Review of the best creams for diabetic foot. Foot cream for diabetics, for patients with diabetes Insulin foot cream

The legs of a diabetic suffer the most. Pain appears, blood circulation is disturbed, but this is not the worst thing. The patient may develop a diabetic foot, with this diagnosis developing foot ulcers, which can lead to gangrene and amputation of the limbs. To prevent such consequences, you need to use ointments. Let's consider what.

What creams can be used for care?

With diabetes, a person should inspect their legs daily, check for abrasions, cracks, cuts or burns. After all, such minor skin lesions can become infected and turn into festering wounds. Daily inspection will prevent serious consequences.

Every day, the patient should wash their feet and dry them lightly with a towel. Feet and shins need to be lubricated with a moisturizer, it should not be too oily, otherwise oxygen will not flow to the skin cells and diaper rash will appear.

All ointments that are used for feet with diabetes should be hypoallergenic. Before buying, it is very important to study the composition of the product. The ointment should not contain chamomile, calendula, arnica, cinnamon, camphor or pepper.

If there are wounds on the feet or legs, they cannot be treated with iodine or brilliant green, as well as Vishnevsky's ointment. Solcoseryl gel, which promotes wound healing, is very well suited for wounds with diabetes mellitus. There are other effective ointments, such as Iruxol and Actovegil.

Very dry skin of the feet should be lubricated with fatty ointments. Suitable baby cream, which will contain sea buckthorn or peach oil.

Important! The gaps between the fingers cannot be treated with cream.

Areas of keratinized skin also need to be lubricated with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

The best moisturizing effect is produced by creams that contain urea. This is Dioultraderm. It can be used to moisturize dry skin and massage to improve blood flow.

In diabetes mellitus, Balzamed and Alpresan creams can be used to care for the skin of the feet. They contain urea and cope with the following problems:

Balzamed in its composition, in addition to urea, contains vitamins and vegetable oils.

You can use Peclavus products. The company introduced a range of cosmetic products to combat various foot problems in diabetics. For example, Foot Cream contains tea tree oil and lichen oil, which have an antibacterial effect and inhibit the growth of bacteria.

Creams and ointments for diabetic foot

Scratches in diabetes mellitus heal very slowly and lead to skin inflammation and suppuration.

Very often, with diabetes, patients develop such a complication as diabetic foot. There are areas of keratinized skin and atrophied ulcers, which leads to the development of gangrene.

Diabetic foot is very difficult to treat, so it is better to take preventive measures. To do this, you need to take proper care of your legs and feet, namely, daily treat with a moisturizer. This will prevent cracking.

It is worth remembering that the cream should be well absorbed into the skin, it is impossible for excess cream to remain on the feet, because this will lead to possible complications. Too much oily creams can cause bacterial growth and infection of the skin, especially with small cracks or wounds.

For dry skin with a diabetic foot, Panthenol or Bepanten ointment is suitable. It is better not to use Vaseline as an ointment, because it is poorly absorbed into the skin and prevents the supply of oxygen to the tissues.

Often, with poor care, excessive dryness and flaking of the skin appears, resulting in cracks that easily turn into festering ulcers when an infection enters. To get rid of dryness and prevent the appearance of a diabetic foot, you need to use ointments and creams such as Callusan, Diacrem and Heel-cream. But in addition to applying ointments, you need to follow other care recommendations:

  1. Always treat heels with a pumice stone after washing.
  2. Do not wear tight, uncomfortable closed-toe shoes.
  3. If deep cracks appear that bleed, you need to go to the hospital.

For the treatment of cracks in the feet, a low-fat ointment based on propolis is also suitable.

Deep bleeding cracks are usually treated in a hospital. The doctor can treat them with a healing ointment for cracks. A good effect is given by Gevol ointment.

So that the infection does not penetrate into the wound, its edges can be treated with Hydrocortisone ointment.

With hyperkeratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin), to get rid of keratinized skin, a grinding procedure with stones is used, after which a special protective cream is applied to problem areas.

In case of hyperkeratosis, an anti-keratinization cream from the Gevol-med series and Blue Balm from the Fusskraft series are used.

With thinned skin, you can use Gevol cream with ceramides.

Funds should be applied three times a day. If the problem persists, you should increase the number of times or try another remedy.

If earlier, with a diabetic foot, the patient's limbs were most often amputated, now using special cosmetics for diabetes mellitus, you can save your legs and lead a normal life.

Each person with diabetes should take care of the healthy condition of the legs, follow all care recommendations and use special protective cosmetic products. Serious damage should not be ignored, it is best to seek qualified help in this case.

It is necessary to use a foot cream for diabetes mellitus. In the absence of appropriate care, diabetic foot and other unpleasant complications of diabetes can develop. Specialized creams will help speed up the healing of wounds on the legs, improve blood circulation, stop itching and dryness of the skin.

You can even use urea ointments for the feet with diabetes. Also, special shoes and socks for diabetics will help to avoid the development of diabetic foot and other complications. Such products will not interfere with the normal blood supply to the lower extremities.

What are the properties of medicinal ointments?

It can occur due to the development of pathological processes in the circulatory system. Problems with the legs against the background of DM most often occur due to degenerative processes in the vessels, arteries and capillary walls.

Diabetics often complain that wounds appear on their legs that do not heal for a long period of time. To help the tissues recover, you can use an ointment or foot cream.

When choosing a medicine for the care of the lower extremities, you need to choose drugs that:

  • They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
  • They have moisturizing properties.
  • They have an antifungal effect.
  • They have a pronounced antibacterial effect.
  • Saturate the skin of the legs with vitamins.
  • Improve blood microcirculation in capillary vessels.
  • Activate metabolic processes at the cellular level.

Foot care for diabetics is an important part of the life of every patient who wants to feel good. Foot ointment is necessary to speed up the recovery of soft tissues and prevent the development of a diabetic foot. As a rule, in the vast majority of cases, all topical foot products include the following components:

  1. Extract of peppermint - has an analgesic and antiseptic effect.
  2. Extract from the fruits of blackcurrant - is able to suppress inflammation, accelerates tissue regeneration. In addition, currants include a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients that prevent the development of gangrene.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil - helps to speed up the healing process of abrasions and other microdamages of the skin.
  4. Collagen in liquid form and urea - have a moisturizing property.
  5. Tea tree essential oil and sage have an antiseptic effect.

How to choose a foot ointment for diabetes?

Many patients are interested in how to choose an ointment or gel to prevent serious complications diabetes? It is best to choose products that have a “for diabetics” mark on the tube, because this indicates that the ointment has a complex effect.

When purchasing a local remedy, you need to carefully read the composition, study the active ingredients, and only then choose the most suitable drug. It is preliminary recommended to consult a dermatologist and a treating endocrinologist.

General rules for using foot ointments:

  • Before applying the medicine, it is necessary to basic care Feet: Wash feet in warm soapy water, pat dry.
  • The cream is applied with light massaging movements, a strong load on the legs is excluded.
  • Foot ointment is always chosen depending on the specific problem of the patient. When the goal is to prevent or eliminate the symptoms of gangrene, a specialized remedy is chosen that was created specifically for this purpose.

All topical preparations, which contain a high concentration of a potent substance, are applied to the skin of the legs exclusively with a special sponge or cotton swab.

It must be clearly understood that with diabetes, foot care is an everyday mandatory procedure.

Overview of effective remedies

Dia Ultraderm is a foot care product at home. The components of the drug provide prevention of pathological skin changes that can occur against the background of the course of type 1 or 2 diabetes, prevent a decrease in the sensitivity of the legs, and the cream is also able to heal small wound surfaces on the legs.

The cream acts as gently as possible, as a result of which it can be used by patients with very sensitive and irritated skin. The cost of Dia Ultraderm starts from 500 rubles.

Ureata is an agent containing urea in its composition. Restores the lack of fluid in the skin of the legs during dehydration. In addition, it eliminates irritation of the skin, removes redness. This drug is a unique cream that is suitable for skin care in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It can be applied on hands. The price of the medicine is about 300 rubles.

Effective means of local action:

  1. DiaDerm balm is suitable for diabetics who have excessive sweating, inconsistencies are revealed. The active substances of the drug have a drying and anti-inflammatory effect. Also, this foot ointment for diabetes is useful for blood vessels, because its active ingredients improve blood circulation. Diaderm is the best Russian foot cream for type 2 diabetes. Also, the medication can be used for insulin-dependent form of the disease. Price from 200 rubles.
  2. Ointment Virta. If you regularly use the medication, you can avoid such complications as a trophic ulcer on the leg. The ointment relieves swelling, improves blood supply to the lower extremities and has a wound healing effect. The medicine can be freely used by diabetics to whom it was prescribed. In the pharmacy, the ointment costs about 200 rubles.
  3. Caremed ointment is a product consisting of urea and auxiliary components of naturopathic origin. Urea effectively moisturizes the skin of the feet, lipids form a gentle protective barrier, and antioxidants nourish the skin with useful substances. Caremed helps relieve swelling and prevent sores on the lower extremities. The cost is 400-450 rubles.
  4. Kerasal. The drug improves hemodynamics, relieves atopic dermatitis and other complications of diabetes. Moreover, the ointment can be used with insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent type of diabetes. Price - from 350 rubles.
  5. It is also allowed to use Gevol foot cream for diabetes. The drug helps to improve blood flow in the foot and lower leg, stop the swelling of the lower extremities and moisturize the skin. The cost of funds is 300-500 rubles.

Often patients are interested in what ointments for trophic ulcers on the legs with diabetes can be used? There are many effective creams. According to doctors, the best drug for the treatment of trophic ulcers is Solcoseryl. The medication can be used even for vascular diseases of the lower extremities.

Before using the medicine, it is advisable to undergo surgical treatment of the affected area. The dosage and frequency of use of Solcoseryl is selected individually.

Diabetes brings a huge amount of problems to those who have the misfortune to get sick of it. In particular, this applies to the lower extremities of a person. In this case, not only timely prevention and proper care, but also various creams and ointments specially designed for diabetics.

Drugs help to minimize problems in the body and improve the general condition. This article will discuss the causes of foot diseases and how to deal with them using creams or ointments.


Almost every diabetic experiences quite serious inconvenience or discomfort in the legs. Patients have symptoms of diabetes such as tingling, numbness, burning.

Very often, patients develop diseases that affect the nails, the feet can be deformed, and the skin on the whole body becomes very dry. Naturally, the above problems are signals that treatment is needed.

The reason that causes such serious problems is poor blood supply to tissues and organs. Quite often the result of this is:

  • decreased local immunity of the skin;
  • accession of bacterial or fungal infections.

The situation may worsen further due to loss of sensation in the legs or as a result of diabetes insipidus. The body loses the protective mechanism for responding to pain, or its degree is significantly weakened.

Characteristic properties for ointment for diabetes:

  1. anti-inflammatory action;
  2. sufficient degree of hydration of the skin;
  3. antifungal action;
  4. prevention of accumulation and development of bacterial agents;
  5. saturation with vitamins;
  6. tonic effect;
  7. hypoallergenicity;
  8. improvement of microcirculation in capillaries;
  9. activation of metabolism in cells.


The ointment includes the following components:

  • mint - has an analgesic and antiseptic effect;
  • currant - reduces inflammation, contains many vitamins;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - healing effect;
  • urea - the main moisturizing component of the cream for diabetics;
  • hyaluronic acid- regulates water metabolism;
  • liquid collagen;
  • allantoin;
  • extracts of sage and tea tree - natural antiseptics;
  • antifungal ingredients.


There are some rules for using creams for diabetes:

  1. It is necessary to choose a cream that is suitable for a specific problem and eliminates imperfections well. With diabetes, it is very important to choose the right funds.
  2. Before applying the cream, always clean the surface of the skin.
  3. It is necessary to use special creams for the feet, and select separate products for the hands and body.
  4. It is impossible to rub the cream or ointment strongly, the movements should resemble a light massage.
  5. Concentrated creams must be applied with a special sponge or cotton swab so as not to damage the skin.
  6. Before using, you should always read the instructions in which the manufacturer can indicate certain nuances that must be followed.

It is important to remember that regular use of the cream for diabetes enhances the effect of any other means and makes it possible to obtain the desired result.

How to choose a cream

It is good if the cream used by a person with diabetes will have the inscription "for diabetics". This will mean that the drug has a special effect and is able to adapt to the individuality of the skin in this disease.

Diabetics can use any other medical or cosmetic products, the main thing is that they have the action necessary for the skin in diabetes.

For each part of the body, you should choose your own cream that performs special functions. When buying a product, you must definitely pay attention to the composition and choose the most suitable active ingredients.

Cream for diabetes is best bought at pharmacies or specialized cosmetics stores. Sometimes a good choice of similar funds is presented in special diabetic stores. If there is such a store in the village where the patient lives, then it is best to shop there.

Drug Overview

Dia Ultraderm

The purpose of this tool is to care for the sensitive skin of people with diabetes. The components of the product contribute to the prevention of changes that occur with diabetes, prevent a decrease in sensitivity and lead to the healing of minor injuries in the leg area.

Cream contains:

  • superoxide dismutase;
  • glycerol;
  • wheat germ.

The cream acts very effectively and gently, thanks to which it can be used even for very sensitive and irritated diabetic skin.

The approximate cost is 210 rubles.


Urea perfectly compensates for the lack of fluid in the skin during dehydration. In addition, it has a deodorizing effect and eliminates irritation.

The tool is ideal for the care of dry and dehydrated areas of the body, legs and hands. An excellent composition combined with undeniable German quality helps to effectively care for the skin.

The approximate price is 340 rubles.

DiaDerm Cream-talc

Designed for diabetic skin prone to excessive sweating and diaper rash. Typically, these problems cause discomfort in places such as the folds under the breasts, inner thighs, and where clothing rubs.

The active components of the product have a drying and antibacterial effect, and they also refresh well.

The approximate cost is 180 rubles.

Virta foot cream with urea for diabetics

With diabetes, the legs need very careful protection. The use of this cream makes it possible to avoid such problems as severe dryness, exfoliation of dead cells, inflammation.

The product protects the feet from cracks and calluses and is great for daily care behind the feet of patients with diabetes.

Approximate price - 180 rubles.

Caremed foot cream

Each component of the remedy eliminates a specific problem in diabetes.

  1. Urea compensates for the lack of moisture in the skin of the legs.
  2. Lipids create a softening protective barrier.
  3. Antioxidants have a nutritional function.

The approximate price is 390 rubles.

Diabetes is a severe chronic disease that has a negative impact on the entire body as a whole. Especially in diabetes, the cardiovascular and nervous systems suffer, which often leads to serious consequences.

High blood sugar has a detrimental effect on peripheral vessels and nerve endings, disrupting blood circulation in the limbs and depriving them of sensitivity and motor activity, which can lead to the development of such a dangerous complication as a diabetic foot.

To prevent this, patients with diabetes need to provide their body, and especially their hands and feet, with thorough and regular care. Best used for this purpose special cream for diabetics, which effectively fights many manifestations of the disease and helps the patient maintain the health of hands and feet.


Diabetes mellitus is not selective, so it can affect any part of the body without exception. For this reason, there are several types of caring creams for diabetics, namely: Foot cream that prevents the development of diabetic foot.

Hand cream that eliminates dry skin and protects against cheiroarthropathy.

Body cream that nourishes and protects the skin.

With diabetes, it is very important to choose a separate product for legs, hands and body, as these creams have different composition and are designed specifically to combat certain skin problems.

Symptoms of skin lesions

Sugar level

There are special signs indicating that the patient should use special cosmetics for diabetics. Among them, the following symptoms should be noted:

Severe roughness of the skin, loss of elasticity, dry skin and flaking.

Constant formation of calluses and corns on the feet, the appearance of bleeding cracks, discoloration of the skin, the acquisition of a yellow tint;

Inflammation of small wounds and cuts;

  • Constant itching;
  • Frequent recurrences of a fungal infection;
  • Changing the shape and thickening of the nails;
  • The appearance of complications, like.


Cosmetics for diabetics has a whole range of caring and medicinal properties, which slow down the development of the disease and protect the skin from bacterial and fungal infections. The most important among them are:

  1. Moisturizing. Well protects the skin from dehydration and drying out, helps fight peeling;
  2. Antibacterial. Prevents the growth of bacteria and fights inflammatory processes on the skin;
  3. Antifungal. Eliminates fungal infection and prevents re-infection;
  4. Vitaminizing. Saturates the skin with vitamins, which improves its resistance by increasing local immunity;
  5. Tonic. Fights sagging skin, characteristic of diabetic patients;
  6. Hypoallergenic. Helps to cope with allergic reactions;
  7. Increasing blood circulation. It improves blood microcirculation in peripheral vessels and accelerates the metabolism in skin cells, which prevents the development of trophic ulcers and the appearance of diabetic foot syndrome.


A high-quality diabetic cream should contain components that help improve skin condition and minimize the manifestations of a serious illness.

Currant extract. Saturates the skin with vitamins and relieves inflammation. Sea buckthorn oil. improves skin regeneration and promotes rapid healing of wounds, cuts and ulcers. Urea. Deeply moisturizes the skin, as well as:

  • Hyaluronic acid. Saturates the skin with moisture, preventing its loss;
  • liquid collagen. Makes the skin supple and elastic;
  • Allantoin. Accelerates the healing of any skin lesions and reduces pain;
  • Extracts of tea tree and sage. Kill pathogenic microflora, preventing its reproduction;
  • antifungal ingredients. Protect skin and nails from fungus.


Of great importance in diabetes is not only the composition of the ointment or cream, but also their correct application. Any even the most the best remedy may be completely useless if it has been used improperly or for other purposes.

Therefore, to get best result From a cream for diabetics, it is important to strictly observe the following rules:

Use only those creams and ointments that have been developed specifically to eliminate a specific skin problem in diabetics. This means that for people suffering from dryness and flaking of the skin, one cosmetic product is needed, and for those who want to get rid of corns and corns, a completely different one;

Always observe hand, foot and body hygiene, and thoroughly clean skin surfaces before using the cream;

Regularly apply special diabetic skin care creams. This will significantly improve the condition of the skin and prevent the appearance of ulcers, cracks and other more severe complications;

Rub the product into the skin with gentle massage movements. Too much exposure can injure the skin and cause injury and inflammation;

Creams that are too thick in consistency must be applied cotton pad or a soft sponge, which will protect the skin from damage and irritation;

Before using a new product, you should carefully read the instructions for use. It may contain special recommendations, non-observance of which can lead to the opposite effect.

Popular remedies

Dia Ultraderm. This foot cream was created specifically for people with diabetes. It has a beneficial effect on the sensitive, damage-prone skin of diabetics, preventing the development of serious pathologies such as reduced sensitivity or impaired cell regeneration.

This tool contains many active ingredients, including wheat germ extract, superoxide dismutase and glycerin. Thanks to them, Dia Ultraderm cream is ideal even for diabetics whose skin is prone to allergies and irritation.

To date, a whole series of creams of this brand for people with diabetes has been released, which are designed to solve various problems.

The average cost of this cream: 210 rubles.

Ureata. This cream contains urea, which effectively moisturizes even very dry and dehydrated skin. In addition, it helps to relieve irritation and inflammation of the skin, and eliminate unpleasant odors.

Ureata cream is a universal remedy and can be used to care for the skin of the legs, arms and body. This cream was developed specifically to combat excessively dry and flaky skin that needs deep hydration. It provides careful care behind problematic skin diabetics, returning it to its original form.

The average price for this tool is: 340 rubles.

DiaDerm Cream-talc. This cream is intended for people who suffer from excessive sweating and are prone to diaper rash. Usually these unpleasant phenomena occur in the folds of the skin, on the inside of the thighs, under the breasts in women, and also on the neck at the points of contact with the collar.

Means DiaDerm effectively copes with these problems, providing an antimicrobial and drying effect on the skin. In addition, it perfectly refreshes the skin.

The average cost is about: 180 rubles.

Virta. This cream is well suited for the care of very dry and inflamed skin that is prone to flaking. Virta reliably protects the skin from the formation of corns, corns and cracks, making it softer and more elastic. With daily use, it provides high-quality care and protection to the feet of a diabetic patient. This tool can be used both for the treatment and prevention of skin lesions.

Diabetes is a disease that affects all body systems. This applies most of all to the skin, the nutrition of which deteriorates as a result of the disease. Body care with cosmetic products for people with diabetes is a vital necessity. For example, urea ointment for feet with type 2 diabetes mellitus avoids the development of a dangerous complication, the so-called "diabetic foot". Today we will talk about the choice and use of creams. We analyze the properties and cost of goods in order to select the most effective drugs.

The tasks of creams and ointments for the feet

Pathologies that develop against the background of diabetes are associated with disruption of the central nervous system. Angiopathy is characterized by symptoms such as:

  • itching and peeling of the skin,
  • loss of sensation
  • dryness and cracking
  • circulatory disorders in the limbs.

Doctors say that diabetic foot syndrome, which is formed as a result of such disorders, occurs in every tenth diabetic, whose "experience" exceeds 5 years. The formation of non-healing ulcers on the legs is also a frequent complication of the "sweet" disease.

It is necessary to use a foot cream for diabetes mellitus so that the skin receives support from the outside, while maintaining the desired level of moisture and elasticity. Urea works best for this. This substance is able to attract water molecules from the deep layers of the dermis. The second, no less important task is the treatment of corns and corns. It is these, insignificant for healthy person damage that can lead to the development of a dangerous syndrome in a diabetic.

The third factor to keep in mind is protection against various fungal infections.


This group of drugs is used for general cosmetic care. Its main task is to prevent foot cracks, eliminate corns. Such a tool should contain urea, which is designed to moisturize the skin and help exfoliate the stratum corneum. This substance is related to the human body, some of it is found in our blood. Preparations with its content are indispensable for the dry skin of diabetics.

In pharmacies today you can find many products that include this substance. Here are just some of the names of foot creams with urea:

  • "EVO"
  • "Doctor",
  • "glatte"
  • "baehr"
  • "Ureata",
  • "Diaultraderm Silver",
  • "Diaderm".

The Russian product "EVO" is recommended for dry, rough skin. It has a healing effect, so it is effective for cracked heels. The cream includes vegetable oils of coconut and olive, plant extracts (sage, celandine, oak bark), wax. This composition allows the use of the drug to prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors, reduces the manifestations of sweating, relieves irritation. The average price of "EVO" in a pharmacy is about 160 rubles.

"Lekar" is another popular Russian remedy that has a softening effect.

The cream is effective against corns and dry calluses, and it is used both for prevention and for the elimination of existing problems.

Tea tree oil, which is part of the cream, has a disinfecting effect, killing bacteria and fungal infections. Urea moisturizes the skin, allantoin additionally softens it, and tocopherol nourishes it. The cost of a 100 ml tube starts from 150 rubles.

Cream "Baehr", produced in Germany, contains several components at once that have a moisturizing effect. These are urea, glycerin and hyaluronic acid. The tool provides effective skin care, eliminating the manifestations of hyperkeratosis (thickening of the dermis). Panthenol and bisabolol have an antibacterial effect, eliminating sweating and odor. Macadamia oil additionally nourishes and regenerates the skin of the feet. The cream does not cause allergies, it is recommended for use as a product for the prevention and treatment of complications of diabetes. The price of the drug is in the range of 1200 - 1400 rubles.

German cream "Glatte" is one of the most powerful preparations for dry corns. Does not require pumice stone treatment. Produced in the form of foam, which is easily absorbed, does not leave a sticky feeling on the skin. It is economically consumed and allows you to get rid of old corns quite quickly. This tool is intended for treatment, it is not recommended to use it constantly. The price of the product is 650 rubles for a volume of 50 ml.

Cream Ureata, containing 10 percent urea, is intended for the care of severely dehydrated skin of the legs and hands. It also contains tocopherol or vitamin E, which activates cellular respiration and prevents skin irritation. The cream compensates for the lack of urea in the skin, restoring the water-lipid balance. The price of a 25 ml tube is about 450 rubles.

A series from the company "Avanta" (Russia) is designed to combat xeroderma (dry skin). The funds are intended for use by diabetics. The product is presented in the form of softening, intensively moisturizing, protective (antifungal) and regenerating compositions. Due to the low price (about 120 rubles), Diaderm is popular. It includes a complex of vitamins (A, E, F), jojoba oil, olive, avocado. The overall picture is noticeably spoiled by silicones and mineral oils present in the composition. Although the cream is advertised as a drug for diabetic foot, its usefulness in this case is doubtful, especially if there are open wounds on the skin.

"Dialtraderm Silver" contains shea butter, urea, glycerin, farnesol. Silver nitrate in active form gives the cream an antibacterial effect, helps to accelerate the microcirculation of lymph and blood. Tea tree oil prevents fungus. The tool is intended for sensitive skin. Well heals microcracks, relieves irritation, itching.

Requirements for care products

The main purpose of cosmetics for diabetics, of course, is to moisturize the skin.

But creams should also provide:

  • intake of missing vitamins,
  • protective antifungal effect,
  • bactericidal action,
  • activation of regeneration processes,
  • toning and improving blood circulation.

It is desirable that the cosmetic does not contain mineral oils or petroleum jelly, they prevent the skin from breathing, clogging the pores.

This is especially true of inexpensive drugs. The product must be labeled "hypoallergenic".

You should choose only creams intended for people with this pathology. Each component of the drug is designed to solve a specific problem. For example, itching or irritation helps to remove substances such as menthol, bisabolol, peppermint extract. Improve metabolic processes in cells antioxidant complexes, usually represented by retinol and tocopherol (vitamins A and E). Antifungal and bactericidal action provides tea tree EO, silver nitrate.

Application rules

Before you buy a cosmetic product for foot care, be sure to consult with your doctor. It is better to buy a cream in pharmacies. Do not forget about careful hygiene and regular inspection of the feet. These measures will prevent problems and start their elimination in a timely manner.

Application of the drug requires compliance with the following recommendations:

  • the cream is applied with light movements;
  • the skin should be clean and dry;
  • for concentrated ointments use a sponge or swab;
  • funds are used daily, at least twice a day;
  • the drug should be applied not only to the feet, but also to the legs;
  • You must strictly follow the instructions that come with each product.

In the presence of serious problems, such as non-healing ulcers, foot or nail fungus, you need to use medicines prescribed by your doctor, and not cosmetic preparations. Most creams are intended for care and prevention, they do not have a therapeutic effect.