The effect of fasting on negative energies. Svetlana Oriya. Energy starvation. Chronic fatigue syndrome and methods of recovery. Never stop hoping and striving

“Every person is a collection of molecules. But such a molecular compound does not make everyone a Human!”

Svetlana Oriya

Chronic fatigue syndrome and recovery methods

This problem has declared itself massively since the end of the last century, turning into a chronic illness of busy people. And as usual, if a problem arises, hypotheses appear, and then studies that reveal causes and effects.

This disease of the nervous and psychophysiological systems in the body is associated with the lifestyle of people who are in a dense rhythm of the sociosystem. Increased stress in achieving well-being causes anergy, weakening some of the functions of the immune system.

Which subsequently violates the biochemical composition in the body, forming psychosomatic symptoms. Specialists in various fields have studied the nature of stress factors associated with the fact that the reserves of the psyche of modern people have remained the same, and the load has increased significantly.

Because of this, people become psychologically insecure, experiencing frequent stress, which leads to a decrease in confidence, to unreasonable feelings of guilt and low self-esteem. Such people have increased suspiciousness, anxiety, a constant feeling of tension, which has a depressing effect on a healthy psyche.

Such people are at risk of dysfunction of the emotional sphere, often experiencing depressive states. For success in civilization, a person pays with his mental health, which wears out at an increased rate if the rules of psychological hygiene are not followed.

Restore the feeling of sufficiency, sleep off so that you yourself feel: I slept! If the sleep mechanism is disturbed, it is difficult to restore it, but this must be done while avoiding alcohol or drugs.

A short course of medication under the supervision of a doctor will help restore the ability to fall asleep and give rest to your entire body system. After that, you should contact a psychologist and reconsider a more optimal load regimen, taking into account your individual characteristics.

Regulation (the ability to say “no”, identifying the important and the secondary); planning (remember that there are 24 hours in a day, don't try to push the boundaries of your natural capabilities by increasing things), regaining control of your boundaries determines your rate and works as a breakdown prevention.

Learn to resist stress by working through your fears and developing your stress resistance through the development of personal potentials.

2. Nutrition!

The fashion for diets often leads to a deficiency of the necessary chemical elements in your body. On the one hand, we spend calories by leading an active lifestyle, on the other hand, we limit their intake through dietary products.

The violation of the nutrition that your body needs needs to be restored to a balanced set of products, taking into account the peculiarities of your lifestyle, and not the trend of fashion.

Pass biochemical tests and see a nutritionist! A diet is an individual set of products, including the variety that your body needs!

Remember that your body and psyche are connected by an internal connection; if the balance is disturbed, you will receive a “red” signal through the symptoms - do not start, react competently!

3. Rest!

Do I live to work or work to live? Find the right answer for you. Nature is the best healer for our psyche, which is cut off from the natural environment, spending more time in a social environment.

Walks, silence, sea (any water), forest, parks, mountains…. observation instead of action; slow down your inner rhythm: haste, impatience, anxiety - breathe it all out!

Variety of impressions: travel, pick up a hobby that does not bind you, but accompanies your interests; communicate only with those with whom you feel comfortable and safe; remember, the choice of friends or buddies is your personal time, do not waste it on toxic communication.

Change the style of rest more often, plan it taking into account your capabilities and needs: activity and passivity, this is the ability to regulate, listening to your body's resources. Avoid extremes: if you are overtired - do not exhaust yourself with sports, if you are weak, then stupidly lying on the couch for hours will not restore your strength.

Do everything within your power, hearing your signals, do not follow the stereotypes of “correct behavior” that exist in the public mind. Your vacation is a zone for restoring your resources, cherish this area of ​​life, make it interesting for yourself and don't get bored!

With you it will be interesting and not boring! More creativity in this place!

4. Relationships!

Super-experiences associated with achieving a result indicate how you feel about yourself: fear of someone else's evaluative opinion is an addiction; fear of not getting approval from the boss or other authority - these are childish reactions that exaggerate the danger.

Work relationships involve boss-employee subordination, but this is about work functions, not your personality, re-define your personality boundaries and clarify what is in your functions and what is not.

Remember, the slave system has long been abolished, and the comfort of both sides also depends on your competent regulation of working relations. Love and intimacy is the most important zone of our feelings, affecting our stability, calmness and security.

In personal relationships, a whole complex of mutual coincidences (values, ideas, responses) is important, instead of forced co-subordination - do not transfer social rules into your personal life.

If trust is broken, clear the space between you by talking about your feelings and the desire to improve relations, look for the causes of the problem and, most importantly, by removing mutual accusations, solve the problem!

People do not immediately realize whether there is psychological compatibility between them for a long-term relationship, choosing a partner according to social or sexual parameters. Family psychologist - to help you if you are confused, but there is hope ...

5. Responsibility!

The older we get, the more stress this feeling causes: for material well-being, for family relationships, for children, for parents ..., for everything that is dear to us, we tend to take on increased responsibility, adding many others to one ...

The ability to flexibly apply the system of preferences in the current reality, “what is important right now,” will allow your responsibility to work as a guide, and not as a coercive-accusatory mechanism that puts pressure on the psyche.

Reconsider your outdated “what I must, must” attitudes, they should not act as a sentence that deprives you of maneuvering. Consciously choosing what you think is really important right now, and not because someone will be offended, will allow you to act more responsibly, ignoring the emotional manipulations of your environment.

Remember that there is a big difference between diligence and responsibility: diligence is associated with instructions from the outside world (acquired skills and experience), and responsibility is your conscious choice of where you direct it, based on your answers and agreement with yourself.

The energy reserve responds to your own settings and habitual rhythm associated with an established lifestyle, and most importantly, with your conscious or mechanistic attitude towards the very life that you live.

Chronic fatigue syndrome indicates that you have changed, your workload has increased, and your old regulatory system has not changed and is not coping well. If you are prone to stress, develop stress resistance by pushing the boundaries of your worldview.

If you are afraid of the lack of stability in your life, relax, it is not there - it is the result of your inner sense of self.

Be mindful of your health and love yourself in many ways, taking care of your needs, then you will become reliable and stable, both for yourself and for others.

Svetlana Oriya, psychologist, 10/24/15, Israel source of publication -

Note from the news feed:

“If during the day you are constantly sleepy, if you yawn and dream of lying down for at least 10 minutes, this means only one thing: you suffer from energy starvation. To shake things up, you can, of course, drink a cup of strong coffee or eat a couple of slices of dark chocolate, but this is a symptomatic “treatment”.

The main thing is to identify the underlying cause of chronic fatigue and lack of energy, writes the British newspaper The Daily Mail. In the UK, about 4 million women suffer from iron deficiency anemia.

In some cases, the cause of energy starvation can be chronic dehydration, diabetes mellitus and vitamin B12 deficiency. Symptoms of energy starvation include fatigue, dizziness, and palpitations. To produce red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body, iron is primarily required.

Recently, in many countries there has been a real epidemic of iron deficiency, millions of people suffer from this disease. One of the richest sources of iron is red meat. You should also eat as many green vegetables as possible.

One of the most pressing problems that humanity will have to face in the 21st century is a severe shortage of energy sources. Even according to the most optimistic forecasts of experts, by the end of this century there will be practically no available hydrocarbon resources in the world. And then energy hunger will become a reality.

With the growth of population and the development of industry in different countries the need for energy is constantly growing, and meanwhile the reserves of non-renewable hydrocarbon resources - oil, coal, gas - are steadily declining. A possible salvation from the energy collapse could be the massive construction of nuclear power plants, but a series of serious accidents at nuclear power plants around the world that have occurred recently casts serious doubt on the prospects of nuclear technology as the main way to safely generate energy.

In search of an alternative replacement for the ever-rising "blue fuel", the United States turned to the idea of ​​extracting the so-called "shale gas" and even achieved more than significant results in this matter, reducing the price of this fuel on the domestic market by five times. The success caused such euphoria that President Barack Obama hastened to solemnly announce to the nation that shale gas would last the country for at least a hundred years.

However, the reality was not so rosy. Somewhat later, it turned out that the announced figure was almost doubled and fuel reserves would last no more than six decades. In addition, obtaining a valuable mineral is associated with serious environmental problems: the reagents used in its extraction are extremely toxic and not only make the land on which this extraction is almost uninhabitable, but also contaminate fresh water sources. And shale gas production technologies require very, very significant costs of fresh water, which in itself is already a constantly growing "deficit".

Other proposed alternative methods of energy production also cannot yet be called fully effective and economically justified. Getting "solar energy" could be a good help for any industrial state, but, despite all the efforts of scientists, the production of silicon solar cells is too expensive, their efficiency is low, and the number of sunny days per year when these cells can be used relatively efficiently , in many countries is quite small... On top of that, the cost of converting and storing energy equipment makes the technology even more expensive.

Wind energy is not much more efficient for the same reasons: the cost of wind turbines is still very high, as is the equipment for converting and accumulating the energy received, and the winds in most regions, with the exception of coastal and a number of desert areas, are not stable. And the resource of such generators is not high enough, and they require regular maintenance.

The optimism of scientists who have been promising consumers practically unlimited and fabulously cheap "cold fusion" energy for many years in a row seems to have come to naught. The pretentious statements that cold fusion is “just about” to become the main way to obtain energy no longer sound: the problem turned out to be either too complicated, or, perhaps, even unsolvable ...

Energy continues to rise in price, and there are no real prospects for its reduction in price in the coming (and maybe not only in the coming) years.

In practice, at the moment we are not so much mastering new methods of obtaining electrical and thermal energy, but (and here it should be admitted that it is very effective) we are learning to save it. This is especially noticeable in the field of construction. In a number of countries, energy conservation methods have reached incredible heights today. The latest building and thermal insulation materials, coupled with other energy-saving technologies, have put off the problem of "energy collapse" for many years. Postponed but not resolved.

Light-emitting elements, internal combustion engines, batteries continue to improve - here progress is evident. But if in the near future mankind cannot find a fundamentally new and highly efficient way of obtaining energy, then the problems of energy hunger that are still emerging will become global in nature.

energy hunger

Savings and gluttony - what can be in common?

From the concept of energy hunger, in which humanity has lived throughout its history - with the exception of the last 100 years - some phenomena that are well known to us in everyday life follow. Accumulating money, old things that are “hard to part with”, or ... subcutaneous fat, we just pay tribute to hundreds of generations of ancestors who made maximum efforts to ensure that we live warmly and lightly.

When lighting an electric light bulb, think about the fact that 100 years ago it was an unheard of luxury!

But let's take a closer look.

No matter how realistic feature films are, nothing will give us an idea of ​​​​how people lived in a medieval city without electricity, sewerage, running water and central heating. We (especially those of us who settled in a unkempt piece of land) are able to imagine this bouquet of features separately, but collectively - it is beyond our understanding. And it would be nice to build a year-round dummy related to any culture and a certain time period in order to realize this in all its glory.

Cold, hunger, and darkness didn't just threaten from time to time, they threatened constantly. Today, these natural enemies of man are not completely expelled, but rather tamed - and until the global energy crisis breaks out in the world, we are more or less protected from them.

The ancestor was forced to constantly think about what he would eat tomorrow, and weather issues were not “fashionable”, but the most pressing. It was simply impossible to find out tomorrow's forecast, and I had to carry something with me in case of a cold snap (otherwise, a cold, and in a world without antibiotics - death). Food was given with great difficulty. Heat and light in housing belonged to the category of luxury, so, for example, the Slavs simply went to bed under a thick blanket when it got dark. Biorhythms were timed to daylight hours quite naturally, since any other way of life required exorbitant energy costs.

What was the energy? All fuel - firewood, oil, wax. Any food, especially the most concentrated and long-term storage - a restless person loved to travel, and was not always going to rely on what he could get on the way. Any clothes. In a word, everything that is capable of storing and producing heat - bodies or housing.

Today, neither is a problem. (We note carefully - for now, until the energy resources of the planet are exhausted. But the craving for comfort is so strong that other sources of energy on a planetary scale will undoubtedly be used - the Moon, the Sun, etc.)

Our technological development is many times ahead of the evolutionary one. A person still cannot adapt to the growing changes, although it seems that our “denim generation” and today's children, who have not yet come up with a worthy self-name (nano-generation, no less), take light, warmth and stuffed supermarkets for granted good.

In fact, genetically inherent energy hunger ...

  • Makes you eat for the future - gain excess weight,
  • Fills houses with unused items, outdated clothes,
  • Leads to attempts at hoarding - our internal concept of energy has certainly transferred to money.

Perhaps in 100 years, if we are smart, the issue of nutrition and overweight, as well as the renewal of essential items like clothes, dishes, furniture, should subside or disappear from the agenda altogether. More than one generation will have to grow up in contentment and comfort, so that the useful instinct, provoked by energy hunger, ceases to actively influence our lives, although it is most likely impossible to completely “knock it out” of Homo Sapiens.

Whether we like it or not, and if there is no global crisis, then the people of the future will find themselves in a world of overproduction, a world of social equality and (brr, a dirty word) communism in its best sense.

But we live here and now, and therefore we should be more rational about the manifestation of dense instincts, Every time we take on a “pure wool”, only slightly moth-eaten skirt, and decide - well, let it lie down, maybe I’ll turn it for a child or something If I fix it and wear it, we show our evolutionary energy hunger.

We would also store electricity if we knew how. In dachas, where a person is closer to nature, this manifests itself very clearly: near many houses, which are tightly preserved for the whole winter, there are stacks of firewood that can warm a whole family for a couple of seasons. It’s necessary, it’s not necessary - on occasion, all suitable trees from the surrounding area are sawn and stacked in piles ...

It's the same with food. In some families, the fear of hunger is so great that the tradition of “eating while there is food on the table” is cherished and passed on as a great value, as a means of survival. And, the truth - it helped to survive, probably for thousands of years.

It is not so easy to cross out the experience of dozens of generations of slightly hungry people behind our shoulders. We are no longer hungry - but, paying tribute to them - we eat.

Fat is energy in its purest form!

Another would be to recall the instincts of a quick escape from the saber-toothed ...

At all times and throughout the world, fasting has been widely used both as a remedy and as a way of spiritual purification. Christ fasted for 40 days in the wilderness. (Initially, fasting was understood as a complete hunger on the water, later fasting began to mean abstaining from any type of food) (1). Many saints also refused food for long periods.

You can name dozens and hundreds of famous people who themselves practiced fasting and treated others in this way. The best minds of the whole world came up with the same idea. What gives hunger? Is he really needed?

(1) Christian fasting is now subdivided into a very strict one - on vegetable food without oil; strict - on vegetable food with vegetable oil and ordinary, when fish is also allowed.



Almost all digestible proteins, when broken down, form such toxic compounds as uric acid, urea, creatine, creatinine, etc. When overeating and incomplete “burning” of food due to insufficient physical activity, these substances form more than is excreted. They cannot constantly circulate in the bloodstream, which would lead to an early poisoning. Toxins are bound and deposited in the least valuable tissues for the body, primarily in the connective, as well as in adipose, bone tissues, and non-working muscles.

And if from time to time a complete cleansing of the whole body is not performed, then toxins accumulate, and the body soon becomes like a drain hole. The overall energy potential of a person weakens, and the functional cells of various organs begin to suffocate from poisons. The cells simply do not have enough strength to throw out alien substances from the protoplasm.

Life is losing color one by one. A person no longer lives, but exists, burdened with a mass of diseases. He does not have time to do anything, as he feels constant fatigue. He sleeps a lot, but sleep does not add strength. He is sick 365 days a year!

And getting out of this state can be very difficult. It is worth skipping at least one meal, as the body, delighted with the opportunity, hurries to get rid of accumulated poisons. They rush into the blood in a powerful stream, and a person manifests all the symptoms of poisoning, aggravated by chronic "sores" - headache, nausea, weakness, dizziness, palpitations, etc.

Hunger helps in all these cases. Of course, with very strong slagging, special techniques are used, below we will find out which ones.

During fasting, the entire body is cleansed.

All excretory systems work to release toxins.

More than 150 harmful substances are excreted through the lungs alone. Slags are also removed with urine, with feces, with sweat, with saliva. People who are starving for the first time for 7-8 days literally stink - this is how the body is actively freed from poisons (1). Sometimes, it is even surprising how much impurities even a seemingly strong body can accumulate in itself.


Some compounds, such as uric acid salts, are often deposited in the joints. Mobility is limited, pain appears over time.

On hunger, there is an intensive cleaning of the joints, both the limbs and the spine. The release from such salts occurs quite quickly, mild forms of arthritis completely disappear after 8-10 days of fasting.

In more severe cases - with polyarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, when bone degeneration is observed, longer periods are required to also activate the recovery mechanisms.


The remarkable results of fasting are due not only to the removal of toxins. After all, the body is forced to live partly at the expense of its own tissues, and first of all it eats diseased, degenerate cells.

No surgeon is able to remove individual diseased tumor cells or ulcers, while keeping neighboring healthy ones and without violating the integrity of the tissue. The great physician - Hunger - treats in this way.

Moreover, along with the destruction of diseased cells, the body instead of them produces new, absolutely healthy ones. This also happens during fasting, but new cells grow especially intensively during the recovery period. It has been traced, for example, that after a 28-day fast, the gastric mucosa is not only completely restored, but also acquires a fair "margin of safety" due to additional functional cells. The stomach becomes, as they say, tinned.

(1) This may not be the case if a person has practiced one- and three-day fasts, eats properly and cleanses himself.

A similar renewal occurs in other organs and tissues, which is why fasting is the “universal doctor”. Adhesions, tumors, ossified areas, cirrhosis and necrosis disappear - and all this is due to hunger.


Restoration and renewal of tissues is accompanied by their rejuvenation. The accumulated errors in the work of the hereditary apparatus are corrected - the information carriers of DNA and RNA are restored, the cells again begin to synthesize the "correct" proteins.

Dr. Crew had an amazing experience in his time. He took an adult planaria worm 22 mm long and did not feed it until it was reduced to 6 mm. At the same time, all the signs of a young worm of similar size appeared. The worm was then given food and grew normally to its original state. After that, a new cycle of fasting began. As a result, the worm lived 20 (!) times longer than its counterparts.

A person, of course, is much more complicated than a planarian and is not completely renewed during hunger, but still rejuvenation is very significant (1). Almost always, acquaintances of the starving after recovery do not get tired of shrugging admiringly - the effect is so noticeable. (Although during fasting, these same acquaintances often persuade them to interrupt the “self-torture”).

(1) For complete renewal and lasting rejuvenation, a person must also strengthen his main energy vortices.


Together with the "native" slags and toxins that are formed in the body, the introduced poisons are also removed during hunger - from the chemistry that flooded our life, from the poisoned atmosphere, from waters and products. But this, however, was to be expected.

However, it turned out that fasting also reliably protects against radiation. T. A. Voitovich, director of the All-Union Association "Active Longevity", a well-known specialist in therapeutic starvation, cites amazing facts. Judge for yourself: all those heavily irradiated in Chernobyl, who received 400-600 rads each, who agreed to be treated with hunger, recovered!

Moreover, it turned out to be sufficient for them to starve for only 12-14 days, and hereditary functions were fully restored.

There are simply no other means of combating radiation sickness that are similar in effectiveness. The mechanism of hunger treatment is universal: “breakdowns” in DNA are eliminated, radioactive isotopes are removed.

In our ecological conditions, these facts cannot be underestimated. But fasting also gives a wonderful preventive effect. For a long time after hunger, the highest protective potential is maintained, while during periodic fasting, a person becomes practically invulnerable to nitrates, phenols, sulfur dioxide and nuclear power plants.


Hunger gives you energy. It seems incredible: how is it that a person does not eat anything, spends strength, and his energy increases? But there is no paradox. Being deprived of organic food, the body intensively begins to absorb subtle energy from space and the environment.

With the transition to normal nutrition, the effect of super-recovery is triggered - the body is more intense than before hunger, gaining energy, since all the opportunities for this appear. After all, hunger cleanses chakras and energy channels, on which many abilities depend.

After getting out of fasting, sleep is reduced to 4-5 hours, a person is literally filled with strength, he is seething with overflowing energy. This wonderful state is maintained for a long time if you adhere to a healthy diet, do exercises, be in the air and the sun.

But strength noticeably decreases when people try to "catch up" and indulge in gluttony.


Scholars, writers, and other creatives unanimously speak of the remarkable effect of hunger on the mind. Memory improves, sensitivity increases, intuition increases. No wonder Pythagoras starved for 40 days and demanded the same from his students.


Without a doubt, prolonged fasting leads to a very noticeable spiritual cleansing (of course, if you starve precisely for the purpose of spiritual development).

After a 40-42-day fast with pure thoughts, a person is freed from all "grounding" inclinations, his mental body is cleansed. In addition, connections between bodies improve - a person begins to feel higher bodies, that is, the Soul. And if natural laws are not violated, if pride does not overcome, then what has been achieved is preserved after the end of starvation.



Having started a long fast, an ordinary person continues to feel hungry for the first two or three, maximum four days. This largely depends on the psychological preparedness and experience of the starving. In the rarest cases, as a rule, with clogged intestines, hunger can bother you throughout the fast, but this is already an exception.

In these first days, there is a rapid weight loss (up to 1-1.5 kg per day), irritability may appear, mood worsens. Approximately on the second day, the reserve supply of glycogen in the liver is depleted and the body is taken closely to its own fats.

On the second or third day, a plaque appears on the tongue, in relatively healthy people it is whitish, in sick people it is yellowish, grayish, sometimes even brownish. Active excretion of toxins begins, urine becomes cloudy.

The next stage of fasting lasts up to 7-8 days, and with a large amount of slagging - up to 10-12 days. During this period, the restructuring of the body from external nutrition to internal and energy ends. On the 3-5th day, the feeling of hunger completely disappears, the layer of plaque on the tongue increases, weight loss decreases to 300-500 g per day. Acidosis is growing - acidification of the body, the smell of acetone from the mouth appears.

Urine and sweat also acquire a pungent odor. By all available means, the body gets rid of toxins.

Many at this time there is weakness, fatigue.

In winter, chilliness increases. Diseased organs and joints begin to make themselves felt. They appear pain and other signs of exacerbations. This is very good, as it speaks of the cleansing taking place in them.

The transitional stage ends with an acidotic crisis. A crisis is an adaptation of the body. Within a few hours, more often at night, the state of health improves dramatically, cheerfulness appears.

There may be weakness in the legs, chilliness, fatigue after a long walk, but the mood becomes completely different. The organism fully adapts to endogenous (internal) nutrition (1).

Daily weight loss is reduced to 100-200 grams or less, and fat reserves are consumed first. The spleen and liver also suffer large losses, in a smaller volume, muscles, blood, kidneys, etc. Of course, the affected areas of organs and tissues are consumed first.

In general, up to 40-45% of the initial weight can be used until complete exhaustion, which happens with extra long food deprivation. In this case, irreversible pathological changes occur. It is considered absolutely safe to lose 20-25% of body weight, that is, as they say in ancient sources, you can starve up to 50-60 days (2).

After the crisis, the efficiency of our metabolic mechanisms increases so much that a person begins to absorb carbon dioxide. “During the course of RDT (fasting and dietary therapy), acidosis occurs, which is one of the main levers of recovery. It is he who contributes to the fixation of carbon dioxide soluble in the blood according to the principle of photosynthesis, that is, by the most ideal synthesis in our world. The atmospheric air we breathe becomes a "nutrition medium". (Yu. S. Nikolaev,, p. 68).

Often, however, adaptation is delayed. In some cases, periods of noticeable improvement are observed over several days, in other people drastic changes state does not occur at all. Usually, the purer the person, the faster the crisis comes.

If body weight is not lost, then you can starve more. In this case, a complete transition to energy nutrition can occur, some even do without water. But after such a transition, a return to food usually destroys the body. That is, after several months of fasting without weight loss, it is better to live without food in the future, or you will have to rebuild your body for normal nutrition. Obviously, this is possible, but we do not know or have even heard of a single person for whom the reverse transition would be successfully completed. But this does not mean, of course, that such people do not exist.

“In other words, with increased absorption of CO by the cells, combined with an increased consumption of nitrogen from the air, the most favorable conditions are created for the qualitative construction of nucleic acids, proteins and other biologically active substances necessary for a full-fledged human life.” (T. A. Voitovich, p. 17).

In other words, when we are hungry, we consume carbon dioxide and nitrogen from the air and create proteins from them that our body needs. But the question arises: due to what energy does this happen? After all, spending 100 g of his "meat" for the whole day, a person does not even cover half of his own energy costs! Some people lose only 50-70 or even less grams per day and continue active work. For what?

Consider plants. They take the energy of the Sun and therefore can convert the same carbon dioxide of the air and nitrogen of mineral salts into organic compounds. A person also has the ability to feed on natural and cosmic energies, only in the normal state this is manifested only in a very small number of people. Currently, only a few people are known who do not eat anything at all. In fact, of course, there are more of them, but so far scientists have managed to examine only some of them.

These people constantly live on subtle energies, while an ordinary person begins to actively receive them only on hunger. But in order for the body to switch to such an optimal regime, fasting must be complete. If you consume even a small amount of "reinforcing" calories, the transition to internal nutrition will not occur, and there will be no synthesis of the necessary amino acids, DNA and RNA. On half-starvation, a person comes to exhaustion, and even dies much earlier than with a complete refusal of food.

In general, fasting occurs in people very differently. Some are cold, others are not, some can barely walk from fatigue, others are full of vigor and do not want to stay at home, some are worried about pain, black and green vomiting, belching, others do not experience any particular discomfort. It all depends on the initial state, on the mood and on the cleansing procedures.

Actually tissue renewal is usually noticeable somewhere after 14 days. Ulcers, kidneys, liver and other organs begin to be actively treated. But this does not happen at the same time. Our inner doctor, the subconscious, determines on its own the order in which the cleansing will go, what needs to be freed from in the first place, and what should be left “for later”.

The main thing here is not to interfere with the natural course of things, but to help the body in every possible way - to give enemas, take a shower, walk in the air, induce vomiting if necessary.

A sign of complete cleansing and liberation from all diseases is the reddening of the tongue. A person has a wolfish appetite. This can happen on the 20th, and on the 30th, and on the 40th day. In some cases, with "rooted" diseases, one course of fasting for healing is not enough. Then it has to be repeated.


It is important not only to gain determination and not eat for a few days, but also to get out of fasting correctly. There are many cases when a careless exit people nullified all their efforts, and sometimes caused direct harm to themselves.

The first stage of recovery lasts from 2 to 5-6 days. This is a kind of disease caused by the restructuring of the exchange for external nutrition. Weight continues to drop, weakness is possible.

With the transition to more solid food body weight usually increases rapidly. fat people it is advisable to hold back if they do not want to return to their original forms again. Those who are painfully thin tend to get better, if only they are hungry enough to root out the disease that caused the thinness.

Sometimes, if the body is thoroughly tuned in to the vital cleansing, and hunger is interrupted (mostly after the 21st day), a good appetite does not appear, weight is gained very slowly. It is important here not to force yourself, not to try to shove food into yourself, it still will not work for the future. Recovery can take up to 2-3 months, and there is no need to force this process. It is advisable to devote more time to physical education, especially in the open air, and not to eat more than you want.

Some, however, prolong fasting up to 49 and even up to 56 days, but I need to have a lot of fasting experience to make such a decision.

But usually it is more important to keep yourself from gluttony. Not so much physiological as psychological factors work here, especially if a person mentally draws different goodies on hunger and looks forward to how he will then sit down at the table. Most breakdowns happen for this reason. And all the complications after fasting occur only because of the wrong way out.

After all, both the stomach and intestines during abstinence become clean and tender, like those of a baby. Then they will gain tremendous strength and be able to digest almost rubber, but until they get stronger, even a spoonful of green peas or a piece of bread can lead to an ulcer or volvulus.

With a scrupulous exit, all dangers are eliminated. For a man begins new life, he is filled with strength, everything is on his shoulder. And it depends only on him how much he will be able to maintain this wonderful state - for two weeks, for a month or for six months.



If you decide to fast weekly, then it is best to choose for yourself the busiest, most busy day, so that from morning to evening there is no time to even look back. In the future, after some practice, this will no longer be so important, but for a start it is desirable to distract yourself from thoughts about food. Work during the day, plan a movie, theater or a big laundry for the evening - in general, you can always think of something.

Date of Birth Zodiac signs fasting day
March 21 - April 19 Aries Tuesday
April 20 – May 20 Taurus Friday
May 21 - June 21 Twins Wednesday
June 22 - July 22 Crayfish Monday
July 23 - August 23 a lion Sunday
August 24 - September 22 Virgo Wednesday
September 23 - October 23 Scales Friday
October 24 - November 21 Scorpion Tuesday
November 22 - December 21 Sagittarius Thursday
December 22 - January 19 Capricorn Saturday
January 20 - February 18 Aquarius Saturday
February 19 - March 20 Fish Thursday

True, these data, which are valid in the Kali Yuga, now do not always correspond to the true state of affairs.

New constellations appeared, the time boundaries of the old ones shifted.

So your day, most likely, will have to be determined empirically. Against the background of other days, it stands out with a special influx of strength, high spirits, and good health. On this day, the constellation gives a person a portion of energy, which he subsequently spends until the next recharge.

The interval between days, when “its” constellation injects a portion of energy into a person, was 7 days in Kali Yuga, that is, a week. Now some note; that this interval has increased to 14 days, but this information requires careful examination and study.

It is possible that in order to accurately determine your day, you will need a self-observation diary. A sequence repeated over several months will resolve all doubts (1).

Another important moment for fasting is taking into account the phases of the moon.

The easiest, as a rule, fasting from 1 to 3 days occur on the days of the new moon or full moon. Moreover, some people are easier to starve in the new moon, others - in the full moon.

You can, of course, ignore all these rhythms and starve, say, on Saturdays, as Porfiry Ivanov advises. However, Saturday was not chosen by chance either.

But, one way or another, the decision is made, you appointed a day and were determined. On the eve, it is advisable not to eat animal food, and even more so not to overeat. It is very difficult for those who argue: “Tomorrow is still hungry, let me have a last meal…” We already know that the next day the body adjusts to the volume and composition of the food that we ate today. And until this adaptive reaction is corrected by a strong-willed attitude, until the body gets used to starving, a beginner after excesses will be tormented by hunger pangs.

(1) Of course, there will be no exact repetition in amplitude - after all, the rhythms of the Sun, Moon, other planets, annual, etc. are superimposed on the rhythm of the constellations (which give their energy through the planets).

So, on the eve we do not eat meat, fish, eggs and products from them, as well as cottage cheese and cheese, and eat no more than usual (if possible moderately). Dinner the smaller the better. You can reduce it to vegetables or a bottle of kefir. Or, say, eat melon, watermelon. After a hearty dinner, a day without food does not count as a fast (1).

In the evening, you can say to yourself: “Thank God! Finally, I'll clean up, get rid of all the waste. After all, so much food has been eaten in a week, tomorrow I will be freed from all poisons. The body will become cleaner and stronger, no disease will take it. Tomorrow I'm resting, food doesn't exist for me."

Words and thoughts, of course, can be anything. The main thing is the proper attitude, awareness of the need for fasting and the assertion of one's "I" as the true owner of the body.

The next day they do not eat anything and drink only water. Better raw, cleaned or settled, thawed very well, and distilled. But not cold! Water should be at room temperature or warm. And, of course, the water must be clean. If the water is not very good, you can drink distilled water.

Now the question is how much to drink. It depends on the purpose of fasting. If it is carried out for deslagging and prevention, then it is beneficial to drink more. Purification during one-day fasting occurs mainly through the kidneys, so it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters per day, and at least 3 liters in the heat.

With some practice, fluid sufficiency is judged by urination. If the urine is yellow, concentrated, and even with a pungent odor, you need to drink more. If white, frequent urination, then water can be limited. In general, the appearance of sharply yellow or even cloudy urine in the afternoon (with one-day fasting) indicates the beginning of cleansing. If this does not happen, it means that the body “swings” slowly, or the person cleaned himself well - walked for a long time, drank a lot of water, did exercises.

Well cleansed people who have extensive experience in fasting do not conduct any special preparation. From the mere thought of hunger, their organism tunes in to it and begins self-cleansing.

It is better to drink water in small portions - literally a few sips. It is worth limiting its consumption only with edema of any origin. However, sometimes (especially with colds) a “dry” one-day fast is also carried out - without water and without enemas. In this case, the element of Fire acts mainly, the body warms up and diseases are literally burned.

Sometimes, however, it happens that during normal, not dry fasting, water “does not flow”, and people literally force themselves to drink. A healthy person can equally easily drink a lot or not drink, but if the body is neglected, then it is not worth raping it, you do not need to choke on water, but you should drink as much as it pleases.

Now about enemas. With a clean intestine and ideal peristalsis (when there is an independent stool even on the third or fourth day of fasting), enemas are not particularly needed. Otherwise, it's better to clean up.

An enema can be given the evening before the day of fasting and another one on the day of fasting. Some people prefer morning enemas, others evening enemas. Feeling better after an enema usually improves, which is especially noticeable during prolonged fasting.

Strongly slagged people at the first attempts to starve can experience very unpleasant sensations. The body, delighted with the opportunity to get rid of toxins, releases a lot of toxins into the blood at once. Weakness, severe headaches, palpitations appear. Nothing wrong with that. You can sit or lie down, relax, and when the attack passes, go outside. If the heartbeat or headaches are already very strong (and also when the kidneys cannot cope with the flow of waste), it is permissible to drink half a glass of water, dissolving a quarter teaspoon of honey in it. In this case, the release of slags is somewhat slowed down.

But it is best for the prevention of painful conditions, it is possible to walk more in the air.

You can go to the garden for the whole day or go hiking, or think of something else. In this case, many toxins will be burned by oxygen, purification will be several times more efficient and relatively painless.

In the most severe cases, when there is no way to hold out all day, you can try to fast not for 36 hours, but only 24 - before dinner. In the evening, eat raw and boiled vegetables. If it’s hard, keep at least until the afternoon snack. The main thing is to get off the ground.

For some, it may be wise to unload several times these days before moving on to weekly fasts - on apples, watermelons, plums, grapes, cabbage, etc. But, of course, not on kefir and not on cottage cheese! A fruit or vegetable diet turns on cleansing mechanisms well, awakens defenses, and gives a beneficial shake to the whole body.

Way out of fasting

In order to prolong the cleansing for another whole day and get the greatest effect from fasting, this exit is recommended.

Breakfast. 100 g of any fruit or vegetable juice. Then before lunch every hour and a half to drink 100-200 g of the same juice. You can take another juice, but you should not change the juices every hour so that they do not come into conflict with each other.

Dinner. Vegetable salad, vegetable stew or Hercules porridge (no salt, no butter and no bread). Many are well suited for buckwheat or rice (from unpolished rice) porridge. You can cook a stew from raw vegetables: cabbage, potatoes, beets, pumpkins, etc. rub raw and add 2-3 tablespoons of kefir or yogurt.

A good and very convenient lunch is a few bananas.

afternoon tea. A glass or two of juice or fruit.

Dinner. Vegetable salad and any porridge or boiled potatoes with 1-2 teaspoons of oil.

Such an exit is especially desirable for ulcers, serious gastritis, enterocolitis and colitis, but in this case, raw vegetables can be excluded, and if juices are intolerant, replace them with oatmeal. It is recommended to adhere to this scheme for all beginners, at least the first 3-4 times, as well as for very obese people.

A healthy and accustomed to starvation person can immediately resume normal nutrition. In this case, the day begins with a cleansing vegetable salad and excludes all animal products and other concentrated proteins from the menu, as well as fatty and sweets. The next day after the exit do not eat animal food, very fatty and confectionery.


Short fasting of 1-3 days is also called cosmetic. Indeed, this is not a major restructuring and cleansing of the body, but, so to speak, cosmetic repairs. Some toxins are removed, the work of immune forces is restored, the digestive organs get a respite, the tone increases nervous system, energy channels are cleaned.

The external cosmetic effect is also very pronounced - acne, abscesses, pustules disappear, which so stubbornly pursue many meat-eaters (and not only meat-eaters).

Weekly fasting also has a beneficial effect on the psyche. The will is strengthened, a significant “stress resistance” appears, self-confidence increases.

How long to fast for one day

Starve as much as you want. Paul Bragg fasted almost all his life, and with remarkable results. Others believe that constant weekly fasting is not very useful, as the body gets used to them.

Perhaps, perfectly healthy people with normal weight, who practice longer fasts from time to time, there is no special need to fast for one more day every week (2).

(1) Almost all skin diseases are due to pride, the manifestations of which are very diverse. “When I fast, I become vain that I fast. When I left the post, I am conceited that I withstood it. Having conquered vanity, I am conceited from this…” – this is how one of the ascetics describes the insidious enemy. Winning here is not easy. Yoga, however, teaches not to fight, but to eliminate undesirable qualities by cultivating opposites.

(2) Such people practice one-day fasts as needed.

Another thing is a half-sick person for whom not eating all day is a serious test. He undoubtedly needs weekly fasts until he completely gets used to them and begins to fast systematically for 3-7-10 days.

In any case, there is no harm from regular weekly fasting. Moreover, for some, the "unloading day" becomes a kind of holiday that they are waiting for, during which they rest and, of course, should not be abandoned (1).


Having learned to starve for one day and making sure that the body is clearly not going to die at this time and that the painted “pangs of hunger” are significantly exaggerated, it’s a good idea to move on to a three-day fast. However, at first, for a test of strength, two days will be enough.

You should not immediately start a three-day fast without spending several times a one-day fast. It is advisable to study the behavior of your body on hunger, to accustom the body to quickly switch to cleansing.

It is recommended to tune in to a specific date in advance and do not eat animal food for the last 3-4 days. At the same time, prepare yourself psychologically in order to feel a firm determination to start and successfully complete your plan. Over time, such an attitude will arise by itself, as soon as a person realizes the need for current purification. This will testify to a very increased self-consciousness and liberation from a kind of mental blinkers, food slavery, which restrains spiritual development. With the habit of fasting from time to time, many begin to experience joy after each decision to start a fast and usually look forward to the appointed day.

But if the body has become accustomed to weekly hunger over the years, then this habit cannot be abruptly abandoned. Or it is necessary not to give the body the opportunity to get used to it, deliberately knocking down the rhythm - to starve in different days, make Passes, increase the period up to two days, etc. Psychic strength increases with any conscious hunger.

With clogged intestines, instead of an enema (or after an enema), a laxative is taken on the eve of fasting. 30-50 g of bitter Epsom salts (or "Barbara" salts) are dissolved in 500 ml of water and drunk 5-6 hours or more after breakfast or a light lunch. Nothing else is eaten that day.

If you do not take a laxative or drink weak herbal remedies, then you can have a no-frills dinner the day before. In the evening, they put an enema and, if necessary, drink a mild laxative at night, which acts the next morning.

Of course, with excellent peristalsis, when there is an independent stool all three days, enemas are not particularly needed for clean, non-slagging people. But they can’t hurt either, so if there is any doubt whether to do them or not, it’s better to do it. After all, an enema not only removes sewage, on hunger, water is also absorbed through the intestinal walls with the reverse release of toxic products.

On the second day of fasting, the stomach is washed with water in the morning. By this time, the acidity of the contents of the stomach increases, harmful substances are formed, and it is desirable to remove all this. With unpleasant sensations, belching, the stomach can be washed on any other day.

They drink water without restrictions, and if there are no edema, then the more, the better (with the exception of “dry” fasting). Water is preferably raw, settled or purified (melted water is even better). On average, they drink 1.5-2.5 liters per day. In winter, when it is cold, the water is heated. However, warm water is better in summer, if not very hot.

The first 2-3 days a very strong cleansing goes through the kidneys, so drinking enough water is important. But if you don’t feel like drinking it at all, then you shouldn’t force yourself. A "pure" person can trust his instinct. Sometimes, however, a few drops of lemon juice are added to the water for taste.

During a three-day fast, you can perform almost any daily work. It is only advisable, starting from the second day, not to do very hard work (do not rearrange furniture, do not try to unload a car with earth in the garden, etc.), and on the third day do not even carry heavy bags (more than 2-3 kg).

However, these restrictions are very arbitrary. Having become accustomed to starving, healthy people often deliberately give themselves a larger load so that the cleansing goes more intensively. However, the approach here is strictly individual. If a starving athlete can and even should continue to push up from the floor, pull himself up on the bar, squat, etc., then not very healthy man, walking on the third day with a heavy bag, can provoke severe pain in the stomach.

But walking is useful for everyone without exception, and the more, the better (making sure, of course, that there is no severe shortness of breath, palpitations, etc.). It is advisable to spend at least 3-4 hours a day outdoors, and it is in motion, and not sitting on a bench. (Although it is better to sit on a bench in the garden than at home).

Long walks can intensify the cleaning processes several times.

Way out of fasting

Juices. The whole first day passes on juices. Suitable tomato, apple, plum juices. Grape, carrot, citrus juices and too sweet or sour juices are excluded. It is advisable to make an exit on any one juice, although it is possible on different ones - on the first day one, on the second day - another, or before lunch - one, after lunch - another. It is generally accepted that tomato juice is the best(1).

With peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum and intolerance to juices, they are replaced with a mucous oatmeal decoction.

An excellent yield is obtained with watermelon juice. But it has been noticed that you want to eat more from fruit juices than from vegetable ones.

If there are no juices, then in the evening you can pour a handful of dried apricots with a liter of cold water. Give dried apricots to someone in the morning, drink compote like juice, soaking one more portion for the afternoon.

Another method, sometimes used in the absence of juices or with a sick stomach, is to boil a potato, crush it, add boiling water, mix and strain. It turns out a very liquid talker, almost like water. They drink it straight warm.

This refers to canned tomato juice without salt. Freshly squeezed tomato juice “does not go” to many after hunger. Salted also causes swelling and many destructions in the body.

There are other methods, but if there is tomato juice (and if it does not cause discomfort), then it is preferable to go out on it.

1st reception: in the morning, mix 50 g of juice with 50 g of water.

2nd reception: after 30-60 minutes, mix 100 g of juice with 50 g of water.

3rd reception: in an hour 100 g of pure juice.

4th reception: in an hour 100 g of pure juice.

5th reception: in an hour 150 g of juice.

6th reception: in an hour - lunch - 200 g of juice.

Before lunch, drink 100-200 g of juice every hour and a half.

Dinner. Raw grated vegetables or fruits other than orange ones. (Accordingly, the orange carotenoids contained in these products, in the first days after fasting, adversely affect the liver, and negative effects may appear only 2-3 months after an unsuccessful exit). With a sick stomach, liquid oatmeal without salt and oil is well suited. You can eat bananas.

afternoon tea. Apples or other fruits, or grated vegetables, or juices.

Dinner. Vegetable stew or vegetable soup, or porridge, or potatoes with a little oil (one teaspoon) without salt, can be served with a piece of bread.

3rd and 4th days.

A sparing diet with the exclusion of animal foods, confectionery, some orange vegetables and fruits, restriction of fats and salt.

5th and 6th days.

Predominantly fruit and vegetable diet (starchy food twice a day) with the exception of animal foods and confectionery.


Three-day fasting cures colds, bronchitis and many other diseases (except chronic ones). The liver, stomach and intestines are significantly restored. The body removes a lot of poisons and gains new strength.

Recent studies have found that after a 3-day fast, the number of T-lymphocytes increases by 30%.

The frequency of fasting

It is very good to fast every month for three days and another one or two times for one day. This mode ensures the removal of almost all newly incoming and formed toxins, contributes to a gradual more complete cleansing of the body. The body gradually gets used to the pure state and over time refuses to accept more and more "dead" foods.


This fast usually lasts 7-10 days.

In often starving people, a crisis sometimes occurs on the 5-6th day and even earlier, in heavily slagged people - on 10-12. The faster the crisis comes and eat it more distinctly, the more effective is fasting.

In order for fasting to proceed as easily as possible, it is important to fulfill the following 4 requirements:

1. Set yourself up for fasting in advance so that the body itself asks for cleansing. This is one of the main factors, with due determination and the prevention of weak thoughts, unpleasant sensations do not arise at all.

2. Do not overeat before fasting. For the last week, it is also desirable to exclude all animal food.

There are many cases when people who decided to starve leaned into last days for food, - they say, I'll be cleansed anyway! This mistake led to real torment, fasting was very difficult, and some were even forced to interrupt it.

3. How to cleanse the intestines on the eve of fasting. It is best to take a large dose of laxative (50 g of Barbara salt in 500 ml of water) or do Shank Prakshalana.

Practice has shown that the more thoroughly the cleaning is done, the less hunger worries in the first days and the better the liberation from toxins proceeds. There are cases (albeit very rare) when, with a clogged intestine, the feeling of hunger did not subside for 4-5 days, but persisted throughout the fast.

In the future, during fasting, laxatives are not taken.

4. Do not neglect the procedures and techniques that speed up the processes of cleaning and removing debris accumulated in the body.

These include:

* cleansing the stomach;

* proper drinking regimen;

* physical activity, especially long walks in the fresh air;

* water procedures (swimming, shower, coniferous baths, pearl and mud baths, Charcot shower);

* massage and self-massage of the body, massage of the spine.

Let's dwell on them again.


Feces are formed throughout the duration of fasting, whether it be 5 or 50 days. After all, those cells of our body that must be utilized are delivered to the stomach (spontaneous secretion), and then digested in the usual way.

But enemas do more than flush out feces. Water is absorbed through the intestinal walls, and poisons are ejected into the intestinal cavity to be removed. Not without reason after enemas the state of health noticeably improves.

But too often, more than once a day, it is not necessary to put them. Only with severe headaches, poor health, you can make an additional enema. Moreover, the volume of water for enemas during hunger usually decreases, especially if the intestines were previously well cleaned.

Enemas are given every day, usually in the morning or evening, and they are canceled only with the beginning of the exit.

Cleansing the stomach

On the second day in the morning, the stomach is always washed, causing vomiting. But with unpleasant sensations, severe cramps in the stomach, sour belching, you can clear it on any other day and at any time.

It has been noticed that if you spend the whole day at home on hunger, then your health worsens, weakness and chilliness increase. On the contrary, after walking or working in the fresh air, although physical fatigue may be felt, the mood and well-being are usually good, the person is cheerful and cheerful.

Water procedures

At home, it is desirable to take a shower twice a day, a good contrast (if it was done earlier). Baths with coniferous extract also clean well. In the morning you can take a shower, in the evening - a bath.

In the summer, swimming gives excellent results. Even with very long fasts, when a person loses a lot of weight and walks not very fast, it is surprisingly easy in the water and after bathing one feels a wonderful renewal.

After the water is very nice to lie in the sun. The sun's rays accelerate the cleansing processes, give energy, warm. In winter, to intensify the exchange, it is sometimes possible to irradiate with a quartz lamp.

In the summer, another natural factor, air, “works” perfectly. After all, cleansing goes through the pores of the skin, besides, the air, in direct contact with the naked body, stimulates the entire body. And in winter, even if it is cool, at least before a shower or bath, it’s good to undress and move around without clothes.

And those who are engaged in barefoot walking continue to walk in the snow even in winter when they are hungry, wearing only bathing suits and swimming trunks. Needless to say, they get more from fasting than those who prefer to luxuriate in bed.

Massage and self-massage

It is very good if it is possible to take sessions of general massage and spinal massage on hunger. But self-massage also gives excellent results. In the morning lying in bed, in the evening, before going to bed and in the middle of the day, very simple, but extremely effective techniques. The basis of self-massage is stroking. Smooth the foot, lower leg, thigh of each leg, forearms and upper arms - approximately 50 movements for each part of the body. Stroke with a little effort from the toes to the ankles and then up to the knees and then to the groin. Hands - from the wrists to the elbows and to the shoulder joints. The palms are close to the body.

Then the buttocks are massaged in a circular motion. The chest is stroked from the center to the periphery with transverse movements, the left half - with the right palm, the right half - with the left palm. For the chest, 20-30 rubbing for each half is enough.

Such a massage takes only a few minutes, but it perfectly accelerates the lymph and blood, saturates the body with energy, cleans the channels and distributes energy throughout the body, normalizes vascular tone and the functioning of the nervous system.

* * *

Fasting continues until the onset of a crisis. After a crisis (it often happens at night), the mood improves, joy appears. There may be physical fatigue, but still a person feels a clear relief. Of course, a more reliable criterion is the cessation of rapid weight loss. To do this, every morning after emptying Bladder need to be weighed. When the daily weight loss drops sharply (say, it was 600, 700, 500 grams and suddenly - 150 grams), the crisis has come. The next morning, or after waiting another day or two, you can start going out.

The speed of the onset of the crisis depends on the slagging of the body and the habit of starving. It can come on both the 5th and 10th day, it can even drag on up to 12-14 days. It is wiser, of course, to tune in for a longer period, then a premature exit will be a pleasant surprise.

Way out of fasting

The whole first day they drink diluted juice (in half with water). They start with 50-100 g, then every hour and a half they drink 100-150 g of the mixture. For “lunch”, the dose can be increased to 200 g. In total, they drink about 1 liter of juice and 1 liter of water per day. They drink it in small sips, with pleasure, savoring each portion in the mouth for a long time. You can not drink water separately during an exit on juices.

Every hour and a half to drink 150-200 g of juice.

Drink juice before lunch.

Raw grated vegetables or fruits, excluding orange ones. afternoon tea. Raw and grated vegetables or fruits. Dinner. Vegetable stew or vegetable soup or porridge or potatoes without oil and without salt.

Raw grated vegetables or fruits. 2nd breakfast. Raw grated vegetables or fruits (except orange).

Vegetable salad and vegetable soup with a slice of bread or

porridge with a teaspoon of butter.

Raw grated vegetables or fruits.

Salad and potatoes, or porridge with butter.

6th and 7th days.

Eat normally, eliminating animal foods, orange fruits and vegetables, confectionery and limiting fats.

Then for another week they abstain from meat, fish, eggs and products from them, do not lean on cottage cheese, cheese, salty and sweet.

With a lot of fasting experience, a healthy person can go out on juices for two days, and then eat raw fruits and vegetables.

Sometimes they even start drinking juice with water not in the morning, but in the afternoon, the next day they spend on pure juice, and on the third day they switch to fruit. Interrupting fasting “according to Bragg” is possible, probably, only for those who starve as much as Bragg himself, and already have ideal health.

It is clear that it is not easy to endure an extra day without solid food, especially in winter, but was it then worth it to starve for a week at all, in order to then lose half of the healing effect due to the “savings” of one single day?

In general, fasting before a crisis is a serious matter. The body is completely rebuilt on internal nutrition, and a single piece of bread can lead to an ulcer at best, and at worst ...

No, it's still best to scrupulously stick to the repeatedly tested output.


1. During the exit it is very important not to overeat. The way out is a kind of disease, the restructuring of all systems from internal to external nutrition. No need to eat more than the body wants (“mental appetite” after a long abstinence has nothing to do with the true needs of the body).

2. It is very important to chew your food thoroughly. Since many do not do this, vegetables and fruits are specially ground so that they turn into gruel in the mouth.

3. If raw vegetables cause pain, they are boiled or replaced with liquid oatmeal. With diseased digestive organs, vegetable soups with rice are also very good.


This fasting, of course, does not yet cure serious illnesses, but its results are very noticeable. Joints are cleansed, wonderful flexibility appears, headaches disappear, sleep is restored. The work of the heart is significantly improved, allergies are reduced and often disappear. Many skin diseases, neurodermatitis and neuralgia pass.

The person begins to perceive the world, lightness of the body and clarity of thought appear. Energy is renewed, strength is increasing.

How often to fast

It depends on age and health status. In general, you can starve from about the age of six months to a very old age, and the older the person, the more he needs periodic abstinence from food.

Healthy people under 40 years old can be recommended to fast until a crisis once a year, from 40 to 50 years old - twice a year, from 50 to 65 years old - three times a year and over 65 years old - 4 times a year. For those who practice yoga and those who want to maintain the highest degree of health and performance, and at a young age, it’s good to fast before a crisis more often - 3-4 times a year.


In order to start fasting for such periods, you first need to master short fasts and fast several times for 7-10 days.

Preparation for a long fast is the same as for fasting before a crisis. The last week they do not eat animal food and gradually become indifferent to food. And you should not try to gain an extra kilogram or two in reserve at this time.

Those pounds will only be shed in the extra days of fasting required to burn excess weight and achieve the required depth of cleansing.

With lowered kidneys, if necessary, wear a bandage. It is also highly desirable to do additional exercises for the abdominal muscles.

The term of fasting depends on the desired effect and possibilities. After all, different diseases are treated at different times. With tumors, a diseased liver, and in other severe cases, they starve more. For the current cleansing - less. The heart center and other chakras of the unprepared are opened during very long fasts. Often, however, several fasts for 21 days with breaks in a month - two are more effective than one forty days.

The subconscious always determines for itself what needs to be taken on first and what to leave for later. Many diseases are treated intermittently in several stages. Pain in different parts of the body just testify to the cleansing of certain organs. So, the liver can be cleansed, for example, in the first week, third, fourth and sixth. At this time, there will be a bad mood, irritability, urge to vomit. You just need to calmly wait out such periods, knowing that everything will pass.

When cleaning and renewal are completely over, a person's tongue turns red and a strong appetite appears. If this state is not reached, then some diseases still nest in the body, their roots have not yet been torn out. In some cases, with the most chronic and deep-seated diseases, even a 56-day fast may not be enough, and after a few months the course will have to be repeated. This is not very common, but it happens.

Way out of fasting

When fasting for 21 or more days, three days go out on juices.

The first day they drink diluted juice, the rest of the days - whole, as during starvation before the crisis. It is best to take tomato juice, you can also apple, plum, but in no case carrot, grape and other too sweet or too sour, or citrus juices. You can also not use juices with sugar.

On the fourth day, before lunch, they drink juice, for lunch and afternoon tea they eat grated fruits, for dinner - grated vegetables and a little porridge-smear.

On the fifth and sixth days, they eat mainly fruits and vegetables, 1-2 times a day, you can make vegetable soup with cereals or liquid porridge.

From the seventh to the eighth day, a little bread is introduced and vegetable oil(for the first time - 1 teaspoon).

Then you can gradually add nuts (if desired) and honey, guided by instinct.

The diet after the exit from fasting lasts the same number of days as the fasting itself lasted plus the days of exit on juices.

All this time, new tissues are actively growing, the body is in a hurry to complete its overhaul. It is very important during this period to maintain an alkaline environment, not to abuse fats, legumes, bread and honey. These days it is recommended to refrain from animal food, milk and dairy products. Salt is also excluded. The consumption of orange vegetables and fruits is also limited (this is especially true for carrots, mountain ash, sea buckthorn, citrus fruits, and to a lesser extent for pumpkin). They can be introduced little by little a few days after they started eating oil. But the restriction is completely removed only by the end of the recovery.


1. For people who are not accustomed to raw plant foods, some vegetables can be boiled.

2. In summer and early autumn, if desired, you can spend several weeks practically on the same fruits and vegetables, guided by your taste and condition. This sometimes happens after prolonged fasting - there is a feeling of complete sufficiency of even the lightest food.

3. In the absence of appetite at the exit and slow weight gain, do not forcibly stuff food into yourself. Such conditions sometimes occur when a person, having been hungry for a long time already and turning on the healing mechanisms at full power, interrupts hunger without waiting for the tongue to turn red. In such cases, you should not eat more than you want and lean on calories, this will not lead to anything good. Good work in the fresh air helps much better. Or it is worth starving for another 1-3 days, while it is possible to do more physical education, go outside more often and generally live more actively. If even after this, after a few weeks, the condition does not return to normal, then it is worth starving before the crisis and further increasing physical activity.

4. If the body is completely cleansed, an irresistible appetite appears and the tongue turns red, then the juice can be taken not for 3 days, but only for 2 and a half, listening to your condition. And with the transition to solid food, it is important not to overeat, although the desire to eat will be huge, and after a day or two, switch to 4 meals a day, and then to 2-3 meals a day.

5. Before complete cleansing for several days there is usually great weakness, fear of death may appear. The most unfavorable thing is to interrupt the fast during this critical period. Then a person can be haunted for a long time by latent diseases that have manifested during hunger, recovery is much delayed, and sometimes it is even difficult to say whether starvation has benefited or not.

6. It is very important after the exit not to miss the moment of the end of the recovery (this is also true for starvation of small and medium duration). Until the end of the recovery period, a person usually has a sharply increased appetite, great working capacity, short sleep (3-5 hours). Then the appetite decreases. A person, sitting down at the table, is no longer sure whether he is really very hungry. If at this moment you show willpower and skip the next meal, relax for a day, reducing your diet to fruits, vegetables or dried fruits, and then eat only with real hunger, then a wonderful state of raising vitality can be maintained for a long time. If, out of habit, having sighed, again move a full plate towards you, then, alas, the energy level will decrease quite quickly.

How often to fast

It is highly desirable at least once to bring fasting to the reddening of the tongue. In the future, it will be quite enough to maintain the earned health by fasting before the crisis, three-day and one-day. But, of course, longer fasting is not forbidden. In general, a starving person usually gains such experience in 2-3 years that he already feels perfectly when he needs to starve and how much.



This is what is usually feared the most. Indeed, if you overeat the last days before the start of fasting, and then listen with horror to your slightest sensations, then there will be little pleasure. But when a person takes this calmly, does not overeat and cleanses the intestines well, there is no hunger as such.

On the 4-5th day, the food reflex usually completely fades, the type of food and its smells no longer even cause salivation. But it happens that a starving person, constantly thinking about food, anticipating how nicely he will treat himself after leaving, excites the food center with his thoughts (and even more so with images). Then the appetite can be partially preserved, especially with a dirty intestine.

Fighting hunger is easy. First, we must try not to think about food. That is, to be distracted, to engage in any activity. Secondly, you need a decisive attitude. If you firmly say to yourself: “Today I don’t eat!” - and the body will know that this is not a deception, then hunger will not cause much concern.

The first days, however, there are hungry cramps, which are removed by two or three sips of water or by ignoring these sensations. If “sucking” is too strong, you need to drink 1-2 liters of water and induce vomiting.

In general, starving people usually carry a flask of water with them all the time, from which they sip a little if necessary.

But it must be borne in mind that the food center in beginners is reflexively excited by any contact with food, even if a person wants to be indifferent to it. This greatly interferes with the normal switching on of the internal power mechanism. It is better for those who are starving to refrain from cooking and not to attend meals. Failure to comply with this rule often leads to sleep disturbances, headaches, heartburn, irritability (1).


Weakness, drowsiness, unwillingness to move during fasting indicate a lack of energy. Its reserves can and should be replenished. There are many methods. These include already known water procedures, massage, walks. Swimming and sunbathing are very beneficial in summer. A fairly powerful way is to walk on the ground barefoot, if possible with a minimum of clothing.

The effect of any method is greatly enhanced if a person feels his connection with nature. After all, you can just swim, douse yourself, walk barefoot, or you can mentally greet the Earth and the Sun, Air and Water, feel the inextricable connection with them, harmony and mutual understanding. And the elements will respond to the greeting, you just need to feel their answer.

But, in general, some weakness is a normal phenomenon, you just need to be prepared for it. Usually, already on the second day, a person begins to get tired, and in the future there may be periods when it will be difficult to even get up. But all this is not a cause for concern.

Anytime you feel severe fatigue, it is worth to sit down or lie down, take a break. But it’s not worth it to stay too long; after a rest, it’s better to walk along fresh air and your health will immediately improve.

Relief is usually felt after the crisis, and somewhere after 14-16 days the condition improves even more. There is a thirst for activity, a person no longer wants to sit still, he is drawn to walk, communicate. In such an excellent mood, many stay until the very end of fasting. But the last days of the long term can be very difficult. Some even interrupt their hunger because of the fear of death, when they do not even have the strength to get out of bed. Meanwhile, this last peak of weakness.

With very long hunger, however, when the sight of food does not cause the slightest emotion, some people are happy to cook for others without experiencing any unpleasant sensations later. This can be considered harmless, especially if the food is not remembered or dreamed of.

Evidence of a close denouement, a kind of second birth, when the tongue is cleared and strength is infused. As long as a person has not exceeded 40-50 days, he has nothing to worry about (1).

In the cold season, many starving people are very cold. This is also no cause for concern. You just need to dress warmer. In winter, some wear 2-3 pairs of warm underwear, several sweaters, etc.
But not everyone is cold. There are people who hardly suffer from the cold. They perfectly tolerate hunger in both winter and summer. But more often than not, the hungry will get chilly. They should walk more, take hot baths (preferably coniferous) and ... pour cold water over them. Douse for a short time, only to “hit” the thermoreceptors.
If, despite all efforts, a person continues to freeze, then he can try to reduce the amount of water he drinks. Figuratively speaking, Water extinguishes the element of Fire, without water, the fire flares up in full force.
Very often, chilliness is spontaneously replaced by heat. With strong tides, respectively, you can get naked and drink water.
In general, chilliness and fever on hunger are the most common phenomena. But if the heat is not dangerous, then freezing during fasting is still undesirable, and one must warm oneself in one way or another.

1 According to some scientists, it is considered quite safe to lose up to 25% of your original weight. However, for obese people, this value is undoubtedly greater due to a fair amount of fat reserves. Too thin, the figure must, apparently, be somewhat reduced.

2 This refers to a tolerable fever that passes quickly. In the rarest cases, the awakening and rise of Kundalini in a dirty organism occurs, and a person feels very intense heat for many days. This process must be stopped, for which they climb into a bath of cold water and sit there until it is pleasant. When you feel the “stuck” Kundalini, when the energy does not want to go down, ice is additionally applied to the perineum for 5-10 minutes. It is completely safe. No inflammatory diseases were observed with a raised Kundalini. But usually a cold bath is sufficient.


On the second or third day, the breath acquires a disgusting smell (if the body is not clean enough). It smells like under-oxidized compounds emitted. The smell of acetone usually predominates, but putrefactive, stinking and other equally "pleasant" aromas are often mixed in.
In those who are starving before a crisis for the first time, the breath can become so fetid that it will even be difficult to be in the same room with a person. Imagine how much waste he used to carry in his body! As you cleanse, the smell weakens and somewhere after 12-18 days it becomes barely noticeable.
It is very important to help the lungs expel as many toxins as possible. The methods are already familiar to us: walks, physical activity, water and other exchange-stimulating procedures.


This often happens when you get up suddenly from a lying or sitting position (the so-called gravitational or orthostatic collapse). After a few seconds, the darkening usually disappears, but during this time a person may have time to fall. Consciousness, as a rule, does not completely disappear.
This condition is caused by a sharp redistribution of blood, the volume of which decreases on hunger. There is no danger here, but you should still get up slowly, holding onto the back of a chair or against a wall (especially in the bathroom, after a warm bath).
Darkening in the eyes is more common and more pronounced in lean tall people. Much less prone to these troubles are those who spend a lot of time on the street, do not lie in bed, and who are engaged in interesting work.


Headache is a sign of very dirty blood. Most often, pain disturbs before a crisis. After a crisis, headaches occur when a person spends a lot of time in a stuffy room, in transport, that is, when toxins cannot be normally removed during breathing.

Headaches go away if you help burn oxygen, and the excretory systems remove toxins. That is, you should walk more, do not forget about enemas, water procedures. With severe pain, you can do an additional enema1. You can't take any medicine when you're hungry.


Often on hunger rolls irresistible drowsiness. It’s not worth it to resist it, it’s better to sleep as much as you want. But do not forget about cleansing and walking.
But it also happens the other way around, when sleep disappears on hunger. If this does not cause serious concern, then you can not sleep as much as you like. If the inability to fall asleep seriously depresses, then, perhaps, after 3-4 days of insomnia, having exhausted the usual means (long walks for 4-5 hours a day, baths, showers), fasting should be interrupted, and after 2-3 months repeat the course. In serious cases, it is advisable to see a specialist.


Almost always something starts to hurt on hunger. This indicates the beginning of the cleansing of a particular organ. After all, what hurts is treated at the moment. Usually after a few days the pain disappears without a trace, but sometimes after a while they return again. It depends on the order in which the update occurs. It is difficult to predict anything here, because the set of diseases is always different. Usually you should rely on the work of our subconscious and wait patiently. The instinctive mind knows better than we do what needs to be “repaired” and in what order.
Often there are completely unexpected pains that are not associated with an exacerbation of existing ailments. It burns out diseases that have not yet manifested themselves. So, incomprehensible soreness of the joint indicates the prevention of impending arthritis. A disturbing pancreas indicates failed pancreatitis.

1 One lady was tormented by such severe headaches that she was forced to give an enema 5 times (!) in a row. The scientific approach won, and the pain went away.

Severe pain occurs when kidney stones pass. But it happens that the stones disappear completely imperceptibly, apparently having dissolved. Ulcers sometimes (very rarely) open bleeding, but this is not a signal to stop the course. On the contrary, with peptic ulcer it is effective to fast for at least 14 days. Better even 21 or more days. And, of course, very carefully complete fasting.


Before starting a long fast, it is recommended to seal all the teeth that require it so that there are no troubles on their part. Severe pain, however, usually does not occur during hunger, but it is still better to put your teeth in order in advance. Hunger has other worries.
If, nevertheless, the teeth “itch”, pus, soreness and other unpleasant sensations appear, you can rinse your mouth with slightly diluted dry white wine.
Very often during fasting there is a desire to brush your teeth. Many note that there is a literally irresistible need for their purification. However, this should not be done, since the composition of saliva changes during hunger, which acquires the ability to dissolve enamel. Teeth, on the other hand, are normally covered with plaque, which protects them from damage. However, with a strong desire, you can brush your teeth once a week. If this is done too often, teeth can be lost.


With some gum disease, as well as with sinusitis, pus may be released into the oral cavity on hunger. This is normal and no special measures need to be taken. It is better to spit out the pus and rinse your mouth with water, diluted white wine or a weak solution of lemon juice.


People with upset digestion often have sour eructations during their first fasts. When such an eructation occurs, it is necessary to wash the stomach (drink water and induce vomiting) so that self-poisoning and disruption of normal internal nutrition do not occur. In the most severe cases, when persistent heartburn is added to the belching, and washing (up to 2-3 times a day) does not give the desired effect, you can gradually drink highly diluted mineral water (without gas).
With a diseased liver, there is also vomiting of green or even black contents. Vomiting indicates the beginning of liver cleansing. At this time, health may worsen, irritability may appear. It's best to just wait a few days. Additionally, you can wash the stomach with warm or even hot water and apply a heating pad to the liver.
When the discomfort passes, gastric lavage is stopped. It's just that this procedure is completely useless.


By itself, a heartbeat is not dangerous. The pulse on hunger can drop to 40 and jump up to 100 or more beats per minute. If this is not accompanied by severe weakness or pain, then no special measures are needed. Otherwise, it is best to lie down and relax. You can also take warm soothing baths. In the first week (before the crisis), with a strong disturbing heartbeat, you can drink half a glass hot water with 1/4 teaspoon honey.


With persistent pain in the heart or increasing arrhythmia, it is necessary to restore the heart chakra, sometimes you have to remove magic from the heart, etc. If this is not possible, it is best to do a cardiogram. In some cases, fasting has to be interrupted. Tolerable pains usually go away on their own, they can be soothed, as with a heartbeat, as well as by acupressure methods. Sometimes self-hypnosis, general relaxation, contemplation helps well. There is also a special mudra that completely relieves a heart attack. In the East, it is called "Mudra, Saving Life."

To perform it, bend the index finger and touch the palm as low as possible. Put the thumb on top, pressing the index finger with it. Connect together the pads of a large medium and ring fingers, the little finger remains straight. Do the same with the other hand. Hold the mudra for 2-3 minutes or more. Heart pain usually begins to let go in the first minute. Mudra, of course, is used not only on hunger, but also at any time and for any attacks. If the person is unconscious, the assisting person folds their fingers. And the mudra fully justifies its name - "Saving Life." With me, a person was taken out of serious attacks more than once in this way - and a blue, green face in a matter of minutes took on a normal appearance, the pain went away and body functions were more or less restored.


Such pains happen when a person goes too far with physical education, forcefully stretches muscles, or is busy with hard work. During fasting, against the background of general weakness, they are especially unpleasant. You can, of course, do nothing, but on hunger these pains pass very slowly. If they are seriously disturbing, then it is recommended to rub a small amount of ointment with snake or bee venom (apizatron and analogues), or mummy ointment into the painful areas. Rubbed usually one, with severe pain - 2 times a day until the cure. But we must keep in mind that on hunger, the body literally eats all the fats and creams that have fallen on the skin, even lipstick.


When fasting for more than 28 days, people sometimes experience convulsions. They arise due to the lack of certain elements, primarily sodium. At their first signs, it is recommended to drink 100 g of water with a few crystals of salt (preferably sea salt). You can also start drinking mineral water (a tablespoon per glass of plain water).


It is extremely rare, but still it happens that a person catches a cold on hunger (1). In this case, it is recommended to avoid cooling, drink less water (you can even starve dry for a day or two), and patiently wait for the cold to pass. The potential of the biofield on hunger increases so much, and the work of the protective forces improves so much that even the most severe infections subside rather quickly. Microbes are simply eaten by the body.

1 A cold happens if a person criticizes someone, is indignant, or shows pride, or boasts of his starvation.


There are cases when the throat hurts for many days in a row, some kind of interference can be clearly felt there, speech is often difficult.
The matter is that on hunger sharply increases sensitivity (1). And violations in the exchange of energies between people, which are allowed in everyday life, become very noticeable. What's going on here? Suppose a person "sinks" on something, some events are too significant for him. Vishuddha - the chakra goes into an inharmonious mode, and "seizes the throat." Almost the same thing happens when transferring unnecessary information, especially if a person teaches someone and puts emotions into it. Or there is a sinking in the fasting itself, when they are proud, talk about it, etc.
In such cases, the energies that cause imbalance are almost constant, and hunger does not have time to fully cope with the problem. Sore throat.
Of the "external" methods, silence (2) and Simhasana - the pose of a lion, as well as the lock with the tongue, help. "Internal" methods (3) instantly relieve the disease, but even if nothing is done, discomfort usually disappears during prolonged fasting.

1 This refers to the sharpness of some perceptions. The ability to endure individual hardships, on the contrary, increases.

2 Complete silence throughout the day is especially effective.

3 This is the removal of the cause, the impact of the energies of the constellations, the appeal to deities and other forces, etc.

Hunger is a universal remedy that does not affect any specific disease, but immediately the whole body. The Swiss doctor Bertole said: "What hunger does not cure, nothing will cure." But still, this natural method has contraindications. However, they cannot be considered absolute, as more and more new data appear on the successful use of fasting in the most seemingly hopeless situations. But still we can assume that fasting is contraindicated in the following cases:

* Insulin-dependent diabetes (although it is also treated with fasting, gradually reducing the dose of injections).

* The second half of pregnancy and lactation in mothers. But sometimes pregnant women (even on the 8th - 9th month!) With colds and other diseases, you can starve for 1-3 days. However, here it is necessary to monitor the presence of mineral salts in the body so as not to lose teeth. After all, an intensively growing fetus takes all the necessary compounds from the mother's body, regardless of whether they are in a free state or are contained in the tissues and organs of the pregnant woman. With a good connection with your Forces, it is best to ask them.
At the beginning of pregnancy, fasting is only beneficial. There are cases when women starved for a month, not yet knowing about pregnancy, and they gave birth to healthy children superbly.

* Far advanced forms of serious diseases (cancer, tuberculosis, etc.) with immobility of the patient. Although it happens that with special care and in such cases it is possible to achieve positive results.

* Many acute surgical diseases.

* Dystrophy, which sometimes occurs due to excessively frequent fasting. Its signs are that hair begins to fall out sharply and severe dizziness occurs.
Dementia and severe forms of some psychoneuralgic diseases, when there is no contact with the patient or he is immobilized.
If at the moment you are not weak-minded and able to move, then starve to your health! Now, thank God, there are specialists in fasting, and you will surely find someone to consult with.

Ar Eddar, A Treatise on Nutrition.

In this publication we will talk about fasting on water 24 hours once a week. For long-term fasting, you need to prepare the body with proper nutrition for several months and carry it out under the supervision of specialists.

Why do we need food? For health and energy.

The quality of our life depends on what we eat, when we eat, how and in what quantity.

What does the modern human nutrition system look like?

There is an invasion of convenience foods on the shelves of stores and instead of choosing healthy and healthy food, most people in recent decades have easily consumed foods high in fat, salt and sugar.

As a result, they run to pharmacies and doctors to get rid of heaviness in the stomach, bloating, lethargy, headaches or heartburn. To this list, you can add excess weight, skin problems or intestinal problems.

In Cameron Diaz's book The Body, the deplorable facts are published that our generation is witnessing a profound shift in human existence: for the first time in history, all more people they die from diseases not related to lack of food, but to overeating.

Illness is the body's signal for cleansing.

This means that it is full of toxic substances.

Weekly 24-hour fasting helps cleanse the body of harmful substances. During fasting, the energy that helped digest food is used to remove toxins from the body.

It is also a great way to train the strength of the spirit. We can only call ourselves free when we are able to say no to our addictions and unhealthy habits.

You can start fasting provided that you are convinced that you will get benefits. 24 hours on the water.

During fasting, there should be nothing in the stomach but water.

Very important during fasting to lead a normal life. I remember how on the first day of fasting I was haunted by the feeling that something terrible would happen to me. Smiley. Then I realized that the body is controlled by thoughts. With the help of the mind, you can control your desires. On such days, I load myself with work as much as possible so that there is no time to think about food.

Rules for 24-hour fasting:

● Choose the day of the week when you will fast. Friday or Wednesday is great for a one-day fast.. Think about a reminder that will help you remember this habit? You can starve after a light dinner or after a light breakfast.

● Drink only water for 24 hours, you can with lemon juice. If at the same time you eat fruits, vegetables or juices, then this is not considered fasting, but a fruit or vegetable diet. Prepare to have water on hand throughout the day.

● Exit from fasting in duration should be the same as the period of fasting. In the first meal after fasting, you can not eat meat, fish or dairy products. The diet should contain only vegetables. Avoid overeating, get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

● If during fasting you feel a headache or malaise - this is a sign that a lot of harmful substances have accumulated in the body. With such sensations, you can lie down. As the body cleanses, well-being will improve.

What does your language say?

The tongue is the mirror of the stomach and the digestive system as a whole. The tongue is an indicator of the amount of harmful substances accumulated in the body. During the course of fasting, this manifests itself most strongly - the tongue is covered with a white coating, from which an unpleasant odor emanates. As Goltis says, during fasting, it is better to communicate with people only by phone.

There is good news. The more you cleanse the body, the more healthy food in your diet - vegetables, fruits, cereals, the cleaner the tongue becomes. You no longer have to use chewing gum or mints to hide the effects of an unhealthy diet.

When I was preparing this publication, I received the Goltis Academy mailing list by mail, I share important theses:

● If you have never been hungry, Goltis advises start with a 12-hour fast "on the water".

● Of course, these 12 hours should not be at night. That is, fasting 20:00-8:00 is not fasting, this is a completely logical time when a person can obviously not eat.

● Reasons to "get out" of fasting- faintness, unbearable headache.

● Having practiced a 12-hour fast, having come out of it, having come to your senses, you can proceed to a 24-hour fast on the water.

● The 24-hour water fast will last from 6 am to 6 am. In fact, you will have to survive the same 12 hours, and then sleep).

● Try to choose the time for fasting in such a way that you are not disturbed by work and family problems, if possible, when starting to practice fasting, do not prepare meals for others. Later, already having the experience of fasting, you can easily lead your usual active lifestyle during fasting - work, cook, train, travel. (I confirm)

● But the first fasting is such a delicate, gentle process, try to delve into it as much as possible, to feel it as much as possible.

The best solution would be to starve in nature, and not in the city. After all, the body during fasting is extremely susceptible to environment absorbs like a sponge.

So let the body soak up the sun and snow, grass and flowers, trees, moist air, sea ​​salt and not the concrete and exhaust gases of the city.

● Having practiced 24-hour fasting on the water, you can move on to fasting "1 day", namely - 36 hours of fasting: from 18 pm to 6 am.

● Fast with faith, for the sake of spiritual and physical cleansing, take a blessing, set creative goals for yourself, never starve for records, for the sake of “I could” and so on ... and then everything will work out for you!

After all, it is important not “for how long”, but “for the sake of what”, “why” and “for whom”!

Contraindications to fasting

  • Acute mental.
  • Acute infectious diseases of the kidneys, renal failure.
  • Critically low pressure.
  • Cerebral palsy.
  • Oncology 4th degree.

It is contraindicated to starve children under 9 years old. (From 9 to 12 years old, fasting can be practiced, but not longer than three days).

There are also a number of conditions and diseases in which you can not starve dry, but you can starve on the water:

  • Pregnancy (it is allowed to fast for no more than three days on the water).
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Circulatory disorders of the 2nd, 3rd degree.
  • Tuberculosis.

Take good care of your health.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.

With love, your wellness coach Olga Ryabushenko