Migraine during pregnancy: what to do and how to treat? What to do if you suffer from a migraine during pregnancy. Non-drug and drug treatments What you can drink from migraine pregnant

Expectant mothers often experience discomfort on early dates bearing a child. After all, their body is being rebuilt, immunity is decreasing, which is manifested by drowsiness, apathy, migraines. But the last ones for pregnant women are just a disaster. Migraines knock a woman out of her usual working rut, moreover, it is problematic to treat them in a new position. How to be saved and how?

Briefly about migraine

It is a pathology of a hereditary nature, which is expressed in sharp pains in one half of the head. The headache can be so severe that it is not relieved by the usual tablets of Citramon, No-shpa, Paracetamol. Other analgesics may also be ineffective.

A migraine is different from ordinary head pain. This is a stronger and more dangerous pathology. It is accompanied by the so-called harbingers of seizures - they are also called an aura. These are the signs:

  1. Fear of the world. It may accompany the headache all the time or only during the daytime.
  2. Intolerance to strong smells, noise, loud sounds.
  3. Closure, detachment, self-isolation.
  4. Vomiting and as symptoms of an approaching headache.

Pregnancy and migraine

It should be noted that this pathology in expectant mothers has its own specifics. The reasons for its occurrence are also different:

  1. Consumption of certain foods. These include cheese, chocolate, citrus fruits, hot spices. Alcohol, which is contraindicated when carrying a baby, can also provoke an attack.
  2. Water deficiency in the female body, especially in the first trimester.
  3. Overdose of medicines. For example, Citramon in large quantities can increase the symptoms of a headache.
  4. Stress, psychological stress, lack of sleep.
  5. Changing weather conditions, changing the microclimate in the room.

So, migraines in expectant mothers are provoked by many more factors than in ordinary people.

Eliminate migraine folk methods

Many women who have experienced similar conditions even before the onset of an “interesting” situation do not want to see a doctor about this. Especially in the early stages, when medications to alleviate the condition are highly undesirable. They use proven folk recipes migraine treatment:

  1. Brewing sweet strong black tea. But with this option of therapy, one must be careful in the early stages of bearing a baby.
  2. A compress from a white leaf. It must be scalded with boiling water, applied to the frontal part of the head or the area that worries, wrapped with a woolen scarf.
  3. Applying ice. Promotes vasoconstriction. It is impossible to keep an ice compress on the head for a long time.
  4. Aromatherapy. Many are helped by inhalation of vapors of lemon balm, lavender, citrus fruits. The method is acceptable if the pregnant woman is not allergic to esters.

About the removal of seizures with medicines

Even Citramon, familiar to a woman before pregnancy, must be used carefully. After all, when carrying a baby, this medicine can only increase the headache.

If Citramon does not help, then the doctor may prescribe more serious drugs, for example, Acetaminophen. In minimal doses, this safe and hypoallergenic remedy can be taken early and later dates pregnancy.

You can try paracetamol. It is safer than Citramon. For pregnant women, doctors prescribe drugs containing magnesium for migraines - they are useful for blood vessels. But to relieve migraine attacks with the help of Aspirin for pregnant women is categorically contraindicated. This drug can cause bleeding and premature birth, gestation.

Prevention of migraine during pregnancy

In order to prevent unpleasant attacks, you should follow simple recommendations:

  1. Compliance with the daily routine. Eating without a schedule, lack of sleep and oversleeping are often the causes of headaches. They are signs of a weak body, so you should take care of yourself, live according to the regime.
  2. Physical exercise. Yoga for pregnant women, Pilates, swimming will help you forget about pills, feel more alert and not gain weight.
  3. Neck massage can be done independently (with a brush with long handle) or ask your husband to do it.
  4. Compliance with the water regime. Lack of fluid can contribute to headache attacks.

Migraine is a neurological disorder that is characterized by a chronic course and most often has a genetic nature. Some people confuse migraine with headache, but they are different concepts. Unilateral pain in the frontal zone, occipital and other parts of the head is just a symptom of dysfunction nervous system. The pathology itself is called migraine.

During pregnancy, it can occur in isolation under the influence of environmental factors (for example, overwork) or be a symptom of pathologies, the most common of which is toxicosis. If in ordinary life the list of drugs to eliminate headaches is large, then during pregnancy a woman has to be more careful and make a choice in favor of safe methods.

Why do migraines occur?

Doctors still cannot determine the exact causes of the disease, but most are inclined to believe that heredity becomes the decisive factor, especially in the female line. It has long been noted that if the closest blood relatives of a woman (mother or grandmother) suffered from migraine, the probability of pathology in their descendants is from 30 to 70%.

information Pregnancy usually becomes a provoking factor that affects the hormonal background of a woman and her psycho-emotional state. In 10% of cases, women first encounter a problem during the gestational period. Most often this happens in the early stages, but sometimes severe headaches can occur periodically until the very birth.

This can be facilitated by adverse factors, which doctors include:

  • no long walks fresh air;
  • smoking or being in the same room with smokers;
  • long sleep duration (more than 8-9 hours);
  • stressful situations (, quarrels with loved ones, conflicts at work);
  • overwork;
  • long breaks between meals;
  • bad weather (differences in atmospheric pressure, squally wind, thunderstorm).

The body of the expectant mother reacts very sharply to certain foods. Under the influence of hormonal changes, even those dishes and foods that used to appear regularly in the diet of the expectant mother can provoke a migraine attack. Most often, this reaction occurs with excessive consumption of chocolate and drinks containing caffeine. These include not only coffee, but also strong tea. By the way, in natural green tea there is 2 times more caffeine than in coffee beans.

important To reduce the likelihood of an attack, pregnant women are advised to exclude peanuts, certain types of cheese, bananas and citrus fruits from the menu. Do not get carried away and sugar substitutes - most of them cause digestive problems and headaches, which are false to get rid of.

Symptoms: how to distinguish a migraine from a headache?

To understand what exactly torments a woman - a headache from overwork or a migraine - you need to pay attention to some points. Doctors have the term "aura", which means a complex of symptoms that occur a few minutes before a migraine attack. It is not difficult to diagnose them, since they are characteristic of this pathology. Symptoms that indicate the onset of an attack include:

  • violation of visual and tactile perception;
  • confusion of speech;
  • "flies" before the eyes.

information Migraine headaches are defined only on one side and are characterized by high intensity. The attack can last from 1 hour to 2-3 days. The use of medications during this period is ineffective. Migraine is often accompanied by vomiting and nausea, so some women confuse it with toxicosis. In rare cases, chills may occur.

Migraine medication during pregnancy

One of the easiest and most affordable ways to deal with migraines during pregnancy is pain medication. The list of relatively safe drugs that have a minimal effect on the fetus is small. The only drug that does not affect the course of pregnancy and does not cause pathology in the development of the fetus is Paracetamol.

It is the drug of choice for the elimination of pain in pregnant women, the elderly and infants. The medicine is available in tablets and is available in almost every medicine cabinet. If necessary, you can replace it with structural analogues based on the same active substance. These include:

  • "Panadol";
  • "Efferalgan";
  • Panadol Extra.

All these drugs are not addictive and do not have a toxic effect on the fetus, therefore, if necessary, they can be used even in the early stages, although it is better to try to do without the use of medications for at least 12 weeks. If future mom does not suffer from depressive disorders and irritability, it is better to use "Panadol Extra" fortified with caffeine to relieve headaches. This drug can be prescribed only if the woman has normal or low blood pressure, since caffeine can increase the performance of the tonometer.

important A significant disadvantage of "Paracetamol" and medicines based on it is low efficiency. It is almost impossible to stop a severe migraine attack with drugs of this group, so sometimes a doctor may prescribe stronger medications for a woman, for example, "".

It is based on the same paracetamol, as well as caffeine and acetylsalicylic acid. "Citramon" quickly copes with pain, but has many contraindications, so it can only be taken in the 2nd and 3rd trimester if there are serious indications.

Sometimes a doctor may advise taking antispasmodics ("", ""), but by themselves they are ineffective and act as part of combination therapy. Natural balm "Asterisk" copes well with pain. It must be applied to the temples and massaged with light movements.

important The use of specialized drugs for the treatment of migraine, as well as "Aspirin" and "" during pregnancy is prohibited. These drugs accumulate in the tissues and organs of the fetus and can cause abnormalities in development and growth, as well as increase the risk of bleeding in the postpartum period and during labor.

Folk remedies for migraine in pregnant women

  • Compresses. To relieve an attack of severe pain, you can apply a cold compress to the forehead or back of the head. The bandage can be changed several times until the pain disappears.
  • Herbal teas and decoctions. In the fight against migraine, medicinal herbs have proven themselves well. Chamomile, lemon balm, mint have a relaxing and analgesic effect. They can be brewed instead of tea, especially in the evening when you need to relieve fatigue. A good addition to this tea would be a spoonful of honey or a little warm milk.
  • Cold and hot shower. This method is suitable only for hardened women who are not afraid of low temperatures. An unprepared body can react with a decrease in immunity. You need to start the procedure with a hot shower, end with a dousing with cold water. 3-5 minutes is usually enough to eliminate a migraine.
  • Massage. Massage of the head, neck and temporal zone is an excellent remedy for dealing with headaches. You need to do it with rubbing movements for 5-7 minutes.

Prevention measures for migraine during pregnancy

It is impossible to prevent migraine, since the disease is most often caused by genetic causes, but it is possible to eliminate all factors that may adversely affect the well-being of the expectant mother and provoke an exacerbation. To reduce the likelihood of pathology, a pregnant woman needs:

  • include more fresh fruits, herbs, berries and vegetables in the diet;
  • avoid stress and emotional upheaval;
  • play sports authorized by the supervising doctor (, special gymnastics);
  • avoid being in the same room with smokers;
  • air the apartment several times a day;
  • go to bed no later than 22 hours (the recommended duration of night sleep is 8-9 hours).

information Daily walks are of great importance. For longer periods, when it becomes difficult to move around, you can quietly walk around the ohm or just sit on a bench at the entrance, but you need to go outside every day.

A migraine can bring a lot of discomfort and spoil the joyful period of bearing a baby. To reduce the risk of exacerbation of the disease, it is important to plan pregnancy, treat all chronic diseases in time, and follow recommendations on nutrition and regimen. Her well-being and the condition of the baby depend on what lifestyle the expectant mother leads, and how responsibly she treats her own health, so any ailment should be treated after consulting a specialist.

Migraine is an unpleasant disease that can disturb a person throughout his life. Unfortunately, during pregnancy, it does not disappear, and sometimes vice versa - it even intensifies. At the same time, it becomes more difficult to relieve headache attacks, because most effective drugs are contraindicated for a future mother.

Migraine and hormonal changes during pregnancy

Migraine during pregnancy may temporarily recede, or may intensify, significantly worsening overall well-being. Strengthening occurs, by and large, due to dehydration with severe vomiting, which can be a manifestation of both migraine and toxicosis. At the very beginning of pregnancy, in many women, the frequency of pain attacks increases, which is associated with a sharp increase in the hormone estrogen.

Fortunately, in most cases, from the 12th week, the frequency and severity of migraines decreases markedly. But there is also bad news: if the attacks do not become less for a period of 10-12 weeks, then, most likely, frequent headaches will haunt you throughout your pregnancy.

Prevention of migraine during pregnancy

While in position, the use of many methods of treatment (drugs and non-drugs) is contraindicated, and the course of the disease may worsen. Therefore, it is better to start prevention even before pregnancy. If you have a migraine, are bothered by frequent or severe attacks, you take painkillers more than twice a week, then it is necessary to carry out preventive therapy at the planning stage.

Another crucial point prevention - control provocateurs attack. Every woman with migraines usually has her own “favorite” provokers, for example, lack of sleep, drinking wine or beer, strong smells, flickering lights, loud noises. A good preventive effect is provided by moderate physical activity, walks in the fresh air, as well as massage of the cervical-collar zone, if necessary.

Among the drugs, the safest beta-blockers, namely propranolol. This medicine has many indications, including the reduction of high blood pressure during pregnancy, as well as the prevention of migraine. The dose and duration of the course is prescribed by the doctor.

If a migraine attack still develops, then you can try to relieve the pain with non-drug methods. Sometimes it helps to take strong tea or coffee, cola. For many, the pain goes away if you can sleep.

If the pain grows rapidly and leads to a pronounced deterioration in well-being, then pills are indispensable. It must be remembered that taking painkillers in the first and third trimesters can harm the fetus! The most harmless, though not the most effective, drug is paracetamol. The maximum daily dose that can be taken during pregnancy is 1000 mg. But drugs containing metamizole sodium (analgin, baralgin, etc.) should not be taken by pregnant women!

If paracetamol does not relieve the attack, you can try combination drugs containing paracetamol and caffeine (for example, migraine). For severe migraine attacks when other pain medications are not effective, your doctor may recommend prednisone.

In rare cases, with severe migraine attacks, triptans (sumatriptan, etc.) are used. It is worth noting that the safety of this group of drugs has not been studied in pregnant women, however, when triptans were still used, no harm to the health of the mother and child was found (this is indicated in the instructions for the drug).

Those who suffer from migraine know that headache is not the only symptom. Many people have a hard time with the accompanying nausea and vomiting. Without medication for migraine, you can try to manage nausea (for example, eat easily digestible food), but not vomiting. Repeatedly occurring, it can lead to loss of fluids and important minerals, and in severe cases, even harm the health of mother and child. In such cases, antiemetics (metoclopramide, ondansetron) are used. With nausea, the appointment of vitamin B 6 at a dose of 30 mg per day is effective.

Migraine is an unpleasant disease, but it can be controlled. If you have a migraine and are planning a pregnancy, take care of yourself in advance. Take a course of preventive therapy. And, of course, ask your doctor how to effectively manage seizures in your particular case.

Be healthy!

Maria Meshcherina

Photo istockphoto.com

A large number of women suffer from migraine headaches, and those who do not know what it is are just lucky. As a rule, with the onset of pregnancy, migraine recedes, since the development of this type of headache is associated with the hormonal background of a woman. But, alas, there are cases when a migraine does not leave a woman even during pregnancy. What to do in such cases, because almost all medications for relieving headaches are prohibited during childbearing? In this article, we will look at why migraine occurs during pregnancy, what are its symptoms and how to get rid of a migraine headache so as not to harm the unborn child.

Causes of migraine during pregnancy

The causes of migraine in pregnant women are no different from patients who are not pregnant. Today, scientists believe that migraine is a genetically determined disease. About thirty genes and their variations have been identified that are responsible for migraine attacks in their “owners” from mild to very severe.

But one genetic propensity for the occurrence of a migraine attack is not enough, exposure to headache-provoking factors is necessary. These include:

  • stressful situation;
  • physical or emotional stress;
  • consumption of certain foods (chocolate, hard cheeses, nuts, fish, high doses of caffeine, food preservatives such as monosodium glutamate, aspartame, nitrates);
  • drinking alcohol, especially red wine and champagne;
  • long sleep;
  • the use of oral hormonal contraceptives;
  • various dyshormonal disorders in a woman's body;
  • change in weather conditions.

The development of a migraine attack is associated with an increased amount of estrogen in a woman's body, because migraine in non-pregnant women most often develops at the beginning of menstrual bleeding. During pregnancy, the hormonal background changes in the direction of the predominance of progesterone, respectively, the attacks should stop. But, if a pregnant woman has any hormonal changes, for example, progesterone deficiency, then the woman continues to suffer from migraine attacks.

Migraine symptoms in pregnancy

Migraine is a special type of headache, which is fundamentally different not only in the specific clinical picture, but also in the mechanism of headache development. If the basis of most types of pain is a spasm of the cerebral arteries, which leads to cerebral hypoxia, then the pathogenesis of migraine is the pathological expansion of cerebral vessels and hyperperfusion of brain tissue. This mechanism of pain causes the ineffectiveness of most medications for the treatment of headache, which requires the use of specific anti-migraine drugs.

You can suspect a migraine attack in a pregnant woman by the following symptoms:

  • unilateral localization of headache;
  • the pain is pulsating;
  • medium or high intensity;
  • increases with any physical activity;
  • accompanied by increased sensitivity to external stimuli;
  • the attack lasts from several hours to several days (as a rule, does not exceed 72 hours);
  • accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • ineffectiveness of conventional pain medications;
  • before a headache attack, an aura may be present (25% of patients), which manifests itself in the form of visual disturbances (flickering before the eyes, dots, fog, etc.), tactile sensations, speech disorders, such symptoms occur from 5 minutes to an hour before the onset of a headache .

Establishing a diagnosis of migraine is easy. To do this, it is enough to carefully analyze the symptoms of pathology. But in the case of pregnancy, any episode of severe headache should not be left without medical attention. After all, there are other diseases that are accompanied by a headache in pregnant women.

One of these is preeclampsia and eclampsia - a serious pathology of pregnancy, which can lead not only to the death of the fetus, but also to the woman. The disease manifests itself with high blood pressure, swelling and headache. In the case of the transition from preeclampsia to eclampsia, seizures develop, which can cause the death of the mother or her unborn baby.

Treatment of migraine during pregnancy with medications

When a pregnant woman is taken by surprise by a migraine headache, then, naturally, the first question that arises is which pill can you take to get rid of the pain and not harm the baby. It is immediately necessary to answer that there are only a few such medicines, and they will not always save you from migraines.

Consider the possibility of using drugs for individual groups that are used for migraine by patients who are not in position.

Nonspecific antipyretics and analgesics

This is the most common and well-known group of drugs that are used in connection with headaches. But, it must be said that they do not eliminate migraine headaches as well as other types of headaches. These medicines can only show their effectiveness at the beginning of an attack, but if it has already been going on for some time, then even the whole pack of pills will not help get rid of a migraine.

In addition, almost all drugs from this group are prohibited from being used at certain stages of pregnancy. The only drug that is approved for use in all stages of pregnancy is paracetamol. It has been assigned safety group B by the US Food and Drug Administration.

For reference:

  1. Category A- absolutely safe medicines, studies on humans have not revealed a negative effect on the fetus. It should be noted that today there is not a single drug from this group, since experiments on pregnant women are unethical and prohibited.
  2. Category B are relatively safe drugs. Animal studies have shown no effects on the embryo. The available clinical observations of the use of the drug by the mother prove that the risk to the baby does not exceed that in the general population.
  3. Category C- Potentially dangerous drugs. Animal experiments confirmed Negative influence substances on the fetus, has not been evaluated in humans. But drugs in this group can be prescribed to pregnant women strictly according to indications, if the benefit to the mother exceeds the negative for the fetus.
  4. CategoryD- available clinical observations have revealed a negative effect of the drug on the human fetus, but drugs of this group can be prescribed to pregnant women strictly according to indications, if the benefit to the mother exceeds the negative for the fetus.
  5. CategoryN There is not enough data yet to classify the drug.
  6. Category X- dangerous drugs for the embryo. Clinical studies on animals and observations of pregnant women who took the drug revealed a significant negative effect on the fetus. Thus, the risk outweighs the benefit to the mother and these drugs are strictly prohibited during pregnancy.

There are many paracetamol preparations on the modern pharmaceutical market - Efferalgan, Panadol, Paracetamol, Acetaminophen, etc. The average therapeutic dose that is allowed for pregnant women is 325-500 mg, the daily amount should not exceed 2 grams (4 tablets of 500 mg).

Other drugs from the NSAID group, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen (which are allowed for headaches and breastfeeding), can only be taken in the second trimester of pregnancy (category C). In the first, they increase the risk of fetal malformations, and in the third, bleeding and premature birth.

It is strictly forbidden to take analgin, baralgin, spazmalgon, tempalgin, citramon, askofen and similar drugs. It should also be borne in mind that taking combined drugs for headaches is not welcome. The fact is that in their composition, in addition to the allowed paracetamol and caffeine, banned substances are often present, for example, acetylsalicylic acid.

Specific anti-migraine drugs

This group includes 2 types of drugs: ergot derivatives (dihydroergotamine, dihydergot) and serotonin agonists (zolmitriptan, sumatriptan, naratriptan). All of these drugs are prohibited during pregnancy (category D), except for sumatriptan (category C). The appointment of a sumatriptan tablet is possible only by the attending physician for the relief of a severe migraine attack if the benefit to the woman outweighs the risk to the fetus.

Video about migraine:

Anticonvulsants and antidepressants

Often, drugs from this group are used to get rid of migraines. Consider the possibility of their use during pregnancy.

Serotonin reuptake inhibitors:

  • Citalopram, Sertraline, Fluoxetine (group D) - there are data on such malformations as pulmonary hypertension, defects in the development of the brain and skull, heart and large vessels. The drug is acceptable during pregnancy.
  • Paroxetine (group X) - causes heart defects, anencephaly, cranial defects, embryonic hernias. Prohibited for use in pregnant women.

Tricyclic antidepressants:

  • Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline (category C) - causes underdevelopment of the limbs in animals, there is no confirmation in humans. Allowed for use under the strict indications of a doctor.

MAO inhibitors:

  • All drugs from this group belong to category X and are contraindicated in pregnancy.

Beta blockers and calcium channel blockers

Of the beta-blockers, only metoprolol and atenolol are allowed for use in pregnant women. These drugs belong to group C and are prescribed by a doctor according to strict indications.

Preparations from the group of calcium channel blockers are allowed for use only in the second trimester (category C). These are verapamil, diltiazem, amlodipine, nifedipine, etc.

Thus, only a paracetamol tablet can be taken for a headache on its own, all other cases need a doctor's prescription after assessing all the benefits to the mother and the risk to the fetus.

Food video for migraines:

Alternative Treatments for Migraine in Pregnancy

You should not immediately get upset and prepare yourself for the fact that you will have to endure the pain for several days, because there are many alternative and safe methods of treating migraine in pregnant women. Consider the most effective:

  • you can drink a cup of strong and very sweet tea or coffee;
  • apply a cabbage leaf compress to the head and tightly tie a scarf;
  • ensure yourself complete peace - no light, no sound, no movement;
  • cold is an excellent helper in the fight against migraine - a cold shower, a compress, a heating pad with ice on the head - help to bring vascular tone back to normal and narrow them, which manifests itself in the form of a decrease in headache;
  • you can smear whiskey with lavender oil or an asterisk, but this method is not suitable for everyone, in some pregnant women a pungent odor can only increase the headache;
  • nutrition should be light and balanced, all migraine provocateurs should be excluded from the menu;
  • you need to drink enough fluids, dehydration only aggravates the situation;
  • acupressure head massage;
  • reflexology and acupuncture;
  • breathing exercises can have an excellent result;
  • nap.

In order not to face such a problem as migraine during pregnancy, first of all, a woman in position must observe a rational regime of work and rest, healthy lifestyle life, exercise for pregnant women, eliminate all bad habits, eat right and healthy, lead an active lifestyle and walk a lot. And most importantly, avoid stressful situations, prepare for motherhood and enjoy your happiness.

Migraine during childbearing can occur even in those who until that time did not suspect, never noticed signs of such an ailment. In more than 20% of cases, a woman suffers from a disease such as migraine during pregnancy.

Pain Recipe
head massage consult a doctor if pregnant

The disease has distinctive features that make it possible to diagnose it. For the body of a woman who is already in a difficult situation, it is also very difficult to endure a migraine. Headaches cannot be tolerated, so it is necessary to look for ways to eliminate them.

Migraine or hemicrania is a disease that can be hereditary. It is expressed by strong pain sensations. Many girls attribute the sensations to a simple malaise during pregnancy. In view of the fact that the symptoms are quite pronounced, they try to relieve the discomfort with the usual means used for headaches.

Each woman's body is individual, the causes of migraine formation in the early stages are different for everyone. But, nevertheless, there are several reasons for the formation of this disease during pregnancy.

  1. Nutrition. Certain foods can cause a migraine attack in the early stages. These are foods such as cheese, chocolate, citrus fruits (in large quantities), hot spices, alcohol. Proper nutrition is very important for the health of a woman and an unborn child.
  2. A change in diet can cause allergic reactions and the onset of the disease.
  3. Insufficient amount of water in the body.
  4. negative reaction to medications, overdose (it can be a regular, mild medicine).
  5. Stress, lack of sleep, psychological stress, overwork - all these factors can cause migraine attacks (the girl’s minimum sleep should be at least 7 hours per day, this is especially important in the first trimester of pregnancy);
  6. Weather conditions, change of climatic zones, etc. Try to create a favorable microclimate indoors.

Disturbing throbbing pain

The diagnosis is usually determined by the doctor during a conversation with the patient. But there are certain criteria that will help distinguish a common headache from a migraine.

There are several questions, answering which, you can accurately determine the correct diagnosis.

  1. Are the headaches that have been over the past few months accompanied by vomiting, nausea?
  2. Have the headaches in the last few months been accompanied by intolerance to sounds, light?
  3. Has a headache interfered with your daily activities (work, school) for at least one day?

If you answer yes to several questions, then most likely your headaches are nothing more than migraines.

Signs of hemicrania in women

As we found out, the manifestation of migraine is individual for everyone. In one woman during pregnancy, the symptoms are mild malaise or discomfort. Someone has unbearable sharp pain accompanied by vomiting. The most common, pronounced symptom of the disease is a severe throbbing headache, which usually spreads to one side of the head. Its duration can be from 3 hours to several days.

Some people are very sensitive to bright light, loud sounds, the woman becomes aloof closes. Blood pressure may rise, nausea, general weakness appear - these symptoms are also called an aura.

There are several groups - this is a simple migraine during pregnancy and migraine, which is accompanied by an aura.

  1. The first is accompanied by unilateral pain of a strong, pulsating nature. It is oppressive in nature, greatly reduces performance, the reaction to it may be inadequate (excessive aggression or apathy). The center of pain is concentrated in the temporal part of the head or in the back of the head. Attacks can be repeated up to 4 times a month. Symptoms such as indigestion (nausea, vomiting, which do not bring relief) may be added. Bright lighting, loud noises, smells, physical activity - only increase the pain.
  2. In migraine with aura, neuralgic symptoms appear before attacks and sometimes accompany them. When the first symptoms of a migraine appear, they must be treated, conventional medicines will not help, they must be approved, prescribed by a specialist who monitors your pregnancy.

A few more signs distinguishing a headache from hemicrania:

  • the resulting pain has a different character, different from the previous one;
  • pain after physical activity, strong sipping, coughing, sexual activity;
  • weakness of the limbs, impaired vision, speech.

After such manifestations, you need to contact a specialist.

disturbing thoughts

Basic Treatments

Prevention of treatment is prescribed only in cases where the attacks are very severe, they occur more often 3 times a month, last more than 48 hours, and there are also symptoms such as depression, anxiety, cervical pain, sleep disturbance, etc. The course is from several months.

If a migraine bothered a girl before pregnancy, then during gestation she can go away, but it happens on the contrary that she begins only in an interesting position. But usually this is only the first trimester, then the symptoms stop.

Treatment usually alternates between drug and non-drug methods. These are antiepileptic, vasoconstrictor drugs, drugs belonging to the triptan group.

The attending physician is responsible for the dosage and prescription. It is also necessary to change your lifestyle and exclude provoking factors:

  • sleep should last from 7 hours;
  • relax more often, avoid strong emotional stress;
  • the work schedule must be determined and discussed with the specialist and the employer;
  • regular meals (from 4 times a day);
  • permitted sports during pregnancy will help get rid of migraines, such as gymnastics, yoga, swimming pool, etc.;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters per day;
  • spend more time outdoors
  • eliminate all bad habits (tobacco, alcohol, coffee).

Traditional medicine recipes

For those who are prone to frequent headaches, it is better to prevent migraine before it appears and follow preventive measures. But if the attack took you by surprise, proven recipes will help. traditional medicine. They are safe for pregnant women, quickly help get rid of the disease.

For the first recipe you will need:

  • eucalyptus oil;
  • water;
  • napkins;
  • leaves of laurel, myrrh, cherry and eucalyptus.

Mode of application.

  1. It is necessary to drop 4 drops of eucalyptus oil into 1 liter of water.
  2. After that, moisten a napkin there and put it on the whiskey, forehead.
  3. If cases of migraine are frequent, then it is necessary to use such folk remedy, as a pillow of leaves of laurel, myrrh, cherry and eucalyptus.
  4. If pain occurs, the pregnant woman should lie down on the pillow with the affected side (the pain passes quickly).

For another recipe for severe headaches, you will need:

  • cabbage leaves;
  • bandage.

traditional medicine recipe

Mode of application.

  1. If pain occurs, it is necessary to knead the leaves until the juice is formed.
  2. Apply them to the affected area.
  3. Can be tied with a headband.

Another recipe. Required Ingredients:

  • viburnum;
  • black currant;
  • boiling water.

Mode of application.

  1. Brew the berries of viburnum, black currant.
  2. Let it brew for at least half an hour.
  3. Drink every few hours a glass of decoction per day.
Risks and dangers of the disease

Migraine hides many dangers and unpleasant consequences for the expectant mother and child. A migraine that begins during pregnancy must be fought, otherwise it can lead to pathologies during gestation. It could be:

  • darkening in the eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • blood flow disorders;
  • sudden changes in blood pressure;
  • severe and prolonged headaches;
  • preeclampsia;
  • intracranial pressure;
  • hypertension;
  • toxicosis in the last trimester;
  • heart and kidney disease and more.

All these consequences negatively affect the development of the fetus. If possible, visit a massage therapist. Pro .

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist