Napkins oval with patterns. Crocheted oval doily: a diagram with a description. General description of knitting oval napkins

I realized that I want more ... It remains to find exactly the option that you want to knit ... It's not as easy as it seems at first, despite the fact that there are millions of different options for knitted napkins and patterns for them on the network ...

My most important requirement for a product is the simplicity of its execution ... and, if I may say so, a laconic appearance - I like simple things!

In addition, at home there are already several similar things of different geometric shapes ...

This napkin is nothing more than a napkin knitted in technique (at least the middle part of it)

The product is knitted in one piece, in a circle from the center (as if we would knit the sole for booties).

Each row starts with 3 lifting loops and ends with a connecting column "closing" the circle.

To start knitting, we collect a chain of 63 VP and knit according to the scheme ...

The scheme is imported and I often notice that imported schemes are read from the other side, i.e. from left to right, unlike ours (from right to left), but believe me, this is also not difficult ...

The main thing is to correctly connect the first row, and then you will not look at the diagram, but at what you get and start from this, but only peep into the diagram)))

We knit a napkin

So, the first row ... what is so complicated about it ...

After you pick up air loops (63 VP) and tie the beginning of the row according to the scheme, dc in the 8th loop from the hook, * 2 ch, skip 2 loops - 4 dc *, one more time **, 2 ch .... And then something is not clear in the diagram ... In the center of the columns, somehow less is drawn than it should have been ... How to knit it ???
In fact, everything is again very simple - turn on the head)))

  1. There are fewer columns drawn than the air loops of the bottom row, there are no VPs between the columns, which means that if we connect, as it is drawn, we will reduce the loops, but we do not need this in this product.
  2. We knit a napkin using the sirloin technique, which provides for the complete filling of the cells with columns -3CCN + 1CCN transitional (highlighted in a blue circle in the diagram)
  3. In the photo of the original napkin in the center of the product, the holes are not visible

Therefore, either it is customary somewhere to designate a long row of loin knitting with completely filled cells, or the publishing house of the magazine saved on printing ink.

Therefore, we will connect 7 cells + 1 passing column with you, in total 24 double crochets, and then continue according to the scheme, 2VP, skip 2 loops-4SSN, etc. The next point I want to dwell on is the strapping, i.e. napkin border

Napkin binding scheme

If you didn’t make a mistake anywhere in knitting the main part, then you can immediately safely knit the harness according to this pattern until the very last row ...

But in the last row it is used ... So, here this is not on the diagram, but in this case, knit the combination *VP + pico + VP * between CCHs, otherwise it will tighten ...
Yes, and most importantly, I forgot to tell you about the threads that I used this time and I was very pleased with them. To be honest, this is extremely rare.

Crocheted oval doily made of cotton COMTEX (mercerized cotton 50 g/200 m)

Undoubtedly, oval crocheted napkins will decorate any room. You don’t need to make any special efforts or have stunning skills to do this. It only takes a little crocheting to decorate your home with real masterpieces.

Work techniques

To do with the description of which we will consider next, it is possible to have an initial level of skill. Even the simplest napkin associated with love will be an exceptional gift for a loved one.

Crocheting is easy to create a variety of shapes. Oval is considered classic along with round and square. But working with her is a little more difficult. Therefore, it makes sense to use different techniques to achieve the desired decorative effect.

Most often, oval napkins, whose crochet patterns are very popular, are made with openwork patterns. It is considered a classic. Loin products also look good. This technique allows you to embody almost any pattern that the craftswoman likes.

Recently, Tunisian knitting has become very popular. With it, you can also create real masterpieces. But this is already exclusively for an amateur.

The easiest way

The easiest way is to start crocheting oval napkins, the descriptions of which are understandable even for beginners, if you take not a vicious circle as a base, but a small chain of air loops. Such a beginning immediately determines the future shape of the product. Having knitted a series of columns on one side, at the end of the chain you need to make several additional columns to draw the edge in a semicircle, and continue knitting on the opposite side, as if in a circle. Having reached the second edge of the product, you need to make the same number of additional columns and, using the lifting chain of air loops, go to the next row.

On this basis, it is already possible to form an oval napkin. Its further knitting depends on the chosen pattern. We offer a few simple ones. You can continue by knitting each row with or without a crochet. In this way, you get a thick napkin, which is ideal as a coaster in the kitchen or for the dining table.

Or try knitting several rows with a fan or arches from air loops. This will also give a beautiful, albeit rather simple openwork pattern.

Extending a round napkin

Every craftswoman wants to try to crochet beautiful oval napkins. Schemes of such products are much less common than round ones. But there is always a way out: slightly modify the existing scheme so that the napkin becomes oval.

Let's take a look at the pineapple decoration as an example. In the collection of every knitter there are products based on this famous pattern. We knit an ordinary eight-ray napkin. When the product is ready, we will supplement it with another small segment of the same pattern, but not over the entire area, but only at its two diametrical ends. In such an unpretentious way, the napkin turns from round to oval. And the main thing here is that you don’t need to invent anything. One has only to take one of the motives and knit it in the same pattern as the previous rows.

We complicate the task

According to the previous principle, we are trying to remake one more product for crocheting. Oval napkins are obtained if the round patterns are not just drawn out, but also combined with a common strapping.

To do this, first, a pattern element from the same napkin or from another is inserted into the round scheme, brought to the desired size, and then braided in a circle with a common pattern, as if completing the entire product.

At the same time, the main thing is to choose the most openwork and harmonious pattern, which will really become the cement that will unite such diverse elements into a single whole. But even a narrow rim can transform the most ordinary napkin. It becomes the highlight that the finished product lacked.

We knit large oval

A beautiful napkin will turn out if the round scheme is supplemented and made into a large oval one. The product begins with volumetric motifs, which are knitted by connecting double crochets. Next comes a row of a chain of air loops. Knitting continues from columns with one, and then with two crochets, which alternate with air loops. When the required diameter is reached, rows of posts and chains are knitted in descending order at the diametrical ends of the product.

After the knitting of the "extensions" is completed, we return to the circular principle. First, we braid everything with a dense row of double crochets, and then we begin to create an openwork pattern.

Beginning craftswomen can stop at this scheme. The size of the napkin and so it will turn out not too small. If the knitter has little experience, she can easily add a few more rows to increase the product. The main thing here is not to overdo it and do not forget that in each row it is necessary to add a certain number of loops or columns so that the edges of the napkin do not wrap.

Combining techniques

We have already considered crochet oval napkins, the diagrams with the description of which are read quite simply and clearly. You can make things a little more difficult. To do this, we knit two square motifs separately. In the presented napkin, they are not made in a circle. But this makes no fundamental difference. The main thing is that the knitter likes the motif pattern.

Next, we take the scheme of a round napkin, but we do not knit it in a circle, but, as it were, connecting two square motifs that are located in it at the diametrical ends. Without a certain skill, this is not so easy to do. But when the squares are connected, on both sides of them we tie another round napkin.

To give the product a finished look, we oblige it with a common border. However, it does not have to be wide. A small edge will also be enough, as can be seen in a specific example.

fillet napkins

And finally, consider crochet oval napkins, the descriptions of which correspond to fillet knitting. Recall that in sirloin knitting, the pattern is built according to the principle of a cross, where shaded and unpainted cells alternate.

It is better to knit an oval sirloin napkin from the center in both directions. That is, first we knit the first half of it, and then we return to the beginning and knit the second part. This guarantees a neater look and maximum symmetry, since in both cases the same web narrowing techniques are used.

Oval napkins are not an ordinary classic in the interior. This is a little hooliganism or a protest against the clear and concise forms of a circle and a square, which quickly tire a person.

An oval napkin with a regular hook can be an excellent decoration for the table. Best of all, a napkin of this shape will look on a rectangular surface. An oval napkin looks great on a vase of flowers, and can also be used as an alternative to a tablecloth. If you use a napkin as a substitute for a tablecloth, then you can arrange cups on it in this way. So that they make up a single composition with a pattern.

The fact that the oval napkin does not fit into any design is its undoubted minus. But in contrast to this. A napkin that fits well into the design can give the interior of the room some luxury. If you love to crochet and have free time, be sure to crochet at least one doily.

We knit an oval crochet doily: we study the main methods

All the methods described below are suitable for beginners. Knitting napkins is possible in circular rows. In this case, it begins with an oblong base, around which an openwork pattern is then created.

The second option is tied motifs located in the center of the product. Flowers, united by an air mesh, act as motifs. Schemes for this method are very diverse. There are many schemes that even beginners can handle, but there are also complex schemes that masters use.

The third way is to get an oval napkin from a round one. To do this, new elements are added between the elements of the pattern. The second option is to elongate, which is done on both sides, by including it in the main pattern. This method is somewhat more complicated, it requires the harmony of the drawing and some skills.

Using the filet lace technique, you can learn an oval napkin, which is knitted without the help of oval patterns. Often there are situations when oval napkins contain square or rectangular elements. In this case, the openwork lace technique is used to connect them for a one-piece decoration.


Any napkins must be knitted with patterns. They allow you to get a more accurate product and not make mistakes that will spoil the appearance of the napkin.

The napkin shown in the photo above is made according to the scheme shown below.

When working with the diagram, remember that if the icons are connected at the top, then the loops are knitted together. If the connection of the icons goes from below, then the knitting of the columns goes to the same loop of the base.

There are many different patterns for knitting napkins. We have selected several schemes, each of which has a description of the symbols.

Learning how to properly make large oval napkins

Large oval napkins are obtained by decorating and complementing a round pattern. You should start with voluminous motifs that are knitted by connecting double crochets. This is followed by a row of a chain of air loops. We continue knitting columns with one, and then with two crochets. We alternate yarns with air loops. When you reach the required diameter, do not forget to knit rows of columns and chains at the ends of the product.

Once you've finished knitting extensions, then return to the circular principle. First, braid everything with a dense row of double crochets, and then start knitting an openwork pattern.

This scheme is good for beginners as it is quite simple. With its help, you can get not too big, but not a small napkin. If you already have some knitting experience, then you should use more complex patterns.

Video on the topic of the article

We have selected interesting video tutorials for you, which explains in detail how to crochet an oval napkin with a hook.

Any room can be easily decorated with an oval crochet doily. The scheme of such a product can be simple or complex, but the decorative effect is almost always the same: the delight of everyone, especially if it is made by one's own hands.

Knitting principles

To start crocheting oval napkins, the descriptions of which are in the collections of many needlewomen, you need to figure out how to get the necessary elongated shape. If you do not take into account fillet knitting, it is not done in a circle, then you can get an oval in two ways: add additional elements to the sides of a round napkin or immediately start knitting an oblong napkin, rounding its narrow ends.

It is knitting in a circle that gives a good result. At the same time, there is always the opportunity to correct small flaws, if any, in the process of work.

An excellent gift for the holiday will be an oval crocheted napkin. The scheme of this product should be clear to the craftswoman who begins to knit it. Therefore, you need to really assess your capabilities. If the knitter still does not read the diagrams well, then it is better to resort to descriptions. It is also better to choose simple schemes. If they have complex elements or tricks, then it is better to make sure that there are few of them and mastering will not take a lot of time.

Tear-free oval napkin

Consider some crochet patterns for oval napkins. The first of them starts from an oblong warp, similar to the beginning of fillet knitting. The craftswoman should dial a certain number of air loops, from which then, with the help of a double crochet and air chains, a ribbon of squares is formed. To do this, a column is knitted into every third loop of the base, which is separated from the previous one by a chain of two loops.

Next, we make a lifting chain and begin to knit the third row with fans. They will be the base of the pattern. We knit two columns with a crochet under the chain, then a chain of three loops and again two columns. In the next cell we knit a half-column to open the fan. Knitting continues in a circle to the first column.

At the ends of the napkin you need to make extensions. To do this, three fans are knitted in a row without a half-column between them.

This is how the oval crochet napkin begins, the scheme of which is presented in the article. Skilled craftswomen, most likely, will make their own changes and improvements to it. Beginners should practice, strictly following the pattern, which further consists of alternating air loops and double crochets.

Schema modification options

When the first oval crocheted napkin turned out, you can start experimenting with patterns. It is not necessary to perform the entire row in one pattern. The napkin can be conditionally divided into two parts: long and semicircular. Each of them can be made with its own pattern, which will make the finished product more interesting.

Taking the pattern described above as a basis, try to start knitting the well-known pineapple pattern in the expansion points. He, of course, will fit into the product, since his scheme initially foresees the presence of an extension.

Also on the expanding edges, you can insert fragments from the patterns of round napkins. But this already requires some experience and artistic intuition, since too much in adding loops can cause unnecessary folds, and not enough will cause the napkin to twist.

In any case, there is always room for experimentation. If something didn’t work out, you can simply dissolve the product or part of it and start all over again, so that you get an oval crocheted napkin for sure, the scheme of which only one master has.

Pineapple napkin on a round base

The next knitting method is to expand on the sides of a round shape to make oval crochet doilies. Schemes describing such products foresee several thread breaks. This is due to the fact that individual patterns are knitted not in a circle, but from the front and back sides.

The basis of a product - a usual round napkin. It can be knitted with a dense pattern or openwork. The main thing is that it is divided into eight parts. Specifically, in this scheme, the alternation of double crochets and air loops is used, which give a light lace.

When the desired diameter of the base is knitted, you can proceed to the second part of the product - the side pineapples. They are knitted separately from each other, due to which the necessary oval shape is achieved. These elements are subsequently connected with a light mesh, on which the last element of the pattern is knitted, that is, the rest of the pineapples. Their tops are also knitted separately, which entails breaking the working thread.

Today we will tell you about how to crochet an oval napkin with your own hands using our master class with a diagram and a step-by-step description.

Tools and materials Time: 6 hours Difficulty: 2/10

  • thin viscose yarn + cotton - 50 gr.;
  • hook number 4;
  • potato starch;
  • scissors.

Not many people know that the first knitting masters were only male warriors. During their leisure hours, they were engaged in making clothes with a crochet and even knitting needles. And women only processed and spun yarn. The men-made items were crude and not particularly original, but when women took up knitting a few centuries later, everything changed. Very light and openwork products appeared, which shocked with their uniqueness and beauty.

This is what napkins are considered to be. Over the centuries, a huge number of types of napkins have appeared. About one of these types, we will tell in our step-by-step master class.


  • sc - single crochet;
  • ssn - double crochet;
  • cn - connecting loop;
  • st - column;
  • s2n - double crochet;
  • s3n - a column with three crochets;
  • vp - air loop;
  • pp - lifting loop.

Step-by-step description of the master class

Step 1: Knitting the center piece of the napkin

  • Row 1: Ch 8 in ring, then 5 ch, 2 dc, 6 ch, 3 dc, 6 ch, 3 dc, 6 ch, 3 dc, 6 ch, 1 ch.
  • Row 2: 4 sts, 2 d2d, 3 ch, 5 d2d, 3 ch, 3 d2d, 3 ch, 5 d2d, 3 ch, 3 d2d, 3 ch, 5 d2d, 3 ch, 3 d2d, 3 ch, 5 d2d , 3 ch, 1 sp.
  • Row 3: 5 sts, 2 dc, 3 ch, 10 dc (two dcs in each dc of the previous row), 3 ch, 3 dc, 3 ch, 10 dc, 3 ch, 3 dc, 3 ch, 10 dc, 3 ch, 3 s3n, 3 ch, 10 s3n, 3 ch, 1 sp.
  • Row 4: 5 ch, 5 dc, 4 ch, 1 dc, 4 ch, 1 dc, 4 ch, 1 dc, 4 ch, 1 dc, 4 ch, 1 dc, 4 ch, 1 dc, 4 ch, 1 dc , 4 ch, 1 s3n, 4 ch, 1 s3n, 4 ch, 1 s3n, 4 ch, 3 s3n, 4 ch, 1 s3n, 4 ch, 1 s3n, 4 ch, 1 s3n, 4 ch, 1 s3n, 4 ch, 1 s3n, 4 ch, 1 s3n, 4 ch, 1 s3n, 4 ch, 1 s3n, 4 ch, 1 s3n, 4 ch, 1 s3n, 4 ch, 6 s3n (two sts in each st of the previous row) and so on until the end, at the end of 1 sp.
  • Row 5: 5 sts, 3 dc, 5 ch, 4 dc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc , 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 3 s3n, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 4 s3n, 5 ch, 4 s3n and so on, at the end of 1 sp.

Step 2: Knit the part with uneven expansion of the sides of the napkin

In this part, the napkin must be made in accordance with the rule of the distal ends when knitting an oval product. Those. opposite ends must be equal. In accordance with this, a uniform oval appears, which is proportional.

  • Row 6: 5 ch, 3 ch, 4 dc, 3 ch, 4 dc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch , 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 5 s3n, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 4 s3n, 3 ch, 4 s3n, 3 ch, 4 s3n, etc., 1 sp.
  • Row 7: 5 ch, 4 ch, 8 dc, 4 ch, 4 dc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch , 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 5 s3n, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sb, 5 ch, 1 sb, 5 ch, 1 sb, 4 s3n, 4 ch, 8 s3n, 4 ch and so on until the end of the row, then 1 sp.
  • Row from 8 to 18: knitting is carried out according to the attached pattern. The thread is cut and fastened.

We wash the product, dry it in a well-stretched state. Then smooth from the wrong side. If the product is still unevenly distributed, it should be starched and stretched again, carefully straightening each row.

Such an oval napkin is a perfect example of the craftsmanship and skill of a needlewoman. And also a reflection of her extraordinary thinking and sense of beauty.