Skin calcification: an aesthetic defect or a serious problem. Skin calcification - a disease caused by excess salts Systemic calcification of the skin cause treatment

Calcium is a trace element that is vital for the body. It is thanks to calcium that the bones of the skeleton acquire hardness and strength. However, an excess of calcium in the body is no less harmful than its deficiency. With an excess of calcium, a serious disease develops - calcification.

Normally, calcium salts are in the body in a dissolved state. But if the concentration of salts significantly exceeds the norm, then they begin to precipitate and deposit in soft tissues, including the skin. In this case, such a pathological condition as calcification develops. And if there is a deposition of silver salts in the body, then this disease is called -.

Reasons for development

Skin calcification is, as a rule, a secondary disease, that is, it is the body's reaction to an excessive concentration of calcium salts in the body. An excess amount of calcium is deposited first in the internal organs, and then, with the blood flow, it penetrates into the skin tissues.

Tumors of various organs or pathologically altered kidneys can be sources of excess calcium production.

However, in some patients, the mechanism for the development of calcification is different. In such patients, due to disturbances in metabolic processes, an excess of calcium salts is initially deposited in the skin tissues. And as the disease progresses, muscles, tendons and internal organs.

Factors that can cause skin calcification are dermatological diseases in which collagen fibers are damaged - dermatomyositis. In addition, skin calcification often develops against the background of vascular pathologies, as well as chronic infectious and inflammatory processes.

Clinical picture

In the first stages, skin calcification does not manifest itself in any way, however, over time, dense nodules appear on the body in large numbers. They do not cause anxiety, are painless to the touch, do not itch or peel. The skin over the nodules is practically not changed, there are no signs of inflammation.

With the further development of skin calcification, it is possible to open the nodules with the formation of fistulas, as with. A white-yellow mass stands out from the fistula openings, outwardly resembling crumbly porridge.

Most often, nodules with calcification of the skin are located on the skin of the hands, on the fingers, in the area of ​​​​the location of large joints, on the feet. Sometimes rashes may appear in other places.

Nodules with calcification can become inflamed. Usually, this occurs when the nodules of the underlying tissues are squeezed, which causes the formation of edema. When an infection is attached, suppuration occurs. In this case, the skin turns red, soreness appears. At this stage of the disease, external nodules resemble tumors resembling oligogranulomas.

Skin calcification is a chronic disease that lasts for many years. In the event that there are a lot of nodules on the skin, then calcification can cause limitation of joint mobility. In severe calcification of the skin, the joints can completely lose their mobility.

Forms of the disease

It is customary to distinguish several forms of calcification:

  • Metabolic limited calcification. With the development of this type of disease, dense calcification nodes are formed mainly on the hands - in the area of ​​​​the elbows, on the hands and fingers.
  • Calcinosis is universal. In patients with this form of the disease, calcifications of various sizes are formed throughout the body. The predominant localization of rashes is the skin of the extremities, especially in the area of ​​the elbows and knees, buttocks, and back. Over time, the nodes are converted into calcium gummas - painless fustules and ulcers, from which a crumbly mass of white-yellow color is released.
  • Dystrophic or secondary calcification develops as a result of the deposition of excess calcium salts in skin neoplasms - inflammatory foci and scars. Secondary calcification is often accompanied by or systemic scleroderma.

In women, calcification is more common than in the stronger sex. A limited form of skin calcification can develop in representatives of any age group, but older women are more likely to suffer from this pathology. Universal calcification is a disease that most often affects young people.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of calcification is based on the study of clinical manifestations. Symptoms of calcification are quite specific, however, it is necessary to differentiate the diagnosis with such diseases as:

  • Tuberculosis of the skin is collicative;
  • Neoplasms of cartilage and bone tissue;
  • Atheroma ().

When conducting histological studies of the material taken from the calcinate, significant deposits of calcium salts are found.

Calcification in pregnancy

In pregnant women, by the end of the gestation period, the deposition of calcium salts in the placenta increases. This process is completely normal and should not cause concern. However, if a pregnant woman shows signs of skin calcification, then this may be evidence of premature maturation of the placenta. The reason for this may be preeclampsia, changes that have arisen after infectious diseases, etc. And as a result of the development of preeclampsia, a pregnant woman can get urticaria. Well, you can read about the consequences of the development of this disease in a pregnant woman in this one.

An excess of calcium is harmful to pregnant women in the same way as a lack of this element. Excess calcium in the pelvic bones of the woman in labor and the fetus can cause injuries during childbirth. With excessive calcification, the fontanel in the skull of the fetus may be too small, and this complicates the process of childbirth, since the baby's head cannot pass through the birth canal normally.

In no case should pregnant women prescribe calcium preparations for themselves, following the advice of more “experienced” friends. Taking such drugs is possible only as prescribed by the doctor who is pregnant.

In the event that a pregnant woman has dental problems, there is no need to self-medicate by taking calcium. It is likely that the problems are not caused by a lack of trace elements, but by the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria.


Treatment with folk methods

To normalize metabolism and treat calcification, in addition to drug therapy, you can use the power of medicinal plants.

Garlic-based preparations are especially useful for patients with calcification. For example, you can use an alcohol tincture made from 300 grams of crushed garlic cloves and a glass of medical alcohol. The tincture is kept for a week in a dark place, then filtered and taken for the treatment of calcification according to the scheme:

  • On the first day, take a drop of tincture three times a day, stirring the tincture in half a glass of water.
  • Then every day you need to increase the daily dose by three drops (an additional drop per dose).
  • Bring the daily dose to 24 drops, then begin to reduce the number of drops taken daily by three.
  • After completing the course of treatment of calcification, take a break for a week. Then you can start a second course.

Prevention and prognosis

Prevention of calcification of the skin is an attentive attitude to one's own health. It is important to regularly undergo medical examinations, take tests. If diseases or pathologies that lead to metabolic disorders are detected, undergo treatment courses. After all, if you do not start treatment in time, various diseases can occur that are associated with a violation of the metabolic process, for example,.

The prognosis for skin calcification depends on the prevalence of the process. With the appearance of single nodes, the prognosis of treatment is usually favorable. With widespread calcification, the prognosis is greatly worsened.

Skin calcification is the deposition of calcium salts in the skin, subcutaneous tissue, less often in muscles, tendons from single small nodules (organized calcification) to widespread nodular-plaque formations (universal calcification). In most cases, it is not accompanied by an increase in the level of calcium in the blood (metabolic calcification). In such patients, tissue metabolism is often disturbed (which is accompanied by acidotic shifts), peripheral blood and lymph circulation, and dystrophic changes occur in the skin and subcutaneous tissue. This must be taken into account in the treatment (appointment of agents that improve microcirculation, tissue trophism). Particular attention is paid to the treatment of degenerative-dystrophic, chronic processes that create favorable conditions for the deposition of calcium salts in the affected areas (secondary, dystrophic calcifications): some types of panniculitis, fibromas, cystic formations, foreign bodies, abscesses, tumors, long-term varicose ulcers of the legs etc.

D. Especially often calcification is combined with scleroderma, dermatomyositis, the treatment of which eliminates the soil on which calcification can develop.


Metastatic forms of calcification are rarely accompanied by the deposition of calcium salts in the skin and subcutaneous tissue. In these cases, it is important, if possible, to eliminate the factors that contribute to the occurrence of hypercalcemia (hypervitaminosis D, tuberculosis, osteomyelitis and other diseases that occur with massive destruction of bone tissue, hyperparathyroidism, chronic kidney disease with a decrease in their excretory function). Surgical removal of limited calcium deposits is most effective.

Some large nodes are opened, maximally freed from lime masses. Small elements are subjected to diathermocoagulation, exposure to ultrasound.

In the presence of inflammatory phenomena, local heat, UV radiation, heliotherapy are prescribed. Treatment-resistant ulcers resulting from spontaneous opening of calcific foci.

Along with other means (regenerating, according to indications - antimicrobial) good results provides laser therapy. Limit the intake of foods rich in calcium salts, vitamin D.

Attention! The described treatment does not guarantee a positive result. For more reliable information, ALWAYS consult a specialist.

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Skin calcification- deposits of calcium salts in the skin and other tissues of various origins. Depending on the mechanisms of calcification, metastatic, metabolic and idiopathic calcifications are distinguished.

Metastatic calcification develops as a result of hypercalcemia or hyperphosphatemia in hyperthyroidism, hypervitaminosis D, bone diseases accompanied by their destruction (osteomyelitis, myeloma, fibrous osteodystrophy), in chronic renal failure in patients undergoing prolonged hemodialysis.

metabolic calcification associated with local disorders of mineral metabolism of a localized or generalized nature and is not accompanied by hypercalcemia. Due to the instability of buffer systems, calcium is not retained in the blood and tissue fluid and is excessively absorbed by tissues. This is observed in systemic collagenoses.

Idiopathic calcification- usually a family disease, accompanied by phosphatemia.

Clinic. Conventionally, three clinical types of calcification are distinguished: limited interstitial (small deposits of calcium salts in the joints, mainly in the upper limbs), universal interstitial (common deposits in many parts of the body), tumor-like interstitial (nodular accumulations of salts in the soft tissues of large joints, on the head in children ). Limited calcification in a significant part of cases is observed in women in middle and old age, universal - more common in young people and children.

Calcifications in the form of small nodules or nodes (the size of a hazelnut) of a non-inflammatory nature, round or irregular in shape, are located in the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, have a stony density, painless, mobile or inactive, the skin above them is not changed or becomes yellowish, cyanotic red colors. In the metastatic form, calcifications can be located symmetrically. The elements slowly increase in size, over time they can open with rejection of a thick mushy mass with an admixture of dense grains of lime. The resulting fistulas and ulcers heal slowly, leaving scars.

Often calcification develops with dermatomyositis, systemic scleroderma.

A special form of calcinosis inherited in an autosomal recessive manner is teichlander's syndrome. The syndrome is characterized by the formation of nodular deposits of calcium phosphates in the subcutaneous tissue, muscle fascia near the joints and in the bags of large joints. It develops paroxysmal, mainly in persons under the age of 20 years. Fever is periodically noted, often accompanied by muscular dystrophy, osteoporosis, hypercholesterolemia. May be associated with scleroderma.

In addition to the above forms, there are also dystrophic (secondary) calcification, not accompanied by general disorders of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. These include cases of calcification of blood clots, varicose ulcers, tumors, cysts, elastic pseudoxanthoma, etc.

Treatment of calcification includes therapy of the background pathology causing the development of calcification. Diet with calcium restriction. Long-term use of ammonium chloride, iodine alkalis; sodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, cuprenil. Surgical excision, laser therapy. Separate cases of positive results are described when chipping foci with corticosteroids.

Reasons for the development of the disease. Skin calcification is a pathology that is accompanied by the deposition of excess salts in the skin. Most often, this disease develops metastatically for the second time, that is, with excessive deposition of salts in the internal organs, they are able to enter the skin with blood flow and be deposited in large quantities. Most often in the body such foci - sources of salts are internal organs, especially kidneys, bones, tumors of various tissues and organs. In other situations, as a result of metabolic disorders in the body, salts initially accumulate in the skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue.

Signs of the disease. As a result of excessive deposition of salts, multiple small nodules appear in the thickness of the skin. They are painless and dense to the touch, the skin over them is practically unchanged and has a normal color. In the future, skin nodes containing calcium can open to the surface of the skin, in their place fistulas appear, from which a mass that has the consistency of porridge is constantly released. This causes the patient considerable anxiety. Skin calcification can accompany many diseases. For example, with scleroderma, calcium is deposited in the thickness of the resulting skin discs (see the section "Scleroderma"), the disease also very often occurs simultaneously with dermatomyositis, atrophic acrodermatitis, poikiloderma and other skin pathologies. Deposits of calcium salts in the skin may look like small single grains, larger nodes. Less commonly, total calcification can be observed, covering the entire skin and underlying tissues. Calcinosis in most cases develops as a result of a violation of the transformations of calcium compounds in the body, women most often suffer, especially older age groups.

The most common locations for subcutaneous nodules of calcification are the areas of the hands, the lateral surfaces of the fingers, areas of large joints, feet, and sometimes other areas of the skin. At the beginning of the disease, the skin over the affected area is completely unchanged and has a normal color, then inflammatory processes develop in these places, as a result of which the skin turns red, soreness is determined when the nodules are felt. Then, by all indications, they begin to resemble skin tumors of the type of oligogranulomas.

Calcification is a chronic, long-term disease. If there are many subcutaneous calcareous nodules, then they can significantly impede mobility in the joints, sometimes the latter is completely absent. Also, complete immobility of the fingers, significant curvature of the spinal column, violations of the shape of the pelvis can develop, which is especially dangerous and unfavorable for expectant mothers, mobility in the knee, hip and ankle joints can also often be disturbed. The most commonly affected joints are large and medium-sized joints.

Treatment. The only drugs that can lead to a fairly stable normalization of the condition and the elimination of skin lesions are ammonium chloride and potassium iodide. However, these drugs, used in too high dosages, can lead to the development of poisoning and very serious complications. Therefore, they should be prescribed only by an experienced dermatologist with careful selection of individual dosages. When large nodes appear on the skin, they have to be removed surgically. In case of joint mobility disorders, therapeutic massage, paraffin and ozocerite applications, physiotherapy exercises, ultraviolet light irradiation, radon baths are used. A diet is prescribed, which provides for the exclusion from the diet of everything highly salty, foods containing large amounts of calcium and its salts.

Forecast. With common forms of pathology, when the lesions cover very large areas of the skin, the prognosis is always unfavorable. Separately located single subcutaneous nodes can be treated using surgical methods.

Skin calcification

Reasons for the development of the disease. Skin calcification is a pathology that is accompanied by the deposition of excess salts in the skin. Most often, this disease develops metastatically for the second time, that is, with excessive deposition of salts in the internal organs, they are able to enter the skin with blood flow and be deposited in large quantities. Most often in the body such foci - sources of salts are internal organs, especially kidneys, bones, tumors of various tissues and organs. In other situations, as a result of metabolic disorders in the body, salts initially accumulate in the skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue.

Signs of the disease. As a result of excessive deposition of salts, multiple small nodules appear in the thickness of the skin. They are painless and dense to the touch, the skin over them is practically unchanged and has a normal color. In the future, skin nodes containing calcium can open to the surface of the skin, in their place fistulas appear, from which a mass that has the consistency of porridge is constantly released. This causes the patient considerable anxiety. Skin calcification can accompany many diseases. For example, with scleroderma, calcium is deposited in the thickness of the resulting skin discs (see the section "Scleroderma"), the disease also very often occurs simultaneously with dermatomyositis, atrophic acrodermatitis, poikiloderma and other skin pathologies. Deposits of calcium salts in the skin may look like small single grains, larger nodes. Less commonly, total calcification can be observed, covering the entire skin and underlying tissues. Calcinosis in most cases develops as a result of a violation of the transformations of calcium compounds in the body, women most often suffer, especially older age groups.

The most common locations for subcutaneous nodules of calcification are the areas of the hands, the lateral surfaces of the fingers, areas of large joints, feet, and sometimes other areas of the skin. At the beginning of the disease, the skin over the affected area is completely unchanged and has a normal color, then inflammatory processes develop in these places, as a result of which the skin turns red, soreness is determined when the nodules are felt. Then, by all indications, they begin to resemble skin tumors of the type of oligogranulomas.

Calcification is a chronic, long-term disease. If there are many subcutaneous calcareous nodules, then they can significantly impede mobility in the joints, sometimes the latter is completely absent. Also, complete immobility of the fingers, significant curvature of the spinal column, violations of the shape of the pelvis can develop, which is especially dangerous and unfavorable for expectant mothers, mobility in the knee, hip and ankle joints can also often be disturbed. The most commonly affected joints are large and medium-sized joints.

Treatment. The only drugs that can lead to a fairly stable normalization of the condition and the elimination of skin lesions are ammonium chloride and potassium iodide. However, these drugs, used in too high dosages, can lead to the development of poisoning and very serious complications. Therefore, they should be prescribed only by an experienced dermatologist with careful selection of individual dosages. When large nodes appear on the skin, they have to be removed surgically. In case of joint mobility disorders, therapeutic massage, paraffin and ozocerite applications, physiotherapy exercises, ultraviolet light irradiation, radon baths are used. A diet is prescribed, which provides for the exclusion from the diet of everything highly salty, foods containing large amounts of calcium and its salts.

Forecast. With common forms of pathology, when the lesions cover very large areas of the skin, the prognosis is always unfavorable. Separately located single subcutaneous nodes can be treated using surgical methods.

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