Professional hair care scalp. Face, body and hair care products: beauty salon at home. Collection for cleansing oily skin

The domestic and foreign cosmetology industry offers so many face and hair care products that it is sometimes difficult to choose the most optimal one. Advertisers unanimously claim that all these products are made exclusively from bio-components. But this, of course, is a bluff - all the same, the composition of purchased cosmetic preparations contains a fair amount of chemistry. Therefore, it is much more useful to use folk remedies for facial skin and hair care - best recipes you can find out below.

The face is a mirror of the state of our internal organs and emotions. In certain areas of the face, almost all vital organs have a “representation”. Therefore, the appearance of acne, birthmarks, puffiness, redness of the whites of the eyes, peeling of the skin, hair loss on the head can serve as a signal of the trouble of one or another organ.

Folk remedies for skin and hair are prepared from natural ingredients, so they are anti-allergenic.

Facial skin care at home: lotions and tonics

The most commonly used skin and hair care products are lotions and tonics. There are many recipes for how to care for your skin at home - here are the best of them.

Lotions for cleansing the skin of the face.

Add mashed strawberry, banana or orange puree to milk, boil for 5 minutes, cool. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

An effective folk remedy for oily skin is dry white wine or green tea lotion mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice.

Green salad water.

For the preparation of cosmetic water according to this folk recipe for facial skin care, green salad should be finely chopped, put in a porcelain bowl and pour boiled water. After a few hours, squeeze and strain the juice. This water softens the skin and makes it supple.

Cucumber water.

Grate a cucumber, squeeze out the juice and wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in it. Recommended for oily and tired skin.

Cleansing Tonic oily skin.

1 st. spoons of chamomile pour 12 cups of boiling water, cover and insist until cool. Strain and wipe your face.

It can be used as a compress: moisten a piece of gauze with a hot decoction, wring it out slightly and put it on your face. It is recommended to take a supine position so that the head is lower than the legs. Such a compress home care for the skin of the face acts only hot, so the gauze should be moistened several times.

Collection for cleansing oily skin.

1 st. a spoonful of St. John's wort, 2 teaspoons of cornflower, 12 tbsp. spoons of calendula, tricolor violet and immortelle, pour 500 ml of boiling water and insist until cool. Wipe your face every day.

Collection for cleansing dry skin.

Mix equal parts lime blossom, chamomile, dill, sage, mint and fresh rose petals. 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture pour 500 ml of cold water and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes on low heat, cool, strain and wipe the face.

Tonic to relieve irritation from dry skin.

For facial skin care at home, you need 2 tbsp. Spoons of marshmallow root pour 1 cup of boiled water, insist for 24 hours.

Home remedies for facial skin care: masks

Masks are an effective home remedy for skin care - here are recipes for some of them.

Cucumber mask.

Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cucumber juice with 1 teaspoon of milk and 1 protein, whipped into foam. You can directly apply the mixture on your face with a swab, or you can apply an even layer on a piece of gauze, cover with another piece of gauze and cover your face. Keep the mask for 30 minutes. Recommended for oily skin.

Lemon mask.

Fill half a squeezed lemon with 1 egg yolk, add a few drops of lemon juice and let stand for a few hours. When the yolk dries, apply the mask on the face, and after 20 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.

This mask works well on any skin, except for dry and acne-prone skin.

Honey-lemon mask.

Mix 12 tbsp. spoons of boiled water with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice. Apply the mask 2-3 times a week for 20 minutes and rinse with cool water. For additional nutrition of oily skin in old age.

Oatmeal mask.

In 12 cups of boiling milk, add 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed oatmeal, stir until the mass thickens. Remove from fire and cool. Apply for 20 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.

For oily, acne-prone skin, this mask should be applied warm.

Yeast mask.

To a small piece of yeast add olive oil and 12 egg yolks. Apply for 20 min. Extremely useful for dry skin.

When fighting wrinkles, it is advisable to apply masks based on almonds.

Take 50 parts of grated almonds, 12.5 parts of egg yolk and glycerin, 10 ml of alcohol, 1.0 ml of thymol and 1.5 parts of camphor. Mix everything to a paste. Apply on wrinkles before going to bed for 1.5-2 hours, then rinse and wipe dry.

Herbal masks and tonics are used to soothe and treat problem skin.

How to care for hair at home with masks

Hair is the indicator by which one can judge the state of the endocrine system, kidneys, and lungs. If there was a change in the condition of the hair, namely, they did not fit, as before, the shine disappeared, they became dry or greasy - something is unfavorable in the body.

How to take care of your hair at home to get it back healthy look? It is useful to use egg yolk, black bread for washing (during washing, rub the bread mass into the scalp), yogurt. After washing, the hair can be rinsed with infusion of chamomile, horsetail, nettle, birch leaves, burdock root.

It is advisable to do hair masks at home immediately before washing your hair. And the use of a special brush or sponge will make the task easier.

Honey mask.

Mix 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon castor oil. Rub well, apply to hair. Wrap your head with polyethylene and a terry towel. Leave the mask on for 20-40 minutes, rinse your hair thoroughly.

Cognac mask.

Grind 1 yolk in 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cognac Apply to hair, leave for 30-40 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Yeast mask.

Dilute nutritional yeast with kefir, keeping equal proportions, to the state of a liquid slurry. Rub into hair, leave for 30-40 minutes, rinse with water.

"Sour" mask.

Apply yogurt, sour cream, yogurt to the hair and scalp. Wrap your head with polyethylene and a terry towel, leave for 1-2 hours, rinse with warm water.

Mask for hair loss.

Take the juice of 1 lemon and mix with the contents of a bottle of camphor oil. Mass carefully rub into the roots of the hair. put on your head plastic bag and a wool cap, leave for 5-10 minutes, and preferably at night, wash off in the morning. With this hair mask, you can achieve the desired effect only if you repeat the treatment procedure for 2 weeks.

Mask for dry hair.

Grind 1 egg yolk with 1 tbsp. spoon of castor oil and 1 teaspoon of rum. Rub the mixture into the hair roots, wrap your head with a towel and leave for 2 hours, then rinse thoroughly.

Mask for oily hair.

Beat the protein of 1-2 eggs in a strong foam and add the juice of 1 lemon. Apply the foam to the hair, wrap the head with polyethylene and a towel. After 10 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo and rinse well with warm water.

For hair and scalp care, there are cleansing products, cosmetic preparations for hair care after washing, hair fixing products, photoprotective products, etc.

To cleanse the scalp, shampoos are most often used, less often soaps are used for this purpose. In most cases, they are used to achieve a therapeutic effect. So, some soaps are prescribed for skin and hair care with seborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, ichthyosis. The existing forms of powder (powder), cream, aerosol and hair cleansing oil have not received wide popularity.

The composition of the shampoo includes water, detergent (surfactant, surfactant) and various fatty additives. Soaps of various origins, as well as synthetic compounds, are used as detergents. The composition of the shampoo detergent creates a certain environment on the surface of the skin. Anionic detergents create an alkaline environment (pH 8-12), non-ionic - slightly acidic (pH 5.5-6). They also produce pH-neutral shampoos (pH 7), the acidity of which is simultaneously due to two types of detergents that make up their composition (soap and detergent). It has been shown that cationic detergents have the greatest irritant effect, and anionic ones give such an effect to a lesser extent. Non-ionic detergents are characterized by minimal irritating effects.

Most modern shampoos include conditioners (two-in-one formula).

which cosmetic companies use various components of a different action in the manufacture of shampoos. So, recently shampoos have been widely used, which include dyes of natural origin (chamomile, henna, basma, etc.) to give the hair a certain shade. Shampoos containing ceramides, tyrosine derivatives, have appeared on the market, inhibiting the appearance of gray hair, as well as azulene derivatives to eliminate the yellowness of gray hair.

For therapeutic purposes, various drugs can be included: antifungal drugs (ketoconazole, zinc pyrithionate, tar, sulfur, selenium disulfide and disulfate), pediculocidal drugs (pyrethrin, piperonil, phenothrin, tetramethrin, etc.), salicylic acid and lipohydroxy acid, drugs that enhance blood supply to the hair follicles (minoxidil 2.5-5%, aminexil 1.5%). In addition, some use vegetable oils(coconut, cypress, rosemary, tea and cajuput tree, etc.).

Cosmetic preparations for hair care after washing are used to restore shine to hair, facilitate combing and styling, strengthen thin, weakened hair and increase their elasticity, remove static electricity and others. According to the classification proposed by the French Federation of the Cosmetic Industry, cosmetic preparations for hair care after washing are divided into rinses (rinses) and indelible.

Rinse-off hair care products after washing are represented by all types of rinses, or conditioners, starting with liquid milk, conditioners, creams for combing hair with various consistency, ending with liquid gels. The listed forms usually include a basic base (fats, alcohols, esters, waxes), a thickener (needed to stabilize the emulsion form, a hydrophilic colloid is often used), preservatives. Cationic detergents and silicones are used as conditioning additives. Various therapeutic and sun protection. Leave-in products are represented by various solutions (lotions, and so-called serums), foams, conditioning creams.

The selection of shampoo, as well as cosmetic preparations for personal care after washing, is based on determining the type of hair (dry, oily, etc. For dry hair, these forms include: organic acids (acetic, lactic, malic), fats and fat-like substances ( lanolin, beeswax, spermaceti, jojoba oil, etc.), fatty acids (oleic, stearic, linoleic, linolenic, ricinolenic, etc.) and their derivatives (natural triglycerides - almond, castor, peanut, olive, oatmeal oils, avocado oil, fatty alcohols - lauryl, myristil, oleyl, cetyl and stearyl alcohols, fatty esters, etc.), various vitamins (A, group B, E), protein derivatives (protein hydrolysates, a mixture of peptides, amino acids), phospholipids, cationic detergents, cationic polymers.

It should be emphasized that cationic derivatives are surfactants with a hydrophilic cationic group having one or two lipophilic hydrocarbon fatty chains. When a cationic detergent comes into contact with the surface of a damaged hair bearing an anionic valence, an electrochemical bond between the negatively charged hair and the cationic substance occurs, which contributes to the formation of a thin monomolecular film on the hair surface. In addition, when the hair is exposed to the specified detergent, an antistatic effect occurs due to a decrease in the potential difference. It is known that cationic detergents (surfactants) are ideal for surface normalization. damaged hair and their protection. However, they do not affect the improvement of the structure of damaged hair. Moreover, the use of these components is not always comfortable due to the irritating effect and incompatibility with a number of anionic detergents that are part of shampoos. That is why new compounds compatible with anionic detergents have been developed - cationic polymers, which are able to create a special protective film on the surface of the hair, restoring their structure and strength. The first cationic polymer to hit the market in 1972 was "Polymer JR" (Poly quaternium 10). It was added to one of the shampoos as a conditioning ingredient. Subsequently, many new varieties of cationic polymers were released and patented. Three main types are currently in use: cationic celluloses and starches, cationic silicones, and protein hydrolysates.

The main components of cosmetic preparations for the care of oily hair are sulfur and its derivatives (disulfite, selenium disulfate, etc.), amino acids containing sulfur (cysteine, methionine), thioethers, tar, some substances that delay the ingress of sebum on the hair, as well as fat adsorbents. To reduce the ingress and spread of sebum on the surface of the hair in last years began to use special lipophobic films covering the hair. They are added in small concentrations to shampoos for oily hair. The most popular are various acrylic derivatives and phosphorylated fatty acids, which have both lipophobic and hydrophobic effects. To achieve an adsorbing effect, gelatin or casein, as well as finely dispersed starches and silicones, are usually used. They not only absorb sebum, but also make it thicker, which reduces the visible manifestations of liquid seborrhea. The negative quality of these drugs is that after using them, the hair looks dull.

Currently, in addition to traditional shampoos, various solutions and gels are offered that are applied directly to the hair roots. They are used for increased greasiness of hair. These include alcohol solutions (40-50%) for daily use, lotions (solutions) used after washing, with a low alcohol content, hydrogels, including alcohols, emulsions for treating hair after washing. These agents may include hydrocolloids, clays, plant extracts, proteins, non-ionic polymers acting as adsorbents. Usually, a small amount of detergent (surfactant) is added to their composition as an emulsifier and to facilitate washing with water.

In order to fix the hair in the hairstyle, aerosol, foam, gel, and solutions are used. Previously, hair fixatives were various gels of natural origin containing tragacanth and other ingredients, as well as various oils.

Currently, various synthetic polymers (eg, polyvinylpyrrolidone) are added in order to shape the hairstyle without contaminating the hair, as well as ingredients with conditioning, antistatic effects (eg, cationic detergents). The least aggressive are various hair styling foams, the most are sprays. In addition, sprays are becoming less popular nowadays due to the danger of damaging the ozone layer of the atmosphere.

Permanent waving was invented over 70 years ago in order to change the shape of hair (make it wavy) that will last even after washing. The technology and tools used for this kind of curling are constantly being modified. Regardless of the methodology this process usually includes three stages.

  1. Softening of hair under the influence of physical or chemical factors. The so-called "steam" perm is historically the oldest. The essence of the process is the destruction of hydrogen bonds between polypeptides in hair keratin molecules, which creates a temporary effect of shape change, achieved using curlers. Also obsolete is the method in which an ammonia solution and sodium bisulfite or triethanolamine were used in combination with exposure to high temperature(the so-called "hot" perm). Previously, curling methods were also popular, the essence of which was reduced to a chemical isotheric reaction. These methods are now practically not used, since they significantly damage the hair and require special preparation. Since 1945, "cold" perms have been widely used. The process of softening hair during cold curling is provided by thioglycolates, which are able to destroy disulfide bonds in the keratin molecule. Currently used solutions containing thioglycolic acid and ammonium or monoethanolamine. In recent years, glyceryl monothioglycolate-based waving has gained popularity, which has proven to be softer and can be recommended for individuals with dry and bleached hair. It should be emphasized that thioglycolates are rather strong sensitizers. They are the ones who are the most common cause development of allergic dermatitis in both hairdressers and clients.
  2. Giving hair new form. Achieved using curlers of various diameters. In the future, the hair is treated with a neutralizing solution, which fixes the new shape.
  3. Fixing the shape of the hair is usually carried out with the help of hydrogen peroxide, which also acts aggressively on the hair.

Perm kits at home usually include milder neutralizing solutions of the following salts: sodium tetraborate, sodium tetracarbonate, sodium bromate, potassium bromate, etc.

Negroid people often use various means and methods for straightening hair. Their essence is basically the same. perm. men with short hair viscous fatty bases (pomade) are also used for mechanical straightening of hair and gluing them together.

Currently, new forms for cosmetic hair care are being created. One of them is a moisturizing cream for dry and brittle hair, applied to the entire length of the hair. The composition of such creams often includes silicones that envelop the hair, help the scales stick to it and thereby restore shine. Both UVB and UVA protectors are used to protect hair from UV rays. To protect hair from exposure to cold water in a pool containing chlorine, special oils are used. The composition of the oils includes silicone, enveloping the hair. Some companies produce such drugs in the form of an aerosol.

The health and density of hair largely depends on how well the scalp is, which is why hair care must be considered comprehensively. And here folk remedies for hair and scalp care come to our aid. About them now and will be discussed.

One of the most famous and effective of these hair care products is bran decoction. To prepare it, pour 200 grams of bran into 2 glasses of water, let it boil and boil a little, squeeze them well, and add the remaining broth to the water every time you wash your hair.

The growth and density of hair is perfectly promoted by a tar solution, which must be applied no more than once a week, because if it is used too often, the hair will not hold a curl. Today, it is not uncommon to find a ready-made cosmetic product for hair growth on sale, but it is better to use it together with olive oil, in equal proportion.

To make your hair thicker in a very short period of time, use a good Muslim hair serum. If your hair becomes too coarse after washing it, rinse it thoroughly with clean water.

Nettle infusion will save you from hair loss. To prepare it, it is necessary to infuse one teaspoon of crushed dry nettle leaves in a glass of boiling water for twenty minutes.

Strengthen your hair will help you ointment, prepared from a glass of internal melted pig fat and a few drops of Peruvian balsam. It is necessary to rub such a composition into the head a couple of times a week, while washing the head, when it is treated with such a remedy, is recommended no more than once every ten days. This ointment is especially effective when used in childhood, since during this period the fat layer of the scalp is very easily accumulated, on which the thickness of the hair subsequently depends.

Another popular folk remedy from hair loss, as well as stimulating their growth, is birch or onion sap, diluted with alcohol (it can be replaced with cognac) and a decoction of burdock root. You can also rub raw onions into your scalp daily at night, this will add shine and strengthen your hair, but keep in mind that the smell of onions is very stable.

If, due to any serious illness (scarlet fever, typhus, and others), active hair loss has begun, the patient better head shave, and do it at the very beginning of the disease. Repeat this procedure three more times with an interval of two weeks. When the patient is on the mend, he is advised to wash his hair quite hot water every other day (so the scalp will steam out well), and after that, rub vodka on the scalp on a dry one (this will stimulate hair growth). If you notice that the hair grows unevenly, as if in bushes, you need to shave your head again.

If your ailment is dandruff, then ichthyol or tar soap who need to wash their hair once a week.

A mixture of purified kerosene and castor oil, prepared in a 1: 1 ratio, will save you from severe dandruff.

If dandruff arose due to overdried scalp, which can be seen from the split ends and dry hair, rub any vegetable oil into the head twice a week. You can also rub in petroleum jelly, but it is better to do this at night, and in the morning you need to wash your head. This is one of the most effective folk remedies for dandruff, which usually helps in just a few days.

Another folk remedy for dandruff is a decoction of burdock roots. Burdock roots must be poured with water and put on fire to languish so that the water boils away a little. Cool the resulting broth, filter. A decoction of burdock roots should be moistened every day. In addition to getting rid of dandruff, it also makes your hair softer and promotes hair growth.

In addition to auxiliary products for hair and scalp care, there are folk ways making homemade shampoos. Here are some of them:

  1. Mix with a little water a fresh beaten chicken egg and a pinch of royal borax. Wash your hair with this mixture.
  2. Melt 15 grams of soap in 120 milliliters of cologne and mix it all with 15 grams of distilled water. Store the resulting composition in a tightly closed bottle and wash your hair as it gets dirty.

But let's not forget that often problems with hair begin due to a lack in the human body of any vitamins or trace elements that come to us with food. Therefore, to prevent the occurrence of various problems with hair and scalp, eat as much as possible with the peel of raw vegetables and fruits, eat bran and bread, asparagus, cucumbers, parsley and lettuce, beets, strawberries. It will not be superfluous, even when using traditional medicine, taking a complex of vitamins and minerals designed specifically for hair and scalp.

For hair and scalp care, there are cleansing products, cosmetic preparations for hair care after washing, hair fixing products, photoprotective products, etc.

To cleanse the scalp, shampoos are most often used, less often soaps are used for this purpose. In most cases, they are used to achieve a therapeutic effect. So, some soaps are prescribed for skin and hair care with seborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, ichthyosis. The existing forms of powder (powder), cream, aerosol and hair cleansing oil have not received wide popularity.

The composition of the shampoo includes water, detergent (surfactant, surfactant) and various fatty additives. Soaps of various origins, as well as synthetic compounds, are used as detergents. The composition of the shampoo detergent creates a certain environment on the surface of the skin. Anionic detergents create an alkaline environment (pH 8-12), non-ionic - slightly acidic (pH 5.5-6). They also produce pH-neutral shampoos (pH 7), the acidity of which is simultaneously due to two types of detergents that make up their composition (soap and detergent). It has been shown that cationic detergents have the greatest irritant effect, and anionic ones give such an effect to a lesser extent. Non-ionic detergents are characterized by minimal irritating effects.

Most modern shampoos include conditioners (two-in-one formula). Some cosmetic companies in the manufacture of shampoos use various components of a different action. So, recently shampoos have been widely used, which include dyes of natural origin (chamomile, henna, basma, etc.) to give the hair a certain shade. Shampoos containing ceramides, tyrosine derivatives that inhibit the appearance of gray hair, and azulene derivatives to eliminate the yellowness of gray hair have appeared on the market.

For therapeutic purposes, various drugs can be included: antifungal drugs (ketoconazole, zinc pyrithionate, tar, sulfur, selenium disulfide and disulfate), pediculocidal drugs (pyrethrin, piperonil, phenothrin, tetramethrin, etc.), salicylic acid and lipohydroxy acid, drugs that enhance blood supply to the hair follicles (minoxidil 2.5-5%, aminexil 1.5%). In addition, some vegetable oils are used (coconut, cypress, rosemary, tea and cajuput tree, etc.).

Cosmetic preparations for hair care after washing are used to restore shine to hair, facilitate combing and styling, strengthen thin, weakened hair and increase their elasticity, remove static electricity, etc. According to the classification proposed by the French Federation of the Cosmetic Industry, cosmetic preparations for hair care hair after washing is divided into washable (rinses) and indelible.

Rinse-off hair care products after washing are represented by all types of rinses, or conditioners, starting with liquid milk, conditioners, creams for combing hair with various consistency, ending with liquid gels. The listed forms usually include a basic base (fats, alcohols, esters, waxes), a thickener (needed to stabilize the emulsion form, a hydrophilic colloid is often used), preservatives. Cationic detergents and silicones are used as conditioning additives. Various therapeutic and sun protection products may also be included. Leave-in products are represented by various solutions (lotions, and so-called serums), foams, conditioning creams.

The selection of shampoo, as well as cosmetic preparations for personal care after washing, is based on determining the type of hair (dry, oily, etc. For dry hair, these forms include: organic acids (acetic, lactic, malic), fats and fat-like substances ( lanolin, beeswax, spermaceti, jojoba oil, etc.), fatty acids (oleic, stearic, linoleic, linolenic, ricinolenic, etc.) and their derivatives (natural triglycerides - almond, castor, peanut, olive, oat oils, avocado oil , fatty alcohols - lauryl, myristil, oleyl, cetyl and stearyl alcohols, fatty esters, etc.), various vitamins (A, group B, E), protein derivatives (protein hydrolysates, a mixture of peptides, amino acids), phospholipids, cationic detergents, cationic polymers.It should be emphasized that cationic derivatives are surfactants with a hydrophilic cationic group having one or two lipophilic hydrocarboxylic fatty chains.When the cationic detergent enters the surface of the damaged hair, bearing an anionic valence, an electrochemical bond between the negatively charged hair and the cationic substance occurs , which contributes to the formation of a thin monomolecular film on the surface of the hair. In addition, when the hair is exposed to the specified detergent, an antistatic effect occurs due to a decrease in the potential difference. It is known that cationic detergents (surfactants) are ideal for normalizing the surface of damaged hair and protecting it. However, they do not affect the improvement of the structure of damaged hair. Moreover, the use of these components is not always comfortable due to the irritating effect and incompatibility with a number of anionic detergents that are part of shampoos. That is why new compounds compatible with anionic detergents have been developed - cationic polymers, which are able to create a special protective film on the surface of the hair, restoring their structure and strength. The first cationic polymer to hit the market in 1972 was "Polymer JR" (Poly quaternium 10). It was added to one of the shampoos as a conditioning ingredient. Subsequently, many new varieties of cationic polymers were released and patented. Three main types are currently in use: cationic celluloses and starches, cationic silicones, and protein hydrolysates.

The main components of cosmetic preparations for the care of oily hair are sulfur and its derivatives (disulfite, selenium disulfate, etc.), amino acids containing sulfur (cysteine, methionine), thioethers, tar, some substances that delay the ingress of sebum on the hair, as well as fat adsorbents. In recent years, special lipophobic films covering the hair have been used to reduce the ingress and spread of sebum to the surface of the hair. They are added in small concentrations to shampoos for oily hair. The most popular are various acrylic derivatives and phosphorylated fatty acids, which have both lipophobic and hydrophobic effects. To achieve an adsorbing effect, gelatin or casein, as well as finely dispersed starches and silicones, are usually used. They not only absorb sebum, but also make it thicker, which reduces the visible manifestations of liquid seborrhea. The negative quality of these drugs is that after using them, the hair looks dull.

Currently, in addition to traditional shampoos, various solutions and gels are offered that are applied directly to the hair roots. They are used for increased greasiness of hair. These include alcohol solutions (40-50%) for daily use, lotions (solutions) used after washing, with a low alcohol content, hydrogels, including alcohols, emulsions for treating hair after washing. These agents may include hydrocolloids, clays, plant extracts, proteins, non-ionic polymers acting as adsorbents. Usually, a small amount of detergent (surfactant) is added to their composition as an emulsifier and to facilitate washing with water.

In order to fix the hair in the hairstyle, aerosol, foam, gel, and solutions are used. Previously, hair fixatives were various gels of natural origin containing tragacanth and other ingredients, as well as various oils.

Currently, various synthetic polymers (eg, polyvinylpyrrolidone) are added in order to shape the hairstyle without contaminating the hair, as well as ingredients with conditioning, antistatic effects (eg, cationic detergents). The least aggressive are various hair styling foams, the most are sprays. In addition, sprays are becoming less popular nowadays due to the danger of damaging the ozone layer of the atmosphere.

Permanent waving was invented over 70 years ago in order to change the shape of hair (make it wavy) that will last even after washing. The technology and tools used for this kind of curling are constantly being modified. Regardless of the methodology, this process usually involves three steps.

  1. Softening of hair under the influence of physical or chemical factors. The so-called "steam" perm is historically the oldest. The essence of the process is the destruction of hydrogen bonds between polypeptides in hair keratin molecules, which creates a temporary effect of shape change, achieved using curlers. Also obsolete is the method in which a solution of ammonia and sodium bisulfite or triethanolamine was used in combination with exposure to high temperature (the so-called "hot" perm). Previously, curling methods were also popular, the essence of which was reduced to a chemical isotheric reaction. These methods are now practically not used, since they significantly damage the hair and require special preparation. Since 1945, "cold" perms have been widely used. The process of softening hair during cold curling is provided by thioglycolates, which are able to destroy disulfide bonds in the keratin molecule. Currently used solutions containing thioglycolic acid and ammonium or monoethanolamine. In recent years, glyceryl monothioglycolate-based waving has gained popularity, which has proven to be softer and can be recommended for individuals with dry and bleached hair. It should be emphasized that thioglycolates are rather strong sensitizers. They are the most common cause of allergic dermatitis in both hairdressers and clients.
  2. Giving hair a new shape. Achieved using curlers of various diameters. In the future, the hair is treated with a neutralizing solution, which fixes the new shape.
  3. Fixing the shape of the hair is usually carried out with the help of hydrogen peroxide, which also acts aggressively on the hair.

Perm kits at home usually include milder neutralizing solutions of the following salts: sodium tetraborate, sodium tetracarbonate, sodium bromate, potassium bromate, etc.

Negroid people often use various means and methods to straighten their hair. Their essence is basically similar to a perm. Men with short hair also use viscous fatty bases (pomade) for mechanical straightening of hair and gluing them together.

Currently, new forms for cosmetic hair care are being created. One of them is a moisturizing cream for dry and brittle hair, applied to the entire length of the hair. The composition of such creams often includes silicones that envelop the hair, help the scales stick to it and thereby restore shine. Both UVB and UVA protectors are used to protect hair from UV rays. To protect hair from exposure to cold water in a pool containing chlorine, special oils are used. The composition of the oils includes silicone, enveloping the hair. Some companies produce such drugs in the form of an aerosol.

1. Hydrogen peroxide

The well-known disinfectant and deodorant, absolutely harmless and can be found in every home. We clean her ears and apply to cuts to stop the bleeding, but it turns out that she can be useful for our appearance too.
If you like to pick pimples on your face, or squeeze out blackheads yourself (which is not recommended, but still many do), then before that, do not forget to thoroughly moisten your skin with hydrogen peroxide. It well loosens the stratum corneum of the skin, and they will very easily come to the surface when pressed along with the entire rod.
After removing this evil from the skin, wipe these places again - this way you will close and disinfect the pores, and the next day there will be no marks on the face.
Did you suddenly run out of deodorant? - wipe the armpits with hydrogen peroxide, this, of course, will not reduce sweating, but the smell long time definitely won't. By the way, if you want to extend the effect of your deodorant by a couple of hours, for example, if you have a long road ahead, and to make sure you stay fresh, this tip will also help. Just apply deodorant to dry skin.
And if you don’t have any cosmetics on hand, peroxide will help you out. Hydrogen peroxide can replace lotion and tonic, as it perfectly cleanses, tightens and whitens pores. Suitable for any skin, and for oily - just perfect, as it reduces sebum secretion and can be used daily.

2. Badyaga

Of all the masks with the addition of hydrogen peroxide, the badyaga mask is the most famous.
A freshwater sponge named badyaga in powder form is sold in almost every pharmacy. Many people think that peeling with the help of a badyagi is not much inferior in effect. salon procedures. In principle, this is true, but there is one minus - badyaga causes hair growth with prolonged use. If you already have facial hair, then badyaga masks are not suitable for you.
** Agree, the disadvantage is insignificant. And if you have no contraindications, then badyaga can magically change your skin. The top layer of dead cells is almost completely removed after several masks. And in this layer, acne, comedones, and pimples are different. It is better to make such masks if you know that you will not go anywhere for the next 12 hours, as your face will be red like an Indian.
In short, just dilute the powder with peroxide and apply it to damp skin after a minute. To make the redness subside faster, you can then apply zinc ointment. After that, within 3-4 days, the skin may peel off, and as soon as everything is restored, you can do this peeling mask again. A course of masks is always better than one. But here you yourself, according to the condition of the skin, decide how many you need to do them.

3. Calendula tincture

Calendula tincture is absolutely necessary in every first aid kit. It has been proven to be more effective than iodine preparations for treating wounds and cuts, as calendula has the unique ability to accelerate tissue regeneration, reduce inflammation and promote wound healing.
If this remedy helps to cure boils and ulcers, then it will definitely relieve acne. In general, I consider calendula tincture to be the best lotion. If alcohol scares you, then dilute it with water in a ratio of 1 to 1.
Also, calendula tincture dries the scalp very well, and if you rub it periodically, the hair will become noticeably less dirty. To strengthen the hair, you can add castor oil to the calendula tincture. You need to rub it for a month, and it helps a lot with seborrhea.

4. Levomekol

Domestic ointment "Levomekol" has a fairly strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect and is active against various microorganisms (staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli).
If you have been hurt, burned, have a boil, you have scratched your face yourself, or feel that a pimple is starting to break through, this ointment can help you. Apply a thick layer to sore spot until it passes. And it goes away fairly quickly.

5. Salicylic alcohol and salicylic ointment

A component of almost all anti-acne and anti-seborrheic drugs, salicylic acid, dissolved in alcohol, is sold in every pharmacy. If you have acne, blackheads, back pimples, very oily skin, or keratolization problems, this is the product for you.
I read recently that a study was conducted in America on the topic of effective remedy against acne and pimples. The Americans came to the conclusion that salicylic acid is still the best known, and consider it almost a panacea for all skin problems.
One of my friends is very effective in fighting blackheads, applying salicylic ointment every evening after rubbing with hydrogen peroxide. Salicylic ointment is milder than alcohol and exfoliates dead skin cells well.
I warn you - salicylic alcohol is very drying to the skin, so apply it pointwise. By the way, salicyl dissolves only in alcohol, so it is not clear where it comes from in alcohol-free lotions. And salicylic acid prevents the appearance of corns and roughening of the skin, so after a pedicure, apply it on the heels and other problem areas.

6. Zinc ointment

Zinc ointment is an anti-inflammatory agent that has a drying, adsorbing, astringent and antiseptic effect. After cleansing the face, including self-cleansing, for acne and any inflammation, apply zinc ointment to the skin.
Again, if a pimple starts, smear this place at night and in the morning, most likely, there will be no trace of it. No wonder zinc is part of the widely advertised products for problem skin. Only they are expensive, and the ointment is a penny.
Further, so that you do not have irritation after depilation in the bikini area, apply zinc ointment for several hours. Usually one application is enough to forget about this trouble until the next procedure.
Have you had a pedicure - at home or in a salon, and want to keep the effect longer? Just periodically apply zinc ointment to the feet and heels. Checked.

7. Apilak (available in the form of ointment, suppositories, dietary supplement)

"Apilak" is a trade name of a drug based on royal jelly, patented by a Tallinn pharmaceutical plant. It has been produced since Soviet times and this tool has helped more than one generation of people. "Apilak" is a general tonic, an adaptogen, a biogenic stimulator of metabolic processes, and also a source of amino acids, heaps of vitamins and macronutrients.
The range of diseases for which it is prescribed is huge. Often "Apilak" is prescribed to children in the absence of appetite, people in the recovery period after surgery and stress, as an additional tool in the treatment of infertility. The ointment, in combination with dietary supplement, is included in the course of treatment of seborrhea and neurodermatitis, and after a month of use it reduces the fat content of the skin, reduces the number of inflammatory elements, and reduces itching.
With oily problematic skin face, it is useful to apply Apilac on the skin with a thick layer at least once a week. If you have a syndrome chronic fatigue, great physical or mental stress, or just want to cheer up, the Apilaka reception is one of the most safe ways do it. Sold in every pharmacy, it is cheap.

8. St. John's wort, chamomile, nettle, burdock oil, castor oil

All these oils are far from being in short supply, they are affordable and nourish and restore hair very well. I advise you to buy everything and alternately do hot wraps with them. Usually the oil is packaged in small glass bottles, I just put them in a glass of boiling water, and after a minute I put the already heated oil on my hair. Do this twice a week.

9. Epsom salt (in other words, magnesium sulfate or magnesia)

The drug is known to all hypertensive patients and people with liver diseases. As far as I know, in an ambulance, magnesia in ampoules is used to quickly reduce pressure. But for our goals with you - gaining grooming and health - we need powdered magnesia. It is packaged in packages of 100 grams and costs somewhere in the region of 10 - 12 rubles.
If you urgently need to lose weight literally in 1 day, then a bath with the addition of 1 kg of magnesia will help you. The effect is based on the removal of excess water from the body. The bath is also useful for people suffering from edema, it helps the kidneys to cope with the load.
For patients with psoriasis, such a bath will also make life much easier, as it cleanses the skin well. An Epsom salt bath will also be useful for people with problematic skin on the body, acne on the back and chest, and just wanting to cleanse the body. Just do not abuse it, a bath with magnesia can be used a maximum - once a month: this is a very strong remedy.

10. Cosmetic clay

About clay (white, green, blue, etc.), like, and so everyone knows. And about what clay masks, baths and wraps really work, I think too. Be sure to buy a couple of packs if you haven't tried it yet. White clay better suited for dry skin and hair, green - for problem skin and oily hair, blue, in principle, suits everyone.
Of course simple cosmetic clay not as effective as, for example, Moroccan or the one sold in Indian stores. But the price is also different.

11. Pasta "Sulsena"

Known to our parents, the hair care product - Sulsena paste - is an emulsion based on selenium disulfide. This disulfide is a seboregulator and acts against dandruff.
Paste "Sulsena" will help you if you have dandruff, dull split ends, and if they quickly get greasy, split or fall out. The sulfur contained in the paste strengthens and thickens the hair from the inside, so that after application they appear thicker.
Great if you want to extend the time between washes. I can personally confirm that the hair stays fresh longer and amazingly shiny.

12. Romazulan

"Romazulan" is an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drug, consisting of an extract of chamomile and chamomile essential oil (live azulene). Anyone who is a fan of the chamomile scent, I think, will be delighted with this drug.
The beauty of "Romazulan" is that it can be added everywhere: in baths, in shampoo, in homemade soap, in shower gel, masks. It can be used as a lotion for oily, problematic skin and in general for any skin inflammation, gum disease, and even as a deodorant.
Just imagine that when literally one gram of azulene is added to cosmetics, it already has a healing effect, and here there is so much of it in a 100 ml package. I think that every woman who cares about her beauty should have Romazulan.

13. Weed Cubes!

Chamomile + string + jojoba oil + olive oil! And all in the freezer! And in the morning wipe your face with a cube! It becomes fresh, ruddy and soft! And in general, during the day, if the face is tired, it is worth wiping, and the fatigue of the face disappears!

14. Aevit

From wrinkles - a super remedy. Apply to the skin around the eyes. Capsules cost 34 rubles. It is vitamin "A" and "E" together, apply morning and evening under the eyes. Or you can smear only 1 time per day, keep it for 2 hours, then it is absorbed or blotted with a napkin. If at home, then you can walk all day! Good effect. Use 2 weeks, then break.

15. Blefarogel No. 1

It contains hyaluronic acid. Apply from the "bags" under the eyes. Apply a thick layer 3 times a day and be sure to be oily at night, after a few days the swelling should go away and wrinkles should disappear. You can also try castor oil. Apply in the morning for 2 hours after the gel (lifting effect). You can go even further and get a clean hyaluronic acid in ampoules (on the website or in a company where cosmetologists buy goods) and pour the ampoule into a bottle with blefarogel. Shake well before each application and apply.

16. Calcium chloride solution

Peeling - Hollywood cleaning: clean dry face apply a solution of calcium chloride, wait until it dries, then apply a second layer, and again wait for drying. They lather their hands with baby soap and massage the skin, rolling the coils. The mechanism here is as follows: calcium chloride interacts with soap (sodium and potassium salts of higher carboxylic acids), potassium or sodium chloride and an insoluble calcium salt of higher carboxylic acids are formed, which rolls down, simultaneously capturing part of the upper layer of keratin scales. It turns out a superficial gentle peeling.
The use of calcium chloride to cleanse the skin is possible in the absence of inflammatory elements. Very efficient. Checked!!!

17. Heparin ointment

It is used for edema ... if there are terrible bags under the eyes in the morning.

18. Retinoic ointment

A storehouse of vitamin A. The ointment is positioned as anti-acne, but it is also an excellent prevention of aging, improves skin condition, and removes redness.
I make a mask out of it, for 20-30 minutes, longer. Some leave for the night. I heard that in the USA cosmetologists prescribe its analogue (retisol) as the only proven remedy for fighting wrinkles.

Our advice is very helpful to everyone. We are sure that you will use them from now on. Be beautiful always. We wish you good and positive mood! Let everything happen to you only the best

Boys may not even open this article, because today the topic will be devoted to women's things, which we are always short of and tend to constantly end. In Thailand, I use Thai creams, balms, masks from those companies that are publicly available. I am not one of those swells who specifically order some expensive creams from other countries in online stores or ask to send them Russian-made products.

My body loves to constantly try new things. I can’t buy a shampoo for myself a second time, even if I really liked it and arranged it according to all the criteria. Only after a few tries of other brands, I will buy it again. The thought that maybe something else is better does not leave.

I present to your attention my list of products for body and hair care.

All these products are sold in Thailand in 7-Eleven, FamilyMart, Tesco, Big C chain stores. Some are only in pharmacies.

Shampoo Kokliang.

Hair is soft after. I really like when the hair after washing is not smooth, but soft. The shampoo smells delicious and keeps the smell for a day after a shower. And during application, Kok liang refreshes the head, thanks to menthol. Strongly foams and is spent economically. And I love a lot of foam. Smells nice and delicious.

Cost: 50-55 baht.

Shampoo Abhaibhubejhr.

You will pronounce the name of the figs - Abhaybubeikhr But the shampoo is what you need. This is a healing line. Sold in a pharmacy. I have long wanted to switch to products more reminiscent of something natural and folk. I tried this shampoo and I love it. There are four types to choose from. I liked the "moth peas", which means Clitoria flowers. Unusual shampoo base. What I liked about it was the shine on the hair after washing. They do not become silky or particularly smooth. They just shine and look healthier and more well-groomed. And a big plus is that it washes off easily. Shampoo came up to Slava too.

Prices: 80-85 baht.

Feather Shampoo.

Continuing the theme of shampoos, we usually take the local and most recognizable Feather shampoo on the road. This time I bought it with lemongrass flavor. But the hair after washing almost nothing smells. Shampoo, in my opinion, the most common. Although, in Thailand it is popular. Sold in any store and in many variations of smells.

You can buy for 17-20 baht. (small)

Hair masks.

I buy masks very often. Sunsilk company. In Russia, I could not use this product. The quality left much to be desired. Salsilk never inspired confidence in me. But Sunsilk masks in Thailand are a godsend! I have tried all the colors and have been satisfied with all of them. One mask is enough for one time. By the way, I also buy Dove brand hair masks in such small bags. I use it every time I wash my hair. I advise! Convenient for everyday use and for taking on the road, as they do not take up much space.

How much: 10 baht.

Sansilk hair cream.

Also, like masks, it comes with different smells and different type. What can I say, from all the creams the hair becomes smooth, easy to comb and the most convenient - the cream does not need to be washed off. I applied it all over my hair and forgot about it. Absorbed quickly. It takes 30 minutes and the hair is dry. I use it when there is no time to apply a mask to the hair, wait and only then wash it off. Easy to use and practical. A small tube is enough for me for 5 times for long hair. More than enough for short ones.

Cost: 35 baht.

And the last hair care product - face mask.

Mask from the category, made and forgotten. Its only plus is that after washing the hair is better combed. But it does not nourish, like the previous means, and does not make the hair shiny and smooth.

Cost: 47 baht.

At number seven we have Citra body care.

Emphasis on the last syllable. One of my favorite body creams. I belong to the type of people who love to feel that you are really in the cream after being smeared with cream. I can't stand all those melting creams and body lotions. I love that enveloping feeling so much. Sitra is the same cream. It's non-greasy, doesn't leave marks on clothes, and I think it's suitable for all skin types. There are different scents to choose from in stores. I like absolutely everything, but my favorite tube, which depicts pearls.

Costs from 20 to 180 baht depending on the size

Vaseline body cream.

Vazilin, in Russian speaking. Also my favourite. I combine them with Sitra. It doesn't absorb right away either. But faster than the previous cream. And what I really like is that it leaves a slight fragrance after application. And what it will be, you choose. I use yellow. Every time after a shower, it perfectly moisturizes the skin and even seems to even out it.

Cost: 75-140 baht.

Body Lotion. Not a body cream, but a body lotion. This is a suitable tool for those who prefer to apply lotion and not feel it. It is very liquid and melts instantly. I use lotion very rarely when we are in a hurry somewhere. Like it only pink color and smell. Smells like an expensive perfume.

Cost: 15 baht for a small tube

And this… Coconut oil.

I still do not know people who would not live in Thailand and would not pour tons on themselves coconut oil. Here it is cheap, high-quality and sold on every corner. Coconut oil serves me in almost every way. This is an additional hair mask and body lotion that nourishes the skin better than anyone else. I don't even use face cream, because in such a climate it seems that my face is wrapped in a film, and I rather want to wash my face. Therefore, in the evenings, I apply coconut oil to dry areas of the skin of the face, wait for it to be absorbed and go to bed.

It got to the point that my eye makeup remover, which I took from Russia, ended. Having not found anything suitable in Thailand, I began to apply coconut oil on cotton pad and wash off the make-up in this way. It is washed off instantly, again nourishes the cilia and does not sting the eyes. The only drawback of such washing is the feeling that I did not completely wash my eyes and began to see blurry. But once in a while it doesn't have to.

The cost depends on the brand and volume. The average price for a small coconut oil, such as the one in the photo, is 75 baht.

Where can I order a transfer from the airport?

We use the service - KiwiTaxi
Ordered a taxi online, paid by card. We were greeted at the airport with a sign with our name on it. We were taken to the hotel in a comfortable car. You have already talked about your experience In this article.

olive oil. The bottle I buy at 7/11 can be used on the hair and on the whole body. I did not like to apply olive oil to my hair. Oily hair after oil. No matter how you wash it, it doesn’t matter, personally, it doesn’t completely wash off for me. But it's good for the body.

Cost 18 baht

Let's move on to facials. Here everything is very simple for me. In addition to coconut oil, I use a face wash from a well-known brand in many Southeast Asian countries Acnes.

I noticed it back in Vietnam, and I have been using this series for more than a year. I am always very attracted to products that contain menthol, which gives a refreshing effect. However, Aknes is not for everyone. I read that in many girls it caused allergies and redness on the face. So, you need to try carefully.

Cost: 80-130 baht.

Baby Mild.

What can be perceived as baby powder. This, I will call her powder, helps me out all the time. Since I don't use foundation creams, then, in order to mask the appearance of spots on the face, I apply powder to the desired areas of the skin with a powder brush and you're done. No oily sheen and pores are not clogged as much as it would be from camouflage pencils. I advise everyone who has such a problem.

Cost: 11 baht.

Lip balm. I, perhaps, will also attribute it to face care products. And all because he is from a pharmacy. My lifesaver. I can't stand any lip glosses. This has been the case since the time of life in Russia. It annoys me when everything sticks and even if the seller convinces me that this gloss does not stick, then at the slightest breath of wind my hair will still be on my lips. Imagine a tropical climate. In addition to stickiness, you also have the feeling that your lips have been smeared with a thick layer of jam. Therefore, lipsticks are the best option for me.

Everyone knows that lipsticks dry out lips, and this lip balm from the pharmacy really helps to fight dry lips, including in the corners. And most importantly, it does not stick. Joy knew no bounds when I first tried it on myself after buying it. Now I use it almost every day.

Cost: 20 baht.

Crystal stone deodorant.

Such a small crystal is enough for at least a whole year. And even more. Unlike many, I am not his devoted fan, but Slava and I use it every day. It is a hard crystal that inhibits bacterial activity but does not clog pores, resulting in natural perspiration, but without odor.

The purpose of the crystal is to eliminate odor, which it certainly does, but not to make your armpits dry. That is, in hot weather, you will not smell of sweat, but your armpits will be wet and from the point of view of aesthetics - this is not for me. That's why I only use it at home. At home, the condo is not so hot. The pores breathe in the meantime. It doesn't last all day, but it lasts at least 3-5 hours.

Cost: 35-75 baht depending on the size

Thank you for reading to the very end, and I would be grateful if you could tell us about your personal care products. Indeed, in Thailand there are so many different cool things for girls that a lifetime is not enough to try everything.