Sure signs that a man has cooled off and wants to end the relationship. Why do men always run away from some women? How to know for sure that a man merges

You will never get a second chance to make a first impression - that's the main rule of a first date. Both women and men should remember about it, because the second date will be only subject to the mutual interest of the two parties.

Now let's get straight to the question - have you ever been turned down on a second date? We are sorry if you managed to go through such an experience, because what can hit your self-esteem more than the realization of complete insignificance in the eyes of a member of the opposite sex, especially if you really wanted to continue communicating with him.

It is to prevent such incidents that we want to raise the issue of the mistakes that women usually spoil the first impression of themselves. No matter how good, kind and caring you are, presenting yourself in a different perspective, you can never change the first impression of a person who knew absolutely nothing about you before this incident.

What is your problem?

The reason for mistakes is most often excessive self-confidence (“I am already beautiful, let her love the way I am”) and lack of experience. Fortunately, the first and second can be easily fixed, so let's deal with the problem with self-confidence, and in the process we will gain knowledge and experience to get rid of the rest of the problems.

1. Self-confidence

Source: iStock

In fact, you are lucky, because an overestimated self-esteem is much better than an underestimated one - if you are an adequate and intelligent woman, coming to a healthy view of yourself and your capabilities will not be difficult for you. So, how exactly does overconfidence get in the way of a date?

First, it lowers the sense of responsibility. For your words, actions, appearance- you, roughly speaking, do not worry about anything. A man feels this and such behavior can arouse suspicion that he is not interesting to you, that you do not consider him seriously.

It seems that you came on a date out of boredom or to meet another resident of the friend zone. In short, this is not the way to a serious, loving relationship. Prepare carefully for dates, be serious and take care of yourself.

Don't be afraid to TRY to be good. Evgeny Makslin, an individual and family psychotherapist with over 14 years of experience, states the following: “If a woman on the first date focuses only on pleasing a man, it is quite possible that she will succeed, and the first meeting will be followed by the next one.

But if, therefore, you do not listen to yourself and do not act in accordance with your true needs, nothing good will come of this.

2. You don't stick to harmony.

It's about harmony in communication - you either talk too much or too little. In the first case, a man may be upset that he did not have time to tell you a couple of interesting things, and also feel like a supporting character, whose opinion, thoughts are of little interest to you. Don't play with fire.

In the second case, you risk literally losing the interest of a man. And how can it even arise if you are silent most of the time? And this is not about creating a "veil of secrecy", it is created consciously and in a playful manner. If you've been trying to do just that - you need a little more experience.

Try to enter into a full-fledged dialogue with a man, try to understand his manner of speaking. It is unlikely that he will immediately go towards harmony, this is a rather rare occurrence. Most likely, he will prefer to either talk a lot or listen a lot. Give emu this pleasure, and then enter your own rules of the game.

3. You are talking about the wrong thing.

Source: iStock

Do you know what you can and cannot talk about on a first date? Most likely not, because you consider yourself quite a smart and quick-witted person to seriously talk about such issues. But know that even pick-up artists and “experienced heartbreakers” sometimes rely too much on themselves and raise not quite the right topics.

With your inappropriate references to the past, raising topics about death, politics, religion, you can scare off a potential boyfriend or, even worse, collide with him in opinions, making an enemy or rival. Such cases are often found in jokes or serials.

Therefore, do not turn the date into a skirmish about which president lived better or into crying about what a terrible person your ex was, for whom you absolutely, absolutely do not feel anything anymore. The most logical action of a man in this case would be to get up and leave.

4. You don't present yourself well.

We talked at the beginning about high self-esteem, now let's remember about low self-esteem. Most often, such girls react rather strangely to compliments. Yes, they are cute embarrassed, but then they start doing completely unnecessary things and use excuses. “Oh, what are you, what kind of a hostess is I, my potatoes burned yesterday.”

Such a reaction is quite natural for humble people, it happens automatically, but try to control such impulses. Nobody forces you to lie to a man, just do not rush to tell him about your shortcomings, he will discover them himself. Your duty is to show your best.

5. You reach into his wallet.

The male part of the audience, we need your opinion! Otherwise, with our female brains, we can come up with such a thing that everyone around will suffer. The girl from the general company told and brought to mind.
So, input. First date. Flowers, compliments, cafes, movies - all the attributes of a real date. After the first one, it is almost always clear what will happen next. Will call - will not call, etc. Calling. That is, based on the fact that men primarily love with their eyes, visually everything suits him in order to continue communication. Correspondence. The second date is scheduled for next Saturday. Flowers again, and everything is fine.
A third date without flowers, but also quite the classic "surprise me" template that girls love so much. In this case, no kisses, etc. After the third, those who just need sex are usually eliminated, and you are physically attracted to him. Since he already understands that nothing will break off so quickly for him. Here, too, everything is clear. And this is also immediately felt. Why take it to the third? So the game is like this, he doesn’t directly say that he urgently needs sex, you play along and smile. I would have said directly, he would not have had to spend money. Is it logical? But I digress. Then again a date, already the fourth, again with flowers (how hard it tries!). Kiss on the cheek. Any mimimi in SMS or in social networks. Next is a suggestion to meet friends. Refuses, early for dating initially. Then her departure on a business trip for a week. Correspondence with social networks. Arrival, flowers, fifth date, kissing, everything is fine. Sixth date and kissing. There was no sex. And that's all. Silence. There is no answer to SMS, after a couple of days, removal from social networks. Hence the question: What is the third test that the girl did not pass? The first - sympathy, the second: give or not give, and then? Something I doubt that these are brains and adequacy ...
Well, it seems he tried himself, he called, drove, gave, invented something, was going to introduce him to friends. Well, it's kind of a completely illogical drain. I had a version that sympathy was not very strong and someone else turned up who attracted more, maybe there were fewer requests, etc. But the main thing is all about sympathy, since it has long been a known fact that if a man likes someone, then he doesn’t care at all. The girls attacked me, like there was no sympathy, just gave, drove, called.
And, of course, everyone discussed what always annoys such a disappearance on the sly. It is clear that he is unlikely to have died there, but still you need to indicate your intentions. She worries about his health and karma.
It was before the New Year. The story has a funny sequel. Three months later, our heroine receives a message from the hero on the social network. Like hello, how are you? And I'm in South America. It’s a little crazy, because it’s strange to write after such a drain, and the second thing is that it brought him there. Brought to work. Regarding the drain, literally: “Everything somehow went wrong as I wanted, plus you already had some plans of your own, trips, you didn’t see each other much, and I had a very difficult period, I just broke up with my girlfriend ... it’s hard at heart , I had to be in close constant contact, and so I rushed back and forth. And in the end it turned out that I started dating on two fronts. Then I broke up with you, and soon with the former. In general, it didn’t work out. Then I received an offer to leave for South Africa , I got ready in 2 weeks, got a visa and left. Not very smoothly, of course, but something like that. " And by the way, the publication of this post is allowed by the participant in the story, and the text of the message will be sent to me in a personal.
If we accept that he told the truth, then you are funny men, after all. “Somehow everything went wrong” - she did not show any initiative at the beginning, which means that he himself led all this to the wrong place. She then agreed to meetings organized by him. Second: "you already had some plans of your own, trips." So what? In the absence of a relationship, you need to sit at home and wait for the prince? Third: "we saw each other a little" - again, all the initiative came from him. She did not refuse to see each other more often! Fourth: "I just broke up with the girl" - it was announced that almost two months had passed since the breakup with the girl, it would be time to get better already, and I was looking for meetings myself, since I met her. Well, and so on in the text.
If we suggest that all this is a lie and excuses, then what did the comrade have in his head? Men, what do you think? Girls, have you ever been told why they merged?

"Hello Evolution. I will join the many people in thanking you for the work that you do on the pages of your blog. I think you get stories like mine every day, and maybe, if not mine, but someone else's similar situation will sooner or later be disassembled into an evolab. It is called "a month familiar, two weeks of romance, and the man seems to merge."

The man in question is 31 years old, two years older than me. I met I. a month ago at a concert. The performer during the performance announced that the next day he would give a street concert in our city in one of the underground passages, I. and I corresponded in the evening, discussing where this could happen. We went to different points, in the end we didn’t guess, but we managed to make it to the performance. After - we went to a cafe, sat there for two hours, chatting. I immediately liked him very much, but I was not sure that it was mutual. He is cool, charming and free, with no history of wife or children. I have a four-year-old daughter and some kind of not very successful personal life. I mean, there are a lot of acquaintances, a lot of communication, flirting, some men with varying degrees of seriousness of intentions surround me all the time, but for a long time no relationship has grown into anything serious.

After a couple of dates - a kiss. Wow, what a kiss! My daughter stayed overnight with her father that evening. During a meeting, my mother called me, from our conversation I. it became clear that my daughter would not be at home. And when he drove me home, he asked if I would like to invite him to my place (the kiss was quite passionate, I would have dragged him to me that very evening, but according to my feelings it was still early). I smiled but said no. He went home, on the way he sent a message: “While I’m standing at a traffic light, I’ll write what’s on my mind. Maybe my question could offend you .. or some part of you .. but from your conversation it was clear that your daughter was not at home, and I could not help but ask it. Here. I'll move on calmly.) I replied: “I was not offended, but delighted) I feel very good with you, but I don’t want to rush things yet.” Well, then there were a lot of warm words from both sides.

Our virtual communication was also quite active, and the messages themselves were tender and passionate. The initiative of the meetings came from both him and me. On the March holidays, we all went to the cinema together, with my daughter, and, in principle, had a good time, although I was a little embarrassed if I had not imposed this joint meeting on him. But it seems that he himself expressed a desire to join. So I did not plan that he would be with us that day. On March 8, we went with him to a film performance, and it so happened that I myself invited him and bought tickets. I am writing all this to make the dynamics of communication more or less clear - there was interest from both sides, without distortions in either direction, the initiative was also mutual.

So two weeks passed. And they were great.)

Last Friday, the father of my child promised to take his daughter to him. Dear, I wrote to me that evening, when will we meet now? Probably on Sunday, after your workout? My joy, I answered I., why wait until Sunday, I would be happy to drag you to visit me today. Excellent plan, wrote I., I'll go home, pack my things for tomorrow's competition, and come to you. And he came to me.

I liked the sex - and I thought, damn it, how cool, if the first time is so good, then it will only get better. And then her mother called - it turns out that her daughter's father did not come for her and did not warn her. My daughter could not sleep, everyone was tortured with her. We live in neighboring apartments, so I could not think of anything better than to bring her to my place and put her to bed at home. In the morning we got up and had breakfast, I. kissed me and went to the competition, and I went to work (I work remotely, seven days a week, but on average 4 hours a day, so there is time for the gym-child-hobby-study-movie-dating procrastination and other pleasures).

Last Wednesday at the courses where I go, there was a graduation. I was going home, I. called and offered to celebrate my diploma with a cup of coffee. I arrived at the cafe, we had a little fun. Then we moved on to more intimate topics. I said that I don’t understand how he does this, because as soon as he kisses me, on the lips, on the neck, I start to melt and my head fails completely (this is true). It was time for me to go home, we went to his car while it was warming up, we kissed and I. suggested, sort of as a joke, to have sex in the car, in the same place. In the city center, yes. I didn’t like this proposal very much, he understood this and apologized.

And we started talking with him again about life, I asked something about previous relationships, about sex, he told me all sorts of things about himself, and then said that I untwisted him into revelations. And then, damn it, I got carried away. The fact is that I have a couple of unfinished love stories in my anamnesis, and these stories appeared on the eve of our meeting. I told I. about them, said that I needed to deal with them, and also said that I was uncomfortable because I liked him so much. So I said, and then I realized that, in principle, I was already carrying anything, I had to shut up and go home. Well, I., of course, answered that I should not worry that he really likes me and there is no one but me in his heart. But this confession did not bring me any joy, for I recognized the tongs myself.

This Friday we met again at my place, it was good, dinner-sex, all sorts of tenderness. This time my daughter went to her dad) I called last night and said that he was passing by the hall where I usually study on Sundays, and maybe I was already free and he could give me a lift home. I said that I was visiting a friend, and upon returning home I wrote that I did not expect a call and was terribly glad to hear his voice. Here you go.

Now I'm re-reading it and it seems that everything seems to be normal. But here's what really confuses me. Before sex, the dynamics of communication and all sorts of cool emotional goodies went up, but now it is going down more and more. I see that I. began to write less. Does not respond to any tenderness (I used to answer and add from above). I threw him a link to the film today, I write: I have to go. He replies: I get all the films at the box office through the link, which one? Me: "Then choose!" and - that's it. I think that I'm a fool, to answer like that, he may not really want it (and earlier he would have supported the game). In the evening he writes: how are you? I answer: fine, I just missed one awesome man. There is no reaction. And here is another message before going to bed: “ Last days I'm too lazy to write something from the phone, but I can tell you so much. And it’s not right to call ... I’ll go to bed, yesterday I fiddled with the phone for a long time, I didn’t get enough sleep. Good night! Kisses". I answer: “I have the same feelings) I want to tell so much, and I’m not even too lazy to write - I just want a dialogue, not a monologue) Let’s meet early tomorrow before the performance. I missed your stories, but perhaps even more - your voice and your hugs) Bright dreams and sunny mornings to you. Him: "You too." All!

And that's exactly what torments me. How to behave in such a situation? It seems that they don’t send, but it feels like interest is declining, and this interest needs to be warmed up somehow. And I'm at a loss how to behave in general when a man seems to lose motivation, interest, ardor? Should I continue to show him tenderness, joy from his messages, impatient expectation of meetings, write that I want him (and describe exactly how)? Or let him understand this, and if he does not respond in kind, reduce activity and wait for his initiative? So he seems to be writing - but earlier our correspondence had a completely different character! And meetings are planned, but already without this one: “I really missed one beautiful girl, when, when will we see each other.” How to behave in such situations? I don’t want everything to go on and on and go so rotten, I want to give heat, both to myself and to him, and a beautiful love story in the end.

There are a number of obvious signals that clearly say that the chosen one of your heart does not love you. Perhaps he values ​​\u200b\u200byour friendships, or is he just flattered by your interest in his person? Perhaps he keeps you as a "reserve airfield", but at the same time does not consider that he has any obligations towards you?

Well, here are ten of the most striking signs that the man you fell in love has no plans for any "we" with your participation. Read carefully, and if there are more than two coincidences with your love story, then, believe me, these are no longer coincidences!

Calls in monologue mode

Which of you dials each other's phone number more often? If there is an obvious imbalance on the face, this is not a good sign. In our gadgetized age, these simple things are very indicative: who calls whom first and sends SMS messages, writes letters and hangs funny cats on the wall. Even if your man is happy with your calls, but at the same time he does not have the need to dial your number himself - just like that or on an insignificant matter - something is wrong here! Well, and the obvious “telephone rule”: if you didn’t answer the call, and he didn’t ask why, you know: he put a big and thick “nothing” on you. Exactly the one that feels for you.


Do you feel like your relationship is not moving forward or growing? You met on the Internet, every evening you have dates on Skype, but you haven’t received an invitation to take a walk at least to the notorious Van Gogh exhibition for a couple of months? Bad sign! If you are work colleagues and go to a business lunch together every day, but on weekends he always has business and plans in which you do not participate, you can go on the attack and take the initiative to clear your conscience. But be prepared for the fact that he has a hockey game with an amateur team, and it is not known at which stadium, so "he-can-not-sorry-invite-you." Good advice: find yourself another comrade to eat borscht and cutlets together on a working afternoon!


Who is there?

The topics that a person raises in a conversation say a lot both about what he breathes and about his attitude towards the interlocutor. You should be alerted if a man does not ask you about your favorite music and films, does not ask what flowers you like, what you were fond of as a child, what you do at work, how you spend your free time. If you both have active social media profiles, you have to admit, it's a bit strange if he doesn't like or comment on your posts. It's also significant when he knows you're a vegetarian but takes you to a restaurant where you literally have nothing to eat. And after his stories about ex girls- and no matter in what vein he will speak about them - all doubts about true feelings for you can be considered dispelled! He does not hear you, does not feel, does not understand, does not respect and, of course, does not love.

Peacock instinct

Narcissistic and selfish people are not capable of deep feelings. But if a man does not try to show himself handsome in front of a woman of interest to him, does not try to “fluff his feathers”, convey to her the idea that he has many virtues and rare spiritual qualities - this is also very strange. It’s even worse if he allows himself to loosen up in your presence and regularly complains about fate and bad people who allegedly constantly create problems for him. Beating on pity in order to arouse a desire to save is somewhat different than showing oneself worthy of love and respect. Believe me, they are not driven by love! Perhaps this is a desire to find grateful ears into which he will pour out his resentment at this cruel world. In general, the prognosis is poor.

The secret behind seven seals

You go only on dates and only together. He avoids the opportunity to be in the company of your friends and is not eager to introduce you to the circle of people close to him. There is no talk of meeting parents. As a result, you alone go to your own sister's wedding, because he is "shy", "does not know anyone there", and in general - "hates weddings." A fairly typical situation: someone calls him on the phone, and the man sitting opposite you, when asked where he is and with whom, casually answers: “Yes, with no one.” If you don’t want to be exactly “nobody” in the life of another person, it’s time to interrupt this story here and now. There will be no happyend.

Weird humor

It also happens that you seem to be together, but at the same time in the company you feel like a loner. Your lover actively flirts with other young ladies, does not care for you, and if he lost sight of you at a party, he does not look for, is not interested in what you are doing and whether you are bored. Things are even worse if he does not take your side in public disputes, and if you are frankly wrong, he does not try to smooth the situation. He watches with interest as you sit down in a puddle. If someone rudely runs into you or teases you, he does not give out any sharp reaction, or even he himself does not mind making an offensive joke about you. This is no good! A man in love cannot be indifferent to the feelings and experiences of his chosen one.


Maybe in some countries it is considered normal when both of them have separate wallets in a couple, but in our culture it is still accepted that a man pays at least for your coffee at Chocolate Girl. Of course, the strength of feelings is not measured by the amount of money that a lover spends, but the psychology of a man is simple: he readily invests in what he is truly interested in. Believe me, a normal man has a need to invest in a woman who wants to win, or who he already considers his own! The exception is pathological greedy people, but it turns out to crack them right away. Greedy man- not sexy. It must be ruthlessly abandoned. A man with whom it makes sense to build a relationship is generous and ready to throw the whole world at the feet of his beloved, even if he is not rich. Honestly, he will find an opportunity to give you gifts and pleasant surprises! He will offer his help and try to anticipate your desires. If this does not happen, everything is sad.


It is clear that people have different needs and opportunities in sex. But the relationship that is being established is the very case when desire is looking for an opportunity, and indifference is looking for excuses. So if “your” man avoids intimacy in every possible way, he has a thousand urgent things to do, he is constantly either tired or not in the mood - something is wrong here! This does not mean at all that he has another. It's just that you don't care about him as a woman. Another case is if a man is gentle and affectionate before sex and immediately loses interest in you after. If at the same time you notice that he, in principle, has become less likely to touch you - he doesn’t try to hug you, take your hand, his kisses blow a chill, and your attempts to caress are ignored - get ready to part! It's sad, but it's unlikely that anything will help here, and it's not about you or your "technique". There are practically no chances to rekindle a fading passion, no matter how numerous “geisha trainings” convince you of the opposite. And to light a fire that does not flare up right away is hopelessness, not worth your time. You don't want to be in the friendzone, do you?

The patient is more dead than alive

Everything was fine with you, as you thought. And suddenly he began to avoid meetings, forget about your requests, and instead of a clear reason for his forgetfulness, he presents some helpless stories from the series “walked-fell-woke up-gypsum”. A man who is preparing to "merge" from a relationship suddenly deteriorates in health: he regularly twists his legs, catches a sore throat, and poisons himself with potatoes at McDonald's. Terrible illnesses fall on his grandmothers, aunts, friends and aquarium fish: you need to accompany or take them to hospitals, wait for the arrival of an ambulance, wander around the city in search of a rare medicine. Catching him on incoherent fictions? This is not a royal business! It's just time to say goodbye. No matter how sad.

Whoever calls names - he calls himself that!

When everything is smooth in a relationship, and you communicate nicely, it may seem to you that “everything is going according to plan.” Is this really so - the first quarrel will show. Just do not deliberately provoke a conflict! Sooner or later, in any couple, a situation occurs when each of the two considers himself right, and the other is not. How you survive an acute situation, how reconciliation will take place, what words you choose in order to dot all the “Yo”, will show the true attitude of your man towards you, and will also tell a lot about his character. If it is important for him that his word be the last, if in the heat of the moment he allows himself to offend you, getting personal, if he goes into deep resentment and forces you to humiliate himself, blackmails you with a break, puts some conditions for reconciliation - just turn around and leave. Still, from a strong man one should expect condescension to female weaknesses and whims. In the same situation, there is not a word about love for anyone, except for himself - a beautiful alpha male who needs to be served and please in everything. Such a man is either a notorious slut, or a weakling. In any case, it is not suitable for building a long and lasting relationship.

So, the sad truth has become clear to you. He doesn't love you. It doesn't matter how long you've been together, how far your relationship has gone. Alas, but it happens. Not every union of a man and a woman ends with a fairy tale, where the characters live happily ever after. Remember the ancient Indian proverb: "The horse is dead - get off!". Then you have two paths.

The first is how to suffer, get sick, perk up and again plunge into a busy life, in which there will be wonderful adventures, interesting acquaintances and new relationships. And they will - do not even dare to doubt!

The second is the path in accordance with the age-old female mistake: to realize oneself only through a man who is nearby. But if you are sure that you have just lost the love of the man of your dreams, start the operation, codenamed "Love him again." There are no guarantees that everything will work out, and it is not known how long it will take. But you will do deep work on the mistakes and work on yourself. Because you are self-worth. There is no relationship you could invest in - invest in yourself doubly. And now, the task for the next five years has already changed constructively! - become a super woman, the best version of yourself. And then you'll see who you need next to you. Maybe superman? For harmony.

I will tell you exactly what you can not do in any case:

do not humiliate yourself,
don't make a claim
do not scream
don't cry in front of him.

How could it help if he doesn't care about you?

You also don’t need to bring him to a “frank conversation”: why find out from him that everything is over between you, if you yourself understood this?
You should not get it with calls and sms. You will only raise the degree of irritation with your person and convince the person of your inadequacy.
You don’t have to go into all serious trouble to knock out a wedge with a wedge - it’s checked: it doesn’t help.
Do not run on fortune tellers! This is without comment at all.

Lately I've been seeing more and more single women. different ages, different material condition, different views. The only thing that unites them is chronic loneliness. Why? Why are these lovely, beautiful, smart and worthy women lonely? Let's try to figure it out...

I wondered why, it would seem, such good, sweet women are lonely? Why can't they find their "other half", although outwardly they have everything to win the heart of a man.

After interviewing my male friends, I identified ten types of women that men "merge" with or suddenly end relationships with:

Dear women, I want to warn you right away that this is " male look”, so excuse the subjectivity - I was driven by the desire to help, not to teach.

1. Overconfidence

We call these women - "Lady - everything is cool with me." Such women immediately make it clear that they descended from heaven to earth not out of interest, but rather out of a favor to their man. They have little time, they look at their watches, and basically all communication with them comes down to listening to stories about how everything is cool with them - at work, in the family, and, oh, the paradox (!) even in their personal lives! And it's okay that in fact, everything is probably bad for her, she pretends that she is a small independent "Switzerland" in negotiations with big, but backward Russia.

2. Excessive sophistication

This is another feature that “freezes out” men in women - this is their excessive sophistication. Is she into "early Rodin"? Does she go to all the avant-garde film festivals? She has all her friends from Flakon or Vin Zavod - write it down! Most men, with their love of simple earthly things, will feel like "white crows" in a flock of sophisticated and advanced hipsters, with whom she feels "at ease".

3. Excessive "correctness"

Such women, as soon as you get to know them better, begin to strain with their correctness. She doesn’t drink a drop of alcohol, she doesn’t smoke, she goes to bed at exactly 11:00 pm, she does yoga… Men immediately subconsciously have a question – does she have sex at all or does she also consider it a bad habit?! The more a man gets to know such a woman, the more clearly he understands that with her he can never be himself - a whole collection of bad habits that he is not going to give up.

4. Manic desire to get married

If they take you on a second date to meet your parents, you have to run! Most men think so - there is no doubt about it. Such women can be immediately recognized by stories about family values, that parents met at the institute and are still together, about how important it is to build your own “family nest”. Understand women, we are not against “family nests”, but with your impatience and unwillingness to let events unfold on their own, you plant a suspicion in us - whether a “family nest” will in fact be a “corral where a calf is grazing”.

5. Confidence that a man is another of her wallets

No sane man would let a woman pay for dinner or a taxi on a first date. But almost all men are "frozen out" when a woman believes that this is almost the main mission of a man - to pay and pay. Modesty on first dates is welcome. A woman's attempt to pay for her cocktail will be stopped by a man, but will go as 10 extra points "to her karma." For a man, this is a signal - I am a woman, but I am not looking for a sponsor. I spend time with someone I choose, not someone who pays my bills. Oh, how often we see a completely opposite picture ...

6. The desire to surround a man with total attention and care

Believe women, men are annoying, not happy, when he wakes up, and in Wats Up already " Good morning cute!" and a bunch of hearts, sponges and emoticons. He goes to work, and on Wats Up there is already a photo of her in pajamas with a sad emoticon - “I miss you so much.” God forbid, if a fluffy kitten or puppy appears in the same place! While he was driving to work, she had already gone to his Facebook profile and “liked” all his pictures. The man understands that he is surrounded. Genetically, almost every man has a manic desire to be free. In principle, he is ready to give his freedom to the one he loves, but when men put up red flags around the perimeter of the living space, he will most likely develop an escape plan.

7. High school teacher

Such women can be recognized even by their manner of dressing. Most likely, this is a strict business suit, and even if it is “casual”, then in no case should it emphasize her sexuality. She is a walking encyclopedia and she has her own opinion on everything. She does not understand the simple truth that you need to play along with a man a little, flatter his pride, sometimes pretend to be more naive than she really is. She generates many awkward moments, demonstrating deep knowledge of mechanics, exact sciences, politics and business.

8. Excessive obsession with their appearance

The whole life of such women is dedicated to serving their body. The day is divided into two parts - before the salon and after the salon. What do we get as a result? A well-groomed body, perfect skin, but an emptiness inside ... She was so carried away by pointing out external beauty that she forgot or scored on the inside. Of course, men are attracted well-groomed women, BUT ... for a long-term relationship this is not enough.

9. Convinced careerist

It is interesting to discuss the state of the Russian economy, oil prices and exchange rates with such a woman, but after a while the man realizes that business or career is the only thing that really fascinates her. This is scary, because in the traditional sense of a man, a woman should have completely different values ​​in the first place - family, children, home. As a rule, such women move from the status of "halves" to the status of "just a friend" or "an interesting conversationalist."

10. Woman - "mol"

What is terrible moth? The fact that it is colorless, silent and faceless. So often a man meets a woman who seems to be good to everyone - both sweet, well-mannered, and homely ... But something is missing in her. Not enough life, not enough fire, even a spark! She can become a shadow of a man, but she will never complement his image. Even if they start a relationship, he will hide her from friends, however, the “moth woman” has a unique ability to go unnoticed even in the noisiest company.