Can you tell if you're pregnant without a test? But, as a rule, they are the same for everyone .... Folk ways to test pregnancy in the early stages

In the early days? some are set with obvious hope, while others - with undisguised fear. Whatever motives women are guided by, both of them need to find out if pregnancy has come. But how do you know if there are still a few days before the next menstruation, and it is still pointless to do a pregnancy test? And how early can you find out that conception did happen?

Fertility specialists assure that one hundred percent can be said about whether a woman is pregnant using only proven methods - ultrasound diagnostics, a woman's blood test for quantitative indicators of the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone. All the rest, according to them, cannot be attributed to one hundred percent. Even pregnancy tests, which are freely available in pharmacies and used at home, are sometimes wrong.

However, even the best ultrasound machine will not “see” the pregnancy until a certain time. Meanwhile, a woman may already begin to experience some new sensations. From the first minutes after conception, her body begins to change, new mechanisms are launched in it that contribute to the consolidation of pregnancy and its successful development. And yet, no matter what doctors say, there are certain signs that help determine (or at least begin to guess) the fact of a pregnancy that has taken place already in the first days after conception.

Naturally, when we say “first days”, this does not mean at all that we are talking about the first or second day after unprotected intercourse. But already in a week and a half, the first messengers will certainly make themselves felt.

So how to determine pregnancy in the early days? Listen to yourself. And take a look.

If one day you notice a small spot of bloody discharge on your underwear (they can be almost bloodless, yellowish), and the next period is still far away, you may be pregnant. This happens when the egg is implanted in the wall of the uterus. But for many women, this procedure occurs "dry", which, like the first case, is a variant of the norm. By the way, if you have cervical erosion, then pinkish or yellowish discharge also possible if pregnancy has occurred.

As we know, an increase in a woman's body is a sign of an upcoming or accomplished ovulation. But a sharp decrease in basal temperature, it is also called implantation retraction, indicates the conception that has occurred. But a sharp drop in temperature occurs within one day, and therefore only those women who daily and conscientiously monitor their basal temperature and make up will be able to track this sign. At the same time, the constant basal temperature of a woman in the first days of pregnancy will be at the level of “above 37”.

An exacerbation of the sense of smell, an aversion to certain smells, and not yet pronounced nausea are sure signs of an onset of pregnancy. They are even called classic. These symptoms are experienced even by those women who have never vomited during their entire pregnancy. But vomiting in the first days of pregnancy is a very common occurrence. Often it is accompanied by a significant decrease in appetite, a change in taste and increased salivation.

The breast of the woman in which she was born new life becomes more sensitive. Swollen mammary glands are a frequent, but not always unambiguous, sign of pregnancy, which appears already 6-7 days after conception. Ambiguous - because for many women, the breasts swell and ache a few days before the onset of the next menstruation. But soreness of the breast during pregnancy does not go away in 2-3 days. The chest, on the contrary, increases even more, and reacts even to the slightest touch. By the way, darkened areolas around the nipples indicate that a woman will become a mother. Their lightening does not even occur after childbirth, but after a certain time after the end of lactation.

The feeling of heaviness felt on the “lower floor”, or rather, in the pelvic region, is another sign that helps determine pregnancy in the first days. The fact is that the body of a woman, if the pregnancy has taken place, directs all its resources to the area where tremendous work needs to be done. Now the most important task for him is to create the most favorable conditions for the development and preservation of a new life. Blood flow to the pelvic organs is now increasing, the uterus begins to grow. Thus, women feel “something is wrong”, but what exactly is happening to them, they cannot understand until a certain point. Some women, especially those who have already given birth, may have an unpleasant symptom - hemorrhoids. Its occurrence is associated with the same increased blood flow.

Many pregnant women in the first or second week may feel an incomprehensible tingling in the uterus and “shoots” in the perineum. The feeling of pain is so sudden and strong that women are seriously frightened. But doctors explain this by physiological changes occurring in a woman's body. Lower back pain also often indicates that a woman is pregnant.

Quite often, an indicator that a woman is pregnant is a strong feeling of drowsiness and slight malaise. Someone may even assume that he is starting to get sick. Increased fatigue is a completely natural phenomenon in the first days and even weeks of pregnancy. The body is rebuilt, the immune system “falls” a little. The hormone progesterone, produced in a larger volume than usual, depresses the psyche and provokes a feeling of depression, drowsiness and even irritability. In addition, progesterone contributes to the retention of fluid and salts in the body, which, in turn, can lead to swelling of the hands.

If not determined, then at least it is possible to suspect pregnancy in the early days if a woman has frequent urination. At the same time, urination is not accompanied by pain or burning. As a rule, such a symptom of pregnancy as frequent urination passes on its own by about four months. And hormones are also “to blame” for this, which are now produced in a woman’s body in a completely different way.

Not always, but often it is possible to determine pregnancy in the early days by observing a woman's sleep. Restless sleep, feeling "broken" in the morning, falling asleep early - almost all pregnant women know what it is, from their own experience.

If a woman has at least two or three of the signs described above at the same time, the probability that she is pregnant is about 75%. This means that you need to contact a specialist to accurately establish the fact of pregnancy and, in case of a positive answer, start a new life.

Specially for Olga Rizak

Advances in medicine allow you to independently monitor the main indicators of health. Including you can easily determine pregnancy using express strips. But the thought of conception visits in a variety of situations. If for some reason it is not possible to purchase such an indicator or donate blood for hCG, it is worth using other methods. To find out the answer to the main question will allow a set of methods that are always available at home.

It is very important for women who carefully plan pregnancies to know about a positive result without waiting for a visit to the doctor, a delay or an ultrasound scan. How can you tell if you're pregnant without a test?

In the laboratory, a duplicate analysis of pharmacy strips is given for a special hormone - chorionic gonadotropin. It begins to be actively produced by the body 5-6 days after fertilization. At healthy women, not in position, its indicators barely reach the mark of 5. And upon the onset of conception, in the first 10 days, it increases to 150. Due to the body's reaction to the changes that occur, it will be possible to determine a positive result.

Basal temperature

This is the core temperature of the body, which is measured in the mouth, anus, or vaginally. The method is also used to calculate the day of ovulation, as well as to control the course of pregnancy in the early stages. A fairly simple and accurate way to determine conception even before the onset of a delay.

How to find out if you are pregnant or not without a test using basal temperature:

  • start measuring from the first day of the cycle, these indicators will be considered initial, on the days of ovulation, the numbers rise to 37 and above, if conception does not occur, they decrease to the norm - 36.7-36.8 °;
  • be sure to take measurements immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed in a horizontal position, only a mercury thermometer is used, hold for 5-8 minutes;
  • alcohol intake, spicy, spicy foods, emotional stress, overwork, sexual intercourse can affect the results, under the influence of these factors the temperature changes, and the indicators are considered invalid;
  • if there are malfunctions in the endocrine system, infectious diseases, then this method will not give a reliable answer.

Of all the existing home methods, measuring basal temperature is considered the most accurate. If there is no decrease on the graph after ovulation, conception can be assumed.

With the help of urine

The method is based on chemical reactions that may occur as a result of the changes that have occurred. For this, morning urine is collected, or the first after waking up. The main indicators will be the usual baking soda or iodine.

How to find out early pregnancy without a test at home:

  1. urine at the onset of conception changes its properties, the alkaline environment becomes predominant;
  2. if, when adding a teaspoon of soda to a glass, seething and boiling with foam occurs, then the woman is not pregnant, since the acidity has not decreased;
  3. with a calm precipitation of soda, pregnancy is expected.

A similar home test can be carried out in a combination of methods. The veracity of the result is affected by infections of the excretory system, kidney failure, as well as diet. This method is ineffective for vegetarians, or with a significant predominance of vegetables in the menu. You can not rely on the reaction with soda in case of poisoning, disturbances in the digestive system, prolonged diarrhea.

You can also check for pregnancy by doing the following test yourself:

  • you need to collect morning urine in a clean glass;
  • cut a strip of white paper, immerse it in a glass to soak well;
  • lay the strip on a horizontal surface, and apply cotton swab iodine;
  • the appearance of blue-violet hues on paper means a positive result of pregnancy.

Like other methods, this method is not always effective. Especially if there are hormonal imbalances, taking medications. A guarantee of a 100% chance of conception can only be given by a blood test for the hCG hormone.

Folk ways

Our grandmothers could not use modern diagnostic methods, and learned about their interesting position with the help of signs. They do not have scientific confirmation, but coincidences happen often.

How to find out without a test whether you are pregnant or not, using ancient beliefs:

  • a ring was hung over the woman's belly on her hair, if it moves in a circle, then there will be a girl, diagonally - a boy, and if it stands still - there is no pregnancy, today not everyone can do this method, for this you need to be married and have curls middle length;
  • another way is for the patient, it can be used just for fun, because it will take about a month to wait for the result, you need to take 2 cups, fill it with water, put the bulbs on top, sign - “pregnant”, “non-pregnant”, which will germinate faster, such respectively and the answer to the question of interest;
  • you can water indoor flowers with collected urine, if growth accelerates, flowering comes faster and brighter, then this is a direct signal of the onset of conception, the characteristic smell that has appeared will be the only obstacle to implementation;
  • dreams are often a precursor to future events, the most common is a dream with a fish, and a woman receiving any gift will be a clear sign of future changes, especially if she feels joy and happiness.

In the early stages, you can understand that you are pregnant by carefully listening to your own feelings:

Before a delay at home, pregnancy can be determined without a test by the following reactions of the body:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, a feeling of heaviness as during menstruation, but without the start of a cycle, not all women have such sensitivity, especially if menstruation passes without discomfort;
  • increased urge to urinate, while the amount of fluid consumed has not increased;
  • unusual mucous discharge from the vagina, if there are blood clots, smell - you should definitely consult a doctor;
  • discharge from the mammary glands, often occurs when a second pregnancy occurs, in addition, the color and size of the areola of the nipples may change, hypersensitivity is observed even when in contact with clothing.

In order to recognize the first signs of conception, it is not necessary to use standard express tests. Carefully monitoring changes in appearance, body reactions, as well as emotional mood, one can assume the onset of pregnancy. For the reliability of the results, it is worth contacting a professional diagnosis.

Women are such amazing creatures who always want to know everything in advance. Especially if it concerns themselves or their interesting position. In most cases, the expectation of a desired pregnancy makes lovely ladies look for ways to determine pregnancy before visiting a doctor or without tests.

I would like to say that there are many methods for determining pregnancy at home. But in fact, only five or six ways can show more accurate results:

  • measurement of basal temperature;
  • checking urine for acidity with soda;
  • iodine tests;
  • experience with potassium permanganate;
  • wine experience;
  • heating urine.

These tests and measurements will help you check if you are pregnant and will give you a result that is 99% accurate. In all other cases, it is not possible to rely even on 50%, and therefore it makes no sense to talk about them.

Measuring basal body temperature

For an accurate understanding of what we are talking about, it should be understood that basal is the temperature inside the body, and not on the surface (armpit). To measure it, you need to insert a thermometer into the vagina or into the anus. In rare cases, it can be measured in the mouth.

How temperature is measured

In the morning, without getting out of bed, the thermometer is inserted into one of the passages and a measurement is taken. Be sure to record the thermometer readings in a notebook. The daily procedure will allow you to build an accurate schedule by which you can determine if there is a pregnancy.

Which thermometer to use

If you use an ordinary mercury thermometer at home, then it is better to buy a separate one. This will help not only maintain sanitation, but also give more accurate readings. It is recommended to keep a mercury thermometer for 10-15 minutes.

Important! Shake the thermometer in the evening so as not to make sudden movements in the morning.

But, you see, when you are late for work, and you need to measure the temperature, then there are no extra minutes.

Therefore, it is better to purchase an electronic thermometer that shows degrees in 1 minute. It is quite convenient to use, completely safe for health, and runs on small batteries.

Temperature analysis

For the entire monthly cycle, you will get a chart by which you can draw conclusions. You should know that after the end of menstruation, the temperature drops slightly to 36.4C. Then, with the approach of the day, on the 9th–10th day of the cycle, an increase to 37C will begin.

This value can last 2-3 days while the process of ejection of the egg from the ovaries is in progress. If conception occurred during this period, then intensive production of hormones in the woman's body begins and the basal temperature rises to 37.05–37.1C. In some cases, it can reach up to 37.2C. At the same time, the external temperature (armpit) at an early stage will remain 36.6–36.8C.

Attention! Did your temperature chart go down after ovulation? Then you can be sure that fertilization did not occur.

We do a soda analysis

With the formation of the fetus inside the mother, the acidic composition of her urine changes. This can be used to determine if pregnancy or not.

Collect the morning urine in a clean cup of about 100–150 ml. It is recommended to use the middle liquid, i.e. to lower the first jet, draw a little into a glass and then finish urinating. So you will achieve a more accurate result.

Add one heaping teaspoon of baking soda and observe its reaction. If the solution precipitated, then the result is positive. The hissing and bubbling of soda in a glass of urine indicates high acidity and the absence of a long-awaited pregnancy.

Checking pregnancy with iodine

Iodine is an excellent indicator for checking for pregnancy. There are two methods, each of which gives a result with an accuracy of up to 99%. You can use any of them.

  1. Take a long strip of a clean sheet and soak well in the morning collected urine. Lay it on a flat surface and drip one drop of iodine. A change in color from brown to purple indicates a high probability of pregnancy.
  2. For the second way to test pregnancy with iodine at home, collect medium urine in a wide container, you can use a bowl. Drop a drop of iodine into it and observe its actions. If as a result you see that the drop has spread and dissolved, then the fertilization of the egg has not occurred. If iodine remains on the surface in the form of a drop or a liquid spot, then we can conclude that pregnancy has begun.

We determine pregnancy with potassium permanganate

This experience is based, like the previous ones, on the change in the acidity of the morning urine. Make a weak solution of potassium permanganate to get a soft pink color and add a few drops of urine to it. If the color has changed to light yellow, it can be argued that there is no pregnancy. The unchanged color and the appearance of flakes indicate the fertilization of the egg.

We experiment with wine

As always, only morning urine can show the most accurate result, so add wine to the glass with the collected liquid. It is recommended to combine in a 1:1 ratio and observe the reaction. The formation of curd flakes and turbidity indicates the onset of pregnancy. If the mixture has not changed its color and transparency, then the answer is no.

We heat the urine

Collect medium urine and pour into a container in which you can boil. Heat the liquid over low heat until it boils. Then carefully pour into a transparent container (jar) and examine the contents. The resulting flakes in the sediment will indicate the presence of pregnancy.

Attention! If the protein content in the urine is increased as a result of a cold or any disease, then it can also clot in flakes.

Now you know about ways to determine pregnancy at home. In conclusion, I would like to add that by observing your condition, you can also draw conclusions. For example, several factors can indicate pregnancy:

  • nausea appeared in the morning after waking up;
  • there is a change in taste or unnatural combinations in food;
  • increased or sharply reduced appetite;
  • emerging gag reflex, etc.

Experienced women who are expecting more than their first child can quickly suspect pregnancy symptoms and start checking with the available methods described above at home.

Do not forget that the absence of menstruation is the most sure sign pregnancy, if there are no pathologies or diseases.

Some women who will become mothers in the future experience a sharp decrease or, conversely, a sharp surge in sexual desire. This is due to the large amount of a surge of hormones and the body's reaction to them.

In the first weeks of conception, the breast fills up, increases significantly in volume, sometimes by two sizes, and a slight tingling sensation from the rush can be felt.

In most cases of pregnancy, frequent urination is observed. This is due to the fact that the developing fetus of the child puts pressure on bladder and causes a desire to have a bowel movement.

Attention! If the urine has changed color, pain or discomfort is felt, then consult a doctor, perhaps this is some kind of disease.

Expecting pregnancy is the most exciting period, especially when the child is desired and long-awaited. That's why women try various ways to accurately determine their position, in the hope of a positive result.

Every woman sooner or later feels the desire to become a mother. Modern test strips, which are sold in the pharmacy network, show a reliable result only after two weeks after conception. Some manufacturers promise to show an accurate diagnosis early. However, what to do if there is no opportunity to purchase a test? This article will tell you how to find out about pregnancy before your missed period. Most often at this time, test systems give a negative result. This happens even in the case of existing fertilization.

How to find out about pregnancy before a delay without a test? You will receive the answer to this question below.

What happens after conception?

Immediately after the fusion of the female and male gametes, continuous cell division begins. Under the influence this process there is a strong hormonal restructuring of the female body. A large production of progesterone begins - a hormone that supports pregnancy and does not allow the reproductive organ to reject a new body. The process of isolating a new hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin, is also launched. It is the detection of this substance in the body of a woman that indicates the onset of pregnancy.

It is worth noting that chorionic gonadotropin and progesterone increase simultaneously with this. That is why the first appear after a delay in menstruation.

How to find out about pregnancy before a missed period?

The most accurate way to determine the fact of conception is a blood test. It allows you to find out about pregnancy before the delay. A positive result of this study appears the very next day after the implantation of the fetal egg into the wall of the reproductive organ. On average, this occurs 3-5 days after ovulation.

So, if you are thinking about how to find out about pregnancy before a missed period, then just take a blood test to determine chorionic gonadotropin. It is worth noting that this method allows not only to establish the fact of conception, but also tells about the period on which you are.

Alternative definition

How to find out about pregnancy before a delay at home? If you do not have the opportunity to conduct an analysis for the determination of human chorionic gonadotropin, then there are several ways to alternatively determine pregnancy. It was these secrets that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used. After all, in ancient times it was almost impossible to establish the fact of conception until the child began to move in the womb. So, how to find out about pregnancy before a delay with folk remedies? Consider the most popular methods.

The first way: a drop of iodine in the urine

This study should be carried out immediately after waking up. Collect the first urine in a transparent container and pipette iodine. Gently squeeze one drop into the resulting material and carefully observe the reaction.

It is believed that if a woman is pregnant, iodine will collect in one drop on the surface of the urine. In the event that conception has not occurred, the drop will spread and slowly settle to the bottom.

In this case, the result depends on the density of the urine. In ancient times, it was believed that the excreted material in a pregnant woman is denser. However, now this method has a large error. Diet, certain medications, or illness can affect the result of the test.

The second way: iodine on paper

How to find out about pregnancy before a delay with the help of improvised means? Surely in every house there is a jar of iodine and the usual White paper. The essence of the study is to observe the reaction that will occur between iodine and urine.

Collect the material in a container and lower a piece of paper there. After that, wait a few minutes and drop the medicinal substance onto the parchment. Within seconds, you can see the result. If the paper is dyed purple the woman is pregnant. In the case of obtaining a blue tint, we can say that conception did not occur.

This study depends directly on the acidity of urine. It is believed that in expectant mothers the material has an alkaline environment. It is with this reaction that iodine stains paper purple. Acidic urine gives a blue tint.

Third way: using soda

How to find out about pregnancy before a delay at home? Very simple! You will need: a portion of morning urine and baking soda.

Collect the material in a transparent container. After that, pour one teaspoon of baking soda into it. Watch for reactions. If the powder starts to react with the material (hissing and bubbling), then most likely you are not pregnant. A calm reaction suggests that in the near future you will become a mother.

This study is also based on the determination of the acidity of the material. Soda is alkali. In an acidic environment, it, accordingly, gives a violent reaction. Whereas alkaline urine leaves the powder in a calm state.

Fourth way: using houseplants

How to find out about pregnancy before a delay? Alternative methods say that chorionic gonadotropin allows everything to grow faster. So, you can do a simple study. Collect a portion of urine and pour it over a houseplant.

If the flower began to grow in size, produce new shoots and bloom, then you are pregnant. When the reaction did not occur, most likely, the conception did not take place.

This method has no medical justification. It is based only on signs and superstitions.

Fifth method: boiling urine

How to find out about pregnancy before a missed period at home? For this experiment, you will need: fireproof glassware, urine and your own interest.

Collect urine in a transparent container and put on fire. As soon as the liquid boils, remove it from the heat and wait for the material to cool. After that evaluate the result. In pregnant women with such a study, it is observed. If conception did not occur, then the material will remain clean.

It should be noted that this method has a large error. If you have a urinary tract disease or inflammation of the kidneys, the sediment will be observed in the absence of pregnancy.

Sixth way: prophetic dreams

This method is completely unreasonable and unreliable. However, many women believe him and consider him one of the most accurate.

Try to remember everything that you dreamed about in the coming days. There is a popular belief that if a woman sees a fish in a dream, then soon she will become a mother. There is also a belief - the jamb of these mammals suggests that the pregnancy will be multiple.

Seventh way: own feelings

If you don’t know how to find out about pregnancy before a delay, then just listen to yourself. Expectant mothers develop the so-called seventh sense, intuition sharpens. Listen to your feelings. In pregnant women, even before the delay of menstruation, the following changes in the body can be observed:

  • change in taste preferences;
  • tingling in the lower abdomen;
  • drowsiness and malaise;
  • morning sickness and stool disturbance.

All these phenomena occur due to the change. Some expectant mothers do not have these problems at all. So don't worry too much about their absence.

Eighth way: probing the abdomen

During pregnancy for short periods, expectant mothers may feel a pulsation at a certain point in the lower part. It appears due to increased blood circulation in the uterus.

Lie on your back and gently feel the lower abdomen. If you find a pulse in a certain place, then this indicates that conception has occurred. The opposite result indicates the absence of pregnancy.

This method is not reliable and can often give false results. In some women, the circulatory system is arranged in a special way. Also, the pulse is often felt by non-pregnant women who have a fragile physique.

Ninth method: observation of the figure

Of course, in yourself you do not see the stomach. However, even before the delay of menstruation, experienced women can determine fertilization by their own forms.

In expectant mothers during this period, the sensitivity of the mammary glands increases, and they become larger. Also, some tight pants may be too small at this stage.

It is worth noting that these symptoms do not always indicate pregnancy. With hormonal diseases, the same symptoms can be observed.


So, now you know several ways that allow you to establish or disprove the fact of pregnancy. You should not take these methods too seriously, as they are outdated and have no medical evidence.

Use only proven methods to determine the fact of pregnancy. This is a pharmacy test, blood test, gynecological examination or ultrasound diagnostics.

It is believed that it is possible to more or less reliably determine the presence of pregnancy only if the first day of the delay in menstruation has already arrived. However, many women want to know as early as possible whether conception has occurred. Someone is waiting for this moment with trepidation, dreaming of a new life and a miracle, someone, on the contrary, is afraid of this, and is mentally preparing for an abortion. Usually this situation occurs if unprotected intercourse has occurred.

In both cases early diagnosis pregnancy would be very helpful. The sooner a pregnant woman is registered, the greater the chances of successful gestation. The fact that it is better to have an abortion at the earliest possible date and there is no need to talk at all, everyone already knows this very well. How to determine pregnancy in the early stages and can it be done?

In fact, it can still be done with varying degrees of certainty. However, for this it is necessary to understand what happens in the female body before and after conception, because it is the changes that occur in the body at this moment that can tell whether a pregnancy has occurred.

What happens in the body after conception?

Pregnancy is strictly tied to the woman's menstrual cycle, and conception can occur on strictly defined days: 1-2 days after ovulation. The cycle is not in vain counted from the first day of menstruation. It is from this time that a new egg begins to prepare for release from the ovary. It matures by the middle of the cycle, usually around day 14, unless, of course, your cycle is 28 days. If the cycle is longer or shorter, this must be taken into account, especially if you are using a calendar method of contraception. He is in itself extremely unreliable, but if it is incorrect to calculate the day of ovulation, then its reliability completely disappears.

In parallel with ovulation, a woman’s body prepares for a possible conception: the endometrium softens and thickens, preparing to receive a fetal egg, the follicle that has released a mature egg is reborn into a corpus luteum and begins to produce progesterone, which is necessary for successful implantation and maintaining pregnancy, the basal body temperature increases to 37 degrees which are most comfortable for conception. In this state, the body is a little more than a week.

If conception does not occur, then everything returns to normal again: the temperature drops, the corpus luteum degrades, the endometrium exfoliates and comes out with menstruation. The cycle starts again. What if fertilization occurs?

The fertilized egg continues to move through the fallopian tube. Already on this path, its division and development begins. A week or a little more later, the introduction of the fetal egg occurs. From this moment, the chorion, one of the fetal membranes, begins to produce the hCG hormone. Gradually, this hormone accumulates in the body.

Medical methods for diagnosing pregnancy

Determination of pregnancy in the early stages is possible only after implantation. Until this moment, the fertilized egg does not come into contact with the parent organism in any way, that is, the organism itself does not yet know about pregnancy.

Accordingly, there are no changes associated with pregnancy.

With one hundred percent probability, pregnancy can be diagnosed only in medical institution. To do this, you need to donate blood no earlier than 7-10 days after conception. This analysis is based on determining the presence of hCG in the woman's blood.

How to determine pregnancy before a delay at home?

However, is it worth it to run to the doctor every month in the hope of the coveted result?

Early detection of pregnancy is possible at home. Moreover, all that hCG hormone helps women in this. In almost every pharmacy you can buy a rapid pregnancy test. They may differ appearance or price, but the principle of action is the same for everyone: they determine the presence of hCG in the urine. True, provided that the concentration of the hormone is higher than the sensitivity of the test.

Standard tests are designed to be carried out on the first day of the delay, but if you purchase a more sensitive test, naturally for much more money, then the result can be obtained a couple of days before the delay.

However, it is worth remembering that for one reason or another, the test may give an incorrect result, and therefore, before contacting a consultation, it is recommended to do 2 tests with a break of 2 days.

How else to determine pregnancy at an early stage? Basal temperature can help with this. This is also a fairly accurate method, although much more troublesome, since in order to obtain a reliable result, it is necessary to keep a graph of basal temperatures for 2-3 months before conception in order to accurately know the behavior of your body. So this method is more suitable for those who, using the basal temperature chart, tried to determine a truly suitable time for conception.

However, any woman can use this method as an additional diagnostic method. As mentioned above, after ovulation, the rectal temperature rises slightly, and closer to menstruation it returns to normal. However, in the event of pregnancy, the basal temperature does not fall, and continues to remain elevated.

Of course, an increase in basal temperature may be associated with other phenomena. However, all of them require an early visit to a doctor, so it makes sense to visit a consultation in any case.

Definition of pregnancy by sensations

In addition to the main, but not the main way to determine pregnancy in the early stages, you can try to evaluate your feelings during this period.

So, it is known that at the time of implantation, a blood vessel can be damaged, and then a slight spotting bleeding may occur. Usually it is taken as the beginning of menstruation, but this bleeding is one-time and much less abundant than menstruation. But implantation bleeding is the earliest definition of pregnancy.

Toxicosis is often called an early sign of pregnancy. However, for up to 5 weeks, this phenomenon is quite rare. So, as a rule, it takes place after a delay.

But breast swelling can occur quite early. Another thing is that in many women it swells before menstruation. Pulling pains in the lower abdomen can be considered the same unreliable sign.

You can pay attention to your sexual desire. Often women note a sharp change in it from the earliest dates. But the nature of these changes can be very different. Some women during this period tend to completely abandon sex, while others, on the contrary, experience simply an unprecedented attraction.

As you can see, all these signs are indirect and very unreliable. Of course, if you have counted a combination of several of them, the likelihood of pregnancy increases. This may be the reason for the test, but you should not draw conclusions only on the basis of your feelings.

Folk ways to determine pregnancy

There are also folk remedies early pregnancy detection. Including pregnancy tests, by the way, also associated with urine. For example, it is proposed to boil it. Immediately after boiling, urine must be poured into a glass vessel. It is believed that white flakes appear in the "pregnant" urine in this case.

You can also moisten a paper or cloth with urine and drop some iodine on it. If iodine turns purple, then the woman is pregnant, if blue, then no.

Pregnancy can be predicted. To do this, take 2 bulbs: on one they think the presence of pregnancy, on the other - the absence. Both bulbs are placed in glasses of water and see which of the two will germinate faster.

Many offer to navigate by dreams. They say that if a woman dreams of fish in any form, then she is most likely pregnant. The same is said about water.

As you understand, determining pregnancy in the early stages of folk methods is not a thankful task. With the same success one could guess on cards or coffee grounds. The reliability of any of them does not exceed 50%. Given that we have only 2 options, such reliability is clearly insufficient.

It turns out that pregnancy in the early stages, even before the delay, can be determined. However, the time advantage will be very small: only a few days. Of course, for someone, these days mean a lot, so it's always worth trying.

After all, in a difficult situation, a few extra days can save your baby's life or save you from a lot of complications if you are planning an abortion. You should always remember that any home methods can give erroneous results, including for reasons beyond your control. Therefore, having received a positive result on the test, immediately go to the antenatal clinic for confirmation of the diagnosis.

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