How to get rid of it. Weakness during pregnancy - why and when? How to get rid of it 38 weeks of pregnancy severe fatigue

The 38th week of pregnancy can be both the time of the birth of the baby and the reason to go to the hospital with the recommendation of a doctor. Almost half of all women give birth in the middle of the ninth month, and this is quite normal, although the expectant mother can wait another four weeks for the start of labor. The baby chooses the time for the birth itself, and at this time there is no reason to worry if contractions have begun.

Eight and a half months - almost the entire gestation period has passed, and only a few days or a couple of weeks are left for the long-awaited first meeting to take place. This is the most difficult time for a woman, she is already looking forward to getting rid of big belly, from heaviness and inconvenience during any movement. At this time, the restless fear that could accompany the expectant mother in the first months is no longer felt.

Signs and symptoms

  • The main symptom of the thirty-eighth week can be considered an increase in painless contractions, which sometimes take quite strong forms. In this case, a woman may take them for the onset of labor, but the precursors last for several minutes, and the periods of rest between them are always different.
  • The severity of the child, resting on the pelvic bones of the mother, can lead to a divergence of the symphysis: the pubic joint. The ligament connecting the pubic bones softens, a gap about one centimeter wide is formed. This condition often results in a "duck walk" and, in severe cases, an inability to walk. Added to this is a noticeable pain syndrome. Treatment is a must!
  • The muscles of the back are often tired and aching, and the pain in the small of the back is always worse in the evening. The expectant mother needs to rest more, take breaks during the day for an hour's rest. Beneficial effect on pregnant massage, which can be done by a husband or partner.
  • The movement of the child at the thirty-eighth week is less active than before, but he is already so large that his heel or elbow, which hit the internal organs, is felt quite strongly. It is important to note the intensity of the child's movement daily, as a change in activity may signal a deterioration in his condition.
  • The nature of vaginal discharge practically does not change, and only before childbirth, a mucous plug can leave the cervix. It looks like a thick slimy whitish clot with blood streaks, and its volume is no more than one teaspoon. This means that in a day or three, childbirth will occur. Some women may not notice the cork coming out if it comes out at the same time as going to the toilet.
  • The stomach is still in an uncomfortable position, squeezed by the growing child. Heartburn and belching are the most common signs of discomfort, as is a feeling of fullness. The way out is to eat very small portions, but often, do not eat sour or spicy foods.

Description of 38 weeks

What happens to the mother's body

The body of a pregnant woman at the thirty-eighth week is intensively preparing for childbirth:

  1. The cervix softens or “ripens”, which becomes elastic before childbirth and opens up to two centimeters. In the process labor activity the neck opens ten centimeters to let the baby's head through.
  2. The hormonal background changes, the level of estrogen rises, so swelling may appear. Swelling of the hands and ankles, which are observed in all pregnant women in the evening, have nothing to do with dangerous internal edema.
  3. Hemorrhoids and veins in the legs can be disturbing, so you need to monitor the amount of fluid consumed and wear compression stockings.
  4. Preeclampsia is still dangerous for a pregnant woman, and if a woman gains weight more than normal, her daily urine volume decreases, then the doctor may recommend observation in a hospital. Analyzes, ultrasound of the kidneys and medical supervision - this is what will help to avoid complications in late toxicosis.

Danger signs

At this time, there are some symptoms that may indicate the onset of a dangerous condition that threatens the child or mother:

Important: sudden vomiting, nausea, double vision and increased blood pressure are a reason to immediately call an ambulance, as these may be symptoms of preeclampsia. In this case, most likely, an emergency operation is required.

  • Placental abruption - more often diagnosed with its low location, and is always accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina. A woman should know that blood at this time is a reason to get to the hospital as soon as possible! Delay is dangerous for the life of the child and the mother.
  • The lack of movement of the child or his too high activity. Urgently - for an ultrasound scan, as it can be life-threatening for the baby. Most often, ultrasound shows that everything is in order, but in some cases, the pregnant woman is urgently operated on.

Temperature or any unexplained deterioration in the condition of a pregnant woman is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. You should not wait for a trip to the clinic for the next appointment, you should immediately visit the doctor on duty, who, most likely, will recommend spending several days in the hospital.

Child development

The baby sleeps most of the day, sometimes he wakes up and sucks his finger, or yawns or hiccups, grimaces, drinks amniotic fluid. Sometimes the mother has a feeling that in the stomach someone persistently picks with a finger or taps on the wall of the uterus. It is impossible to explain why it occurs, since the child cannot make small movements. Often, the periods of rest of the child do not coincide with the mother's, so the woman wakes up at night from the "jumps" of the baby.


Most pregnant women who have crossed the thirty-eighth week mark experience digestive problems. In addition, they are advised to observe restrictions on salt intake so as not to provoke the appearance of edema.

A number of products have been banned in recent weeks:

  • Any fried and smoked foods;
  • Fatty and salty foods;
  • Soups on rich broths;
  • Spices and seasonings;
  • Sweets, pastries, yeast products;
  • Bread, any dough dishes;
  • Carbonated, sweet drinks, juices, coffee, strong tea.
  • Mayonnaise and spicy sauces.

Strictly speaking, the expectant mother should keep a strict fast, but the menu should include oatmeal and buckwheat porridge with water or milk, white chicken meat, and beef. Milk and dairy products are also not forbidden, you can even treat yourself to cream or ice cream. Vegetables or fruits, berries and citrus fruits can be eaten as much as you want, it is important not to overeat, and do not eat plant foods at night.

Dishes should only be boiled or steamed, the volume of one serving should be no more than two hundred grams. Drinks - only homemade, fruit drinks and compotes, weak tea and herbal teas for pregnant women.

A woman should understand that the health of her unborn child depends on how she eats.

The main dish, which is present on the table of a pregnant woman, should be liquid, not salty oatmeal with boiled meat. Chicken eggs and boiled vegetables complement the diet. Cottage cheese and dairy products are combined with berry puree. You should not worry that the baby will not receive enough calories with such a diet, as he gains weight extremely slowly, and he needs vitamins and oxygen more.

Ultrasound at 38 weeks

Usually, ultrasound at this time is done only for any indications. The doctor can determine the size and gender of the baby, the location of the placenta, the condition and number amniotic fluid. This study cannot reliably determine the weight of the child, because the amount of subcutaneous fat is not determined by the device.

The last weeks of pregnancy are a very difficult period. Every woman handles it differently. At 38 weeks, it becomes easier for someone, a surge of strength is felt, a “second wind” opens up, and the other, on the contrary, becomes harder, there may even be fear of an approaching birth.

Sometimes it is at 38 weeks that expectant mothers experience nausea. Is it normal? Should I go to the doctor if a woman has been vomiting? What are possible reasons similar phenomena?

The reasons

Nausea or even vomiting at the end of pregnancy is unfortunately not uncommon. And there can be a lot of reasons for such states. Some of them are associated with the peculiarities of the processes occurring in the body during this period. But feeling unwell at 38 weeks pregnant could be a sign serious problems in the body, dangerous to the life of the fetus and its mother.

Only a doctor can determine what exactly caused discomfort and how dangerous it is. Therefore, with nausea, especially severe and accompanied by vomiting, be sure to call him.

In order to independently suggest what may be associated with poor health in recent weeks pregnancy, and to act correctly, you need to know under what conditions nausea occurs. In addition, it is important to consider other symptoms. Below are the most common causes of nausea in late pregnancy.

Squeezing of the stomach

By week 38, the fetus is already very large, so the uterus takes up a lot of space in the abdominal cavity. Often at this time, the fetus is already beginning to descend to the cervix, which is considered a sign of an approaching birth, and the woman experiences some relief. But this may happen a couple of weeks later.

If the fetus is large or does not descend for a long time, the stomach, like some other abdominal organs, is slightly compressed. This interferes with its normal functioning and the removal of food into the intestines. In this case, the woman will feel a little sick in those situations that increase the risk of reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus.

Here is some of them:

  • Eating large portions of food, especially fatty. Often, discomfort occurs after a woman has eaten a few slices of white bread or a bun.
  • Physical activity, slopes.
  • Rest in the supine position or on the right side without a pillow.

In this case, nausea is usually not very pronounced, and almost disappears if the factors that caused it are eliminated. In addition to it, there may be heartburn, constipation, flatulence and other signs that intestinal and stomach motility is reduced.

upcoming birth

Childbirth at 38 weeks is not uncommon. Signs that this will happen very soon may include nausea and vomiting. This is due to the influence on the body of hormones that prepare the body for childbirth and stimulate contractions. If nausea is caused by this cause, along with it, the woman will observe other symptoms of the prenatal period.

It can be concluded that nausea is associated with the approaching birth, if the following symptoms are observed simultaneously with it:

  • Increased stools (up to 3 times or more), although there was nothing in the diet that could cause diarrhea.
  • Intensifying contractions.
  • Slight rise in temperature.
  • Amniotic fluid or mucus plug comes out.

If at least a few of the above signs are observed at the 38th week of pregnancy, you need to call a doctor who will assess whether the birth is proceeding correctly and provide the necessary assistance.


Preeclampsia is a severe degree of preeclampsia or late toxicosis of pregnant women. This condition can occur in the third trimester and is very dangerous both for the life of the fetus and for the woman herself. Nausea is often the first sign of developing preeclampsia. Then other symptoms appear.

The causes of late toxicosis can be any serious health problems of the expectant mother that arose, manifested or worsened during pregnancy. Most often it is diseases of the kidneys and heart. The failures that occur in this case in the body lead to a decrease in the blood supply to the placenta and oxygen starvation of the fetus.

In different patients, preeclampsia manifested itself in different ways, but a number of specific signs can be identified:

  • Severe nausea, often accompanied by vomiting.
  • Pain in the region of the stomach.
  • Drawing pains in the back, in the region of the kidneys.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the occiput.
  • Headache.
  • Dizziness.
  • Fainting state.
  • Edema on hands and feet.
  • Ringing or noise in the ears.
  • High numbers of blood pressure indicators.
  • Aching or cramping pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Visual disturbances, flashing "flies" before the eyes.

If there are several signs from this list or at least one is strongly expressed, the woman must be urgently hospitalized and the cause of this condition must be found. If it is indeed preeclampsia, the patient should be left in the hospital and the fetal vital signs should be closely monitored. If the threat of death of the child remains or the condition of the woman is dangerous for her life, an emergency caesarean section is indicated.

Nausea in late pregnancy, including at 38 weeks, is not always a cause for concern. If it is conditioned large sizes fetus or high position of the uterus, this condition is not dangerous and will soon pass.

There are several ways to reduce nausea or even completely get rid of it:

  1. Eat often, but little by little.
  2. Avoid fatty foods, flour products.
  3. Do not bend over, especially after eating. Do not lift any weights.
  4. Smoking is strictly prohibited.
  5. You need to rest and sleep on a high pillow in a position on your left side.
  6. To prevent problems with digestion and kidney function in late pregnancy, it is useful to stand in the knee-elbow position (“on all fours”) three times a day, and stand like this for 5-10 minutes.
  7. Try to drink only between meals, and not immediately after it.
  8. Avoid places where you may encounter strong or unpleasant odors.
  9. If you wish, you can drink herbal teas, for example, with mint.

Never ignore warning signs, but don't worry too much either. With careful attention to body signals and close cooperation with doctors, any danger, if any, can be recognized and eliminated very quickly.

So 9.5 obstetric months of pregnancy (or 8.5 normal months) have ended. A maximum of two more weeks - and mommy will finally see her baby. Of course, sometimes pregnant women give birth at 42 weeks, but mostly births occur at 38-40 weeks. Many factors speak of the approaching birth - the produced oxytocin makes the mother thirsty for activity and the desire to put the house in order before the birth, the lowered tummy brings relief, the contractions become more painful and rhythmic.

If you feel that the body is ready for childbirth and they are about to begin - do not waste time, check once again whether you have collected everything for the trip to the hospital, leave the list of necessary things for the future dad after discharge from the hospital, visit a beauty salon - after all, after childbirth, you will not soon be able to do a pedicure and manicure!

At the 38th week of pregnancy, the weight of the baby is at least 3000g, and its length exceeds 47cm. Its size and the degree of maturity of the organs indicate that it is completely ready for childbirth. While he still feeds through the placenta, which can weigh up to two kilograms, however, he is quite able to eat mother's milk if the birth occurs at 38 weeks of gestation.

How many months have passed? Nine and a half obstetric months have already passed (in one obstetric month - 28 days, or exactly four weeks).

What's happening?

At the 38th week of pregnancy, your baby is no longer growing as intensively as before - after all, all his organs and systems are fully formed, and he is absolutely ready for an independent life.

At this time, the baby is gaining no more than thirty grams per day, respectively, and mommy should not gain much weight. The main reason for weight gain at this time is swelling. Try to eat right, do not eat too sweet and fatty foods, limit yourself to fluids - so the appearance of edema can be, if not prevented, then significantly reduced.

Quite serious signs that you should immediately contact the maternity hospital with are headache, diarrhea, dizziness, combined with severe edema and high blood pressure. This is preeclampsia, which is extremely dangerous for both mom and baby. If you notice several of these symptoms, call an ambulance and immediately go to the hospital. With timely assistance to you and the baby, nothing threatens.

Your baby is already fully formed: the lungs are ready to breathe air, the heart is able to provide the whole body with blood, the kidneys and intestines regularly remove harmful substances from the body, and the brain is mature enough so that the baby can be outside of the mother.

The child loses lanugo and original lubrication, becomes pretty - after all, he has already accumulated sufficient fat reserves, so the baby's body and face acquire charming infantile plumpness. The nails continue to grow - some babies are born with a long manicure, which they can scratch themselves and their mother with.

During this period, the child no longer grows as actively as before, and its size does not allow it to move too actively in the uterus, so most of the time the baby is resting, preparing for the upcoming birth.

Baby photo, ultrasound

A few photos from an ultrasound at 38 weeks of gestation will allow you to have a better idea of ​​\u200b\u200byour baby at this time.

The belly at 38 weeks of gestation is usually already lowered (although in some pregnant women it does not fall until the very birth), and the expectant mother becomes much easier. The uterus does not press on the stomach so much, which causes heartburn and nausea to disappear, appetite returns. There is a lowering of the abdomen due to the fact that the head of the child before childbirth begins to descend into the small pelvis.

Despite the improvement in well-being, one should not lean too much on food - weight gain by the end of the 38th week of pregnancy should be from 8 to 15 kg (the greater the initial weight, the greater the increase). On the contrary, smoking and pickles, sweets should be completely excluded from the menu, and fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, low-fat varieties of fish and meat should be consumed more often. If you follow the right diet, you will certainly be able to minimize swelling and not gain excess weight before childbirth. Each kilogram gained in excess of the norm significantly aggravates the process of childbirth for both the mother and her baby.

Fetal movements at 38 weeks

By the end of pregnancy, the child significantly increases in its weight - on average, the weight of babies born at the 38th week of pregnancy is 3000 - 3500g. This fact does not allow the baby to move in the mother's tummy as actively as before - because it is rather densely surrounded by the uterus. By the time of 38 weeks of pregnancy, the number of movements of the child per day is about 10, the rest of the time he rests and gains strength before childbirth. However, the movements still need to be monitored - if it seems to you that you have not felt the baby's pushes for too long, contact the doctors to make sure that everything is in order with the baby.

Mom's Feelings

The last weeks of pregnancy are the most difficult for mom: health does not improve, fatigue accumulates, besides, swelling and frequent false contractions begin to torment the pregnant woman. It often seems to the expectant mother that her pregnancy lasts forever and will never end. But pleases the proximity of the long-awaited meeting!

Edema often becomes a real scourge for moms. They are associated not only with compression of the ureters and bladder, but also with compression of the inferior vena cava, through which blood flows from the legs. When it is squeezed by the uterus, the blood stagnates in the veins of the legs, they swell significantly and hurt. To avoid this, try to lie on your left side more often, stand less, do not sit in one position for a long time. You should definitely not cross your legs - this aggravates venous congestion in the legs. Limit yourself to liquids. If your legs are very tired - lie down and put them on a pillow or other elevation.

Also, due to the compression of the bladder by the descending head of the fetus, mommy begins to visit the toilet even more often. Frequent awakenings because of this are aggravated by anxiety before childbirth, therefore, at 38 weeks of gestation, insomnia is also a frequent companion of pregnant women.

Allocations at 38 weeks of gestation should be whitish, with a slightly sour smell. Mucous discharge with streaks of blood or pink color is the discharge of the mucous plug before childbirth.

Be careful - heavy spotting is a sign of bleeding and requires urgent hospitalization in the maternity hospital! Abundant watery discharge indicates the breaking of the waters and the onset of labor.

Pain at 38 weeks pregnant

Pain during this period is due to the fact that the body is actively preparing for childbirth: the pelvic bones diverge, the ligaments and joints become more pliable, the cervix gradually begins to open. All these processes cause pain in the lower back and abdomen. In addition, the uterus begins to contract more and more often - while these are the so-called false contractions. If this is your first pregnancy experience, then you can distinguish false contractions from real ones by changing position or walking around - false contractions will immediately become weaker. The stomach pulls at the 38th week of pregnancy quite often, it turns to stone and hurts. If the contractions become rhythmic and become more frequent - most likely, you have started giving birth, it's time to go to the hospital.

Harbingers of childbirth

The body is already fully prepared for childbirth. And you are afraid to miss the moment when this very birth will begin? Don’t worry, it’s quite difficult to miss your own birth, and the harbingers of childbirth will help you prepare for their onset:

  • Your belly drops and it becomes easier for you to breathe.
  • There is slight weight loss.
  • Discharge from the genital tract - pinkish, streaked with blood or profuse watery.
  • The uterus is constantly in good shape.
  • Periodically, the stomach turns to stone.
  • Contractions become more frequent and rhythmic.

The appearance of precursors suggests that childbirth can begin at any time. Now try not to be alone, all things must be fully assembled and packed, and the husband must be in constant readiness to take you to the hospital.


Contractions at 38 weeks of gestation are false, but real contractions can also begin. False contractions are not as painful, and usually only the stomach hurts. When changing position or when moving, they usually pass. Also, between two false contractions, a woman may well fall asleep, which will not happen with real contractions.

Real contractions are quite painful, the stomach and lower back hurt, they do not go away from a change in position. In addition, real contractions become more frequent and rhythmic over time. As soon as your contractions begin, start counting how long they last and what is the interval between them (this will help the doctor determine the expected time of delivery), and also call an ambulance - it's time to go to the hospital.

The following parameters speak about the beginning of childbirth:

  • At least 10 contractions per hour lasting from 30 seconds to a minute.
  • Contractions are accompanied by increased secretions.
  • Your water broke in large quantities at once.

When these signs appear, you need to urgently go to a medical institution, although the duration of contractions before childbirth can be up to 10-12 hours.

Research and analyzes

In the last weeks of pregnancy, you should visit the gynecologist every week, also weekly for the timely detection of serious problems (preeclampsia).

When visiting the antenatal clinic, the doctor will measure the circumference and abdomen and the height of the uterus, listen to the fetal heartbeat.

An ultrasound at 38 weeks is done only if there are any problems and malfunctions on the part of the mother or baby.

38 weeks of second pregnancy

If you already have experience of going to the maternity hospital, then the second pregnancy will be easier - because you know everything and are ready for anything! The only thing to remember is that the second pregnancy almost always ends in childbirth at 38–39 weeks of gestation. Therefore, by this time everything should be ready for the trip to the hospital - the bags are packed and standing at the doorstep, you and your loved ones have long decided who will take you to the hospital, and the baby's room is ready for his arrival home.

Usually the second birth is easier and faster than the first, although many mothers complain of stronger pain at the second birth. You should know that the cervix opens much faster during the second birth, so lifting weights or standing on public transport can lead to an unplanned onset of labor - under the weight of the fetal head, the cervix can open very quickly, and the baby can be born in just a couple of tens of minutes. A multiparous mother in late pregnancy should take care of herself so as not to provoke labor ahead of time.

38 weeks pregnant with twins

Of course, it is rare that twin pregnancy lasts until 38-40 weeks of pregnancy, but there are such, and there are quite a few of them. Most often multiple pregnancy ends with childbirth before the 37th week of pregnancy - this is due to the heavy load on the body of the mother of twins. If you brought your babies before this time - now they are guaranteed to be born absolutely mature and ready to meet this world!

Twin babies born at 38 weeks of gestation practically do not differ from other children, except for size - often twin babies have a slightly lower weight (from 2500g) and height (from 45cm). In terms of development, they perfectly correspond to children who lived alone in their mother's tummy, and sometimes even outstrip them.

Sex at 38 weeks pregnant

Of course, sex at 38 weeks pregnant can be a little more traumatic than at more early dates- especially if the cervix has already begun to open. If you experience a strong sexual attraction, you should not deny yourself pleasure, but you need to be more careful during sex. Many women are advised by their doctors to have sex to stimulate labor - the surge of hormones during orgasm helps the cervix to open up better and contractions become more coordinated.

Questions - answers

I went 38 weeks pregnant - frequent urination began to bother me at night. I used to get up at night much less often. Does this mean inflammation (cystitis)?

By the 38th week of pregnancy, the fetus begins to sink its head into the small pelvis - it becomes lighter and the stomach becomes much easier, but the baby's head presses on the bladder much more intensely than before. In this regard, before giving birth, many mothers complain that the frequency of urge to urinate has become such that they literally cannot move away from the toilet. If during a scheduled visit to the antenatal clinic, no changes are found in the urine test, this means that the date of birth is approaching.

After the 38th week of pregnancy has come, I want to sleep almost all the time. At the same time, I often get up at night to go to the toilet, do not get enough sleep, and then during the day I want to sleep even more. I feel overwhelmed and very tired.

By the end of pregnancy, many mothers feel tired and look forward to giving birth. This is normal, especially considering that due to problems with bladder and feelings of anxiety you do not get enough sleep. However, when visiting a antenatal clinic, it does not hurt to take urine and blood tests, examine blood glucose levels, and measure blood pressure. If, after these studies, the doctor does not find any pathology in you, there is no reason for concern, but you need to try to relax more, walk on fresh air before bedtime.

Is it true that an orgasm at 38 weeks pregnant can trigger labor?

It is believed that sex, and even more so an orgasm at 38 weeks of gestation, can improve the course of childbirth - with a surge of hormones in a woman's body during an orgasm, the cervix begins to open better, and contractions become more coordinated. At the moment, there is no evidence that ordinary sex can provoke the onset of labor. Of course, if you do not have careless sex, during which the genital mucosa or the fetal bladder may be injured.

The 38th week of pregnancy is coming to an end - it became painful to walk, pains in the pelvis, lower back and legs are disturbing.

Before childbirth, the pelvic bones diverge quite noticeably, which may cause moderate pain when walking in the pubic joint, aching the pelvic bones. Also, due to edema and deterioration of the outflow of blood from the legs, they quickly get tired and start to hurt when walking. All of these are normal signs. early delivery. If the pain in the womb is unbearable, it sharply increases when you try to move your legs, you need to urgently go to the hospital, as this may be a sign of a rupture of the pubic joint.

Congratulations, you carried your baby to term. Because, starting from the 38th week of pregnancy, childbirth is no longer considered. It is noteworthy that girls are usually born at this time, and boys reach the prescribed 40 weeks.

Childbirth at 38 weeks of gestation: harbingers

And yet, if childbirth should occur on one of the days of the 38th week, it would be nice to be ready for them “fully armed”. And you can prepare for childbirth by discovering their harbingers, which in any case, to one degree or another, will manifest themselves by this time. Moreover, there are actually quite a few forerunners of childbirth.

One of them is more tangible and frequent. Shortly before childbirth, the uterus “trains” more intensively, contracting more often and more painfully. Sometimes a woman even begins to doubt: is it really just false contractions, or has labor pains already begun? A change in position will help to distinguish between training and “real” contractions: if you are in doubt whether you are starting to give birth, stand up, walk around the room, lie down. If the contractions have stopped, then there is no talk of childbirth yet.

A weight stop or even a decrease in weight will tell you about the upcoming birth: shortly before the start of labor, at five minutes to five, mommy may find that her body weight has decreased by 1-2 kg. Against the background of stopping weight or even reducing it, a decrease in appetite or its complete absence is also possible. Sometimes a woman literally forces herself to eat, because she doesn’t feel like eating at all.

It is likely that shortly before childbirth you will notice a slight increase in secretions with the presence of mucus in them - particles of the mucous plug. Mucus can be colored beige, pinkish, brownish. The fact is that when the uterus opens and contracts, small vessels rupture, which explains the staining of the discharge. The discharge of the mucous plug - you will know that this is it by the appearance of a tight lump of mucus, possibly interspersed with blood - indicates that the birth is already very close.

The prolapse of the abdomen can also precede childbirth - the baby moves closer to the birth canal and presses its head against the bottom of the uterus. In this regard, the uterus ceases to put pressure on internal organs, mommy's breathing becomes easier, heartburn disappears. But there is a need for more frequent urination - having lowered, the uterus presses on the bladder. And, since the baby is pressed tightly with the head to the pelvis, you will probably feel pressure in the sacrum, pulling pains in the groin.

Fetus at 38 weeks gestation: movements, weight and size

Although childbirth can occur on any of the days of this week, as long as they have not come, the pregnancy continues. How is your baby?

In baby boys, by this time, the boy's testicles have already descended into the scrotum, but if this has not happened by the time of birth, there may be difficulties in the future. So this "nuance" the doctor must certainly check the baby.

The original feces meconium by the 38th week of pregnancy has already been formed. The small intestine will push it out after birth, but it can also hurry up: then the black-green mass goes directly into the amniotic fluid, the baby can swallow them, the baby's body in this case is also covered with greenish mucus.

However, now the baby has already become quite beautiful! The facial features are honed, the skin has acquired a pleasant pinkish tint, smoothed out, the original fluff and grease have practically disappeared, and hair has probably grown on the head. You can find information about the color of the eyes of a newborn: most of them are born light-eyed, but very often the iris then darkens. If the baby has dark eyes, then most likely they will no longer become blue. However, according to personal experience I say everything is possible. And the dark brown eyes of your beauty can then suddenly become completely light. So don't set yourself up for anything in particular.

You have obviously noticed that the baby has become less active - for good reason. There is very little space left, and it continues to grow! At week 38, the weight of the fetus is more than 3 kg, and the height exceeds 50 cm. Naturally, these are average data, and you need to focus more on the “dimensions” of mom and dad at their birth.

Listen for movements. First, this last moments enjoy this feeling. Secondly, if the child does not show any signs, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this.

In general, the baby by the 38th week of pregnancy, although not so active, but its movements are captured by the mother very well. For half a day, if everything is in order with the baby and he does not experience any difficulties, the baby will make itself felt about 10-12 times. In the case when the baby pushes much more often, or, on the contrary, calms down, immediately consult a doctor. Such symptoms almost always indicate intrauterine suffering of the child, and, quite possibly, specialized medical intervention may be needed to correct the situation.

Future mom

Perhaps you are worried about the upcoming contractions: how would you recognize them, so as not to be mistaken for false ones. Be calm in this sense: you are unlikely to "oversleep" childbirth. Real contractions are more painful and tangible, they are repeated periodically, increasing their frequency and intensity on the rise.

Belly at 38 weeks pregnant: pulls, hurts, dropped

On the eve of the “arrival” of real labor pains, you will most likely feel some soreness in the abdomen, and at the same time, in the lower back. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen and the same ones in the lower back are considered one of the harbingers of an early birth. Therefore, do not worry if the stomach pulls and hurts at 38 weeks of pregnancy.

Especially if these pains arise. Do you feel like your stomach is sinking down? Be ready to go to the hospital very soon with the prepared things. In the meantime, be glad that, thanks to your lowered stomach, it has become easier to breathe, and heartburn has receded. Don't panic if the tummy doesn't drop: in some cases, the tummy doesn't drop until the onset of labor, and there's nothing to worry about.

Pain at 38 weeks pregnant

The lowering of the abdomen is just a consequence of the baby moving closer to the birth canal: having lowered, he presses his head against the bottom of the uterus, putting pressure on the pelvic bones. Hence - pain in the pelvic region, in the pubis, in the groin.

By the 38th week, some pregnant women complain of pain in the sacrum, the back of the leg - perhaps not up to the knee. This is a consequence of compression of the femoral nerve, which runs next to the uterus. But the pain and even cramps of the calf muscles will tell you about a calcium deficiency in the body.

If headaches again make themselves felt, perhaps you just need to avoid nervous shocks, worry less about the upcoming birth, and rest more. The best headache healer right now is sleeping in a dark, cool, well-ventilated room.

Be sure to monitor the degree of edema and pay attention to whether some other warning signs are added to the edema. So, a certain puffiness at the 38th week of pregnancy is considered the norm, but! If, against the background of edema, you observe headaches in yourself, notice double vision, diarrhea suddenly appears or you vomit, immediately call an ambulance: a complex of such signs indicates preeclampsia, serious complication second half of pregnancy.


At the 38th week of pregnancy, however, as in the course of her entire life, a woman is characterized by some discharge from the genital tract. Normally, vaginal discharge at this time has a light milky color, a uniform consistency and a subtle smell of sour milk. Do not be surprised to find mucus in the secretions, possibly clear, and possibly pinkish or Brown color. These are particles of the mucous plug, which gradually comes out due to the softening and opening of the cervix. However, if at some point you notice a separation of a "full" cork in the form of a lump of mucus, maybe colored in pink color, maybe with bloody streaks - go to the hospital: you will give birth very soon.

Do not hesitate to contact a specialist if spotting appears: blood from the vagina signals detachment of a normally located placenta. This dangerous phenomenon can, without proper response to it, lead to very terrible consequences - the death of a child in utero. Therefore, spotting should never be ignored.

As well as discharge of an unhealthy yellow or green color, discharge with a sharp unpleasant odor, cheesy or foamy, with impurities of pus. Allocations of this nature are evidence of the activation of a genital infection, which should be treated before the birth. After all, if this is not done, passing through the mother's birth canal, the baby will easily “take over” the infection.

Be sure to seek help if you notice a watery liquid discharge that resembles cloudy water or is slightly yellow in color. Most likely, you have a place with the separation of amniotic fluid. Keep in mind that amniotic fluid does not necessarily pour out all at once. By the way, such an event precedes the onset of childbirth, so if this happens, go to the hospital. But, after all, amniotic fluid can also be separated in portions, in small quantities. This is possible with aging and violation of the integrity of the membranes, and also requires immediate medical attention: if the integrity of the membranes is violated, the infection can freely penetrate to the fetus.


Ultrasound at the 38th week of pregnancy can only be carried out for some special indications, because, in theory, the woman has already passed. But, if you still need to clarify, for example, the location of the fetus in the uterus, exclude entanglement with the umbilical cord, assess the degree of maturity of the placenta, the doctor may consider it necessary for another ultrasound for a period of 38 weeks.

As before, during an ultrasound, the specialist will examine not only the baby, but also the condition of the uterus. Of interest during the examination is the size of the baby and the ratio of individual parts of his body to each other, the heart rate of the crumbs, his position in the uterus.

During an ultrasound examination, the doctor will also evaluate the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid, examine the structure and size, and the degree of maturity of the placenta. Of interest is also the maturity of the cervix, its size and condition in general.

You, probably, have already imagined the first meeting with your dearest little man more than once! Expect the best and brightest from her, strive for the approach of this moment and think about it during childbirth. You must work with the baby in pairs: try your best to make it easier for him to give birth. Learn to breathe and relax properly, be prepared to push in time. Think at this time only about your miracle! Oh, I already envy you!

I would like to note that the fatigue from this work is incredibly pleasant. You will certainly be satisfied with yourself and everything that happened. And you will truly feel like a heroine! It seems to me that only after the birth of a child does a woman fully realize her destiny and feel satisfaction from life.

Be sure to ask the doctor to attach the baby to the breast immediately after birth!

So far, nothing is left! No fluff to you!

Specially for- Elena Kichak

What awaits the expectant mother at 38 weeks of gestation? This question is usually answered by experts. But you can find out for yourself what awaits you and what you need to be prepared for. So, let's try to find out what awaits a woman at 38 weeks of pregnancy.

Your baby for a period of thirty-eight weeks can reach a weight of three kilograms, height can vary, but most often it does not exceed forty-nine centimeters. Oxygen continues to flow to the baby with the help of the placenta, which at this stage already weighs about two kilograms, and its diameter is about twenty centimeters. Significant changes are already taking place with your baby inside, which begin to prepare him for the birth. In addition, the amount of original lubricant is significantly reduced, the nails are already fully formed, so if your baby is born with a scratch, do not be surprised.

Meconium has already appeared in the intestines of your crumbs - this is the original feces. If the expectant mother is expecting a boy, then she should know that it is this week that the testicles descend into the scrotum. You should also prepare for it. That you can give birth at the thirty-eighth week, especially for those who bear girls.

But future mom should already be mentally prepared for childbirth, and you will also need to stock up on small clothes and everything you need in order to enter the maternity ward. It's very important to remember that. what did the doctors tell you at the preparatory courses. Your weight does not stop growing, but you must take care of it. to eat right and gain as few extra pounds as possible.

Heartburn at 38 weeks pregnant, this is due to the release of acid into your stomach, as the baby descends and with it there is a physical change in all organs. If at the 38th week of pregnancy you have spotting, do not worry, as most likely it was the cork that was previously located in your uterus. And this in turn means that you can give birth at any time.

In addition to all of the above, you will feel weakness at 38 weeks pregnant, it is associated with the last days, the fetus is very large, your weight is also increasing, your body is preparing for childbirth. Therefore, you will need to rest as much as possible. It is very important that your doctor check you this week, because at 38 weeks pregnant breech presentation is not uncommon, and before childbirth, you need to have the most accurate information about your baby, childbirth will depend on this. Often, thrush appears at the 38th week of pregnancy, in connection with which the doctor prescribes special suppositories that help cleanse the birth canal so that the baby does not get an infection.