How much should a pregnant woman walk a day in winter. How much should a pregnant woman walk a day in the fresh air

In an interesting position for many mothers, there are a number of restrictions on active sports. Walking during pregnancy can be a great alternative to them. True, provided that you have no contraindications for this type of physical activity. These can be, for example:

  1. The threat of termination of pregnancy;
  2. Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  3. Cold;
  4. Increase in body temperature;
  5. Increased tone of the uterus;

If the doctor has not restricted you in movement due to such diagnoses, you need to walk for at least about two hours, and preferably about three.

Please note! Going to the store, pharmacy or hospital is not a walk! It will not allow you to relax, distract from all the problems, listen to the birds and think only about the good. After all, your head will be filled with various important things: buy the necessary medicines or vitamins, remember the doctor's recommendations, ask him questions of interest, purchase provisions for dinner, etc.

Why is it good for expectant mothers to walk?

You can, without hesitation, answer: well, it’s good for everyone to walk, it’s movement, oxygen ... But if you think about it, not every one of us can explain with the same ease what the benefits of movement and saturation of the body with oxygen for the expectant mother are and the new life she carries within herself. That is why, in fact, walking during pregnancy is so important to us. So let's explain:

  • Oxygen - necessary element for breathing and the full functioning of every cell in our body. Especially - the brain cells responsible for the functioning of our nervous system. And when there are two of these organisms in one? It is true that more oxygen is needed, moreover, by almost 30%!

Such a diagnosis as fetal hypoxia speaks precisely of a lack of oxygen (more about fetal hypoxia during pregnancy >>>). This affects, first of all, the work of the nervous system of a little man (do you understand the full degree of responsibility?). And while walking, with deep breathing, we get it in the right amount.

The availability of all the benefits of civilization has made sloths out of us. We prefer driving by car to walking, we can manage with less effort and energy in everyday life (we don’t wash with our hands, we don’t sweep with brooms, we don’t wash dishes, we don’t carry water in buckets. All this was done by our great-grandmothers and, let’s be honest, problems arising from physical inactivity - lack of movement - they did not have).

So, walking in the early stages of pregnancy is an excellent prevention of those very “unpleasant companions”.

On foot until the last week!

The last weeks of pregnancy are the most difficult for the female body. The load on all systems of her organs (and the mechanical pressure of the fetus on them) reaches the limit. It is clear that the need for oxygen increases proportionally. As well as the importance of maintaining the tone of the heart and blood vessels. And all this is facilitated by all the same walks in the fresh air.

Note! On later dates of particular importance is the strengthening of the muscles: legs, pelvis, back, buttocks. All this is provided to us by systematic walks. During childbirth, the body will thank you, believe me!

Walking right and wrong

Finally: helpful tips about how to benefit from a walk and not harm yourself and your baby. What you need to do:

  1. walk closer to nature: in squares, parks, gardens (ideally - in the forest or in the country);
  2. break the total walking time into parts (morning and evening) in order to properly distribute forces;
  3. dress according to the weather: do not wrap up and do not go too "bare";
  4. choose comfortable, "breathable" clothes and shoes, preferably from natural materials(avoid tight belts, belts, elastic bands, tight shoes, heels - read the article

For the well-being of the expectant mother during pregnancy and the normal course of childbirth, it is necessary that the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems work adequately under excessive loads. However, the usual sports exercises have to be postponed due to the new condition of the woman. The best way out of the situation is walking, which keeps the listed systems in good shape. Besides outdoor walking enriches the body with oxygen, due to which metabolic processes in tissues occur at the required level. Also, with blood through the placenta, oxygen enters the fetus, which is necessary for various metabolic processes of the fetus, which are necessary for it to grow and develop.

It is important to know that it would seem that such a simple activity as walking in the fresh air significantly strengthens the muscles of the legs, back, buttocks, and in addition, it also enhances the blood supply to the bone tissue, which improves calcium metabolism and prevents it from being washed out of the bones. Some women decide to have an abortion without surgery, but this should be a balanced decision and early term, otherwise, tune in to minor difficulties and certainly a positive result.

Walking pregnant is especially useful with anemia, again, due to oxygen saturation and improved blood circulation due to this. The well-being of the expectant mother improves significantly with regular walking in the fresh air, since, in combination with proper nutrition, normal intestinal motility is maintained. This reduces the number, and indeed the manifestation of constipation effects, which become especially acute with the onset of pregnancy.

Don't forget that walks for pregnant women improve mood and have a beneficial effect on the surge of energy.

However, walking pregnant women have a number of limitations:

For the well-being of the expectant mother, it is recommended to walk 1.5-2 hours a day.

On especially hot days, and even during the entire period of summer time, it is better to plan walks for pregnant women before 11-00 and after 17-00. During a period of strong solar activity, it is better to stay at home.

If two hours of outdoor walking is too much for you. Replace this time with shorter walks of 30 minutes several times a day.

If you led a sedentary lifestyle before pregnancy, I strongly recommend not to be a hero and at first take short walks in places where you can sit down and relax. Over time, the route will be longer and you will achieve longer walks.

Of course, you should not plan a walk in fairly polluted areas, near roads and near industrial enterprises. Pregnant women are best suited for walking parks squares, various recreational areas with abundant green spaces.

- Walking outdoors is very beneficial. if coniferous trees grow around, as they secrete a substance that can kill pathogenic microbes, but remember that during pregnancy it is best to walk along special paths or platforms. Breaking through the forest through the thickets - not the best option easy walking holiday for the expectant mother.

For outdoor walking, choose flat terrain, without significant uphills and long descents.

Pregnancy is always a very important step in the life of every woman. A little man lives and develops inside you now. In order for the pregnancy to proceed smoothly and the baby to develop correctly, a woman needs to follow some rules. One of them is outdoor activities.

Why is it so necessary?

For proper physical and psychological development, the child needs a lot of oxygen, especially in the last trimester. The body of a pregnant woman also experiences a strong load from the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. If a woman does not stay in the fresh air for a sufficient amount of time, this will lead to general malaise and weakness. And if the mother feels bad, then imagine how bad the baby is. After all, he receives oxygen only from the mother's blood through the umbilical cord.

Where is the best place for a pregnant woman to walk

Walk along the street, and even better - in a park or square.

Walking will also help you stay in good physical shape. Walking has a beneficial effect on the muscles of the legs, keeping them in good shape. In turn, this will reduce the risk of swelling and varicose veins. In addition, the abdominal muscles are also strengthened.
There are women who do not like to walk. They can choose an alternative to walking - physical exercise in the open air. Under no circumstances should you be lazy. Consider that this is a new kind of work for you, which must be done every day.

How to learn to walk a pregnant woman

In order to make it easier to get used to and get into the rhythm, use some tips.

Don't try to run a marathon right away. Increase the load slowly. In the early days, a half-hour walk at a slow pace will be enough.

Be sure to keep your back straight, do not strain, step from heel to toe. If you feel a slight swaying while moving, then you are doing everything right. Hands should be held at an angle of 90 degrees and rhythmically rock them back and forth. This will help you keep pace as you move. You should not cross your arms over your chest, so as not to lose balance.
If you feel unwell, feel unwell and tired, stop and rest. You can complete your workout on that day.
To make it easier to make time for a walk, write it down in your daily schedule in advance. Let daily walks become part of your life.
Avoid public transport if you can walk this way.
Make sure that your shoes are comfortable and practical, because a walk should bring joy.

A future mother always has a lot of worries and troubles, besides, there are certain rules that you need to try to follow regularly, this is very important for her and her baby. These rules include a lot: proper nutrition, healthy and good rest, moderate physical exercise, a sufficient amount of vitamins in the diet, etc. In order for the body to be normal, to cope with fatigue, stress and other troubles more easily, regular walks during pregnancy will help you. Fresh air in sufficient quantity is extremely necessary for both your body and the body of the child, because thanks to it, metabolic processes improve, the child develops and grows better.

The opinion of experts about walking, how long you need to be on the street, are long walks useful?

Staying in the fresh air always has a very positive effect on our well-being, all cells are saturated with oxygen, the body works more actively, in general, there are only pluses. But in order for the walk to be useful, it must be correct, so I will give you some advice about this. To begin with, learn once and for all a simple truth - you need to walk away from the track, the most suitable places are park or forest. Unfortunately, the opposite picture is often observed - a string of mothers with strollers and their pregnant girlfriends wander in single file along the sidewalk near the roadway. For what? Don't you feel sorry for poisoning your child from such years with exhaust fumes? You can always find a quieter place, in every locality there is a small river, lake, park - go there, you should not roam the herd around the road.

Walking during pregnancy is very useful in that it is a good prevention of the occurrence of edema, strengthens the body's immune system, and helps to keep in shape. For those women who were actively involved in sports before pregnancy, walking is all the more useful, they will be able to turn it into walking, if there are no doctor's contraindications, of course. If such physical activity is allowed for you, prepare comfortable clothes and shoes, it would be nice to buy a special device for measuring the pulse, they are in every pharmacy. For a walk, be sure to take some water with you, preferably at room temperature, mineral and without gas. While walking, the body overheats, which is undesirable during pregnancy, so with the help of some water you can quench your thirst and cool down.

Do not be afraid to go out, pregnancy is not a disease. You should lead a fairly active lifestyle that suits your condition. Walks towards the end of the term are especially useful, because the cardiovascular and respiratory systems by this time are working with the greatest load. You have to help your body cope as much as possible, so regular oxygen intake will become a very healthy habit. If you are bored just wandering down the street, invite relatives or friends along with you, then the walk will turn into a pleasant pastime with a conversation. You can also regularly conduct photo sessions throughout the entire pregnancy, then there will be a pleasant memory of a bright and wonderful moment in your life. Different weather conditions, a growing belly, a changing physiological shape - all this is worthy of being captured in a photo, and it is not at all necessary to invite a professional photographer every time. The most important thing that you should remember and take care of is your condition with the baby, they are inextricably linked, and walking plays a huge role in the successful development of the baby and in supporting your body.

Excellent health and well-being, high spirits and positive emotional mood future mother is the key to the birth of a strong and healthy child. To date, there are a huge number of various methods, rules and recommendations, following which you can avoid any problems and complications, one way or another related to the upcoming birth. In addition, the expectant mother must know.

Significant place on the list existing rules assigned exercise, which help to increase tone, give vigor and improve health in general. In addition to special complexes designed to keep the body in good shape and prepare the muscles for future stress, you should develop the overall endurance of the body, strengthening the cardiovascular system. You can do this by walking. As a rule, to strengthen of cardio-vascular system, which is subjected to the greatest stress during childbirth, doctors recommend walking for about two hours a day. At the same time, time for walking should be allocated specifically, not taking into account trips to and from work or shopping.

An active lifestyle, walks in the fresh air can not only make the mood of the expectant mother cheerful and cheerful, but also strengthen nervous system, enrich the lungs with oxygen, strengthen the heart and make the blood move faster through the vessels and veins. All this has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus.

Hiking during pregnancy - a boost of energy

If you care about the health of your unborn baby, then well-thought-out loads are not just a temporary measure, but your lifestyle.

1. Special gymnastics that tones muscles, swimming, outdoor recreation - all this gives everyone expectant mother good mood, positive energy and inexhaustible optimism.

2. Walking in the fresh air is a great way to exercise many muscle groups without putting much effort into it. On the contrary, a fun walk through a beautiful park or forest area will be great entertainment and a source of new experiences. Of course, it is categorically impossible to consider tedious shopping in a gassed metropolis as a walk.

3. Moreover, when advising expectant mothers on the correct regimen, doctors clarify the wording: it’s more correct to ask, not how much to walk, but where. Each mother has her own biorhythms and body reserves, and you yourself are able to decide how much time for a walk will be enough for vitality and vigor. But choosing the right place for walking is a paramount task with which you should start.

4. Fresh air and pleasing greenery can work wonders, but the hustle and bustle of a big city, air saturated with exhaust gases containing vapors heavy metals and other harmful compounds will negatively affect your well-being.

5. If it is not possible during pregnancy to stay in the life-giving nature as long as possible, arrange a green corner on your balcony and relax there for at least two hours a day.

6. You can diversify your stay in your own mini-garden by reading good literature, listening to pleasant music, embroidering or knitting. In a word, your mood during pregnancy is the main factor of excellent health, and hence the health of the unborn baby.