Anti-aging facial massage: Pinch massage. Jacquet Massage: Benefits Through Pain Jacquet Massage Technique

Facial massage according to the Jacquet technique is a procedure based on the impact on the skin of the face with the help of tweezers. This technique is used to heal lesions on the skin, stimulates the metabolism, resulting in rapid healing of wounds, the disappearance of rashes, damage after cleansing the face, and more. others

The essence of the technique

Jacquet's massage stimulates the sebaceous glands, improves blood circulation, as a result of which the skin of the face is saturated with oxygen and cleansed, i.e. rejuvenation occurs naturally.

The massage technique was developed by the French dermatologist Jacquet at the beginning of the last century. This type of massage was developed primarily to combat acne, but as practice has shown, it can be used to achieve much better results.

Indications for use

  • an abundance of acne on the face;
  • acne, post-acne;
  • pigmentation;
  • oily seborrhea;
  • circulatory disorders in the subcutaneous tissues;
  • stagnation;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • scars, scars, folds;
  • large pores.

In the fight against acne and skin imperfections, cleansing and procedures carried out with the help of baking soda read how to conduct them correctly.


  • herpes;
  • eczema;
  • hypertension;
  • open wounds;
  • allergic rashes, flat warts;
  • oncological diseases;
  • viral diseases;
  • increased pain sensitivity;
  • elevated temperature;
  • capillary network;
  • chronic diseases during exacerbation;
  • hirsutism;
  • inflammation of the facial nerve.

Execution technique

Before the massage, special attention should be paid to cleaning the face and hands of the massage therapist with an antiseptic, since during the procedure, discharge from acne is possible, which means that there is an increased likelihood of infection in open wounds.

After cleaning, you can massage your face for several minutes in order to warm it up slightly and prepare it for the massage. Oils and creams cannot be used during the massage, and not only because it will interfere with making tucks. Oily skin prone to inflammation and acne, creams will not bring benefits. The only thing that can be used is talc without fragrances.

Jacquet's massage for the face is difficult to do on your own. It is better to entrust its implementation to professionals, since you can harm your appearance on your own. Massage is carried out by rhythmic tingling of the index and thumb, with the help of which the capture of individual areas of the skin is made. This technique has a great effect on the upper layer of the skin and on the subcutaneous tissue. Pinching should be strong, and this can only be done if the entire thickness of the skin is captured during the pinching. After pinching, with short and quick movements, the skin is compressed in all directions, covering the entire surface to be treated. During this process, the eel may come out with a curd or a black-headed rod. It looks like a cork that clogs a pore. Tweezing must necessarily alternate with light stroking and vibration, since without them the procedure will be too painful. At the same time, we must not forget about the lines, the movement along which stimulates the normal movement of blood and the work of the sebaceous glands. This prevents increased sebum secretion - the cause of acne. Jacquet massage allows you to influence the subcutaneous layers, which are not affected by conventional massage, when only the surface of the skin is massaged.

Massage should be carried out along the massage lines that are used in conventional massage.

  • You need to start from the interbrow cavity and move along the eyebrow arches towards the temples, along the forehead and up. It is difficult to pinch here, since there are only skin and bone here, but kneading and vibrations are possible. They will help smooth out wrinkles in the brow area.
  • Next, you need to massage the eye area along the upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eyes to the outer and back along the lower. Here, grips and pinches cannot be done, since you can stretch the skin and get the opposite effect instead of rejuvenation.
  • Massage lines from the middle of the nose diverge to the ears. In this area, pinching out aging skin can bring back a healthy glow.
  • Next, you should move from the wings of the nose to the cheekbones and auricles. You need to work here carefully, not with all your strength, so as not to disturb the elasticity of the skin. It is necessary to knead and warm up the muscles well to restore the contours of the cheeks and prevent them from sagging.
  • Do not pull the skin too much on the lines from the corners of the mouth to the earlobes. Moderately deep tucks will reduce the depth of the contrasting muscles, creating blood flow to this area.
  • The zone of the most intense impact is the line from the center of the chin to the lower jaw. Here, a point study is needed, which will get rid of the emerging second chin and tighten the contour of the face. When massaging this area, the head should be tilted back a little to maximize skin tension.
  • The neck line stretches up the center, from the neckline to the chin, and down from the ears to the shoulders. Massage of this zone reduces the flabbiness of the skin on the neck - the main enemy that betrays a woman's age. When developing this zone, the head should be thrown back.

After the massage, the face should be stretched a little, and then a soothing cream should be applied.

Cleansing and massage can last for thick skin - up to 17 minutes, for thin skin - 5 - 7 minutes. The full course includes about 10 - 20 sessions 2 times a week. To consolidate the effect, you need to repeat the course at least a couple of times a year.

If during the massage there are severe pain, excessive swelling and redness of the skin, the process must be stopped. It is recommended not to go outside for several hours after the massage.

The purpose of the massage is to influence the subcutaneous layers, which cannot be reached by light pinching. That is why on the delicate skin of the face pain symptoms will be felt for some time.

Massage can be done independently, using recommendations and video tutorials, but it will be difficult to achieve such an effect as from a professional massage.

The effect of the application

Changes on the face will be noticeable after a few sessions, but you should not stop there.

Facial massage according to the Jacquet technique, subject to the completion of a full course with a specialist, guarantees:

  • getting rid of inflammation;
  • toning the muscles of the face;
  • reduction of sebum secretion oily skin;
  • age spots will become lighter or disappear;
  • scars and scars will dissolve;
  • disappear anke, acne;
  • a clear outline of the contour of the face will appear;
  • wrinkles will be smoothed out.

Also, massage will be an excellent prevention. age-related changes skin. For the greatest efficiency in order to rejuvenate, Jacquet's massage can be combined with facial gymnastics according to the method of Galina Dubinina. And procedures using ginger root guarantee cleanliness of the face for a long time.

Video of pinching facial massage using the Jacquet technique

Facial massage techniques are most often built on gentle, skin-sparing techniques, and cosmetologists regularly warn of the negative consequences of intense stretching of the skin even when applying cream. It is all the more interesting to know that Jacquet's facial massage, based on rather aggressive pinching of the skin and subcutaneous layers, is becoming more and more popular every year due to a noticeable result.

Chinese and French massage options

The invention of the pinch massage technique is attributed to the French dermatologist Leonard Jacquet. She still bears his name. In fact, the pinch massage technique has been known for several centuries and is actively practiced in clinics specializing in Chinese methods. traditional medicine. The only innovation proposed by the Frenchman can only be called the imposition of the techniques of the work of Chinese massage therapists on the massage lines of the face, since pinching, gripping and vibration in the homeland of massage were used all over the body, except for the face.

Chinese beauties independently tightened the contour of the face with pinches on the chin and neck, but did not dare to stretch the face. Although it is possible, this is due to the peculiarities of the appearance of the eastern peoples, for whom fullness and swelling are rather an exception, and it is difficult to carry out pinching techniques on tightly stretched skin.

In any case, the “pioneer” of the plucked face massage technique was firmly entrenched in the French, who described it in detail in his writings at the end of the 18th century.

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Indications and contraindications

L. M. L. Jacquet (1860-1914), creating the pinch massage technique, did not expect that it would be used for cosmetic purposes and for the prevention of age-related skin changes. The aim of the development was a preventive technique that promotes the speedy recovery of the skin after the treatment of dermatological diseases. The influx of blood, caused by intensive seizures of the skin and subcutaneous layers, contributes to these processes in the best possible way. Abundant enrichment of the skin with oxygen contained in the blood and increased lymph circulation triggers the body's own regenerating processes.

  • oily seborrhea;
  • acne and its consequences;
  • scars and scars;
  • comedones;
  • acne rashes;
  • circulatory disorders and stagnant areas;
  • excessive activity of sebum secretion of the facial glands.

A number of contraindications to facial massage according to Jacquet is associated precisely with the intensity of the technique; pinch massage cannot be performed under such conditions:

  • any damage to the skin in the treated areas;
  • violation of the functions and sensitivity of the facial nerves;
  • herpes and other inflammatory processes on the face;
  • problems with the work of blood vessels, including the proximity of the vascular network to the surface of the skin;
  • hypertension in severe form;
  • eczema and other dermatitis associated with suppuration or soaking of tissues;
  • increased pain sensitivity.

In addition to the listed contraindications, it is worth considering the duration of the procedure recommended by the author: it should not exceed 10-12 minutes and stop immediately if the skin becomes reddened.

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Expected effect of pinch massage

Modern masseurs practicing the plucking technique promise a number of positive effects after a Jacquet facial massage course:

  • reduction of skin greasiness due to the normalization of metabolic processes;
  • elimination of inflammatory foci in problematic skin and epidermis;
  • improving complexion, solving the problems of hyperpigmentation and dullness of the skin;
  • removal of blackheads and acne and prevention of their recurrence;
  • facial muscle tone and facial contour strengthening;
  • promoting the resorption of scars and not old scars;
  • reduction of skin aging activity, prevention of age-related changes.
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Facial massage technique according to the method of Leonard Jacquet

When studying a video of Jacques' facial massage, one may get the impression that the technique does not require special skills, but not even all experienced cosmetologists undertake such a procedure. Pinch massage is taught to masters separately, with careful practice of techniques, since their amateurish use can cause the opposite desired effect: instead of lifting the second chin, swelling will also appear, and redness will add to the greasiness of the skin.

At the same time, the technique is really based on just three tricks:

  • deep captures (tweezers) of the skin along with the subcutaneous layers;
  • kneading, which also includes the development of not only the skin, but also the subcutaneous layers of the muscles;
  • vibrations combined with pinching and pressure.

It can be seen that the masters actively press the tissues, avoiding excessive pressure only in the area of ​​​​the eyelids, and some movements even resemble squeezing pimples. Such movements are really designed to destroy inflammatory foci and suppuration in the subcutaneous layers, contributing to their rapid resorption. During the procedure, even ruptures of acne tubes and squeezing out the contents to the surface are not uncommon. That is why the stage of preparation for a massage necessarily includes cleaning the skin, and the hands of the master must be carefully treated with an antiseptic. Tweezing is carried out quickly, rhythmically, allowing the skin to rest and relax only in alternation with vibrations.

When conducting a massage according to Jacquet, creams and oils are not used. This is due not only to the peculiarities of the technique, in which the sliding of the fingers will interfere, but also to the skin type of the clients most often seeking such a massage. For oily skin most prone to rashes, breakouts and acne oily creams and oils won't help. Talc is used as an aid in Jacquet massage.

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Massage lines

Performing facial massage using any technology cannot be chaotic. The same lines are taken as the basis, which are followed by the masters of more familiar facial massage techniques.

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Video: Jacquet massage master class

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Duration of procedure and course

The whole procedure of pinch massage, together with preliminary cleansing of the face, does not take more than 20 minutes, and with thin skin, massaging is limited to 5-7 minutes. The course consists of 15-20 procedures, which, in order to achieve maximum result are carried out weekly with repetition in half a year.

This type of massage will help to solve many skin problems. But the choice of a specialist should be taken very seriously. Trust your face only to people who confirm their professionalism with relevant documents and customer reviews.

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 10 minutes


Pinch facial massage at home will get rid of acne, blackheads, scars and other flaws. There are several pinch massage techniques, which you need to choose based on the task at hand.

Whatever technique is chosen, you need to study all the subtleties of the massage. Do not forget that any procedure has a number of contraindications, and pinch facial massage is no exception.

Earlier, we introduced readers to

Contraindications to pinch facial massage - who should not perform?

Even such a seemingly harmless procedure has its contraindications.

The fact is that with a pinch massage, a rather strong grip of the skin occurs. So strong that there is a risk of damaging the skin and disrupting blood circulation.

To avoid negative consequences, the procedure of pinching facial massage is not recommended if:

  • There are unhealed lesions on the face.
  • The presence of flat warts.
  • Pinching or loss of sensitivity of the facial nerve, neuralgia.
  • Allergic rash, dermatoses, eczema.
  • Viral infections.
  • Low pain threshold.
  • Couperose.
  • Hypertonic disease.
  • Hirsutism.
  • Herpes.
  • inflammatory processes.
  • Joint problems.
  • Chronic diseases at the stage of exacerbation.
  • Body temperature above 37 degrees.
  • Recent deep peeling procedure.
  • A large number of moles on the face.

If you have a symptom or a group of symptoms from the list, it is highly undesirable to perform a facial pinch massage procedure!

General rules for pinching facial massage - how to prepare and perform?

At first, it may seem that pinching massage is easy to perform and does not require special skills. But in reality this is not the case, because if you overdo it, already existing skin problems can begin to progress.

The procedure takes 20 minutes, it is best done in the morning.

Before the manipulation itself, you need to carefully prepare the skin and hands. Since pinching facial massage is performed on dry skin, you need to rid it of sebum with the help of antiseptic preparations. The same must be done with the fingers so that the hands do not slip when gripping the skin. If necessary, talc can be used.

Creams for pinching facial massage are not used, due to the peculiarities of the technique.

Video: How to do a pinch facial massage yourself

The technique of pinching facial massage is based on the following actions:

  1. Intensive captures of the skin and subcutaneous layers. The pinches should be fast and deep.
  2. kneading circular motions affecting the skin and subcutaneous layers. Performed to relax the face.
  3. Vibration-like clapping. Pats alternate with pinches so that the skin can rest.

One of the tasks of massage is to eliminate subcutaneous inflammation and suppuration.

During the massage, strong pinches are used, in connection with this, breaks in pimples and the release of their contents to the outside are possible.

Regardless of which pinch facial massage technique is used, the procedure should involve identical massage lines.

Groups of massage lines:

  1. The massage line starts in the décolleté area, reaches the chin, then goes to the ears and descends to the shoulders.
  2. The massage point starts between the eyebrows, passes over the eyebrows and ends at the temples. Tweezing in this area is almost impossible, so the area is massaged with kneading and vibrating movements.
  3. The next group is in the eye area. Massaging movements of the upper eyelid are made from the inner edge to the outer, and the lower eyelid - from the outer to the inner. Do not use tweezers in this area.
  4. The massage point starts in the middle of the nose and goes to the ears.
  5. Massage lines start at the wings of the nose and go to the ears, passing through the cheekbones.
  6. Massage lines start at the corners of the lips and go to the earlobes.
  7. The next group starts in the center of the chin and runs along the mandibular bone in different directions.

Any pinch massage should end with kneading the skin.

At the end of the procedure, the face must be smeared with a cream with a calming effect.

Technique of pinching facial massage according to Jacquet

Best for massage index and thumb.

The pinches must be fast, the skin is grasped and released at the same time. In no case should you pull the skin.

You need to perform the procedure as follows:

  1. First you need to clean the skin and hands of fat to avoid slipping.
  2. Then you need to relax the muscles of the face with the help of circular rotations clockwise.
  3. Then you can do tweaks along the massage lines with increasing intensity and depth. You need to start from the forehead, gradually descending to the chin.
  4. Having finished with pinches, you can move on to patting, following the massage lines.
  5. The face should be kneaded with pressing circular movements.
  6. Apply a soothing cream to the skin.

Video: Pinch facial massage according to Jacquet

This technique is recommended for use in the presence of deep wrinkles, puffiness and sagging skin. It improves blood flow, significantly increases muscle tone, makes the skin elastic and gives it a healthy look.

The peculiarity of this technique lies in the special way of pinching. A small area of ​​the face is grasped and squeezed with gentle, pulsating movements with the help of the thumb and forefinger. 30-40 times.

  1. To get rid of horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, you need to start the exercise by massaging the beginning of the eyebrows, moving towards their middle.
  2. To get rid of sagging skin under the eyes, you need to tighten upper part cheeks, and then begin to pulsate the entire area under the eyes, moving from the sides to the center.
  3. To improve the contour of the face, you need to grab the edge of the chin, mentally draw diagonal lines coming from the corners of the mouth, and begin pulsating movements along this line.
  4. To get rid of the second chin, you need to tighten the lower contour of the face, then begin to pulsate the entire area under the ears, starting from the level of the earlobe and reaching the mandibular bone.

Regular pinching facial massage with this technique provides a good rejuvenating effect and makes the face more toned.

Pinch facial massage in oriental technique will return the oval of the face

Based on the feedback on the pinch facial massage, with the correct implementation of this technique, the oval of the face can be tightened even in the most hopeless situations.

The procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Rhythmic pinching from the middle of the chin to the lobes of the ears. During the massage of this area, a neutral tingling sensation is felt.
  2. Tweezers under the mandibular bone, gradually approaching the earlobes, contribute to the formation of the contour of the face. For ease of execution, it is recommended to tilt your head back.
  3. Smoothing the chin area. Smoothing movements are made from the center of the chin, heading towards the earlobes.
  4. Massaging the neck. The head is tilted back, and smoothing movements are made. It is necessary to start from the chin, gradually descending to the neckline.

The massage can be completed when the color of the skin in the neck area has changed from beige to pink. For people with thin skin, 10 minutes will be enough.

For those with thicker skin, the procedure should be extended up to 20 minutes.

Anti-aging pinching facial massage technique

If you perform the procedures for 3 months, at least 2 times a week, this will save you from fine wrinkles, and also make them less noticeable. deep wrinkles. To enhance the effect during the procedure, you can use it with the addition of coffee grounds.

Use 3 effective massaging methods:

  1. Light tapping with fingers or palms.
  2. Pinching or pulsing with two fingers.
  3. Strong pressure on problem points.

Video: Anti-aging pinch massage

Pinch and press until the lungs appear pain, but no more than that.

Important! After using one of the 4 facial massage techniques, use a soothing cream to prevent irritation.

Also, after the procedure, it will be useful to wipe the skin with a piece of green tea ice or apply an anti-wrinkle cream.

An effective cosmetological, health-improving and therapeutic procedure of facial skin massage using the Jacquet method qualitatively improves the condition of problem areas of the skin. It has a preventive and therapeutic effect during the course (at least 10 sessions).

Jacquet massage is a therapeutic massage that normalizes the function of the skin glands and improves the microcirculation of the subcutaneous tissues. Effectively eliminates diseases and problems associated with increased oily skin, is successfully used to treat seborrhea, acne and post-acne.

The advantage of the method is a certain list of medical indications for the use of massage, in which a healing effect is achieved, which inspires confidence in the procedure and the specialists offering it.

The massage is named after the author, the French dermatologist L. Jacquet, who outlined the basic principles of the method at the end of the 19th century. The history of tissue pinching originates in ancient Chinese medicine, which was used on various parts of the body, except for the facial zone. The French scientist combined Chinese techniques with Western ones in the idea of ​​treating facial skin diseases.

Distinctive feature- the use of a rather painful intensive pinching technique. Pinching allows you to work on the skin and tissues at deep levels that are not affected by classical massage. Tissue repair is accelerated due to the effect that enhances blood flow and improves metabolic processes.

The method uses three main massage techniques:

  • pinch movements;
  • kneading with stroking for warming up;
  • pressure vibrations.

All methods alternate as they influence each other. The main ones are plucked effects performed with the fingertips - thumb and forefinger. The intensity of the pinches borders on pain threshold sometimes exceeds it. All massage movements should be performed smoothly.

In some cases, the technique is used to treat diseases of the chest, back, and hips. It is carried out with the use of talc, without oils and creams, to avoid slipping of the fingers during plucking movements. It is performed strictly according to certain massage lines.

The duration of the session is 10-15 minutes. and is directly related to skin thickness. How thinner skin the shorter the duration of the massage. The best time for the procedure is in the evening, after the end of the massage it is undesirable to apply makeup. Finger movements are smooth and intense. Stretching and pulling of the skin is not allowed.

Operating principle

The technique of performing the procedure requires special knowledge of the location of the massage lines and the skills of performing massage techniques. Incorrect amateurish actions of a massage therapist can lead to the opposite effect and give results opposite to those expected.

  • During the session, 3 main massage techniques are used: stroking with kneading, plucking the layers of the skin, vibration and pressure.
  • The procedure is carried out with energetic pinching movements, kneading and vibration with the study of the subcutaneous adipose tissue with the index and thumb.
  • All areas are actively washed, except for areas around the eyes.
  • Pinch movements on the effect resemble squeezing out blackheads with the release of contents on the surface of the skin.
  • Deep effect on tissues enhances blood circulation and speeds up metabolism.
  • There is an improvement in the supply of cells with oxygen.
  • The process of regeneration at the cell level is stimulated, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized.
  • Stagnant foci are eliminated. The accumulation of pus and the development of skin inflammations are prevented.
  • Removes pigmentation and uneven complexion.
  • Muscles are strengthened, skin tone is improved.
  • The effect of massage, combined with skin cleansing, enhances the healing result.


Massage according to Jacquet is a technique for healing and prevention, which contributes to the treatment of skin diseases and prevents their development. Promotes healing and accelerates the restoration of skin tissues. It is prescribed by a cosmetologist after a preliminary examination of the patient's skin.

It is used for the following indications:


Massage according to Jacquet (pluck massage) is a medical procedure, therefore it has some contraindications.

Pregnancy and lactation are not contraindications, but massage should be done with caution. The duration of the procedure should be no more than 10-15 minutes, with a strong reddening of the skin, an instant stop of the masseur's actions is required.

The massage is deep and rather aggressive; neglect of restrictions and contraindications can lead to hematomas and other deterioration of the skin condition.

Possible Complications

Jacquet massage is a safe technique when performed by a qualified professional.

If the rules for the procedure are not followed, complications may arise:

  • increased fat content of the skin;
  • increased skin diseases;
  • increase in acne;
  • the appearance or strengthening of skin stretch marks that lead to the formation of wrinkles;
  • decrease in skin tone;
  • violation of facial contours.


The sequence of the massage

The movements are made clearly and strictly along the existing specific massage lines in order to obtain the desired therapeutic effect and not harm the skin.

The pinching technique first involves only the surface layer of the skin. Each subsequent repetitive movement is accompanied by an increase in depth and grip strength. The goals of pinching are to stimulate blood flow and enhance metabolic processes, open pores, remove curds and rods from the sebaceous glands.

The techniques used in massage are characterized by the complexity of implementation, they require the correct selection of intensity and compliance with the correct movement along the lines. Therefore, high professionalism of a specialist is very important.

After a high-quality session, a warm sensation appears on the skin. The cream is well absorbed into the worked skin, with high absorption of active ingredients. You can go outside no earlier than 2 hours after the procedure. It is forbidden to apply makeup for several hours. Therefore, it is better to carry out the procedure in the evening, do not plan to go out after it.

Technique of drawing along the lines from the neck

Development of lines from the chin

  • The head is raised and slightly tilted back.
  • From the middle of the chin, strokes with fingers are carried out along the zone of the lower jaw in the direction of the earlobes.
  • Then by pinching along these lines, increasing the force of the pinches more than along the lines of the neck.
  • Pinch movements should be alternated with vibration, finished with stroking.
  • Helps prevent double chins and improves facial contours.

Along the lines from the nose

  • Stroking along the lines from the corners of the lips towards the ear.
  • Light pinching along these lines with your fingers will reduce deep wrinkles.
  • It is necessary to work out both sides of the face simultaneously with both hands.
  • After that - from the center of the nasolabial triangle to the ear lobes.
  • Pinch the path from the wings of the nose towards the corners of the mouth.
  • The line, starting from the wings of the nose through the cheekbones to the auricles, should be developed moderately, while maintaining elasticity. The contours of the cheeks are restored.
  • Pinching from the middle of the nose to the ears returns a healthy glow to the skin.
  • Massage should be carried out with moderately deep tucks, alternated with vibration.
  • Finish with strokes along the massage lines.

Along the lines coming from the interbrow cavities

Eye zone

  • In the eye area is carried out gently, gently and carefully.
  • The study of the upper eyelid goes from the inner to the outer corner of the eye, the lower one - along the line in the opposite direction.
  • Strokes, light pressure and moderate vibrations.
  • Light tingling is allowed without pain.
  • It is forbidden to pull the skin in the eye area, avoid deep tissue seizures.

Conducting a session on your own

Massage the skin according to Jacques, acting on it correctly, can only be a specialist with a medical education, who knows exactly the techniques of exposure and the location of the massage lines. And is able to calculate the intensity of impacts, based on individual features face and skin of the patient.

Skills and extensive practical experience are essential. Massage, carried out in order to get rid of certain skin problems, it is desirable to select and conduct a specialist. Independent carrying out of procedures in such cases is undesirable.

A simplified version of the procedure can be carried out for yourself at home, if you have basic knowledge and the rules of massage are followed - neither move nor stretch the skin of the face.

To understand the correctness of independent technology, it would be advisable to visit massage parlor 1 or 2 times to memorize the sensations that arise during the massage by an experienced and qualified specialist.

Description of Simplified Home Massage:


Positive changes during the course of skin treatment with massage will be visible at the end of the third session.

Achieving a lasting effect is observed after a course of procedures:

Additionally, it relieves tension, which helps to get rid of stress. Strengthens the body's defenses, fighting diseases.

The results remain for a long period of time. The course of procedures is from 10 sessions daily and can last up to 20 - twice a week. To consolidate the effect, it is advisable to repeat 2 times a year, with a break of at least 3 months.

Quite painful, but useful medical and cosmetic procedure - Jacquet massage. Not very pleasant to feel during the session, but effective and efficient. With the help of pinching effects, skin defects are eliminated, tissue rejuvenation and a general improvement in the condition of the skin of the face occur.

Article formatting: Mila Fridan

Video about facial massage according to Jacques

Jacquet massage technique:

There are a large number of different massage techniques, but you want to choose the one that will be most effective. Also, the priority for many people is the fastest result. These requirements are fully met by Jacquet facial massage, which is now incredibly in demand and, of course, is offered in many salons in Moscow, used to eliminate common facial skin problems.

According to the canon, Jacquet facial massage is a plucking procedure. This therapeutic and aesthetic facial massage quickly and effectively eliminates various problems, improves the condition of many skin diseases, but all this is provided that the procedure is carried out regularly, that is, it is necessary to complete the entire course prescribed for you.

So, indications:

  • acne
  • comedones;
  • scars
  • acne;
  • poor circulation;
  • milia;
  • oily seborrheic skin;
  • infiltrates;
  • scarring;
  • increased sebum secretion;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • natural signs of aging (gravitational ptosis, wrinkles, creases).

To eliminate the above flaws is also good. If you turn to a good experienced cosmetologist and follow all the recommendations, parting words and advice, as well as adhere to a certain frequency, massage according to Jacquet will stun with its effectiveness after 2-3 sessions (depending on individual characteristics). After each subsequent procedure, you will continually notice a prettier skin condition.


Taking into account the force of gripping the skin for pinching, as well as the active effect on the deep layers of the epidermis, it is quite logical that in some cases such a facial massage can lead to injury to the skin of the face. In order to prevent this, you need to know and observe contraindications:

  • viral infections;
  • problems with the functioning of blood vessels;
  • scratches and wounds on the face;
  • warts;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • hypertension;
  • spider veins, capillary network on the face;
  • chronic diseases in acute form;
  • allergic rash;
  • hirsutism;
  • herpes;
  • dermatitis and eczema associated with tissue suppuration;
  • hypersensitivity.

Aggressive, rich, deep action, Jacquet massage, if contraindications are not observed, can lead to hematomas and redness on the face. Otherwise, you can always do it, which is devoid of the shortcomings of the plucked one.

Jacquet facial massage technique

On the face of it, it may seem that everyone can perform a pinch facial massage, it looks so simple from the outside. However, moving from contemplation to practice, you will quickly realize that the technique is not so simple and requires certain skills, desire and diligence. The Jacquet massage technique is based on three techniques:

  1. tweaks;
  2. warm-up;
  3. vibrations, together with pressure and tweaks.

Even if you have no intention of doing such a massage yourself, it will not hurt to be aware of how it is carried out. The whole Jacques massage procedure is as follows:

  • First, the beautician washes and sanitizes his hands.
  • Further cleanses the face from external impurities and cosmetics.
  • Kneads.
  • After the warm-up, tweaks begin - fast, measured, intense, frisky, along the massage lines in a certain order: forehead, cheeks, chin. The pinches are made with the index and thumb, and each time they should be more and more persistent and strong.
  • Tweezers are followed by oscillatory movements. The sequence is similar to the previous step.
  • The procedure ends with a warm-up.
  • And the final touch is the application of a soothing cream or mask.

The most important thing in massage according to Jacques is the right tweaks. They should be intense, deep and at the same time not damaging the skin. It is very important to maintain a sense of proportion.

In order for pinch massage to bring benefits, and not harm, it is not enough to work out only its technique. As is often the case, all the "juice" lies in the details.

  • The duration of the massage should not exceed 15 minutes.
  • If the skin turns red too much or a burning sensation appears, the procedure ends there.
  • If notes of doubt have crept in whether you can properly perform Jacquet's massage on your own at home - do not do it, contact a specialist.
  • This massage technique is attractive because it does not require the use of special massage oils.
  • Due to the severity of the procedure, no manipulations are carried out around the eyes.
  • A full course consists of 15-20 sessions, 2 times a week.
  • The course is repeated twice a year.


When completing a full course of facial massage according to Jacques, upon completion, you can get the following results:

  • age spots will become lighter;
  • sebum secretion of oily skin will decrease;
  • scars and scars dissolve;
  • returns and (or) increases the tone of facial muscles of the face;
  • former facial features are formed;
  • post-acne, acne, blackheads are removed;
  • complexion becomes brighter and more saturated;
  • slow down the aging process;
  • wrinkles and creases are smoothed out;
  • lifting.

Therapeutic and cosmetic possibilities of Jacquet's massage are truly impressive and motivate to go to a beauty salon or experience at home. It is truly worth the effort, time and money spent on it. You will understand this when you look in the mirror at your more toned, rejuvenated and brightened face.