How to check paternity with the maximum accuracy of the result? How can I find out who I'm pregnant with? How to determine if your child is without DNA

Includes a series of procedures aimed at clarifying the existence of a family relationship between a man and a child. There are several main methods for establishing paternity: by resemblance (eye color, facial features), blood type, date of conception, and also by DNA analysis. The latter method is the most reliable and can be presented as evidence in court. Paternity is usually established by a geneticist.

Methods for establishing paternity

Methods for establishing paternity vary in the degree of complexity, reliability of the results and the value of the data obtained in terms of the possibility of their use as evidence in court. Below are the most well-known methods for determining paternity:

Determination of paternity by external signs

External signs, such as eye color, hair and skin color, similarity of facial features, etc., cannot serve as a reason to confirm or deny paternity. This is due to the fact that although external signs are determined genetically, they can nevertheless vary and manifest themselves to varying degrees from case to case. The inconsistency of the method of determining paternity based on the external similarity of a child and a man is also confirmed by the fact of the existence of so-called twins - people who have no family connection, but at the same time are very similar to each other in external data. Thus, on the basis of whether or not a child is similar to his alleged father, it is impossible to determine the relationship between a man and a child.

Establishing paternity by date of conception and gestational age

The need to establish paternity often arises in cases where, during 1 menstrual cycle, a woman had sexual intercourse with different men. IN similar situations, for a preliminary and inaccurate determination of paternity, you can try to calculate the date on which the maximum probability of conception occurred. A man who had sexual intercourse with a woman shortly before or after this date is most likely the father of the child. It has been determined that in women with a regular menstrual cycle, the maximum probability of conception occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, that is, approximately 14-15 days after the start of the next menstruation. However, as practical observations show, in many women the moment of maximum probability of conception cannot be determined accurately. Detailed description how to determine the likelihood of pregnancy in different periods menstrual cycle are presented in articles and. Determination of paternity based on a comparison of the possible date of conception with the date of sexual intercourse is greatly complicated by the fact that spermatozoa (male germ cells) can "survive" in a woman's body for 3-5 days after intercourse. This means that conception can occur several days after sex, and that the father of a child can be a man who had sexual intercourse with a woman a few days before the possible date of conception, even if the woman had sex with another man on the very date of conception. Determination of paternity is also possible on the basis of the term (age of pregnancy). The gestational age can also be determined by ultrasound, but even with the most advanced ultrasound equipment, it is extremely difficult to determine the date of conception to the nearest day. Cm. . Thus, determining paternity based on the possible date of conception or gestational age is completely impossible in cases where a woman has had sexual intercourse with different partners within a short period of time.

Determination of paternity by blood type

Blood type paternity testing is a preliminary method for assessing the likelihood of a blood relationship between a man and a child. When using this method, a negative result is 99% accurate, while a positive result can be quite inaccurate. Due to the fact that the determination of the blood type of the child is carried out mainly after his birth, the method of determining paternity based on the study of the blood groups of the parents and the child is used only after the child is born. The principle of determining paternity by blood type and Rh factor (Rh factor) is that the blood type of a child is determined by a set of genes that are transmitted to him from his father and mother. Below is a table by which you can determine which blood type a child can have, depending on the blood type of his parents. How to use the table: the mother's blood group is indicated vertically, the father's blood group is indicated horizontally. In the cell of the table, located at the intersection of the blood groups of the mother and father, the blood types that the child may have are indicated.

Father's blood type

Mother's blood group
Thus, if the child is a carrier of another blood type, which is not in the cell at the intersection of the "lines" of the mother and the possible father, the result should be considered negative. This means that the man for whom the data was checked is most likely not the father of the child. Determination of paternity by the Rh factor is less valuable than by the AB0 system. Rh-positive parents (Rh+) can have an Rh-negative child, but if both parents are Rh-negative, then all their children will also be Rh-negative.

Father's blood type

Mother's blood group

Paternity determination based on DNA analysis

DNA paternity test is currently the most accurate and valuable method, as its results are very accurate and can be presented as evidence in court. The principle of establishing paternity based on a DNA test is as follows: In the DNA of each person there are special sequences chemical substances, which are practically unique (that is, individual for each person). At the time of conception, the baby receives genetic material (unique sequences) from both parents. DNA analysis allows you to determine whether there are unique DNA sequences of a possible father in the DNA of a child. The most accurate DNA test results can be obtained if biological material (such as a blood sample or cell scraping) from the child, the alleged father and mother is submitted to the laboratory for analysis. However, if it is not possible to obtain material from the mother, the results will still be sufficiently substantiated and reliable. The accuracy of the DNA test is 100% for a negative result and 99.9% for a positive result. For DNA analysis, an insignificant amount of biological material is required: as a rule, it is blood from a vein, scraping from the mucous membrane of the inside of the cheek, hair, or nails. Since these materials can only be obtained from a newborn child, a DNA test using them is carried out after the birth of the child. As a rule, a DNA test is carried out within 14 days. If an urgent result is needed, the test is carried out in 3 days. Some laboratories provide home DNA testing services. The data obtained as a result of a home DNA analysis cannot be presented as evidence in court, but it will help dispel, or vice versa, confirm the doubts of one of the child's parents.

Home DNA Paternity Test

To perform a home paternity test, you must contact the laboratory that provides this service. The lab will send you a kit with necessary tools for the collection of biological material, as well as detailed instructions on its use. After sampling, the biological material is sent by mail to the laboratory, where DNA testing is carried out. As a rule, the results come 3 days after the material is received by the laboratory.

Is it possible to accurately determine paternity before the birth of a child?

In cases where paternity must be established before the birth of the child, DNA testing is used using biological materials from the fetus, which can be obtained as follows:
  1. A biopsy of the chorionic villi is carried out for a period of -. To obtain the biological material of the fetus, the doctor, under the control of an ultrasound machine, inserts a needle through the vagina or the anterior wall of the abdomen, reaching the fetal membrane (chorion). The risk of miscarriage resulting from this procedure is less than 1%.
  2. Amniocentesis is a procedure for obtaining amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) for genetic research. Amniocentesis can be performed at term -. The amniotic fluid sampling procedure is carried out by a gynecologist: under the control of an ultrasound machine, the doctor inserts a long thin needle through the skin of the anterior abdominal wall, penetrates through the uterus and takes the required amount of amniotic fluid for examination. The risk of complications and spontaneous termination of pregnancy as a result of amniocentesis is less than 1%.
  3. Cordocentesis is performed at a gestational age of more than -20 weeks. During cordocentesis, fetal blood is taken from the vessels of the umbilical cord. The risk of complications of this method is also less than 1%.
The accuracy of determining paternity before the birth of a child using DNA testing is very high and is 99-100%

Children are often born outside of official marriage, and the question arises of how to formalize the relationship between such a child and his father. In such cases, establishing paternity is the only option in which an official relationship appears between them.

Sometimes the recognition of paternity is a pure formality, otherwise it may be necessary to determine paternity through genetic examination, so that the father is convinced that the child is really from him, and it even happens that the establishment of the fact of paternity is necessary for the father himself in order to assert his rights. All these cases and how to prove paternity in each of them will be discussed further.

The methods of establishing paternity are as follows: voluntary and judicial. The second, in turn, is divided into two more: with the help of a claim or special proceedings - this option is used if the father is dead, and it is necessary to protect the inheritance rights of his offspring.

Voluntary order

Establishing the fact of paternity on a voluntary basis should be carried out only if, without additional actions, the man will not be considered the father of the child. The procedure for establishing paternity on a voluntary basis is carried out if the citizen agrees to recognize himself as the father, and then it is only necessary to make an appropriate legal act.

Usually it is necessary to establish paternity due to the fact that the father and mother of the child did not register their relationship, and even if the first one participates in material support child, without legal recognition of the father, he will not be considered. And in order to get such a right, it will be necessary to go to the registry office to submit a special application, the parents do it together.

Sometimes problems arise due to the fact that it is impossible to bring the second parent to the registry office - one of these reasons may be the death of the mother. Then you will first have to prove paternity with the help of a genetic examination, or it will be necessary to arrange custody of the child - and only then will they be allowed to take him to themselves. The application form for acknowledging paternity will be different - you can also see it here.

But how to prove paternity, and what will be the procedure for establishing paternity in case of voluntary recognition?

The standard procedure is as follows: parents submit an application - either one joint application is acceptable, or two separate applications if they are unable to appear together - then the absent parent must have his signature certified by a notary. An example of a joint statement can be found here.

You can apply immediately after the birth of the child, and after a certain period of time. If it is submitted after receiving a birth certificate, then this certificate must be attached. Moreover, even filing before the birth of the child is allowed - then it must be supported by a medical certificate confirming the pregnancy, and, in addition, there must be grounds for submitting the document in advance - usually it is impossible to do this soon after the birth of the child, for example, from because one of the parents has to leave for a long time.

The two main conclusions that follow from the recognition of the statement are:

  • the paternity of a citizen is recognized as a fact;
  • the mother also confirms agreement with the confession.

Note: in order to recognize the fact of paternity, a citizen must be capable. An exception is made only for those who have the status of not fully capable due to their minor age, who can be recognized as fathers if they themselves agree to this.

court order

But not always there is good will on the part of the father of the child - sometimes he does not agree to recognize him as his own. This means that the determination of paternity is carried out in judicial order. The verdict of the court will give the right to demand payment of alimony.


You can apply to the court:

  • either parent;
  • guardian;
  • the child himself after reaching the age of majority.

Note that there are no statute of limitations for such cases, and a claim can be filed at any time.

A sample application, which you can rely on when compiling your own, is attached to the article.

Application form:

  • personally by the plaintiff to the office of the court;
  • through a representative;
  • by registered mail.


When establishing paternity, evidence will be required, namely:

  • written confirmation of ties between parents;
  • testimonies of witnesses, as well as the parties themselves;
  • recordings in video or audio format that can serve as confirmation.

In the event that a man still refuses to recognize the child as his own, it will be necessary to conduct a DNA examination in order to dismiss any doubts or, conversely, to reveal that he really had reasons to doubt this.

Special cases

If it is established that the citizen recognized the fact of paternity, however, was not bound by marriage to the mother of the child and died without having time to recognize him officially as his own, the question arises - how to recognize paternity. Since there are no obvious options, recognition by a court decision is allowed even without additional evidence - it all comes down to the fact that you only need to establish the fact of recognition of paternity by a citizen.

For children born out of wedlock before October 1, 1968, a simplified procedure applies - paternity will be confirmed if the child was dependent on the alleged father.

Is DNA testing necessary?

The only way to establish paternity, if the intended parent does not want to recognize it, will be a genetic examination.

However, people often ask if it is really necessary and how to determine paternity without DNA. This is because, although it is with its help that one can most accurately establish kinship, however, it is expensive in all respects: both materially and psychologically. It will be especially difficult for a child if he is already old enough and understands well what is happening, and that dad does not want to recognize him as his own. As for the answer to the question, is it possible to do without an examination - alas, if a parent does not want to admit that the child is his, it can be finally proved only by conducting it.

We also note one more important point- it is necessary that the examination was precisely appointed by the court. If a man himself needs to prove that this is his child, and he makes an examination without a corresponding court decision, it will not be an argument for state bodies and, perhaps, it will need to be done again later.

How to prove paternity with DNA? Since the child receives the genetic code from both parents, in order to establish paternity, it is necessary to analyze the scraping of his dad's epithelial cells for a match of genetic markers. The accuracy of the examination is practically the maximum possible - the probability of an error does not exceed 0.01%, and this is in case of confirmation, but with a negative answer, the accuracy is completely one hundred percent.

Based on the data of the examination, the court issues a verdict, however, although it is clear that this is a decisive argument with such a level of accuracy, formally the court cannot be based solely on the results of the examination, and in addition to them, other confirmations or refutations will be needed, and the decision is made according to their aggregates.

Nevertheless, in fact, it is the genetic examination that is the only reliable way to prove paternity, but its implementation is somewhat complicated by the following points:

  • high level of costs;
  • not everywhere there is appropriate equipment;
  • results will take a long time.

What documents are required?

You also need to know what documents are needed to establish paternity. We list them briefly, it is desirable to clarify each time the list directly on the spot. In any case, a direct application written jointly by the parents, or two separate ones, will be required. If the child is already an adult, his consent will also be required, which can be issued in the form of a separate document or simply signed in the parent application.

Of course, passports will be needed to confirm the identity of the applicants, and a birth certificate of the child - but it is only necessary if it has already been issued, if not, you can do without it. Finally, you will need a receipt confirming the payment of the fee.

But this is the case if both parents apply. If one father, in addition to the passport, receipt and consent of the child, will need a document explaining the situation - that is, why the application was submitted only by the father. As such, there is a certificate of the death of the mother, declaring her incompetent, a court decision on the deprivation parental rights and so on. If the child has not yet reached the age of majority, instead of his consent, the consent of the guardianship authorities will be required.

These are all the documents to establish paternity that will need to be submitted.

The amount of the state fee

An application for establishing the fact of paternity is submitted after the entry into force of the court decision, and a registration fee must be paid. The state duty for establishing paternity is 350 rubles. A certificate will be issued on the day of application.

You will be interested

Unfortunately, sometimes there are situations when a woman cannot say with absolute certainty that this or that man is the biological father of her child.

Of course, an unambiguous answer to this question can be obtained by conducting a medical DNA test, but not everyone has the desire or the material opportunity to conduct it.

Thus, the price of genetic tests to determine paternity remains high in 2019, even despite the high level of development of genetics.

In addition, the court does not in all cases agree to satisfy the petition regarding this examination.

Are there other proven ways to determine paternity without DNA? Yes, but the result of such methods can be called by no means the most reliable, but only approximate.

To establish paternity, it is necessary to conduct a series of procedures aimed directly at determining the relationship between a child and a man who is presumably his biological father.

When is a paternity test required? The need for this appears in the event that it is necessary to refute or confirm kinship.

So, there are 2 ways to legally resolve this issue:

  • voluntary - extrajudicial;
  • judicial.

The first option concerns those cases when the mother or father at the time of the birth of the joint child was not legally married, then paternity is established in the registry office.

If the mother was deprived of parental rights, she went missing or died, then the father must prepare a statement of paternity together with the guardians or directly with the child if he reaches the age of majority.

In the absence of the consent of one of the parents, an adult child or guardian, a person who wishes to change the state of kinship may file a lawsuit about this in court.

The following cases are usually dealt with in court:

  • a man abandoned a child who was born in marriage;
  • a man wants to recognize a child who was born out of wedlock as his own;
  • the mother of the child demands alimony for him from the biological father, who does not recognize the offspring;
  • other.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation, the fact of refutation or confirmation of paternity is determined during the consideration of various evidence provided in court.

Such arguments can be built on the basis of written, physical evidence, expert conclusions, the words of witnesses, and the like.

When putting forward their objections or claims, the participants in the trial are required to provide evidence.

Theoretically, it is possible to challenge paternity in court without DNA, since the use of the results of any method in court is acceptable. However, it should be borne in mind that calculations, even scientifically objective, have a certain percentage of error.

In turn, non-genetic methods of establishing paternity have an even higher error. However, you shouldn't give them up either.

They apply at least in the following cases:

  1. If the judge does not agree to conduct a genetic examination, because he considers that there are not enough grounds for this.
  2. If the dissenting party denies their family ties, then circumstantial evidence will help dispel doubts.

How to find out who the father of a child is without a DNA paternity test? Modern medicine can offer several basic methods for determining paternity.

All of them differ from each other in the degree of complexity and technique of implementation, in the materials used in the process, and, importantly, in the reliability of the results.

Usually, studies related to the establishment of paternity are carried out directly by geneticists.

To do this, they can use the following methods:

Let's consider each of them separately.

In most cases, the need to establish paternity arises when a woman had sexual relations with different men during one menstrual cycle.

How to do a paternity test without DNA? In such a situation, you can try to determine paternity beforehand, even during pregnancy, by calculating the day on which the highest probability of conception fell - the day of ovulation.

A man who had an intimate relationship with a woman directly on that day, or shortly before or after it, most likely is the biological father of the child.

It is well known that women who have a regular menstrual cycle, ovulation (maximum chance of conception) usually occurs 14-15 days after the start of the menstrual cycle.

However, practical observations have shown that for most women, the day of maximum probability of conception cannot be accurately determined.

Moreover, establishing paternity by the date of conception can be greatly complicated by the fact that the sex cells of a man (spermatozoa) can "live" in a woman's body for 3-5 days after sexual intercourse.

This means that conception can occur a few days after intercourse, so the real father of the child may be the man who had sexual relations with a woman even a few days before the expected date of conception.

Paternity can also be determined based on gestational age.. It can be installed on ultrasound, however, even the most advanced ultrasound equipment cannot determine absolutely the exact date conception.

Based on this, determining paternity by the possible date of conception or by the duration of pregnancy is impossible if the woman had intimate relationships with different men over a short period of time.

Experts have more than 20 different systems of blood groups. Most often, only 2 of them are used:

  1. Rh factor. Differences in the Rh factor of the blood.
  2. AB0 system. It is this system that is often meant when talking about the “blood type”.

Both blood typing systems are genetically determined, and therefore open up additional possibilities for establishing paternity.

The very principle of determining paternity by blood type and Rh factor is based on the relationship between the child's blood parameters and the set of genes that were passed on to him by his mother and father.

At the same time, confirmation of paternity (in case of matching blood types) does not give even a 50% guarantee of correctness, however, in case of a discrepancy, the accuracy of the data reaches up to 99%.

You can also compare the Rh factor of the blood of the child and the alleged father, but the following should be considered:

  1. It is possible that a man and a woman with a positive Rh factor will have a baby with a negative indicator.
  2. In men and women with negative Rh factor a child will be born exclusively with a negative indicator.

How to prove paternity without DNA? As a rule, caring mothers and their girlfriends are guided by the external similarity of the child and the alleged father.

However, at the same time, they should take into account that the baby will not necessarily be born with the same facial features, hair color, eyes as their parents.

The biological characteristics of people are such that children can inherit the traits of a grandfather, grandmother, great-grandfather, or many other relatives.

The inconsistency of the method of establishing paternity by the external resemblance of a man and a child is confirmed by the fact of the existence of twins - people who have no family connection, but at the same time, according to external data, they are very similar to each other.

Thus, only on the basis of the similarity of the child with the potential father, it is impossible to accurately determine their relationship.

Parents at the genetic level pass on to their children not only the character and external signs, but also a number of genetic diseases caused by mutations in the gene.

If the mother in the family did not have an ailment that appeared in the child, and the potential father or his closest relatives suffer from this disease, then this fact is an indirect confirmation of paternity.

What do parents need to consider?

Parents are obliged to be accountable for all actions taken, since the well-being of the unborn child completely depends on this. That is why parents should take the most responsible approach to establishing paternity.

Legally strong is only documentary evidence of parental rights, which is written in the birth certificate of the baby.

The results of establishing paternity by external resemblance, calculations in terms, by coincidence of blood groups cannot carry a 100% reliable evidence base, therefore, parents can use them only as moral reassurance.

All of the above methods of establishing paternity without the use of a DNA test carry no more than 50% accurate information.

If the father or mother of the child has big doubts, then the verified option in this case is precisely the result of the DNA test (officially confirmed). The probability of a reliable laboratory result is 99.9%.

Sometimes there are situations when pregnant women cannot determine from which men their future children are conceived. How can I find out who I'm pregnant with? This question is often asked on women's forums. In response, women with a similar problem receive a lot of advice on determining paternity. We have combined the most popular methods and now we will tell you about them.

How to find out from whom a woman is pregnant: ways

  1. The most accurate, but expensive, method is, of course, a DNA paternity test. It is 99.9% accurate (0.1% left for error). Biomaterials of the child and the potential father will be required to determine paternity. They are compared, and if they are similar, paternity is confirmed. If you are under 16 years of age, the consent of those responsible for you (parents or guardians) is required for such a study.
  2. The second method is inaccurate and less reliable, but allows you to find out who the father is even before the child is born. This is an obstetric method in which many points must be taken into account. Find out when a woman ovulated. To do this, remember the date of the first day of your last menstrual period and count from it 14 days ago. The date calculated in this way, plus or minus 1-2 days, is the most favorable period for conception when you could become pregnant. Also remember that some spermatozoa can survive in a woman's body for up to 7 days. It turns out that you became pregnant during the week before ovulation - ovulation. The one with whom you had sex at this time is probably the father of your unborn child. But this method, as we said earlier, is very unreliable. The menstrual cycle is very individual, there may be failures and delays. Ovulation could well have occurred a little earlier or a little later than usual, and you cannot know this for sure, therefore, there is a high risk of incorrectly calculating the favorable period for conception.
  3. Another method by which you can find out from whom a woman is pregnant is to conduct research on the expected date of conception and on the expected date of birth. The date of conception is determined by ultrasound at a period of 10-14 weeks. Knowing this date, you can guess who the father of the child is. Also, a study on the expected date of birth will help determine the father. When the date of birth is known, it must be counted from it 38 weeks ago. So you get the date of conception and you can understand who the possible father of the baby is.
  4. They also try to determine the father by blood type. So, if the blood types of the alleged fathers are different, then the child can inherit one of them. However, relying heavily on this method is also not worth it: the mother's blood also affects the blood type of the child. There are also cases when the father, mother and child have completely different blood types, this also happens.
  5. When a child is born, parents and relatives try their best to find outward resemblances to the father and mother in it, so many also consider this method of determining paternity. Of course, such observations and searches for similarities in appearance are very subjective, so this method cannot be trusted.
  6. You can also determine the father by the presence of genetic diseases in the child that the father could pass on to him. If no such diseases were observed in the mother's family, and they were suddenly detected in the child, then for sure they were transmitted through the paternal line.

Only a DNA test will help to find out exactly from whom a woman is pregnant. Therefore, for your own peace of mind, it is better to spend money and do a qualitative study.

There are several methods for determining paternity. And not every one of them gives a 100% guarantee of the reliability of the result. Therefore, the question “How to verify paternity with the highest probability?” widespread enough. This can only be done in the laboratory. Moreover, blood analysis and DNA analysis are the most effective ways. The latter is out of competition.

How to check paternity with a blood test?

Laboratory blood test, although not in the best possible way, with a certain degree of probability, still gives an answer to the question of paternity. With a negative result, its accuracy is 99%. At the same time, a positive answer in determining paternity can hardly be considered final. Rather, it will only be an assumption that will have to be confirmed by the results of DNA studies. But more about them later. In the meantime, about the principle of determining family ties by a blood test.

A person's blood type and Rh factor are determined by their genes. Genes are inherited from biological parents. Certain combinations of blood groups or Rh factors of the parents can only have certain groups and Rh factors of the child's blood. This is the basis of the principle of determining paternity using blood DNA analysis. If a child has a blood group or Rh that is “incompatible” with a combination of similar indicators in a mother and a potential father, the result, for obvious reasons, will be unambiguously negative. Therefore, sometimes it is enough to do just such a paternity test, the cost of which is lower than the cost of a DNA examination. With a negative result, it will be enough.

How to check paternity using DNA testing?

Benefits of DNA testing for father identification:

  1. 100% reliable for negative, and 99.9% for positive.
  2. Based on paragraph 1, the results of only such an examination can be used as an evidence base in a trial.
  3. A simple way to take biological material for research in adults and even young children.

Mandatory conditions for performing such a study:

  1. Availability of the necessary equipment.
  2. Availability of qualified personnel.
  3. Selected biological material of the child, potential father and mother.

Scraping from the inner surface of the cheek is often used as a material for research. This is a humane way, quite acceptable even for a child. A small amount of blood from a vein or saliva may also be used. The essence of the examination method is based on the fact that out of 23 pairs of chromosomes, half a person receives from the mother, half from the father. Thus, the DNA of the child will always match the DNA of his biological father by 50%.

The linear section of chromosomes that carries genetic information is called a locus. With the help of special equipment, these areas are identified and analyzed, being magnified millions of times. At the first stage, the determination of those chromosomes that are inherited from the mother occurs. Then the rest is compared with the genetic material obtained from the possible father. The coincidence revealed during the comparison with 99.9% probability speaks in favor of the fact that the man whose material was analyzed is the biological father of the child.

As can be seen from the essence of determining paternity using DNA examination, for more accurate results, it is important to provide the genetic material not only of the possible father, but also of the mother.

prenatal examination

This type of study is possible, has no errors in the accuracy of the result, but involves an invasive intervention in the life of the fetus to select genetic material - the villi of the fetal membrane, amniotic fluid or fetal blood from the umbilical cord.

Examination "at home"

Some laboratories, working remotely, offer to send a set of tools and a guide for collecting biological material by mail. This material is sent back to the laboratory, where the study is carried out and an official conclusion is issued. This method has the right to life in the case of an examination conducted in private, at the request of a person. Litigation is quite another matter. More on this later.

Legal component

It has already been mentioned that only DNA research can serve as an evidence base in litigation regarding paternity. But in accordance with current legislation even such expertise will not always be recognized. Therefore, if you rashly do a paternity test in the first laboratory that comes across, the cost of which is not at all small, the money will almost certainly be thrown “down the drain”. In order for the results to have full legal force, you need an official order of the judiciary on the need to undergo such an examination.

The manner in which samples are taken for examination is also a significant factor taken into account by the judiciary. Thus, an examination carried out with samples taken at home cannot have legal consequences.


The initiator of the examination is the father. The child is a minor. In this case, to obtain the biological material of the child, a notarized consent of the mother will be required. In this, and any other cases (if necessary or if you wish to perform a paternity test), you must first consult with a lawyer. Specialist in family law will help to avoid possible misunderstandings due to the nuances of the legislation.