What is lifting? Cosmetic procedure for skin tightening. Face lifting. Lifting the oval of the face in the salon: modern procedures Lifting in a beauty salon

Any woman sooner or later begins to think about a cosmetic skin tightening procedure, because with age the contour of the face changes, the skin becomes drier and thinner, the cheeks begin to sag, wrinkles on the chin and forehead deepen. Previously, the only way to cope with these problems was with the help of plastic surgery. However, at present, the effect can also be achieved with the help of cosmetic procedures. In this article we will talk about what is lifting. In addition, information will be provided on its varieties and effectiveness.

What is lifting?

Now the most popular way to lift the face is considered to be lifting procedures for the face. What is lifting? There are many types of similar procedures in cosmetology, so you can always choose the best way to solve a particular problem. These sessions are painless, fast and quite effective.

After 30 years, the oval of the face begins to blur in women, and the skin also becomes dry and mimic wrinkles. This is characterized by the onset of physiological aging. Constant facial skin care with gels and creams helps to make these signs less noticeable for a while. However, the effect of such procedures is short-lived. There are several effective methods to prolong the youthfulness of facial skin: non-surgical and surgical. The latter include procedures with surgical intervention. Although this technique is quite effective, it has many contraindications.

After surgery, the recovery period can take up to several months. Innovative options for rejuvenation include hardware lifting, which combines therapeutic injections. For this procedure, a special apparatus for lifting is used. The advantages of this technique include the fact that it does not require a long recovery period, and is also less traumatic than plastic, but no less effective. This procedure can be carried out in advanced cosmetology centers or in a hospital setting of medical clinics.

Who needs a lift?

With effective lifting procedures, the shape of the face is restored, the skin is smoothed, wrinkles are removed, age-related changes faces. Using the procedure, you can achieve the following effects:

  • Improving the contour of the face, in which it becomes well defined and clear.
  • The second chin disappears.
  • There is a smoothing of mimic and age wrinkles.
  • Improvement in complexion.
  • Elimination of age-related pigmentation of the skin.
  • Deep healing and skin rejuvenation.
  • Elimination of yellowness and dullness of the face.
  • Increase in collagen production.
  • Elimination of peeling, sagging, dryness, drying out, skin irritation.
  • Activation of collagen production, which increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Increased production of elastin.

Indications for the lifting procedure:

  • Loss of skin elasticity.
  • Indistinct and indistinct chin line.
  • Sagging contour of the face.
  • Lots of wrinkles.
  • Many other age-related changes.

With a frivolous approach to lifting and facial care, as well as non-compliance with contraindications, the effectiveness of this procedure is doubtful.


  • Too young age - under 25 years old.
  • Dermatological and vascular diseases of capillaries under the skin.
  • Cellulite and overweight.
  • Open wounds and fresh scratches.
  • Allergy to any of the components of the lifting preparation.
  • Rehabilitation after facial plastic surgery - in this case, the procedure can be carried out only six months after the operation.

Non-surgical and surgical lifting

Facelift is divided into non-surgical and surgical. The first involves the use of drugs in the salon or at home, the second - surgery under the supervision of a plastic surgeon on an outpatient basis.

If age-related changes on the face are pronounced, then in this case, surgical lifting should be prescribed. These problems include the following: a distorted oval of the face, distinct mimic wrinkles, flabbiness of the skin, the contour of the chin and cheeks seem to have moved out a bit. In addition, the surface of the integument may be very pale or have a yellow tinge, as well as appear very dry.

Side effects of a facelift include the following:

  • Increasing the sensitivity of the correction area.
  • Severe swelling that goes away only after 1 or 2 weeks.
  • Very long rehabilitation - up to six months.
  • Bruising and bruising, completely passing only after 1-2 months.

But, despite all the side effects and risks, surgical lifting can lead to stunning results: the elimination of sagging skin and deep wrinkles, correction of the oval of the face, open eyes. The most important task for a patient is to find an excellent clinic and a good specialist.

The surgical facelift has one tangible disadvantage: the expensive cost of the procedure. Therefore, you should be more careful in choosing a clinic.

Non-surgical lifting

What is a non-surgical facelift? This type of lifting has practically no side effects, since it is performed with the help of various cosmetic preparations and devices. This delicate approach is not for everyone. It will only be effective for correcting skin with slight, mild first signs of skin aging. Non-surgical types of lifting include stimulating and tightening facial massage, as well as acupuncture effects.

Deep and superficial lifting

In addition to non-surgical and surgical lifting, there are two more main types of this procedure: deep and superficial.

Deep facial skin lifting is aimed at working with different layers of the epidermis, and also affects the processes that occur in the subcutaneous fat. Means for this type are called anti-aging, since their main task is the gradual elimination of wrinkles and correction of the contours of the face oval. The most suitable age for this procedure is between 35 and 55 years of age. Deep lifting has a number of side effects and risks: high skin sensitivity, its deformation and rough scars.

Superficial lifting almost instantly corrects the contour of the face and neck with the help of cosmetic masks and products, the action of which is based on the appearance of a film on the surface of the epidermis, holding it and preventing it from sagging. Serums and creams with hyaluronic acid give this effect.

Types of lifting

Currently, beauty salons offer a large number of different effective lifting procedures. These include:

  • Ultrasound.
  • Mesotherapy.
  • Laser resurfacing.
  • Thread lifting.
  • Myostimulation.
  • Photorejuvenation.
  • RF lifting
  • Vacuum and manual massage.
  • Exposure to lifting preparations and microcurrents.


This procedure includes the use of individually selected microdoses of cocktails, which are composed of homeopathic and vitamin preparations injected subcutaneously into the wrinkle area. The main component of such preparations is hyaluronic acid, which is present in the skin and is responsible for retaining moisture in it. By improving blood circulation and restoring lost moisture, a lifting effect is achieved. At the same time, the skin becomes more elastic and elastic, and cell renewal occurs much faster.


An effective procedure for reducing the number of wrinkles and facelift is ultrasonic lifting. This procedure is carried out by exposing the skin to ultrasound waves of different frequencies. Thanks to this, small wrinkles disappear, large ones are smoothed out, and the skin muscles are toned and stimulated.


With the help of myostimulation, muscle tone is restored, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out. This happens through the activation of microcirculation and the alternation of muscle contractions. As a result, the skin takes on a youthful and toned appearance.


This type of lifting powerfully affects the deep and superficial layers of the skin with the help of light rays. Due to this, the synthesis of elastin and collagen increases, with the help of which a rather long-lasting lifting effect is observed. The result of the photorejuvenation procedure is the smoothing of deep and mimic wrinkles on the forehead, the reduction of nasolabial folds, the acquisition of more elastic and elastic skin.

vacuum massage

This procedure, due to the relaxation of facial tissues, increases blood flow to the skin. This contributes to the toning of the epidermis and the overall mobilization of internal resources. The result of a vacuum facial massage is a reduction in the number of wrinkles, an oval lift and facial rejuvenation.

Thread lifting

The technique involves the implantation of lymphatic drainage threads into the epidermis. For their manufacture, only biological natural materials not rejected by the skin.

laser resurfacing

The laser procedure is the most effective tool to achieve a lifting result. The superficial layer of the skin, together with all skin irregularities, wrinkles and age spots removed by laser beams. The procedure also renews collagen fibers in the deep layers of the epidermis. This contributes to the elimination of deep wrinkles and a facelift.

RF lifting

This procedure involves exposure to a high-frequency electric field that creates heating of the subcutaneous tissue and skin. As a result, the face is healed and looks much younger. The procedure is painless and does not require preparation.

Sinus lift

To restore the required amount of bone substance with further implantation, a sinus lift procedure is performed, which is based on surgical intervention. It helps to build bones to replace lost teeth, since their absence contributes to sagging skin.

Endoscopic lifting

The procedure is carried out through small incisions on the scalp and skin transformation. Endoscopic lifting is performed to lift the nasolabial folds, wrinkles and drooping eyebrows. This procedure is quite safe, its duration is about an hour with the use of anesthesia. The result of lifting lasts for 5-7 years.

Home face lifting

Masks for home use will be discussed below.

egg white mask

To prepare, you need to beat one protein, then add lemon juice to it in the amount of one tablespoon, beat again so that the mixture is well mixed. The resulting mask should be applied to the face for 20 minutes, then rinse it off with warm boiled water.

Grape mask

It is necessary to peel 10 green berries from the peel, and then add a tablespoon of white clay and whipped yolk to the resulting mass. After that, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the face. The mass should be kept for fifteen minutes, after which it should be washed off with warm water.

Procedure RF face and body lifting– a complete aesthetic service for the skin on the RF SYSTEM radio wave therapy device from Termosauld (Spain). Radio lifting is the absolute leader in the field of non-surgical facelift and body shaping.

RF-lifting of the skin of the face and body allows you to achieve the effect of rejuvenation without injections and surgical intervention. The procedure consists in the safe influence of radio frequencies on various layers of the skin, as well as subcutaneous fat. This process practically does not affect the epidermis, so you can not be afraid of side effects. In Moscow, this technique is used by professional doctors of the Perfection salon. We will offer you quality services at the best price.

The RF SYSTEM device combines 4 independent techniques:

  • radio wave lifting
  • needle-free HPC mesotherapy
  • chromotherapy
  • radio wave lipolysis

The synergy of these 4 methods increases the effectiveness of the procedure with a short time and gives both instant and prolonged results.

Results of rf face and body lifting procedure

RF face lifting

RF-lifting of the face will help get rid of small and medium wrinkles, remove unaesthetic crow's feet, prevent premature aging. The course of procedures will please with positive results in ptosis. RF facelift will help remove sagging skin, forget about the second chin.

RF skin lifting

Thanks to the activation of the natural production of collagen and elastin, the procedure allows you to eliminate small scars that have arisen after acne. RF-lifting in the Perfection salon will help to achieve an excellent effect on skin aging. The procedure is indispensable for the tendency to edema. By signing up for this service in Moscow, you will get an excellent result without discomfort.

RF body lifting

RF-lifting of the body is an effective technology that allows you to remove fat deposits in various areas, get rid of cellulite, visibly smooth out stretch marks and prevent photoaging. Girls can use the procedure to tighten the skin in the décolleté area. RF-lifting of the body is perfectly combined with other cosmetic techniques.

During the first visit, you get a free consultation with a doctor who selects an individual program of visits for you. The price and number of procedures depend on the selected area.

Indications for use

  • Atonic, aging skin
  • Static, mimic wrinkles
  • Prevention of aging
  • Modeling the oval of the face
  • Correction of problem areas of the body
  • Cellulite
  • alopecia
  • Postoperative rehabilitation

PROMOTION! 30% discount on all treatments

Cosmetic Consultation FREE OF CHARGE!

Zone price, rub. 30% discount price
Face 6 004 4 200
Face, neck, decollete 9 006 6 300
Chin 2 508 1 750
Neckline 6 004 4 200
Forehead, neck or eye area 3 002 2 000
Neck and face 7 980 5 500
Post-acne treatment 5 016 3 500
Stomach 6 004 4 200
Shoulders 5 016 3 500
Inner thigh 7 030 4 900
Back of the thighs 7 030 4 900
Buttocks-breeches 5 016 3 500
Collar zone 5 016 3 500
Hands above the elbow 3 990 2 800
Hands 3 496 2 500

What is RF lifting? This is one of the most popular procedures for restoring evenness and elasticity to the skin. It is most effective for a facelift, as well as in the neck and décolleté.

This method is a lifting under the influence of high-frequency electromagnetic impulses, it also has a name - radio frequency. The basic principle is to heat the skin to a temperature of about 42°C, using a special apparatus, which enhances lymphatic drainage and removes metabolic products, which improves the appearance and structure of the skin.

In what cases is the procedure of RF-lifting necessary?

  • wrinkles;
  • Loose facial skin;
  • cellulite;
  • Stretch marks or sagging skin after weight loss or pregnancy;
  • Post-acne.

The procedure of radio wave face lifting allows you to cope with sagging skin around the eyes, in the area of ​​​​the eyelids and eyebrows, as well as cheeks and nasolabial folds. But she, like everyone else, has some contraindications:

  • Neoplasms and diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • Serious forms of hypertension and diabetes;
  • The presence of implants;
  • Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities;
  • Transferred acute viral infections;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Individual intolerance to currents.

What effect does RF-lifting achieve?

  • Shaping, lifting and strengthening the contours of the face and body;
  • Stretch marks, flabbiness and sagging are eliminated;
  • In combination with mesotherapy and biorevitalization, it promotes enhanced collagen production;
  • In the complex of anti-cellulite programs, it enhances the outflow of lymph, helping to accelerate the result.

The procedure is absolutely painless and does not cause discomfort.

Why is it worth doing RF-lifting of the face and body in the beauty salon "Style"?

Our cosmetologists have 10 years of experience and know all the subtleties and nuances of this procedure. We will develop an individual step-by-step program for you and determine the required number of sessions to achieve the desired effect.

RF face lifting
Whole face 20 minutes 2 500
Face+neck+décolleté 40 min 4 500
Forehead 10 min 1 500
Neck 10 min 1 500
Chin 7 min 1 200
Lower face + chin + neck 20 minutes 2 500
The area around the eyes "crow's feet" 10 min 1 500
RF body lifting
Stomach 20 minutes 2 000
Inner thighs 20 minutes 2 000
Buttocks and riding breeches 20 minutes 2 000
Knees and shins 20 minutes 2 000
Collar zone 20 minutes 2 000
Lateral back left and right 20 minutes 2 500
Boca 20 minutes 2 500

Beautiful skin and a tightened oval of the face are one of the first signs of youth. The fact that the skin loses its elasticity and sags over time is a law of nature. But we can defeat him - you just need to know how. What is lifting and how it can help a woman cope with the signs of aging - let's figure it out together.

This is the general name of procedures aimed at tightening the skin of the face by restoring its elasticity. As a result of such procedures, the skin is saturated with moisture, collagen production is enhanced. As a result, the face ceases to “swim”, wrinkles and irregularities disappear, the color becomes healthy, and appearance- fresh, the face becomes as if "untouched" for years.

Not so many years ago, skin tightening was only possible through surgery. Modern methods allow you to do this without going under the surgeon's knife.

In what cases resort to the procedure

Facial skin lifting is indicated for those women who:

  • the skin has lost its elasticity;
  • a second chin appeared;
  • fleas formed - sagging skin on both sides of the chin;
  • the chin line became fuzzy, blurry.

What result to expect

The lifting effect from the corresponding procedures is in no way inferior to hardware and injection ones. In fairness, it should be noted that an instant skin tightening should not be expected. Therefore, it is also not worth being upset after several procedures that the result did not make itself felt. Indeed, the effect will not be noticeable immediately, but it will linger for a long time.

So, the effect of the lifting procedure is as follows:

  • a clearer facial contour;
  • smoothed wrinkles (mimic and age);
  • healthy skin color;
  • renewal of the dermis, expressed in the active production of collagen, elastin;
  • missing second chin.

A facelift can be done on your own at home or done in the salon. It is always better to start with a visit to a beautician who will give specific advice.

Facelift at home

We are all different. Someone visits a beauty salon with enviable regularity, while someone does not have such an opportunity. Or maybe you just don't want to. Fortunately for all of us, effective facial care can be done at home. Lifting at home is simple, affordable and, most importantly, cheap.

Masks for rejuvenation

Ready-made masks for lifting the skin of the face and those prepared on their own show a good effect due to regular use.

Simple and affordable lifting compositions for masks:

  1. Protein plus lemon juice - the protein of one egg is mixed with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, the mass is whipped, applied to the face for 20 minutes.
  2. Hercules flakes plus tea - 2 tablespoons of cereal, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of strong tea, the mixture should be kept on the face for about 20 minutes.
  3. For a banana lifting facial mask, you will need the pulp of one fruit plus cream and 1 capsule of vitamin E. You also need to keep the mixture on your face for 20 minutes.
  4. An eye lift can be done at home using a different set of ingredients. But it is important that they are not allergic to delicate skin. Mixtures based on oatmeal, potatoes, cucumber perfectly tighten the skin around the eyes.
  5. Paraffin has long been known for its lifting effect for mature skin. It is melted in a water bath and applied to the face in layers. The area around the eyes should remain free of paraffin. This option is good for women over 50.

Masks with the effect of "here and now"

For a superficial tightening, means are used that give an instant, but short-term result. May be used for the area around the eyes. The composition falls on the skin with a thin film that lasts for several hours. Such a quick lifting effect is ideal if there is an urgent need to go out, and there is very, very little time for preparation.


The simplest facelift at home can be done by alternating cold and hot effects on the skin. A napkin moistened with warm water is applied to the skin for 30 seconds, then removed. Next, ice cubes should be drawn along the massage lines of the face. Cold activates the process of skin cells. This gives a rejuvenating effect.

The use of creams and masks will give a more effective result if combined with other methods and means to improve the contour of the face. For example, gymnastics and massage

Gymnastics and massage

Facial beauty exercises are useful to master when signs of aging have not yet appeared on the skin.

Lifting effect is achieved by the following exercises:

  1. Pull your lips and cheeks in for a few seconds. Relax. Pull in again. And relax again. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  2. Move air from one cheek to another, inflating them like a balloon. Such gymnastics is useful for eliminating nasolabial folds.
  3. Raise your chin while stretching your lips. The pose should be held for 3 minutes, then rest. Repeat 3 times. With the help of this gymnastics, a chin lift occurs.
  4. Press your index fingers up and down from the brow line. Exercise is good for the muscles of the forehead and the skin around the eyes.

Massage against sagging skin can be done both at home and in the salon. It is divided into several types:

  • plastic - is a quick movement from one part of the face to another (for example, from the chin to the ear, from the forehead to the temples);
  • sculptural - affects the muscles, consists of patting, pinching, stroking movements;
  • modeling - deep and intense, combines different types movements: from strong to soft with a relaxation effect;
  • Japanese - many different massage movements for the face and body, the impact on active points; the procedure activates the production of collagen and elastin;
  • Chinese - massage of acupuncture points.

Lifting in beauty salons

When creams and masks no longer work, it is advisable to carry out a facial rejuvenation procedure in a beauty salon using hardware and minimally invasive methods.

RF lifting

Painless, perfectly tightens the skin of the face. The high-frequency electric field stimulates skin renewal due to its heating.

Endoscopic lifting

An expensive procedure, but the effect of it is very noticeable. The procedure is as follows: the surgeon makes micro incisions, separates the skin from the muscle tissue, tightens and fixes it with special tapes. The procedure is indicated for sagging skin.

Lifting with plasma

Blood plasma injections have a regenerating effect on the skin. The procedure improves complexion and its contour.

Lifting ultrasonic

It acts at the level of the muscle layer, being safe. Thanks to high-frequency ultrasound, micromassage is carried out, it stimulates blood microcirculation.

Thread lifting

The process is associated with the name itself. Biocompatible threads are fixed under the skin, preventing it from sagging.


Due to the heating of skin cells due to the effect of the laser, the process of renewal of the dermis begins.

Vector lifting

The essence of the method is injections hyaluronic acid along certain lines on the face. It is carried out with local anesthesia.

SMAS lift

An expensive procedure with a pronounced rejuvenating effect. The impact of ultrasound not only on the skin, but also on the deeper connective tissue elements, which are the frame of the face. The effect persists for a long time, and the skin looks younger by 10-15 years.


The oval of the face is tightened due to the action of microcurrents, the tissues become toned.

Neck skin lifting

Along with a facelift, a neck lift is becoming an increasingly popular procedure in beauty parlors. This part of the body gives out age no less than others. Hardware procedures for the neck area are shown from 35-40 years old.

Specialists can offer many facelift options, and the number of women who are not afraid to resort to facial reshaping in a hospital setting is growing. But it is better to resort to radical intervention when the lady is already in those years that a deep lift is required. Usually it is carried out by women who are 50 plus. At an earlier age, lifting without surgery is preferable.


Lifting, like any other procedure that affects the human body, has a number of contraindications:

  • age less than 25 years;
  • wounds, scratches, inflammation on the skin of the face;
  • allergy to tightening agents;
  • skin diseases;
  • excess weight.

Beauty for many today is a lifestyle, and the opportunity to look young for a long time inspires. Yes, it's worth some effort. Yes, it's worth the time. But external attractiveness in adulthood is work, the result of which is self-confidence and the admiration of others.