Detox face masks are the key to healthy skin. Detox face masks: purpose, application, recipes. Which detox face masks are most effective for mature skin Detox mask

The cleansing property of coal has been known since ancient times. The inhabitants of ancient Egypt and India first appreciated coal and began to purify water and wine with it. Today we use activated charcoal for these products. In addition, activated charcoal perfectly cleanses the human body, and it is not necessary to take it orally. Charcoal can also be used externally to detoxify and remove dead skin cells from the skin of the face, as well as to remove blackheads.

Activated charcoal face mask recipes:

Mask against black dots

Rather, it can be called a scrub. Despite the simplicity of the recipe, this remedy is not inferior to cosmetic procedures in the salon. The face is perfectly cleansed and blackheads gradually disappear. To do this, you need to crush the coal and pour water into it, so that a mushy mixture is obtained. Apply the mask on your face and massage it slowly for a minute. After the massage, do not wash your face for 15 minutes, then rinse everything off with warm water. You will notice the effect of such a procedure quite quickly.

charcoal cleans pores

Mask-film against acne and pimples

Activated charcoal is suitable for all skin types, so don't be afraid to use it even if you suffer from acne. On the contrary, the unique properties of coal are able to overcome harmful microbes and reduce inflammation. For this we need:

  1. activated carbon - 1.5-2 tablets;
  2. gelatin - 0.5 tsp;
  3. milk - 1-2 tsp;
  4. black clay - 0.5 tsp (optional).

We crush the coal to a powder state. Then add dry gelatin. After mixing the ingredients, pour milk into the mixture. Do not wait for the complete dissolution of coal and gelatin. Put the mask in a water bath and stir constantly. The mask will be ready when the gelatin is completely dissolved. If you don't want to fiddle with the stove, you can put the mixture in the microwave for 15 seconds. Let the mask cool, then apply it on your face with a brush. Pay special attention to the problem area. The procedure lasts 15 minutes or a little longer until the mask hardens and turns into a film. It is thanks to gelatin that it is now so easy to remove the mask from the face without the use of water. Pull on the ends of the film, gently peeling the mask from the skin. The procedure must be repeated twice a week. In a month, you will notice a significant change, there will be practically no acne left on your face. However, when applying the mask, avoid the eyebrow area. It is very painful and unpleasant to remove the mask because of the hairs. If, nevertheless, you could not save your eyebrows, then you should not rip off the mask. Soften and rinse with water, and remove everything else as above.

film mask is considered the most popular based on coal and gelatin

Properties of the mask with charcoal and gelatin:

Charcoal in this mask-film plays a cleansing role, it tightens pores, soothes inflamed skin, breaks down dirt in problem areas, and smoothes the skin relief.

Gelatin - creates the desired consistency of the mask. Gelatin contains natural collagen, which is immediately absorbed into the skin and begins its rejuvenation. In addition, the composition of gelatin includes a protein that participates in metabolic processes, normalizing cell function.

Milk perfectly softens the skin and dissolves coal with gelatin. Milk has bleaching properties, so it can eliminate redness and irritation on the face.

Detox mask

In order to properly cleanse the skin, we will make the following mask based on activated charcoal.

  1. activated carbon - 1 tbsp;
  2. lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  3. yogurt - 1 tsp

All ingredients are mixed and applied to cleansed skin. It is best to do this mask after a bath or pore baths. Make sure that the pores on the face are enlarged. Apply the mask for 15 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water. If desired, after the procedure, you can wipe the skin of the face with an ice cube. It will remove the remaining particles of the mask and narrow the pores.

don't let the mask confuse you, after the procedure the skin will become radiant and fresh

Mask for oily skin

Pimples usually appear on oily skin. To avoid this, you can regularly carry out prophylaxis using an activated charcoal mask. For this you will need:

  1. activated carbon - 1-2 tablespoons;
  2. brown algae - 1-2 pieces;
  3. water - on demand.

Finely crush everything and mix. There should not be too much water. Make sure that you get a slurry, not a liquid substance. After the mask is ready, apply it on the face. Open your pores first. Keep the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. For greater effect, you can use mineral water without gas. This charcoal mask perfectly cleanses the skin and relieves inflammation, while algae enriches it. useful trace elements and vitamins. In addition, the mask oily skin excellent for shrinking pores.

Activated charcoal for the face is one of the best ingredients for homemade masks. All recipes are quite simple, which does not underestimate their effectiveness. All masks are very popular among the female population. Regular implementation of such procedures will significantly improve the condition of your skin. Very soon you will feel that the skin has become radiant, velvety and clean. And that's exactly what we all want. Good luck!

Lots of skincare. Among them, there are those that give an effect only after regular use, and there are those that allow us to immediately visually lose 5 years. These are detox procedures. After any such mask, the skin becomes smooth and velvety, the color evens out, fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

What it is?

The word "detox" came into our lives from the English "de-tox", which means "cleansing", getting rid of toxins. Detox diets are very fashionable today, which make it easy to achieve the return of harmony due to the ban on the use of heavy, “slagging” food for the body.

Detox methods are also used in cosmetology. With their help, cosmetologists work wonders without using plastic surgery. Masks containing:

  • essential oils;
  • extracts of medicinal herbs;
  • vitamins;
  • antioxidants,

quickly tone tired skin, clean pores, remove (really remove, not mask!) traces age-related changes. Ladies who have had time to experience the effect of detox methods are satisfied: after the first procedure, youth literally returns.

Beautician herself

It is difficult to overestimate the effectiveness of salon detox procedures. Of course, ideally, you should put yourself in the hands of an experienced master who will determine the type of skin, the degree of its moisture content, and prescribe a set of caring and restorative procedures. But it costs a lot of money, which not every woman is ready to allocate to maintain external beauty. But any of us can arrange a detox session at home, using improvised means. It will be inexpensive, but very effective. Try it!

Before applying a detox mask to your face, you need to clean it well so that dirt and sebum are “stretched out” from the pores. To do this, you need to steam your face with a hot steam bath. Pour hot water into a wide bowl, drip a little tea tree or sage oil (2-3 drops) and inhale yourself with a towel over your head. A ten-minute session opens the pores and frees the tissues from toxins that have accumulated on the surface. Now you can prepare the mask.

The main thing is to remove foods that can cause an allergic reaction. For each woman it is individual: someone does not tolerate strawberries, someone is allergic to honey. In the absence of allergic reactions for detox masks, you can use:

  • fruits and berries;
  • essential oils;
  • all types of cosmetic clay;
  • green tea;
  • Activated carbon.

Let's take a look at some of the simplest effective masks.

  • With coal

Activated carbon is an excellent natural adsorbent. This property is used for poisoning by taking pills inside. Why not make charcoal work for your skin?

  1. a tablespoon of crushed coal;
  2. a teaspoon of unsweetened yogurt;
  3. a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Mix everything and apply on the face. Hold for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

  • Magnesia

Just 1 tablespoon of magnesium mixed with a quart hot water, can provide a real detox effect. Add 3 drops of orange oil to the solution. Then soak a small towel in this liquid and apply it to your face for a few seconds. This must be repeated for 5 minutes.

  • Berries with cottage cheese

Leftover cottage cheese from breakfast? Great. Add a tablespoon of grated blackcurrant or strawberries to a tablespoon of this delicious product (you can use frozen berries if the season has ended long ago), apply on your face for 10-15 minutes.

By the way, take note: if there are no berries in the house, you can replace them with carrot juice. Every housewife definitely has a carrot!

With very oily skin, apple puree gives a good effect.

But dry skin will more easily perceive a mask with fermented milk products.

Taking 2 teaspoons of kefir and honey, mix them with half a teaspoon of honey and hold on your face for 15 minutes. The skin will become pleasant and smooth, the feeling of tightness will disappear.

  • Charcoal and tea

A couple of tablets of activated charcoal must be crushed and combined with green tea - so that the result is a slurry. Applying the mask on the face, at the same time gently massage it. Then wash off after 10 minutes. The mask helps well against blackheads.

  • with grapes

For a quarter of an hour, you should keep a mask made from:

  1. half a teaspoon of honey;
  2. five grapes;
  3. half a teaspoon of cedar oil;
  4. a tablespoon of semolina;
  5. one yolk;
  6. half a teaspoon of salt.

Choose the composition that suits you.

  • Citrus

Simple mask with orange: mash 3 orange slices with a tablespoon of cottage cheese and 0.5 teaspoon of honey. Keep it for 10-15 minutes.

Or a slightly different variation - with lemon. A tablespoon of oatmeal and egg white are mixed with lemon juice (a tablespoon). Application time is also 15 minutes.

  • Clay

Cosmetic clay is suitable for all skin types. The recipe below uses black clay, but it is not required condition: you can use the variety that will give the greatest effect on your skin type.

So the mask:

  1. clay (tablespoon);
  2. warm water;
  3. 3 drops of rosemary oil.

Clay must be diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream. Apply to the face, wait until it dries. Wash off. You can also use this mask: 3 teaspoons of blue clay and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.

Determine what kind of skin you have, and select cosmetic clay, starting from the following recommendations:

  • red is good for sensitive skin;
  • green, blue - for dry, for normal;
  • yellow - for oily and combination;
  • black - for oily;
  • white - for oily and combination, for normal.

Detox masks go well with a facial massage, especially after a sauna.

Application rules

If you want to really get the benefits of using detox therapy, you need to make these treatments part of your regular care. Apply this mask to your face once or twice a month. In addition, in the fall and spring (during the transitional periods), a monthly course of cleansing can be carried out.

Important to remember:

  • before applying the mask, it is worthwhile to arrange a steam bath for the face - this will enhance the effect;
  • the mask should be applied to well-cleansed skin;
  • holding time - no more than a quarter of an hour, since fruit acids can cause burns;
  • apply the mixture warm;
  • after the end of the procedure, it is useful to help the pores close - for this you need to wipe your face with an ice cube. How to make ice we wrote here

Be sure to apply your favorite moisturizer to your face after removing the mask. And do not forget to choose the right time for the detox session: let it be late in the evening. Then at night the skin will continue to "work", without experiencing negative external influences.

Why is it effective

Detox masks provide an opportunity to deeply cleanse and nourish the skin. The metabolic process is accelerated, blood and lymph begin to circulate faster, ensuring timely cell renewal.

For those who like to get everything at once, detox procedures are simply indispensable: they give an almost instant effect. But remember: for the result to be stable, appearance skin has always pleased you, it is necessary to turn detox procedures into a part of your usual skin care ritual. Pleasant changes will be noticed not only by you, but also by those around you!

Detox masks - what are they and how to use them correctly at home to get best results? It will be interesting to know about this for every woman who cares about her appearance.

A detox mask is a really working cosmetic product that prolongs youth and prevents the formation of wrinkles on the skin earlier. due date. What is the reason for their beneficial effect and how to cook them correctly?

About the benefits of homemade masks

Exist different types detox face masks, which are kneaded on the basis of a variety of ingredients with the addition of various active ingredients. All of them have a powerful cleansing ability and remove accumulated toxins and toxins from the skin cells, and also significantly improve the condition of the dermis. Detox masks created from natural ingredients eliminate and prevent the occurrence of rashes, deeply cleanse the skin, tone it and rejuvenate it.

Activated charcoal mask

This black detox face mask is designed to thoroughly cleanse the skin. To prepare it, you need three ingredients:

  • fresh lemon juice - one spoon;
  • 6-8 activated charcoal tablets;
  • a spoonful of yogurt.

The tablets need to be crushed and mixed with the other two components of our face mask. It gives a particularly good effect after steaming the skin, when the pores expand.

A detox mask with activated charcoal is applied to the face for twenty minutes, and then washed off with warm water. Additionally, after this, it is recommended to wipe the face with an ice cube to remove particles of the applied product and narrow the pores.

Sour milk detox

Our second mask at home is prepared on the basis of fermented milk products. You will need half a spoonful of honey, two tablespoons of kefir and the same amount of cottage cheese. After mixing all the ingredients, a thick homogeneous mass is formed, which should be applied to the cleansed face and left for ten minutes, and then washed off with warm water. If you use this detox mask for a week, the skin will become smoother and softer, and the feeling of tightness will disappear.

Clay mask

This detox mask is created on the basis of green or blue pharmacy clay. It is especially effective for people with a tendency to acne. To prepare the mixture, you need a spoonful of clay powder, diluted with a small amount of water.

You will get a creamy consistency, into which you need to drop tea tree ether or rosemary oil. For people with sensitive skin, essential oils are recommended to be replaced with half a spoonful of aloe juice. The mask is applied in a dense layer on the skin and left until the clay dries, and then we wash our face.

apple mask

A good detox mask can be made from apples - it will even out the complexion of the skin of the face, deeply cleanse it and narrow the enlarged pores. To prepare the mask, you need a peeled ripe apple, which should be chopped with a grater. Stir the resulting puree with thoroughly beaten egg white, and then apply this mass on your face for twenty minutes. Then wash with cool water.

Mix of cottage cheese with berries

Detox masks are very diverse, but finally let's consider one more proven recipe. Mix in a convenient bowl a spoonful of cottage cheese and some berries. Raspberries, strawberries, currants or cranberries are ideal. You will get a mushy consistency, which must be applied to the skin of the face for twenty minutes, and then washed off with cool water. have a gentle effect and give a good effect.

Any of the above detox masks are recommended to be applied up to two times a week. In the autumn-winter period, you can apply a mask every other day, since at this time of the year the skin needs additional nutrition and detoxification. The effect of detox masks can be enhanced with.

Facial skin detox helps to get rid of slagging, remove unnecessary toxins and excess fluid. Advanced cases require attention from beauty salon specialists for the correct appointment of a detox program. Women who want to prolong the youthfulness of their skin are sure to use detox face masks at home.

It is useful to arrange days without makeup and do simple facial skin care procedures. Cleansing and toning the skin will help make it look healthier and more well-groomed.

What are detox face masks for?

1. Such cosmetic procedures deeply cleanse the skin. Cleansed skin must be toned with special products selected for a particular skin type.

2. Restore skin metabolism.

3. Toxins and slags are removed.

4. They prevent early wrinkles.

To prolong the youthfulness of the skin, you need to take care of it from an early age. Yes, and the ecological situation at the moment encourages people to look for means of protection from negative impact our way of life. The skin takes on the full range of contaminants and prevents them from penetrating deep into. Toxins accumulate over the years and if cleansing measures are not carried out, they can be caused serious illness.

Alginate face masks

It is recommended to make such masks for mature skin. The components of the mask draw out toxins from the skin cells and deep subcutaneous layers, thereby increasing the regeneration process. Before applying the alginate mask, the face is well cleaned with saline or any other peeling. Then apply the mask for 20 minutes. Remove the dried mask carefully, starting from the chin and pulling up. If desired, you can apply a light moisturizing emulsion. Use this mask no more than twice a week. After applying a complex of procedures, the skin is noticeably transformed.

Clay detox face masks

Cosmetic clay is a powerful cleanser for the skin of the face and body. It helps exfoliate dead skin cells and promotes disinfection.

Detox with green clay.

If your skin problem is oily in the T-zone and on the forehead, then green clay can solve it. Enlarged pores become less noticeable, oily sheen disappears. Clay is famous for its lifting properties, tightens tired skin and smoothes fine wrinkles.

Recipe: Mix a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with green clay to form a thick slurry. Apply to the skin of the face, except for the area around the lips and eyes. Leave to dry and rinse off with warm water and facial cleanser. After the procedure, a slight tingling and tightness of the skin may be felt, so it is recommended to apply a good moisturizer.

Detox with white clay.

Suitable for owners of dry and very sensitive skin. This mask perfectly relieves irritation and treats inflammatory processes.

Recipe: white clay dilute with boiled warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream. Add vitamin E and aloe juice. Due to vitamin E, the mask will moisturize the skin and penetrate deep into the cells to nourish it. Wash off the mask with warm water after half an hour.

Detox with blue clay.

Blue clay Good for tired and irritated skin. The tendency to acne and acne will gradually disappear if such a mask is used regularly.

Recipe: mix clay with warm water, stir in a few drops of rosemary oil and aloe juice. Apply the mask on the skin of the face until completely dry. It is recommended that after applying the mask, take a prone position so that facial expressions do not cause the clay to crack. It is better to wash with warm water with a moisturizer.

Detox face mask with apples

Ripe apples are used not only to cleanse the body from the inside, but also as facial skin care products. The detox mask is made from ripe apples. Grind one apple on a grater and add the protein from one egg to this puree. This procedure perfectly tightens the skin and narrows enlarged pores. Malic acid evens out skin tone, helps to eliminate age spots.

Activated charcoal for facial cleansing

It is recommended to try the activated charcoal cleansing detox face mask in the fall. It cleans the skin cells very thoroughly. To do this, grind the charcoal tablets into powder. This can be done in a blender or coffee grinder. Add natural yogurt 1 teaspoon and the same amount of lemon juice. Mix the consistency well and apply on the skin of the face for only 10-15 minutes. For a deep effect, before the procedure, you should steam your face over potato steam. Enlarged pores will allow activated charcoal particles to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and clean out dirt from them. To soothe the skin after the procedure, wipe your face with an ice cube with mint or aloe.

The second way to cleanse your face with charcoal is a film mask. Grind a tablet of coal into powder and mix with gelatin. To stabilize, it is recommended to add a few drops of cream or milk. In a warm place, allow the gelatin to dissolve and swell. The mixture will solidify as a film as it cools. At this moment, it must be applied to the face, namely to problem areas - the forehead, near the nose and chin. Remove after the mask has completely dried, starting from the chin. If it does not come off well, just wash well with a cleansing facial foam.

banana facial cleanser

Using a banana facial detox is a very pleasant procedure. Dry skin will be filled with moisture, while oily skin will be energized. Suitable for people with different type skin. Mash half a large banana into a puree and add a little liquid honey. After 5 minutes, add 33% cream or sour cream and apply to cleansed skin. Ascorbic acid, which is contained in this exotic fruit, eliminates wrinkles and helps prolong the youthfulness of the skin.

Oatmeal Detox Face Mask

Fine oatmeal or oatmeal works very well on the skin of the face, which is why young girls and older women love to use it in face and hair care programs. It is necessary to mix oatmeal, liquid warm honey and half a banana. For oily skin, it is recommended to add one yolk and a few drops of aloe juice. Hold the mask for 20 minutes and rinse with water.

Help dry skin

Detox kefir face mask will help in gentle cleansing of dry skin. Any dairy products are suitable for this purpose. We mix kefir, honey and cottage cheese of any fat content. It will turn out a very thick porridge, which is applied to the face for only 15 minutes. The skin will have time to receive a complete cleansing care.

Detox face mask for normal skin types

normal skin The face also requires extra care and attention. A simple green tea gauze mask is recommended. Brew large-leaf green tea, add lemon oil or lemon juice to it. Soak gauze in the solution and apply on the face. Lemon and green tea tone and energize skin cells.

Features and indications for use

Cosmetologists do not recommend deep cleansing skin detox masks more often 1 time per week. The best time for the procedure is before going to bed. Cleansed skin will have the opportunity to recover. When carrying out the procedure for the first time, it is recommended to do a test on the skin of the hand in order to identify an allergic reaction to the components.


Detoxing with home remedies has little to no contraindications, but caution should be exercised when using these types of cleansing for the following:

Dermatitis, open inflammatory processes;

· Lactation;

· Oncological diseases;

Allergy to mask components.

Premature aging skin is due to the fact that the water balance in the skin cells is disturbed. Detox face masks are able to maintain this balance at the right level and provide the necessary skin hydration. Various detox programs are offered by beauty salons, but even at home, you can get great results at no extra cost by using masks regularly. All ingredients for masks can be found at home. The use of herbal medicinal infusions, fruits, essential oils as part of detox face masks has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin inside and out. Such skin improvement helps to eliminate dark circles under the eyes and reduce fine wrinkles, reduce inflammation and get rid of a dull complexion.


For health to be in order, it is necessary to eat right, exercise and eliminate bad habits. However healthy lifestyle life will not save from negative influences environment. After all, the ecological situation in the world leaves much to be desired. One of the main barriers for harmful substances in our body is the skin. It does not allow them to penetrate the body, as a result of which the skin is polluted and a large amount of toxins accumulate in it. That is why in last years beauty treatments such as facial detox masks have gained popularity.

Detoxification of the facial skin is carried out by means of herbal peeling in the form of masks. This mask not only cleanses the pores, but also moisturizes the skin, making it supple. This procedure is very versatile in order to maintain the beauty and health of the facial skin. The composition of the detox mask includes herbal extracts, essential oils, antioxidants, vitamins, fruit acids. This procedure is carried out in almost any beauty salon. However, the mask can be prepared at home and detoxify the skin without spending extra money and time.

Recipes for detox masks at home

Detox mask for normal skin

Such a mask should be light, moisturizing and toning. It is recommended to use weakly brewed green tea and lemon essential oil for its preparation. Add a few drops to the tea essential oil and soak a gauze pad with the mixture. The eye area must be left open. You can remove the napkin from your face after 15 minutes, after which do not wash off the remnants of the mixture from your face.

Detox mask for dry skin

For dry skin, cosmetologists recommend using a curd mask. To prepare such a detox mask at home, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon of liquid honey. This mixture should be applied to the skin of the face and washed off after 10 minutes with warm water.

Detox mask for oily skin

To prepare a mask for oily skin, it is recommended to use egg white, orange juice and the pulp of ripe apples. To begin with, beat the protein and grate a couple of fresh apples on a fine grater, then mix the ingredients and add 1 teaspoon of orange juice to the mixture. The mask is applied to the face for 10-12 minutes, then washed off with cool water.

Detox mask for problem skin

Preparing a mask for problematic skin will be slightly difficult, since for this you need to get blue or green clay powder. Take one tablespoon of this powder and dilute with a small amount of slightly cool water. Add 3-5 drops of rosemary or tea tree essential oil to the thick mixture. You can also use fresh aloe juice. The resulting mixture is applied in a thick layer and is not washed off until the clay is completely dry. After cleansing the skin of clay, it is advisable to apply a moisturizer to the face.

Detox mask for all skin types (nourishing)

A nourishing mask for all skin types can be prepared on the basis of egg yolk with the addition of berry pulp. As berries you can use: cranberries, sea buckthorn, raspberries or mountain ash.

Features of the use of detox masks

When applying masks to the skin of the face, it is necessary to take into account a possible allergic reaction to one of the components. Therefore, if after applying the mask there is severe itching or burning, redness of the skin, it is recommended to thoroughly wash off the mixture and switch to other components. In addition, do not get carried away with applying detox masks. It will be enough one procedure in 7-10 days. To get the desired effect, cosmetologists recommend performing the procedure at night - before going to bed. This will allow the skin to recover and rest.

Detoxification of the facial skin is necessary at every age, regardless of the condition and type of skin. In order for the skin to have fewer wrinkles in old age, to be smooth and elastic, applying detox masks should be practiced from a young age.