What causes dandruff and how to treat it. Why does dandruff appear on the head and how to get rid of it. Factors affecting the development of a fungal infection

Dandruff is a combination of causes (or a syndrome) characterized by an accelerated process of peeling off skin particles (in the form of scales) over a relatively long period. Dandruff is most common on the scalp covered with hair.

Dandruff should not be confused with just dry scalp. In the process of human life, there is a constant death of skin cells and a slight peeling of the scalp is normal (about 487,000 cells per 1 cm 2).

Dandruff is a common scalp condition and affects almost half of the population different ages, gender and ethnicity.

Causes of dandruff

Dandruff is usually caused by three factors, or combinations thereof:

1. Incorrect work of the sebaceous glands (or seborrhea)

Seborrhea - general concept dandruff is a disease. In a general sense, this is an imbalance of sebum formation, which leads to a decrease or increase in sebum production and a change in chemical composition sebaceous secret. This process may occur due to chronic metabolic disorders, the general state of the immune system, age and gender, dietary habits and skin pollution.

Distinguish seborrhea oily (liquid and thick) and dry.

With oily liquid seborrhea, the pores are enlarged, the skin is shiny, and the hair on the head looks oiled, often stuck together in strands. Hair strewn with yellowish scales, pustules often appear on the scalp.

With oily thick seborrhea, skin elasticity decreases, possibly the appearance of comedones (horny plug, blackhead). The hair on the head is coarse and coarse.

2. Skin damage by a fungus

With reduced sebum secretion, scales abundantly cover the hair and scalp. This process is called dry seborrhea (dandruff). This phenomenon is associated with the process of activation of the fungus, which is called "Pityrosporum Ovale", or "Malassezia Furfur".

With good immunity, the fungus behaves stably. With a strong physical and mental imbalance, with a prolonged violation of the diet, the fungus is activated, which leads to an acceleration in the growth of epidermal cells. The period of exfoliation of the skin takes from 5 to 7 days (in the absence of disease, this period lasts about one month).

As a result, a large number of scales exceeding the norm. If this process is accompanied by irritation of the scalp, itching and individual foci of redness, then we can talk about seborrheic dermatitis. Hair, in this case, becomes brittle, thin and dry.

3. Individual characteristics of the body

These include features of skin secretion and its structure, hereditary predisposition and seasonal changes. Other reasons include the following:

  • People with certain skin conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema, are more likely to develop dandruff than others.
  • Adults with Parkinson's disease and some other neurological conditions are more prone to developing dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Patients of any age who have had heart attacks and strokes, and some people with weak immune system are more prone to dandruff than others.
  • Some experts believe that people who do not consume enough foods containing zinc, vitamins and certain types of fat are more prone to dandruff.
  • Mental stress. Many experts believe that there is a link between frequent stress and many skin problems.
  • The study showed that 10.6% of people with HIV are susceptible to seborrheic dermatitis.

All of the above allows us to conclude that all the processes and phenomena that lead to the appearance of dandruff are manageable and controllable.

Anti-dandruff products

Fortunately, these processes can be controlled. In mild cases, it is enough to find a suitable anti-dandruff shampoo, a certain composition and stabilize your lifestyle.

In most cases, the appearance of dandruff, in a mild form, does not require a visit to the doctor. However, if the condition of the scalp worsens, and the use of a healing shampoo does not bring desired result then you should consult a doctor. A doctor may diagnose seborrheic dermatitis or another associated disease, which requires certain treatment conditions.

Most dandruff or antifungal shampoos (anti-dandruff shampoos) contain at least one of the following active ingredients:

  1. Zinc pyrithione is an antibacterial agent.
  2. Selenium sulfide - is responsible for reducing the rate of cell production.
  3. Sulfur - helps to remove dandruff scales.
  4. Ketoconazole is a very effective antifungal ingredient. Most people who use products containing ketoconazole are satisfied with the results. Shampoo with this ingredient can be used by both young and old people.
  5. Salicylic acid is an exfoliating ingredient.
  6. Tea tree oil is an oil extracted from the Australian tea tree (Melaleuca Alternifolia). We can say that at present, shampoo manufacturers are increasingly including tea tree oil in their composition. Tea tree oil is an antifungal and antiseptic. However, some people may be allergic to this type of oil.

The ideal solution would be to choose a shampoo that contains two or three of the above components.

In addition to shampoos, creams are also used to combat seborrhea:

  1. Cortisone creams - reduce inflammation. Such a cream can be bought without a prescription in 0.5% or 1% concentration. The cream is used twice a day, the result will appear only after a few days. This type of cream is available as a scalp lotion. Apply once a day, preferably on damp hair after shampooing. Can be used with medicated shampoos.
  2. Antifungal creams. The action of such creams is aimed at reducing the number of yeast organisms living on the skin. Available without a prescription are clotrimazole cream 1% and miconazole cream 2%. Antifungal creams are applied once or twice a day.

How to get rid of dandruff

Medicated dandruff shampoos, like medicated creams, should be used during the active stage of seborrhea. As the manifestation of the disease decreases, it is necessary to reduce the use of therapeutic drugs and, as a result, switch to the use of everyday hygiene products. In the event of another occurrence of the disease, creams and shampoos can be reused.

It may happen that when the disease reappears, the remedies that you used in previous times may not be effective now. In this case, it will be necessary to use other shampoos and / or creams with the above components.

Basic rules for using medicated shampoos. Shampoo should be applied to damp hair and left on the scalp for a period of about five minutes. If the shampoo is washed off too quickly, the active ingredients will not have enough time to work.

Basic rules for the use of therapeutic creams (masks, lotions). Healing creams are used in combination with medicated shampoos. Masks and lotions are kept on the scalp for 20-30 minutes.

In parallel with the use of therapeutic agents, the following simple diet should be followed. The food you eat should be rich in vitamins and fiber. The diet should include dairy products. Consumption of fatty and sweet should be limited. It is also recommended to consume at least two liters of clean water daily.

Folk remedies for dandruff

Dandruff treatment at home, can be as effective as treatment with expensive dandruff remedies.

Egg mask. It is necessary to beat two eggs in a small amount of warm water. Apply the resulting mixture to the hair for ten minutes, then rinse. This procedure helps prevent dandruff.

Mask based on orange juice and aloe. You need two teaspoons of aloe juice and two teaspoons of orange juice, one egg yolk. Mix all ingredients until smooth and apply on the scalp. Wash off with warm water after 40 minutes. After applying such a mask, you should rinse your hair with a decoction prepared from horsetail (which can be bought at a pharmacy).

Calendula rinse. One tablespoon of calendula (take inflorescences) pour two cups of 80% boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. After washing the hair, rub the resulting infusion into the scalp, then put on the head plastic bag, remove the package after 30 minutes, do not rinse the hair. This procedure is recommended to be carried out two or three times a week.

Chamomile rinse. Pour two tablespoons of chamomile (inflorescence) with one liter of water and boil for five minutes. After cooling, rub the decoction into the scalp.

Chamomile conditioner. Prepare an infusion of chamomile inflorescences in a ratio of 1 to 10. Wash your head with infusion two or three times a week, the number of procedures is from 10 to 15. This course can be repeated after two or three weeks.

Thyme-based rinse. Four tablespoons of thyme pour 0.5 liters of water and boil for 10 minutes. Cool the broth and strain, apply to wet hair, wetting them completely. No need to rinse with water. You can use it after every hair wash.

Mushroom rinse. In 0.5 liters of warm water, you need to dissolve one tablespoon sea ​​salt. Apply the solution to clean, damp hair and rinse well after 5 minutes. After rinsing the hair in another solution (add one teaspoon of lemon juice to 0.5 liters of water).

Hair oils. Mix one tablespoon with ten tablespoons of alcohol tincture of calendula (sold in a pharmacy). Use to rub into the scalp twice a day.

When using any medication, you need to consult a specialist.

The article will talk about the main causes of dandruff, its symptoms and varieties.

Dandruff is a common cosmetic problem for both women and men. She spoils appearance in general and causes a lot of inconvenience. Also, dandruff can cause itching and burning of the scalp. If dandruff is not treated, it can develop into seborrhea. Due to dandruff, the general condition of the hair worsens, it stops shining and begins to fall out. To overcome dandruff, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

What causes dandruff on the head in men?

Dandruff is a fairly common problem in men. There may be several reasons for its appearance:

  • Wrongly matched detergents. Dandruff can appear due to overdrying of the scalp. Perhaps a man uses a shampoo with a high alkali content, so the skin on his head is excessively dry. A similar problem can occur with frequent shampooing. The skin does not have time to develop a natural protective fatty layer, as a result - the appearance of dandruff
  • Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Sometimes men neglect washing their hair, or they do it extremely rarely. This can cause dandruff
  • Bad nutrition. Excessive consumption of "slow" carbohydrates, such as sweets, chips and fast food, can disrupt the overall health of the body. Also, because of them, the balance of body cells changes and dandruff and other cosmetic problems may appear.
  • Hormonal disbalance. IN adolescence it's normal if a guy has acne and dandruff. This is the effect of excessively raging hormones and a complete restructuring of the body. If a man is already over 30, and the symptoms are the same, then you should contact an endocrinologist or urologist. Dandruff, in this case, can only be the first problem in a series of hormonal diseases.
  • Wrong daily routine. Stressful situations and sleep deprivation in the best way affect appearance. Also, it can be one of the causes of dandruff.
  • Lack of vitamins. If the body lacks vitamins and minerals, as well as unsaturated fats, the skin begins to peel off.

What causes dandruff on the head of women?

It must be remembered that dandruff is fungal disease that can be transmitted from person to person. For example, when sharing a comb or hair ties. main reason dandruff is a fungus Pityrosparum Ovale, which begins to multiply actively under favorable conditions. The reasons for the activity of this fungus are the reasons for the appearance of dandruff:

  • Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Washing your hair the wrong way can lead to dandruff and other hair problems.
  • Allergic reactions to cosmetics. For example, shampoo or hair mask
  • Devices such as hair dryers and hair straighteners dry not only the hair, but also the scalp. These are the ones that can cause dandruff. The use of these devices should be kept to a minimum.
  • Poor nutrition and lack of vitamins can also be the cause of dandruff. With beriberi, dandruff appears in the spring and disappears in the summer
  • Hormonal changes. For example, during pregnancy and lactation, women experience dandruff. If the body is healthy, then after the onset of hormonal stability, dandruff will disappear

Symptoms of dandruff on the head

Dandruff can be recognized by a number of signs:

  • Itching. One of the first symptoms is periodic itching of the scalp, especially after washing.
  • Dryness of the scalp or, conversely, excessive sebum secretion. Violations of the glands of the scalp provoke an abnormal secretion of the protective layer
  • The appearance of skin scales. Upon contact with the scalp, the skin begins to flake off. Its particles can be found on hair, comb and clothes.
  • Dandruff and seborrhea should not be confused. These concepts are often combined, but dandruff can exist separately from seborrhea.

Why does dandruff appear on the head in the form of a crust?

Violation of the sebaceous glands often lead to the appearance of not only dandruff, but also seborrhea. It occurs as a result of blockage of the ducts of the glands and improper metabolism in the scalp. There are several types of seborrhea:

  • Seborrhea on oily hair. This type occurs when excessive production of sebum. Dandruff in this case has a yellow color and an oily texture. Often, it forms a yellow crust near the surface of the hair.
  • Seborrhea on dry hair. This type of disease occurs with severe overdrying of the scalp. At the same time, dandruff does not form a crust, but actively pours onto hair and clothes.
  • In rare cases, mixed seborrhea is observed when different parts of the head are affected by different symptoms.


Yellow dandruff on the head, causes

Yellow dandruff appears as a result of improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. Sebum is secreted much more than is necessary to protect the skin. It begins to accumulate at the roots and block the access of air to the skin.

Also, it clogs the channels of the glands, which provokes the release of new portions of fat. Oily seborrhea must be treated with cosmetics, traditional medicine methods. Also, you need to find out the reasons for the malfunctioning of the glands of the skin.

White dandruff on the head, causes

White, dry dandruff is the most common type of seborrhea. It occurs when shampoo and other cosmetics are used improperly. The main cause of white dandruff is overdrying of the scalp. In order for dandruff to disappear, you need to restore the balance of the scalp and remove harmful factors.

Dandruff and hair loss

As noted above, dandruff is a fungal disease of the scalp associated with a violation of metabolic processes in the skin. Hair will receive all the nutrients from the scalp, where the hair follicles are located. If the skin is not in order, then the hair cannot be healthy. Untreated dandruff often leads to profuse hair loss. In severe cases, it provokes baldness.

What to do if dandruff appears on the head?

  • The first thing to do is to find out the reason for its appearance. It is impossible to overcome dandruff without eliminating the cause
  • If necessary, see a doctor. After all, dandruff can only be a visible indicator of certain diseases.
  • Balance your diet, eat more natural products. Since a large amount of sugar provokes dandruff, reduce its consumption.
  • Use anti-dandruff shampoos and special ointments. They will help restore the oil balance of the scalp.
  • Use antifungal medications. However, before using them, you need to consult a doctor, find out contraindications.
  • If the problem is hormonal disruptions, then the endocrinologist will prescribe special hormonal drugs
  • Cosmetic procedures that destroy dandruff: special masks, subcutaneous injections, scalp massage

  • Dandruff indicates that you are washing your hair incorrectly and have picked up bad cosmetics.
  • Often, dandruff appears unexpectedly. It is not difficult to cope with the initial stage of the appearance of dandruff. It is enough to eliminate the cause of its appearance
  • Dryness of the scalp can be caused not only by external factors. For example, when the body is dehydrated, the entire skin flakes off. Drink more clean water
  • Dandruff may appear due to poor ecology. Do not walk in the rain with bare head and without an umbrella
  • Constant dandruff for no apparent reason is an indicator of impaired health. If cosmetic procedures do not help, dandruff is a good reason to see a doctor

Video: Dandruff - causes and treatment

Dandruff in Latin means bran - indeed, the appearance of exfoliated skin particles resembles this dietary product.

Such a habitual, and for some lifelong phenomenon as dandruff from a medical point of view is a syndrome characterized by a high rate of peeling of skin particles in the form of scales.

As a rule, dandruff bothers for a long time, most often observed on the scalp. Doctors consider dandruff to be a mild form of seborrheic dermatitis. In this article, we will talk about dandruff, its causes and treatment in various ways.

Causes of dandruff on the head

There are several reasons that provoke increased exfoliation of skin particles, but most often the symptom is caused by several factors that aggravate one alone:

  • Metabolic disorders are the root cause of dandruff, making the body more vulnerable to the action of pathogenic factors.
  • Hormonal disorders are the most common causes of dandruff in women.
  • Some diseases (gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, bronchopulmonary pathologies, neurological diseases, immunodeficiencies);
  • Hereditary predisposition is a factor that cannot be corrected.
  • Incorrect work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Violation of the diet, hypovitaminosis.
  • Mental and physical stress.
  • Fungal infection caused by Pityrosporum Ovale - yeast-like fungi, representatives of the normal microflora of the scalp.
  • Improper care of the scalp (overdrying with a hairdryer, curling irons, frequent staining);
  • Irrational use of a headgear (not wearing a hat in winter or wearing a warm headdress in the heat);
  • Insufficient hygiene of the scalp. However, this reason can be realized only in very advanced cases, when people completely neglect washing their hair.

Risk factors in the development of dandruff

If we consider dandruff as a form, then dandruff refers to the dry form of the disease. At the same time, sebum secretion is significantly reduced, and the natural exfoliation of skin scales is accelerated by 3 times and takes 1 week instead of 4.

There is a classification of dandruff into dry and oily, but many experts consider it incorrect, since with true dandruff there is always a reduced separation of sebum. Oily dandruff is rarely pronounced, particles of exfoliated epithelium are already observed on the hair and rarely on the skin itself. But dry dandruff is always plentiful, proceeds with severe skin irritation and itching.

Dandruff symptoms

  • visible white scales of exfoliated skin on hair, shoulders, clothes, headdress, comb;
  • dry skin, but oily skin can also have dandruff, since both conditions are variations of metabolic disorders;
  • irritation of the affected skin;
  • dullness and brittle hair;
  • with progression or prolonged course: enlargement of scales, reddish spots and yellowish crusts on the skin.

Differential Diagnosis

Before making a diagnosis, you should visit a doctor and exclude pathologies such as psoriasis and eczema. Both diseases rarely affect only the scalp, have a wide distribution and additional symptoms.

What absolutely can not be done with dandruff

  • Scratch your head. Dandruff and itching are an unpleasant combination, and itching exacerbates the pathology. Scratching and scratching already irritated skin will exacerbate the problem. Infectious agents easily penetrate through microdamages, which leads to the formation of pustules;
  • Use alcohol-based products, which greatly dry out already dry skin;
  • Dye your hair and use other aggressive hair products;
  • Use metal combs, the teeth of which damage the skin and increase dandruff.
  • You should forget about hair dryers, irons and curling irons.

Dandruff Treatment Methods

Treatment methods for dandruff can be divided into traditional and folk. The effectiveness of the chosen method depends on the correctness of its application. Before using any method of treatment, you should visit a doctor (dermatologist or trichologist) - perhaps the problem is much more serious than it seems.

Traditional ways

Antifungal therapy - is prescribed to all patients, since in the vast majority of cases the fungus is the cause of dandruff or joins later. Medicated shampoos and lotions, main active ingredients:

  • Clotrimazole (Cloderm)

an antifungal agent that destroys the integrity of fungal membranes

  • Ketoconazole

Azole with fungistatic and fungicidal action: Mycozoral, Nizoral, Perkhotal, Sebozol.

  • Bifonazole (Bifon)

antifungal agent with prolonged action (up to 48 hours)

  • Ichthyol (Dermasens)

contains sulfur, which has a local anesthetic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes the cell metabolism cycle

  • Zinc Pyrithione (Friderm Zinc)

antimicrobial and antifungal activity

  • Cyclopirox (Sebiprox)

pronounced fungicidal activity

  • Octopirox (Seborin)

substance with antifungal activity

  • Salicylic Acid (Salicylic Shampoo)

has a keratolytic and antimicrobial effect

  • Quassia Amara extract (Quasix cream)

plant with antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory action

  • selenium sulfide

slows down cell division and acts on the fungus: Selegel, Sulsen and Sulsen-forte.

  • Medical tar (T/Gel Neutrogena, Friderm Tar, Sebuton)

disinfecting the skin, reduces and normalizes cell metabolism

Shampoos and lotions containing a combination of several active substances have the greatest effect.

  • keto plus

zinc pyrithione + ketaconazole

  • Kelual DS

zinc pyrithione + ciclopiroxolamine + keluamide

  • Algopix

medical tar + salicylic acid

  • Elf

ketaconazole + zinc

  • NodeDS

climbazole + salicylic acid + zinc pyrithione

  • Phytosylic

salicylic acid + tea tree, cypress, frankincense oils

General instructions for the use of medicated shampoos

All medicated shampoos require long-term use for 2-6 weeks and then prophylactic use 1-2 times a week.

Like other medicinal formulations, shampoos and lotions have some contraindications for use and a number of side effects- this should be considered before starting treatment.

A sufficient amount of therapeutic shampoo is applied to the hair, foamed and evenly distributed on the skin and hair. The exposure time is an average of 5-10 minutes, after which the shampoo is thoroughly washed off with running water.

What about Procter & Gamble's advertised Head & Shoulders shampoo? This shampoo does not belong to the therapeutic group, although it contains zinc pyrithione. This means that the concentration of the active substance is such that there will be no harm from the shampoo, but it will not be able to cure dandruff either.

Drugs used to normalize lipolysis processes

  • Methionine - normalizes the synthesis of phospholipids from fats.
  • Riboflavin - participates in fat metabolism, normalizes redox processes.

Restorative therapy

Dandruff often accompanies immunodeficiency states, hypovitaminosis, dysbacteriosis. Therefore, in the complex of treatment, vitamin-mineral complexes are prescribed (see), immunomodulators (see) and probiotics: (see).

Lifestyle, nutrition

As in the fight against any other disease, nutrition, emotional and physical condition play an important, if not the main role in the fight against dandruff. Nutrition should be complete in terms of vitamin-mineral and protein composition, but the fat and carbohydrate part should be limited. You should enrich your diet with greens, vegetables and fruits, seafood.

Normalization emotional state sometimes is the key in the treatment of dandruff. If it is difficult to cope with psychotraumatic situations on your own, you should contact a psychotherapist. It is possible to use light sedatives, for example, Persena (see).

Treatment of dandruff with folk remedies

Alternative treatment of dandruff is often much more effective than advertised drugs. According to statistics, only 5% of people suffering from dandruff turn to specialists for help, while the rest are either not treated at all or use grandmother's methods. Of course, this approach is wrong, but thanks to these people, we will learn effective ways to fight dandruff.



In addition to the tonic, anti-inflammatory and natural antiseptic action, it helps to renew the cellular composition of the epidermis. This plant contains organic acids, vitamin C in an amount ten times greater than that of a lemon, as well as B vitamins, carotene, minerals, tannins and phytoncides.

To combat dandruff, nettle infusion is used, and for a long time, until the symptoms disappear completely. 5 tbsp fresh chopped nettles or 2 tbsp. dry plants are poured with a glass of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 10 minutes. The finished solution is filtered through gauze and rubbed daily on the scalp. After washing your hair, you should also rinse your hair with nettle infusion, do not rinse with water.


This traditional healer has long been used to treat hair, not only affected by dandruff, but also with brittle and dull hair. Onions contain active phytoncides that destroy fungus and bacteria, as well as vitamins and minerals. Many refuse this affordable way to fight dandruff because of the specific smell of onions, which is very easy to get rid of by thoroughly washing your head with cool water after the procedure.

The bulbs are crushed into gruel, which is carefully distributed on the scalp. A cellophane cap is put on top and a towel is wrapped around the head. Withstand the mask for 2 hours, after which they wash their hair with a neutral shampoo and rinse well. The procedure should be repeated twice a week until the dandruff completely disappears.

burdock roots

Burdock or burdock can be found in many hair products, but as you know, there is nothing better than a freshly prepared medicinal composition. Burdock is a powerful antiseptic, contains tannins, has a wound healing and regenerating effect (see all).

You can use the traditional infusion of burdock roots in boiling water, but the most effective is burdock emulsion. For its preparation, a tablespoon of chopped burdock root is poured with unrefined vegetable oil in a volume of 200 ml. The mixture is corked and infused in the dark and warm for 2 weeks, after which the plant material is filtered. The finished emulsion is stored in the refrigerator.

This healing composition is considered the most effective in the fight against dandruff, the main thing is to use it correctly and regularly. Twice a week, an hour before shampooing, the emulsion is rubbed into the scalp and hair roots. Wash off with shampoo and plenty of water.

Oil treatment

Vegetable oils are widely used in the fight against dandruff, as they have a complex effect on the scalp: not only eliminate dandruff, but also heal the skin, eliminating the imbalance of microflora. The most effective oils:

  • Tea tree: eliminates dandruff, fights dry skin by building up the natural lipid layer.
  • Basil: is an antioxidant, has antibacterial properties, stimulates hair growth.
  • Chamomile: has antiseptic properties, eliminates itching and irritation, accelerates skin regeneration.
  • Lemon: has powerful antibacterial properties, normalizes sebum secretion, destroys fungus.
  • Myrrh: cleanses the skin of keratinized epithelium, regulates the function of the sebaceous glands.
  • Patchouli: regenerates cells, promotes the healing of microdamages.
  • Mint : eliminates redness and irritation of the skin, reduces itching.
  • Neem: eliminates fungus, heals the skin.

For the preparation of a therapeutic composition, it is necessary to use a base neutral oil: cedar, olive, sesame, linseed, jojoba. Jojoba oil is preferred because its composition is closest to that of human fat. For 60 ml base oil 20 drops of therapeutic are taken. The resulting mixture is stored in the refrigerator in a closed container.

For the procedure, use about 1 teaspoon of the mixture (the mixture of oils is shaken before each use). The oil is applied to the fingertips and gently rubbed into the scalp for a few minutes. If everything is done correctly, no oily film is formed on the hair. The mixture should not be washed off, but if you still need to wash your hair, you can do this an hour after the procedure. Multiplicity: 2-3 times a week.

other methods

egg mask

Chicken egg contains lecithin, vitamins and minerals that help eliminate dandruff, improve hair condition and soothe the skin.

To prepare a healing mask, 1 egg is beaten into foam and mixed in equal proportions with natural yogurt. The mixture is distributed on the scalp and hair, covered with cellophane and a towel and left for an hour, after which it is washed off with cool water. Multiplicity: 2-3 times a week.

bread gruel

Black bread is a real savior of dry and brittle hair and damaged skin. The yeast in baked bread is no longer so aggressive, but at the same time it perfectly cleanses the skin without overdrying.

A piece of black bread is crushed and poured with boiling water. When the mixture has cooled down (to about 50 C), they wash their hair with this slurry, rubbing it into the skin of the hair, and then wash it off with cool water. You don't need to use shampoo - your hair will be fresh and clean. You can use this method all the time, there is no harm and addiction.

curdled milk

Yogurt provides vitamin nourishment to the hair and scalp. Due to the content of folic acid, curdled milk has an anti-inflammatory effect, choline normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, proteins and lactic acid restore the skin.

It is best to use homemade yogurt. The product is slightly heated and applied to unwashed, but slightly moistened hair and scalp, kept for 40 minutes under cellophane and a terry towel, and then washed off with warm water and a neutral shampoo. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week.

Many are interested in the question - is it possible to use folk ways dandruff treatment with traditional treatment? If you have been prescribed a shampoo to treat dandruff, do not neglect the recommendation. Alternative methods can be used if the main treatment is ineffective or if you have not yet reached the doctor.

Whatever remedy you use to treat dandruff - do not expect an instant effect, and you don’t need it - a gradual, natural restoration of the scalp is the best guarantee of the absence of dandruff relapses!

- this is a peeling of the scalp, as a result of which scales are formed due to the desquamation of the epithelium. The appearance of dandruff is a sign of various disorders in the body, since it is not an independent disease. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 70% of the population reports dandruff symptoms from time to time. When dandruff occurs, the first thing to think about is proper care behind the hair. Excessive drying with a hair dryer, coloring and highlighting, perm etc. procedures adversely affect the condition of the hair and can cause dandruff. Treatment of dandruff consists in the rejection of these procedures, the use of hair care products specially selected by the trichologist, the passage of treatment courses of physiotherapy and cryomassage.

General information

- the appearance on the scalp of layered fatty or small dry scales of a whitish-yellowish color. Accompanied by itching of the head, the hair becomes dull, dry and brittle, or greasy and shiny. It can serve as a manifestation of seborrhea, psoriasis, fungal skin lesions, nervous strain, deficiency of vitamin A or group B, a consequence of improper hair care, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Dandruff is a common cause of hair loss and is a significant cosmetic problem.

Causes of dandruff

The main cause of dandruff is a change in the condition of the scalp caused by an overgrowth of the fungal culture of Malassezia Furfur. This fungus is an optional microflora of the scalp and, under normal conditions, its vital activity is asymptomatic.

Stress, disruption of the sebaceous glands, nutritional disorders, hormonal changes such as pregnancy, puberty, menopause can provoke the activation of M. furfur. Very often, dandruff appears with improperly selected hair care. Frequent dyeing, perm, use of styling products, drying with a hairdryer, neglect of hats in the cold season and vice versa, their long-term wearing in the room lead to a shift in the microflora of the scalp. Broncho-pulmonary diseases, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and a decrease in immunity can also lead to the activation of the fungus. As a result of its activity, the cycle of development of epidermal cells changes, they exfoliate without having had time to go through it completely, which is clinically manifested by the appearance of light-colored scales. Depending on the activity of the microorganism, dandruff can be observed in a certain part of the scalp, or it can be total.

Manifestations of dandruff

Dandruff does not go unnoticed and, first of all, it is an aesthetic problem for patients, as the appearance of a person with dandruff in their hair becomes untidy and unpleasant. Excessive washing and combing out dandruff with a hair dryer only exacerbate the symptoms. In people with dark hair, dandruff is more noticeable, it is located in the form of scales throughout the mass of the hairline, since when combing, the scales of the desquamated epithelium move down. Patients note itching, sometimes the scalp is macerated due to scratching. Hair becomes dull, brittle, split ends, due to the fact that the layer of dandruff interferes with the normal functioning of the hair follicles. If dandruff is widespread and no measures are taken to eliminate it, hair loss may begin. People for whom dandruff is a problem try to wear hats, dye their hair in lighter shades to make it less noticeable, which further exacerbates the condition of the scalp.

Diagnosis and treatment of dandruff

Diagnosing dandruff is quite simple, it is much more difficult to find the pathogenic link that was the trigger in the activation of M. Furfur. And, if no obvious pathologies that could provoke the appearance of dandruff were revealed at the consultation of a trichologist when interviewing a patient, then first of all they correct the mode of life and change the means for caring for hair and scalp.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of spicy, fried and fatty foods, the diet includes foods rich in fiber, B vitamins. If the cause of dandruff is a violation of the water balance, then drinking water (tea, fruit drinks, mineral water) quickly solve this problem; usually, in addition to dandruff, in this case, dry skin is observed, accompanied by peeling.

For the entire period of dandruff treatment, aggressive hairdressing procedures, blow-drying are excluded; it is recommended to use combs made of natural wood, which must be changed every few months, as wood absorbs sebum well.

Treatments for hair care are prescribed, shampoos, which include antifungal components, solve the problem of dandruff. The latest treatment programs against dandruff, which are used in trichology, are based on the use of complex therapy. The treatment program of Folten Pharma contains a treatment lotion and shampoo. The shampoo fights the fungus, and the lotion heals the scalp, exfoliating existing dandruff, additionally nourishing the scalp and moisturizing the hair. The use of such programs, which already include both keratolytic components and antifungal agents, helps to reduce the appearance of dandruff by more than 90%. If dandruff tends to appear at certain times of the year, then the course of treatment must be repeated to prevent its occurrence.

When medical cosmetics cannot cope with dandruff and in the presence of internal diseases that led to its appearance, physiotherapy is indicated. Cryomassage causes consistent contraction/expansion of the blood vessels of the scalp, which improves microcirculation and nourishment of the hair follicles. As a result, local immunity increases, the activity of the fungus is blocked, and the symptoms of dandruff disappear. Medicinal preparations applied to the skin after cryomassage are absorbed better.

With dandruff, darsonvalization of the scalp using a comb vacuum electrode is indicated. Irritation of the scalp causes a reflex improvement in vascular tone, which improves metabolism. High-frequency current helps to cleanse the scalp from dandruff scales, has an anti-inflammatory and cauterizing effect, which is especially important, since scratching and scratching are often observed with dandruff. In addition, darsonvalization has a calming effect on nervous system. Considering that the presence of dandruff is a psychological problem, and constant stress only exacerbates the symptoms, physiotherapy in combination with medical cosmetics helps to eliminate both dandruff and nervous excitement.

Dandruff is not a life-threatening condition, it can be corrected quite well, but the combination of therapeutic therapy and self-treatment is unacceptable, since an excess of active substances can lead to seborrhea, which is much more difficult to treat.

Dandruff on the head can appear as a result of both external and internal factors. At the same time, there is a so-called risk group - people who are more susceptible to the disease.

Dandruff on the head (medical name "seborrhea") is not only a cosmetic problem, it can appear for a number of reasons and requires professional advice from a trichologist or dermatologist.

In the absence of timely treatment, white flakes form a dense crust that blocks the access of oxygen to the skin of the scalp. The nutrition of the follicles is disturbed, and the hair begins to fall out.

Symptoms and clinical picture of the problem

With the disease, dead skin particles exfoliate and become like bran. Actually, this is how the name of the disease is translated from Latin. Dandruff becomes noticeable only when hundreds of keratinized epidermal cells stick together. About 1000 of them make up just one tiny white plate.

The following symptoms signal the appearance of dandruff:

  • the formation of a fine "powder" on the hair, shoulders and outerwear, which is exfoliated cells of the epidermis;
  • dry or, conversely, oily scalp, as a result of metabolic disorders;
  • dull, brittle hair;
  • itching on the scalp and the appearance of a yellow-gray crust.

Dandruff can appear with improper care of the scalp, hormonal disorders, certain diseases or an inappropriate diet.

Types of dandruff

Depending on the intensity of sebum secretion by the scalp, two types of dandruff are distinguished: dry scales appear on dry hair, while white flakes on hair prone to oiliness have a glossy appearance.

This type of disease occurs with a low intensity of sebum secretion. At the same time, the exfoliated particles of the epidermis are small and dry. They look like powder and are usually “scattered” over all hair or localized in the forehead and crown.

Dry dandruff can also appear with sensitive skin a head prone to irritation not only from the use of unsuitable hygiene and cosmetic products, but even from dry indoor air. In this case, the phenomenon passes by itself, after the external sources of its occurrence are eliminated.

The cause of dry seborrhea may be a disturbed water balance in the body. The human body constantly loses moisture, to replenish which it is recommended to drink an average of about two liters of warm, clean non-carbonated water per day.

The following can aggravate the situation with the disease: stress, overheating or hypothermia of the hair, prolonged fatigue, taking hormonal drugs, lack of vitamins B6, B12, F and selenium, as well as the use of unsuitable hair care products.

oily dandruff

Oily dandruff appears with increased sebum secretion of the scalp. It looks like fatty large flakes that stick together, cling to the hair and comb out poorly.

The hair becomes greasy, and the skin itches. This is because fat fills the excretory ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands and provokes irritation of the nerve endings. As fat decomposes and oxidizes, fatty acids are released, which also cause itching.

If you notice a tendency to oily scalp, especially if this phenomenon has appeared recently, seek the advice of a dermatologist or trichologist. The doctor will identify the causes of changes in skin properties and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Unqualified therapy can harm the health of curls.

Frequent washing of greasy hair does not solve the problem, but, on the contrary, can aggravate it, because it provokes increased work of the sebaceous glands.

For home care, use shampoos for oily hair. Apply directly to their roots. Wash your head with warm water, avoiding intense massaging movements. When combing strands, try not to touch the scalp.

External factors for the appearance of dandruff

Improper scalp care

One of common causes the appearance of "white flakes", is improper hair care, including:

  • Frequent washing.
    There should be moderation in the frequency of hygiene procedures. When washing, the protective lipid film is washed off the skin. After some time, the sebaceous glands form a new protective barrier, but if you wash your hair too often, they do not have time to fully fulfill their function. As a result, the skin dries out, which provokes the disease. Wash your hair according to how dirty it is. The optimal frequency is 1 time in 2-4 days. The more often you wash, the softer the shampoo should be.
  • Excessive use and improper selection of hair care products.
    Regular application of styling products and dyes to the curls contributes to the drying of the hair and provokes the formation of dandruff. Incorrectly selected cosmetics can also cause disease.

    Remember that styling products are not intended for daily use.

  • Poorly washed hair.
    The scalp is exposed to the irritating action of poorly washed off small particles of shampoo or balm. Hard water is another reason why whitewash can occur. Any acid rinse can soften its action. Hygiene products must be thoroughly rinsed under a large stream of warm water.
  • Hot styling.
    Regular styling of hair with an iron and hair dryer contributes to the dryness of the epidermis. Therefore, as a preventive measure, and, moreover, in the presence of the first signs of the disease, give up hot styling.
  • Use of artificial or dirty combs.
    The best option is a wooden comb or a brush with natural bristles - such devices will not harm the skin. The cleanliness of the instrument is an important means of preventing seborrhea.


Poor ecology is another factor for the emergence and development of the disease. The influence of polluted air, eating foods treated with pesticides and pesticides provoke a whole chain of diseases, including dandruff. With poor ecology, head fungus can develop. In this case, the skin itches, and the hair becomes brittle.

Houseplants, air conditioners with good filters, and air purifiers can help reduce your exposure to polluted indoor air. Ventilate your home regularly and use only filtered water.

As for food, if you live in a contaminated area, you will have to follow strict rules when choosing food and preparing it:

  • Drain the broth from meat and fish twice after boiling.
  • Soak vegetables for 3-4 hours in salt water.
  • Cook the mushrooms for 10 minutes in boiling water, then drain the water. Repeat twice.

Such simple actions reduce the risk of contamination of the body with radionuclides, insecticides, herbicides and other poisons.

Hypothermia or overheating of the scalp

Regular walks in the cold with an uncovered head, as well as overheating of the skin, lead to malnutrition of the hair follicles. Hair becomes thin, dry and begins to fall out.

Therefore, when going outside in hot or frosty weather, do not forget to wear an appropriate headgear.

Internal causes of dandruff

Problems with the immune system

A favorable foundation for the active development of the fungus that lives on the skin of the scalp is also reduced immunity. Fine life cycle cells lasts a month, and with a fungal disease, it is reduced to one week. As a result, a large number of them collect on the scalp, and they form white flake scales.

To strengthen the immune system:

  • Enrich your diet with vitamins and minerals: A, B5, C, D, F, PP, selenium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, iodine and manganese. They are found in yellow and red plant foods, as well as black currants, rose hips, citrus fruits, nuts, seeds and germinated cereals. Do not forget to eat seafood, dairy products and green tea.
  • Take herbal infusions and decoctions of lemongrass, echinacea, ginseng and licorice. This can be done for both curative and preventive purposes.
  • Temper yourself. Swimming, dousing and contrast showers are great for strengthening the body.
  • Choose an active lifestyle. For moderate physical activity suitable for any sport, dance or exercise equipment.
  • Let the body rest. Find time every day to relax and think about something pleasant or just be in silence. It calms the nervous system and is a good prevention of stress.

Disruptions in the hormonal system

One of the causes of dandruff is hormonal changes in the body during puberty - in both sexes, as well as during pregnancy and menopause - in women. Interestingly, as a result of the restructuring of the hormonal system, white scales can both appear and, conversely, disappear if they were a cause for concern before.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Many diseases originate in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Dandruff is no exception. If the cause of its occurrence is a fungus, you need to follow a strict diet. Favorite for the fungus: sweet, starchy, fatty, fried and smoked foods. That is why problems with the scalp are more likely to occur in people with the listed taste preferences.

An unbalanced diet, a lack of certain vitamins and microelements, an excess of proteins and fast carbohydrates, all lead to the same dandruff.

Dandruff risk groups

For any disease, there are risk groups. The risk group for dandruff includes:

  • men, as their sebaceous glands produce more fat than women;
  • owners oily skin heads;
  • people with bad habits, as alcohol and nicotine disrupt metabolism;
  • people aged 10-14 to 40 years - this is due to the production of hormones;
  • people with reduced immunity or those who have recently suffered severe stress.

These people are more susceptible to the disease and must comply with preventive measures to prevent it.

Dandruff must be fought. It's not only aesthetic problem, but also a signal of a violation in the work of the body. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, do not be too lazy to consult a doctor, find out the cause of the phenomenon and get rid of it in time.

Why dandruff appears on the head: video

The problem with dandruff affects any person at least once in a lifetime, for some of us this problem is daily. We have prepared a video for which a dermatologist will tell you in detail what is the cause of this disease and how to deal with it.