How to get rid of stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth. Plastic surgery - as a way to remove stretch marks. We remove striae on the chest without contacting a beautician

The most difficult process is behind, the woman saw a screaming bundle of happiness and, it would seem, nothing can overshadow her joy. But soon the moments of euphoria pass, and the young mother realizes that her appearance no longer as attractive as before due to stretch marks on the body.

You should not immediately panic and put an end to your appearance, since there are many ways to remove stretch marks on your stomach after childbirth at home.

Reasons for the appearance

Stretch marks in medicine are called striae - these are scars that form on the skin when it is greatly stretched when carrying a child. Basically, they occur during pregnancy, and remain on the body forever.

Stomach future mother is the most subject to change, hence the biggest area of ​​risk. The duration of pregnancy does not play a special role - stretch marks can occur both at the initial stage and in the middle, and even before the baby is born.

The appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy is a consequence of:

  • rapid growth of the abdomen;
  • sudden weight gain;
  • hormonal changes;
  • decrease in physical activity.

The skin is sharply and strongly stretched, and the female body is no longer able to produce enough collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the tone and elasticity of the dermis. As a result, the connective tissues and the skin inside are torn, scars are formed, which are called stretch marks.

Preventive measures

Women who do not want their body to be strewn with unsightly stretch marks can prevent their appearance. To do this, you need to follow a few simple recommendations. Thanks to this, you can ensure that the skin remains intact and unharmed.

Consider the basic rules for the prevention of stretch marks:

  1. When carrying a child and the first time after childbirth, attention should be paid to the choice of underwear. In order to avoid stretch marks on the abdomen, you need to help the skin using a bandage. Many developed various models, from which it is possible to choose the most comfortable variation. Thus, when the tummy grows, this product supports it and prevents the appearance of stretch marks.
  2. Experts have developed many different moderate physical activity. They help maintain a normal figure, do not lose skin tone and prevent a sharp set of unnecessary kilograms. In addition, moderate loads saturate the cells of the skin with oxygen, thereby maintaining its elasticity.
  3. There are various cosmetic preparations intended for pregnant women. Such creams, lotions, balms consist of a mass of useful components that help prevent the occurrence of stretch marks, or at least significantly reduce their size and number.
  4. It is necessary to systematically carry out small pinching and rubbing of problem areas. Such a massage promotes an accelerated rush of blood to the skin, due to which the production of collagen and elastin in cells is accelerated.
  5. You can use funds traditional medicine, but only after consulting with your gynecologist. Here the main principle is to choose the right recipe and apply it regularly.

These methods can help women who do not have a genetic predisposition, otherwise it is almost impossible to prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Video: Diet

Is it possible to completely get rid of

It is important for every woman to know that it is not possible to completely get rid of stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth without surgical intervention.

If scars appeared on the female body, then they will remain there forever. But at home, it is possible to achieve a significant reduction in their number and size.

That is why it is so important to take all possible measures in order to prevent the appearance of postpartum stretch marks.

How to remove stretch marks on the stomach at home

To get rid of postpartum stretch marks, many different variations have been invented. Influence on the skin with the help of physiotherapeutic agents is considered the most common and effective method.

These include:

  1. Massage. Those places where striae are present should be treated with light in a circular motion so as not to stretch the skin. Before starting the procedure, it is worth applying rosemary, orange or almond oil to the body. It is also possible to produce pinch massage, it will help to remove not only postpartum stretch marks, but also cellulite.
  2. Wrap. The most effective and useful variation is a mixture of aroma oils. You can prepare such a remedy as follows: take 2 tablespoons of jojoba or avocado oil and add 10 drops of lavender, neroli, jasmine, rosemary and lemon oils. Mix all ingredients vigorously and leave in a dark place for 24 hours. The areas on which the striae are located should be lubricated with the prepared product, and wrapped with cling film, then lie under the covers for half an hour. The result will be noticeable 2 months after regular procedures.
  3. baths. To do this, dilute 250 g of starch in 2 liters of water and mix thoroughly. Pour the prepared solution into a pre-filled bath with warm water. It is permissible to sit in such water for no more than 15 minutes. You need to take baths systematically until a stable positive result occurs.
  4. Contrasting compresses. To remove stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth, you need to dissolve 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and salt in 1 liter hot water. Take a towel, it is better if it is terry, dip it in a hot prepared solution and apply it to the stretch marks on your stomach for half a minute. Then do the same, only with cold water. For 1 procedure, you need to change the temperature 5 times;

In order to reach maximum result, should be added to the above procedures for sports and outdoor walks.

Can a laser be used?

Laser resurfacing is one of the most common and effective methods for removing striae.

For this procedure, the doctor uses a special device - a fractional laser that emits beams of light with short pulses.

When light penetrates the inner layers of the skin, there is a healing effect on the outdated or affected structure of the skin. Thus, the amount of collagen and elastin produced increases, skin nutrition and hydration improves.

As a result, the natural functioning of the body is restored and the skin gradually returns to normal.

Already after the first session, you can notice the first results, as the striae become less noticeable.

This method has a number of beneficial advantages:

  • no surgical intervention required;
  • results are noticeable after the first session;
  • the procedure has a high safety;
  • the skin is practically not damaged;
  • can be applied to any part of the body;
  • neighboring tissues remain untouched;
  • the procedure takes a short period of time;

Removing stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth with a laser is quite simple. But just like any other procedure, laser resurfacing has certain disadvantages.

These include:

  • high price;
  • pain sensations. No matter how much the laser is cooled during the procedure, pain is inevitable;
  • if the stretch marks are outdated, then it is not possible to remove them completely;
  • certain inconveniences during the rehabilitation period, for example, it is forbidden to sunbathe and swim.

Modern technologies

In modern cosmetology, a fairly large number of options for getting rid of stretch marks have been developed:

  1. Mesotherapy. The specialists came up with 2 variants of this procedure. In the first case, the useful component is introduced by injection, and in the second case, it is applied externally. The main substance is whey, which has a complex composition, which includes vitamins, biological stimulants, stem cells, etc. Best result brings the injection method, but the woman experiences pain during the procedure. In this regard, external application is more popular.
  2. Ozone-oxygen injections. The procedure gives the woman quite severe pain. But with the help of such injections, the regeneration mechanism is launched, and the correct functioning of the body is restored, followed by the production of collagen and elastin. The wound where the tissues have torn is filled with fresh healthy cells, and the striae become less pronounced.
  3. Radio lifting. This procedure is also an electric shock to the skin. However, it has a completely different effect: with the help of its discharges, the subcutaneous layers of tissues and fiber are heated. This causes the body to resume proper functioning with the production of sufficient collagen and elastin to fill in and smooth out the stretch marks.

A woman who has chosen to deal with postpartum stretch marks with home methods should understand that this will require a significant amount of time to be spent. It is also extremely important to know that striae will leave the body faster if you apply complex methods to eliminate them, eat right and do special exercises.

They also suffered from and, in order to restore smoothness and beauty to the skin of the abdomen, they used vegetable oils. Linseed oil was especially popular. Women just rubbed it into problem areas for a long time. Our contemporaries have a more powerful arsenal of tools suitable for rubbing. Make an oil mixture. For the base, take almond, olive or wheat germ oil (they contain a high content of vitamin E, which promotes accelerated skin regeneration), add a few drops of essential oils to it and shake. According to the studies of the specialists of the Beauty Institute, rosehip, rosemary, neroli and petitgrain (from orange tree leaves) are most suitable for fighting stretch marks. Rub the oil mixture into the stretch mark area regularly, the result will not be instantaneous, but obvious.

Wraps and compresses. Here, not oil mixtures are used, but a certain base with the addition of aromatic oils. The basis can be kefir, honey, cottage cheese, yogurt, fruit, potato or oatmeal puree, kelp, egg yolk, melted chocolate, etc. Keep the concentration on 1 tbsp. add 20 drops of rosemary oil, 30 drops of petitgrain, 25 drops of frankincense, 15 drops of ginger to a spoonful of base. Vary to your liking. After applying the mixture on, cover it with cellophane and a warm scarf on top, keep the compress for half an hour. When wrapping, soak the cotton fabric with the prepared mixture and wrap it tightly around yourself, grabbing the abdomen. On top, also wrap yourself in cellophane and a warm blanket. Lie down and be in a calm state for 30-40 minutes. Take a shower.
Compresses and are especially effective during a visit to the bath.

baths. Perhaps the method of dealing with stretch marks on, because. during this procedure, there is a maximum and uniform contact of the therapeutic agent and the skin of the abdomen. Take sea salt baking soda, honey or strained oatmeal, add natural essential oil (tangerine, almond, linseed or neroli), mix thoroughly and dissolve in a bath filled with warm water. Do not overdo it with, remember that in combination with warm water and humid air, they enhance the aroma, meanwhile, the fumes of some oils can sting your eyes. The duration of taking a bath in the first days should not exceed 5 minutes, then you can increase the time and temperature of the water. After the bath, you do not need to dry yourself with a towel. Throw a bathrobe or sheet over your wet body and wait until the water evaporates and the oil is absorbed.

Stretch marks on the abdomen are a problem that many women who have given birth to a child face. Men are not immune from their appearance, especially those who quickly gained weight. This is serious aesthetic defect causing significant psychological discomfort. For example, few dare to go to the beach in an open swimsuit, even with a beautiful figure. Avoiding stretch marks with a genetic predisposition is almost impossible, so prevention is extremely important. And the fight against the problem must begin as early as possible.

Causes of stretch marks on the abdomen

Stretch marks (they are also stretch marks) are an aesthetic skin defect that manifests itself in the form of linear stripes where it stretches the most, atrophying. Most often it is the stomach, although there are other problem areas. There are no unpleasant sensations from them, with the exception of psychological discomfort. Most often, this problem is faced by women, but for men, stretch marks are not uncommon.

The bright color of fresh stretch marks is due to subcutaneous hemorrhages.

Fresh stretch marks stand out sharply on the body due to the purple, reddish blue or mauve color. Over time, when the damaged vessels are tightened, they gradually become thinner and lighter, turning into whitish-pearl or grayish-silver lines, resembling scars, sometimes drawn inwards. The process stretches for 10-15 months. Average length striae vary from 1–2 to 8–10 cm, width - 1–5 mm. Defects should be dealt with as soon as possible. Chronic stretch marks do not disappear without a trace, it is impossible in principle.

The later you realize it, the more difficult it is to get rid of stretch marks, gradually they literally eat into the skin

The appearance of stretch marks, which are scars, is a consequence of microtrauma in the middle layers of the skin. Collagen and elastin fibers responsible for the elasticity of the dermis, due to a sharp stretching of the skin or other reasons, become thinner, then microtears form. To close them, the body forms connective tissue. In fact, these are the same collagen and elastin, but not in the form of individual fibers, but a continuous mass. Therefore, it is much rougher.

Normally, collagen and elastin fibers form a mesh that supports the skin; and the tissue at the site of the scars is a solid lump of them

Stretch marks stand out especially strongly on swarthy and tanned skin. The connective tissue has no pigment, does not change color under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Against the background of a tan, stretch marks stand out especially sharply, practically without changing color.

Stretch marks can also be a symptom of some diseases. You can tell by their position. With problems with the endocrine system, stretch marks are located horizontally.

Reasons for stretch marks:

The appearance of stretch marks without any obvious cause requires immediate medical attention. For example, such a symptom is characteristic of emerging malignant tumors. Having noticed striae on the stomach, it is better to play it safe and first consult a general practitioner, gastroenterologist and endocrinologist.

Video: causes of stretch marks on the body

Home remedies for stretch marks

The arsenal of home remedies for eliminating stretch marks on the abdomen is quite wide. But they must be started as early as possible. Old striae cannot be completely removed even by more radical methods. are good folk remedies and for prevention. All-natural composition determines their benefits for the skin. An allergy test is preliminarily carried out - a little mixture is applied to the elbow or wrist from the inside. Wait 3-4 hours, in the absence of a negative reaction, feel free to use the remedy.

Creams and other care products

Cream is a basic skin care product. This applies not only to the face, but also to the body.

Recipes for home remedies for stretch marks:

Video: mumiyo from stretch marks


Oils and their mixtures not only fight stretch marks, but also effectively soften the skin. Ready formulations are rubbed into the healed tissues several times a day, lightly massaging them in a circle, preheating to body temperature.

Recipes for oil mixtures to get rid of stretch marks:

Wheat germ, almond, jojoba, avocado oils give the best effect in the fight against stretch marks. Of the esters, lavender, mint, rosemary, neroli, rose, clove, and mandarin oils are considered the most effective.

In pharmacies essential oils are presented in a wide range, many of them can be used to combat stretch marks


Scrubs effectively cleanse the skin of dead particles, stimulate its renewal at the cellular level. Use scrubs no more than twice a week, taking a shower. When rubbing them into the skin on the abdomen, be careful, it is quite thin, easily stretched. Then a nourishing cream is applied.

Recipes for making homemade scrubs:


The mixture (for each procedure must be freshly prepared) is applied for at least 45-50 minutes. Use masks daily, with hypersensitive skin - 2-3 times a week.

Mixtures for homemade masks for stretch marks on the abdomen:

Video: body masks to help remove stretch marks


Lotion is a less common, but also quite effective remedy. Areas of skin with striae are rubbed with it 2-3 times a day.

Homemade lotion recipes:

Bath mixes and infusions

The temperature of the water in the bath should not exceed 37ºС. Duration and frequency of procedures - no more than 20 minutes every 2-3 days. During pregnancy, be sure to consult a gynecologist beforehand.

Common bath mixes:

Home wraps

Wrap - efficient procedure to fight fresh striae. The mixtures used restore skin tone, give it elasticity, saturate it with vitamins and microelements. As a result, the relief is leveled. The procedure combines the effects of lifting, peeling and lymphatic drainage.

Wraps are done like this:

  1. The mixtures are applied to clean, dry skin, lightly rubbed with massaging movements in a circle.
  2. Then the area of ​​the body is wrapped with a polyethylene film in 2-3 layers, if possible hermetically. Additional warmth is provided by covering the body with a blanket or doing physical work.
  3. The remains of the product are washed off with warm water after 45-60 minutes.
  4. An intensely nourishing cream or milk is applied to the skin.

Wraps are carried out no more than once every 2-3 days. To reduce stretch marks, you will need 8-12 procedures.

After applying the mixture for wrapping on the stomach, take care to warm up the dermis and muscles well.

Wraps have a rather long list of contraindications. The most common are varicose veins and other vascular problems, heart disease.

Popular recipes for body wraps:

Video: preparing a mixture for wrapping

Purchased cosmetics and pharmaceutical products

The range of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products designed to combat stretch marks is quite wide. Often they provide a complex effect, not only removing stretch marks and tightening the skin, but also deeply nourishing and moisturizing.

Remedies for stretch marks, which are sold in pharmacies and stores:

  • Weleda Stretch Mark Massage Oil. The composition does not contain components of animal origin, which is confirmed by quality certificates. It is a mixture of wheat germ, jojoba, almond oils with the addition of arnica extract. The oil has a pleasant non-sticky texture, there is no pronounced pungent odor. It works in the deep layers of the dermis, intensively nourishing the skin.
  • Vichy Complete Action Anti-Stretch Mark Cream. Cream based on thermal water. The composition includes silicon, which actively strengthens collagen and elastin fibers. Recommended for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Double action cream Mustela 9 Mois. In addition to removing stretch marks, it provides intensive nutrition (shea and avocado oils are included in the composition) and activates regenerative processes (Japanese sophora extract). The cream is instantly absorbed, economical to use.
  • Avent Indulgent Body Cream. Light, non-greasy cream based on shea butter can be applied even before going out, it will not stain clothes. The composition includes algae extract, restoring skin elasticity and turgor. The cream is hypoallergenic, the light aroma of citrus does not cause disgust even during severe toxicosis.
  • Cream against stretch marks Sanosan. The most budget option of the described. Oily texture, so it is applied mainly at night. Intensively nourishes due to the presence of wheat proteins in the composition. Natural olive oil binds water molecules in tissues, smoothing the skin.

    Sanosan cream is the best option for fighting stretch marks, based on the price-quality ratio

  • Phytolastil ampoules from Lierac. The composition contains an extract of horsetail rhizomes (a source of silicon that activates collagen synthesis) and ivy (relieves inflammation, dissolves fat under the skin). Course treatment is necessary - within two months, two ampoules a day. There is also a gel of the same brand, but ampoules are a more concentrated product.

    Phytolastil ampoules are effective in fighting stretch marks if applied in a course

  • Intensive Anti-Stretch Marks Cream Collistar. The composition includes hyaluronic acid, which increases the elasticity of the skin and amino acids, blocking the process of splitting elastin. It is not recommended to use the cream if you know that you have a tendency to allergic reactions.
  • Body cream for stretch marks Mama Comfort. Another available option. Suitable for pregnant and lactating women with sensitive skin. The effect is provided by horse chestnut extract, which activates blood flow and the supply of tissues with oxygen and nutrients.
  • Gel elastic from Fitness Body. Gel jelly-like consistency, used as a mask. Contains natural elastin.
  • Cream Clarins Stretch Mark Control. Suitable for pregnant women and teenagers. Thanks to natural components, lipid metabolism is normalized, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is activated. The cream is used not only to combat stretch marks (even old ones), but also to prevent their appearance.
  • Pregnacare Cream. The use of the cream activates the processes of tissue renewal at the cellular level, increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin. There are contraindications for use.
  • Cream Mama Donna Chicco. It is absolutely safe for the child, hypoallergenic. The composition includes wheat germ and rice bran oils, vitamins E and PP. The cream is good for the prevention and control of stretch marks. In the latter case, a 3-month course is usually enough.
  • Ointment Contractubex. It is applied to the skin and added to the water when taking baths. The composition includes allantoin, sodium heparin, onion extract, which effectively relieve inflammation and activate regeneration processes.
  • Fat Burning Serum Eveline. Adipose tissue dissolves thanks to caffeine, ginger and retinol. Vitamin complex provides nutrition, kelp extract - moisturizing.
  • Aekol and Aevit. Liquid oil solution and capsules with vitamins A and E. The first is applied externally, the second - internally. Stimulate skin regeneration. They often cause allergies.

    Vitamins A and E are vital for skin regeneration

  • Emulsion Bepantol. Suitable for pregnant and lactating women. The effect is provided by dexpanthenol, which stimulates the natural regeneration of the skin. The product is hypoallergenic, effectively combats the feeling of dryness and itching.

    Bepanthol is a hypoallergenic emulsion that restores skin elasticity and intensively moisturizes it.

Video: review of creams for stretch marks

Cosmetic treatments for stretch marks

Cosmetologists also have their own arsenal of techniques for removing stretch marks. But they are also powerless to remove old striae. The only thing that will work is to slightly smooth out the whitish stripes by leveling the relief. Most likely, based on the scale of the problem, the cosmetologist will simultaneously recommend several procedures that have a complex effect.

Salon treatments for stretch marks:

  • Chemical peeling. Essentially a controlled skin burn. Dissolving dead cells and the surface layer of the epidermis, strong acids (trichloroacetic, alpha-hydroxy acid) activate the process of collagen synthesis. Phenolic acid gives the most pronounced effect, but the procedure is painful, has contraindications and a long (about six months) rehabilitation period.

    By dissolving dead cells and the surface layer of the epidermis, acids activate the process of collagen synthesis

  • Laser peeling (polishing). Beforehand, a cream with a high concentration of vitamin C is applied to the skin for 1.5–2 months. Stretch marks are treated with a high-power laser beam, which “evaporates” damaged tissues in layers. Erbium or carbon dioxide lasers are used depending on the extent of the problem. The disadvantage is a high probability of the appearance of age spots.

    From cosmetic procedures laser peeling in the fight against stretch marks is most effective

  • Mesotherapy. It's a cocktail based injection hyaluronic acid. Other ingredients - plant extracts, vitamins, trace elements. The process of skin restoration is activated, the texture of stretch marks is evened out. There are also special enzymes that destroy coarse scar tissue.

    Mixtures for injections during mesotherapy for each client are selected individually

  • Microdermabrasion. The skin is polished with the smallest diamond, corundum or aluminum dust. The top damaged layer is removed. The procedure is relatively painless, but not suitable if you need to treat a large area. Only small fresh stretch marks can be removed.

    Microdermabrasion with the appearance of stretch marks is rarely resorted to, the procedure is effective only in the presence of minor problems.

  • ELOS. The skin is simultaneously affected by laser and radio frequency radiation, a stream of light. This stimulates the processes of cell division and collagen synthesis.

    Saturation of the middle and deep layers of the skin with oxygen and ozone activates metabolism

  • LPG massage. Vacuum massage normalizes metabolism, activates the process of collagen production. You can carry it out at home with the help of cans, but the effect will be less pronounced.

    Vacuum massage at home can be done using glass or modern silicone jars

    RF-lifting provides high precision of exposure, the tissues surrounding the problem area are not affected in any way

  • Carboxytherapy. These are carbon dioxide injections. The process of supplying tissues with oxygen is activated, the elasticity of the skin increases, and the relief is leveled. You can reduce the depth of stretch marks, smooth their edges.

    Saturation of tissues with carbon dioxide during carboxytherapy provides an intensive supply of oxygen to them.

A radical way out of the situation - Plastic surgery. Excess skin along with stretch marks are simply cut off, the tissues are tightened. But it's hard enough to decide. Also, abdominoplasty (excision of the skin on the abdomen) has a large list of complications and contraindications.

Prevention of stretch marks on the abdomen

Preventing stretch marks is easier than trying to get rid of them later. Maximum attention to prevention will have to be paid with a genetic predisposition to stretch marks.

Effective measures:

Video: prevention of stretch marks in pregnant women

Throughout her life, a woman tries to keep herself in shape in order to be attractive and desirable for her man. However, this is far from always possible, especially after childbirth or other serious hormonal changes in the body. After all, then the figure of a woman undergoes significant changes. Naturally, the question arises of whether on the stomach quickly and effectively. Currently, there are many options available, ranging from salon procedures and ending with the means used at home.

How to remove stretch marks on the stomach? Preventing them from appearing

So, if your skin is very delicate and not elastic enough, then it needs special care. The skin should be constantly moisturized with a special one, especially after a shower. Some recommend using cream instead. olive oil. It is truly unique in composition and useful properties: it contains a large amount of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the skin. If available excess weight with which you seriously decided to part, then in addition to diets and exercise you need to go for a massage. But you do not need to start a hunger strike and drastically lose weight. When we switch to proper nutrition and do not forget about moderate physical activity, we lose weight without harm to health. In addition, the gradual destruction of all excess will provide a long-term result, and the skin will tighten itself due to elasticity.

How to remove stretch marks on the stomach? We regulate nutrition

The formation of striae in itself is damage to the skin at a deep level, so their destruction will take a long time. In this regard, it is worth morally attuning to painstaking work. First of all, we pay attention to our own diet. If the body, along with food, receives the whole complex of vitamins and beneficial trace elements, then the skin condition changes as if by magic. To do this, you will have to give up fried and flour dishes, sweets such as cakes, pastries and other things. At the same time, we increase the amount of vegetables and fruits, vegetable oils. Meat and fish need to be steamed - this way the maximum of useful substances is preserved in the products. And of course, it is necessary to restore the water balance in the body, that is, you should drink at least two liters of water per day.

How to remove stretch marks on the stomach at home?

In order to get rid of hated stretch marks without the help of cosmetic procedures, you need to use any means that increase blood circulation. For example, body wraps are perfect, you can add a little cream with a high content of collagen. And various kinds of oils (such as almond or coconut) can be removed. Only immediately before rubbing in the oils, it is better to do a shallow massage on the basis. After preparing insoluble coffee, the grounds should be mixed with a small amount of shower gel, and the mixture should be used as a body scrub. Shilajit is famous for its excellent properties. It is diluted with a little warm water and added to baby cream. Problem areas are treated with a homogeneous mass. It is better to store the mixture in the refrigerator, but not more than a month, since the product is natural, which means it is perishable.

Many women around the world are asking this question: is it possible to remove stretch marks on the stomach? How wonderful that would be! After all, such a problem worries a large number of people, and it can arise at any time in life. To date, it is not known why stretch marks occur, many experts agree that the reasons why they appear are:

  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • rapid weight gain or the process of rapid weight loss;
  • individual characteristics of the organism;
  • the ability of the skin to stretch without visible changes. Here, the collagen contained in the skin is of great importance;
  • heredity.

Stretch marks can worry both adult women and adolescents during puberty. And they also appear in men, although they suffer from this skin defect much less than women. Why is this happening? Because men's skin is slightly different from women's. She is denser. Let's leave behind the scenes the structure of the skin and just say that such a phenomenon as stretch marks is the place to be. And in this case, when stretch marks are found with bitterness, a reasonable question arises: is there a means of combating it, what are the methods of treatment, and is it possible to remove it altogether? And how to remove permanently at home.

A little about stretch marks

When the question cleared up a little: why did striae appear (as stretch marks are called in the official language of specialists). Then the following arises: what they look like. Therefore, I would like to describe a little the appearance of the enemy of our beauty and attractiveness!

Outwardly, stretch marks look like light stripes on the skin. But it is worth noting that the newly appeared striae are red, while the old ones are colorless. And even as if in blueness. Usually fresh striae itch a little. By the way, with those stretch marks that itch and itch, it will be easier to fight (but more on that later!). If we turn to the photo of striae, it can be noted that they are very reminiscent of unpleasant scars.

An ugly picture, of course, emerges, but what to do? Let's tune in for the best and take all measures to remove as many old stretch marks as possible and prevent the formation of new ones!

Get rid of stretch marks at home

Well, if stretch marks have appeared on our skin, let's be frank that at this point in time it is difficult to remove them forever, since the striae themselves are a rupture of the connective tissue with its subsequent scarring. That is, in fact, it is a scar and deep enough. But here is to make it less pronounced in our power!

When do stretch marks appear? As mentioned above, most often they appear when we have recovered strongly and quickly or at the time of a sharp weight loss. The main area of ​​striae is the abdomen. But sometimes they appear on other parts of the body: the back, arms, chest, lower back, and even on the calves and thighs. In women, stretch marks on the abdomen are formed during pregnancy, when there is weight gain. Therefore, in order to avoid stretch marks, you need to be puzzled in advance by such a question: did my mother and grandmother have such a skin? If the answer is no, then the striae will most likely bypass you, but if the answer was “yes”, then here you need to approach the solution of the problem more seriously, be aware of how to remove stretch marks on the stomach.

It is necessary to smear the skin of the abdomen with a special collagen cream every day so that the cream strengthens its own collagen, moisturizes the skin and, possibly, helps get rid of stretch marks. Which cream to choose? In pharmacies and specialized stores for expectant mothers, they will tell you which cream is right for you. Such a tool is quite suitable for us to preserve the skin at home. Stomach will grow, but with such care, the occurrence of stretch marks will be minimal. And after the birth of a child during a period of sharp weight loss, you also need to use the cream, continuing to smear the stomach. Why? For the same reason as described above.

Peeling and polishing of striae

It is necessary to smear the stomach even if the striae have already appeared. It is difficult to get rid of them so that they would not be, but to reduce them - yes. Old scars need to be dealt with with peels and scrubs. This tool works like a micro-polishing and even at home you can achieve good results. Such resurfacing once in a while, as it were, “erases” the top layer of striae, thereby allowing the removal of rough scar tissue.

Homemade simple scrub made from honey and sea ​​salt a clear example of this. Massage of problem areas of the body, which appeared in the process of rapid weight loss, with such a scrub for a quarter of an hour daily, will soon give visible results. They will be especially noticeable on those striae that are red (fresh). After this procedure, be sure to smear the skin using a moisturizing, tightening cream. Again, removing old scars is extremely difficult. But they will become less noticeable.

Massage in the fight against stretch marks

Massage has proven itself well in the fight against stretch marks at home. Treatment with this method allows you to get rid of fresh stretch marks again. The abdomen and other affected parts of the body should be smeared using special cream massaging thoroughly. Massage causes a rush of blood, and the cream works as a moisturizing and regenerating agent. Massage is carried out at first with rubbing, warming movements, gradually increasing the amplitude and effort. Such a massage can remove stretch marks on the abdomen only if it is carried out systematically, with patience and faith in success. Photos of how to conduct such a massage can be found in many sources.

Do men get stretch marks?

Maybe what we say will somewhat please the beautiful half of humanity: yes, men also have stretch marks. Both red (fresh) and light. And, yes, they also worry about it. After all, striae look unattractive on any person. Therefore, they also want to get rid of them and do it as if they never existed!

In men, the problem areas are the same: the abdomen, arms, legs, buttocks, sometimes the lower back and chest. And the reasons why striae appear are the same: weight gain, a period of sharp weight loss, hormonal disruptions in the body.

Treatment and prevention in men are the same as previously described methods. That is, this is a massage, and micro-polishing of the skin at home, and a cream that needs to be smeared on problem areas. And they will have to remove stretch marks on the stomach in the same way. It just somehow happened that we used to think that this topic concerns men in passing. Why? Not at all! Although the structure of their skin is somewhat different from that of women, they also have the problem of stretch marks.

They, just like us, suffer from excessive weight loss, from excessive replenishment, looking at their rounded belly in the mirror. They suffer from baldness and graying! But that's another topic of conversation.

Alternative Methods for Solving the Problem

There are many alternative methods to get rid of stretch marks on the abdomen during periods of weight loss or weight gain. If you do not believe in the successful outcome of activities carried out at home, then why not turn to more drastic ones. And especially if the stomach is just in such a deplorable state that you are embarrassed to go to the beach in the summer. They will remove the main number of stretch marks and prevent the formation of new ones. And how great it would be to show off your beautiful skin in the beach season! So: about some ways to remove stretch marks on the stomach.


Plastic surgery will help us to put the stomach in order and get rid of stretch marks. Abdominoplasty is a plastic surgery of the abdomen, a surgical operation performed in specialized clinics. The procedure allows you to get rid of excess skin resulting from weight loss immediately along with stretch marks. As a result, the stomach takes the correct nice shape. The skin on the abdomen is smoothed out. Plastic surgery promises long-term results.


Skin plastic surgery using microcrystals. Why does the skin become more aesthetic? Due to the fact that the top layer of the skin is gradually removed, the stretch marks look less pronounced.

Laser treatment of striae

Recently, laser treatment is gaining more and more popularity. There are good reasons for this: if massage, cream do not help, and it is difficult for you to decide on abdominoplasty for some reason, then you can try to get rid of stretch marks using this remedy. Laser plastic surgery of the skin is now quite easily tolerated, as a result of which it can be performed on any part of the body. A little earlier this treatment was more painful. The adaptation period is also quite short.

Chemical peeling and photo pigmentation

At chemical peeling plastic surgery of the abdominal skin occurs due to chemicals that break down the top layers of the skin. The skin is regenerated, scars disappear. We can say that this is a rough polishing of the skin. Photo pigmentation allows you to get rid of stretch marks with the help of a light flux, which stimulates the production of your own collagen in the skin and helps to remove chronic stretch marks. A procedure such as skin plastic surgery will also be appropriate.

Azono and meso therapy

In the first case azone is introduced into problem areas, in the second meso cocktails. Stretch marks treatment is achieved through the regeneration of skin cells. It will be difficult to remove completely old scars, but new ones - yes.

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