What is the best highchair for feeding? What to look for when choosing How to choose a good highchair

  • Date: 20-02-2015
  • Views: 2250
  • Rating: 47

When a child reaches a certain age, he begins to actively get acquainted with the world around him. The kid studies the life and behavior of adults and definitely wants to do what they usually do: use the same objects, sit and eat at the dinner table. After six months, children, as a rule, no longer want to eat lying down and reclining, they definitely want to do it while sitting. It can be extremely inconvenient for mothers to hold a child on their knees and at the same time feed him, and it is simply unsafe to put a baby on an adult chair.

The main advantage of a children's chair is convenience of feeding of the child.

Therefore, you will definitely need to buy new furniture for your child - a special highchair for feeding. Before choosing a high chair, you need to know what criteria you need to pay attention to when choosing such important furniture.

How can a highchair for feeding be useful?

The main purpose and advantage of the baby chair is the convenience of feeding the baby.

The child will be securely and securely fixed in one place, which is very convenient for parents. With such a chair, the movements of the baby will be much easier to control, and parents may not worry that he will knock over hot food on himself or fall out of the chair.

Scheme-an example of the size of a children's chair.

A highchair for feeding is a guarantee of cleanliness in the apartment. The house really becomes much cleaner: the expensive carpet is not strewn with lumps of baby food, and the sofa will no longer remind you that the child had mashed vegetables for dinner.

The high chair allows the whole family to eat together with the child, in the event that the high chair is moved to the common table, of course. And mom has a much better chance of calmly tidying up the kitchen and preparing dinner for the whole family. While the child is sitting on the chair and going about his business, the mother can be calm, because thanks to the seat belts, the baby will not fall out of the chair and will not go anywhere from his place.

The high chair will help the child to learn to eat independently and accurately faster. Now it is easier for him to see food and reach for his plate. And if a family is having lunch next to him, then he will gradually learn the correct behavior at the table.

When the child grows up, some highchairs turn into a kind of desk. Be sure, the kid will be very interested in spending time at such a table, looking at books with colorful pictures or drawing. Some models can turn into rocking chairs or swings. Try to choose a highchair with a comfortable reclining back so that the child can sleep in it. Some kids love it!

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A high chair should be bought when the child already knows how to sit and his spine is strong enough.

Before you decide which is best to choose a high chair for your child, you need to decide on the appropriate time to buy it. So, the use of highchairs for feeding begins when the baby reaches the age of six months, when the child already knows how to sit and his spine is strong enough.

A feature of the six-month-old age is the introduction of various kinds of complementary foods (cereals, fruit purees) into the child's diet, which are served in plates. The child learns to eat independently from a spoon. The baby often spits out food during feeding and smears it on itself and surrounding objects. That is why he needs a specially designated place for this. The functions of this place will be performed by a high chair, which will allow the baby to quickly learn to eat independently and carefully. Such a chair will also help mothers: a baby who sits opposite is much more convenient to feed from a spoon than a child sitting in her arms.

If you decide to choose a chair of a sufficiently high height, then the child will have the opportunity to eat at the common table with his family, he will not be capricious and constantly distract his parents from eating, he will learn to behave at the table correctly. The high chair will be a great helper for parents in organizing the feeding and leisure of the baby from 6 months to about 3 years.

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Scheme of assembling a wooden chair.

Before deciding which high chair is best for your little one, take a look at the varieties of baby furniture available today.

So, a high chair made of wood, made in the style of minimalism, is a classic and very popular solution. Such a chair can be supplemented with a footrest and a small table top. It is designed exclusively for feeding and does not have any additional features, does not fold and is usually quite bulky and heavy.

Among the advantages of such a solution, one can note the relatively low cost, environmental friendliness, the ability to install a high chair close to a common dining table.

The disadvantages of a classic highchair are that it is quite heavy, takes up a lot of space, is immobile and can be unsafe for an active baby.

This highchair is suitable for children from 5-6 months to 3 years. Designed for home use.

This model has rather high legs. They are not adjustable in height. Such chairs usually do not fold and are not equipped with a table top. They are used exclusively for their intended purpose and look like children's chairs pushed up to dining tables.

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Diagram of folding high chairs for feeding.

This children's chair has the same height as the previously considered option. Due to the fact that this chair can be folded, its back, seat, tabletop and footrest can be adjusted according to the weight and height of the baby, it is very convenient for a child of the first 3 years (and it is equally comfortable both at six months and at 3).

Folding highchairs, as a rule, are complemented by small wheels, which makes it easy to move them around the apartment. An insert for legs, seat belts and a tabletop protect the child from falling and make his stay in such a chair as comfortable and safe as possible.

The advantages are as follows: a folding chair is compact, almost all of its components are adjustable, it can be substituted for a common dining table (for this you should choose a chair model with a removable top), models with wheels can be easily moved around the house.

Among the shortcomings, one can note the relatively high cost and the inability to use such a chair while traveling.

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compact baby chairs

Model of types of highchairs for feeding.

It often happens that the size of an apartment in a multi-storey building does not allow you to buy and install another large piece of furniture. That is why many parents, when deciding which highchair to buy, give their choice in favor of boosters - small highchairs that are fixed directly on the "adult" chairs. The chair booster is completed with a table-top and a seat belt. It is indispensable during various trips with a child, because you can always take it with you on a car trip or on another outing to the country. Such models, made of plastic, are distinguished by bright and rich colors, can be complemented by a removable panel with various toys.

Another type of compact furniture for feeding a child is a hanging chair. Such a chair is attached to the "adult" dining table. Of course, this model is very convenient for owners of kitchens that are modest in size, but at the same time it has a significant drawback: you can only connect the high chair to a solid and thick enough countertop, and the table itself must be stable and heavy (glass and round options standing on one leg will not work). Yes, and you will not use such a chair for very long, because. it has certain weight restrictions (usually up to 13-15 kg).

Among the advantages of such models can be noted their low weight and not very high cost. The disadvantages are that these chairs are not as safe as high chairs. In addition, they require certain conditions to be met. So, the booster can only be attached to a stable chair with a good, hard seat, and the hinged version must be installed on a heavy and strong table.

The booster chair is suitable for children from 1.5 to 3-4 years old. Some manufacturing companies indicate weight up to 17 kg. The hanging chair is suitable for a child aged 6 months to 3 years (depending on the weight of the baby, children heavier than 14-15 kg are not recommended to be put in such a chair). These models are very convenient on trips and in the country, suitable for small kitchens.

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The transforming chair has high strength and the ability to turn into a chair and a table (desk), into a walker, a swing, a cradle.

A transforming chair is a multifunctional and very comfortable option that can be successfully used both for feeding a child and for many other purposes, depending on which transformer you decide to buy. Most often on sale there are models that turn into a chair and a table. There are also cradle chairs and swings. Cradle chairs can be used from the very birth of the child: you can put him to sleep on such a chair, lowering the back, and, if necessary, move to another place without disturbing the child’s sleep.

Among the advantages of these models, one can note their high strength, the ability to turn into a chair and table (desk), into walkers, swings, and a cradle. Most models are affordable. The disadvantages are bulkiness and quite a lot of weight.

The transforming chair is suitable for a child aged from 6 months to 3-5 years. Great for home use.

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Such models are absolutely not like traditional chairs, but more like a kangaroo for a baby. The main components of such a fabric chair are a convenient bag with holes for children's legs and several strong straps with which the chair can be fixed almost anywhere.

Among its advantages are mobility, lightness and compactness. However, it is not suitable for everyday use, except for a variety of trips. This solution is indispensable for parents who love to travel.

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What details do you need to pay attention to?

Scheme of a road highchair for feeding.

When choosing a highchair for feeding, you need to pay attention to its components. So, many highchairs for feeding are equipped with a special soft insert. If such an insert is missing, then it will be uncomfortable for the child to sit on bare plastic or wood. In a soft comfortable chair with an anatomical shape, your baby will sit with great pleasure. This chair has a high and wide back, soft sidewalls and a spacious recessed seat.

It should be borne in mind that the upholstery of the chair should be pleasant to the touch, because. most often the child sits in a chair almost undressed. Oilcloth and leatherette, of course, are easy to care for, but the skin sticks to them, which is very unpleasant. On the other hand, cotton fabrics get dirty easily, get wet and take a long time to dry after washing. The best option is smooth materials with a water-repellent coating that are easy to clean and do not cause discomfort. Separately, you can buy a hygienic cover for a high chair, which is simply put on the “native” cover, and then change it as it gets dirty.

Pay attention to the back. So, the adjustable back will allow you to use the highchair as a cradle. This is especially important if the baby has not yet learned to sit. If your child does not have the habit of falling asleep during feeding and he is already sitting confidently enough, then it is quite possible to do without this function.

The baby's legs should not hang down or be strongly bent at the knees. The footrest with the possibility of height adjustment allows you to provide the most optimal position for children's feet.

The presence of a tabletop chair makes it much more practical. Such a tabletop can be used not only as a stand for plates and cups, but also as a plane on which the baby can draw, look at books, and play. In addition, it serves as additional insurance against accidental loss of the child.

Some chairs come with 2 tops. This is necessary so that, after feeding the child, you can remove the first countertop and wash it, and at this time the child can play on another, clean countertop. Countertops are available with recesses for dishes, which provides additional convenience and stability. However, such countertops should only be used when feeding a child.

If you are going to take a highchair to the country or picnics, be sure to make sure that the model you choose can be conveniently and quickly folded. Try folding the chair yourself. This should be done simply and easily, otherwise the presence of this function simply does not make sense. In addition, you need to make sure that the locking mechanism is in place and in good condition, which will prevent accidental folding of the chair.

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Materials for modern highchairs

Chair assembly diagram.

All highchairs can be divided into 2 main groups: wooden and plastic. Wooden models are classic and transformers, and hinged, folding and booster chairs are made of plastic. The beds of some models are made of metal.

Wood is a material that, due to its natural origin, attractive appearance and durability, is considered the most suitable for the production of children's furniture. When choosing a highchair for feeding, give preference to models made of hardwood (walnut, maple, beech), because. it will last much longer. Opt for a water-based furniture finish, be it varnish or paint. The uncoated material should be smooth to the touch, no roughness or unevenness is allowed, because the child can scratch or splinter a finger.

Plastic furniture has an interesting and bright design, a variety of style solutions and shapes, therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises (toxic fumes or a sharp "chemical" smell), you should not chase low prices and huge discounts. Focus on products from well-known manufacturers of children's products. Before buying a chair, be sure to read the quality certificate.

Metal inserts make the frame of the highchair stronger and more stable, although they make it noticeably heavier. The seat of the highchair can be upholstered in fabric or foil. The first option is very easy to care for, but very uncomfortable for the child: in summer it will be hot in such a chair, and in winter, especially if the room is not heated well enough, it will always be cold.

The fabric is much more difficult to wash when borscht and juice are spilled on it, but at the same time it makes the seat much more comfortable for the baby.

A more expensive option is genuine leather. These chairs often come with a special fabric pad that can be used while sleeping or playing (if the furniture is designed for this).

How to find the optimal solution? Buy a highchair with a plastic seat or a replacement cover for it. Of course, it will cost a little more, but it will be much more convenient to use such furniture, because fabric “clothes” can always be removed and washed in a typewriter.

The child is already able to sit, and you begin to introduce complementary foods. It's time to start using a special highchair for feeding. What should it be?

What are highchairs made of?

There are three frame options for children's highchairs - wood, plastic, chipboard. Plastic chairs are good because they are easier to clean, while wooden chairs are more environmentally friendly. When choosing a highchair made of chipboard, pay attention to the level of the manufacturer and whether he has certificates of conformity. The fact is that the inevitable chips and scratches can provoke the evaporation of the components of the glue, which is used in the production of chipboard.

The experience of parents suggests that it is better to choose a plastic highchair. Wooden ones turn out to be bulky and heavy, and chairs, unlike, for example, from a crib, have to be moved quite often. The plastic high chair is lighter, easier to clean and folds up. And if you abandon the "bells and whistles", then such a chair will cost no more than a wooden one.

The upholstery of the highchair should be made of a smooth material with a water-repellent effect. On oilcloth and leatherette seats, the baby will be uncomfortable, and cotton ones get dirty quickly and are inconvenient to clean. And for this case, a great find - removable covers.

But the material from which the highchair is made does not matter for the health and development of the baby (unlike the material for the crib). Other parameters are much more important. About them - below.

What should a baby highchair have?

  • Seat height and backrest adjustment. This will allow you to feed your baby in a reclining position, which is especially convenient for the first time using a high chair when the baby has just learned to sit.
  • Removable tray with compartments for plates and mugs. If necessary, it can be replaced with special game panels (included in the kit or purchased separately), and then the high chair will play an unusual role, but so useful for you and your baby.
  • The table should have several fixed positions (closer or farther from the seat). You will especially appreciate this parameter when you use a highchair for games. During feeding, the table should be moved closer to the baby, during games - a little further.
  • High sides at the table so that food and utensils do not fall off it.
  • Safety straps for fixing the baby on the chair. In the cheapest options are most often missing.
  • Wheel clamps. Models of high chairs with wheels are more convenient than stationary ones, but check the presence of latches before buying.
  • Footrest, footrest. An important point, as the footboard will not allow the baby to fall.
Be sure to pay attention to the seat belts of the high chair. They are three-point and five-point. The difference is in ensuring the stability of the baby on the highchair. For children who have just learned to sit, it is better to use a five-point harness, for those who are older and well-sitting, a three-point harness is sufficient.

What are high chairs

Transforming chair


The most popular model, an excellent mix between the price and its capabilities.

The transforming chair can act as a deck chair, rocking chair, play chair, and can also be disassembled into a table and a chair. The last option, by the way, appeared one of the first, and only relatively recently the highchair began to be used not only for its intended purpose, but also for playing and falling asleep. Designed for children up to 3-5 years.

Not all options for transforming chairs are folded, carefully look at the description.

The spread of even the starting price is very large, since it directly depends on what the highchair can be transformed into.

The most budget option - a wooden high chair with the ability to disassemble into a separate table and chair for an older child - costs from 1,000 rubles. But most likely, in such models there will be neither fixation belts nor a footrest. And the design of such a chair is the simplest. Doesn't add up.

Plastic high chair (with belts, adjustments, on wheels, folding, transforms into a table and chair) - from 2,500 rubles.

Transforming chairs that turn into a deck chair, rocking chair, etc. - from 8,000 rubles.

Travel highchair

A high chair for feeding a child will simplify the life of parents. It securely fixes the baby and ensures safety, it can be used for eating, for studying with books, and even for sleeping. Today, manufacturers offer a wide range of models. It is important to use a comfortable, reliable and safe device that is easy to use. Let's look at how to choose the right highchair for feeding.

When and why you need a high chair

With the help of a high chair, it is easy and convenient to feed the baby, control actions. Due to this item, the baby will be securely fixed in one place. He won't tip over food on himself or fall off his chair. Therefore, a children's chair for feeding is a guarantee of the safety of the baby and a guarantee of the cleanliness of the apartment.

You can easily put a chair next to the dining table and eat with your family. Small children like eating together, they quickly master a spoon and take adult food, learn to eat independently and carefully, learn the rules of behavior at the table.

Baby chairs are used not only for feeding the baby. They come in handy to distract the child. Put the baby on a chair, give toys, a coloring book or a book. At this time, you can safely go about your business, knowing that the child is safe and will not go anywhere from this place. For a grown-up baby, a highchair for feeding will become a kind of desk where he can study.

The device is beginning to be used, and his spine is strong enough, as well as with the introduction of the first complementary foods for babies. A suitable age to start using a high chair is six months. You can easily use such a product for up to three to five years. Let's look at which highchair is best for a child.

How to choose the right high chair

  • The device must be stable. For the design on wheels, a reliable locking mechanism must be provided;
  • When choosing, pay special attention to the back. It should be comfortable and convenient. Models with an adjustable backrest are perfect for fixing a comfortable and confident position for the baby. If necessary, the backrest can be lowered and the structure can be used as a cradle, where the baby can fall asleep;
  • Safety is the main condition when choosing a chair. It is important that it is made of hypoallergenic quality materials. Products should not have sharp corners, irregularities, notches and other defects;
  • The footrest of the chair should be adjustable in height and fix the child's legs so that they do not dangle freely or bend at the knees too much. This support ensures the formation of the correct posture;
  • It is desirable that the model has seat belts that fix the legs, shoulders and chest belt. This is especially important for active and hyperactive children;
  • The upholstery of the chair should be comfortable and pleasant to the touch, not cause discomfort and an allergic reaction;
  • Experts recommend choosing a countertop with multiple locking positions. Then the tabletop can be moved close to the baby or moved away, depending on the type of activity;
  • Choose a countertop with sides. If a child spills liquid, it will linger on the table and not spill onto the floor. In addition, the sides are useful when playing with small grains, parts and products for the development of motor skills;
  • Manufacturers produce special countertops with recesses for dishes, which increases practicality and stability. But they are only suitable for eating. For games and development, it is better to choose flat tabletops. For such cases, models are produced with two countertops that change;
  • The most convenient and practical folding design. This chair is easy to move around the apartment or take with you. If the device is not needed, the high chair can be folded and removed;
  • It is not recommended to buy models of too bright colors, as the eyes of the crumbs will be overstrained. In addition, a bright chair distracts the child's attention from eating, playing or developing activities. Choose calm shades;
  • Before choosing a high chair, read product reviews. Buy products only in specialized children's stores and be sure to check the certificate of quality and hygiene.

Which chair material to choose

Of great importance in the choice is the type of material from which the chair is made. Today, manufacturers offer wooden and plastic models. In addition, they produce products with a frame made of metal. Let's find out which is better, a wooden or plastic chair.

The wooden chair is 100% environmentally friendly and safe, resistant to wear and attractive appearance. Opt for hardwoods such as beech, maple and walnut as they will last longer. It is advisable to take a smooth tree with high-quality sanding without painting, as this is the safest and most environmentally friendly option for a baby.

But be prepared that without varnish or paint treatment, the wood may soon crack and lose its attractive appearance. If you're buying a coated wood chair, look for a water-based acrylic lacquer or special baby paints. These should be hypoallergenic, non-toxic, odorless formulations.

The plastic chair features a bright design, a variety of styles and forms of construction. However, in this case, you can buy low-quality goods from bad plastic. These are toxic products that cause skin irritation and an allergic reaction. Do not rush to buy an inexpensive plastic chair. Be sure to check the quality certificate, read reviews and give preference to a well-known trusted manufacturer.

Models with metal inserts make the chair strong and stable. But at the same time, the product becomes heavy, it is difficult to move the device from room to room, it is impossible to take it on trips. These chairs have fabric or oilcloth upholstery. However, the fabric is very dirty. It will be hot to sit on oilcloth in summer, and cold in winter.

How to choose a chair cover

To make it comfortable to sit on the chair, a cover is put on top of the plastic or wood or a special tab is placed. Many parents choose oilcloth or leatherette, as they are practical and easy to clean. If the surface is dirty, just wipe the cover with a damp cloth. However, such materials stick to the skin, which will bring discomfort to the baby. On the other hand, fabric covers get dirty quickly. Such products cannot be wiped with a cloth, they must be washed regularly.

A suitable option would be smooth hypoallergenic materials with a water-repellent coating or special liners. They are easy to clean, do not cause irritation and discomfort. In addition, you can buy a separate hygienic cover or insert for a high chair, which is worn over the main one and changed as it gets dirty. Such a product has an anatomical shape, which provides full comfort.

In addition, they produce covers and inserts made of genuine leather. However, it is quite expensive, but also an environmentally friendly option. In this case, a fabric cover or bedding is attached to the kit. Now let's look at each type separately. This will help you choose the best highchairs for feeding.

Types of high chairs

  • Classic wooden chairs

Wooden chairs will never go out of fashion, because wooden furniture for a child is always a good choice due to the naturalness of the material, environmental friendliness and safety. A model with high legs is easy to put close to an adult table. However, at the same time, they are not practical and not mobile, since they do not add up. In addition, the products are distinguished by a simple design without additional functions and heavy weight. Designed exclusively for feeding. Suitable for babies from 5-6 months to 3 years old.

  • Folding high chairs

The model on high legs is easy to move to a common table. Due to the ability to fold the product, it becomes practical, compact and mobile. The backrest, seat, footrest and tabletop can be easily adjusted. Often, models are complemented by small wheels, an insert for legs and seat belts. However, they are quite expensive and not suitable for travel. Such chairs are used from 0.5 to 3 years.

  • transformers

Stable, durable and multifunctional products transform into a chair, a table and a desk, a cradle and even a swing. Such chairs are used for different purposes, while the products are easy to fold and unfold, convenient to move and store. However, they are not suitable for travel, as they are quite bulky and heavy. Applied to children from six months to five years.

  • Boosters

Boosters are compact folding chairs made of plastic. You will find many models in different colors with two tabletops for feeding and playing. Practical products are easy to store and move, use in a small area and take on trips. Boosters are characterized by an affordable price, light weight and affordable price, versatility. They are suitable for children 1.5-4 years old.

  • hanging chair

This is another type of compact folding chairs. Such a device is attached to the dining table. However, such a model can only be attached to a strong and thick countertop. However, it is suitable only for children up to 15 kg. Mounted products are used for a small kitchen, in the country or on a trip.

  • Travel chairs

Such products are used in travel and travel. They are not like traditional options, but more like a kangaroo for babies. Such a chair is made of fabric in the form of a bag with holes for the legs. It has strong straps with which the chair is attached to any surface. These are mobile, compact and lightweight designs that cannot be used daily. But they are indispensable when traveling. How to competently organize the first trip with a baby, read.

Top best baby high chairs

We looked at tips on how to choose the right chair. And then we offer a look at the high chairs: the rating of the best.

Firm pros Minuses Price
Bertoni CANDY Comfortable and compact highchair that unfolds, takes up little space and is suitable for a cramped kitchen, a wide choice of colors, stable legs and safety belts, a tabletop with sides and a recess for cups Fixed oilcloth cover; fixed back; tight folding mechanism From 2300 rubles
Happy Baby William Premium folding chair with removable eco-leather covers, wheels and adjustable backrest, easy to clean, includes top and tray, toy basket and safety harness From 7900 rubles
SENS-M BABYS Practical and eco-friendly wooden transforming chair, soft waterproof cover and soft removable armrests, easy to clean, stable and reliable frame, two tabletops and seat belts Non-removable cover; does not fold and takes up a lot of space; complex design; there are small sharp details and corners From 1990 rubles
Capella S-208 High-quality and reliable chair, the back is adjustable in three positions, the seat - in five. Includes table top and removable tray, swing and toy basket, safety harness and wheels High price, bulky From 8450 rubles
WILT Alex Eco-friendly wooden transforming chair at a low price, removable soft cover, strong and stable frame, coated with a safe water-based varnish, transforms into a table for older children Need assembly after purchase; does not add up; no seat belts (only jumper between the legs) From 1060 rubles
FOPPAPEDRETTI Uno Due Safe compact product does not take up much space, adjustable back and seat, tabletop and removable tray, seat belts, removable hypoallergenic fabric cover and anatomical inlay, easy to fold and wash High price, only two colors (blue and red) From 7900 rubles
Selby BH-410 Portable compact booster chair for travel, two seating positions and three table top positions, seat belts, easy to assemble and disassemble, takes up little space, convenient to wash, reasonable price Rigid construction; made of plastic; fixed back From 1260 rubles
Chicco Polly Magic Functional model, the back is adjustable in three positions, the seat in six, includes seat belts and a jumper between the legs, wheels, a basket for toys and a removable arc with toys and. Suitable for children from birth, as you can fix the child lying down High price; takes up a lot of space; heavy weight From 7900 rubles

Not all newly-made parents understand what is the use of this piece of furniture. The main purpose and at the same time the advantage of the device is comfort when feeding both for the parent and directly for the child.

Let us consider in more detail the main advantages of this piece of furniture:

By the way, Dr. Komarovsky also speaks about this. The pediatrician is convinced of the usefulness of this device. The child sees how adults eat and sit at the table, which allows him to quickly learn how to use cutlery.

The high chair is often a versatile design. Tabletops are very diverse: with and without sides, with recesses for mugs and cups, with a stand for various board games. That is, the child can not only eat, but also play, draw or look at books with bright pictures.

You should think about purchasing this children's furniture at a time when the child already knows how to take a sitting position, his spinal column is already strong enough for a semi-vertical position. Usually these conditions are met at six months of age (usually, but not necessarily).

The main feature of this age period is the active introduction to the children's menu of complementary foods (porridge and / or), served in plates.

The child learns to eat on his own with the help of a spoon, but due to poorly developed chewing skills, motor awkwardness, carelessness, he often spits out food, smears it over his own body and nearby things.

That is why the baby needs a place specially designed for eating. For example, special furniture for feeding, which performs several important functions at once. In addition, it is more convenient for the mother to feed the child sitting opposite than the baby, which is placed on the handles.

At 5 - 6 months of age, the time the baby is in the highchair for feeding should not exceed 10 minutes. But at 7 - 8 months, when the children's spine gets stronger, the duration of stay in a sitting position increases significantly.

Universal furniture for feeding a child with a transformation function will last a long time. You can use such a high chair from six months to about three years, and sometimes even seven years of age.

Types of baby high chairs

There are several varieties of children's furniture, which differ in design features, age "qualification" and other characteristics. For convenience, we have summarized the main characteristics of various types of chairs in a single plate.

Kind of furnitureChild's ageMain characteristics of the model
From six months to three yearsA rather bulky construction made of wood, does not fold and does not have additional functionality.
From six months to three yearsIt is possible to adjust the height of the product, fold it and put it away for storage.
TransformerFrom six months to 5 years of ageAs it grows up, it transforms into 2 products - a table and a chair.
From six months to three years of age (if the child is large, then up to two years)The product must be attached to an adult chair, the furniture can be folded and put away for storage.
hanging chairFrom the age of nine months to three years (everything will depend on the body weight of the little rider)The seat must be attached directly to the dining table, and it is important to consider the type and material of the tabletop.

It is difficult to unequivocally answer which highchair is better to choose for a small child. Therefore, it is necessary to consider in more detail the features of each type of children's furniture.

This is a kind of classic of the genre - a wooden chair with high legs, which is made in the technique of minimalism. Such products are simply moved to the adult dining table and used for their intended purpose - to help in feeding the child.

The classic highchair for feeding is intended for babies from six months to three years of age. It can be used exclusively at home, because it is not characterized by mobility and lightness.

Important! Among the advantages of such a child seat, there is a rather low price, the use of exclusively environmentally friendly materials, the possibility of moving the device close to the adult dining table.

The disadvantages include bulkiness, heaviness of the structure. A classic wooden high chair is usually not equipped with protective elements in the form of belts, it does not fold and disassemble, so you cannot take it with you, for example, to nature. Let's take a closer look at one of the popular models.

Geuther Mucki

A striking example of a classic wooden high chair from a German manufacturer. The appearance of the product, at first glance, is very simple, but everything is thought out to the last screw. Nothing distracts from the strict design of the wooden structure. Parents especially appreciate the safety and functionality of this feeding device.

Main advantages:

  • natural material, hypoallergenic paint coating;
  • a rigid back allows you to form the correct posture;
  • a footrest, a central belt and armrests provide a safe seat;
  • easy and fast installation;
  • ease of care;
  • stylish appearance;
  • durable and stable construction.

Main cons:

  • the child must be able to sit well;
  • soft liner must be purchased separately;
  • the chair cannot be adjusted in height, the footrest is also not adjustable;
  • the inability to adjust the backrest.

The products of this German company are not the cheapest. The average cost of Geuther Mucki in stores is 7800 rubles. But for this price, a classic high European quality feeding device is offered.

You can buy a Geuther Mucki highchair in domestic online stores. Some offers with a detailed description of the goods and current prices are presented below:

  1. A popular Russian online trading platform with a wide range of children's goods (link to a high chair) - 8520 rubles.
  2. Another trustworthy online store with a large selection of toys and goods for children (link to a high chair) - 7860 rubles.

This device has the same high legs as the previous model. The seat is also intended for children of the first three years of life, and parents can fold it, adjust the tabletop, footrest, backrest and seat for a particular child.

The folding feeding stool can be equipped with small wheels, which allows you to move it around the house. The vast majority of products have leg inserts, safety straps and tabletops that can protect your baby from falls and increase comfort of use.

The advantages include compactness, the ability to fold the product, the presence of a basket and pockets for small items, an arc with pendants, a removable tabletop. Folding chairs are also more secure.

The design also has disadvantages, which include a rather high price, low mobility (despite the possibility of folding, the chair cannot be taken with you on trips and trips). An older child will not be able to sit up and get off the chair on their own.

Let us consider in more detail one of the most popular models of this category of high chairs.

Inglesina Zuma

This "throne" is regularly included in the rating. The device looks really impressive - a technological novelty with a design thought out to the last screw. The model boasts 8 height positions, three backrest positions, large wheels. Only high-quality materials are used: textile, metal and plastic.

Main advantages:

  • characterized by increased stability;
  • very high quality (will last a very long time);
  • high degree of safety (five-point straps);
  • the ability to adjust the position of the backrest, footrest and the height of the product itself;
  • double removable tray;
  • wheels in the front and two reliable locks on the rear legs;
  • the ability to fold and store, for example, in a closet;
  • quilted seat cushion (removable and washable).

Main disadvantages:

  • tight safety straps;
  • Velcro has little functionality, because they "attract" crumbs and other food debris;
  • not very convenient removable tray;
  • hard to put together.

Quite an expensive pleasure - the cost of this device exceeds 14,000 rubles. Yes, the product looks quite stylish, it has a lot of advantages and strengths, but not all parents believe that you need to pay such a high price for it.

Online store offers

You can buy a chair for feeding Inglesina Zuma in almost any specialized Russian online store of goods for children. Let's take a look at some of the suggestions:

  1. Well-known online store offering a wide range of products for the younger generation (link to the Inglesina Zuma feeding device). The approximate price is 16990 rubles.
  2. A popular online trading platform for parents with a huge selection of a wide variety of products for children (link to a high chair). The average cost is 14,000 rubles.

Often, the small area of ​​​​the apartment does not allow you to purchase and install "full-fledged" children's furniture. In this case, the best highchair is the so-called booster, or a small seat that is attached directly to an adult chair.

This product is intended for babies from six months to three years of age. The booster usually has a table top and safety straps, as well as a secure clasp that allows you to attach the seat directly to the chair.

Among the positive qualities, the mobility of the device is distinguished (you can take the high chair with you on a trip or to nature). Such devices, made of plastic, usually have bright, attractive colors, complemented by a removable panel with a variety of gaming accessories.

The disadvantages of the models include not too high safety of the structure, in contrast to wooden products. In addition, boosters are not attached to any adult furniture, but only to massive, stable chairs with a hard seat.

Babies H-1

A fairly inexpensive booster chair for feeding babies from the age of six months. It looks very cute and cute (design in the form of animal faces), besides, it is lightweight, compact - the product can be stored and carried in a bag specially designed for this.

The chair is attached to an adult chair with special straps. Also, the product can be placed on the floor thanks to the available convenient spacer legs. It is important to remember that this device has a limit on the body weight of the child - 15 kilograms.

Main advantages:

  • lightness and compactness of the product;
  • cute design;
  • structural stability;
  • you can take the chair with you on a trip;
  • removable cover can be washed;
  • 3-point safety harness;
  • you can adjust the height of the back;
  • Removable comfortable table top.

Main disadvantages:

  • not very high quality materials;
  • uncomfortable seat belts;
  • narrow table.

A brief review of the product allows us to conclude that the biggest advantages of the highchair are its compactness and low cost. It is for these qualities that parents appreciate this feeding device. And, of course, the stylish design of Babies H-1 attracts moms and dads.

Online store offers

Due to the low price, the Babies H-1 highchair is in great demand, so it is not so easy to find it in online stores that specialize in goods for children.

A pleasant exception is a popular online store that offers, in addition to this product (link to the Babies H-1 high chair), many other toys and goods for babies and teenagers. Approximate cost - 2800 rubles.

From 6 months to three years, you can use another type of high chairs - a hinged structure. This model is attached directly to the dining table, which is characterized by certain advantages and serious disadvantages.

The strengths of hanging chairs are compactness, the ability to fold and take them with you on trips, and a fairly affordable price. All this cannot but please mobile parents and those mothers and fathers who live in small apartments.

At the same time, hanging chairs There are significant downsides:

  • the dining table itself must be stable and heavy, with a massive table top (the product is not suitable for glass and round tables, furniture on one leg, with a decorated surface, with a table top that is too thick);
  • not very suitable for large children, since the device has certain restrictions in body weight (up to 13 kilograms);
  • overly mobile children should not be planted, since they are able to significantly loosen the products with their active actions and movements.

A hanging chair is the most dangerous type of furniture for feeding a child. The little rider is in a rather unstable position, so there is always a risk of falling. That is why in no case should you leave the baby alone with the hinged structure.

In addition, you should choose a hanging chair with rubberized pads that protect the surface of the table top and securely fix the structure. These tips should be taken into account when going to the store.

Chicco Hook on Chair 360

Feeding accessories from a world famous brand. The chair can rotate around its axis, has a reliable reinforced fastening system and is designed for any dining table surface, with the exception of glass tops.

The seat is mounted using four movable fastening mechanisms and two protective screws. The chair is also removed quite simply - the parent unscrews the screws and presses the button, which is located on the bottom of the product.

Main advantages:

  • compactness and lightness of design;
  • very easy to wash and wash;
  • the seat is recessed, so the child will not be able to fall out;
  • there are three-point safety belts;
  • there is a soft stop between the legs;
  • very comfortable seat.

Main cons:

  • there is a restriction on body weight;
  • not suitable for all tables;
  • a certain thickness of the countertop is required;
  • rather high cost.

A really unusual and unique model, which is regularly included in the TOP of the best high chairs. It differs from the rest in its amazing mobility and the ability to turn the child into any position convenient for the mother. This greatly simplifies the entire feeding process.


As the name implies, a transformer is a model with numerous functions that can be used not only for eating, but also for completely different purposes. Everything will depend on the functionality of the product and the availability of additional devices.

Usually the store offers designs that can transform into a more adult chair and table (desk). There are also models that turn into walkers, cradles and swings. Cradle chairs are used from six months (or even earlier), and you can implement a similar function without disturbing children's sleep.

Transformer is a good option for a high chair for economical parents. Many of these models are affordable, characterized by increased strength, the ability to transform into various devices.

In addition, such structures can be used for a long period of time. When unfolded (a table and a place for a seat), they are used for 5-6-year-old children. Children can draw on them and write in notebooks. Among the minuses - massiveness, quite a lot of weight.

Jetem Magic

Another permanent "inhabitant" of the TOP 2017 in the category "best feeding equipment". The transformer "grows" with the baby. Initially, this is a standard seat for feeding a child with the ability to adjust the product in height, and the backrest in inclination.

As the baby grows up, the device turns into 2 separate devices: a chair and a table with a stand for books and cells for stationery. Such children's furniture will serve until the child enters the first grade.

Main advantages:

  • differs in functionality;
  • there are safety straps, a stand and a leg divider;
  • removable cover can be washed;
  • you can adjust the position of the back;
  • when the child grows up, the product turns into a chair and a desk;
  • long service life of furniture (up to 7 years of age);
  • 3 tabletop positions.

Main disadvantages:

  • the tabletop is loosely attached;
  • bulky design;
  • uncomfortable party.

For a transformer, the cost is quite moderate - about 7150 rubles. However, the product is completely made of plastic, so it is difficult to talk about its durability. In general, parents speak positively about this model, so it is not surprising that this highchair rating is quite high.

Online store offers

Online stores are a great option for purchasing the Jetem Magic transforming chair. Here you can not only get acquainted with the characteristics of the product in detail, but also order it with significant discounts:

  1. A very good online marketplace that offers the widest selection of a wide variety of children's products (link to the Jetem Magic highchair). The approximate cost is 8990 rubles.
  2. Also a good online store offering the widest range of products for home and family (link to the chair). Approximate price - 8556 rubles.
  3. Another online store of goods and toys for children (link high chair). The approximate cost of the goods is 8990 rubles.

Choosing a highchair for feeding: main parameters and characteristics

The question of how to choose a high chair for feeding a baby is really important. To make the right choice and purchase a really worthwhile model, you need to take into account several important parameters that should be discussed in more detail.

Fixture safety

All models of feeding devices have their own design features, however, all devices must fully comply with certain safety standards. So, TV doctor Komarovsky strongly advises to take this factor into account when buying this product.

For reliable protection of the child, you should pay attention to several important characteristics:

  1. Quality. First of all, parents need to pay attention to the quality of the materials that are used to make the high chair. When buying, you need to ask the seller to present a quality certificate for the product.
  2. Sustainability. This characteristic is especially important if a high chair or transformer is purchased. The main signs of a stable fixture are spacers placed to the sides (metal legs are ideal) or a massive wooden base.
  3. Brakes. If you plan to buy a device with wheels, you need to make sure that there are special stoppers, or clamps. Moreover, their work should be checked even in the store to avoid unpleasant surprises.
  4. Safety straps. Almost all models are equipped with five- or three-point seat belts. It is best to choose a device with straps equipped with softening inserts and comfortable fasteners. Ideally, straps should be adjustable in height and length.
  5. Step. The footrest is necessary to form the correct posture and prevent the baby from getting tired. In addition, if the child begins to rest against a hard surface, he will not be able to slide down. The stand should be removable: it is removed when the child grows up.
  6. Correct fixture. It is necessary to ensure that all parts of the product are securely fastened, and fasteners (screws, bolts, etc.) are hidden under special plugs. There should be no sharp protrusions or corners.

Be sure to check what the maximum body weight of the rider is indicated in the instructions and other accompanying documents. Compliance with this rule is especially important when it comes to a hinged structure or a booster chair.


Before considering the best highchairs for feeding a small child, you need to carefully consider how important such product characteristics as its dimensions are for you.

Of course, if you can boast of the impressive size of the kitchen, then you can purchase any model of a high chair: both a classic product and a transformer. That is, quite bulky and massive fixtures.

If a stable outdoor chair does not fit into a tiny kitchenette at all, it is necessary to abandon such an acquisition and consider buying a folding structure like a booster or a hanging chair.

Regardless of the size of the fixture and the room itself, it is necessary to place the child seat as far as possible from electrical outlets, stoves, hanging shelves and various (but always potentially dangerous) electrical appliances.

According to this parameter, feeding chairs are divided into two main categories:

Most often, classic products and transformers are made of wood, while hanging structures and booster chairs are usually plastic. The bases of some feeding devices are made of metal.

Wood is one of the most popular materials for making furniture for children due to its naturalness, environmental friendliness, visual appeal and increased wear resistance. It is curious that wooden furniture can cost less than plastic counterparts!

When choosing the best highchairs made of wood, you should give preference to models that are made of hardwood: walnut, maple, beech wood. Such products will last longer with daily use.

Pay attention to the covering of the wooden chair. Paint or varnish liquid must be water-based. If the wood is not covered with a protective element, you need to make sure that the surface is smooth, without any roughness or burrs.

Chairs made of plastic are distinguished by a wide variety of models and designs, styles and shapes. That is why many parents prefer this particular version of the material. However, before buying a plastic product, you need to make sure of its quality: the absence of a pungent odor, poisonous colors, and the availability of certificates.

In addition, plastic is a more convenient material in terms of care. Such chairs are washed directly in the bath with a shower head and liquid detergents. Wooden models are afraid of excessive moisture, so they should not be subjected to such water procedures.

When the child begins to hold cutlery or cups in his hands on his own, everything around will be stained with porridge, vegetable or fruit puree, sweet juice or milk. That's why you need to worry about being able to wash the covers even before purchasing a chair.

Separate fixtures do not have textile parts - they have wooden or plastic seats. This option is characterized by increased practicality, but the baby will not be delighted due to the excessive rigidity of the structure.

The seats of some feeding chairs are made of soft filler, which is covered with a washable oilcloth. Such coatings are easy to care for, but in summer months it is too hot in such devices, and in winter months it is too cold.

That is why many mothers prefer chairs with textile seats - this material is the most practical and comfortable for a small user. But whatever material you prefer, the following rules must be observed:

  • it is better to choose non-staining fabrics, since various contaminants will not stand out so much on them;
  • ask the sales assistant to demonstrate how to remove capes. Try to remove the cover yourself in the store;
  • be sure to try to study the manufacturer's marking on the label. It should contain tips for washing textile parts.

When choosing a highchair, give preference to soft shades of covers that will not strain children's eyes. The most preferred seat colors are green, grayish, blue and brownish.

Even if your task is to seat the child at an adult dining table, it is much more convenient to first put the children's food and drink on a special surface, a countertop, which is equipped with many feeding devices.

In this case, this part must have certain characteristics:

When choosing a product, it is necessary to evaluate the dimensions of the countertop. The best option is if a baby plate, mug or non-spill bottle is placed on it, as well as cutlery - a spoon and a fork.

Adjustable position

Adjusting the height of the seat, tilting the backrest and the position of the footrest is a rather important function that allows you to increase the comfort of your child in the high chair.

It's no secret that the baby grows extremely fast, so the feeding chair, in which he felt comfortable at 6 months old, will turn into an uncomfortable structure in a year old. That is why the ability to adjust the level of the seat is very useful for the comfort of the child.

The vast majority of models of feeding devices can be adjusted by:

  • height. In this case, parents will be able to choose the most optimal position for both a very small toddler and an older rider;
  • back tilt. Chairs for the smallest users (usually transformers) can be laid out in the “reclining” position. This is a fairly comfortable position for feeding a baby who does not yet know how to sit well;
  • delivery positions for legs. The adjustable footrest allows the child to sit most comfortably, and also helps to maintain the correct posture.

Modern chairs are made taking into account the anatomical features of babies. Such design features are usually indicated in the instructions for the product and other accompanying documents.

The main principle is early learning. As soon as the child begins to sit on his own, is ready to eat porridge or mashed potatoes, you should begin to get acquainted with the highchair.

Most often, children like to sit in such a “throne”, so there are no particular difficulties with learning. If the child is wary of the chair, refuses to sit on it, use the following recommendations from experts:

  1. Make your feeding area more inviting. For example, you can hang several bright magnets on a nearby refrigerator. You can put plastic jars with various fillers on the dining table, the main thing is that they attract and interest the kids.
  2. Usually you should not “litter” the chair with toys, but in this case you can break this rule. You should place a playing arc with pendants on the tabletop, put a music box. As an option - offer the child all kinds of kitchen "toys" in the form of saucepans, colanders, plastic bottles. It is only important not to overdo it with gaming devices. Still, the main function of the chair is eating.
  3. Internet, in particular, any parent forum offers another way to solve the problem - the inclusion of cartoons or children's films while sitting on a high chair. This advice should be taken with some caution, as it may form a not very healthy eating habit.
  4. Offer the most delicious and favorite foods to the child sitting in the high chair. This will lead to the formation of a pleasant association with this device. In addition, the baby can feed his favorite teddy bear or a doll from a spoon.

You can not leave a child on a high chair without parental supervision, even if the model is characterized by increased safety. Be sure to fasten the baby with straps, check how stable the high chair is.

In addition, experts strongly advise against making any manipulations with the highchair (adjusting the backrest or the height of the device) if the baby is currently in the device. Such actions are fraught with childish fear and refusal to sit in a chair in the future.

As a conclusion

The question of how to choose the right high chair for a small child is really important. The recommendations and rules listed above will help you understand what to pay close attention to when choosing children's furniture so that it will serve your baby for several years.

  • child's age. Experts, including Dr. Komarovsky, advise looking closely at the chair closer to the age of 6 months, when the baby begins to sit down and is ready for feeding;
  • body weight of the child. Many highchairs made of plastic are designed for babies up to 18 kg. High-quality wooden chairs and transformer models will last up to 35 kilograms;
  • installation features. It is important to select such furniture so that it is comfortable in the room and has access to it. If the kitchen is small, it is better to choose a mounted model or a booster. For owners of a large room, transformers or classic seats are suitable;
  • functionality. Transforming chairs are an ideal solution for those parents who want to extend the life of children's furniture. As the child grows older, the model can be transformed into a desk or table;
  • product safety. The quality of the materials from which the body, countertop, covers and belts are made is extremely important. In addition, there should be no chipped places, sharp corners, open bolts and screws on the chairs. It is better to buy models with seat belts, leg dividers and wheel stoppers (if any);
  • hygiene. Of course, the highchair should shine with cleanliness. You need to take care of both the wooden and the plastic structure, but in different ways. The plastic product is washed right in the bath, the wooden chair is wiped with a damp cloth dipped in a non-aggressive disinfectant solution.

A high chair is an important piece of furniture that will be useful to parents and a child for a rather long period of time and will be used very often - you will have to feed your baby in it at least 5-6 times a day.

That is why it is so important not to make a mistake when buying. Compliance with the basic rules will allow you to choose the best device that will delight both adults and the little rider for several years. Happy shopping!

Is your baby already sitting confidently and not wanting to bottle feed? It's time to think about new furniture, because it is already large enough to start learning the rules of behavior at the table. Yes, and you will be more comfortable than now, when you are trying to keep your baby in your lap with one hand, and with the other you are trying to put a spoonful of porridge into his mouth. What is the best highchair for feeding? You will learn about this from our article.

When do you need a chair?

Of course, you can buy it together with a stroller. There are even transformers that can serve as both a cradle and a highchair. But you should start using it for feeding only when the baby learns to sit well without outside help. Most often this happens from six months to eight months, but children develop in different ways: someone - faster, someone - more slowly. In any case, the skill must be firmly mastered.

Important! If the child is sitting unsteadily, and you can’t manage to hold both him and the spoon, buy a deck chair on which he can recline - and you will be comfortable, and the baby.

Where to put it?

This is a very important point! It depends on what size chair you can afford. Of course, it will stand where you feed the baby:

  • in the kitchen;
  • in the nursery;
  • in the bedroom, living room or in general in the only room.

In most modern apartments, the kitchen also serves as a dining room, it just so happened. But many young parents tend to move to more spacious homes, where it is possible to allocate a separate room for the youngest family member, or a separate room for a common dining room. Of course, children's furniture in a tiny kitchenette will be very different from that in a spacious personal room of the baby.

Important! Do not forget to think in advance where you yourself will be during feeding - you should also be comfortable.

What are the models?

Before choosing a chair for feeding, estimate at least approximately which model would suit you more. There are only three main categories:

  • high;
  • transformers;
  • boosters.

high chairs

Such high chairs have been around for many decades - moms and dads of today's kids for the most part sat at their first dining table on them. They are comfortable because the child is at the same height as adults. The kid does not seek to reach the countertop, mom does not need to bend over. These chairs are of two types:

  • folding;
  • stationary.

Important! Which one to choose depends on the size of the room. If the kitchen or room is large, the chair can stand at the table as much as you like and not interfere with anyone. For small apartments, folding models are preferable, of course.

Advantages of a high chair:

  • seat height adjustable;
  • the back is placed in several positions;
  • equipped with wheels;
  • easy to clean;
  • stable.

Important! The main disadvantage is that such furniture is too large. Usually they are designed for children from six months to three years old, but relying on the data in the certificate is not very worth it. It happens that the chair is cramped even for a two-year-old, and some models, on the contrary, are designed more for preschoolers than for young children.


A very convenient option! With a slight movement of the hand, a high armchair for a six-month-old baby turns into a chair and a table for a one-year-old and even an older child. At such a table, its owner can not only eat, but also draw, and sculpt, and fold a pyramid, and fiddle with a music panel.

Transformers have many advantages:

  • multifunctionality - it can be a rocking chair, a walker, a swing, and much more, depending on the model;
  • there is an additional countertop;
  • as a rule, there is a seat cover.

Important! There are no common shortcomings in such models. But when buying, keep in mind that the chair may be too large for your room. Check if it will pass through the door.


Such chairs as a separate type of furniture exist relatively recently. They are somewhat akin to a car seat, only suspended from a large dining table or adult chair. A suitable option for very small rooms, when there is nowhere to put even a folding high chair.

The undoubted advantages include the following:

  • small dimensions;
  • low price - these are the cheapest models.

The main drawback is that you can not attach the booster to every table or chair, so you need to be careful when buying.

Important! You can't leave a child alone in a booster.

What should it be?

When deciding which feeding chair to choose and deciding on the type, consider a few more points. The chair for the baby should be:

  • safe;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • convenient;
  • with nice extra features.

Let's talk about security

Any children's furniture simply must be safe. And it's not just about the fact that there should be no details about which a baby or mother can get hurt - this is something by itself. But keep in mind that the child sitting on the chair is high enough. Therefore, the item must be:

  • durable;
  • sustainable.

Before buying, be sure to check:

  • base strength;
  • rack hitch rigidity;
  • frame reliability.

Important! After choosing a model, shake it from side to side - it should not stagger or fall apart. Be especially careful if you choose:

  • folding high chair;
  • Transformer with removable seat.

Environmental friendliness

All children's products must be made from environmentally friendly, absolutely harmless materials. This also applies to chairs for feeding. In no case should the material emit harmful substances during operation and generally somehow react with the environment.

Important! As a rule, furniture from good manufacturers has the appropriate certificate.


The kid should feel comfortable, because he is doing such a pleasant and important thing at this table! Parents are usually concerned when the child does not eat well or refuses to eat at all. And it does not always occur to adults that a small person simply does not want to sit on a chair, because he feels bad there.

Therefore, it is very desirable that the chair can be installed in several positions:

  • sitting;
  • half-sitting;
  • reclining.

Important! Additional bonuses are the ability to adjust the height of the stand and a removable tabletop.

Additional functions

You will be much more comfortable if you have:

  • recess for plates and cups;
  • a set of two or three removable tabletops - dining, didactic and musical, for example;
  • basket for toys;
  • pocket on the back, in which you can put bibs or napkins;
  • removable washable cover.

Let's talk about materials

For those who are just thinking about how to choose a high chair, the advice of experienced parents will not be superfluous. Mothers who have already raised several children recommend paying special attention to the material from which furniture and accessories are made.

The chair can be:

  • wooden;
  • plastic.

Important! Metal chairs are very rare, but they are not in great demand, because they are not particularly practical, and besides, they are quite heavy.


Many people prefer wood, and with good reason. The tree has a lot of advantages:

  • it is a natural material that does not react with the environment;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • easy to clean;
  • with proper care does not rot;
  • serves for a long time;
  • easy to repair.

There are several not very significant drawbacks of wooden models:

  • cost more than plastic
  • furniture, including children's furniture, is heavier than that made of plastic.

Important! However, these disadvantages cannot greatly affect the choice - the price range is quite extensive, so it is quite possible to pick up a high chair that is good in all respects, and the purchase will not cause irreparable damage to the family budget. As for the large weight compared to plastic, this is not such a minus - wooden chairs are more stable.


Great modern stuff. As a rule, children's things are made of good durable plastic that does not emit harmful substances and does not cause allergies.

Advantages of plastic furniture:

  • ease;
  • ease of care;
  • not susceptible to fungal attack;
  • low price.

In addition, bright materials are chosen for the manufacture of children's furniture, which attract the attention of the baby and create a joyful mood. But remember that the color should not be annoying, otherwise the eyes will get tired. The only drawback of such furniture is the relative fragility under strong mechanical stress and the complexity of the repair.

Important! On sale you can also find furniture that combines wood and plastic.

Cases and more

Be sure to look at what the covers or upholstery are made of, if any. For children's things are most suitable:

  • cotton;
  • microfiber.

In any case, the material must have some specific qualities:

  • it should not irritate the skin;
  • it should be easy to wash.

Important! Maybe a cover made of oilcloth. It is practical and convenient, besides, quite cheap.


To choose the right chair for feeding, you need to know:

  • baby growth;
  • age.

If the chair is too tight, the baby will be very uncomfortable, and the child runs the risk of falling out of too loose. It is necessary that the little owner is tightly pressed against the back of the chair, but at the same time, nothing should squeeze his body.

Important! As for age, from six months to a year you can choose a high chair or a booster, and a transformer is more suitable for a child older than a year.

Fasteners and adjustments

Chair for feeding - which is better? The one in which all the main details and additional “gadgets” correspond to the main goal - the convenience of the baby and mother:

  • Pay attention to the fasteners. They must securely hold the baby when he sits at the table.
  • A very handy thing is the height adjuster. This applies to folding chairs and some transformers. Levels can be from two to eight. This feature allows you to use the chair for quite a long time, because the height can be set depending on the height of the child and the size of the kitchen furniture.

Important! Good models have other adjustments.

Some brands

Furniture for kids is made by many companies - both well-known and not very well-known. It is always better to give preference to products of companies that have been working successfully for a long time. These brands include:

  • Chicco;
  • Peg Perego;
  • sweet baby.

Italian chairs Chicco

Chicco has been operating in the children's clothing market for over fifty years. Highchairs for feeding enjoy invariable success at buyers. In children's stores you can find several models from Chicco. The most popular are Chicco Polly Magic and Chicco Polly.

Chicco Polly Magic

This item is for kids up to 3 years old. It easily turns into a cradle, that is, it is a transformer. The cradle can be hung, it can also serve as a restraint in the car. When the child begins to sit, the mobile cradle can be used as a traditional high chair.

Chicco Polly Magic

This model is designed for children from six months to three years. It is produced in nine versions. Users, however, note not only the convenience, but also the shortcomings of the products of this popular Italian company.

As minuses indicate:

  1. Large sizes, which greatly limit the number of users - in cramped apartments, such chairs simply cannot be moved from room to room.
  2. A lot of weight, because the frame is made of metal: “Chico Polly” weighs from 10 to 12 kg.
  3. The adjustment knob seems uncomfortable to many - according to many parents, it is too low.
  4. Not all models are equipped with wheels.

Peg Perego

Peg-Perego is another Italian company that produces children's products. Furniture meets the highest European standards. The company has been operating even longer than the previous one - since the late 40s of the last century. Two models of children's feeding chairs are in the greatest demand:

  • Peg-perego Prima Pappa Zero-3;
  • Peg-Perego Tatamia.

Prima Pappa Zero-3

The first is designed for children from zero to three years. This is a multifunctional chair with very seductive parameters:

  • 7 height positions;
  • 5 backrest positions;
  • 3 position footrest.

If we talk about the shortcomings, then they certainly are:

  1. Not a very good position of the wheels - they can only go forward.
  2. The backrest adjustment button is too tight.
  3. It is not very convenient to put the table in a non-working position.

Peg-Perego Tatamia

Quite a large transforming chair for the little ones - from birth to three years. Washes well, very comfortable, stable, with good, silent running wheels. Besides:

  • 7 height levels;
  • 4 back positions;
  • brake system “Stop&Go”;
  • can turn into a swing, deck chair, cradle and high chair;
  • removable tray.

Important! The disadvantages of users include a very large weight - as much as 14 kg. Parents who have dealt with this item believe that it is designed for older children. In addition, accessories such as a case, a basket for toys and an arc need to be purchased separately.

sweet baby

Perhaps the best Russian brand today. Children's furniture is made from modern materials that meet European standards. The most popular product for those who are looking for a children's high chair is Sweet Baby Magic.

According to its technical characteristics, this chair is not inferior to its Italian counterparts, but it costs much less. Him:

  • 6 height levels;
  • 3 position footrest;
  • takes the position of a deck chair;
  • equipped with good wheels that move in any direction;
  • warm hygienic upholstery.

Important! Users complain about the instructions in which they do not find the necessary information. In addition, the latch lock is made of not very high-quality material, and the armrests are not equally comfortable in all positions.


In this article, we have described in detail which highchair is better to choose. Now you just have to decide on a more interesting model for yourself.