Is talc a mineral or a rock? Baby powder talc. Talc is the softest stone

Included in the group of layered silicates, oily. Does not dissolve in water.

In the photo, the mineral talc

Previously, there was an opinion that talc inhalation provokes lung diseases, but special research activities carried out by the European Talc Association have proven that talc is safe.

Description and properties of talc

Talc is a common mineral. Grey, white or light green. Composed of magnesium silicate and oxygen. Very soft in texture. Hardens when heated. Heat resistant. Almost insoluble in acids. Conducts electricity poorly.

The range of use of this mineral is very wide. Filler in the manufacture of paper, rubber, various varnishes and paints. Popular in the pharmaceutical industry. In mechanics - solid lubricant. Common Use technical talc as an anti-caking agent.

In the photo, the mineral talc with a dense structure

To extend the life of rubber, they are sprinkled on storage surfaces. Another mineral is used as an insulating material, facing, for ceramic products, etc. But the most popular application of talc found in cosmetology. Talc is a substance found in many skin and hair care products.

Deposits and mining of talc

Approximately half of the world talc production belongs to its largest producers China, Japan and the USA. The leading producers of talc are also Australia, Finland, Brazil, India, South Korea and France.

Russian Federation is approximately in tenth place in terms of the extraction of this mineral. The main part of deposits in Russia is located in Siberia and the Urals.

The use of talc in cosmetology

baby talc It is a fine powder that has the ability to absorb liquid. When dry, it is able to reduce friction, making the skin slippery. Used to prevent diaper rash in a baby.

Pictured is talc powder

If sensitive children's skin suffers from prickly heat, it is recommended to use this remedy. Children's powdered talcum powder applied to areas where there are folds: on the neck, under the diaper, in the elbow and knee folds.

Keep in mind that overheating is possible if the baby is in a diaper. Talc for skin in the form of a powder, it will cool and absorb sweat, reduce itching.

Cream - talc will reliably protect the baby's skin from irritating factors that cause diaper rash and contribute to the end of inflammatory processes. It doesn't dry out the skin.

Apart from talc composition preparations are complemented by various other useful components and additives that gently soften, gently nourish, increase the barrier functions of the skin, and promote regeneration. Popular additives are honey, olive oil, tea tree oil, chamomile, string, mint.

Parents need to know that you can not immediately use the powder and cream, because lumps form that injure the baby's skin. It is best to alternate. For children, only special cosmetic preparations are suitable, which have quality certificates, are strictly checked and tested by the responsible authorities.

In the photo, technical talc

Requirements for the safety of products for children - natural ingredients, hypoallergenicity. Parents should pay attention to whether information about harmful substances (dyes, flavors) is present on the labels.

When it is hot or exciting, the sebaceous glands are actively working, sweating begins. Owners excess weight, know firsthand what kind of discomfort occurs when the skin sweats under the breasts and on the inside of the thigh.

Perfumed body talc extremely relevant in the hot season, it will give the effect of freshness, absorb unnecessary moisture. Apply to armpits, chest and other areas as needed.

Talc for the body does not stain clothes. Talc Reviews fans testify to the product's popularity. It is easy to use: after bathing, pat your skin dry with a soft towel and apply body talc.

In the photo, talcum powder for the body

Talc Powder used for massage. Powder massage products absorb oil secreted by the skin, act as a scrub to scrape off the top layer, creating a glide. Talc massage is less physically demanding than oil massage.

If you choose between talc and oil, doctors advise talc massage, in case of excess hair on the skin. Especially in the heat, sweat is perfectly dried, ensuring the masseur's hands glide.

The powder unblocks clogged pores, does not cause allergies, and is suitable for all skin types. At the end of the massage, you can easily clean the surface with a paper or textile napkin.

Another application of talc- when waxing. Before and after the depilation procedure, it is recommended to treat the work area with powder, this will protect against ingrown hairs, irritation, and allergic reactions.

There is a huge amount scented talcum powder for feet, it is used to reduce perspiration and fight odor accordingly. In hot weather, manufacturers advise ground talc, as its texture is advantageous in relation to the cream.

Pictured is liquid talc

Do you need extra heel care? liquid talceffective remedy. It is similar in texture to thick paste or liquid gel, easily and evenly distributed, pleasant, delicate shade and smell, easy to use.

It is applied after steaming the feet, then it is advisable to clean the heels from keratinized particles. Then liquid talc is applied with massaging movements for 5-15 minutes. Absorbed quickly. It rinses off easily without leaving a greasy residue. Feel lightness in the legs, freshness, the skin is smooth, satiny.

cosmetic talc- the powder is used:

1 - for the depilation procedure with film and hot,

2 — body talc,

3 — foot talc,

4 — massage talc.

Protects the skin from damage and enhances the duration and quality of the treatment. Talc forms a protective layer against overheating and absorbs excess moisture.

Talc price

Range talc prices within 350-650 rubles per 150 grams. Talc liquid - delicate, safe remedy to protect delicate baby skin from diaper rash, as well as body cream. Consists of hypoallergenic ingredients, gently nourishes, moisturizes and soothes.

This method of application is safer, there is no way to inhale the dry powder. Medium talc price- 350 rubles - 125 grams.

Where to buy talc?

Cosmetic preparations with talc should be purchased from pharmacies or specialized stores. Buy talc according to your desires, a professional sales assistant will help you in a specialized store.

Talc in the pharmacy can be found everywhere and at lower prices. Pharmacies carefully observe the required storage standards, including temperature and humidity.

When buying any product, it is important to check whether the shelf life has expired and whether the container has been opened. Profitable solution buy talc online pharmacy: the price is much lower, it is possible to compare price lists for similar products by calling the operator, you have the opportunity to ask in detail about a particular product, the conversation takes place remotely, without causing embarrassment from the delicacy of the topic.

A soft white mineral with a greenish tint. It is widely used in cosmetology, pharmacology, paint and varnish industry. This mineral is quite acid-resistant and is an excellent thermal and electrical insulator.

Description of the mineral and its properties

For many, the word "talc" has associations with which they are used to powder skin folds in babies. This hygiene product contains a powder of this element, aromatic substances and dyes. And really, what is talc? This is an amazing mineral with a unique chemical formula, which is formed at considerable depths at high temperatures.

Talc, which is mined in different deposits, has differences in its structure and chemical composition. There are minerals with a large percentage of magnesium, chromium and aluminum, and there is also an increased amount of iron and nickel ions. This substance is greasy to the touch and very soft. It does not burn, withstands high temperatures does not melt or crack. What is talc and what is it, we figured it out a little. Now let's talk about its application in various industries.

The use of talc in industry

Even in ancient times, this amazing mineral was used in the manufacture of jewelry and dishes. Items with its content were found by archaeologists during excavations. In modern times, talc is used in various fields of production. So, in cosmetology and the perfume industry, it is used as an additive in the manufacture of powder, eye shadow, and soap. In medicine, it is used to make powder for the treatment of diaper rash. Talc is used as a substance to prevent sticking of rubber gloves. This mineral is no less important in paper production. It is necessary in the manufacture of thick paper to obtain a smooth surface. In textile works, harsh fabrics are bleached with a solution of this mineral. The paint and varnish industry also cannot do without this amazing substance, because thanks to it waterproof paints appeared. When firing ceramic products, talc is added. It is also present in colored pencil leads and acts as an excellent heat and electrical insulator.

Talc in cosmetics

Cosmetology is one of the industries in which this mineral is widely used. It has antibacterial and absorbent qualities. The absence of crystalline quartz and amphibole in it allows the production of environmentally friendly and safe products. Dry antiperspirants are also made from it. Powder is widely used in decorative cosmetics. So, for example, 80% of the shadows is talc. The price for 200 g of powder is about 50 rubles. Before being added to cosmetic products, talc undergoes careful processing, it is cleaned of microbiological elements. When working with it, it is important to know what talc is and what danger it carries. After all, this substance is toxic - inhaling it causes serious illness lungs.

/ Mineral Talc

Talc is a common mineral, silicate, pyrophyllite-talc group.


Agalite (fine-fiber talc),
noble talc (transparent light talc),
Willemseit (nickel talc),
Minnesotaite (ferrous talc),
Steatite (wen) (dense massive talc)

For the first time, a description of a stone under the indicated name was found as early as 1546. Talc was used by George Agricola - the great scientist of the Renaissance. He applied the name "talc", describing the properties of the mineral and calling it pure and white. Even then, it was used in stone-cutting work, but only in some compounds and varieties that could be found in the descriptions under the designations "soapstones", "wen", "only chlorite" and "steatite".


The origin of talc is associated with metamorphism. In this case, both the processes of thermometamorphism and hydrothermal processes (hydrothermal-vein - when filling voids and hydrothermal-metasomatic when replacing) can be involved. Most often, talc occurs during hydrothermal alteration of ultramafic rocks after serpentinization. It is formed during metamorphism after dolomites and clays.
Talc is a rock-forming mineral of talc schists and listvenites.

Special properties: talc - acid-resistant; greasy to the touch; flexible but not stretchy.

Place of Birth

In Russia, the Shabrovskoye talc-magnesite and Miass talcite deposits in the Middle Urals are being developed; the Onotskoye deposit of steatite (solid) talc (Eastern Sayan); the West Baikal talcon-bearing province was identified. Large deposits are known abroad in Canada (Maidock), the USA (Gavernour), France (Luzenac), etc.

Brumado, Bahia, Brazil - record crystals of talc (up to 4-5 cm!), covered with quartz // see. Min. Record: 1) 1987, 9, 204 2) 1992, 23, 274, 276

Talc is a common mineral found in Antarctica and the Mid-Ocean Ridge of the Atlantic Ocean; in Australia, Austria, Algeria, Argentina, Afghanistan, Bulgaria, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Bhutan, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greenland, Greece, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Iran, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, Cameroon, Canada, Colombia , both Koreas, Cuba, Madagascar, Mexico, Mongolia, Namibia, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, USA, Turkey, Chile, Switzerland, Sweden, South Africa, Japan and other countries .

Practical value

Talc is used for the manufacture of refractory materials, in metallurgy, in the textile, paper and chemical industries, and in medicine.
Steatite is used in the manufacture of various crafts. Powder prepared from talc or based on it has been widely used since ancient times and is still widely used as a powder for skin in medicine (a well-known baby powder is pure talc, but passed through the screening process of ferruginous rocks), as well as in everyday life to prevent sticking and friction of contacting surfaces ( in rubber gloves and other products, shoes, etc.). As a filler, it is used in rubber, paper, paint and varnish and other industries (in medical and perfumery and cosmetics). In ceramics (especially radio-insulating). Registered in the food industry as a food additive E553b. It is harmless and also not absorbed by the body. In a notorious "magical practice," talc was used to make potions that some believed could restore youth and beauty; these were various creams and ointments that acted on the skin as cosmetics, but nothing more.

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Mineral Properties

Color White, greenish, yellow, pinkish, brownish, gray
Dash color white
gemstone according to the legislation of the Russian Federation
origin of name From Persian talc to Arabic talq, pure, due to the color and properties of its powder.
Opening year known since ancient times
IMA status valid, first described before 1959 (before IMA)
Chemical formula Mg 3 [OH] 2, or MgO 4SiO 2 H 2 O
Shine fatty
Transparency transparent
shines through
Cleavage very perfect
very perfect by (001)
kink uneven
Hardness 1
Thermal Properties Under turns white, breaks up into small sheets; melts with difficulty, forming white enamel at the edges.
Typical impurities Ni,Fe,Al,Ca,Na,H2O
Strunz (8th Edition) 8/H.09-40
Hey's CIM Ref. 14.4.9
Dana (8th edition)
Molecular weight 379.27
Cell Options a = 5.29Å, b = 9.173Å, c = 9.46Å α = 90.46°, β = 98.68°, γ = 90.09°
Attitude a:b:c = 0.577: 1: 1.031
Number of formula units (Z) 2
Unit cell volume V 453.77 ų
dot group 1-Pinacoidal
space group P1
Density (calculated) 2.78
Density (measured) 2.58 - 2.83
Pleochroism weak
Dispersion of optical axes r > v perceptible
Refractive indices nα = 1.538 - 1.550 nβ = 1.589 - 1.594 nγ = 1.589 - 1.600
Maximum birefringence δ = 0.051
Type biaxial (-)
optical relief moderate
Selection form Tabular crystals; leafy, radiant, scaly and fine-grained aggregates; solid masses. Sometimes talc forms dense cryptocrystalline masses (steatite); pseudomorphs after tremolite, enstatite, spinel.
Classes in the systematics of the USSR silicates

Talc is a crystalline ground mineral from white to light green in color. It has no taste and smell. To the touch - greasy, slippery and soft. Slightly soluble in acids, completely insoluble in water. The whiter the substance, the higher its quality.

natural source

Talc deposits are located throughout the Earth, including the Urals and Siberia.

Chemical formula

Hygiene standards

Although talc is harmless to the human body, dust should not be inhaled. Inhalation of the mineral can cause lung disease - talcosis, with subsequent chronic processes that can lead to oncology.


Talc is widely used in medical preparations, as a source of silicon and magnesium, and as a tablet base. It is an invariable component of powders for children, it is used for prickly heat and to reduce skin friction with clothes. It is used in the manufacture of cosmetics, in the rubber and paint industries. Registered as a food additive and used for dusting in confectionery.

You can buy a mineral on our website at a bargain price. Delivery is carried out by any convenient carrier, throughout Russia.

What is talc? It is known to most people as a white powder that is widely used in cosmetics. The mineral has the ability to absorb moisture and oils well and have an astringent effect on human skin. It is an inert ingredient, i.e. does not enter into chemical reactions when it enters the body or on the skin. People have been using its positive properties since ancient Egypt.

Talc has the ability to absorb moisture and oils well and have an astringent effect on human skin.

Talc is a mineral widely distributed in nature and of great industrial importance. Also known as the softest mineral. What is talc and what is its chemical composition? It contains silicon, magnesium, oxygen and hydrogen. The talc formula is expressed as Mg3 Si4 O10 (OH)2.

Talc is a mineral widely distributed in nature and of great industrial importance.

Talc is a translucent mineral that is green, white, grey, brown or colorless. Sometimes there are other shades of stone, such as red or burgundy. It has a sheet structure, like mica. The sheets are held together only by van der Waltz bonds and easily slide relative to each other. Thanks to this, talc is the softest mineral. Feels greasy and soapy to the touch., which allows it to be used as a high-temperature lubricant (melting point is about 160ºС). When heated, it becomes more solid, has a weak electrical conductivity.

Most of the talc is produced in China, the USA and Japan. In Russia, the deposits are located in the Urals and Siberia. The quality of the mineral depends on the degree of whiteness of the crystals. During the extraction process, care is taken to avoid contamination by other species that may have a negative effect on the color of the product. Impurities are removed using the froth flotation method or by mechanical treatment. Mills produce crushing to the size required by customers.

Gallery: talc stone (34 photos)

Steatite is a type of talc

Talc is a constituent of many rocks. Steatite is a massive variety of metamorphic origin. Another name is soapstone. It has been mined for thousands of years. They made dishes from it that were not afraid of fire and slowly gave off heat. The rock consists mainly of talc with various amounts of other minerals (chlorite, magnesite). The color of steatite is gray, bluish, green, brown or variegated. Since its main component is talc, it has properties similar to it. This makes steatite a valuable material for many applications. Physical properties include:

  • softness and ability to be easily cut;
  • high density and lack of porosity;
  • heat resistance and high thermal conductivity;
  • ability to absorb moisture;
  • resistance to alkalis and acids.

Mineral and chemical compositions are not permanent, which is why physical properties can vary in different minerals and even within the same rock. It depends on the starting material, temperature conditions and pressure.

Where is talc mined (video)

The level of metamorphism often determines the granularity of the steatite and its hardness.

The special properties of the rock allow steatite to be widely used in many areas:

  • production of countertops and sinks;
  • creation of decorative carvings;
  • construction of stoves and fireplaces;
  • making dishes;
  • use as building and finishing material;
  • molds for metal casting;
  • production of marker pencils.

Due to its properties, steatite stone is used for medical purposes as a natural heating pad, as it can store heat for a long time.

How is talc applied?

Everyone knows what talc is, but few people know about its widespread use. It finds application in medicine, pharmaceutical, textile and paint industries, as well as in the cosmetics industry. Application of talc:

  1. Coating of medical and technical products made of rubber and plastic to prevent sticking during storage. Use in everyday life to eliminate friction of contacting surfaces (in the chamber of a bicycle tire, in rubber gloves, shoes).
  2. Application in the production of plastics and ceramic products. It usually acts as a filler, while increasing the rigidity of products, increasing their heat resistance and reducing shrinkage.
  3. Talc is a powder that is used on the skin of children from the first day of birth. In addition to this mineral, it also contains zinc oxide and starch, which enhance beneficial features facilities.
  4. Talc powder is used as a filler in paints. It facilitates their application to the surface and at the same time serves as a bleach for light colors.
  5. Used as an additive in the manufacture of paper, it makes it smoother, brighter and whiter. In addition, talc improves the ability of newsprint to absorb ink.
  6. The properties of talc to adsorb moisture and oil allow it to be used as a powder base in the manufacture of many cosmetic products. It provides the necessary texture and facilitates application to the skin.
  7. In medicine, talc is used as a filler in tablets. It prevents them from sticking. Included in dietary supplements as a source of magnesium and silicon.
  8. Talc in the food industry is an additive. It is used as a coating for candies and chewing gums thereby eliminating their sticking to the wrapper. It is also used for polishing grains of white rice.

How to wear stones (video)

This mineral is an indispensable and safe component in the production of many products and preparations.

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