8 month old baby all the time. Development lessons. Warning signs: when to see a doctor

Baby 8 months

Our congratulations! Baby is 8 months old! An eight-month-old child is already a very nimble and agile toddler, which will not give mom and dad a moment of peace. He crawls to his mother in the kitchen from the room, calls on dad to communicate and happily babbles, telling his family some story of his own.

The funny baby crawls actively, turns from side to side and has a tenacious grip: he freely takes toys in his hands and shifts them from place to place. Enough long time he can swipe opening and closing the lid on a box, stacking and unfolding cups one inside the other, and even “reading” books, looking at bright pictures.

Often, at 8 months, the character of the child changes significantly: he begins to show stubbornness, act up and react with loud crying to the ban. This is the time when mom and dad have to control themselves and their attitude towards the child, calm emotions and practice educational methods.

The baby's games become even more varied and interesting, he claps his hands with pleasure and stomps his legs, shakes his head, and at parting to his acquaintances, at the request of his mother, waves his hand.

Height and weight of the child at 8 months

During the eighth month, the intensity of weight gain will decrease slightly. Experts explain the slowdown in growth and weight gain by the fact that from now on, the main task of the body upon reaching muscle mass is the formation of physical skills.

So, in 8 months, the baby will gain about 500 g. At the same time, growth rates remain the same - plus 2 cm on average. That is, at the end of the month, the height and weight of the child will reach 70-72 cm and 8500-9000 g, respectively. If boys are characterized by higher rates, girls may be smaller, reaching 69-70 cm in height with a weight of 7900-8500 g.

Daily routine of a child at 8 months

Compliance with the regimen for an 8-month-old baby is still important: the baby is fed at a certain time, the baby sleeps a couple of times during the day, the main one - night sleep - remains the longest and strongest.

The child's diet remains the same: the baby eats 5 times a day, approximately every four hours. After feeding, the time comes for wakefulness and activity: the little one plays, communicates with parents, crawls around the room. In the first half of the day, during the wakefulness period, you should allocate time for gymnastics and massage. Engage with the child should be within 7-10 minutes, preferably combining classes with taking air baths.

Usually at eight months, children are already weaned from night feedings - the baby sleeps all 9-11 hours at night. But during the day, the little one usually switches to a 2-time sleep regimen, falling asleep twice a day and staying in a state of sleep for 2-2.5 hours. It is very important not to wake the child ahead of time and always put him to rest, no matter what: the sleepless baby becomes capricious and whiny, is in a state of overexcitation or, conversely, lethargy. During the day, again, you need to walk with the little one - no less 2 times for 2-2.5 hours. Well, oh, if the baby sleeps on a walk, Fresh air is the best way to promote normal sleep.

In the evening, for children of 8 months, traditional bathing is provided before bedtime. At this age, kids get real pleasure from bathing - they splash water, clap their hands on the surface of the water, play with enthusiasm with rubber or plastic toys. You should know that now the child is sensitive to sounds, so it is important not to frighten him in the bathroom: you should not open the drain of water, which not only makes noise, but also rapidly disappears into the drain, which can be scary for the child.

How much does a baby eat at 8 months

In general, a baby of 8 months eats about 1 liter of food per day (drinking water is not taken into account). Taking into account that the diet for eight-month-old children is provided five times a day, we can calculate: at a time, the child consumes approximately 200 g of food.

Provided that the mother is still producing milk, the main product for the baby is just mother's milk. Traditionally, the baby is breastfed in the morning and evening (after waking up and before going to bed). In the case when the baby is transferred to artificial nutrition, a diet is more often used, which provides for one-time feeding with a mixture and the rest of the time with complementary foods.

At the same time, a lot of foods are already present in the child's diet - fruit and vegetable purees, cereals, juices, egg yolk and even meat. If the baby has not been familiar with cottage cheese since last month, it's time to give him a try and this product, and over time - also kefir.

At eight months, a child can already be offered multi-component cereals or even add fruits or berries to cereals. But you should be careful with berries and fruits: some of them are allergens and can provoke allergic reactions (we are talking about citrus fruits, red berries - strawberries, raspberries, etc.).

Gradually, at this age, you can increase the amount of meat given as complementary foods. You should not "zealous" except with chicken meat, chicken - such varieties of it are also allergens. Meat can be given to the baby both in the form of meat puree, and mixing it with vegetable puree. Considering that both meat and egg yolk are present in the baby's diet, in no case should these two products be given to the child on the same day, and even more so - in one feeding.

To those products that are already present in the child's diet, at 8 months you can add meat broths or mashed soups cooked in meat broth. In addition, crackers, cookies, and drying are allowed for children at this age. By the way, hard bagels also perform the function of a rodent during teething, with which the baby scratches the gums.

What should a child be able to do at 8 months

An eight-month-old child already knows so much that it’s hard to believe that a little more than six months have passed since this healthy and strong toddler was born.

At 8 months old, babies are already actively and quickly crawling, and some even make attempts to stand on their feet. True, the baby is still unlikely to be able to get up from a sitting position on his own, but with the support of his mother, the baby still rises to his feet. By the end of the same month, the child is able to get up on his own, holding on to the wall of the playpen.

On its own, the little one can already stand, while even holding a toy in one handle. Standing, the baby can step from foot to foot. He also rearranges his legs when the mother, holding his armpits, stimulates the baby to go.

The child holds toys freely, knows how to shift an object from one hand to another. If you give a toy to a baby, when he holds one in each hand, he will throw out one of them to take the one offered. By the way, the process of throwing toys away for a child becomes some kind of contemplative process: throwing them, he carefully watches their flight path and where they fell. Then he can pick up the toy again and throw it again.

The child’s communication with adults is entering a new stage: the baby already indicates with a pen to his parents what kind of toy he wants at one time or another, explains with gestures that he wants, for example, to get to the closet and touch the books in it. In addition, on the way to the goal, the child already knows how to put aside the object that hinders him - this is how he learns to solve problems.

When playing with a toy, the baby imitates the actions of adults: rolls it and knocks on it, knows how to remove the lid, push the ball with its foot. And at the request of relatives and friends, he claps his hands, raises his arm or leg, waves “pa-pa”.

At 8 months, the child's attitude towards strangers changes: he already clearly distinguishes relatives and relatives from strangers. If a stranger enters the room where the baby is alone, the child can even become hysterical, experiencing a real panic. In addition to frightened crying, the child may react to the stranger by completely ignoring him, turning away or crawling away from the stranger. In addition to the fear of strangers, other fears are common among eight-month-old babies: the baby may be afraid of a vacuum cleaner, washing machine, or any other loud sounds. In order to allay groundless fear, you should “acquaint” the baby with household appliances, show how they work and explain that there is nothing wrong with them.

A peanut of 8 months old babbles quite clearly, composing sounds into syllables, trying to imitate extraneous sounds and imitate the speech of its parents. Moreover, in the babble of the child there are almost all the sounds of the language, which he combines in every possible way. Communicating with the interlocutor, the child gives speech a tone of triumph or joy, anger or impatience.

8 months is the age when the child already recognizes himself not only in the mirror, but also in the photograph. And, recognizing, rejoices and smiles.

With a very musical ear, an 8-month-old baby is very sensitive to his mother's voice - for him there is no better music than a song from her lips. With no less pleasure, the child listens to music in the recording, and often some children even sway to the beat of the melody or stamp their feet.

Educational activities and games for an 8 month old baby

An 8-month-old child absorbs new information like a sponge, at the same time, continues to improve physically. Since the baby is already quite mature and developed, developing activities and games become more complicated and become more diverse.

It is important to pay attention every day to introducing the child to new words. While walking with the baby, you should keep track of what attracted his attention. A running dog? Flying plane? Boy on a bike? You should call the “object” aloud, pointing at it with your hand and urging the baby to look in that direction, remembering the name. "Look, there's a dog over there. See? This is a dog." By the way, often at this age the child already “identifies” animals: to the question, “where is av-av?”, He is able to point to the dog with a pen.

From a young age, it is useful to develop the coordination and balance of the child. To this end, while dancing with the baby in your arms, you can swing it up and down, arrange “slides” on your knees and swing it on your knees, having previously seated the baby.

It’s good to play with the child in the “cart”: taking him by the legs, slightly raise him so that he rests on the handles: let the baby try, rearranging them, to walk on his hands. “Pushing” the child to move on his hands, you can gently rock him, while you need to observe the reaction of the little one - if he does not like the game or he is tired, the lesson must be stopped.

Since the child is already freely crawling around the room, you can invite him to play hide and seek. It is enough just to hide somewhere behind a chair - let the kid look for it.

For the development of fine motor skills, you can use ordinary cereals for games. So, pouring oatmeal or rice groats into a cake mold, then invite the baby to put a pen into the groats. The child gets great pleasure, stirring the cereal with his hand or passing it through his fingers. Only during the game it is necessary to be near the baby all the time - in the absence of adults, he can try to swallow rice and choke.

Considering that the baby is now actively mastering speech skills, you can invite him to talk on the phone. For a conversation, both a toy device and a real one, previously disconnected from the network, are suitable. The kid has already seen more than once how mom or dad are talking on the phone, so it will not be difficult for him to repeat their actions - he will happily chat into the phone.

For a better acquaintance with your own body, you can play with the baby in the "hat": give him his father's hat or hat - let him try to put it on his head. By the same principle, you can play with plastic bowls: when the baby puts it on his head, let him look at himself in the mirror - his own reflection will cause sincere fun in the little one.

Baby at 8 months: note to parents

Many parents, trying to make life easier for themselves, put the child in a walker by 8 months. Experts categorically do not recommend doing this - at this age, the baby's muscular and skeletal systems are not yet strong enough, and the resulting extra load can adversely affect their formation.

It is extremely important at this age to create all necessary conditions for the safety of the child: he still tries to crawl into every corner and taste every unfamiliar object that comes across the road.

In addition, the cub can easily crawl to the mother's kitchen - this room, like a "magnet", attracts almost all babies and becomes their favorite place to play. And perhaps the most dangerous. It is very important that in all opening lower drawers and on the lower shelves only unbreakable and not crumbly things and products remain. Knives and cutlery should be hidden as high and as far away as possible, making it impossible for a child to reach them.

Always, in all cases, you need to ensure that the child does not reach the tablecloth on the kitchen table. After all, he may well want to grab onto it and pull it towards him at the moment when there is hot soup or tea on the table. For the same reason, you should keep an eye on the child when he sits at the table in his mother's arms - the baby can easily knock over both himself and the parent at the same time even a salad, pulling a plate, even compote, knocking over a mug.

Teeth in all children appear at different times, and it is quite possible that by the 8th month the child will already be the happy “owner” of the first four teeth. If this is the case, it is advisable to slowly start giving the crumbs not mashed potatoes, but finely chopped food. And also - pieces of soft cookies, fruits, potatoes, carrots, on which the child will train to bite and chew.

8 months is also the right age for potty training. But only in the case when the child sits on the potty willingly and calmly - if the baby categorically refuses the potty, you can’t force him, which means it’s not time yet. In the case when the baby responds normally to planting on the potty, you should not keep it on it for more than 10 minutes, even if the child does not “go to the toilet”. And one more thing: at the moment when the baby is sitting on the potty, you can not give him toys and distract him.

At the eighth month, the baby continues to develop dynamically in different directions: physically, emotionally, socially. At this age, the foundation is laid for the future development of the senses, motor skills, sensory apparatus and speech skills.

Nevertheless, the level of development of a child at 8 months can be different: someone will surprise their parents with the first word, and someone continues to pronounce only individual sounds, some mothers are already pleased with a smile with four teeth, and someone has not yet one. The first months of the second half of the year are the time of prerequisites and undertakings.

Physical development

The growth rate of the child decreases slightly, for the eighth month the baby gains approximately 500 - 600 g and grows by 1.5 - 2 cm. By the end of the month, children gain weight up to 8 - 9 kg (± 1 kg) and height 67 - 71 cm (± 3 cm ).

At 8 months, a child can already grow 4 teeth: two lower and two upper central incisors. But if the crumbs do not yet have teeth, then this is also normal and should not worry parents (about teething).

What have you learned?

  1. The child from a prone position is able to sit down himself, as well as lie back from a sitting position.
  2. All children can roll over in different directions (we learn to roll over).
  3. Can stand up, holding on to the railing of the crib and move sideways, taking small steps. If you take a child by the hand, he tries to walk.
  4. The kid can play "palmies", wave the pen.
  5. Some children can crawl well (how to teach a child to crawl?). They can also crawl while holding an object in one hand.
  6. Can grasp small objects with two fingers.
  7. Perform various actions with toys: roll the ball, string the rings, swing the doll.
  8. Can recognize himself in photographs and in the mirror.
  9. Points a finger at the object they are talking about.
  10. Can drink from a cup, eats small pieces of food. "Treats" mom.
  11. He knows how to pull a sock off his foot.
  12. Do not resist when planting on a pot.
  13. Recognize mom, dad, another close person among adults.

Detail: baby skills at 8 months

mental development

  1. The child understands your speech better and better. He can even fulfill some requests: give the ball, take the cube.
  2. Attachment to the mother becomes even stronger. He endures parting more difficult, he is calm only next to his mother. But he makes contact faster if a stranger shows friendliness to the baby.
  3. The perception of loud sounds is aggravated (vacuum cleaner, hair dryer). Many babies at this age are afraid of these devices (what if the child is afraid of loud noises?).
  4. The child not only grabs, touches and feels new objects, but also strokes them with a finger or palm.
  5. The kid asks with gestures to bring him to an object that is of interest to him. She reaches for the window, the refrigerator, the cabinets and tries to open them.
  6. Smiling at his reflection in the mirror.
  7. He understands the ban, is offended when they speak strictly to him.
  8. The child's eyes get used to seeing objects from different angles. The kid recognizes familiar things at a distance in any location: in profile, upside down. Now the baby is clearly aware of the qualities of things: color, texture, softness, shape, and knows how to manipulate objects, taking into account their properties: roll a ball, tear a piece of paper, pull a string.
  9. The kid can do something on his own for more than 10 minutes. Moreover, if the child is distracted from the lesson, then after a short pause, he can remember his game and continue it.
  10. It becomes important for a child to learn and achieve something, so the baby already reacts to success and failure with joy or grief. It is very important now to praise the baby and support him in his endeavors.
  11. May show early attempts to manipulate you. Do not go on about, let the baby understand what is impossible and what is possible.
  12. Strives for emotional contact with other children: looks at another child, smiles at him and can reach out to touch.

Baby development test at 8 months

  • When the child is lying, show him a toy at a distance, let him reach for it. The baby should be able to sit up without your help;
  • In a sitting position, the baby should be able to take off the diaper with which you covered him;
  • Give the child a toy and when he grabs it, try to take it away. At 8 months, the child should have a resistance reaction: take it away, pull it towards you, push your hand away if he protests;
  • Playing hide and seek, the kid welcomes your appearance with a laugh;
  • Recognizes familiar faces in the photograph, can name: “pa”, “ma”;
  • Place a small item on the table. The kid should be able to take it with two fingers;
  • A child at 8 months begins to copy your actions: show the baby how to roll the ball on the floor, he will try to repeat;
  • Name 2 - 3 objects near the baby that he knows. The child must find them with a glance or point with a finger.

What should alert

  • The child does not sit down, does not try to stand up, does not roll over, does not try to crawl;
  • Cannot stand at a foothold or with support;
  • The offered toy is missing. Does not shift the toy from one handle to another;
  • Doesn't babble. Does not pronounce syllables;
  • Shows no emotion.

VIDEO: Baby at 8 months. Baby development


The nutrition of the baby at 8 months remains five times a day. Already two breastfeeding must be replaced. The first and last feedings (after sleep and before bedtime) should remain breastfeeding. The intervals between feedings are 4 - 4.5 hours.

Now you can make multi-component cereals and purees, that is, consisting of several vegetables, fruits and cereals. At the beginning of the eighth month, you can diversify complementary foods with vegetable puree from potatoes in combination with other vegetables (zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, cauliflower) and start giving wheat bread 5 g. By the end of the month, fermented milk products are introduced: cottage cheese and kefir, with good tolerance, gradually replacing another feeding. In general, the eighth month is spent on the introduction of still unfamiliar vegetables, fruits and cereals, and their assimilation in a complex. Thus, if you started introducing complementary foods at 6 months, then by the end of the 8th month you should have three breastfeeds replaced.

How to help your child develop

  1. Continue to carry the baby in your arms. Holding (carrying on hands) remains an important element in the psychological development of the child.
  2. Replenish the vocabulary of the crumbs by reading books to him, talking about the world around him. Talk to your child in a gentle tone, call him by name. Draw your child's attention to everything new. Scientists argue that the number of words that a child hears during the day directly affects the intellectual level in the future. The more you communicate with the baby, the wider his potential when he grows up. By 8 months, babies understand up to 100 words.

Do not flirt with the child, do not distort words, talk to the baby like a person who understands everything you say. Even if the child pronounces something incorrectly, uses the first syllable of the word, then you still speak the way you need. Tell your baby more often that you love him.

Ensure safety in the house, as the baby is now interested in everything and pulls in his mouth: remove medicines and chemicals in places inaccessible to the child, install plugs in sockets, buy nozzles for furniture corners, remove all cords and wires from the floor, move out of the way child, all unstable objects, put plants higher.

Useful toys for baby 8 months

  • Rubber balls: fix the ball at the feet of the baby in the crib, he will be happy to kick it;
  • Squeaker Hammer: Show your child how to hit the table. By cubes. This activity will develop coordination and strengthen the muscles of the hands;
  • Continue to give the child bags or pillows with fillers (peas, beans, beads) to develop fine motor skills;
  • Musical Toys: All children love toys with buttons that play music or make sounds when pressed. Such toys develop well logical thinking as well as motor skills and intelligence;
  • Soft textile or cardboard books: the baby can already turn the pages himself;
  • Bath games: teach your child to move toys in the water, clap the water with your palm, fill the mold with water, pour from one jar to another.

Activities with an 8 month old baby

  • "Orchestra": wooden spoons or drum sticks, maracas are suitable for playing. Arrange pots, boxes, bowls in front of the baby and show how to hit them.
  • "Repeaters": first the baby repeats after you, you wave your hand, and he waves, you laugh and clap your hands, then he. After that, you repeat after the child.
  • Build a pyramid out of cubes and show your kid how to throw a ball to make the pyramid fall apart.
  • Show your child kitchen utensils: containers, spoons, ladles, in general, everything that is safe. Young children love to play with adult objects.
  • By nine months, you can begin to roll the ball to each other on the floor.

VIDEO: educational games at home

In the video you will learn how to make educational toys for a child under 1 year old "out of nothing" :)

While bathing, gradually draw water into the bath when the baby is already there, lying on his tummy. When the water is filled, the child will rise and begin to get up on all fours. Make sure your baby doesn't drink water.

"Walking on your hands": take the baby by the legs, lift it up and start gently rocking back and forth. The child will begin to rest against the handles and touch them.

Arrange a “carousel” for your child in your arms, swing it in different directions in a vertical and horizontal position. Swing with him on the swing. This well develops the vestibular apparatus.

A sense of balance is well developed by walkers, they can already be used. But remember that you can keep a child in them for no more than 1 hour a day and no more than 15 minutes in a row, as this can adversely affect the spine and gait. (About walkers - FOR and AGAINST)

Walk with your child for at least 2 hours a day. At home, continue to do daily gymnastics, arrange air baths and massage.

When you choose activities for a child, consider his preferences and temperament. At this age, children already have personality traits. If your baby is restless, then provide him active games with crawling, turning and other movements. Calm children will rather like to look at a book, listen to a fairy tale or build a pyramid of cubes. Respect the interests of your child, do not force him to do something if you feel that the baby does not like it, it does not work out and he is drawn to something completely different.

The sleep and wake schedule remains the same as in previous months: at night, babies sleep until 10 o'clock, some without even waking up. During the day there are two sleeps of 1.5 - 2 hours.

← 7th month of development 9th month of development →

Development video at eight months

Monthly baby development calendar (select a month)

A complete calendar of child development in one article "development up to a year by months" - >>>

Eight-month-old babies are very active, move a lot and explore new spaces with interest, because at this age they can already crawl. What else has the peanut learned by 8 months, what new skills are already pleasing parents, and how can adults help in the development of a baby of this age?

Physiological changes

  • The period of teething continues, while their appearance is very individual. Someone at 8 months still does not have a single tooth, or the first incisor has just appeared, and someone is already trying to gnaw cookies with four teeth.
  • The growth rate of the child slows down a little, which is associated with an increase in the physical activity of the baby. The muscles of the crumbs are already developed so much that they allow the baby not only to roll over and sit, but also to stand and crawl.
  • The child's stool has become more formalized and bears little resemblance to the feces of a baby who lives exclusively on breastfeeding. It has a mild odor, and the frequency of bowel movements is usually 1 time per day.
  • The child's memory develops and retains recent events. Thanks to the improvement of memory, the baby is able to repeat the actions of his parents, recognize familiar objects, heard nursery rhymes, loved ones.

A baby at 8 months can already stand and crawl Physical development

During the eighth month of life, the baby adds about 550 grams and becomes 1.5 centimeters taller on average. The circumference of the chest and the circumference of the head increase by 0.5-1 cm each.

Although the pace of development of each child is individual, based on measurement data from a large number of children of a certain age, doctors determined the average value, as well as the boundaries of normal indicators. physical development. Deviation from them causes alertness and is the reason for a detailed examination of the baby. The main parameters for babies 8 months old are presented in the following table:

For information on what a child should be able to do at 8 months, see the video of Larisa Sviridova.

What can the baby do?

  • The baby of 8 months is very active physically, knows how to sit down, lie down, get up (at the same time he pulls himself up by the support), crawl quite quickly, and also step over objects.
  • The kid spends a lot of time studying toys and constantly trains own hands. He can freely transfer one toy to another pen, and if the object falls out of his hand, he will look for it. The child likes to roll the ball, press different buttons, flip through the pages of books.
  • The babbling of an eight-month-old baby already has an intonation that the baby has adopted from its parents. The baby repeats the same syllables many times, so parents constantly hear “ma-ma-ma” or “ba-ba-ba” from the baby.
  • Children of this age are very cheerful, enjoy other babies, and adult strangers are wary. If the mother goes somewhere, the eight-month-old toddler is very upset. When a child does not succeed, the baby will be upset, and his mother's praise will be very happy.
  • The child may point to a familiar object when asked "where?". Also, the baby has already learned, at the request, to wave his hand, to make "patties" and other actions that his parents taught him earlier. The baby really likes games in which actions are repeated.
  • An 8-month-old baby not only eats from a spoon and even tries to do it on his own, but also takes it in his hands solid food(for example, baby cookies), biting off pieces of it.

With a child at 8 months old, you can play opening and closing doors, covering jars with lids

Although all children develop at their own pace and some skills can be acquired earlier than their peers, and some later than other children of the same age, however, there are skills that a baby must certainly possess at 8 months. You should be alerted if the baby:

  • Doesn't sit down.
  • Does not crawl backwards or does not try to crawl at all.
  • Does not try to get up at the support.
  • Unable to stand for several seconds holding both hands.
  • Can't hold a toy.
  • The offered toy is missing.
  • Doesn't transfer a toy from one handle to another.
  • Doesn't pronounce syllables.
  • Doesn't listen when he hears an adult talking.
  • Doesn't show any emotion.

Consult your pediatrician for any warning signs

  • If the baby has not yet mastered crawling on all fours, practice the baby in the water. While bathing, lay the baby on the bottom of the empty bathtub with her stomach and turn on the water so that it slowly fills the bathtub. The water level will rise and become an incentive to raise the baby on his elbows and knees. With this exercise, it is important to ensure that the child does not drink water.
  • Another way to teach a child to crawl on all fours is to walk on hands. Raise the child's legs so that the baby stands on the handles. Next, swing the little one back and forth a little. As soon as the baby gets tired, the exercise should be stopped.
  • To improve fine motor skills, invite the baby to touch miscellaneous items, toys with buttons and locks, boxes with lids, pyramid rings, soft books and many others.
  • Since a child at 8 months of age copies the actions of adults in games, mom should be shown how to handle new toys. Ride cars with your child, shake the doll, knock on the drum, and let the baby repeat.
  • Invite the baby to play with several homogeneous objects, for example, with cubes of different colors, balls, rings from the pyramid. By folding and scattering such objects, the child will learn the connections between them.
  • Build a small pyramid out of cubes and show your baby how to destroy it with a rolling ball.
  • Look at family photos with your baby and ask to see loved ones and the child himself. The child will love looking for himself in the photo.
  • Play music often and dance with your baby. Let these be motives with different rhythms - both classical melodies, and children's songs, and songs of modern performers.
  • Train your baby's sense of balance by lifting and lowering the baby. You can also play with the baby.
  • Make a bookshelf for your child that the baby can reach. Fill this shelf with bright children's books and let the little one choose the book to "read" on his own.
  • Play with your baby in the bath. Let the baby move floating toys, clapping his hands on the surface of the water, collecting water in molds, pouring from one container to another.
  • Allow the baby to play with kitchen utensils, but at the same time give the baby only safe items - a ladle, containers, lids and others.
  • Also, the baby will like to play with a real phone, which for this should be disconnected from the network. Give the little one a phone and let him “talk”.
  • On a walk, pay your baby's attention to the different sounds that an airplane, car, bird, dog makes. Please name the source of the sound.
  • Keep your child interested in animals. Get plastic or rubber animals and name them as well as imitate their voice. Show your baby animals in books and on the street.
  • Give the little one a hand wooden spoon and a few items that can be beaten. So the child will understand that objects are different not only appearance, but also the sound produced.
  • In front of the little one, hide the toy by covering it with a blanket, and then invite the baby to find it.

Above all, the child needs the love of the parents.

In the morning, as before, the baby is given hygiene measures. They include washing, brushing teeth, pottying, washing. Every evening, the baby is bathed while having fun playing with toys that can swim. In addition, during the day, the child should periodically wash their hands, because the baby crawls and touches various objects. When changing a diaper, the child must be washed under running water.

To harden a child of 8 months, they continue to use air and sun baths, daily walks, airing the room, washing, walking on a wet towel. In addition, the baby is given massage and muscle-strengthening gymnastics every day. An eight-month-old baby can be placed in a walker or playpen for a short time.

Nikolai Nikonov, a leading doctor and massage therapist in Russia, in the next video shows how to massage for the full development of a child at 8 months old.

Daily regime

An eight-month-old baby sleeps less and less, but is awake, studying with interest the world, ever longer. The total sleep duration of a child of this age is about 15 hours, while at night the baby sleeps up to 10 hours, and in the daytime, most 8-month-old children have two sleeps of 1.5-2 hours each.

Walking with a baby at the age of 8 months is still advised twice a day - in the morning (about 11-13 hours) and in the afternoon (about 15-17 hours). Many children continue to sleep while walking, but many babies no longer sleep all the time they are outside, and for some period they study nature and look at everything around.

Feeding an eight-month-old child provides for 5 meals with pauses between them of about 3.5-4 hours. To determine the daily amount of food that a child needs, the weight of the crumbs is divided by 9. On average, a child of eight months receives from 1000 to 1200 ml of food per day and approximately 200-240 ml per feeding. Read more in the article about the menu of the child at 8 months.

Baby's diet expands, baby tries many new flavors

Breast-feeding on demand at this age is represented by 6-8 feedings during the day and about 6 feedings at night. The volume of complementary foods is increasing and is presented in the baby menu with vegetables, fruits, dairy-free porridge, vegetable oil, meat, fruit juice, butter, croutons and biscuits.

Formula-fed children receive the mixture in the morning feeding, as well as in the last feeding before bedtime. The rest of the time, the artificial baby's menu is formed from complementary foods. Compared to breastfed babies, their diet is more expanded - sour-milk drinks, cottage cheese and yolk are added to it. Porridge for an artificial baby is already boiled in milk, and the volume of most will be higher than that of a child with breastfeeding.

The basis of the diet of children at 8 months is breast milk or formula. Typical day

Every new day with an eight-month-old baby brings many interesting and fun moments. It is clear that the regimen for each of the children of this age will be different, but we offer an approximate version of the daily routine that babies of 8 months old can have:

The first feeding in which the baby receives mother's milk or formula.

hygiene procedures.

The second feeding, in which breastfed babies are given a porridge with butter, and artificial crumbs are additionally offered yolk.

Waking period.

Walk, during which the crumbs have the first daytime sleep outdoors.

Third feeding, during which babies of any type of feeding receive vegetable puree with meat puree and vegetable oil, as well as wheat bread and fruit juice.

The period of wakefulness and educational games.

A walk during which the child has a second daytime nap in the fresh air.

The fourth feeding, which for breastfed babies will include fruit puree, cookies and women's milk, and for formula-fed babies - a fermented milk drink, fruit puree, cottage cheese and cookies.

The period of wakefulness and quiet games.

The fifth feeding, during which the baby receives mother's milk or formula.

Sleep preparation and bedtime.

Night time

Breastfed babies in their sleep are applied to the mother's breast up to 6 times, and artificial babies at this age do not wake up for feeding.

Diversify your day with games with your child according to the "Little Leonardo" method, which you can see in the video of O. Teplyakova. - an expert in intellectual development.

Frequent problems

  1. Fear of separation from mother. Children 8 months old begin to be afraid to let their mother go away from themselves and are very worried about parting with her. In addition, other fears may appear at this age, for example, a child may be frightened by the loud sounds of household appliances. Show your baby the source of the sound so that it stops being intimidating.
  2. Refusal to feed. The baby may refuse to try new food if he did not like the dish for its texture, taste or temperature. Perhaps the baby has not yet had time to get hungry or it is very hot in the room. In any case, there is no need to insist. Offer food to the child a little later.
  3. Restless sleep. Babies of eight months due to physical activity and overexcitation may not fall asleep well and their nightly rest is disturbed. To avoid problems with a night's sleep, exclude active games in the evening, do a relaxing massage before going to bed, read a book to your little one.
  4. Painful teething. The appearance of teeth without pain and discomfort is quite rare. Many children are teething painful sensations, stool changes, fever, whims and other negative manifestations. Chilled special toys that can be chewed can help the baby. To get rid of pain, special gels are used, and at a temperature - drugs with antipyretic action.
  5. Food allergy. As the menu for eight-month-olds expands, there is always the risk of a reaction to a new product. Such a reaction can be manifested by diarrhea, skin rashes, runny nose, constipation, colic, redness of the eyes and other symptoms. Try to acquaint a child of this age only with safe products that rarely cause allergies. While the child should not be given red berries, tomatoes, cocoa, citrus fruits, soy products, and with the introduction of milk, eggs and chicken into the children's menu, one should be very careful.

The baby becomes even more attached to mommy Tips for parents

  • Since the 8-month-old baby is already actively exploring the apartment, crawling around, you should ensure the safety of the baby. So far, the little one does not understand the risks and dangers, so the task of the parents will be to remove poisonous substances, tiny and fragile objects, as well as everything sharp and cutting from the child's path. Hide sockets, hide sharp corners of furniture, put household chemicals in a closet, and never leave a crawling baby in a room unattended.
  • If your eight-month-old baby has not yet begun to stand on its feet, holding on to a support, you do not need to force the acquisition of this skill. As soon as the muscles of the crumbs get stronger enough to stay upright on their feet, the baby will immediately begin his "training", honing a new skill. Remember that many babies don't start getting up by 8 months of age, nor crawling, so don't rush them just yet.
  • If the child has already cut through 4 teeth, encourage chewing by offering the crumbs not mashed potatoes, but pieces of boiled vegetables, as well as children's cookies and crackers.
  • Talk to the baby often, while lisping and distorting words should not be. However, it is acceptable to use abbreviated words, for example, instead of "cat" you can say "kitty".
  • When choosing developmental activities for the baby, consider not only the time of the day, but also the temperament of the crumbs. If you have a restless toddler, then he will like active games, coups, crawling. For calm babies more suitable reading a book, folding cubes. The interests of the baby should be respected, even if he is still quite a baby. If the baby does not like something, do not force or insist.

When a child turns 8 months old, parents notice many changes - both physiological and psychological. Although each baby develops according to its own individual schedule, there are some generalized parameters regarding the norms of gains in height and weight, skills, and psycho-emotional manifestations.

8 month old baby - weight and height

Such important parameters as the height and weight of the child, at 8 months, are already increasing at a slower pace than before, in the first six months of life. For a month, babies at this age gain approximately 300-600 g in weight, and the body length increases by 1.5-2 cm. A slight slowdown in changes in these indicators is due to the fact that at this stage the main task of the child's body is the formation of physical skills, motor activity. Consider how much a baby should weigh at 8 months, according to the World Health Organization:

  • boys - about 8.6 kg (weight gain from birth about 5.3 kg);
  • girls - 8 kg (the increase from birth is 4.8 kg).

As for growth, but the average norms are as follows:

  • for boys - 70.6 cm (growth from birth is approximately 20.7 cm);
  • for girls - 68.8 cm (increase from birth - 19.6 cm).

Baby food at 8 months

Parents should properly formulate the child's diet at 8 months, since neither breast milk nor an adapted mixture is already able to cover the needs of the child's body in obtaining important nutritional components. A child at 8 months should receive a variety, including food with a denser texture, with small lumps, solid foods and multi-component meals. feeding breast milk or its substitute continues.

It is recommended to feed the little one at the table, sitting on a high chair. He needs to be given a spoon in his hands, which for the time being can play a symbolic role in the formation of self-service skills. In this case, an adult should feed the child with another spoon. You should teach your baby to use a cup for drinking, which one of the parents helps to support.

Breastfeeding at 8 months

If mom’s lactation is all right, then the child’s diet at 8 months must include, because the longer the child’s body receives this valuable liquid, the better for health - physical and mental. Modern pediatricians advise, if possible, to continue breastfeeding up to one or two years, including expressed milk, if the mother went to work.

Often, when a child is 8 months old, two feedings with mother's milk are left - in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed at night, and the rest of the time the baby eats "adult" food. At the same time, during the day and at night, babies can be applied to the breast on demand. If lactation has stopped, you need to discuss with your doctor the issue of using an artificial mixture.

Complementary foods at 8 months

During this period of life, it is recommended to carry out three complementary foods during the day with a frequency of approximately 4 hours. Taking into account breastfeeding or formula feeding, five meals a day are provided. The total volume of food eaten is about 1 liter. It is important now to accustom the baby to the usual food options for most - breakfast, lunch, dinner, and porridge is traditionally given for breakfast, and liquid dishes for lunch. In the future, thanks to this child, it will be easier to adapt to meals in kindergarten.

We list how to feed a child at 8 months, what foods he should be given:

  • cooked in water, milk or a mixture (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, corn, barley, millet);
  • vegetables (carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, zucchini);
  • fruits (apple, pear, banana, peach, apricot, plum);
  • berries (raspberry, black currant);
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir,);
  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • egg yolk;
  • bakery products (wheat bread, croutons, biscuits, dryers);
  • meat (turkey, chicken, beef, rabbit meat);
  • fish (sea and freshwater, always low-fat);
  • offal (liver, tongue, heart).

Depending on the timing of the start of the first complementary foods at this age, new foods for babies may include:

  • yolk;
  • kefir;
  • yogurt;
  • offal;
  • fish;
  • meat.

Babies who already have teeth should definitely begin to master non-homogenized food and learn to chew. Products should be kneaded with a fork, grind through a large sieve.

Menu of the child 8 months on breastfeeding

Consider what dishes a child’s daily menu at 8 months may include:

  1. First breakfast– 06:00-07:00: breast milk.
  2. Lunch– 10:00-11:00: porridge, butter, fruit puree, fermented milk products, juice, compote, fruit drink.
  3. Dinner–14:00-15:00: vegetable soup, vegetable puree, meat puree, fish, offal, yolk, bread, vegetable oil, compote.
  4. Dinner- 18:00-19:00: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, fruit puree, bread, crackers, cookies.
  5. Feeding before bed– 22:00-23:00: breast milk.

Menu for an 8-month-old formula-fed baby

You should know that complementary foods at 8 months with breastfeeding do not differ from those with artificial nutrition, therefore, in the above menu for the day, you can simply replace the first and last feeding with the use of the mixture. To make it easier for mom to navigate than to feed the baby for breakfast, lunch, dinner during the week, we will give an approximate menu for a child at 8 months on artificial or natural feeding.

Day of the week

Dinner Dinner


oatmeal porridge with apple, carrot juice

potato-zucchini puree with vegetable oil, turkey puree, fruit and berry compote

cottage cheese, pear puree, croutons

buckwheat porridge with butter, compote, croutons

vegetable soup, steamed fish cutlet, bread, berry juice

kefir, banana-apple puree, biscuits


corn porridge with butter, peach puree

cauliflower and broccoli puree, grated boiled rabbit meat, compote

cottage cheese with raspberries, yogurt, drying

rice milk porridge with pumpkin, apple juice

soup with potatoes, carrots and egg yolk, steamed chicken meatballs, pear juice

cottage cheese, plum puree, biscuits

millet porridge with butter, baked apple, kefir

fish soup with vegetables, zucchini and carrot puree, berry compote

pear-apple puree, croutons

cottage cheese with banana and peach, yogurt, biscuits

soup with beef and potatoes, boiled cauliflower, berry juice

kefir, carrot-apple puree, dried


buckwheat porridge with butter, apple-pumpkin juice

mashed zucchini, potatoes and broccoli with boiled grated liver, compote

cottage cheese, biscuits, apricot-apple puree

Baby routine at 8 months

When a child turns 8 months old, his physical and social activity increases dramatically, so this period can be called a turning point for the baby and more troublesome for parents. At the same time, it becomes more and more interesting to communicate with the baby, and more and more time can be devoted to this, because the period of wakefulness increases. How much a child sleeps at 8 months is an individual indicator, but often children rest twice during the day for 1.5-2 hours. Night sleep is strong, without awakening, is about 8 hours.

During periods of wakefulness, which are 5-6 hours each, you need to walk with the baby on the street, play educational games, and communicate. In addition, at 8 months, the child needs daily morning exercises to strengthen the muscular body before further mastering the skill of walking with support, to develop coordination of movements and. Do not forget about nightly bathing, hygiene procedures.

Baby development at 8 months

What should a child be able to do at 8 months, what psychological and physical characteristics dominate at this age

  • confidently sits without support, reaches for a toy from a sitting position;
  • sits down from a prone position;
  • stands on its feet, holding on to a support;
  • actively crawls on all fours;
  • takes toys, shifts from hand to hand, examines, studies for a long time;
  • plays independently with toys for 10-15 minutes;
  • pronounces syllables clearly and meaningfully, pronounces monosyllabic words;
  • points to objects that the adult calls;
  • drinks from a mug held by an adult, holding it with his hands;
  • separates "us" and "strangers", shows affection for parents and isolation to strangers;
  • shows interest in other children;
  • recognizes himself and loved ones in the photo.

Baby not sitting at 8 months

If a child does not sit on his own at 8 months, this does not always indicate a delay in physical development and any pathologies. This may be a feature of the baby and it is quite possible that one of his parents also started to sit, stand, walk late. At the same time, you should still see a pediatrician and a neurologist, who, if necessary, will prescribe a firming massage, special physical exercises, physiotherapy procedures.

Baby not crawling at 8 months

Considering what a child can normally do at 8 months, the inability of a baby to crawl at this age is very scary for parents. Perhaps, in fact, there is no cause for concern, but to make sure of this, you should consult a specialist. Some babies simply skip this stage and immediately begin to walk closer to a year old, while premature babies often begin to crawl at 10-11 months.

How to develop a child at 8 months?

Parents should know how to develop a baby at 8 months in order to improve his skills, develop new ones, and help shape his personality. A child at 8 months is required to constantly give new information, which he perceives and absorbs with pleasure. Remember that at this age, babies copy the actions and words of their parents, so you need to watch everything you say and do.

Toys for children at 8 months

An eight-month-old child will play with pleasure and benefit with such toys:

  • rubber balls of different sizes;
  • a hammer with a squeaker;
  • a small pyramid with rings;
  • pyramid cups;
  • soft books;
  • simple sorters with large holes;
  • a transparent plastic box in which you can put different toys;
  • fabric bags with different cereals.
  • simple musical instruments - drums, flutes, keyboards, bells;
  • talking toys;
  • dolls and cars.

What should a child be able to do at 8 months? Motor skills are so improved that the baby tries to sit down and crawl on his own. Also at this age, the child has a need for emotional support and constant communication.

A striking sign of this age is the fears of the baby. The child may suddenly become afraid of the noise of a vacuum cleaner, grandma's fur coat or grandpa's beard. Any change in space or in the appearance of a loved one can scare the baby. Psychologists believe that these fears are quite justified and speak of the formation of a sense of security and personal boundaries in an infant. It is not recommended to cultivate courage at such a tender age.

Baby motor skills at 8 months

What should a baby be able to do at 8 months?

  • First attempts to crawl. The child freely and deftly makes a coup from the back to the stomach. The kid tries to take exactly this position, because it makes it possible to see the world around him. This position also allows the baby to move around. You can see how the baby is trying to get on all fours, but so far it is uncertain, swaying. Most often, the child begins to crawl not on all fours, but in a plastunsky way. Not all eight-month-old babies begin to crawl, but most, once on their stomachs, actively move their whole bodies, stretch their legs, pull themselves up on their hands, and rotate in different directions.
  • Sitting position. For some reason, the older generation of grandmothers had the opinion that at 6 months the baby should already be sitting. However, according to international norms of psychomotor development, an infant can sit up on his own in the period from 7 to 9 months. An eight-month-old baby can already sit freely, while his back should not be rounded. Without adult support, the infant may sit for about 5 seconds, after which he may fall on his side or lean on one arm for balance. In a sitting position, a baby usually has a lot of positive emotions. After all, the posture allows you to clearly see everything that is happening around him. Is there any difference in the timing of planting a girl and a boy? This question is often asked by mothers. Doctors say that gender does not affect the stage of planting, and classify this information as a myth. Read more about when a child begins to sit on his own, at what months girls and boys can be planted, read in other articles.
  • Pull-ups on the hands. You can conduct such an experiment. The baby lies on its back, in front of it you need to put your thumbs pointing at each other (in the form of a crossbar). The child grabs his fingers and tries to pull himself up to sit up. At this point, you do not need to help the baby and pull him by the handles. At this age, the baby perfectly copes with the task on its own and assumes an upright position. The muscles of the back, abdomen, arms, neck of the baby are already well developed.
  • Development of coordination of movement and balance. The child can take various poses, thanks to balance, additional support of the hands, balancing with the legs. This age is characterized by a lying position on its side with support on one hand (“garden gnome position”), while the other hand of the baby is free, he can manipulate it. The upper leg in this pose also moves freely and creates balance. Why does a baby need these complicated tricks? These exercises prepare the baby to sit on his own from a position on his stomach and side.
  • Strengthening the skill of grasping and holding an object in the hand. At 7 months, the baby already knew how to simultaneously take two objects in both hands. This skill is improved in 8 months. If you offer the baby two identical toys of a small volume, he must learn to take them at the same time. It happens that the baby will take one item, get carried away by it and forget about the other. In this situation, you need to offer him a second toy again. At this age, it is already possible to determine working hand and tell if the child will be right-handed or left-handed. It is important to understand that no correction is needed. But you need to load both hands.
  • Fine (fine) motor skills. Fine motor skills (finger work) develop thinking. The right hand corresponds to the left hemisphere and is associated with logical, rational thinking. BUT left hand"Friends" with the right hemisphere and is responsible for creativity and imagination. When the baby presses the buttons on the remote control, twists the buttons on clothes, tries to fold a nesting doll or a pyramid, not only his hands work, but also his brain. What should a child be able to do at eight months, if we talk about fine motor skills? The baby is already able to take a small object in his hand and hold it only with his fingers, without putting it completely into the palm of his hand. It is important that this skill is developed equally on the right and left hand.

It's time to move from the sofa or bed to the "lower tier", that is, to the floor. Firstly, it is safe: the baby will definitely not fall from here. Secondly, there is an opportunity to develop new territories. Open space is important for the psychophysical development of the baby. But the “lower tier” also needs to be secured: put plugs on sockets, hooks on cabinet doors, remove sharp and heavy objects, household chemicals. To better see the dangers, you should go down and look at the world through the eyes of a crumb.

Building a basic sense of security

In the second half of life, the most important in life, the basic safety mechanism is formed in the baby. From this comes trust in the world in which he lives. Who develops this trust? Of course, mom. She is a mirror of the state of the baby. And it’s good when mom reflects both positive and negative emotions. She will certainly smile at a joyful and contented child, and she will caress and grieve with him when she is crying and offended. Mother and child are on the same emotional wavelength. And the more emotions a mother has, the more sincere they are, the wider and friendlier the surrounding space becomes for the baby. Understanding emotionality in this case is not exaltation, not delight, but a living inclusion in the experiences of the crumbs. Emotions make any person alive and present, and it is extremely important for a baby to feel this.

The psychomotor skills of a child at 8 months develop more intensively when a safety mechanism is formed in the baby. If the mother is stone-faced and depressed, the crumbs will have increased anxiety and a sense of insecurity. He will explore and explore the world with less desire.

Psycho-emotional development and communication

What reactions can a child at this age have when communicating with relatives and strangers? How does he perceive the world, comprehend actions and phenomena, relationships between objects?

  • Quick switching of attention. Parents notice that a baby of this age cannot play the same game for a long time. He loses interest in an old activity quickly when a new object comes into view. Psychologists do not recommend overloading the baby with information and offering him many new games at once.
  • Attitude towards strangers. Caution towards strangers is on the rise. At this age, even the most sociable baby can show distrust of a stranger. This is an absolutely normal reaction, which indicates the formation of a distance with people. Also, children can show selectivity: they go to the hands of some strangers, but not to others, they begin to smile at some, and cry at the sight of others. Many children at this age are strongly attached to their mother. And if it disappears for a while, they experience anxiety and anxiety.
  • Perception of the relationship of objects and actions, the study of the properties of objects. The kid begins to catch that if the object disappears, it does not dissolve in space, but moves. Now he is interested in everything that moves. You can conduct such an experiment. One adult sits at the table and puts the baby on his lap, and the other puts a toy on the table (a cube, a ball, a car). As soon as the baby reaches for the toy, the adult pushes it so that it rolls over the table and falls to the floor. The baby closely follows the movement and bends down to examine the toy on the floor. Also, at 8 months, children are able to find hidden objects, shift them, put one into another.
  • Observation of the surrounding world and natural phenomena. While walking in a stroller, the child can now be in a sitting or semi-sitting position. Space expands for him to "cosmic" scales. Now the child can watch the movements of people, animals, birds, cars, feel the wind, raindrops, the sun's rays on his face, etc.
  • Objection and manifestation of character. At this age, the baby can protest if he does not like something. It can be screaming, screaming, crying. Also, the child has favorite activities and toys, depending on the type of temperament. If a child shows negative emotions at this age, this is absolutely normal. But in most cases, a healthy eight-month-old baby is still joyful and contented with life. A child can repeat the same actions many times if they bring him joy.
  • Hide and seek is my favorite game. A baby at this age consciously supports the game of hide and seek. When someone close is hiding behind furniture or under a bedspread, the baby looks forward to the appearance and laughs loudly if they say “cuckoo” and call him by name.

Consolidation of positive experience at this age is extremely important. It is recommended now to praise the child and encourage him if, when mastering a new type of activity, something does not work out for him.

Speech development

At 8 months, the baby can not only babble loudly and scream, but also “speak” in a whisper. The child discovers that it is possible to pronounce sounds with different strength and intonation. Speech skills that were formed at 7 months will improve.

  • Syllabic chains. At this age, the baby is able to reproduce various combinations of closed and open syllables: “yes-yes”, “ma-ma”, “give-give”, “ta-ta”, “ba-ba”, “ma-ba”, “ ge-he", "ye-ye" and other options. Some syllable chains become more stable and are pronounced with clear articulation. For babble, towards the end of the second half of life, the impoverishment of syllabic chains is characteristic. This is a normal process of pre-speech development.
  • Melodic babble. The kid already knows how to reproduce the intonation of his native speech, puts stress in syllables, imitates the sounds of adult speech. Also an important discovery of this age is the designation of objects of the surrounding world with syllables, that is, babble becomes meaningful.

The baby needs to be stimulated to active vocalization. Usually, children begin to babble when they are in a good mood, are passionate about something, communicate with loved ones. The speech of his peers can also stimulate the baby to babble.

What can an 8 month old baby do? Motor skills of this period: attempts to sit down and crawl independently, confidently grasping and holding small objects with fingers, improving coordination of movement and balance. At this age, the baby is aware of the causal relationships between objects and actions, quickly switches attention, likes to play hide and seek, watch the movement and is already showing character.


A child of 8 months: what the baby can do, educational games and exercises.

Baby 8 months: features of the development of a child at 8 months, educational games and exercises.

Baby 8 months: what is important to know about the development of the baby and what to do

Age 8 months is one of the most important factors in the development of a child. By the end of the month, the whole period of development of the baby ends (from 6 to 8 months).

From this article you will learn:

  • features of the social development of the child,
  • features of cognitive and speech development of a child of 8 months,
  • features of physical development,
  • educational games and exercises for a child of 8 months,
  • what the baby can do by the end of the month and by the end of an important three-month period of its development.

Features of social times development of a child at the age of 8 months

One of the leading child development lines at 8 months- social development, which goes to a new round this month.

First feature. Business conversation. The kid really wants to know what kind of objects surround him, what can be done with them, how his mother uses them. For him, it is not enough just to caress, he requires business communication with a close adult and with interesting subjects. The kid begins to imitate adults - he is ready to pick up a cup and a spoon, perform movements in nursery rhymes.

Second feature- new in communication with adults. A child at 8 months feels the attitude of people towards himself well. The child already understands your emotional attitude to life situation where he is now. If he is scolded, he reacts emotionally to it. Never scold him, evaluating the whole personality (“What a wretch you are!”), Better say: “I don’t allow you to do this” or “You are so wonderful. I love you so much. But now you upset me." This applies not only to the age of 8 months, but to all other ages of children.

It should be noted that at the age of 8 months, the baby cannot control his behavior, guided by the requirements of adults or their prohibitions. Therefore, it is much more effective and easier to switch it to another matter or another subject than to prohibit it.

He begins to watch other children, older sisters and brothers.

By the end of this month of development, the child will begin to focus on the evaluation of his actions, i.e. he repeats the approved action and terminates the disapproved action. He rejoices in encouragement and becomes angry or offended in response to censure. Therefore, you need to be especially attentive to when and how we praise the baby and when we blame him. At the age of 8 months, joint actions with an adult are very important for a child, encouraging the baby to imitate an adult - requests “give”, “show” and others.

Third feature- emotional attachment to mother or other close adult. The baby really needs this tender age in an emotionally positive relationship with his mother and in positive attitude in general in the family. He needs someone to talk to him when he wakes up, call him by name, read a nursery rhyme or sing a song, stroke his head, and maybe even dance. Together with the baby in the morning, you can already greet toys: “Hello, bunny! Hello, lala! It is very important that in the presence of a child in the family they do not swear and do not sort things out, the baby feels this.

Fourth feature. A kid at this age is more independent and can already do a lot on his own. In joint games with toys with a child of 8 months, a reasonable adult is not in a hurry to do everything for the child, but gives him the opportunity to try it himself. If everything works out, you need to give him complete independence.

But - it is very important that the game has good result and so that the baby already at this age receives positive impressions from cooperation with people. Therefore, if the baby does not succeed, then an adult helps him.

At 8 months, you can already call the child prohibitions, that is, you can’t say “no” to him - in cases that are life-threatening for the child. But there shouldn't be too many restrictions. We, adults, need to make sure that the baby feels safe and that we forbid him something as rarely as possible.

Games for sensory development and development of actions with objects with a child of 8 months

The main activity for the baby at 8 months- this is activities with objects. He can connect and disconnect parts, put them in and out, and do many other things. Moreover, the movements of the child at 8 months become more accurate and clear.

For the development of speech, it is very important to accompany all games with objects with your speech - to comment on what is happening, developing an understanding of speech: “take”, “show where”, “on”, “give”, “collect toys”.

Starting from the eighth month of life, at the age of 8 months and further, the department that registers and stores memories begins to fully function in the child's cerebral cortex. Therefore, he is already acting purposefully, reproducing his experience and achieving results: he crumples, pushes and sticks out, takes out, opens and closes, strings and removes from the rod, throws and lifts, strikes a drum or a tambourine. The kid loves to repeat the same action many times, which is natural, because the main thing for him is the repetition of sensory impressions and the desired result.

You need to know:

- In order to develop tactile sensitivity, it is very useful to offer the baby educational toys of different textures (smooth, rough, fluffy, soft, hard, cool, warm).

- At the age of 8 months it is already time to teach the baby pincer grip(the thumb and forefinger grasp the object like tweezers, the fingers close almost along the entire length) and pinch grip(the pads of the thumb and forefinger are closed). To do this, let the child grab a variety of ribbons and laces, bright threads. And then slowly, while playing, pull them out of the baby's hands - he will try to grab them and hold them with his fingers.

- Also, the baby can be offered objects of different sizes to put them in a box or in a bucket - the baby will take large objects with a handful, and small ones with his fingertips, since you cannot take them with a handful.

- It is very convenient to use stable bottles and jars with a narrow neck - the baby, together with you, will put small objects into them with his fingers, and then pour them into the box. The whole palm of a small object cannot be pushed into a narrow neck. Therefore, this is a good exercise for tweezing and pinching small objects.

Game 1. "Box with toys." Developed by L.N. Pavlova

You will need a cardboard box (approximate side size - 40 cm), a ribbon and several small toys ranging in size from 3 to 7 cm.

How to make a box to play with a child:

- Do it on opposite sides cardboard box holes (for example, on the left side of the box and on the right side of the box). Hole size - 15 X15 cm.

- Tie all small toys with a chain on satin ribbon(animals, bell, ball, cube, etc.) Pass the ribbon through the holes in the box and tie its ends.

- You will get a garland with toys that fits in a box and can come out of it (such a detail is often called a “tightener” in modern educational books for kids).

How to play with the box:

- Show the baby how to act with the box: pull the ribbon so that a toy comes out of the box, then the second, third, fourth, fifth. Let the baby play with them, touch, consider.

- Let the baby act with the box himself, pull the tape to get the toys out of the box. If it doesn’t work out, help him (you can use the “hand in hand” method - take the child’s hand in your hand and act together, then remove your hand)

Untie the ribbon and place it in the box with only one end showing. Pull on the end (or let the baby do it himself). Let your child take all the toys out of the box. When all the toys have been pulled out of the box, show the empty box to the child and say, “There is nothing! Empty!

Game options: change the toys on the tape. You can take objects of the same shape, but from different materials(balls knitted, sewn, plastic, wooden, fur). Or take one form, but a different color (bells of different colors, knitted animals of different colors, cubes of different sizes and colors). For ribbon parts, you can use parts of rattles that you previously gave your baby.

Game 2. "Rings"

You will need 5 pyramid rings (you can use one color, but if there is none, then take multi-colored rings). Do not give the pyramid rod to the child during the game - hold it in your hands!

How to play: tilt the rod with pyrimidal rings towards the baby (it is very important that the rod is tilted towards the child!) Ask him to remove the rings: “Masha! Take off the ring!" When the child takes off all the rings, tell him: “No rings. Mashenka took off all the rings! Then put the rings back on the rod. Toddlers can happily repeat the same action - remove the rings. Let him do it. Fill the rod with rings - and let him take them off again. Repeat several times until the baby is interested. You need to finish the game with rings when it is still interesting for the child.

You can also play with multi-colored kegs or buckets - liners, bowls or plates (put them in a stack on top of each other and then arrange them - take them back)

Game 3. Buttons

Sew buttons of different sizes, shapes, colors, textures onto the pillowcase (buttons must be sewn very firmly to ensure the safety of the child). Examine them with the baby, be sure to give the baby the opportunity to stroke the buttons (feel different textures), circle them with a finger (a round button or a button with corners is different in tactile sensations). Name the color, button size (large, small), texture (smooth, rough). Yes, the baby does not speak yet, but he hears you and remembers the words, highlights familiar words from the stream of your speech.

Similarly, garlands can be made for examination and examination with a child by stringing multi-colored cubes of different materials and different textures on a ribbon (holes must be made in them for stringing) or small toys of various shapes and sizes.

Game 4

Make a simple screen (cover the back of a chair or bed with a handkerchief). Prepare a toy - for example, a bunny. The baby is sitting in the crib, and you hide behind a screen with a toy. Start reading the poem behind the screen:

"One, two, three, four, five. Bunny went out for a walk. If you have another toy, replace the words of the rhyme: “The bear went out for a walk” or “Lalya went out for a walk.”

After reading the lines, show the child a toy - a bunny above the screen from its edge.

The kid will begin to expect the appearance of a toy either at one end of the screen or at the other end.

Game 5

In this game, we will teach the child to turn over the containers and pour the contents out of them.

Take a clean milk carton and put small toys in it. Prepare a second similar bag for the baby. All toys or objects used must be safe for the child. Take the bag and quickly empty the toys out of it: “Bang! Have fallen! Let the baby also turn the bag over and throw out all the toys: “Bang! Bang! Have fallen!

Game 6

For a child of 8 months, a very interesting activity is to sort out shreds of fabric of different textures and colors, thicknesses. Place 10x10 cm scraps of different fabrics (velveteen, velvet, cotton, felt, knitwear, silk, wool, faux fur, etc.) artificial leather). Add there and squares of other materials - wood, plastic, rubber.

Game 7. Get acquainted with the cup. Author - Yu.A. Razenkov

Sit the baby on your lap. Place a small cup on the table. Show it to your baby: “What a cup!” Bring the cup to your mouth, pretending that you are drinking from it and say: “Drink, drink” (the child will then understand this word when he hears it in your speech - therefore it is important to say the word in this form). Smack with pleasure: "Oh, how delicious!". Offer a cup to your child by saying, "Drink."

Helpful Hint: The cup your baby drinks from should be light and small. Pour there quite a bit - literally 2 teaspoons of liquid. A small portion will not frighten the baby, he will not choke and will not shed. It is desirable that the first cup of the baby was with two handles (if you can find one).

When you feed your baby with a spoon, give him a spoon or a crust of bread in the other hand.

Play puppetry with the doll. Put real slices of bread, banana, boiled vegetable on a toy plate. Put a spoon next to it. Place a doll at the table and "feed" her - show the baby how to do it. Then give a spoon to the baby and let him “feed Lyalya”.

Game 8

Pull the hat over the child so that it fits a little over the eyes. Ask him to take off his hat - “Take off your hat. That's smart!"

Game 9

You will need a package of chips (cylinder) or any other "tunnel" - a cylinder made from scrap materials. Tie the toy car to the string, thread the string through the hole in the bottom of the cylinder, and tie the ends together (to make a ring).

Pull the band, and the machine will “leave” the tunnel. Pull some more and she'll hide. Show your baby how to play with this toy. Make sure that he pulls the braid with two or three fingers (show how to do this, and if necessary, hold the baby's hand in your hand). Rejoice when the machine appears: “The machine has arrived. Bi-bi!". And when she disappears, say: “No car, no bi-bi. She left."

Speech development of the child 8 months. Development of babbling

What parents need to know about baby babbling

Baby at 8 months actively babbles, new sounds and syllables appear in his repertoire. He understands his name, can find the object ("Where ...?"). In the babbling of an 8-month-old child, whole chains of sounds (ba-ba-ba) are repeated. Gradually, different sounds begin to combine in babbling. Most often in babble there are labial sounds (n, p, b, b, m, m), lingual - mid-palatal (ky, gy), lingual - posterior palatine (g, k), vowels a, e.

Watch the baby babble. The most important thing to remember and understand is that the child's babbling should become more complex and enriched. And do not compare your baby with others, the main thing for you is the dynamics of your child's babbling, and not the number of sounds today in comparison with the neighbor's baby.

While babbling, the baby plays with sounds, he repeats syllables with different intonation, he can babble alone and in the presence of his mother. It is very important that the mother “supports” the baby in his babble, repeating his syllables after him. Perhaps the baby will repeat the syllables after you. There will be a crossover.

This is a very important play of sounds for the timely and full development of speech. Most often, the baby in such roll calls repeats those syllables that the mother will highlight with her voice, for example, she will stretch out a vowel or say intonation expressively. In roll calls, you need to be face to face with the child and so that nothing distracts him from you. If you have never called to a baby before, try starting with simple vowels, repeating after the child. For example, pull: "Aaa" with some kind of intonation (interrogative, exclamatory). Ask the baby: "Say you aaa."

Usually, at this age, it is already possible to play roll calls with syllables with the child. Do not seek a result from the baby - just play, repeat the syllables first after him. Then enter new sound combinations yourself and say them to the baby, "answering" him. And then the moment will come when the baby will repeat after you.

Scientific studies tell us that babbling occurs at the same time in healthy children of all nations, regardless of nationality, social conditions family residence. Those. babbling is a certain level of maturation of the organism. Babble is also present in children with hearing impairments, but it does not develop further in such children.

You need to understand that even if in babble a child at 8 months old repeats syllables like bababa or mama - these are not words yet, this is only babble, since at this age there is still no connection between the chain of syllables and the meaning of words. This connection - the sound of words and their meaning - will begin to form later. At 8 months, even if you encourage the child to repeat sound combinations, he will gladly demonstrate his achievements to his father, grandmother or grandfather, calling them ... mum! 🙂

By the end of the month, the baby will have a new kind of babble - it is called "verbal" or "modulated" babble. This is babbling with complex combinations of sounds, for example: “vowel - consonant - vowel” (aba, ata and other options). And by the end of the first year of life, the first such long-awaited words of the child will appear from such verbal babble.

Warning signs associated with the babble of an 8 month old baby that you need to pay attention to:

First. In deaf children, babbling appears at the same time as in ordinary children. But then the baby babbles less and less, there is no complication of babbling. What does it say? If this is observed in your baby - you need to see a doctor. Perhaps the worries will be in vain, but it is better to be safe than not to be safe. And it also suggests that for the development of babbling it is very important that the child hears the speech of an adult addressed to him. Otherwise, the babble fades.

Second. If a child does not babble at 8 months, and babble appeared only after 10 months, then this indicates possible risk future problems in terms of speech development. This phenomenon is often observed in children with alalia, dyslexia, and also in autistic children. It is necessary to observe the baby and consult with specialists.

Third, when should you see a doctor?

  • If the child does not have consonant-vowel combinations in babble, and the child is already 8 months old,
  • If you simply have nothing to repeat after a child of 8 months in roll calls, since he only speaks separate sounds similar to vowels,
  • If there is no dynamics in the development of the child's babbling (normally, the baby moves sequentially from stage to stage. First: syllables like ba. Then - chains of syllables, for example, bababa, gagaga, dadada, dididi, tititi, tatata. Then - to various chains of babbling - bapumenid, and finally to babble words - uncle, grandfather, aunt)
  • If the child started to babble and stopped,
  • If the child never repeats any sounds and sound combinations after you.

How to develop a baby's speech: looking at pictures

At 8 months old, you can already look at pictures with your baby, and this is very useful. You can show your child not only individual pictures, but also pictures in books - realistic, bright, without distracting details, in an understandable perspective. Of course, the baby will even taste the pictures, crumple, squeeze, because. he does not yet understand the value of the book. For him, a book or a picture is an ordinary object that must be examined from all sides. Over time, this will pass.

Looking at books and pictures, name what you see: “This is a ball. This is a cup. It's a meow-meow cat. There is no need to “train” the baby, teaching him as in school: “Where is the ball? No, it's not a ball. Show me where the ball is,” and you don’t have to demand anything from him. There will come a moment when he himself will “give out” everything that he can. In the meantime, let him look at the pictures with pleasure and joy. Encourage all attempts to review books and interest in them. If the child is mistaken when looking at pictures - for example, you asked to show Lyalya (that is, a doll), and he showed a bear, then say: “You showed a bear. But lala, ”without repeating the mistake. Let me explain with an example.

Wrong option:“This is not lala. You showed it wrong. Here is lala. And it was a bear. Show me where Lala is” - the baby will get confused in your remarks, in which one or another word is used.

Correct option:“This is a bear. And this is lala ”(pointing gestures at the pictures) - everything is clear, understandable, without unnecessary words, and - this is important - with an intonation of approval of the child's actions!

Looking at pictures and books, call the animals as they say: “This is a frog. She says qua-qua. This is a mouse, it squeaks: pee-pee-pee.

Remember that the main thing is your joy from communicating with the baby, and not your achievement of the planned results. Without joy there will be no results! We cannot force events and get the child to say a certain syllable today. The time will come - and he will definitely say. If you scold him for what he is doing wrong, then we will only discourage any desire to deal with pictures and books.

How to develop speech in the course of ordinary life: commenting

It is very important to talk with the baby, commenting on your actions and his actions, but at the same time speak slowly, slowly, clearly: “Give me a pen, let's get dressed. Where's your pen?". How to comment:

- Be sure to pause so that a dialogue can turn out - and so that the baby can answer you with a gesture, a smile or sounds and syllables.

- A child at 8 months needs more time to respond to your remark. Give him time to respond.

- Harmful as well as complete silence, and speech as constant noise - the background for the life of the baby. We need to find a middle ground.

- Attracting the attention of the baby, name objects, people, actions, properties and qualities. This is the basis for the further development of the child's speech.

- Know that you will never be replaced by any so-called "educational video" or "educational audio" 0+. The baby learns words only in real life communication with a close adult, in which he acts with objects. From the video, that is, from the speech of someone else's uncle or aunt, accompanied by flashing pictures on the screen, words are not assimilated. This has already been proven both in domestic and foreign studies.

Games with a child of 8 months for the development of speech

Game 1 "Where?"

Get your baby's attention by calling him by name and talking to him. You can act out as if you lost your baby and suddenly found: “Here is our Anechka! Here she is - our baby!

Bring the baby to the mirror and ask: “Where is mom? Here's mom! Where is Anechka? Here is Anya! (hand touch first to ourselves, then to the child). Speak slowly, intonation expressively, pause, you can’t chat with kids.

Then find familiar objects in the room: “Where is Lala (doll)? Where is the b.b. machine?

Then show new toy and call it a lightweight word: “This is a tick-tock clock” (first we say the usual word, then onomatopoeia). Pick up onomatopoeia such that the child can pronounce them in his babbling speech.

Game 2 "Where is my nose?"

Take the baby in your arms and go to the mirror. Start saying a rhyme and touch your nose, cheeks, ears, mouth, neck, and so on in the text: “Nose, nose, where are you, nose? Roth, mouth! Where are you, mouth? Ears, ears, where are you, ears? And then we improvise the continuation, listing different parts of the body.

Game 3. "We jump and talk."

You will need a large gym ball. If there is no ball, then you can jump on the couch.

Sit on the gym ball, put the child on your knees, hug him. Start bouncing rhythmically, saying different syllables in rhythm: “Yes, yes, yes. Ta-ta-ta! Doo-doo-doo, ma-ma-ma. Whoa-whoa-whoa! Moo-moo-moo. Well, well, well. Here-here-here. Hop-hop-hop." Songs or nursery rhymes with repeated syllables are also suitable. Pause after each phrase so that the baby can answer you. Play with pleasure - this is not a school exercise, but a fun conversation!

Game 4. "Singing syllables."

Take any sounding toy - for example, a rattle. Take one for yourself, give one to the baby. Sing your favorite folk or children's song tune and rhythmically rattle the rattle. First, sing a song with normal words. Hide the rattle behind your back: “Oh, where is the rattle? No rattle! Where's she? There she is!".

Then repeat the rattle game, but sing the song to the same syllable. Choose the syllable that your baby can already pronounce (for example, sing a melody for “mum” or “daddy”). With such a song, we stimulate the baby to pronounce babble sounds and sing them along. The game was developed by Yu.A. Razenkova

Features of the physical development of a child of 8 months

What parents need to know about the physical development of a baby at 8 months

Usually a child of 8 months lives approximately according to this regimen (although all children are very individual): awake for 2 hours, sleeps for 2 hours, sleeps 10-11 hours at night, feeding - 5 times a day. Of course, this is a very approximate diagram.

The most important movement for a child in physical development at the age of 8 months is crawling. It is very harmful if the child, without crawling, immediately begins to walk (this happens if the baby is not allowed to crawl).

During crawling, favorable conditions are created for the development of muscle mass, symmetrical movements of large muscle groups of the body develop, back muscles and abdominal muscles are formed.

If the child did not crawl, but immediately began to walk, then he is not ready to keep the body in an upright position. As a result, asymmetric loads on the articular-ligamentous apparatus and prerequisites for postural disorders. Create all the conditions for your baby to crawl actively at 8 months!

And do not rush to stand, do not rush - follow your baby, looking closely at his developmental features.

The most important thing to understand in terms of the physical development of a child at 8 months: For a child, it is most important and valuable to master motor functions (that is, movements with a change in body position in space), and only then - static ones (that is, keeping the body in one position in space). Therefore, it is more important for the baby to learn to sit down and get up, and not to learn to stand motionless for a long time.

When a child begins to crawl, what is the “correct” and “wrong” crawling of a child, what exercises prepare a child for crawling, read in a series of articles:

  • a set of developing exercises for gymnastics for the little ones.
  • for children with developmental disabilities and delayed physical development.

For more information about how the baby learns to sit and what physical exercises develop the ability to sit down and a sense of balance - in the article.

Games for the physical development of a child at 8 months

Exercise 1 "Crawl to the rattle": stimulate to crawl.

Stand at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from the child, show the rattle, sound to her: “This is how the rattle rings: ding - ding - ding - ding. Anna, listen. Get to her." The kid crawls up to the rattle and picks it up, plays with it, examines it. Then the adult takes the rattle and goes to the other side of the room and again invites the child to crawl towards it. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

In the game, you can use not a rattle, but any other toy that will be interesting to the baby.

Exercise 2 "Get a toy." In this game, we encourage the baby to get up and stand, holding on to the barrier.

Put a bright toy on the barrier (the barrier of the playpen or crib), draw the attention of the baby to it. The child, holding the crossbars of the crib or playpen, gets up and takes the toy.

Exercise 3: learning to step over while holding on to the barrier

The kid is standing, holding on to the barrier. Move a short distance and show the toy, call the baby: "Vanya, go get it." The kid, holding on to the barrier, takes a few steps - steps over with his legs, moving towards the toy. Start with the minimum distance. When the baby is already confidently stepping over, increase the distance. Each time show something new that will attract the child.

Exercise 4 "Catch up with the ball." We develop crawling.

Play with the baby with the ball, offering to catch up with him. When the baby catches up with the ball (it crawls next to it), invite the baby to push the ball away and catch up with it.

Exercise 5 We encourage crawling.

Show your baby a toy, name it, draw attention to the toy, and then hide the toy under a handkerchief. "Where is the bear?" Remove the handkerchief: "Here's a bear."

Then remove the toy at a distance of about 2 meters from the baby and cover it again with a handkerchief: “Where is the bear? Anechka, find the bear." The kid crawls to the toy, picks up the handkerchief and finds it. Praise the baby: “Here's a good girl! Found a bear!

Exercise 6. "Catching up" - we develop the ability to crawl.

Imitate the chase: “I’ll catch up, I’ll catch up, I’ll catch up with Mashenka. I'll catch up!", encouraging the baby to crawl faster. Having caught up with the child, take him in your arms, hug, kiss and throw him up (do what your baby loves so much). And then repeat fun game in chasing.

What can a child of 8 months by the end of the month (that is, by nine months):

  1. after showing the actions to adults, push the object through the hole into the box,
  2. deal with toys for a long time - take out, lay out and put in parts using a finger grip,
  3. remove the object from the rod or from the support (remove the rings from the rod that are inclined towards the child and are in the horizontal plane, remove large balls - beads from the ribbon, which is in the horizontal plane),
  4. pull the object apart (pull the fungus out of the wooden panel, pull the wooden bushings out of the holes in the toy),
  5. remove lids from boxes
  6. hold a toy in both hands (Moreover, if a third toy appears, the child releases one of the toys from his hands and takes a new one in this pen)
  7. act with objects depending on their properties and qualities: roll balls, take small objects out of the box, look into the hole in the ring, and so on,
  8. react emotionally in accordance with the situation of censure or approval, be offended in the case of a sharp tone of adults in a speech addressed to him,
  9. miss your favorite adult and seek his attention to yourself (throw away toys, whimper to attract attention, etc.),
  10. in case of unsuccessful attempts to do something, worry or even cry,
  11. it is easy to make contact with close adults, show negative reactions when imposing communication on unfamiliar adults,
  12. pull the hat off your head
  13. show a variety of emotions: joy, sadness, resentment, interest, pleasure and others,
  14. to the question “where” to find already familiar objects in the room (even if they are in an unusual place),
  15. understand the words “give”, “get up”, “on”, “lay down”, “go”, “yes”, “no”, “bang - fell” and others that you use in communicating with your child,
  16. understand the purpose of objects - spoons, cups, plates and others that you often use with your baby,
  17. imitate an adult with the syllables that are already in his babble,
  18. fulfill the requests of an adult - learned movements: “Okay”, “Goodbye”, “Give me a pen”, “Ku-ku”
  19. babble loudly and actively during periods of wakefulness, repeat sounds with different intonations, repeat sound combinations after mom,
  20. drink from a cup held by an adult,
  21. there is a piece (for example, bread, biscuits, banana, boiled vegetable), which he himself holds in his hand,
  22. sit down and lie down independently; get up, holding on to the barrier; crawl actively; step over (just step over, not walk), holding on to a support or supported by both hands; kneel at the support and stay in that position;
  23. throw objects with a swing,
  24. distinguish between your name and the names of close people (for example, the name of a sister or brother),
  25. lower your head towards a sound whose source is below the level of his eyes (for example, a bell),
  26. look for a toy hidden in front of his eyes,
  27. listen to quiet sounds (for example, listen to the ticking of a clock), catch a familiar melody.

I wish you the joy of communicating with your kids! Surely, you will come up with your own games and ideas for the development of the child. I will be very glad if the article helped you.

I will be grateful for comments and feedback :). Until we meet again on the "Native Path!