Why do we need compression stockings during childbirth - choice, application. Bag to the hospital: what underwear will be needed after childbirth How to wear compression stockings before childbirth

Let's try to figure out why compression stockings are needed after childbirth. Many mothers suffer from varicose veins. This is due to the increased load on the legs in the last months of pregnancy, as well as due to the formation of blood clots during the birth process. Gynecologists-obstetricians, in order to prevent complications, prescribe medical accessories to reduce blood pressure in the veins. They stimulate blood circulation, thereby preventing the formation of puffiness and blood stasis.

For women who have never suffered from vascular diseases, this type of medical underwear is necessary for prevention. An excellent option is a simple medical hosiery without strong pressure. It is allowed to replace this type of knitwear with ordinary elastic bandages.

Expectant mothers suffering from varicose veins or other pathologies should purchase specialized stockings that create uniform compression along the entire length of the leg. The attending physician can choose them correctly. The fair sex with varicose veins should wear them during pregnancy, childbirth, and after the birth of a child.

They contribute:

  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • preventing the formation of stagnation and blood clots;
  • distribute pressure evenly.

Women after a caesarean section are allowed to take off their hosiery only after she is allowed to get up and walk around the ward.

How long should I wear compression stockings after giving birth? If they passed without problems, they can be removed after 24 hours. If varicose veins occur - after a couple of weeks, when the doctor prescribes a special therapeutic jersey.

Properties and classes

When purchasing textiles with a compression effect, you should pay attention to quality. It should not have any seams and it should be made of fabric with a natural composition. To choose the right model, you should be aware that they are distributed according to classes, sizes, types.

You can buy stockings only in specialized stores. Unlike ordinary textile products, these accessories for the treatment of thrombosis and other pathologies are divided into 4 classes.

  1. The first class includes accessories that create pressure on the legs up to 23 mm Hg. Art. They are used when varicose asterisks appear on the legs, pain and fatigue at the end of the day.
  2. In the second class - up to 33 mm Hg. Art. With their help, pregnant women treat thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.
  3. In the third grade, squeezing the legs - up to 45 mm Hg. Art. They are prescribed by a phlebologist if the patient has severe venous insufficiency in violation of trophism.
  4. The fourth class creates pressure up to 50 mm. rt. Art. It is used for violations of the lymph flow, eliminating severe swelling.

In stores, you can also see preventive products with compression. The task of such underwear is to prevent the appearance of varicose veins, swelling and other problems with the vascular system.

For those who had problems with the circulatory system even before pregnancy, you should definitely wear hosiery with compression. It is not recommended to choose on your own. The gynecologist leading you should attribute and select.


There are three types of this underwear:

  • knee socks;
  • hosiery;
  • tights;
  • special elastic bandage.

Golfs are designed for girls who have problems with the calf. The downside is the inharmonious combination with a skirt or dress. They are comfortable to wear under pants.

Hosiery is almost ideal for a future mother.

They cover completely problem areas, look good on the leg and it is convenient to go to the toilet. There is a minus, they do not hold well and when they slide, the correct uniform compression is violated.

Tights in relation to stockings are much more comfortable. It is good to stay on the leg, they do not slip and constantly provide the necessary compression. But there is a drawback - squeezing the abdomen.

Compression elastic bandage is not as popular as previous types of underwear. And it is rarely prescribed by doctors.


When buying products to prevent the appearance of varicose veins and swelling, you need to know its size. To do this, you need to make measurements:

  • girth of the upper part of the thigh and its middle;
  • circumference of the lower leg, knee, ankle;
  • distance from the foot to the knee;
  • distance from the foot to the top of the thigh.

You can take measurements yourself. But if they were attributed in the last stages of pregnancy, it may be difficult to measure, so it would be better if a phlebologist does this.

Why choose the optimal size of knitwear that creates compression? Compression of the leg occurs gradually. It is reinforced near the foot, but the closer to the thigh, the weaker. This promotes good blood circulation and prevents congestion in the veins. On the packaging of medical underwear, all the parameters for the correct selection are indicated.

If a girl has long graceful legs with a foot size of 38-39 cm, she will need a size S. For those who have a foot of 34-36 cm, this size will be inconvenient. Practical knitwear with open socks.

Duration of use

Stockings in the hospital are put on at home. It will be inconvenient for a pregnant woman to do this on her own, it is desirable that someone from her relatives help her. In the absence of relatives, midwives will help to dress them.

Probably, many women have a question - do I need to take them off at night? In the prone position, there is no strong pressure on the limbs, so it is allowed to remove before going to bed. In rare cases, you can leave stockings on your legs, for example, if the girl is traveling and there is no way to undress. How long to wear compression accessories without removing? If there are no prescriptions from the doctor, then two days, but no more.

It is impossible to specifically answer the question of how long to wear compression stockings after childbirth, because it depends on the state of health and the duration of the recovery period of the expectant mother. Most often this happens on the 3rd-5th day, but if there are health problems then they are replaced by a class higher or lower. Thus, a smooth transition is obtained without a sharp pressure drop.

Is it necessary to wear medical hosiery with compression for overweight women? Definitely yes.

They are at risk for problems with blood vessels during the birth of a child. The use of medical knitwear is also necessary for expectant mothers who have problems with the cardiovascular system, diabetes or blood clotting.

Compression stockings should not be removed immediately after the baby is born, especially for women who have had a caesarean section. They can be exchanged for a product with less compression.

Many representatives of the weaker sex throw away medical knitwear for legs after birth. Do not do this, because it can still come in handy. It can be used to prevent varicose veins. After all, this disease affects not only pregnant women, but also women who have a sedentary job, for example, accountants, economists, technologists, and so on.

Why wear during childbirth

So, why bring pressure-generating accessories to your birth? First, they prevent the occurrence of thrombosis during the birth of a child. Secondly, it prevents the appearance of edema. Thirdly, they increase the tone of blood vessels, which helps to avoid complications when the baby is born.

They should be worn to prevent pathologies:

  • before and after caesarean section;
  • to combat edema;
  • to reduce the load on the legs;
  • to reduce seizures;
  • with vascular networks.

If a pregnant woman does not suffer from vascular diseases, then stockings are needed for preventive, not therapeutic. Even when the pregnancy passed without complications and complaints about the legs, the doctor may recommend putting them on for childbirth in order to evenly distribute blood pressure in the vessels.

Instructions for use

For high performance, pregnant women need to know a few nuances of using this jersey:

  • Before you buy hosiery with compression, you need to consult a phlebologist who will confirm or refute fears about varicose veins, as well as tell you how and how much to wear.
  • It is selected only according to individual measurements of a pregnant woman. Weight and height don't really matter. With the help of a centimeter, the girth of the ankle, lower leg, knee, middle and upper thigh is recognized.
  • They don't have any seams. It is made from natural material, most often it is cotton. The addition of synthetics is allowed, but in small quantities. Pay attention to the packaging, it must have the RAL mark on it, which says that the product complies with the European standard and has a certificate.

Thus, medical accessories are necessary not only before and during the birth of the baby, but also after. Now manufacturers are trying to make medical accessories more attractive, so that they practically do not differ from ordinary stockings. In specialized stores you can find a considerable assortment of goods that differ in color, density, size.

Compression stockings can emphasize the slimness of the legs and hide their shortcomings. Take care of yourself and your feet!

Compression stockings for childbirth able to prevent the development of diseases associated with blood vessels. The moment of the birth of a child is long-awaited and exciting for every woman. But it is at this moment that the body of the expectant mother is subjected to heavy loads. An exacerbation of a chronic disease may begin and the development of varicose veins may appear. Therefore, it is necessary to take the necessary measures and try to minimize these consequences. Doctors recommend using special knitwear, it is called compression. It tightens and thus can reduce the load on the veins of the legs. Use it for .

Are compression stockings necessary for childbirth? If your doctor recommends that you use special compression stockings during childbirth, you should use this. You can avoid enlargement of the veins, and reduce the load on the vessels at the time of labor.

What are special stockings

Compression stockings are made from a special material. It is quite dense, but at the same time elastic. They will hug your legs but not get in the way. The muscles are in good shape, the blood circulates properly through the veins. There will be no swelling. All these factors contribute to the prevention of venous disease.

Fabric properties for the manufacture of compression stockings:

  1. Easily restores its original dimensions;
  2. Breathable, the skin in these stockings will not sweat;
  3. Does not cause allergies, irritation;
  4. The fabric is environmentally friendly;
  5. Durable and elastic.
It consists of lycra, cotton and rubber threads, microfiber.

You have to learn how to dress them. During pregnancy, stockings are worn in the morning immediately after waking up. You don't need to stretch the fabric too much. Gather the upper part into your hand and gradually straighten it all over the leg, starting from the foot.

What are compression garments used for?

If a woman is prone to varicose veins or this disease has already been diagnosed, take protective measures at the time of the birth of the child. To do this, use compression stockings for childbirth. They need to be worn when labor is occurring. In this case, the load from the hips will be transferred to the lower leg. Improve blood circulation and prevent stagnation. The muscles of the legs will be in good shape and will be able to productively help at the time of the birth of the child.

Compression stockings are made from a durable material. It is recommended to wear it when the first contractions appear. The fabric is made in such a way that the interlacing of the threads allows you to make the product without seams. Therefore, they do not rub the skin. It is better to dress them with outside help.

It is recommended to wear stockings not only at the time of the birth of the child, but for some time after that. They are used as preventive measures for the appearance of varicose veins and stretch marks. Diseases associated with the formation of blood clots are practically incurable. And compression stockings after childbirth can help you in the fight against this disease.

At the first birth, varicose veins appear in 30% of young mothers. With repeated, this figure increases to 50%.

The first signs of varicose veins:

  1. Small vessels become visible and visible through the skin;
  2. You will begin to feel pain, aching character;
  3. You will have heaviness in your legs.
These sensations appear during pregnancy. They will be noticeable if you have experienced the first manifestations of varicose veins. As the disease progresses, surgery may be needed. Compression knitwear will help to avoid such consequences and prevent the appearance of stretch marks after childbirth.

How to choose stockings

Talk to your doctor about buying compression stockings for childbirth. They are sold from various manufacturers and differ in the degree of compression. There is also a difference in size and color.

Features of special jersey for pregnant women:

  1. A special soft insert is made in the abdomen, this is necessary so that there is no pressure on it;
  2. Special underwear does not differ in dens. Depending on the density of knitwear, its compression will be determined, which is measured in millimeters of mercury;
  3. Modern technologies make it possible to calculate the physiological load;
  4. When used every day, they do not change their qualities for 6 months.
What are the best compression stockings for childbirth? Compression stockings must be perfectly clean. Purchase new ones or properly prepare those used during pregnancy. Pick up the size so that you do not experience discomfort when using. Color does not matter much, the main thing is the properties of the fabric used.

How to choose compression stockings for childbirth? To choose the right size, you need to measure:

  1. Ankle circumference;
  2. Calf circumference;
  3. thigh circumference;
  4. Length.
The size of the shoes must also be taken into account. After taking these measurements, you can determine the size. If protruding veins and vessels are not observed, prophylactic compression stockings can be used.

Compression stockings for childbirth can prevent the development of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

During pregnancy and childbirth, there is a possibility of developing these diseases, which are difficult to treat. To avoid unpleasant consequences, special stockings will help with their preventive properties.. You need to wear them all day and take them off at night. They will also be effective during childbirth to ease the load on the vessels of the legs.

Getting ready for the maternity hospital is an important and exciting moment for every expectant mother. And if everything is very clear with the documents - their list can be found on the website of any maternity hospital, then it is not so easy to figure out the underwear that a mother needs during her stay in the maternity hospital. What items should a maternity hospital bag contain so that the mother feels comfortable and confident in the first days after childbirth?

How to choose a nursing bra: material and size

The first thing that a future mother needs to purchase on the eve of childbirth is this. This is exactly the thing that will be difficult to pick up and bring to the hospital for relatives.

Literally two or three days after childbirth, a woman begins to produce milk, and her breasts can increase significantly in volume. In order to avoid the appearance of stretch marks, prevent clothes from getting wet, and most importantly, for the convenience of feeding the baby, you will need a special nursing bra. Unlike the usual, this bra has detachable cups. And here a reasonable question arises: how to choose the right bra if it is not known how much the breasts will increase after childbirth?

“Indeed, this is one of the most common questions on women's forums,” says Lyudmila Vladimirovna Egorova, deputy director of the Fast company. - It is better to buy a nursing bra at the end of pregnancy - not earlier than 7-8 months, when the breasts are almost ready to produce milk and approach their maximum volumes. If you decide to opt for a bra with a rigid molded cup (made from a single piece and following the natural shape of the breast), such a bra should be taken one size larger than at the time of fitting. Please note that no underbust volume is required! For example, if the expectant mother at the 8th month of pregnancy has a bra size of 75C, then it is better to take 75D to the maternity hospital. But in a bra with a soft cup, which contains elastane, the fabric itself can adapt to the increased volume of the breast. This bra is no longer needed to take on the size.

What else you need to pay attention to when choosing underwear for feeding?

- A nursing bra should not have hard underwires that cause pain and discomfort, so it is better to choose a bra with special soft underwires, or without them at all, for example, a seamless cotton top. It is very comfortable to sleep and feed the baby in it day and night, - adds Lyudmila Vladimirovna. - Remember, using postpartum underwear at night will help keep your breasts in shape!

When choosing a nursing bra, be sure to pay attention to its material. The high content of cotton in the composition allows the linen to breathe and does not cause allergic reactions. But the material must be not only breathable, but also elastic in order to adapt to the daily fluctuations of milk. Such a material is modern microfiber, which is widely used today for the production of postpartum underwear.

Postpartum bandage: how to wear and when to wear

Another important acquisition on the eve of childbirth - postpartum bandage. In the case of natural childbirth, the postpartum bandage is used more for cosmetic purposes. It will provide excellent support for the stomach, help restore muscle and skin tone, improve the silhouette in the hips and buttocks, and generally facilitate the recovery period for mom.

“It is better to put on a bandage after natural childbirth at the end of the first or on the second day, so that the functions of the abdominal organs have time to normalize,” explains the rehabilitation doctor, candidate of medical sciences Sergei Konstantinovich Zazulin. - It must be worn only in an upright position; during meals, at night and during daytime sleep, it is better to remove the bandage. And I would not recommend using it for more than a month and a half, so that the muscles of the abdominal wall do not weaken.

The bandage used after caesarean section performs therapeutic functions: it reduces swelling and inflammation in the wound area and relieves pain. Such a bandage must be put on already on the first day after the operation, so that the woman can become more active. You need to wear a postoperative bandage around the clock, without removing it at night, but not more than 10-14 days, until the wound heals. Then you can switch to using a regular postpartum bandage.

There are several types of postpartum, the choice of a particular model is a matter of taste and specific preferences.

For example, a bandage belt in the form of an elastic band, thanks to its simple design, is easy to remove and put on. In addition, you can adjust the degree of tightening with the help of Velcro fasteners. When choosing a bandage, pay attention to its height: too high a belt can interfere with the chest!

Bandage pants - a more traditional version - has a high waist and elastic support inserts in the abdomen, hips and lower back. It is convenient to wear it under trousers, it will not slip during the day, unlike a belt. But such a bandage will have to be washed regularly, which will not allow you to wear it all the time.

To save money, you can choose a universal bandage, which has two sides: narrow - for wearing during pregnancy - and wide - after childbirth.

Panties postpartum

When going to the hospital, do not forget to buy a package of special disposable x birth panties from elastic mesh. Sterile and comfortable in a maternity hospital environment, they will perfectly support a medical pad, allow the skin to breathe and provide complete comfort in the postpartum period.

Today, the expectant mother can purchase special sterile underwear for the maternity hospital in a store or pharmacy, for example, a shirt and a dressing gown for a woman in labor, which can also be worn at home after discharge. Such products do not need to be pre-washed, they do not contain detergent residues and do not cause an allergic reaction.

Stockings for childbirth

Doctors strongly advise expectant mothers to wear compression stockings during pregnancy. During this period, the woman's body, including the vessels of the legs, experiences an increased load. Due to the obstructed outflow of blood, the legs can swell, get tired and hurt. Often there are night cramps and spider veins, varicose veins. To avoid these and other problems during pregnancy, you should use compression stockings or pantyhose.

- Before going to the maternity hospital, you need to purchase special stockings for childbirth(the so-called hospital jersey), - says Sergei Konstantinovich. “They reduce the chance of developing venous thrombosis during and after childbirth. It must be remembered that the therapeutic effect of compression products is achieved only with constant wear throughout the day: from the moment you get out of bed to go to bed. Hospital knitwear is put on in the morning without getting out of bed (in a horizontal position), and is worn before, during and after childbirth.

Comment on the article "Bag to the hospital: what underwear will be needed after childbirth"

By the way, it also depends on the hospital. For the first time, it was said "underpants are disposable, pads are officially impossible, but if no one sees, then it's good for us, thick pads are given out at the maternity hospital every day, until discharge. And after discharge, at home there are already enough ordinary large ones.

Disposable shorts for the hospital.. Clothes and bandages. Pregnancy and childbirth. Disposable panties for the hospital. What kind of animal is this and are they mandatory or can I use regular + night pads?

Bag in kind. house. Girls, does it make sense to buy a Hartmann bag right away, where everything seems to be collected for postpartum care. No proctoglivenols and others that can help pregnant women. Bag in the hospital: what underwear will be needed after childbirth.

Disposable shorts for the hospital.. Clothes and bandages. Pregnancy and childbirth. When going to the maternity hospital, do not forget to buy a package of special disposable shorts on the site.

disposable panties in the hospital to whom?. Clothing and bandages. Pregnancy and childbirth. girls! I will gladly give you disposable Mazokey panties in size 14-16, which is about 110 and even more, it’s convenient for the maternity hospital. Husband from excitement apparently grabbed my size in the store. so...

Disposable panties for the hospital. Clothing and bandages. Pregnancy and childbirth. Mesh dimensionless. One pack was enough for me with a cesarean (5 pieces, 1 piece per day), then I switched to normal panties.

Bag in the hospital: what underwear will be needed after childbirth. Panties are postpartum. Stockings for childbirth. Getting ready for the maternity hospital is an important and exciting moment for every expectant mother. What items should a maternity hospital bag contain so that mom feels comfortable and ...

Disposable underpants, IMHO, are much more convenient than fabric ones - firstly, they are free and do not crash anywhere, there is ventilation in them. Secondly, you don't need to wash. I took it to the hospital, threw it away and forgot about them. I don't know how I can get by without breast pads.

disposable panties for maternity hospital. Medical questions. Pregnancy and childbirth. We were given disposable solid ones in the maternity hospital - I sweated in them, and it was uncomfortable, the skin "does not breathe". And after childbirth, on the contrary, it is necessary to ventilate more, especially if there are breaks.

after giving birth already, I put a gown, socks, bepanten, disposable underpants 7 pieces, sterile pads of 2 varieties in large packs, pads Koteks, pads for breasts - this is already a whole, damn it, a bunch !!! and if the bag is for the maternity hospital: what underwear will be needed after childbirth.

Bag in the hospital: what underwear will be needed after childbirth. The bag to the hospital must be prepared in advance. Things for the maternity hospital for mom and baby. Thematic conferences, blogs work on the site, ratings of kindergartens and schools are maintained, articles are published daily and ...

Bag in the hospital: what underwear will be needed after childbirth. Underwear for pregnant women: 7 important signs. What items should a maternity hospital bag contain so that the mother feels comfortable and confident in the first days after childbirth?

Bag in the hospital: what underwear will be needed after childbirth. What items should a maternity hospital bag contain so that the mother feels comfortable and confident in the first days after childbirth? clothes - for yourself and your child, diapers - wet wipes, a couple of towels ...

Disposable underpants, postpartum pads, and so on ... I took it to the hospital, threw it away and forgot about them. Panties are postpartum. When going to the hospital, do not forget to buy a package of special disposable panties for childbirth made of elastic mesh.

Maybe buy cheap cotton?) Disposable underpants. Those that are advised to take to the hospital. It seems to me that they are not very pleasant to the body (I judge It's time to go to the hospital! Special disposable underwear for the hospital will be very useful for the woman in labor, which, along with a pair ...

Bags for the maternity hospital. Residential complex, maternity hospitals, courses, honey. centers. Pregnancy and childbirth. I will say right away that I will take the minimum. Bag in the hospital: what underwear will be needed after childbirth.

girls, what kind of pads did you use in the hospital and after it? I saw at the Kolomna fair pads * POST-NATURAL *, can ordinary allways go? Bag in the hospital: what underwear will be needed after childbirth.

Bag in the hospital: what underwear will be needed after childbirth. In our maternity hospital, only such shorts were allowed, even cotton ones could not be carried in, only postpartum disposable ones. It’s just that ordinary underwear in maternity hospitals is not allowed to be worn, and who likes to wander around clutching a diaper ...

Buy compression stockings for childbirth.

A tribute to fashion or a necessity?

Some statistics: PE occurs in 1 out of 750 women in labor * (blockage of a pulmonary artery by a thrombus)

To date, it is recommended to have stockings for childbirth for ALL WOMEN, even if before childbirth they did not suffer from vein diseases. During labor, due to the huge load in the deep veins of the legs, blood clots may occur. They can clog the vessel and lead to thrombosis. This is a serious complication that threatens the life of a woman. Buy to compression stockings for childbirth necessary for both natural childbirth and cesarean section .. The presence of such stockings is a prerequisite in maternity hospitals in large Russian cities. If it is possible to reduce the risk of complications, then why not take advantage of this opportunity? Ideally, if a pregnant woman during pregnancy wore preventive compression stockings or stockings for pregnant women to minimize the load on the legs, especially in the later stages.

When is the right time to buy birth stockings?

Recall that these are not simple stockings, but compression stockings, that is, they exert a certain level of pressure. And they don't fit like regular hosiery, a little heavier.. That's why:

  • We recommend purchasing compression stockings for childbirth somewhere in a month and practice putting on at home. There are very frequent cases when a woman during contractions simply could not or did not have time to put on birth stockings.
  • Much in advance stockings should not be looked for in 3-4 months. The circumference of the leg may increase due to edema, and the desired size of the stockings will increase accordingly.
  • Anti-embolic stockings for childbirth class 1 are shown to all women in labor, regardless of the method of delivery, and are bought on their own without a doctor's prescription.

What compression class is needed for childbirth?

  • For most healthy women, it is enough to have stockings for childbirth 1st class(18-23 mmHg)
  • If a woman before childbirth already had vascular diseases of the lower extremities, was observed for this reason, or during pregnancy she was prescribed class 2 compression stockings, then you may need anti-embolic stockings for childbirth class 2(23-32 mm Hg), which are prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

How long to wear stockings after childbirth?

  • Usually after natural childbirth stockings are worn for 1-2 days taking off at night. As soon as you return to physical activity, start walking along the corridor, you will no longer need stockings. If the general condition does not allow you to return to activity in the first days after childbirth, then stockings can be used for a longer time. In any case, the staff of the maternity hospital will definitely tell you how to proceed specifically in your case.
  • If a woman had a caesarean section, she can take off her stockings only after the permission of the doctor. They will need to be worn during delivery, and for some time after the baby is born.

Although, judging by the reviews of our customers, many women even I like the compression effect of the stocking for childbirth feeling of lightness in the legs,and they keep wearing themat home. Le Soft compression class 1 do no harmt, on the contrary, will helpget rid of pastosity and swelling of soft tissueslegs. But the appearance of white hospital color allows them to be worn only at home or under clothes.

How to choose stockings for childbirth?

Preference should be given to products that:

  • Does not contain latex, therefore will not cause an allergic reaction
  • Can be washed or even sterilized at t-95 degrees to ensure hygiene when discharged.
  • They have a loose knit for easy donning
  • They have an open toe so that the doctor can control microcirculation by the color of the toes.
  • Made from to breathable fiber

We answer your questions.

Question:during pregnancy I wore class 1 anti-varicose stockings, can I use them during childbirth, because the compression class is the same?

Answer: If we consider the therapeutic effect, then yes, you can. But... we still recommend purchasing special anti-embolic stockings for childbirth, because:

  • They are easier to put on than classic compression stockings.
  • They have a hole in the fingers, and this is very important so that the doctor can quickly respond if necessary.
  • And if discharge gets on your beautiful stockings, will it be possible to wash them at T-30 degrees?
  • If there is a need to be in postpartum stockings for several days in a row, then in anti-varicose stockings you will simply "weld", and anti-embolic stockings pass air well.
  • The cost of postpartum stockings starts from 900 rubles, anti-varicose stockings are more expensive.

Only high-quality stockings for childbirth are able to protect your blood vessels and provide your legs with the highest comfort. In the Venocomfort online store you can buy compression stockings for childbirth German company medi, the effectiveness of which has been proven in clinical studies. Or more budget and very popular stockings for childbirth from the company Ergoforma. Do not risk your health at such a crucial moment. Buy the best! Medical consultants of our store are always ready to answer your questions.

Choose. Buy. And easy childbirth for you!

Your VenoComfort.

Childbirth is a complex physiological process during which a woman's body undergoes serious tests. Starting from the moment of disclosure, the heart rate is steadily increasing, arterial and intra-abdominal pressure rises sharply, creating an additional load on the vessels. Blood begins to stagnate in the lower extremities, which can cause blood clots.


Special compression stockings for childbirth help to alleviate the condition of the woman in labor. Put on before the start of the process, they contribute to a uniform distribution of pressure in the vessels of the lower extremities. As a result, blood circulation improves and the risk of blood clots is reduced. In addition, stockings for childbirth support the muscle tone of the legs, which is important during the expulsion of the fetus.
Most gynecologists immediately warn women in labor about upcoming difficulties and recommend buying compression stockings for childbirth. This is especially true for those women who, during pregnancy, faced the problem of swelling of the lower extremities. For women in labor with a history of thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, heart and vascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, problems with blood clotting and excess body weight, such stockings are simply necessary, and their acquisition should be one of the priorities.

Where to buy stockings?

You can always buy stockings for childbirth, as well as compression stockings for surgeries in our online store. Made from hypoallergenic materials, they gently and snugly fit the foot, and wearing them does not cause discomfort. When choosing them, you should pay attention to the compression class. Stockings with a low rate are recommended for women in labor who do not have any vascular pathologies and diseases. And vice versa - a high compression rate is recommended for women who already have problems with blood vessels.