Analysis of the methodology for compiling the tab of the Ministry of Energy. The purpose and methodology of compiling the fuel and energy balance of an industrial enterprise. The list of initial data when compiling it. I. General provisions

The enterprise is the basis for the development of possible options for its energy supply and measures to save energy resources.

Fuel and energy balance is a comprehensive characteristic of the consumption of thermal energy, steam, condensate losses in the specific conditions of a given production. The components of this balance are the expenditure and income parts. The expenditure part determines all articles of thermal energy consumption, the income part determines the coverage of this consumption.

The fuel and energy balance determines the rational use and saving reserves of energy resources, allows you to outline their optimal structure. The optimal structure of the fuel and energy balance of an industrial enterprise means the use of various kinds fuel and energy both by individual categories of consumers and by the entire enterprise, at which the total cost of energy resources (for a given production volume) will be the smallest. The choice of the optimal structure is difficult, since it requires a large amount of information about the technical and economic indicators of the enterprise, the possibility of using different types of fuel, etc. In addition, calculations have shown that the optimal balance structure for the production of one type of product is not the same for other types products manufactured by the same company.

Development of the optimal structure fuel and energy balance of an industrial enterprise carried out using the methods of mathematical modeling. Their essence lies in the compilation of an economic and mathematical model that describes the structure of the fuel and energy balance of enterprises in numerical indices. As an optimality criterion, the minimum fuel and energy costs required to produce a given volume of products can be taken.

When solving optimization problems, it should be borne in mind that only those categories of consumers are considered for which the interchangeability of various types of energy resources is possible. Constraints in the balance model are: the volume of production, resources and type of fuel and energy. Each constraint increases the number of equations in the mathematical model by one. The constraint is written in the form of inequalities that fix the upper and lower limits of the consumption of a given resource.

The economic-mathematical model for optimizing the fuel and energy balance of an industrial enterprise characterizes the optimal fuel consumption /(x) for carrying out technological processes and has the form

with restrictions:

It follows from the inequality that the consumption of this type of energy resource in the production of all types of products should not exceed a given volume. The possibility of using any other technological method is also limited.

The considered model allows solving the problem of optimizing the fuel and energy balance for any type of manufactured product, various methods of its technological processing, various types of consumed energy resources.

To compile an economic and mathematical model of the fuel and energy balance of an enterprise, the following information is required: the volume of production of various types of products, data on the technological methods of production of each type of product, technical and economic indicators for each method of production, data on the possible resources of various types of fuel and energy. The information received is carefully analyzed.

When evaluating technical and economic indicators, it is allowed to use enlarged approximate indicators of the efficiency of the use of fuel and energy resources by certain categories of consumers. It is possible to take into account the specific consumption of energy resources in each subdivision. After its determination, their total consumption is found in the volume of the entire production.

The problem of optimizing the fuel and energy balance is solved by modern mathematical methods, in particular, by the method of linear programming.

An integral part of the fuel and energy balances of enterprises are heat balances, which characterize the ratio between the amount of thermal energy received by enterprises and its consumption for various needs.

The amount of thermal energy received is determined by the fuel consumption, specific heat of combustion, energy loss in the boiler unit and during the transportation of the coolant. Accounting for the consumption of thermal energy is carried out according to the following items: for the production of the entire range of products, heating, ventilation, hot water supply, and other expenses.

Compilation of thermal balances of enterprises requires the introduction of metering devices for fuel consumption, heat carriers and electricity into production.

If the heat carrier at the enterprise is water vapor, then a steam condensate balance is drawn up, which takes into account the degree of steam consumption and the return of condensate to the boiler room. Drawing up the steam condensate balance, as well as the fuel and energy balance as a whole, is fraught with difficulties due to the lack of temperature control devices and accounting for the flow of heat carriers.

Steam and condensate balances can be drawn up for the shops, for the entire enterprise as a whole, for each consumer, with subsequent summation for the shops and the enterprise. In the steam condensate balances for the shops and the enterprise as a whole, the reasons for the loss of condensate are not revealed. In the case of calculating the steam consumption for each consumer, the causes of losses are clarified.

The steam condensate balance has the form (kg/s)

Condensate losses are made up of losses in mixers, condensate pipelines and fittings.

On the basis of steam condensate balances, heat balances are compiled that characterize the degree of use of condensate thermal energy (kW)

Considering that both live and deaf steam are used in heat exchange equipment, it is possible to determine the amount of usefully used heat of the condensate (GJ / period)

The degree of perfection of the condensate system is determined using the condensate heat utilization factor

For rework shops that identify the need for a certain metal, then for the rolling shop, and then for the open-hearth shop. On the basis of the production programs of individual technological shops and the consumption rates of fuel, heat, electricity, compressed air, oxygen, water, the need for this energy product is established, and then the sources of its production. These materials are the starting materials for compiling the enterprise and cost estimates for the heat and power and electric power shops.

ENTERPRISES - see Fuel balance of an industrial enterprise, Energy balance of an industrial enterprise.

As a result, the fuel and energy balance of the enterprise is rationalized and the overall energy costs are sharply reduced.

These tasks are set on the basis of the planned fuel and energy balance of the country as a whole and of each individual economic region in whose territory a given association or enterprise operates in the system of transport and storage of oil, oil products and gas. Production tasks serve as the basis for concluding business contracts for the supply of oil, oil products and gas with consumers.

To calculate the need for boiler fuel, which can be replaced by gas, coal or another type of fuel, an optimal fuel and energy balance is drawn up. For refineries, this value is set externally.

Enterprises of the oil refining and petrochemical industries annually develop and implement organizational and technical measures aimed at saving fuel and energy, as well as more fully involving secondary energy resources in the fuel and energy balance. The maximum use of secondary thermal resources is a large reserve for saving labor, capital investments and the energy carriers themselves.

The program-target method provides for the development of long-term programs using advanced methods of organizing management and increasing the efficiency of social production. An example of the development of oil and gas bearing regions of Western Siberia can be given as a positive experience in this area. In the past, not enough attention was paid to the development of the fuel and energy industries (gas, oil, coal, electric power industry) as a single complex, and this had a negative impact on the structure of the fuel and energy balance, leading in some cases to a shortage of fuel in some areas and to an excess in others. The program-target method in an association (enterprise) and its divisions can be used in various aspects of improving the organization of management and increasing production efficiency. This method is of particular importance in the reconstruction of the gas supply system as a whole or its elements, as well as in solving organizational and economic problems, such as the need for better use of equipment, increasing the level of automation and mechanization, eliminating excessive staff turnover, etc.

Planning and analysis of energy supply. A prerequisite for proper planning of energy supply is the preparation of a fuel and energy balance, which determines the company's need for energy resources and the sources of its coverage. The development of energy balances is the main method for planning energy supply and analyzing the use of energy resources. Energy balances establish the required amounts of consumption, production and receipt of various types of energy resources.

All taken together dictates the need for periodic development of a consolidated reporting fuel and energy balance of the country. In essence, such a balance is a fairly complex detailed set of interconnected partial balances of individual types of fuel and energy. It is compiled for the whole country, in all union republics, regions, territories, at fuel-producing and consuming enterprises in almost all sectors of the national economy. They make up the fuel and energy balance in natural and conditionally natural units of measurement, which allows you to simultaneously observe the movement of the country's energy resources by their individual types and in combination.

The widespread use of nuclear energy is an important direction in improving the fuel and energy balance of industry; reducing the use of natural gas and oil as fuel and primarily using them as raw materials for the petrochemical and other industries; reducing fossil fuel costs by expanding the combined generation of high-temperature heat, electricity, steam, hot water for industrial enterprises and household needs.

In 1961, the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR again developed, this time a more expanded, fuel and energy balance for 1960, in which indicators of production, distribution and use of all types of fuel and energy produced and consumed in 1960 were linked. This balance was developed on the basis of the balance sheets of all enterprises - fuel and energy producers, all marketing organizations supplying fuel, as well as all industrial, construction and other organizations - fuel and energy consumers.

Filling in the reporting table is carried out in natural and conventional units, and the conversion of natural fuel into conditional is carried out by enterprises on the basis of data on the calorific value of the working fuel, determined by the laboratory, and in the absence of them, according to the average values ​​of caloric equivalents specified and indicated in the instructions of the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR. Based on the generalization of T.-e. b. enterprises, reporting materials of org-tions for the extraction and sale of fuel, regional energy. systems and other org-CIA are compiled consolidated T.-e. b. by regions, territories, economic. districts, republics and the USSR as a whole. Reporting T.-e. b. USSR for 1962 in terms of fuel and energy consumption. resources within the country can be represented by systematized indicators (excluding self-procurement of fuel by the population, specific gravity which, according to a number of estimates, is approx. 5% in relation to the total consumption of energy resources within the country), given in Table. 4 (but according to the reporting fuel and energy balance for 1962, in % of the total consumption within the country by standard fuel).

These balances are subdivided into national economic, territorial, private (balances by coal grades, groups of enterprises, etc.). For the development of fuel industries, the fuel and energy balance of the country, which includes all types of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels used for energy and technological needs, is of great importance.

The type of enterprise is largely determined by the need of the economic region for its products, the quality of the initial1 raw materials, the provision of the region with raw materials and fuel, and the structure of its fuel and energy balance.

In the fuel and energy balance, all types of fuel are shown in two units of measurement - in physical terms and in terms of conventional fuel. At the same time, in physical terms, all types of mineral solid fuels, liquid fuels, as well as oil refining gas are shown in tons, firewood - in dense cubic meters, natural gas, associated gas, underground gasification gas and gas from shale - in thousands of standard cubic meters (pressure 760 mm Hg at \u003d 20 ° C), coke gas - in thousands of cubic meters, reduced to 1000 kcal / m3, blast furnace gas - in thousands of cubic meters, reduced to 1000 kcal / m3 -, electricity - in thousands of kilowatt-hours, heat energy - in gigacalories, compressed air - in thousands of cubic meters reduced to a pressure of 1.4 atm, other fuel processing products and other wastes of technological processes are given in those weight or volume units in which they are accounted for at the enterprise. In terms of conventional fuel, all indicators for each type of fuel and energy resources are recorded in tons.

Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 1, 2012.
Registration N 23101

In accordance with clause 10 of part 2 of article 4 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 190-FZ "On Heat Supply" (Collection of Legislation Russian Federation, 2010, N 31, Art. 4159); order:

Approve the attached procedure for compiling fuel and energy balances of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities.

Minister S. Shmatko

Note. Ed .: the order was published in the Bulletin of Normative Acts of Federal Executive Authorities, N 16, 04/16/2012.

The procedure for compiling fuel and energy balances of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities

I. General provisions

1. This Procedure was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 190-FZ "On Heat Supply" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2010, No. 31, Art. 4159) local self-government bodies of settlements, urban districts of fuel and energy balances, respectively, of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and settlements, urban districts (hereinafter referred to as municipalities).

2. The fuel and energy balance of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal formation) (hereinafter referred to as the balance) contains interrelated indicators of the quantitative correspondence between the supply of energy resources to the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal formation) and their consumption, establishes the distribution of energy resources between heat supply systems, consumers, groups consumers and determines the efficiency of the use of energy resources.

3. The balance is drawn up on the basis of single-product energy balances in the form of a table according to the model in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure, combining the data of single-product energy balances into a single balance, reflecting the specified data in single energy units.

The single-product energy balance is compiled in the form of a table according to the model in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Procedure, reflecting in natural units the formation of the supply of certain types of energy resources or their homogeneous groups and their use in the processes of transformation, transfer and final consumption of energy resources.

II. The composition of the balance sheet

4. The balance is formed in unified energy units - units of standard fuel, which is taken as the calorific value of 1 kg of coal equal to 7000 kcal.

5. The balance consists of nine groups of data on individual types of energy resources, which are formed on the basis of single-product energy balances.

6. The balance column "Coal" includes data on coal, shale, coal concentrate, metallurgical coke, coke and coke breeze, coal processing products, off-gases, including artificial blast-furnace combustible gas, artificial coke oven combustible gas.

7. The "Crude oil" column of the balance sheet includes data on oil, including gas condensate.

8. The column of the balance "Petroleum products" shall include data on petroleum products, including dry gas from refineries, liquefied gas, automobile and aviation gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, fuel oil, domestic stove fuel, marine fuel oil, gas turbine and motor fuel.

9. The balance column "Natural gas" shall include data on gas from gas and gas condensate fields and associated gas from oil fields, as well as methane captured in coal mines and sewage gas.

10. The balance column "Other solid fuel" includes data on types of solid fuel, including peat, peat fuel briquettes and semi-briquettes, firewood for heating, solid domestic and industrial waste.

11. The balance column "Hydropower and renewable energy sources" includes data on electrical energy produced at installations that use non-traditional and renewable energy resources as primary resources, including hydraulic, geothermal, solar, wind power plants.

12. The balance column "Nuclear Energy" shall include data on electrical and thermal energy produced at nuclear power plants.

13. The balance column "Electrical energy" shall include data on electrical energy produced at power plants, which are summarized in this column in lines 10 - 19.

14. The balance column "Thermal Energy" shall include data on thermal energy produced by thermal and nuclear power plants, boiler houses, utilization plants, as well as received from geothermal sources, non-traditional and renewable energy sources and intended for consumption by consumers of thermal energy.

15. The balance column "Total" shall include the results of summing up data on the types of energy resources accounted for in columns 1 - 9.

16. Balance lines should be divided into three blocks:

The block "Energy resources" includes data on the production of energy resources on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal formation), on the import of energy resources into the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal formation), on the export of energy resources from the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal formation) and on changes in stocks;

The block "Transformation of energy resources" includes data on the transformation of one type of energy resources into others, on the costs of energy resources in the process of transformation, for own needs and data on the losses of energy resources during their production and transmission;

The block "Final consumption of energy resources" includes data on the consumption of energy resources by end consumers.

17. In the line of the balance sheet "Production of energy resources", data on the amount of all types of energy received or produced from natural resources located on the territory of a subject of the Russian Federation (municipal formation) are taken into account.

18. The balance line "Import" shall take into account data on the import into the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal formation) of all energy resources indicated in columns 1 - 4 and the column "Electric energy".

19. In the line of the balance "Export" data on the amount of all energy resources exported from the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation (municipal formation) are taken into account.

20. In the balance sheet line "Change in stocks", data on changes in the stocks of primary energy resources indicated in columns 1 - 4 are taken into account. Moreover, if stocks at the end of the year are less important than at the beginning of the year, then the value of stocks of energy resources increases by this amount ; if the value of energy resources at the end of the year exceeds the value of energy resources at the beginning of the year, then the volume of resources is reduced by this value.

21. In the balance line "Primary energy consumption", the results of summing up the data of lines 1 - 4 are taken into account. Each column includes data on the gross consumption of primary energy and its equivalents, calculated as the sum of indicators for lines 1 - 4.

22. The balance line "Statistical discrepancy" reflects the difference between the sum of the indicators of line 5 and the sum of the indicators of lines 7 - 12.

23. In the line of the balance sheet "Production of electrical energy", data on the consumption of all types of energy resources used for the generation of electrical energy are taken into account on the basis of data from a single-product balance of electrical energy.

24. In the balance line "Production of thermal energy", data on the consumption of all types of energy resources, including electric energy used to generate thermal energy, are taken into account on the basis of data from a single-product balance of thermal energy.

Balance lines 8.1 - 8.3 take into account data on the generation of thermal energy for three groups of production plants. Line 8.1 takes into account data on the generation of thermal energy at block stations, industrial thermal power plants and public thermal power plants for the purpose of supplying heat to consumers of thermal energy supplied in the form of hot water and steam, including the generation of thermal energy in the mode of combined heat and power generation. Line 8.2 takes into account data on all heat energy generated in boiler houses in the form of hot water and steam, including industrial boiler houses. Line 8.3 takes into account data on thermal energy generated in electric boiler houses and in thermal utilization plants.

25. In the balance line "Fuel Conversion" data on the consumption of all types of energy resources processed into secondary energy resources, accounted for in columns 1 - 5 and energy costs for this conversion, including electrical and thermal energy, accounted for in columns 6 - 9 .

Balance lines 9.1 - 9.3 take into account data on transformation processes in three groups of types of energy resources. Balance line 9.1 takes into account data on the consumption of energy resources in the process of converting oil into other types of energy resources, including electrical and thermal energy, including data on the loss of crude oil during processing. When filling in the specified line of the balance to obtain data on the amount of oil converted into other types of energy resources, data on primary oil refining and the release of certain types of oil products are used. At the same time, data on the irretrievable losses of crude oil, the release of petroleum products that are not used as fuel are excluded from the total volume of primary oil refining. Balance line 9.2 takes into account data on the consumption of energy resources for gas conversion and data on gas losses during its processing, and in balance line 9.3 - data on the consumption of energy resources for coal enrichment and data on coal losses during enrichment and coke production.

26. In the balance line "Own needs" data on the consumption of energy resources for own needs are taken into account.

27. The line of the balance sheet "Transmission losses" takes into account data on losses incurred during the transfer of energy resources, including losses of electrical energy in electrical networks, losses of thermal energy in thermal networks, losses of oil and gas during transportation through main oil and gas pipelines , coal and other solid hydrocarbons (paraffin, ceresin and ozokerite and their mixtures with oils) during their transportation by rail or other modes of transport, loss of petroleum feedstock during the transportation of petroleum products.

28. In the balance line "Final consumption of energy resources" the sum of lines from 13 to 19 is indicated.

29. In the line of the balance sheet "Industry" the itemization by type of economic activity is indicated according to the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activity (OKVED). The value indicated in the line "Industry" is the sum of lines 14.1 - 14.p. When accounting for energy consumption, these lines do not take into account data on the consumption of energy resources at combined heat and power plants and boiler houses, which are accounted for in the line "Production of electrical energy" and in the line "Production of thermal energy".

30. The "Construction" line of the balance sheet takes into account data on energy consumption in the process of construction, reconstruction, demolition of civil and industrial capital construction facilities and installation of equipment at these facilities, as well as data on the consumption of energy resources in the process of exploratory drilling of wells.

31. In the line of the balance "Transport and Communications" data on the consumption of energy resources by transport organizations, with the allocation of railway, pipeline, road and other types of transport, and communication organizations are indicated.

32. In the line of the balance sheet "Service sector", data on the consumption of energy resources by organizations in the service sector are taken into account.

33. In the balance line "Population", data on the consumption of energy resources for heating, hot water supply, electricity supply, gas supply of the housing stock are taken into account.

34. In the balance line "Use of fuel and energy resources as raw materials and for non-fuel needs", data on the consumption of energy resources as raw materials in the chemical or other industry are taken into account.

35. To recalculate fuel and energy into tons of conventional fuel, the unit of physical indicators in which energy resources are calculated (1 ton, thousand cubic meters, thousand kWh, Gcal) is multiplied by the conversion factor into equivalent fuel based on the actual fuel calories. If it is impossible to determine the actual calorific value of the fuel, the conversion factor to standard fuel is determined in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to this Procedure.

III. Sources of information for compiling fuel and energy balances

36. To fill in the lines and columns of the balance sheet, official statistical information is used, aggregated according to the primary statistical data of the forms of federal statistical observation specified in paragraphs 37 - 48 of this Procedure, which is provided by Rosstat in the form of reports in the prescribed manner.

37. The volume of production and the structure of consumption of electrical energy in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is established according to the report in the form of federal statistical observation No. 23-N "Information on the production and distribution of electrical energy" (for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation), as well as No. 24-energy " Electric balance and report on the operation of power plants (electric generator sets)"; No. 6-TP (IES) "Information on the operation of electric networks", PE "Information on the operation of power plants (electric generator sets) owned by organizations that are not related to mining, manufacturing, production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water".

38. The volumes of electric energy generation by different groups of electric power plants, as well as the volumes of fuel for the production of electric and thermal energy, determining the consumption of electric energy for the own needs of power plants are established according to the report in the form of federal statistical observation No. 6-TP "Information on the operation of a thermal power plant ", No. 6-TP (IES) "Information on the operation of electric networks", PE "Information on the operation of power plants (electric generating sets) on the balance sheet of organizations not related to mining, manufacturing, production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water".

39. The volumes of electric power generation at hydraulic stations and the distribution of electric power generation by individual stations are established according to the data of the federal statistical observation form No. 6-TP (hydro) "Information on the operation of a hydroelectric power station".

40. The final data on the consumption of energy resources for certain types of products are determined according to the data of the report according to the form of federal statistical observation No. 11-TER "Information on the use of fuel, heat and electric energy for the production of certain types of products, works (services)".

41. Volumes of heat energy production by groups of boiler houses, by types of fuel used in boiler houses, on losses of heat energy and its consumption by the population, budgetary organizations and other organizations are established according to the data of federal statistical observation form No. 1-TEP "Information on the supply of heat energy".

42. The final data on the consumption of fuel and thermal energy by type of economic activity, fuel reserves at consumer enterprises, its supply to the population are determined according to the report on the form of federal statistical observation No. 4-TER "Information on the balances, receipt and consumption of fuel and energy resources, collection and use of waste oil products".

43. The volumes of consumption of heat and electric energy by the population are established according to the report on the form of federal statistical observation No. 46-EE (transmission) "Information on the supply (transfer) of electricity by distribution grid organizations to certain categories of consumers" and No. 46-TE (useful supply) " Information on the useful supply (sale) of electrical (thermal) energy and power to certain categories of consumers.

44. The volumes of consumption of network and liquefied gas by the population and in public buildings are established according to the data of the federal statistical observation form No. 22-ZhKH "Information on the work of housing and communal organizations in the context of the reform."

45. The volumes of production, own consumption and changes in the reserves of energy resources are established according to the data of the federal statistical observation form No. 1-nature "Information on the production and shipment of industrial products".

46. ​​The volumes of shipment of petroleum products to consumers and the geography of their exports are established according to the data of the form of federal statistical observation No. 1-nefteproduct (urgent) "Information on the shipment of petroleum products to consumers."

47. Volumes of export of fuel outside the subject of the Russian Federation should be established according to the form of federal statistical observation No. 1-export "Information on the export of products (goods)".

48. Volumes of consumption and fuel reserves are established according to the data of the form of federal statistical observation No. 4-reserves (urgent) "Information on fuel reserves".

49. Local governments draw up fuel and energy balances based on the data they have.

IV. Stages of drawing up a balance

50. The balance sheet is drawn up in several stages.

51. At the first stage, data is collected from reports on the forms of federal statistical observation specified in paragraphs 37 - 48 of this Procedure.

52. At the second stage, the determination of energy consumption for the production of industrial products, the necessary aggregation of indicators by type of fuel is carried out.

53. At the third stage, a comparative analysis of data of the same name from different forms of federal statistical reporting and the determination of the main causes of discrepancies, methods of mutual linking of data and the selection of data to be included in the balance sheet are carried out.

54. At the fourth stage, one-product balances of coal, crude oil, liquid fuels, natural gas, other solid fuels, electricity and heat are developed, minimizing statistical discrepancies.

55. At the fifth stage, the data of single-product balances are combined into a single fuel and energy balance and the balance data is checked.

56. The balance sheet must be completed no later than October 1 of the year following the reporting year for which the balance is being drawn up.

V. Development of single-product balances of energy resources

57. Single-product balances of energy resources include:

Coal balance;
crude oil balance;
balance of oil products (and separate one-product balances for each oil product);
natural gas balance;
balance of other solid fuels;
balance of electrical energy;
thermal energy balance.

58. Single-product balances of energy resources are developed in the form of a table according to the model in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Procedure.

59. Single-product balances of energy resources are developed in natural units of measurement in accordance with the data of federal statistical reporting forms in accordance with paragraphs 16 - 35 of this Procedure for each group of energy resources specified in paragraph 57 of this Procedure.

Ph.D. I.A. Bashmakov, Executive Director of the Center for the Efficient Use of Energy (CENEF), Moscow

The practice of forming the energy balance in Russia

The basis of the methodological approach to the analysis of the potential for energy savings and to the development of comprehensive long-term programs for energy saving and energy efficiency is the use of a unified (consolidated) fuel and energy balance (IFEB) 1 .

The theoretical concept of the energy balance was scientifically developed in the USSR already in the 1930s. In 1958, the reporting energy balance for the USSR for 1955 and forecast balances for 1958-1965 were developed. For many years, an extremely reduced energy balance was regularly drawn up, in which the use of primary energy resources was calculated only for two directions of consumption: a) for conversion into other types of energy and b) for production, technological and other needs (including losses).

The balances developed in this way can only serve as a means for checking the mutual linkage of the production of individual types of energy with the needs for them, but by no means a means for substantiating technical policy in all areas of the energy economy. 2 . There was no accounting for the use of fuel and electricity for the purposes of the final destination.

In parallel with the development of the doctrine of the energy balance in the USSR, abroad began to form first rather aggregated, and then more and more detailed unified energy balances in the context of primary and supplied energy. They were developed both in individual countries and by a number of international organizations (UN, International Energy Agency, etc.). These developments, to a greater extent than the efforts of the State Planning Commission or the Central Statistical Administration, reflected the provisions of the "teaching on a single energy balance" that were expressed by leading Soviet experts.

In Russia, until recently, when developing strategic documents that determine the development of the fuel and energy complex, the practice of compiling archaic insufficiently interconnected balances of “boiler and furnace fuel”, “motor fuel” and “electricity” continued. Neither the Energy Strategy of Russia for the period up to 2020, developed and adopted by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1234-r dated August 28, 2003, nor the Energy Strategy of Russia for the period up to 2030, developed in presented by IFEB.

This is despite the fact that already in 1988-1990. the first works appeared with IFEB estimates for the USSR, compiled according to the methodology that was used at that time by the IEA with some of its modifications. Reporting balances were built for 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1985, as well as forecast balances for 1990, 1995 and 2000. These balances were built for international comparisons of the unified energy balance of the USSR, USA and Western Europe 3 .

Already in modern Russia these studies were extended to Russian regions. The methodological approaches laid down earlier in the formation of the IFEB for the country as a whole were developed. This made it possible already in the first works on the formation of the IFEB of individual regions to form them with a much more detailed disaggregation of the energy conversion block and the final consumption block on the basis of official statistics forms.

In 2007, the Ministry of Industry and Energy released the project " methodological recommendations on the formation of regional predictive fuel and energy balances, monitoring their implementation and the procedure for interaction between federal and regional executive authorities of the Russian Federation in organizing this work. However, there were many complaints about this document. It does not contain recommendations on how to form balance blocks for fuel conversion and final consumption; there is no balance of thermal energy at all; diesel power plants and new renewable energy sources are not singled out in the electricity production balance, there is no “consumption” line in the oil balance at all, and in our country crude oil is still directly consumed in boiler houses, in industry; there is no statistical discrepancy in the balance sheet. That is, this is a method of forming traditional Soviet balance sheets, where it is not at all clear how energy resources are used. Soviet forms are taken as a basis, therefore there are such terms as "domestic republican" consumption. The consolidated balance sheet is extremely primitive.

In 2007, within the framework of the TACIS project “Energy Efficiency at the Regional Level in the Kaliningrad, Arkhangelsk and Astrakhan Regions”, the author, together with CENEf staff, formed dynamic IFEB for these three regions for 2000-2006. and, based on them, built a model for forecasting all elements of the IFEB for the period up to 2020. As part of this work, a “Quick Guide to Using the ENERGYBAL Model” was prepared and for the first time the technology for forming the IFEB based on Russian statistical reporting data was described 4 .

Employees of CENEf under the leadership of the author built the IFEB for 2000-2006. and forecast for different scenarios for 2007-2020. for 28 regions and for Russia as a whole and developed procedures for compiling regional forecasts. In 2011, CENEf developed energy balances for all subjects of the Russian Federation for 2010.

According to the requirements of the federal laws of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ "On energy saving and on improving energy efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" and of July 27, 2010 No. 190-FZ "On heat supply", the development of regional IFEB became mandatory. However, a unified methodological basis for their formation has not been legally formalized. Therefore, in the regional programs developed in 2010, the quality of energy balances is very different.

Why do we need a unified fuel and energy balance of the region?

The IFEB is necessary to understand for what purposes certain energy resources are spent, how they are transformed from one form to another, in which sectors of the economy and in what proportions they are consumed. IFEB is also required for:

  • analysis and forecast of energy efficiency improvement indicators, factors and reasons for their change;
  • developing and monitoring energy efficiency programs;
  • development of energy strategies, energy development programs of the country and regions;
  • analysis of energy security levels and the formation of energy resource deficits;
  • analysis of the dynamics, factors and causes of changes in GRP energy consumption and GRP energy intensity, including the use of decomposition methods;
  • development of models for forecasting energy consumption in conjunction with models for forecasting the development of the regional economy, etc.

IFEB integrates the balances of production and consumption of individual energy carriers. This allows you to reflect in one table all the most important energy relationships and proportions:

  • show the role of individual energy resources in the energy balance;
  • show the role of individual sectors in the consumption of individual energy resources;
  • reflect the completeness of the interconnections of different systems of energy supply and energy consumption;
  • take into account the measure of their mutual complementarity and interchangeability;
  • improve the reliability of forecasting energy consumption parameters in industries and sectors of the economy, taking into account the presence of competition between various sectors of the economy for energy resources.

Tab. 1.

The concept of a unified fuel and energy balance

The degree of detail of the IFEB is determined by two main factors: the target setting for its use and the availability of the necessary statistical data. For the purposes of developing a comprehensive long-term energy saving and energy efficiency improvement program at the federal or regional levels, it is necessary to form an IFEB with a detailed presentation of energy consumption for the production of certain types of products, works, services, processes and energy services, broken down by certain types of energy carriers.

Russian statistics do not provide estimates of the IFEB, but allow the formation of sufficiently detailed IFEB with a certain accuracy.

The format of the “balance of energy resources” used by Rosstat has not changed since 1958. In last years only the detailing of energy consumption by type of economic activity in industry has been added. For the purposes of developing a comprehensive long-term energy saving and energy efficiency improvement program for federal level he is unsuitable.

The author took as a basis the IFEB format of the International Energy Agency (IEA), adapted first to Soviet and then to Russian energy statistics (Table 1). It is represented by a matrix in which the intended purpose of the consumed energy resources is indicated vertically, and the types of primary energy resources and converted energy carriers are indicated horizontally. It should be considered as a mandatory section of the reporting and prospective energy balance of the country. It is this section that reflects the energy as a whole. 5 .

Integration of balances of production and consumption of individual energy carriers allows:

  • reflect the completeness of the interconnections of different systems of energy supply and energy consumption, take into account the measure of their mutual complementarity and substitutability, and thereby increase the reliability of forecasting energy consumption parameters in industries and sectors of the economy, taking into account the presence of competition between various sectors of the economy for energy resources;
  • reflect in one table all the most important energy links and proportions: the role of individual energy resources in the energy balance, the role of individual sectors in the consumption of individual energy resources.

Such a scheme for systematizing energy information makes it possible to take into account the evolution of the product and technological basis of production, and this allows both the analysis of the retrospective dynamics of specific technological coefficients for each sector and the analysis of technological prospects. The chosen approach makes it possible to develop a model of demand for energy carriers using hypotheses about the intensity of technological and product restructuring, as well as the influence of other factors, and to identify key technologies whose energy efficiency improvement can alleviate the energy shortage problem.

The features of the IFEB model taken as a basis are determined by the peculiarities of Russian energy statistics and the tasks for which the IFEB is being built. In Russian statistics on a limited list of activities, one can find data on the consumption of 21 types of fuels. The aggregation of this data depending on the tasks can be done in a different way. When developing consolidated programs for improving energy efficiency, it is sufficient to confine ourselves to the formation of the following groups: coal (hard coal; brown coal; shale; coal concentrate; coal briquettes; coke and coke breeze; combustible artificial blast-furnace gas; combustible artificial coke gas, metallurgical blast-furnace coke); crude oil, including gas condensate; oil products (dry stripped gas obtained during the processing of associated petroleum gas at gas processing enterprises; liquefied gas (propane-butane) obtained during the processing of associated petroleum gas and gas condensate; gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, fuel oil, domestic furnace fuel, obtained by processing of oil and gas condensate; other oil products); combustible natural gas (natural); other solid fuels (fuel peat; firewood for heating; peat briquettes and semi-briquettes; other solid fuels). The grouping of these resources may differ from one concept of IFEB formation to another. To solve individual problems, the list of energy carriers in the IFEB can be expanded to 23. The IFEB "assembly" procedure should be organized in such a way as to allow regrouping fuel types into other groups if necessary.

In the production of electricity, types of power plants can be distinguished (for example, state district power plants, thermal power plants, industrial thermal power plants, diesel power plants, hydroelectric power plants, nuclear power plants and pumped storage power plants, wind farms, etc.) and, if necessary - in regional programs - even individual large plants). In the production of thermal energy, the following can be distinguished: state district power plants and thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, boiler houses, systematized by type of fuel or by power, as well as heat recovery plants.

Thus, in the chosen IFEB concept, energy consumption in industry, agriculture, transport and housing is deciphered by types of products, works, processes and services. This is the main difference from the schemes of the IEA, Eurostat and the UN, where the breakdown is carried out by individual industries, or by type of economic activity. To analyze the technological aspect, the IEA and the European Union then still have to single out the production of energy-intensive products 6 . In the case of Russia, this is done immediately. Structuring information on energy-intensive products and works allows you to track the parameters of the technical efficiency of their production. When reflecting energy consumption in industry and other sectors of the economy, industrial and departmental power plants and boiler houses are not reflected, which are shown under the sections of the balance sheet "electricity production" and "heat production".

Table. 2. The main forms of statistical reporting,necessary for the formation of the reporting IFEB 7

Name of the statistical form

"1-TEK (oil)" (data on the operation of oil wells)

Data on oil production and oil movement (own needs, refining, changes in reserves, etc.)

"1-nature" (information about the production
and shipment of industrial products)

Production, own consumption and changes in fuel stocks

"1-gas" (Information on the use of network (liquefied) gas)

Data on the consumption of network and liquefied gas by the population, small consumers and budgetary organizations, as well as on gas losses

"1-auto-gasoline" (information on the production of petroleum products)

Data on volumes of oil refining and production of petroleum products

"1-TEP" (information on the supply of heat)

Information on the production of thermal energy by groups of boiler houses, by types of fuel used in boiler houses, on losses of thermal energy and on its consumption by the population, budgetary and other organizations

"1-nefteprodukt (information on the shipment of petroleum products to consumers)

Data on the shipment of petroleum products and the geography of their export

"1-export" (information on the export of products (goods))"

Information on the export of fuel outside the subject of the Russian Federation

"4-reserves (urgent)" (information about fuel reserves)

Fuel inventory and consumption data

"4-TER" (information on residues, receipt and consumption of fuel and heat, collection and use of waste oil products)

Used to determine the total scale of consumption different types fuel, changes in its reserves, supply of fuel to the population. Since 2007, it also contains fragmentary data on heat consumption.

"6-TP" (production of electric and thermal energy and use of fuel in the electric power industry)

The main source for determining both the volumes of electricity generation by different groups of stations, and for assessing and consuming fuel for the production of electricity and heat, and for determining the consumption of electricity for the own needs of power plants and in the formation of the IFEB. Used to form the fuel balance of power plants and district boiler houses, determine the supply of electrical and thermal energy

"11-TER" (information on the use of fuel, heat and electricity)

It is used to determine fuel consumption in the formation of the fuel balance for the production of electricity and heat; stations and district boiler houses; to form a balance of energy consumption in industry, agriculture, construction, public utilities and the population. In 2007, the form has undergone a number of changes. Some of its indicators fell into the 4-fuel form, and some simply disappeared from statistical records.

"22-ZhKH" (information about the work of housing and communal services in the context of the reform)

Contains information on the consumption of thermal energy, network and liquefied gas, as well as electricity by the population and public buildings.

Form 23-n (information on the production and distribution of electrical energy)

The main source of data on production volumes and the structure of electricity consumption.

Form 24 - energy (Electric balance and report on the operation of power plants (electric generating sets))

The main source of data on production volumes and the structure of electricity consumption by sectors of the economy and types of economic activity

CDU data on total electricity consumption from centralized power supply systems

Reliability of power balance data for 2005-2007. decreased in many regions. Therefore, it is important to cross-check the data on the total electricity consumption based on the CDU data.

"PE" (Information on the operation of power plants (electric generator sets) on the balance sheet of industrial organizations)

Data on the operation of power plants of industrial organizations

Energy balance of the Russian Federation

In addition to energy balance data, Rosstat data on the production of the most important energy carriers, their exports and imports are also used.

Rice. 1 . Structure of primary energy consumption in 2010

Main sources of information

The first step towards the development of a unified energy balance is the construction of a system of "single-product" balances. The word “single-product” is in quotation marks, since many of them reflect a family of energy sources and energy carriers that are related in one way or another. The following one-product balances are formed: coal, other types of solid fuel, crude oil, oil products; natural gas; electricity and thermal energy. Thus, the general energy system of the country is considered as an organic interaction of fuel, electricity and heat supply and the economy.

In the formation of single-product balances, only statistical data on the production and use of fuel, collected from the reporting forms of the State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, were used. The main sources of statistical information in the formation of reporting IFEB, starting from 2000, are the following forms of statistical reporting (Table 2).

The data from these forms is collected, processed, and on this basis the matrix of the unified fuel and energy balance is filled in for each year. The cells of the matrix shaded in gray (Table 1) are obtained not from primary statistical sources, but based on the sum of values ​​in a column or in a row. Cells left blank will not be populated. The minus sign means the use of one energy resource for the production of another, or losses during its transfer. The general logic of filling in the matrix is ​​by columns, which represent the balances of production and consumption of individual energy resources.

Assessment of the IFEB of Russia for 2010

The unified fuel and energy balance of the Russian Federation for 2010 is obtained as a result of integration into one table of balances of electric and thermal energy, natural gas, coal, liquid fuels, as well as other types of solid fuels (wood, peat, etc.) according to the described above the technology of its "assembly". IFEB makes it possible to present the whole picture of the country's energy sector in one table. The balance is calculated by the author on the basis of the data of the listed forms of official reporting generated by the Federal State Statistics Service. The database for reporting years is organized in the form of such balances for each year and in the form of dynamic tables of the IFEB.

The total production of primary fuel and energy resources in 2010 amounted to 1771.6 million tons of fuel equivalent, and the total consumption of primary energy - 950.1 million tons of fuel equivalent. That is, the balance of foreign trade in energy resources is almost half (46%) of the produced energy resources, mainly oil, oil products and natural gas.

In 2010, the main areas of energy consumption in Russia were industry (excluding fuel processing), electricity and heat generation (25%); losses in the production of electrical energy (18%); transport (16%); housing sector (16%); service sector (7%); non-energy needs (6%); losses during transmission and distribution of energy (5%). Each of the other sectors accounted for less than 3% (Figure 1).

Analysis of the dynamics of the structure of energy consumption in 2000-2010. showed that the services sector and the housing sector were the least vulnerable to the crisis reduction in energy consumption in 2009, and the industry, transport and electric power industry were the most vulnerable (Fig. 2). In 2010, primary energy consumption reached 98% of the pre-crisis maximum of 2008, and final energy consumption almost reached the level of 2008.

Rice. 2 . Dynamics of energy consumption by main sectors of the economy

Rice. 3 . Increases in energy consumption by main sectors of the economy in 2000-2010

Energy consumption grew most dynamically in 2000-2010. in transport (54% of the total increase) (Fig. 3). It was followed by losses in electricity generation, consumption for non-energy needs (oil and gas chemistry, etc.), the housing sector and the service sector.

However, in the transport sector, the state does little to curb the growth of energy consumption. An analysis of more than 70 regulations on energy efficiency adopted over the past three years showed an almost complete absence of an energy saving policy in transport.

Losses in electricity generation have increased due to the increase in electricity consumption in the country.

Russia succeeded in 2000-2010. to develop industrial production while reducing the consumption of energy resources (the "dicupling" effect). This was due to a decrease in the share of energy-intensive industries in industrial production.

Analysis of the dynamics of primary energy consumption and energy intensity of the Russian GDP in 1990-2010. showed an interesting paradox: in the absence of a federal policy to improve energy efficiency, energy intensity was rapidly declining, and immediately after its launch it stopped declining (Fig. 4).

In 1998-2008 Russia has broken into the world leaders in terms of the rate of decline in the energy intensity of GDP: this indicator has decreased by 42% and has declined by an average of more than 5% per year.

Rice. 4. Dynamics of Russian GDP, consumption of primary
energy resources and energy intensity of GDP in 1990-2010.

Rice. 5. Dynamics of energy intensity of GDP and Energy Efficiency Index (INEF) in 2000-2010 in Russia

in 2000-2010 (analysis by 44 sectors and sub-sectors and 8 factors)

The decrease in the energy intensity of GDP has largely neutralized the growth in energy consumption and has become the main energy resource for economic growth. Without progress in reducing energy intensity, Russia's energy consumption in 2008 would have been 73% above its actual level, and net energy exports would have fallen by 90%.

Why did the energy intensity of Russia's GDP decrease?

The energy intensity of GDP is influenced by technological and structural factors. The Energy Efficiency Index (INEF), which characterizes the technological factor (the level of development of advanced energy efficient technologies), in 2000-2010. decreased only by 9%, i.е. the contribution of the technological factor to the reduction in the energy intensity of GDP did not exceed 1% per year (Fig. 5). This is about the same as in developed countries. Reduce the technological gap with them in terms of energy efficiency in 2000-2010. almost failed. The implementation of the federal energy efficiency policy should be aimed at reducing the technological gap with the leading countries in order to increase the competitiveness of the Russian economy.

Reducing the energy intensity of GDP in 2000-2010 the following factors accounted for (Fig. 6):

  • shifts in the sectoral structure - 55%
  • shifts in the structure at the level of subsectors (in industry, in transport and in the housing sector) - 2%
  • changes in capacity utilization - 15%
  • price increase - 5%
  • improvement of equipment and technologies - 23%

The main factors behind the growth in energy intensity in 2009 were the structural shifts in the economy caused by the crisis and the reduction in capacity utilization, as well as colder weather than in 2008, while the decline in technological energy efficiency was accelerating.

The main factors behind the stabilization of energy intensity in 2010 were structural shifts in the economy, an increase in energy intensity, as well as even colder weather than in 2009. These factors were to a large extent neutralized by the increased utilization of production capacities during the recovery from the crisis.


The basis of the methodological approach to the analysis of the energy saving potential and to the development of comprehensive long-term energy saving and energy efficiency programs is the use of the unified fuel and energy balance model. The IFEB explicitly reflects the parameters of energy use in the production of the most energy-intensive products and services and in the transformation of energy carriers, which makes it possible to explicitly take into account the effects of changes in technology policy. For the purposes of developing a comprehensive long-term energy saving and energy efficiency improvement program at the federal and regional levels, it is necessary to form an IFEB with a detailed presentation of energy consumption for the production of certain types of products, works, services, processes and energy services, broken down by certain types of energy carriers. Russian statistics do not provide estimates of the IFEB, but allow the formation of sufficiently detailed IFEB with a certain accuracy. The approach proposed by the author to their construction based on the systematization and processing of official statistical information makes it possible to take into account the evolution of the product and technological basis of production in the analysis, and this allows both the analysis of the retrospective dynamics of specific technological coefficients for each sector and the analysis of the effects of the prospective technological modernization of the Russian economy .


1 L.A. Melentiev pointed to a tautology in the phrase "fuel and energy". The author fully agrees with this. However, due to the fact that in Russia such a service phrase is firmly established and one might even say rooted, it is accepted for use in this work.

2 Veits V.I., A.E. Probst and E.A. Rusakovsky. The problem of a unified energy balance of the national economy in the third five-year plan. // Planned economy. 1937, No. 9-10. S. 34.

3 P / ed. Bashmakova I.A. and A.A. Beschinsky. Comparative analysis of indicators of energy development and energy efficiency of the USSR, USA and Western Europe in 1970-2000. INEI. Moscow. 1990. v. 1. 225 p. and vol. 2. 223 p.; Bashmakov I.A., A. Beschinsky. D.B. Wolfberg. Comparative analysis of the development of energy in the USSR and the USA. Energy and transport. No. 4. 1988. pp. 28-37; Bashmakov I.A., N. Bogoslavskaya, T. Inauri, T. Klokova, E. Shitikov. Comparison of the structure of the unified energy balances of the USSR and the USA and Western Europe. Thermal power engineering. No. 9. 1989. pp.7-76; Bashmakov I.A., N. Bogoslavskaya, T. Klokova, T. Inauri, S. Molodtsov, U. Shitikov. Consumption of energy resources by branches of the fuel and energy complexes of the USSR, USA and Western Europe.« Energy behind abroad", No. 5, 1989. pp.1-6; Bashmakov. I. The structural changes in the USSR energy balance: 1970-2000. Energy Exploration and Exploitation. Vol. no. 1 and 2, 1990 UK. pp. 52-59.; Bashmakov I. and A.A. Makarov. The Soviet Union: A Strategy of energy development with Minimum Emission of Greenhouse Gases. PNNL. April 1990. 15 p.; Bashmakov I., A.A. Makarov. An energy development strategy for the USSR: Minimizing greenhouse gas emissions. energy policy. pp. 987-994; Bashmakov. I. Costs and benefits of CABOUT2 emission reduction in Russia. In "Costs, Impacts, and Benefits of CO2 Mitigation. Y. Kaya, N. Nakichenovich, W. Nordhouse, F. Toth Editors.IIASA. June 1993. pp.453-474.

4 Bashmakov I.A. Fuel and energy balance as a tool for analysis, forecasting and indicative planning of energy development. "Energy Policy", issue 2, 2007. p. 16-25.

5 L.A. Melentiev. Essays on the history of domestic energy. M., Nauka, 1987. S. 106-107.

6 Energy technology perspectives 2010. Scenarios and strategies to 2050. IEA/OECD. Paris. 2010; Energy technology transitions for industry. Strategies for the next industrial revolution. IEA/OECD. Paris. 2009; World Energy Outlook. 2011. IEA/OECD. Paris. 2011; Transport, energy and CO2. moving towards sustainability. OECD/IEA. 2009; Promoting energy efficiency investments. Case studies for residential sector. OECD/IEA. 2008; Tracking industrial energy efficiency and CO2 emissions. OECD/IEA. 2007;base dataODYSSEE.

7 The content of all these forms can be found on the website of the Federal State Statistics Service

M.S. GADZHIEV, M.I. PROSHINA DEVELOPMENT AND ANALYSIS OF THE FUEL AND ENERGY BALANCE OF THE COUNTRY Guidelines for the implementation of laboratory work on the course "Economics of the oil and gas industry" Edited by Assoc. F.R.Matveeva The purpose of the work is to familiarize students with the methods of analyzing the dynamics and structure of production, energy resources and the development of the fuel and energy balance. I. METHODOLOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS Modern energy is a complex system, covering a number of independent industries. It includes thermal, hydraulic and nuclear power plants, electrical and thermal networks, boiler houses, oil production, oil refining, gas, coal, shale and peat industries and some other industries. All these industries form a single, organically interconnected fuel and energy complex. The composition of these industries, their quantitative ratios and production relationships characterize the sectoral structure of the fuel and energy complex. It is constantly changing, reflecting the level of development of science, technology, economy, specifics of the country's energy policy and other factors. At the same time, the structure of production and consumption of thermal energy resources is also changing. The task is to determine the pace of development of the production of individual energy resources and related structural changes. When studying the structure, energy resources are grouped according to a number of criteria: according to the sources of production, energy carriers are divided into primary (coal, oil, natural gas, shale, peat, firewood, nuclear fuel, hydropower, solar energy, etc.) and secondary (energy resources obtained by processing or transformation of primary energy resources); on the basis of conservation of reserves, energy resources are divided into renewable (energy of water from rivers and sea tides, solar and wind energy, etc.) and non-renewable (coal, oil, gas, etc.); according to the scale and age of use, energy resources are divided into traditional or classical (oil, gas, coal, etc.) and non-traditional or new (solar energy and geothermal waters, biomass, etc.); according to the nature of energy production, energy resources are divided into fuel, which emit heat when burned (coal, oil, gas, etc.), and non-fuel (hydropower, wind power, geothermal heat, etc.) Various indicators are used to measure the amount of fuel, heat and energy - weight, volumetric, thermal, conditional, etc. So, the amount of oil, coal, shale is measured in tons, the amount of gas - in cubic meters, the amount of thermal energy - in kilocalories, the amount of electricity - in kilowatt-hours, etc. In the study of structural shifts and the development of fuel and energy balances, diverse units of measurement of various energy resources lead to a single meter, using thermal equivalence coefficients. As a single, generalizing measure of energy resources, a conditionally natural indicator is used - a ton of standard fuel (toe), which has a lower calorific value of 29.3 GJ/t (or 7000 kcal/kg). To recalculate natural fuel into conditionally natural fuel, the following formula can be used: Vnat. Qn Wusl. = = Vnat. Ke (1.1) 29.3 where Wusl. - amount of conditionally natural fuel, tce; Vnat. - amount of natural fuel, t (for gas - thousand cubic meters, for firewood - dense cubic meters); Qn. - net calorific value of this fuel, GJ/t (for gas - GJ/thousand cubic meters); Ke - coefficient of thermal equivalence. The thermal equivalence coefficient shows how many tons of standard fuel are contained in one ton of natural fuel. Its value is determined by the ratio of the net calorific value of one ton of natural fuel to the calorific value of one ton of conditionally natural fuel, i.e. Ke \u003d Qn: 29.3 (1.2). For example, one ton of high-quality coal from Kuzbass, which has a lower calorific value Qn = 27.33 GJ/t. is equivalent to 0.93 tce. (27.33:29.3). The initial information for calculating the thermal equivalence coefficient and its obtained values ​​are systematized in the form of a table. 1.1. Using the coefficient of thermal equivalence calculated by the formula, (see f.1.2.) Ke \u003d Qn: 29.3 natural meters of fuel and energy resources are recalculated into conditionally natural and summarized in Table. 1.1 The table consists of three parts: the first part shows the production of fuel and energy resources in physical terms, the second part - in conventional natural terms, and the third part - as a percentage of the annual total of the production of all energy resources, expressed in conventional natural meters. Table 1.1 Production of energy resources in countries by type billion kWh Electricity Primary m3 bn m3 Oil shale TOTAL Oil Firewood mt Coal mt mt mt mt Peat Years Gas In kind 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 In nominal terms, mtce .T. 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 As a percentage 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1.1, the average annual growth rates and growth in the production of energy resources for the period under review are calculated in the form of coefficients or in the form of percentages. The following formulas can be used to calculate them: n-1 n-1 Уn tp = ∆tp = Уn ─1 100% (1.3) У1 У1 and where tp is the coefficient of average annual growth in the production of energy resources for the period under review; ∆ tp is the percentage of the average annual increase in the production of energy resources in the period under review; Y1 and Yn - the volume of production of energy resources in the 1st and n - th year of the period; n is the number of years in the period under consideration. The third part of the table. 1.1 shows the structure of production of fuel and energy resources. It is characterized by the percentage ratio of certain types of energy resources in the total volume of their production in a given year. The structure of production of fuel and energy resources changes from year to year, reflecting changes in the growth rates of fuel extraction and electricity generation. It is necessary to analyze these changes over the period under review. Tab. 11 gives an idea of ​​the production of fuel and energy resources, but not of consumption. As is known, not all of the fuel and energy resources produced in a year are consumed within the country. A significant part of them is annually exported to other countries. There is also the import of a small amount of energy resources. Part of the energy resources produced during the year remains unused at the end of the year. Consequently, the amount of fuel and energy resources consumed annually in the country is , imports, exports, balances at the beginning of the year and balances at the end of the year of fuel and energy resources. In practice, these calculations are performed in the form of the following balance (Table 1.2). Similar balances are compiled for each energy resource (oil, gas, coal, electricity) and consolidated for all types of fuel and energy resources. Based on their analysis, the structure of consumption of fuel and energy resources is determined in conditionally natural meters (toe) and in percent. An analysis is also made of the consumption of energy resources in the areas of their use: generation of electricity, heat and compressed air; production and technological needs, etc. Table 1.3 Fuel and energy balance, mln.t.e. % I. Resources - total: 1. production and other income 2. imports 3. balances at the beginning of the year II. Distribution - total: 1. Spent - total: including: a) for the generation of electricity, heat energy and compressed air b) for production, technological and other needs (including losses during storage and transportation) 2. Export 3. Balances at the end of the year III. CONTENT AND PROCEDURE FOR PERFORMING THE LABORATORY WORK Variants of the initial data necessary for performing the laboratory work are given in the appendix. To perform laboratory work, the student must: 1. read the guidelines; 2. get a version of the task from the teacher; 3. write out the initial information; 4. calculate the coefficients of thermal equivalence; 5. Enter the initial information in Table 1.1 and calculate the second and third parts of this table; 6. to determine the average annual growth rates and growth of certain types of fuel and energy and their total production for a given period; 7. to analyze the structure of production of fuel and energy resources for the period under review; 8. draw up a fuel and energy balance (consolidated for all types of fuel and energy resources) in the form; tab. 1.2. analyze it. The order of performance of the work is illustrated by a specific example according to the initial data presented in Table. 2.1 and 2.2. Table 2.1 Types of fuel Extraction of fuel and production of heat and electric power (according to conventional year) fuel Ke I II III IV capacity GJ/t Oil, including gas condensate, million tons 585.6 603.2 608.8 612.6 41.90 Natural gas in billion cubic meters 406.6 435.2 465.3 500.7 34.57 Coal, million tons 718.7 716.4 704.0 718.1 19.63 Oil shale, million tons 37.1 37.4 36.9 35.2 9.38 Peat, million tons 39.9 21.5 37.2 24.7 9.96 Firewood, million square meters 78.1 76.9 77.4 79.0 8.79 Electricity, 226.8 256.8 272.3 270.4 9.58 billion kWh Table 2.2 Data for compiling the fuel and energy balance for ... a year Balance items mln.toe Import of energy resources 24.9 Export of energy resources 339.7 Balance of energy resources at the beginning of the year 188.7 Balance of energy resources at the end of the year 205.8 Energy resources spent on the generation of electricity, heat and compressed air 789.5 equivalence. The calculation results are summarized in Table 2.3. Table 2.3. Types of fuel Net calorific value Coefficient of thermal capacity GJ/t* equivalence Oil 41.9 1.43 Natural gas 34.57 1.18 Coal 19.63 0.67 Oil shale 9.38 0.32 Peat 9.96 0.34 Firewood 8 .79 0.30 Electricity (HPP and NPP) 9.58 0.327 *for gas - 1000 cubic meters; for firewood - sq. m. ; for electricity - 1000 kWh. 2. Fuel and energy resources, expressed in natural units of measurement (Table 2.1), are recalculated into standard fuel according to formula (1.1). The calculation results are summarized in Table. 2.4, where the percentage ratio of individual types of fuel and energy in the total result of their production is also determined. Table 2.4. Extraction of fuel and production of electricity (HPP, NPP) bln.k Electricity mln. million tons million tons Firewood Coal Total million tons Years Peat Wh. Gas In kind I 586.6. 406.6 718.7 37.1 39.9 78.1 226.8 II 603.2 435.2 716.4 37.4 21.5 76.9 256.8 III 606.8 465.3 704.0 36.9 37.2 77, 4 272.3 IV 612.6 - 500.7 718.1 35.2 24.7 79.0 270.4 I 834.4 479.8 481.5 11.9 13.6 23.4 74.2 1918.8 II 862.6 513.5 480.0 12.0 7.3 23.1 84.0 1962.5 III 870.6 549.0 471 .1 11.8 12.6 23.2 89.0 2027.9 IV 876.0 590.8 461.1 11.3 8.4 23.7 88.4 2079.7 In percent I 43.5 25.0 25.1 0.6 0.7 1.2 3.9 100 II 43.5 25.9 24.2 0.6 0.4 1.2 4.2 100 III 42.9 27.1 23.3 0.6 0.6 1, 1 4.4 100 IV 42.1 28.4 23.1 0.5 0.4 1.1 4.4 100 according to formulas (1.3) - the coefficient of the average annual growth in the production of all energy resources 4 ─1 tp = 2079.7 1918.8 = 1.027 - the percentage of the average annual increase in the production of all energy resources ∆ tp = 4─1 2079.7 ─ 1 100% = 2.7% 1918.8 4. Structural shifts in the production of fuel and energy resources for the years under consideration are analyzed. From the third part of the table. 2.4 shows that for I - IV years. the share of oil in the production of fuel and energy resources decreased from 43.5 to 42.1%, the share of coal - from 25.1 to 23.1%, and the share of natural gas increased from 25.0 to 28.4% and electricity ( HPPs and NPPs) - from 3.9 to 4.4%. The share of other energy resources (oil shale, peat and firewood) decreased from 2.5% to 2.0%. These figures reflect the general trend in the development of the country's fuel and energy complex, which is envisaged by the energy program of the USSR for the long term. 5. The fuel and energy balance for the year (consolidated for all types of energy resources) is compiled in the form indicated in Table. 1.3. To compile it, formula (1.4) and the data in Table 1 are used. 2.2 and 2.4. The calculation results are summarized in Table. 2.5. From the table. 2.5 of the data shows that 90.7% of all fuel and energy resources come from production. Import is a little over 1%. 76.2% of all resources are spent domestically. Of these, 41.8% goes to production and technological needs and 34.4% - to the generation of electricity, heat and compressed air. About 15% of fuel and energy is exported to other countries. Table 2.5 Fuel and energy balance for ..... year. Balance items mln.toe % I. Resources – total: 2293.3 100 1. production and other receipts. 2079.7 90.7 2. imports 24.9 1.1 3. balances at the beginning of the year 188.7 8.2 II. Distribution - total: 2293.3 100 4. Spent - total: 1747.8 76.2 including: a) for the generation of electricity, heat and compressed air 789.5 34.4 b) for production, technological and other needs (including losses during storage and transportation) 958.3 41.8 5. Export 339.7 14.8 6. Balance at the end of the year 205.8 9.0 III. LABORATORY REPORT. The laboratory work report should include the initial data, the purpose of the work, a brief description of the task and research method, calculation formulas and tables with the results of calculations, conclusions and conclusions. Annex 1.