Collection of urine from infants urinal. Glass or plastic container. How to collect urine from a baby in a urinal

Urinalysis is considered mandatory during a routine examination of the baby, as well as in the case of the diagnosis of a particular disease. For young parents, this procedure is apprehensive, since doing it right and painlessly for the child seems not real. This opinion is erroneous, it is not so difficult to collect urine from a baby, even a baby, the main thing is to choose the optimal time and convenient way.

Features of urination in a child

The number of urination in children depends on their age, for example, a baby up to six months old is able to empty the bladder up to 25 times a day, and one year old baby already up to 12 times.

More often this process occurs after sleep, which is just right for collecting analysis in the morning. Many babies urinate after feeding, so if the collection of the analysis immediately after sleep failed, then after breakfast it is possible to try again.

What are the ways to collect urine from a baby (girls and boys)

The main difficulties in collecting biomaterial from infants lie in the technical side of the issue, especially in girls, as well as in the difficulties in determining the time of onset of urination. These problems are completely solvable if you know some of the subtleties of the whole event.

How to collect urine from a baby up to 3 months

Crumbs up to a year urinate quite often, which allows you to spend several attempts to collect material. It is better to try 10-15 minutes after feeding.

The process can be carried out according to several schemes:

The first option with the use of a urinal is considered the best and correct, as it is faster and easier to collect an analysis without injuring the baby.

How to collect urine from a child up to a year

In older children, namely up to a year, it is possible to collect urine by analogy with infants. Difficulties may arise in holding the urinal, as the child may actively protest this object, crawl away and tear it off.

The situation is similar with the package, especially since the baby can simply tear it apart and spill all the contents. During the waiting period, parents should make efforts to distract the child from disrupting the devices for collecting urine, you can vilify for some time on your hands.

If for older boys it is a little easier to collect analyzes in a jar by substituting a container under the jet, then for girls the same difficulties remain. Alternatively, you can try not to put the baby in a diaper and just wait and at the crucial moment, quickly, but carefully, lift it up and substitute the jar. The whole process must be done together. Even if the baby is already potty trained, it is not necessary to collect biomaterial from the container, since tests with such urine will have unreliable indicators.

A similar option is possible if you first put on the urinal and seat the child, by inertia he can go to the toilet, and the parents will extract the necessary material.

How not to do

In order to simplify the collection of urine, some resort to techniques that cannot be done, since after this the test results will be doubtful. In addition, there is a possibility of introducing bacteria into the urine, which, during the study, can be interpreted by the doctor as the development of pathological processes. The list of prohibited methods includes:

  1. Squeezing urine from a diaper or any other material, including a diaper.
  2. Drain the contents of the pot even if it was washed before. Cleaning agents, possible biomaterial residues will change the composition of the urine.
  3. Before fixing the urinal, lubricate the attachment site with cream.
  4. Collect urine in advance, for example, in the afternoon or evening, and donate the next day.

On a note! The more correctly the analysis is collected, the more reliable the information will be, so sterility should not be neglected.

General collection rules

For convenience, sterile purchased containers for collecting analyzes can be used, if used, they must be thoroughly washed and treated with boiling water.

Here are some tips to help parents:

  1. If tests are to be done, then the night before, the baby can be given more liquid. If the baby gets up at night, then drink it a little more or give it a mixture of breast milk: on the eve of the delivery, the diet of the child or the nursing mother should be adjusted, by analogy, as before the delivery of biomaterial in adults. Food, medicines, coloring products, for a day should be excluded.
  2. It is possible to provoke urination at the level of a reflex, for example, turn on the tap with water and bring the child, next to pour the liquid from glass to glass. You can put the baby on a damp diaper, but not for long, given that the room is warm. It is important not to overdo it and not to catch a cold for the baby, 3-5 minutes are enough.
  3. So that the child does not tear off the urinal, you can distract him with a light massage, games. Laughter and crying provoke urination, if the child begins to express his emotions, discontent, then the container should be nearby.
  4. Biological assays change in composition during prolonged exposure to a warm environment. While the fees are going to the clinic, it is better to put the container in the refrigerator, try not to overdo it for more than 2 hours.

Trying to collect urine correctly, it is not necessary to experiment and invent new devices, as this may not go in favor of the correct collection of biomaterial. It is better to choose time-tested and experienced methods that allow you not to cause the baby long-term discomfort and do not affect the structure of urine, for example, ready-to-use urinals.

With the advent of the baby in the family, a change in the usual way of life occurs, and new chores appear. For example, not all young mothers know how to collect urine from a baby, and when faced with a similar problem, they often get lost by doing some manipulations incorrectly. In fact, this is a simple process that requires a minimum of effort and time. How to collect urine for analysis to a newborn, and what order should be followed for proper collection?

Collecting urine for analysis in babies is a troublesome task that has recommendations for proper conduct.

How to collect urine from a baby?

You can collect urine in the following containers:

  • specialized plastic container for analyzes;
  • glass jar;
  • using a urinal (a bag for collecting urine);
  • ordinary plastic bag to collect urine.

urinal (urine bag)

Manufacture of urinals for boys and girls

Today, in every pharmacy, you can buy urinals - bags for collecting urine for analysis. Urine collector - a disinfected transparent bag of small size with a clearance. It is fixed on the legs of the child with Velcro. Before putting on a bag for urine collection, the child should be well bought and washed genitals. A diaper should not be worn on the urinal, as it will interfere with the collection of the analysis. Direct collection of urine occurs while standing, in no case sitting or lying down. If the baby is very tiny, you should hold him upright in your arms and wait for emptying Bladder. After the urine is in the urinal, pour it into a sterile plastic container or glass jar.

Advantages and disadvantages of urinals

Urinals have proven to be a convenient and inexpensive device for collecting tests from newborns. The urinal has many advantages, it has practically no disadvantages. The only disadvantages will be the awkwardness of the mother’s hands, the wrong position of the baby or the age of the child. The most common problem is the age and mobility of the baby. If you perform analysis month old baby everything will go smoothly and without problems. It is difficult for a one-year-old peanut to explain that you need to stand still and not try to tear off the urinal with your hands. Because of this, when using a urinal, the correct collection of the analysis will be obtained only on the second or even third attempt. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase in advance a spare couple of bags for collecting tests.

Collection of urine in a bag

It is possible to collect urine from a child using ordinary disposable bags

Ordinary polyethylene food bags are used as a device for collecting urine for analysis from an infant. To do this, take a bag with "handles" (to easily fix on the baby's legs). The procedure is exactly the same as with a pharmacy urinal. The child (from one month to three months of age) must be held in your arms. A one-year-old baby can be put on its legs and wait for urination. To speed up the process of emptying the bladder, you can drink or feed the child. Often this helps for the speedy outflow of urine.

Pros and cons of collecting analysis with a package

Advantages of collecting analysis using the package:

  • always at hand;
  • ease of use.
  • insufficient sterility;
  • the impossibility of making a quality urine sampling (there is a high risk of spilling it).

collection container

A plastic container for collecting urine can be freely purchased at any pharmacy. The pharmacy container is already disinfected, so there is no need to additionally pour boiling water over it and keep it over steam. In boys at any age (at 3 months or at 9 months), mommy will be able to collect urine on her own. If you take urine from girls, you will need the help of a third party. One holds a collection of urine (container), the other - directly to the child. Girls aged 0 to 6 months should be held in their arms, since the analysis is not taken while sitting and lying down, and it is too early to put them on their legs.

Collection of analysis in the bank

To take urine for analysis, an ordinary glass jar of small volume, which can be found in any home, is suitable. A 200 g jar of store-bought tomato paste or mayonnaise is perfect. If the choice is on the jar, it should be poured over with boiling water before use or sterilized for several minutes over steam. Then dry and use as directed. Taking a urine test in a bank is very practical and does not require extra costs.

Can you collect urine from a pot?

Collecting urine from a pot (however clean it may be) is not very suitable for testing. On the walls of the children's pot, the content of unnecessary substances and harmful microorganisms that have come from the child's genitals is not ruled out. They are able to provoke the inaccuracy of the analysis result. It is best to collect urine immediately in a prepared sterile container or in a urinal. If circumstances do not allow collecting urine in a special container, use a pot, after dousing it with boiling water and washing with laundry soap (without the use of alkaline cleaners). Before starting the study, mommy tells the doctor that the urine was collected from the pot. Then, when obtaining the results of the studies, an error is allowed, but a repeat may be required to make a final diagnosis.

The algorithm for collecting urine from infants

The procedure and rules for collecting urine for general analysis for newborns:

  1. Before starting to collect urine, you need to thoroughly wash the genitals of the baby. For washing, ordinary laundry soap which has bactericidal and disinfectant properties.
  2. You need to collect urine in the morning before meals (morning portion of urine). In no case should you pass urine squeezed out of wet diapers, collected from oilcloth or drained from a baby pot. Such an analysis would be inaccurate or completely false.
  3. To induce urination in a fairly short time, you need to turn on the water in the tap (the murmur of water stimulates the process of urination in infants of one year of age), give the child plenty to drink, take the baby in his arms and lightly massage the lower abdomen.
  4. It is necessary to refer urine for analysis immediately, do not keep it at home long time or store in the freezer. In this case, the result will again become unreliable.
  5. The container with the analyzes should be signed - indicate the child's last name and first name, the date the analysis was taken. If you have a doctor's referral, attach it to the container with a rubber band.

Often, young parents do not have the slightest idea how to properly collect a urine test from an infant.

And no wonder, because everything is simple for adults, and children still do not know how to control the "process" and will not be able to tell their mother when it is time to carry a jar for analysis.

Many do not think about this topic until the baby (God forbid) gets sick or the time comes. In some clinics, children's urine is tested when the baby is 3, 6, 9, and 12 months old.

How to collect a urine test from an infant?

First, stock up on sterile containers. Special jars for analysis can be bought at a pharmacy, or you can take a container available at home. The main thing is that the container is transparent and sterile (hold it over a boiling kettle for 15 minutes).

You need to collect urine in the morning, and it is important to act with lightning speed . So from the evening put a jar in the bathroom. In the morning, do not miss the moment: as soon as the child wakes up in his bed, opens his eyes, take off his clothes, diaper - and a bullet into the bathroom!

The reliability of the results, and, therefore, the health of the child depends on your literacy in this matter.

At this time, dad turns on a warm shower, and you quickly wash your baby with soap (after all, analysis should be done only after ). Moreover, the girl needs to be washed from front to back so that the bacteria do not get on the genitals. Then blot the baby with a clean towel and keep the jar ready - right now, most likely, the long-awaited "miracle" will happen.

If the baby does not dare to take the test, help him with the good old "ps-ps-pss" and the sound of pouring water - a great way! Everything should go without complications and long expectations, because all children pee immediately after sleep.

You can also use a special urinal specially designed for babies. It is a bag (read "capacity"), which is attached to the child's external genitalia with a special sticky mount - and the baby, without realizing it, takes the test. Do not be afraid: the crumbs will not have any unpleasant sensations: he will not feel the special equipment. He will not bring an infection either, because all children's urine collection products are absolutely sterile! In addition, Velcro is hypoallergenic, so the crumbs will not irritate the skin. You can buy such a urinal at a pharmacy.

Rules for collecting urine from a child

1. Only morning urine . After all, it will give the most informative result, and doctors recommend collecting the morning portion. In addition, it is convenient for parents, because in the clinic they also take tests in the morning, often from 8.00 to 9.00.

2. Fast delivery to doctors . In the laboratory, urine should appear no later than three hours after collection. This is the only way you can get reliable results.

3. Do not store in refrigerator . You can not cool the resulting "instance". If it is frosty or very cold outside, it is necessary to wrap the jar with the analysis in a piece of warm cloth.

4. Do not give a lot of liquid before analysis . Before taking the test, you do not need to give the baby to drink more than usual. Indeed, after heavy drinking, the density of urine is greatly reduced, and the results will not be so reliable.

5. Lack of medicine . If before the child was prescribed drugs or vitamin preparations, then the day before the test, it is better not to give them. If it is impossible to stop taking them, you must notify your doctor in advance.

Remember that it is very important to know how to properly collect a urine sample from an infant. Indeed, the reliability of the results, and, therefore, the health of the child, depends on your literacy in this matter.

In the first year of life, the child should be regularly examined by a pediatrician, undergo specialists and pass tests. And if there are usually no difficulties with a blood test, since you just need to bring the child to the clinic in the morning and then reassure, then before collecting urine from an infant, parents often get lost. Let's figure out how to collect urine for analysis from an infant, in particular, from a boy.

Using a urinal

This collection method is preferred because it makes it easy to obtain urine for analysis.


  • This plastic bag makes collecting urine much easier.
  • It is inexpensive and is available in all pharmacies.
  • Thanks to the adhesive base, it is well fixed on the body of the child.
  • Velcro is hypoallergenic and does not irritate the baby's skin.


  • A urinal must be purchased at a pharmacy, and sometimes the mother does not have such an opportunity.
  • If the bag is not properly attached, urine will not get inside and will have to be collected again.

Lay the washed and dry baby on the back. While spreading the baby's legs, talk to the baby and comment on your own actions until the baby is completely calm. Next, gently attach the urinal so that the genitals are inside.

Wait patiently until the baby urinates. So that the bag does not come off, and the child does not worry, take the baby in your arms. The bag filled with urine must be carefully removed, then pour the contents into a sterile container and take it for analysis.

With the help of improvised means

Many parents in the old fashioned way use improvised means to collect - banks and packages.

to the bank

This method of collecting urine from a boy is one of the most common.


  • Features of urination in boys allow you to accurately collect in a jar middle part urine, it is enough just to "catch" the stream.
  • This is an affordable and very easy way.


  • If the jar is not sterile, the results of the analysis will be incorrect and the analysis will have to be retaken.
  • The clothes of the parents and things that surround the child are at risk of being damaged by splashing urine.

Lay the undressed baby on a diaper, not forgetting to put an oilcloth under it. Take a jar in your hands and wait. As soon as the baby begins to urinate, let the first drops fall on the diaper, then substitute the jar and collect the required amount of urine. Close the container and wrap it in a plastic bag (this way you will save your own bag from possible leakage).

The jar needs to be sterilized, but it is better to collect urine in a special container for analysis

per package


  • The method will help out when there is no urinal and other containers.
  • The advantage of the method is its general availability, because plastic bags are almost everywhere.


  • The package may not be sterile and results may not be reliable.
  • The handles of the package may come undone, and if the package moves to the side, both the mother and everything around the child may end up in the urine.

The handles of the package are cut so that it becomes possible to tie them around the baby's legs. Having fixed the bag on the child, you need to wait for urination. In this case, the child must be in an upright position. Next, the urine is carefully poured into a sterile container.

If the baby is very small, a plastic bag can be placed under the child on an oilcloth.

  • Do not let your child urinate on a diaper and then try to twist it into a jar.
  • It is not recommended to keep urine at room temperature for more than 2 hours, as this will make the analysis unreliable.
  • The baby must be washed before collecting urine, and parents need to wash their hands using baby soap.
  • The container in which urine is collected must be sterile.
  • For analysis, it is best to collect the first urine that the boy excreted in the morning.
  • If you wait a long time, and the baby still does not urinate, you can resort to small tricks, for example, pour water from one glass to another next to the baby, dip the baby’s hand in a plate of warm water, stroke the baby below the navel, give the baby a drink or wet a little a diaper on which the baby lies.

The child's parents will have to visit the clinic at least two or three times for routine vaccination against tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria, polio. Or their baby may get sick, which is also a reason to visit the pediatrician's office. Before such trips, the doctor gives a referral for a urine test to check the health of a small patient. A nurse can collect urine, but there are times when the mother herself has to do it. In adults this process is not a problem, but with a one-month-old baby, there are often minor difficulties.

Types of analyzes

Urinalysis is of great diagnostic value. Based on the results obtained, the doctor determines the presence of abnormalities in the genitourinary system, and how many vital organs work. The general study of urine is taken as the basis, it allows drawing conclusions about the work of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. With an increase in formed elements, additional types of analysis may be prescribed: for Nechiporenko, for the Addis-Kakovsky method, for Zemnitsky. These are methods that allow you to more accurately determine the possible deviation in the child's body.

According to Nechiporenko, the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system is confirmed: cystitis, pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis. For this, the analysis is taken in the morning, in an amount of at least 5.0 milliliters.

According to Addis-Kakovsky, they look at the level of blood cells in the urine, and identify disorders in the urinary tract. To do this, they collect all the excreted urine for 24 hours, after which they shake it and pour about 200 milliliters into a separate jar. In the direction you need to indicate how much was allocated per day.

There are a number of rules for collecting urine:

  1. Only fresh morning urine has diagnostic value;
  2. Before filling the container, the child should be washed, for girls it is important that the microflora of the anus does not get on the genitals, so the movements during washing should be directed - from front to back;
  3. Children's urine is collected in a sterile vessel, for this you can buy a sealed jar at a pharmacy, or boil it at home;
  4. The collected liquid is transported to the laboratory no later than two hours after collection;
  5. It is forbidden to store it in cold places;
  6. If the child is taking medications or vitamins, the day before the procedure, you must stop taking them, or inform the doctor about it;

What is needed for the procedure

  1. Wet baby wipes;
  2. Sterile gauze swabs;
  3. Gloves;

Modern urinals make the task of mothers much easier. But they have disadvantages in the form of a possible peeling off, or a violation of integrity from the actions of the baby.

The algorithm for collecting urine from girls:

  1. Wear gloves;
  2. Wipe the genitals with a damp cloth, carefully in each fold;
  3. Dry with a clean swab;
  4. Take a urinal and stick it around the genitals so that urine can accumulate inside it;
  5. After filling the urinal, pour its contents into a prepared and labeled jar;
  6. Send to the laboratory;

The algorithm for collecting urine from a boy:

  1. Wash hands with soap before the procedure;
  2. Calm the baby, he should not be nervous and cry;
  3. Wear gloves;
  4. Lay the child on his back, and spread the legs;
  5. Wipe the genitals with a damp cloth, carefully wipe the head, after pushing the foreskin, but it is important to do it correctly so as not to injure;
  6. Take a urinal for boys, glue it so that the penis is inside it;
  7. Reflexively induce urination in an infant by stroking the tummy, or by turning on the water in the tap;
  8. Pour the resulting urine into a jar;
  9. Submit with a referral to the laboratory;

If the child does not allow the use of this method, you can replace the urinal with improvised means. Girls are advised to put a clean bowl under the buttocks. It is even easier for a boy to collect urine in a jar, for this it is enough to hold it near the penis.

It is not correct to use a used diaper or a wet diaper to collect urine, the results of the analysis obtained from them will not show an accurate result. Pampers contain substances that can leak out with urine, and the diaper will retain the uniform elements contained in the urine.


When the results are ready, you should not decipher them yourself if there is no suitable education. This should be done only by a pediatrician, he will tell the parents the results of their child's tests. In the normal urine of the baby should not be present: leukocytes, erythrocytes, protein and sugar. It should be clear and light yellow in color. Cloudy urine is a signal of an increased content of salts, mucus and bacteria in it.

If in the results of the analyzes of the boy the level of leukocytes is more than 7 in the field of view, and in girls this number exceeds 9, then this may mean that there is an inflammatory process of the urinary tract.

An increase in sugar in the urine is often a sign of dysfunction of the endocrine system, in particular the pancreas. In case of any violations of the norm, it is recommended to take the analysis again to confirm the diagnosis or exclude errors.