Why do nails on the hands of women exfoliate. Nails on the hands exfoliate: causes and treatment at home. Applications of olive oil, iodine and lemon juice

According to doctors, exfoliating fingernails indicate violations in the body. The etiology may be different. Treatment is mainly aimed at eliminating fragility and strengthening the nail plate.

Nails on the hands exfoliate - their causes and treatment are interconnected.

There are several reasons for this:

  • Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body . Trace elements that directly affect the integrity and health of nails are vitamins (A, B1, B3, B5, C, D, E), as well as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sulfur.
  • Violation of metabolic processes . Gastrointestinal disorders, endocrine disorders.
  • Repeated contact with water and cleaning agents . There is a natural softening of the nail plate and its injury due to the aggressive action of the components of detergents.
  • Improper nail care . Trimming manicure to some extent injures the skin of the fingers, reducing active nutrition and nail growth, since they are closely interconnected.
  • Fungal infections . The first manifestations of the fungus are the foliation and fragility of the nail plate.

Procedures for the treatment of nails in beauty salons

Salon procedures for strengthening and healing nails include various types of sealing, masks or wraps, and a healing manicure.

Procedure name Characteristics of the procedure, effectiveness
Paraffin therapy Melted paraffin is applied to the hands, wrapped in foil and insulated for 20 minutes. As a result, blood circulation is stimulated, cell nutrition improves. With regular use 2-3 times a month, the nails will become strong, even.
Japanese sealing A special cosmetic product rich in vitamins and minerals is applied to the nails. A paraffin-based substance is applied on top, nails are polished with it, sealing the beneficial substances inside. Thus, for several weeks, a kind of self-treatment of nails occurs. The procedure is highly efficient.
SPA manicure A whole series of manipulations, starting with the cleansing of the hands (the nails are cleaned more thoroughly). Next are done nourishing masks or wraps. At the end of the procedure - brush massage.

Such a complex effect literally transforms the nails, making them smooth and shiny.

masks The application of heated natural compounds (oils, plant extracts), designed specifically to strengthen the nails, followed by wrapping, has a positive effect on the cuticle and nails. Weekly use of masks can eliminate the problem of brittle and exfoliating nails after 3 applications.
Massage Massage of the hands and fingers stimulates the processes of cell growth and renewal, the rubbed compositions penetrate the skin faster, exerting their influence.

Some of their salon treatments are quite doable at home. It is more cost-effective, there is freedom to choose the time of manipulation, as well as the possibility of individual selection of caring cosmetics.

Ointments for the treatment of nails from the pharmacy

It is possible to cure nails affected by a fungal infection only with the help of medicinal ointments. They are sold in a wide variety of pharmacies.

You can purchase both time-tested, effective Sulfur, Salicylic or Zinc ointments, as well as modern drugs, allylamine (Exoderil, Mikoseptin) or azole (Miconazole, Flucanazole).

The effect will be identical - the fungus will be destroyed, the nails will become stronger, stop exfoliating. It is worth considering that any medicine can cause an allergic reaction, do not forget to test before use.

Useful procedures at home

Splitting and brittle nails on the hands can be overcome with the help of home procedures such as sealing, wrapping, applying creams and masks. If they are damaged due to a fungal infection, then it should first be cured. Otherwise, the procedures will only harm and further spread of the disease.

"Sealing" nails with brittleness

Sealing at home is no different from the salon. For it, you need to purchase a special composition based on wax. It also contains various substances useful for nails - vitamins, oils, minerals.

You can prepare the mixture for sealing yourself. It is necessary to melt a small piece of wax, add useful essential oils available at home (preferably almond, coconut or sea buckthorn). You can also add vitamin A or D.

Before the procedure, the nails must be cleaned and polished. Then apply the finished mixture on them and rub for 15-20 minutes. At the end, it is necessary to treat the surface with a soft buff.

The finished mixture is stored in the cold. After sealing, it is not recommended to paint nails with varnish or carry out extensions. All the benefits of the procedure are lost and the varnish or gel will not stick.

Medical varnishes

The easiest way to strengthen nails is to apply medicated varnishes. They usually include calcium, silicon, vitamins and other elements useful for nails. Most companies produce entire lines of varnishes, depending on the problem of nails.

For example, for brittle and exfoliating nails, for thin, dehydrated and dull. The top 5 includes the following items:

Herbal masks for hands and nails

Hand masks based on herbal ingredients nourish and tone. The skin is tightened, evened out, the nails begin to shine, their structure is compacted, fragility disappears.

For the procedure, you will need special cotton gloves. They create a slight warming effect, helping the active substances to penetrate deeper into the epidermis.

There are a lot of mask recipes, popular ones are:

  • One raw potato is rubbed on a fine grater, mixed with 1 tsp. liquid honey and a few tablespoons of aloe juice. The resulting mixture is distributed over the skin and nails. Wear gloves for 3-4 hours.
  • Squeeze juice from 1 orange, mix it with 70-100 ml of olive oil. The skin of the hands is massaged with the composition for 5 minutes, then gloves are put on. After 30-45 minutes, hands are washed with cosmetic milk, but not with soap.
  • Grind a few leaves of the agave and turn into porridge, add 1 tsp. olive oil. Apply a slightly warmed mixture on hands under gloves. Wash off after 1-1.5 hours.

Creams and oils for strengthening nails

Almond oil is considered indispensable for strengthening the structure of the nail. It is daily rubbed into the nails and skin around 2 times - in the morning and in the evening - for at least 2-3 weeks.

The result is strong, smooth, well-groomed nails, a significant reduction in cuticle growth, getting rid of burrs.

Other oils have similar properties, but with less efficiency. For example, burdock or sea buckthorn.

Creams can be used with the addition of vitamins and oils. They are suitable both for the use of masks and wraps, and for daily use as a care product. Popular are:

Strengthening baths for nails

Baths for nails are designed not only to soften the cuticle before manicure, but also for strengthening purposes.

with gelatin

Baths with gelatin are highly effective even for severe damaged nails. They are able to significantly improve the structure of nails in a few procedures, making them thicker and stronger.

To strengthen with gelatin at home, you will need:

  • food gelatin.
  • Water.

Prepare gelatin according to package instructions. Allow it to cool slightly and dip your fingers into it for 20-40 minutes. After washing off the residue with warm water.

For greater benefit, you can add a spoonful of lemon juice, apple cider vinegar or chamomile infusion to such a bath. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a week, in the evening. In total, at least 10 procedures must be done for the course, but not more than 30.

With cosmetic clay (mud)

Baths with clay have an antibacterial effect, they can cure fungal infections of the nails. For cooking, you need 3-5 tablespoons. clay diluted in 800 ml of warm water. Dip your hands in the composition for 10-20 minutes, rinse with water, spread nourishing cream.

The most useful for nails is pink and white clay.

An alternative to clay can be cosmetic, therapeutic mud (IODASE, AHAVA, Health & Beauty). It also contains many useful substances. It should be diluted to the consistency of a liquid slurry.

With sea salt

The most popular firming bath is salt dissolved in water. Sea salt (Uralmedprom, Mareman and others) is richer than the rest in composition, it contains calcium, iodine, magnesium, fluorine and other elements. They contribute to the strengthening and healing of nails.

Dissolve a few tablespoons in 2 cups of warm water sea ​​salt. Dip your nails in it for 20 minutes, dry with a napkin. At the end, make a light massage with a nourishing cream.

The course consists of 10-15 sessions, several times a week. A two-week break is required between courses.

On herbs

Herbal baths are very versatile, helping to solve many problems. The main one is right choice herbs. To strengthen nails use oak bark, nettle or yarrow.

One teaspoon of available herbs (you can all together) put in a clay bowl, pour 2 cups of boiling water. Cover with a lid for half an hour. Then drain and use the resulting infusion for baths. Nails must be kept for at least 15 minutes.

To obtain a visible result, the procedure is carried out every other day for 3 weeks. If desired, it can be added to the infusion essential oils.

Massage of the hands for normal blood circulation

It is almost impossible to cure exfoliating fingernails with one massage. Since the etiology of the problem is not in the blood circulation. But in combination with other procedures, the result will be significant.

Massage affects, first of all, the processes of blood microcirculation. Enhances the penetration of nutrients, vascular tone.

Before starting, you need to warm up your hands - rub the skin. Next, with patting, pinching movements, work out the palm. Fingers knead each separately. Effectively frequent and rapid clenching and unclenching of the hand into a fist.

It should be borne in mind that the massage is done no more than 7-10 minutes. It should not cause discomfort or discomfort. In the process, you can rub the prepared useful composition into your hands.

What foods are good for nails

The reason why the nails on the hands exfoliate and break is the lack of certain substances. The only cure is a balanced diet. Mandatory products for strengthening nails are:

  • Vegetables. Cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, zucchini.
  • Dairy products.
  • Seafood. Seaweed, fish.
  • Cereals. Buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, manna, corn, rice.
  • Nuts (walnuts) and seeds (pumpkin).
  • Fruits. Persimmon, avocado.

Experts say that by adhering to the right diet, you can get rid of brittle nails without additional intake of vitamin complexes.

Vitamins for strengthening nails

In the absence of the opportunity to fully and balanced eat (difficult work schedule, food allergies, etc.), you can take vitamins bought at a pharmacy. General purpose or marked "for nails and hair."

High-quality vitamin-mineral complexes are Complivit, Alphabet, Supradin, Vitrum, Centrum.

Anyway, To normalize the state of the nail plate, the body needs:

  • Vitamin E(15 mg per day);
  • Vitamin A(1 mg per day);
  • Vitamin C(75 mg per day);
  • Vitamin D(5 mcg per day);
  • Vitamin H(50 mcg per day);
  • Vitamin B 3(20 mg per day);
  • Vitamin B 9(400 mcg per day);
  • Vitamin B 6(2 mg per day).

Acting in a complex way, they participate in the synthesis of collagen and metabolic processes. Prevent dryness and flaking. Help others to better understand necessary elements For example, without vitamin D, calcium does not accumulate in tissues.

Which doctor should I contact with problem nails

A dermatologist is engaged in the treatment of nails on the hands and feet, identifying the causes of their fragility, layering and other lesions.

It needs to be addressed first. After a consultation examination, the doctor prescribes medications or additional tests.

If found fungal infection- possible redirection to a mycologist. With an ingrown toenail problem, a dermatologist will refer the patient to a surgeon. However, in most cases, the dermatologist is able to deal with any nail problems on his own.

Daily moisturizing of the skin of hands and nails with cosmetics is an excellent preventive measure. It is worth giving preference to creams with vitamin supplements, natural ingredients.

Dermatologists advise to abandon trimmed manicure.

Removing the cuticle exposes the root of the nail plate, increasing the risk of infection. It is considered correct to push back softened skin. It is also not recommended to remove the length of the nail with a nail file, this exfoliates the nail. It is better to cut and file.

It is necessary to protect the nails from any mechanical impact, for example, biting, squeezing part of the nail, etc. Reduce the use of varnishes and nail polish removers, which contain acetone and toluene.

Manicure rules

How to do a manicure - every woman knows. However, not everyone knows that with proper processing of the fingers, manifestations such as layering and minor inflammation can be avoided. Main criteria proper manicure are as follows:

  1. Mandatory cleansing of hands and nail plates from varnish residues and other contaminants before the procedure.
  2. The use of baths to soften nails and cuticles, better penetration of nutrients from the products used.
  3. Choice correct form nail. Most often, these are oval or square nails with rounded edges. It is necessary to file the form from the edge of the nail to the center. The nail must be dry.
  4. Instead of cutting the cuticle, it is preferable to push it back with a wooden stick. This will help minimize injury and possible further infection of the nails.
  5. In the final, it is useful to do a small massage of each finger with a nourishing cream or your favorite essential oil. If desired, you can paint your nails with varnish.

Manicure must be done at least 2 times a month. It will help prevent the foliation of nails on the hands, give them a well-groomed appearance, relieve possible problems, which in the future will require clarification of the causes and treatment. Manicure can be combined with any healing procedures.

Nails exfoliate on the hands: causes and treatment - video

Why fingernails exfoliate - causes and treatment:

Why fingernails exfoliate and how to cure them:

Hands, like the face, are the calling card of any person. That is why the health of nails and skin needs to be given time. Do not forget about nutrition, because a lot depends on it.

Many of us are faced with such a problem as brittleness and delamination of nails. This forces us to shyly hide our hands and look for ways to eliminate this, it would seem, cosmetic defect. A variety of external or internal factors can negatively affect the condition of our nails, and the appearance of such a symptom should not be left without due attention. Sometimes, to eliminate such a cosmetic defect, it is enough just to put on rubber gloves or refuse to use aggressive household chemicals, but in some cases only a course of treatment of the underlying disease that provoked a change in the structure of the nail plates will help restore health and beauty to the nails.

That is why, in order to eliminate such a problem, it is always necessary to accurately determine the cause of brittleness and delamination of nails, and only after that proceed to their restoration, and in some cases to the treatment of the underlying disease. What causes can lead to a violation of the structure of the nail plate? How can you get rid of them? How to restore the beauty and health of nails? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

What external causes lead to brittleness and delamination of nails?

Violation of the structure of the nail plate can be caused by such aggressive external causes, leading to dryness and brittle nails:

  • prolonged contact with water;
  • frequent exposure to low or high temperatures(dry and hot air, hot water, etc.);
  • aggressive exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • contact with aggressive chemicals(household chemicals, nail polishes, nail polish remover, building materials, etc.);
  • use of low-quality nail files;
  • improper care of hands and nails;
  • improperly performed manicure or nail extension;
  • mechanical injury.

The above external factors lead to overdrying of the tissues of the nail plate or its mechanical damage. As a result, the nail begins to delaminate, becomes dry and brittle.

What internal causes lead to brittleness and delamination of nails?

Violation of the structure of the nail plate can be caused by various internal causes that provoke malnutrition of the nail tissues. These include:

  • malnutrition or aggressive diets, leading to insufficient intake of minerals and vitamins from food (deficiency of vitamins B5, B3, B1, A, C, E and D, silicon, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron);
  • period of active growth of children or adolescents;
  • stress;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs);
  • onychomycosis (caused by Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton schoenleinii, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Epidermaphyton floccosum, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Alternaria, Aspergillus and other types of fungi);
  • hormonal disorders and endocrine diseases (, dysfunction, etc.);
  • psoriasis;
  • diseases of the kidneys and digestive organs (intestines, etc.).

The above reasons lead to malnutrition of the nail plate and a change in its structure. As a result, the nails begin to exfoliate and break, furrows, depressions or areas with a changed color appear on them. In such cases, it is not possible to improve the appearance of nails with the help of external agents, and you can get rid of the problem only after eliminating the cause of its appearance (i.e., treating the underlying disease, giving up bad habits, normalizing nutrition).

What do nails look like with some diseases?

Overdrying of the nail plates, caused by insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals in the body or exposure to aggressive factors and chemicals, is manifested by delamination and increased brittleness of the nails. They lose their integrity, become dull and grow poorly. In such cases, a person needs to eliminate aggressive external factors, normalize nutrition and properly care for nails.

With the development of diseases internal organs, in addition to delamination and increased fragility, the state of the nail plates can change in this way:

  • the appearance of dents and depressions on the nail - with;
  • yellowish tint of the nail - with;
  • cyanosis or paler color of the nail - in diseases associated with circulatory disorders;
  • shiny, brittle and soft nails without a hole (sometimes with tubercles) - with hyperthyroidism;
  • thickened, exfoliating nail with transverse grooves in the form of stripes - with latent or recently transferred infectious diseases;
  • a yellowish nail with white spots and tubercles on the surface - with diabetes;
  • yellow spots on the nails - with lung diseases;
  • concavity of the nail (the surface looks like a spoon) - with;
  • a nail with a small scattering of white (pearl-like) convex tubercles - with a hidden course of a viral infection;
  • discoloration to yellow, gray and blackish, porosity, delamination and flaking of the nail (up to its loss) - with fungal diseases.

According to the above signs, the doctor may suspect a particular disease of the internal organs and prescribe a number of additional studies that will determine the true cause of the change. appearance and delamination of the nail plates. After that, the patient is prescribed a course of treatment for the underlying disease, which will not only lead to the elimination of dysfunctions of organs and systems, but also guarantee an improvement in the appearance of the nails.

General recommendations for eliminating delamination and brittle nails

When splitting and brittle nails, it is important to eliminate external aggressive factors that may affect their health:

  1. When in contact with aggressive detergents or other chemicals, earth, building materials, hard or metal sponges, use rubber gloves.
  2. Avoid prolonged contact with water.
  3. Limit exposure to high and low temperatures (wear gloves, use protective creams and etc.).
  4. Careful use of graters for cooking.
  5. Wearing comfortable shoes.
  6. Accurate trimming of nails with high-quality manicure scissors. The optimal shape for nails is oval or rectangular.
  7. Use only high-quality nail files (it is better to purchase glass ones). When filing nails, movements should be directed from the corner of the nail to the center. Do not file the nail plates on the sides.
  8. Learn how to do a manicure correctly or contact only an experienced specialist.
  9. Do not use poor quality nail polishes and nail polish remover containing acetone.
  10. Do not paint your nails constantly (it is advisable not to apply varnish more than once a week). 1-2 days a week to give the nails a complete "rest" from the varnish.
  11. Before applying lacquers in bright colors, apply a special base for colored lacquer.
  12. Do not abuse the frequent procedures such as acrylic nail extensions and painting with shellac coatings. It is better to refuse such procedures completely if you have brittle and exfoliated nails.

For more effective recovery nail health, these recommendations must be supplemented by such activities:

  • normalization of nutrition;
  • replenishment of the lack of minerals and vitamins;
  • proper nail care
  • salon procedures(if possible).

How to balance nutrition with brittle and delamination of nails?

With increased brittleness and delamination of nails, you definitely need to think about the quality of your diet. It is an unbalanced diet and the abuse of strict diets for weight loss that often lead to the fact that the body receives an insufficient amount of those substances that are needed for the normal development of the nail plate.

To prevent and eliminate delamination and brittle nails, the introduction into the daily diet of foods that are rich in such substances can:

  1. Keratin: eggs, sea fish, poultry and meat.
  2. Calcium: Cheese, dairy products, sesame seeds, egg white, spinach, legumes, cabbage and cauliflower, nuts and figs.
  3. Magnesium: buckwheat, oats, beans and soybeans, nuts, whole wheat grains, brown rice and spinach.
  4. Silicon: radish, radish, lettuce, nettle shoots, mushrooms and leeks.
  5. Sulfur: oats, buckwheat, seafood, meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, milk, legumes, garlic, onions, radishes and radishes.
  6. Phosphorus: seafood, meat, fish, eggs, seeds, nuts and whole grains.
  7. Iodine: sea kale, seafood, sea fish, feijoa.
  8. Zinc: liver, meat, poultry, legumes, pine nuts and peanuts, wheat, oats, barley and buckwheat.
  9. Iron: liver, lentils, pistachios, buckwheat, barley, whole wheat, oats, cashews, peanuts, corn, dogwood and pomegranate.
  10. Vitamin B5: kidneys, beef liver and beef, eggs, sea fish, milk, brewer's yeast, legumes, rye flour, mushrooms and nuts.
  11. Vitamin B3: liver, chicken, peas, porcini and button mushrooms, eggs, nuts, corn, whole wheat and oats.
  12. Vitamin B1: pork, liver, nuts (pine nuts, peanuts, pistachios, walnuts, cashews), lentils, cereals and pasta.
  13. Vitamin A: liver, butter, garlic greens, wild garlic, broccoli, melted cheese and cheese, sour cream, viburnum, seaweed and seafood.
  14. Vitamin C: bell pepper, rosehip, blackcurrant, kiwi, sea buckthorn, oranges and broccoli.
  15. Vitamin E: nuts, dried apricots, sea buckthorn, whole wheat, rose hips, spinach, viburnum and sorrel.
  16. VitaminD: eggs, liver, sea bass, butter, sour cream and cream.

How to make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals with exfoliated and brittle nails?

For faster restoration of nails, it is recommended to take special vitamin-mineral complexes that contain the “building material” necessary for the formation of normal nail plates. Only a specialist can establish a lack of a particular vitamin or mineral, and that is why the selection of such drugs should be carried out by a doctor or agreed with him.

The most popular and effective vitamin-mineral complexes for restoring the structure of nails are the following preparations:

  • Vitasharm (Veropharm, Russia);
  • Perfectil and Perfectil plus (Vitabiotics, UK);
  • Revalid (Biogal, Hungary);
  • Lady's formula (PharmaMed, Canada);
  • Healthy hair and nails (PharmaMed, Canada);
  • Ageless skin (PharmaMed, Canada);
  • Volvit (Kusum Healthcare, India);
  • Biotin (NOW Foods, USA);
  • Medobiotin (Medopharm Arzneimittel, Germany);
  • Calcium D3 Nycomed (Nycomed Pharma, Switzerland), etc.

The duration of taking such vitamin-mineral complexes is determined individually and depends on the degree of lack of vitamins or minerals. Before taking the drug, it is recommended to carefully study the instructions and follow all the rules of admission.

How to properly care for exfoliated and brittle nails at home?

Despite the fact that the separation and brittleness of nails is a purely medical problem, proper cosmetic care and medical procedures can be a significant contribution to the restoration of their structure. There are many recipes for strengthening the nail plates that you can use at home and cook yourself from products, medicines and oils.

Therapeutic nail bath with vegetable oil and green tea

Mix in a bowl vegetable oil (olive or sunflower) and green tea (1:4 ratio). Heat the resulting solution to a comfortable temperature and lower your hands into it for 15-20 minutes. It is better to do the procedure before going to bed. Pat your hands dry with paper towels and put on cotton gloves.

The oil and tea solution can be reused. It must be stored in the refrigerator (but not more than 3 days). The procedure is carried out daily for 10 days.

Salt baths for nails

Dissolve a tablespoon of sea salt in a glass of very warm water and dip your fingers into the resulting solution. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

Gelatin baths

Dissolve ½ tablespoon of gelatin in ¾ cup of warm water, warm and dip your fingers into the resulting solution for 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out 3 times a week for a month.

Bath of infusions of pine needles and green tea

Pour a teaspoon of chopped pine needles with 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 20-30 minutes. Add ½ cup of strong brewed green tea to the infusion. Heat the resulting solution and dip your fingers into it for 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out every other day for 1-2 months.

Applications with burdock oil, iodine and lemon juice

To 200 ml of burdock oil add 8 drops of iodine and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Perform the procedure before going to bed. Soak in the resulting oil solution cotton pads and fasten them to your fingertips with an elastic band or thread (without pinching your finger). Put on cotton gloves and do not take them off until morning. Wash off the oily solution with soap and water. Applications to perform 2-3 times a week for a month.

Applications based on olive oil, lemon juice and vitamin A

Take 10 ml of olive oil and add 10 drops of lemon juice and vitamin A to it. It is better to do the procedure before going to bed. Lubricate the nail plates with the resulting oil and wrap them with cling film. Put on cotton gloves and do not take them off until morning. Such applications should be performed 4-6 times a month.

Applications of vitamins A and E

Buy AEvit capsules at the pharmacy. Open the capsule, apply the oil solution to the cuticles and nails. Rub with massage movements. This procedure is carried out daily (preferably before bedtime). The course of treatment is 20-30 days.

Applications of olive oil, iodine and lemon juice

In 20 ml of olive oil, add 4 drops of lemon juice and 3 drops of iodine. Mix, apply on the nail plate and rub. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and remove the remnants of the product paper napkin. Such procedures can be carried out daily for a month.

Cranberry juice applications

Apply cranberry juice on nails and rub with massage movements. The procedure is carried out daily before going to bed. The course of treatment is a month.

Instead of cranberry juice, you can use lemon juice, black or red currant juice.

Applications from cactus juice

Apply cactus juice to the nail plates and rinse with warm water after 10 minutes. The procedure is performed 2 times a week for 10 days.

Seal nails with wax at home

Carefully file the nails with a glass nail file (movements should be directed from the edge of the nail to the center). Make a therapeutic nail bath (for example, in a solution of sea salt) and rub vitamin oil or other care product into the cuticle. Beeswax melt and mix it with vitamin oil (1:4 ratio). Rub the resulting composition into the nail plates using a soft suede polisher.

What salon procedures are useful for brittle and exfoliated nails?

To restore nails in the salon, they can offer a number of procedures:

  1. Paraffin therapy. In a special electric heater, paraffin is heated, into which substances useful for nails and skin are added. After cleansing, the hands are dipped into the heated mixture, removed and the resulting “gloves” are left for 20 minutes. The paraffin film is carefully removed and the hands are lubricated with a moisturizer.
  2. Strengthening nails with soft biogel. The composition of the biogel includes substances that strengthen the nail platinum, which remain on the nails after application. long time and protect them from microcracks.
  3. Nail sealing. To perform this procedure, compositions are used that include vitamins and minerals useful for nails. The nail is first polished and only after that a special paste is applied to its surface. This procedure is effective for 14 days. After its implementation, you can not do a manicure.

In addition to the above procedures, salon clients can be offered services for applying professional nail masks. Such therapeutic measures are always highly effective, but require not a one-time application, but a course of treatment.

Hands with exfoliated nails look untidy, so women tend to quickly get rid of the exfoliation of fingernails. But for treatment it is necessary to know the causes of this problem.

Here are the main causes of splitting nails:

  1. Micronutrient deficiency. Nails exfoliate when there is not enough calcium, iron, silicon, magnesium, iodine or zinc. This is the main cause of the problem and you can solve it by adjusting your diet.

It needs to include:

  • fish,
  • nuts,
  • cottage cheese,
  • liver,
  • hard cheese,
  • bananas,
  • beans,
  • dried fruits,
  • beets,
  • greenery,
  • currant berries.

What vitamins are missing

If the nails began to break and exfoliate, this may be due to a lack of vitamins in the body, namely vitamin A, C, E or B.

  1. Vitamin A (retinol). This vitamin is one of the most important for the health of the nail plate. It is needed so that the nails grow strong and smooth, do not exfoliate and do not break off. A large amount of vitamin A is found in carrots, pumpkin, bell peppers. But in order for it to be better absorbed, fats must also be consumed, for example, it is recommended to add a teaspoon of olive oil to a glass of fresh carrot juice.
  2. Vitamin E (tocopherol). Insufficient intake of foods containing vitamin E leads to deterioration in the condition of the nails. They slowly grow, lose their luster, become dry and rough, then begin to peel and break. To avoid this, you need to eat nuts, seeds, unrefined vegetable oils, spinach, cabbage and cereals.
  3. Vitamin C. Thanks to this vitamin, the above vitamins (A and E) are better absorbed. It also prevents thinning of the nail. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the whole organism. Freshly picked berries, vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of it. The record holders in this case are the berries of sea buckthorn and wild rose.
  4. B group vitamins. The lack of vitamins of this group in the body also negatively affects the nail plate, it becomes weak and thin, dries up and exfoliates. To fill the lack of vitamin B will help green vegetables, all varieties of cabbage, apples, meat, dairy products, cereals.

disease as a cause

Nails on the hands exfoliate (the doctor can tell the causes and treatment) and due to diseases:

Pharmacy funds

To get rid of exfoliating nails, some pharmaceutical products are used:

Cosmetical tools

In the treatment of nails, cosmetics are used:

Baths for nails

The nails on the hands exfoliate (the causes and treatment must be determined as quickly as possible, since the sooner the recovery process begins, the less time will be needed for this) and due to insufficient care.

While homemade nail baths are chosen as a treatment option:

Nail masks

To restore beauty and health to the nails, it is required to additionally nourish the nails. Medical masks for nails will help with this.

The nails of a child exfoliate: causes

If parents notice that the baby's nails are exfoliating, mechanical damage may be the cause. It can also indicate violations in the children's body.

The main causes of this problem are described below:

Having found out the causes of nail lamination in a baby, one should begin treatment, which should be comprehensive and aimed at the cause of the problem. If it consists only in strengthening the nails, there will be no proper effect.


The nails on the hands are exfoliating (the causes and treatment have already been identified above) - you should also think about nutrition. At the beginning of the article it was indicated which vitamins are necessary for nails, which products contain.

Outcome is the following:

  1. You need to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, especially green ones. They contain the highest amount of B vitamins.
  2. Dairy products containing the necessary calcium should not be abandoned.
  3. It is necessary to eat lean meats - it contains protein, without which it is impossible to build a strong nail structure.
  4. Fish need to choose more oily.
  5. Be sure to include nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, cereals and beans in the diet.

It is necessary to give up bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs, overeating. These habits will nullify all efforts, and the treatment will not give the long-awaited result.

Nail massage

In addition to the main treatment will be a nail massage. Thanks to short manipulations, blood circulation will accelerate, the condition of the nail plate and cuticle will improve. The procedure must be done at least 2 times a day. It is performed independently.

Before starting the procedure, you need to prepare your nails: remove varnish or other coating and wash your hands with soap and water. Now you can start the massage.

You need to sit comfortably and put one hand on the table. With your free hand, you should stroke the lying hand, starting from the phalanges and moving towards the wrist. Then they put the hand with an edge and knead the wrist. Repeat 3 times and change hands.

Next, the hand is slightly clenched into a fist and the middle phalanges begin to knead. Gradually move to the lower, where the nails are located. Then you need to massage each nail. During the massage, the hands are lubricated with a greasy cream or cosmetic oils. Suitable sea buckthorn, olive, sunflower, castor or burdock.

Massage is also carried out with the help of manicure brushes, or an old toothbrush. Before the procedure, you need to hold your hands in warm water for 2-3 minutes, then drip liquid soap on the brush and light in a circular motion massage your nails, paying attention to each one separately.

While massaging the nails, one should not forget about the cuticle. After washing off the soap, you need to massage your nails again, but without soap. Each nail should take 3-4 seconds. At the end, the nails are rinsed with warm water and dried with a towel. During the brushing process, dead cells are removed.

At the end of the procedure, a fat cream or cosmetic peach oil is applied. After such treatment, the nails receive nutrition, protection and recover faster.

Having noticed the problem of lamination of nails on the hands, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause. If the lamination is caused by serious internal diseases, you should contact a specialist who will prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

Baths and cosmetics are effective if the nail peeling is caused by an external cause, with hormonal changes or other systemic diseases folk remedies will have little effect.

Video about why fingernails exfoliate

What to do if the nails on the hands exfoliate:

5 reasons for brittle nails:

Health problems

The nail plate can become softer and weaker due to problems with the liver, kidneys, pancreas, or intestines. The reasons can also be taking antibiotics, stress, nervous exhaustion.

Lack of vitamins and minerals

Prolonged strict diet or poor diet can lead to beriberi. And it will affect the well-being, the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Check if you are getting enough of:

  • Calcium. It is found in green leafy vegetables, dairy products, seeds, nuts, and soy.
  • Silicon. It is found in berries, legumes, whole grains, and eggs.
  • Magnesium. They are rich in peanuts, walnuts, spinach and beans.
  • Sulfur. It is abundant in animal products (pork, beef, fish, poultry, eggs and offal) and peas.
  • Phosphorus. Contained in cheese, cottage cheese, fish and seafood.
  • Vitamins A, B1, B3, C, D, E. Pork liver, pine nuts, mushrooms, wild rose, chicken eggs and almonds are considered record holders for their content.

If you do not plan to significantly change your diet in the near future, start taking multivitamin complexes to make up for the lack of nutrients.

bad manicure

Alas, even adhering to a healthy diet can be severely damaged if you use dull scissors and a rough file, or if you work incorrectly with quality tools. Also, prolonged wearing of extended nails or gel polish can ruin the nail platinum.

Excessive cleanliness

If you like to do regular spring cleaning, don't forget to wear gloves. Aggressive detergents and even regular gel for washing dishes can seriously damage your hands: make your skin dry, and your nails dull, weak and brittle.

What to do so that the nails do not exfoliate

Check your health

Since weak exfoliating nails can be an indicator of various diseases, it would be a good idea to go to the doctor. If you have no doubts about your own health, follow the general recommendations:

  • Get enough sleep. For a full recovery, a person needs 7-9 hours of sleep at night in the dark and without extraneous irritants.
  • Relax. Less stress, more joy - that's the key to well-being and health.
  • Follow the daily routine. In addition to sleep and rest, it will be useful to add regular exercise and walks in the fresh air to your schedule.
  • Eat varied. The more natural and high-quality foods in your diet, the stronger your nails will be. It is especially important to consume calcium, and whether you choose dairy products or pharmacy vitamins, it does not matter.

Do your manicure right

  • Manicure is best done by trusted professionals. If you trust only yourself, remember to keep your tools clean and opt for acetone-free nail polish removers.
  • It is advisable to wear extended nails and gel polish for no longer than 4-6 weeks in a row, and then take breaks for 1-2 weeks to restore the nail plate.
  • Use a special base polish before applying to nails.
  • File your nails correctly: with a finely abrasive ceramic or glass nail file, holding it perpendicular to the nail plate and moving in one direction.

Take care of split nails

If the tip of the nail began to exfoliate, alas, the patient can no longer be saved. The affected area must be removed and care should be taken to grow its successor. And for it to be healthy, it needs nutrition, hydration, strengthening and good blood supply.


Nails need to get enough nutrients on a regular basis. To do this, apply various oils or juices to your nails daily. Rub olive, sunflower, mustard, coconut or any other vegetable oil before going to bed. Use berry juices (cranberries, black or red currants) during the day, holding them on your hands for 10-20 minutes.


Peeling nails will benefit from special baths. During treatment, they are done 5-6 times a week, for prevention, 3-4 procedures per month are enough.

Such baths are a great excuse to relax at the end of the working day. Turn on the movie, get comfortable, put a container with a healing solution in front of you, dip your fingertips into it and relax.

  • Salt bath. Dissolve one tablespoon of salt in 200 ml of warm water. Hold your fingertips there for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse your hands and do not wet them for at least an hour.
  • Herbal bath. Pour a teaspoon of dry needles or pharmacy chamomile with a glass of boiling water. Wait 10-15 minutes for the bath to cool to a comfortable temperature, and put your hands in it for 20-30 minutes. Such a decoction can be stored in the refrigerator for a whole week, warming up before use.
  • Gelatin bath. Dissolve half a tablespoon of granulated gelatin in 250 ml of hot water and let the mixture cool. Soak your fingers in this jelly solution for 10-15 minutes.
  • Oil bath with lemon. 100 ml of any vegetable oil warm up to a comfortable temperature. Add the juice of half a lemon and the contents of one ampoule with vitamin A to it. Keep your nails in the bath for 20-25 minutes, and then do a light massage of the nail plate and the skin around it.
  • Beer bath. Mix half a glass of warm beer with the same amount of apple juice. Do a bath for 10 minutes.
  • Tea bath. To half a glass of strong green tea, add two tablespoons of vegetable oil. In such a solution, nails can be immersed for 10-15 minutes.

Improvement of blood circulation

In the cold season, often the fingertips and the normal blood supply to the nail plate is disturbed. To keep your nails perfect even in winter, follow these simple recommendations:

  • Keep warm not only your feet, but your hands. Thick mittens will protect the skin from premature aging, and the nails will not exfoliate and break.
  • Wash your hands with warm water only.
  • Do a hot compress once a month. For it, mix half a teaspoon of hot red pepper with the same amount of hand cream or vegetable oil. Heat the resulting thick mass to a comfortable hot temperature and apply to the nails for 15-20 minutes. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap afterwards. During the procedure, be careful not to touch your face with your fingers.


It is easy to make nails stronger with the help of affordable and familiar components:

  • Lemon juice. It not only whitens the nail plate, but also gives it strength and elasticity. Apply lemon juice to your nails 1-2 times a day. Or just cut a citrus in half and hold your fingers directly in it for 10-15 minutes.
  • Salt. Wet your hands with water and dip your fingertips into fine table salt. Gently rub the grains into each nail for 30-60 seconds, and then wash your hands and apply a moisturizer. It is enough to carry out such a procedure once a week.

Are brittle nails bothering you? How do you deal with the problem? Share your beauty secrets in the comments.

- violation of the homogeneous structure of the nail plate, as a result of which it splits into separate scales. Exfoliating nails are characterized by increased fragility, brittleness, dryness, rough surface, lack of healthy shine, slow growth, etc. In order to find out the causes of exfoliating nails, it may be necessary to consult a mycologist, examine the nail plates for a pathogenic fungus, and conduct a spectral analysis for trace elements. Treatment of exfoliating nails should be comprehensive and include medical (taking dietary supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes, physiotherapy) and care procedures (therapeutic baths, masks, sealing and strengthening nails).

General information

Exfoliating nails - dystrophic changes in the nails, characterized by their thinning and splitting into separate leaf-shaped plates. Along with brittleness and deformation of the nails, exfoliating nails belong to the category of onychodystrophies. In dermatology, splitting of nails is distinguished in the longitudinal (onychorrhexis) and transverse directions (onychoshisis). Complete or partial detachment of the nail from the nail bed is called onycholysis. Exfoliating nails can be an independent problem or be part of a symptom complex in various dermatoses or somatic diseases. In addition, a violation of the structure and shape of the nail plates is an unfortunate cosmetic defect that causes psycho-emotional experiences and reduces the quality of life of patients, mainly women.

Causes of exfoliating nails

The nails are horny plates covering the terminal phalanges of the fingers and toes. Nails grow throughout life at an average rate of 0.1-0.12 mm per day, they are capable of constant renewal and self-healing. The approximate thickness of the free edge of the nail plate is 0.385 mm; under various pathological conditions, it can change, both in the direction of increase and decrease. Keratin is the main substance that determines the strength of nails, and interlayers of water and lipids located between the layers of keratin give elasticity and shine to the nail plates. Normally, all layers of the nail plate are tightly pressed against each other. When exposed to any aggressive factors, tiny gaps and cracks can form between the layers, with an increase in which a cavity is formed that exfoliates the nail plate.

Exfoliating nails can be the result of exogenous and endogenous influences. The stratification of nails is facilitated by frequent contact of hands with household chemicals, alkaline solutions, hot water. Formaldehyde-containing nail polishes, acetone-containing lacquer solvents, nail extension products, violation of artificial nail removal technique, improper nail treatment with manicure tools have a damaging effect on the nail plate. In this case, brittleness and delamination of nails are associated with their dehydration and a decrease in the content of fat-like substances in their structure. Exfoliating nails can be an "occupational disease" of musicians (pianists, guitarists, harpists, etc.), typists, or occur due to mechanical injuries of the nail plates (bruises, compression, trauma during manicure and pedicure), onychophagia, onychotillomania, a bad habit of picking or scraping something with nails.

The most common endogenous cause of the appearance of exfoliating nails is an improper, unbalanced diet, accompanied by a deficiency of protein, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, silicon, zinc, phosphorus, and selenium. The problem of exfoliating nails can occur in people with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, biliary tract, endocrine system, iron deficiency anemia, eczema and lichen planus.

Onycholysis can be associated with injuries, intoxications (including drugs), skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, pyoderma, congenital epidermolysis, etc.), mycoses (rubrophytosis, epidermophytosis, candidiasis).

Characteristics of exfoliating nails

With onychoshisis, the nail plate splits into several leaf-like layers in the transverse direction, that is, along the free edge. Only the growing part of the nail undergoes delamination, when cut off, the main part of the nail looks normal. However, as the nail plate grows back, it again begins to exfoliate into separate scales. The delamination can be symmetrical lamellar or only in the middle part of the nail. Exfoliating nails become thin, brittle and brittle.

Sometimes there is a change in the usual color of the nail to off-white or gray. Exfoliating nails can occur on one or more fingers, more often on the index, middle and ring fingers hands The soft tissues around the nails are not affected in onychoshisis.

With exfoliating nails, local therapeutic hand baths with the addition of sea salt and essential oils are shown, which improve blood circulation and trophism of the nail matrix. To eliminate the dryness of the nail plate, rubbing into the cuticle area is recommended. cosmetic oils and nourishing creams. Among the procedures performed in a beauty salon for the problem of exfoliating nails, it may be recommended to seal the nail plates, strengthen the nails with gel, SPA manicure, Japanese manicure, masks for hands and nails, paraffin therapy, etc. Coating the nails with special medical varnishes, which include silk or nylon fibers, proteins, vitamins, and moisturizers, will help to strengthen the exfoliating nail plates. These procedures will not only restore the external beauty of the nails, but also prevent their further delamination.

Simple preventive measures will help to strengthen the nail plates and forget about the problem of exfoliating nails forever. First of all, it is necessary to exclude contact with aggressive substances that violate the structure of the nails, including the use of low-quality nail polishes and solvents containing acetone. To shape the nail plate, you should use a glass or ceramic nail file, follow the rules for performing a manicure, and avoid injury to the nail bed. It is necessary to monitor your diet and health, since exfoliating nails can be the result of internal diseases.