fetus, hypoxia or non-standard position of the fetus, weakness of labor activity; a scar on the uterus, infertility, first birth over the age of 30; if a previous pregnancy ended in a stillborn or injured baby.
  • the presence of deformities and tumors, developmental anomalies.

The decision to operate on an emergency basis is taken with the threat of uterine rupture and acute fetal hypoxia.

Vladlena Razmeritsa, obstetrician-gynecologist, specially for the site

Useful video

Is there a chance to give birth with a narrow pelvis? Only your gynecologist can answer this question, having studied the type and degree of narrowing of the pelvis and analyzing information about your state of health, as well as the diseases you have had. But in general, with a narrow pelvis, they are possible.

Let's take a closer look at in which cases natural childbirth is acceptable, and in which it is necessary to resort to surgery.


According to the type of narrowing, the pelvis is divided into and clinically narrow. The degree of narrowing of the pelvis is also determined. At 1 degree of narrowing, natural childbirth is allowed. Under certain conditions, they are possible with 2 degrees of narrowing of the pelvis. 3 and 4 degrees of narrowing of the pelvis are always an indication for a planned caesarean section. Attempts to give birth on their own in these cases are excluded.

Anatomically narrow pelvis is determined by a gynecologist even when a pregnant woman is registered, when he measures the parameters using a tazomer. Normally they should be:

  • the distance between the iliac crests is more than 28 cm;
  • the distance between the anterior iliac spines is more than 25 cm;
  • the distance between the large skewers of the femur - 30 cm;
  • the distance between the upper edge of the pubic symphysis and the supracacral fossa is more than 20 cm.

If the gynecologist fixes deviations from these parameters by more than 1.5 cm, the pregnant woman will be diagnosed with a "narrow pelvis".

Clinically narrow pelvis- is diagnosed, as a rule, already during childbirth, when it is found that the fetus is larger than the small pelvis. At the same time, during pregnancy, the pelvic bones can have ideal sizes.


Natural childbirth with a narrow pelvis is not excluded, given that before the birth itself, the bones of the pelvis may slightly disperse, so that the child can freely pass through the birth canal.

When deciding on the possibility of natural childbirth, the obstetrician-gynecologist takes into account many factors:

  • pelvic dimensions;
  • the presence or absence of any pathology of pregnancy;
  • the age of the woman in labor;
  • the presence or absence of infertility in the past;
  • the degree of narrowing of the pelvis;
  • fruit size;

So, if the narrowing of the pelvis is insignificant, the fetus is small, and its presentation is correct, then a decision is made on natural childbirth.

In many other cases, spontaneous childbirth can be dangerous for both the mother and the baby.


Features of the course of natural childbirth with a narrow pelvis:

  • during childbirth, constant hardware monitoring of the condition of the fetus is necessary;
  • the duration of childbirth increases;
  • sluggish labor activity, weak contractions, general fatigue of the woman in labor;
  • possible premature rupture of amniotic fluid.

What is dangerous natural childbirth with a narrow pelvis for a child:

  • the likelihood of development (lack of oxygen);
  • the likelihood of spinal injuries, especially the cervical spine;
  • infection of infections (with early discharge of amniotic fluid, the infection can enter the mother's body and infect the fetus);
  • possible prolapse of the loops of the umbilical cord or the handle of the child into the cavity of the small pelvis before the passage of the head.

For these reasons, the natural passage of the child through the birth canal becomes almost impossible, so the only correct solution in such a situation is an emergency caesarean section.

The size of the pelvis plays a very important role during pregnancy. Sometimes the course of childbirth depends on the pelvis: if it is narrow, then childbirth can take place with or end with a caesarean section. A narrow pelvis occurs in 2-3% of pregnant women, but it is far from always an indicator for artificial delivery.

Gynecologists pay great attention to the pelvis of a woman already when registering. Be sure to measure it for you and already in the first days of pregnancy, you can assume how the birth will proceed. So what are its features? And what to expect if the pelvis is narrow? Let's try to find answers to these and other questions.

Pelvic dimensions: norm and deviations

What is a pelvis - every woman knows very well. It is conditionally divided into large and small. It is in the large pelvis towards the end of pregnancy that the uterus with the fetus fits. And if for some reason his wings are not spread, then the uterus will move forward, as a result, the tummy will “stick out” (become pointed). The small pelvis is a kind of birth canal through which the baby will move at birth. It is clear that if the pelvis is narrow, then the child will have a hard time "getting" into the light.

How is the pelvis measured? Surely, if you have already done this, then in your card you noticed an incomprehensible set of numbers. If they look like this: 26-29-31-21, then there is nothing to worry about: your pelvis is normal. If any of the indicators is 2 numbers less, then you will be diagnosed with a narrow pelvis. What do these numbers represent? Regular sizes. For example, the interosseous size (the distance between the upper corners of the protruding bones) should be from 25 to 26 cm, and so on. All measurements are carried out using a tazometer and a centimeter tape. By measuring the large pelvis from the outside, we can assume what the small pelvis will be like. You can also determine the size of the latter with a vaginal examination, and you can also be prescribed x-rays and ultrasound to determine the size of the small pelvis. Other factors also indicate the narrowness of the small pelvis: the length of the hand is less than 16 cm, the size of the shoe is less than 36, the height is below 160 cm. they measure the circumference of the wrist and if the size becomes more than 14 cm, then your bones are massive, which means that the small pelvis will be narrow even with normal indicators.

However, in reality, everything is not so simple. The narrow pelvis has its own varieties and features. Both the course of pregnancy and delivery depend on this.

Anatomically narrow pelvis

This is the pelvis, in which the main dimensions are smaller by 1.5-2 cm. It can be reduced as several sizes, or just one. Depending on this, a generally uniformly narrowed, transversely narrowed, simple flat and flat-rachitic pelvis is distinguished. In order to confirm the diagnosis of an anatomically narrow pelvis, additional research methods are used. This may be a method of computed tomographic pelvimetry or an x-ray method. Thanks to them, it is possible to determine the degree of narrowing of the small pelvis. Depending on this, an anatomically narrow pelvis of 4 degrees is distinguished. The most common is the former, and fortunately it is the easiest in terms of its impact on the outcome of pregnancy and childbirth.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to prevent an anatomically narrow pelvis, because many factors influence the formation of the female pelvis. Most often, the causes arise in early childhood. These can be frequent infectious diseases, malnutrition, lack of vitamins, hormonal disorders during puberty. Damage to the bones in rickets, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis leads to deformation of the pelvis. There are also congenital anomalies of the pelvis, spinal deformities, pathology in the hip joints, injuries and fractures of the pelvis.

Clinically narrow pelvis

Unlike an anatomically narrow pelvis, which is determined already at the beginning of pregnancy, the situation is different with a clinically narrow pelvis. It is possible to diagnose it only in childbirth, even if the anatomically narrow pelvis was “absent” during the entire pregnancy. Clinically, a narrow pelvis does not depend on the size of the pelvis, it is determined when the head of the fetus and the mother's pelvis do not match.

The causes of its occurrence are most often associated with the course of childbirth. In the first place - and post-term pregnancy, as a result of which the bones of the fetal skull become too dense and they are unable to be configured. A clinically narrow pelvis is also diagnosed with anomalies in labor, improper insertion of the head, with tumors of the uterus, and also if they occur. In other words, you will hear about the diagnosis of "Clinically narrow pelvis" only during childbirth, or even after them.

Narrow pelvis and pregnancy

A narrow pelvis has practically no effect on the course of pregnancy. Just during this period, if we are talking about an anatomically narrow pelvis, you should be under the supervision of your doctor. And of course, prepare in advance for the upcoming birth, and they can proceed with some peculiarities. In the last trimester, pregnancy "with a narrow pelvis" can be complicated by the incorrect position of the fetus. Due to the fact that the baby's head does not press against the entrance to the small pelvis when it is too narrow, the expectant mother often has shortness of breath.

But even if your pelvis turned out to be “normal”, you should not relax. You read the information about the clinically narrow pelvis. In this case, much depends on the future mother herself. For example, food. After all, it may not play in favor of your pelvis and child. In any case, the nutrition of a pregnant woman should be rational. Doctors also advise every pregnant woman to work on the elasticity of the perineal muscles. For this, you may also need ... regular sex.

Narrow pelvis and childbirth

The course of childbirth with a narrow pelvis largely depends on the professionalism of doctors and, naturally, on the woman in labor. Many people think that a narrow pelvis is always a caesarean section. However, practice shows that natural childbirth with this diagnosis is also possible. Naturally, the risk of complications increases significantly. There is a high probability that a child may be born in a state of asphyxia, cerebral circulation may be disturbed, and there are also craniocerebral injuries.

Usually, with a narrow pelvis, labor activity is very weak, childbirth lasts a long time, amniotic fluid is poured out prematurely. Often there is a prolapse of the umbilical cord, postpartum infection is possible, and the threat of uterine rupture increases.

But, despite the gloomy forecasts, you should not despair. When diagnosed with a narrow pelvis, you just need to find a good specialist and completely trust the professionals.

Believe me, nothing will overshadow the inexpressible joy when you meet a little man who will become the center of your universe.

Especially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy