Is it possible to mix black and blue clay. Clay masks for facial skin: how to do and how useful. Cosmetic clay for face and body - properties and applications

Clay masks are one of the most commonly used home treatments. They are almost universal: they are used for cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing the skin, restoring its structure, smoothing wrinkles.

Beneficial features

The benefits of masks are due to the active influence of the compounds contained in this substance on tissues.

  • Clay has the ability to absorb toxins, thereby achieving a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • The application of masks helps to activate cell metabolism, improve local blood circulation and lymph circulation in tissues - as a result, the complexion improves significantly, regeneration processes are accelerated.
  • Clay cosmetic masks also have a whitening, rejuvenating, tonic effect, which is due to the ion-exchange properties of the substance: its ions bind excess compounds contained in the skin and provoke cosmetic problems.
  • Clay compensates for the lack of nutrients that women's skin experiences from the age of 27-30. Vitamin deficiency causes premature aging, loss of tone, the appearance of wrinkles.

Features of clay depending on the color

Clay masks at home are prepared on the basis of any type of material. For the correct choice, it is necessary to know the properties of its different types.

White clay

Its other name is kaolin.

  • Absorbing excess fat, has a drying effect.
  • Tightens enlarged pores.
  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Whitens the skin, eliminates small freckles.
  • Visibly brightens complexion.
  • It tightens and tones the mimic muscles, due to which the oval of the face is leveled.

Blue clay

  • Its main useful quality is the ability to get rid of acne due to its anti-inflammatory effect.
  • The blue clay cleansing mask is one of the most effective. As a result of its application, excessive fat content disappears, the pores become almost invisible, and you can completely forget about acne after several procedures.
  • Thanks to the smoothing and toning of the skin, a stunning rejuvenating effect is achieved.
  • It is also an excellent remedy for removing pigmentation, freckles.
  • Masks based on it normalize cellular metabolism, stimulate blood circulation in all layers of the skin, and regulate lymph flow.

green clay

The special composition of this unique rock led to its exceptional demand in cosmetology. Due to the content of the most important trace elements that restore the hydrobalance of the skin, green clay is especially recommended for increased dryness and tightness of the skin, often leading to the early appearance of wrinkles.

  • The use of such a clay mask for dry skin of the face returns its firmness and elasticity.
  • Small wrinkles disappear.
  • The skin is visibly softened and smoothed.
  • Thanks to the improvement of blood circulation, its color is restored.

A certain similarity in composition and effect with blue clay and kaolin makes them interchangeable in the preparation of cosmetics. These substances can also be mixed.

red clay

This is an indispensable tool for the care of irritated, prone to allergic rashes, very sensitive skin.

  • It eliminates irritation.
  • Peeling, redness and skin itching disappear.
  • With flabbiness of the skin, the appearance of the first signs of wilting, red clay is simply irreplaceable: masks based on it soften and tone the skin, saturate it with mineral salts and vitamins, restore water balance, and eliminate wrinkles.
  • Improving lymphatic drainage and accelerating blood circulation help saturate the skin with oxygen and activate cellular metabolism, thereby restoring the clarity of facial contours.

In order to care for very sensitive skin, you can make a clay mask with the addition of other components or simply dilute it with water and apply it on your face.

pink clay

It is obtained by mixing two other types of clay: red and white. Her products are great for all skin types.

  • Improve facial contours.
  • Eliminate fine wrinkles and rejuvenate.
  • Soften and nourish.
  • Return firmness and elasticity.
  • They give velvety.

yellow clay

  • Removes toxic compounds, thereby preventing inflammation and the appearance of acne.
  • Enriching the skin with oxygen, masks based on it tone and refresh the face.
  • The activation of metabolic processes as a result of the use of this remedy contributes to the long-term preservation of youth.

black clay

It consists of quartz, strontium, calcium, magnesium, iron.

  • Due to its absorbent properties, black clay is an extremely effective cleanser.
  • The ability to tighten pores and remove dirt makes it essential for oily and acne-prone skin.
  • Depending on the method of application, it can be used with equal success for dry nutrition, drying oily skin and with its combined type.

Are there any contraindications?

Since clay is one hundred percent natural remedy There are no specific contraindications to its use. However, before applying the mask, it is necessary to take into account the properties of other ingredients included in it and the presence of an allergy to them.

Rules for applying a mask

  • Skin should be dry and cleansed
  • The applied layer of clay must have sufficient density.
  • Masks should not be applied to the skin around the eyes, as there are no sebaceous glands in it, as a result of which this area is characterized by increased dryness.
  • Clay can only be diluted with cool, clean water.
  • Stir the mixture until the lumps completely disappear.
  • With dry skin, the duration of the procedure should be a maximum of 5 minutes, with normal or sensitive skin - twice as long, with oily mask hold even up to 20 minutes, because when dried, the clay will absorb excess fats and moisture.
  • At the end of the procedure, the face should be sprinkled with water, wait for the mask to soak and remove with cool water or a moistened cloth.
  • To prevent dehydration after removing the mask, it is better to use an effective moisturizer.
  • AND last moment: how often can you make clay face masks? Cosmetologists recommend performing such procedures about once every 7-8 days, in the case of dry skin - even less often.

Clay selection

By the presence of problems:

  • Acne: white, blue, yellow.
  • Increased pigmentation, depigmentation: blue.
  • Enlarged pores: blue, white.

By skin type:

  • Bold: blue, white.
  • Dry: green, red.
  • Sensitive, irritated: red.
  • Fading: red, blue, white, green.

It should be noted that the properties of a clay mask can vary significantly depending on other ingredients. For example, white clay is used for both increased oiliness and dryness and dehydration of the skin. The above recommendations regarding the choice of a particular type can only serve as a general guideline.


For acne

1. This problem is perfectly solved by a salt and clay mask. Dissolve a few crystals of rock salt in clean water (you can use mineral water), filter the solution to remove excess sand, pebbles, etc. Add clay until a creamy state is reached.

For getting best result after the procedure, you can apply an acid cream. If the skin is very tight, it is better to use moisturizers.

2. Often acne disappears, but the spots from them remain. To eliminate them, a recipe with clay and cinnamon is perfect: cinnamon is added to clay diluted with water to a creamy state (on the tip of a knife).

From age spots

The use of bodyagi and clay products perfectly eliminates pigmentation. Dry bodyaga (1 tsp) should be mixed with two teaspoons of black or white clay and diluted with clean water. The result is just a miraculous cocktail of active substances.


Red clay will get rid of them. If the skin is also inflamed, the following composition will be an ideal remedy: add lemon juice (10-15 drops), a little olive oil, and yolk to diluted red clay.

For oily skin, with inflammation

1. With high fat content, you can say goodbye forever by regularly using a cosmetic product made from clay and oatmeal (in a ratio of 2: 1). It is better to take oatmeal. In its absence, you can grind ordinary oatmeal in a coffee grinder, add red clay to the resulting powder (white clay is also suitable, but it will not have an anti-inflammatory effect, but will only eliminate oiliness and cleanse the skin) and slightly warm milk.

2. The mask prepared from clay and honey cleanses, eliminates oily sheen, relieves enlarged pores. Kaolin should be diluted with water and add liquid honey (a teaspoon). After mixing, apply to the face.

For normal skin

Care should be to maintain its normal state. She does not bring special problems to her owner.

1. Women with normal skin they can use masks based on blue clay with the addition of milk (it is used for dilution instead of water), sour cream and honey (1 tsp is enough).

2. Another recipe: add cucumber juice and honey to blue clay diluted with water.

Dry skin

1. Mix green or red clay diluted with water with one of the oils (peach kernel, jojoba, avocado, olive, apricot, etc.). Apply to dehydrated, flaky skin. After completing the procedure, lubricate the face with a nourishing cream.

Tips for mixing and coloring clay(theory)
Color matching (color mixing) is a creative process and it is difficult to give precise and clear recommendations. Everyone develops a method convenient for him, and the materials are different for everyone. Therefore, I will write only some points. Any creativity should bring pleasure. Not always precise instructions can give you what you want...
Different clays require different color mixing techniques.

For work, it is desirable to have the main - the basic white color of clay, it goes most of all when sculpting, and a set of primary colors: red, yellow, green, blue, brown, black. Other colors can be obtained by mixing. Eat general scheme mixing colors:
. red + yellow = yellow-orange, orange, brick
. red, + blue = crimson, burgundy, purple
. red + blue = pink, scarlet, purple
. yellow + blue = dark green, emerald green, yellow green
. yellow + blue \u003d light green, turquoise, salad
. light green + red = light grassy, ​​swamp green
. dark green + red = dark grassy, ​​olive, brown
. yellow-orange + brown = golden
. brown + red = reddish brown (terracotta)
. brown + yellow = chestnut
. purple + blue = blue-violet
. pink + orange = salmon
. pink + yellow = tea rose

Here are some tips:
. By mixing two or three colors in different proportions, you can get different colors and shades of clay, it all depends on the proportions of colors.
. Clay - produced only in white - can be tinted by mixing oil or acrylic paint. The principle of obtaining colors as usual when mixing colors.
. White clay, tinted with paints, after drying will be 1-2 tones darker than when kneading.
. When mixing the paint into the clay, add the paint in small portions and mix well, gradually adding to the desired color.
. To get a more complex and muted color, add a drop of black paint.
. To make the greens look more natural, add a drop of red to the green dye. It will dull the brightness of the green, and the color will be more natural. Some leaves can be tinted with red paint along the contour (for example, rose leaves). And on some you can just put a red spot - it will turn out more naturally.
. If you want to repeat this or that color, remember in what proportion you took colored clay. You can use a ruler-stencil with circles of different diameters to remember in what proportions to mix the desired color.
. The more basic - white, the lighter tone clay will have
. If a piece of colored clay is divided in half, and the same piece of white clay is added to one half, then you can get a color that is a tone lighter than the original. Thus, you can get several shades of the same color along the gradient.
. You can tint the flowers after complete drying.
. For different clays, different paints are used - oil, acrylic or pastel crayons.
. It is not recommended to mix clays of different brands, this may impair their properties, or they may not mix at all into a homogeneous mass.
. For tinting, you may need various brushes from different materials. After using the brushes, rinse them well and dry them with the bristles up.
. After tinting, it is necessary to dry the petals and leaves well, only then collect the flower.
. Under different lighting, the color of clay is perceived differently.
. When tinting petals or leaves, shade the paint well from a darker to a lighter tone.

Cosmetic clay is the main component of many face care products and. This product has absorbed all the substances necessary for the health of the skin.

What clay masks do for the face: cosmetic and healing effects

A clay face mask is represented by its diversity, each type of this product is endowed with unique properties. Almost every type of cosmetic product has a bactericidal, cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing, tightening effect on the skin.

In nature, this natural product has various colors, which is explained by its different chemical and mineral composition.

Due to its unique composition, each type of clay has a cosmetic and healing effect on the skin and is designed to solve certain problems.

Cosmetics, which contain this natural ingredient, deeply cleanse the skin and exfoliate the keratinized layer of skin cells. Silicon predominates in some types of clay, aluminum in others, and manganese in others. If you use a product with a high content of silicon, the surface of the skin is smoothed, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, the process of collagen and bone tissue formation is enhanced, accelerated. Cosmetic procedures using clay can reduce the appearance of cellulite. A trace element such as aluminum is endowed with the ability to dry the skin, and manganese has a deodorizing and antiseptic effect, so these components are ideal for oily skin care.

What else is a clay face mask useful for - a common question for women and girls who want to take care of their skin at home. Such cosmetic procedures are especially useful for oily skin, care is recommended for people suffering from excessive secretion of sebum. Applying a clay mask to the skin of the face helps to remove impurities, cleanse pores and eliminate oily sheen.

The only contraindication to the use of this natural product is the occurrence of allergic reactions to its components.

Known types of clay, such as: white, blue, black, yellow, red, pink, green, grey. To spend proper care for the skin of the face and body, it is important to choose the best option for a natural cosmetic product, and for this you need to familiarize yourself with the composition and properties of each type of this product.

Recipes for masks from white and blue-white clay for the face

A white clay face mask has a drying and bactericidal effect, cosmetologists recommend using it to care for oily skin. During this procedure, the pores are well cleaned and narrowed, excess sebum is removed, as a result of which the face looks fresh and toned.

In addition, this natural product has a slight whitening effect on the skin, especially if you make this clay and lemon face mask: 1 st. l. dilute white clay with warm water to a thick consistency, add a spoonful of lemon juice. What does a clay and lemon face mask give besides a whitening effect? This home procedure disinfects the skin, makes it smooth and velvety, however, such care is contraindicated for people with any skin lesions. White clay is also known as "kaolin", since it is this substance that acts as its main constituent component.

Popular recipes for clay face masks are:

1. Prepare a decoction of chamomile flowers, dissolve in it white clay, taking these components in a ratio of 1: 1. A homemade cosmetic product must be applied to the skin in a thin layer, gently rubbing in a circular motion 3 minutes, wash off after 15 minutes.

2. Dilute a spoonful of kaolin powder with warm water, apply on the face, hold for the same time and rinse.

3. If you want to slightly whiten your skin, dilute a tablespoon of kaolin not with water, but with cucumber juice. It can be replaced with parsley juice; for this purpose, cosmetologists also recommend using strawberry or strawberry juice, which also has a good whitening effect. These masks are suitable for people who have dark spots or freckles.

4. To reduce oily skin, a spoonful of kaolin should be combined with 3 tablespoons of low-fat kefir or yogurt. Add a little parsley and lemon juice to this mixture, apply on the face, remove after 15 minutes.

5. For dry skin facial fit such a homemade mask: take kaolin powder, cottage cheese, sour cream in the same amount. Apply the prepared product on the skin, rinse with warm water after 10 minutes. This clay mask for dry skin will leave your skin feeling smooth and well hydrated, the usual dryness disappearing immediately.

6. Kaolin is a well-known remedy against the early signs of skin aging. To tighten the skin of the face and get rid of age-related changes, take a tablespoon of kaolin, dilute it with milk to a mushy state, add a spoonful of honey. Regular procedure eliminates signs of aging on the skin, making it soft and velvety.

7. Blue-white clay face mask allows you to deeply cleanse and narrow the pores. To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to mix ½ tbsp. l. white and blue clay, add a teaspoon of olive oil and the same amount of lemon juice. Leave the product on the face for 20 minutes.

Homemade kaolin masks are suitable for any skin type, however, it must be taken into account when choosing other components in the preparation of a cosmetic product.

Blue (blue) clay face masks: the best recipes

In the production of cosmetics, white and blue clay is most often used. A blue clay face mask has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, such cosmetic procedures allow you to fight acne and pimples, contributing to their rapid healing. With regular use of a homemade clay mask, the complexion improves, the skin looks young and toned, freckles, age spots and mimic wrinkles become less noticeable.

There are many recipes for blue clay face masks, the best among them are the following:

1. For oily skin, which is prone to acne and acne, this clay face mask recipe is suitable: take a spoonful of blue clay, add 5 drops of natural undiluted apple cider vinegar and a little warm water to it. Apply the prepared product to dry face, after 15 minutes, remove the remnants of cosmetics.

2. Prepare a decoction of chamomile, calendula and mint flowers, take a tablespoon of this liquid and dilute blue clay in it. Instead of a decoction of medicinal herbs, you can use green tea brewing. Apply to the skin in a thin layer, wash off after 15 minutes with water at room temperature.

3. For dry skin the following cosmetic clay mask for face and is ideal. To prepare it, you will need a spoonful of olive oil or jojoba oil, egg yolk, 1 tbsp. l. blue clay. Apply the prepared cosmetic product on the skin, hold until completely dry. After this cosmetic procedure the skin becomes so moisturized that there is no need to apply a nourishing cream.

What clay face masks problematic skin i can do more? Known for the following recipe is a toning soothing homemade clay mask. Combine half a tablespoon of blue clay with the same amount of low-fat sour cream, add a teaspoon of fresh pulp of watermelon and grapes. Mix everything thoroughly, apply with gentle circular movements on the face, hold for ten minutes and remove the remnants of the cosmetic product with warm water. Owners of dry skin cosmetologists do not recommend using it for facial care.

Blue clay in cosmetology is also called blue. Blue clay face mask is contraindicated: with diseases of the thyroid gland and.

How to make a black clay face mask

The black clay face mask is endowed with high cleansing properties. This product contains strontium, quartz, iron, magnesium and calcium, which deeply cleanse the pores, removing all impurities from them and absorbing toxins.

This natural product is suitable for absolutely all skin types, however, you need to mix it with different components. For oily skin, it is better to mix black powder with protein, kefir, lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, for too dry - with sour cream or cream. If the skin is of normal or combination type, it is enough to dilute the black powder with a small amount of water and apply on the face.

Red and pink clay face masks

Cosmetic clay red and Pink colour- Another common component, often present in the composition of caring cosmetics. Red clay face masks saturate the skin with such a trace element as iron, because it is it that gives such a bright color to this natural product.

Red clay is great for regular care for sensitive and prone to irritation and allergic reactions skin.

Cosmetics prepared at home based on red clay have such a complex effect on the skin:

help relieve irritation;

eliminate and prevent the appearance of redness on the face;

exfoliate the keratinized layer of skin cells;

relieve itching.

Red clay is also suitable for dry, aging, dehydrated skin, increasing its tone and restoring firmness and elasticity. The procedure improves blood circulation, saturating skin cells with oxygen.

How to make a red clay face mask?

You can use a few simple recipes:

1. Dilute cosmetic red clay with a little warm water, apply on face and wash off after 10 minutes.

2. To relieve irritation from dry skin of the face, mix the red powder with heavy cream until a homogeneous, thick mass is formed. Add two teaspoons of squeezed aloe juice to this mixture, mix and apply a thin layer on the face, wash off after 10 minutes.

3. For the care of dry skin, such a clay mask is also suitable: combine a spoonful of red clay with the same amount of fatty sour cream, add a couple of drops of any vegetable oil. Instead of sour cream, you can take an egg yolk. Leave the product on the skin for 10 minutes, remove with warm water.

The pink clay facial mask is ideal for all skin types. This remedy is obtained by combining white and red clay, so it is endowed with the properties of these two natural products. Pink clay helps to smooth out fine wrinkles, improve facial contours, moisturize, tighten and rejuvenate the skin. The product has a nourishing, moisturizing, cleansing and tightening effect.

How to make a pink clay face mask - many girls and women want to know. In fact, the process of preparing a cosmetic product and carrying out the procedure is traditional.: pink powder just needs to be mixed with a small amount of water or herbal decoction to get a homogeneous mass of medium consistency. As additional components of such home remedies for dry skin, you can use sour cream, cottage cheese, vegetable and essential oils, egg yolk, milk and cream. If you have oily skin, pink clay can be combined with kefir, curdled milk, egg white, yogurt.

How to make a face mask with yellow clay, lemon, honey and vinegar

This type of natural product, widely used in cosmetology, is more suitable for oily, combination, aging and dull skin. A yellow clay face mask is recommended for acne, increased production of sebum, and the formation of other inflammatory elements. Such a powder yellow color well tones the skin and improves complexion. To carry out facial care with this tool, it is enough to dilute it with water and apply to the skin.

If the skin is excessively oily, it is better to use the following clay mask recipe: 2 tsp yellow clay mixed with 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar, the same amount of honey and lemon juice. So that the mass is not too thick, it can be slightly diluted with warm water, the prepared product is applied to the face, removed after 10 minutes.

Cosmetic procedures using lemon or apple cider vinegar should not be carried out with irritated skin.

Cosmetic green clay face masks

Green clay contains iron oxide, which is why it has that color. In addition to this substance, it contains magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potash, zinc, aluminum, copper. At the same time, experts say that the darker the green clay, the more beneficial it is for the face.

A green clay face mask deeply cleanses pores, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, and eliminates oily sheen. It is useful to apply it not only on the face, but also on the scalp in order to eliminate. Cosmetologists warn that green clay should not be used for rosacea.

Most often, green clay is mixed with white. For a cosmetic procedure, you need to take a teaspoon of these natural products, add the same amount of grape seed oil and peach oil. Dilute this mixture with a small amount of mineral water to the consistency of thick sour cream. This homemade clay mask is well suited for normal to combination skin.

There is another recipe for making a cosmetic product based on green clay, it is intended for aging skin:

  • Take a fresh leaf of white cabbage, put it on the bottom of the container in which you will prepare the mask. Place ½ cup of milk or low-fat cream on the heat, bring to a boil and pour over the cabbage leaf. When the leaf becomes soft, it should be mashed into gruel, add half a teaspoon of green clay and 1 egg white. Stir everything until smooth, apply and rinse after 10 minutes with cool water.

What face and hair masks can be made from gray clay

Gray clay, widely used in cosmetology, is extracted from the seabed, therefore it has a rich and useful composition. Gray clay face mask is recommended for dry skin to nourish and moisturize it. This tool is able to provide a good detoxification of the skin and the whole body as a whole.

Gray clay masks are suitable for dehydrated and they give it youth, elasticity and firmness. During the procedure, the pores are narrowed, fine wrinkles are smoothed out. In addition, regular application of the mask on the skin allows you to get rid of such cosmetic problems as acne and pimples.

Gray clay is also rubbed into the scalp, so you can get rid of dandruff, itching, strengthen hair follicles, preventing them. Gray clay can be diluted with warm water, for oily skin care, yogurt or low-fat kefir can be used to dilute clay powder. Gray clay goes well with vegetable oils, but they are recommended for use with normal and dry skin.

In the fight against acne, gray clay should be mixed with turmeric, and to cleanse the pores - with oatmeal, diluted with water and applied to the skin, washed off after 15 minutes. For more deep cleansing pores, before washing off this homemade cosmetic product, it can be rubbed into the skin with light massage movements.

How long should you keep a clay face mask

After choosing the right product for your skin type, you should learn how to prepare a clay face mask so that the procedure brings only benefits. First of all, you should know that the cosmetic product can be applied to dry, pre-cleansed skin without affecting the area around the eyes. Before applying to the skin, the clay is diluted to the consistency of thick sour cream, its condition should be uniform, without lumps.

How long to keep a clay face mask - important point, which you need to familiarize yourself with even before organizing the procedure.

The duration of its implementation is determined by the type of skin:

  • with dry on the skin, the product should be washed off after 5 minutes from the moment of application;
  • under normal - after 10;
  • with fatty - in 15–20.

For oily skin, the procedure can be carried out twice a week, for dry skin - one is enough. Absolutely any kind of cosmetic clay is suitable for the procedure at home.

After reviewing the properties of each of the types of this cosmetic product, there is no doubt whether clay masks are useful for the face. You can apply a cosmetic product not only on the face, but also on the whole body. For this, wraps are carried out, they are especially effective in the fight against cellulite.

Today we will teach you how to make clay face masks.

Cosmetic clay is different colors. Let's first understand the various benefits of cosmetic clay in different colors.

Useful properties of cosmetic clay

Black clay cleanses the skin of dead cells, acne, nourishes the skin, tightens pores and refreshes the complexion.

White clay cleanses the pores of the face, increasing the flow of oxygen. Effective in the fight against acne, but not recommended for acne.

Green clay is mainly used to treat hair and scalp.

Yellow clay is used for dull skin.

Red clay is used in the treatment of blood vessels.

Blue clay has antibacterial properties, whitens, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin of the face.

Pink clay has nourishing and cleansing properties. Pink clay is obtained by mixing white and red in different proportions, so it has useful properties both clays.

Green clay masks

Green clay masks are used to care for oily skin. Green color clay has due to the presence of iron oxide in it. Green clay cleanses and tightens pores well.

Make a mask of green clay with the addition of oatmeal or two drops of green tea.

White clay face masks

A white clay mask is prepared with the addition of chamomile decoction. White clay perfectly cleanses the skin, and chamomile decoction helps to soothe irritation and disinfect the skin of the face.

Blue clay masks

Due to its antibacterial properties, blue clay is used to fight acne. To enhance the properties of blue clay, lemon juice is added to masks with it. In addition, blue clay masks tone the skin and help reduce wrinkles.

Black clay face masks

The composition of black clay includes magnesium, strontium, calcium, quartz. This clay perfectly cleanses the skin and tightens pores. It is used for oily skin, to combat acne.

Black clay is simply diluted to a creamy state and applied to the face.

All masks are made only on cleansed skin. When the clay on the face dries, do not peel it off. Moisten the clay with water and wipe it off your face with a damp cloth. After removing the clay, lubricate your face with a moisturizer.

To dilute clay, you can use herbal decoctions, kefir, milk. This will only enhance the cosmetic effect. Dilute the clay in a plastic or wooden bowl. It is better not to use iron utensils.

Video materials on the topic of the article

What masks can be made from clay of different colors:

Masks with essential oils:

White clay mask:

Useful information about different clay masks:

Each person for a long time looking for "their" remedy for acne. Indeed, any remedy is good, as long as it does not harm and works. Among the many ways to deal with acne, cosmetic clay is not the last.
Clay therapy is a very old method of improving the skin, and on the whole body.. It also treats other inflammatory foci, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis.

Even in the days of ancient Rome, people knew about the healing properties of this substance. Cosmetology fell in love with clay for its excellent ability to cleanse the skin of impurities, fat, dirt and toxins. Completely natural, this remedy is popular for its safety and ease of use. Components for cooking clay masks always at hand, are inexpensive, and their benefits, no doubt, are undeniable.

  1. She cleanses by being.
  2. The tonic effect is achieved by a variety of trace elements that also nourish the skin.
  3. The whitening effect is perfect.
  4. Drying - clay well eliminates minor irritations and.
  5. – small wrinkles disappear as if by magic.
  6. Superbly tightens pores, eliminating excessive expansion.
  7. Normalization of metabolic processes.

In combination with decoctions of herbs, aromatic oils, these effects are enhanced many times over.

Different clays differ in color. It depends on the content of specific chemical elements. So, blue has such a color due to salts of copper and chromium. You just need to choose the clay that suits your skin, and then its condition will noticeably improve.

Which clay is best for acne?

Blue clay

The most popular of the clays. It has an excellent cleansing effect due to powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It contains trace elements such as iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, which the skin needs so much. As you can see, the composition is balanced - this is a real elixir of health for the skin. It is recommended for use in more advanced cases of acne. Sold in pharmacies.

White clay

Very well cleanses the skin of impurities, toxins, sebum. It also improves, which solves the problem of clogged pores on problem skin. But it is not recommended for large acne and blackheads. Today, both ready-made clay-based masks and components for making them at home are sold.

Rules for the use of clay

  • The clay must be well sifted before preparing the mask;
  • The face should be well cleansed before applying any mask;
  • The mask should be kept on the face for 20 minutes, do not talk or laugh this time;
  • Do not use soap when rinsing (best of all cellulose discs or regular wet wipes).

Clay mask recipes

  1. Take 1 tbsp. blue clay, 1 tsp , 1 tbsp. water. Pour the mixture of both powders with water, mix until smooth. Apply the mask in an even layer, when it dries, carefully remove it with a damp cloth.
  2. Take 1 tsp. water and mix with the same amount of fresh cucumber juice. Dilute 2 tbsp with this liquid. blue clay. Add a couple of drops of lemon juice. If your skin is dry, you can add a few more drops of olive oil. Apply to face, wait for it to dry.
  3. Beat 1 egg yolk, add 1 tbsp. honey. Add 1 tsp to the resulting mass. olive oil. Next 2 tbsp. dilute white clay with water, mix all the ingredients and apply in a thick layer. Hold until dry.
  4. Dilute blue clay with water to a mushy state, add a couple of drops of rose or peach oil. Apply to face as usual, wait until dry.
  5. This mask is great for acne. Dilute white clay with grape juice and add a little honey.
  6. Take blue and white clay in equal parts and dilute it with a decoction of herbs suitable for your skin (for example, chamomile, St. John's wort, nettle will be useful for oily problem skin). Apply, hold until dry.

Important! On any face there are areas with uneven oiliness. This is due to different levels of skin hydration and uneven intensity of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, the mask dries unevenly, and quick-drying places need to be moistened with water. Only when the mask dries completely, you can begin to remove it.

Clay masks against acne are done 2 times a week for oily and combination skin, and 1 time - when dry.

Side effects

  • Redness and irritation of the face;
  • Dry skin;
  • Itching and peeling.

If you experience these phenomena, try adding to subsequent clay masks olive oil, and after the mask, use a nourishing cream.