After the meeting, the guy stopped writing. The man stopped calling. Why doesn't my lover call anymore? Why did he suddenly disappear during virtual communication

Women constantly looking for answers to questions related to personal life, because sometimes it is quite difficult to understand the reason for a certain act of a loved one. Men are less likely to delve into some nuances, trying to focus only on the really important. It often happens that a loved one, who yesterday swore love and behaved like a full-fledged participant in the relationship, abruptly stopped calling.

This situations Almost all women who are in a relationship are afraid, regardless of age. Sometimes it is difficult to understand the true reason for such behavior of a loved one, because most often he begins to behave in this way quite unexpectedly.

When for a long time time man does not make itself felt, every woman begins to guess and ask herself and her friends the same question "Well, why doesn't he call me?". This is followed by a desire to understand his plans for the future and the degree of interest in a particular woman. Often such an act is a signal that the relationship is over, and you should no longer hope for a happy common future. But sometimes there are exceptions to the rule, so let's look at a few reasons for this behavior.

1. Your relationship is just another sexual adventure for him.. Sometimes they cannot understand that the one they took for their future husband just wants to have fun and get the most out of sex. Such a man knows how to look after beautifully: he makes compliments, gives gifts, rents expensive hotel rooms and accompanies you to your home. But it is likely that this meeting was the last for him, although he did not intend to warn you about this at all.

Aspiration to be perfect lover does not mean at all that in this way he proves his sincere feelings, so you should not regard a stormy night as a step towards a happy personal life. In this case, it is worth analyzing the situation in order to understand exactly who this person is from whom you are waiting for a call.

Is he around when you feel bad? Does he try to take part in your life? Maybe just invite you on a date without continuing to communicate in a more intimate setting? If you answered no to these questions, then be sure that for him your relationship was only a desire to enjoy sex. Learn to value yourself and do not open your soul to those who seek to take possession of only your body.

2. He thinks regular calls for no reason is stupid. There are also representatives of the stronger sex who regard a woman's desire to be in touch all the time as an obsession and excess. He will definitely call if there is any important news, notify you of trouble and let you know if he wants to meet again. But such a man will not call several times a day to find out how you are doing or talk about how he spent the day.

You can consider it the main minus person, but you are unlikely to change it. In this case, you should either come to terms with such a character trait, or end the relationship so as not to spoil the nerves for yourself or him. If you begin to demand attention in the form of regular daily calls, then you will surely encounter cold misunderstanding and aggression.

It's better to solve everything at once nuances so that later at night you don’t shed tears on the shoulder of your beloved friend and not wonder eternal question"Why doesn't he call me?" If your loved one does not like calls and talking on the phone, then he will calmly say this and try to explain his behavior. Try not to pay attention to such a nuance, because it is likely that live communication is much more important for him, so such a man will constantly insist on a meeting and spend a lot of time with you.

3. Beware: in front of you is an experienced lover! Some throughout their lives stubbornly hone the skill of conquering women's hearts, so it is likely that he is just training for you. Today there are a huge number of books on psychology, which describe in detail the methods of "hunting" for women.

In fact representatives the weaker sex tend to come up with some reasons for the behavior of others and build a logical chain that may be far from reality. This is successfully used by men who want to bind their beloved to themselves. He will deliberately wait a few days after the meeting, so that the woman gets bored and pats her nerves. Of course, this method is far from decent, but very effective, so don't be surprised if he does this from time to time to cool you down.

4. You are just not interested in a man. This reason is the most popular, because most often men do not want to tell a woman that she is unsympathetic to him, but simply disappear without a trace. He avoids you at your favorite bar, doesn't call or reply to social media messages. On the one hand, it’s good that, breaking your relationship, he didn’t give you a lot of complexes and didn’t accuse you of all mortal sins, but on the other hand, he acted not very decently, leaving you alone with your thoughts and doubts.

In this situations it is important to accept everything as it is and not try to save a relationship that no longer really exists. If he is not interested in you, then he simply will not waste time on you, this applies to both meetings and calls. Representatives of the stronger sex tend to go missing when they realize that the one with whom he spent last night or even several months does not evoke feelings in him and is not suitable as a partner. In this case, it is not difficult to determine the true cause, because even after a few days he will not make himself felt and will forget about your existence.

5. You are too active. Sometimes it also happens that a man does not call his beloved, because there is simply no need for this. It is likely that she called him an hour ago and is already offended that he did not call back himself. Such activity can be regarded as an encroachment on personal territory, which is very dangerous for relationships. A man will sooner or later just run away, without calls and without a desire to have anything in common in the future.

It does not matter at what stage your relationship with a man is: correspondence or real dates. At some point, written communication and meetings may stop. Why does a young man stop calling and writing, and what to do in such circumstances? The solution to these problems worries every woman. Let's see why this happens. It will become clear to you what is the source of such behavior and how to behave in the current situation: whether it is worth starting communication first, what messages should never be sent, and how to talk.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the main reasons why a man does not write
  • Why a man does not write if you spent the night together
  • If a man does not write what to do to a woman
  • Is it necessary to take the initiative if a man does not write or call for a long time
  • What to do if a man no longer writes
  • What does astrology say about why a man does not write

10 Reasons Men Don't Text First

There is a famous phrase that men and women are from different planets. This is expressed in the existence of an invisible obstacle between both sexes, in the inability to understand each other. Men don't understand why women behave in certain ways, and vice versa. It is difficult for girls to accept the fact that the guy stopped all communication without explaining the reason.

Why a man is silent and does not write how to behave in such a situation - these questions concern almost all women. Perhaps he has a lot to do, the girl has become uninteresting, or a rival has appeared. Let's try to figure out together what to do if this happens. The most important thing is not to panic and not get bored. Make him start looking for communication with you.

It happens that a woman takes on the main role, is the instigator of relationships. It seems to be in the conditions modern world there is nothing wrong here. But in fact, the girls do not like this course of events at all and even offend them.

Psychologists identify 10 main motives for such behavior of young people when they shift the development of relationships to a woman. Let's take a look at them.

  1. Fear of being rejected. It is customary to think that representatives of the strong half of humanity are brave, assertive, and firm. But as soon as there is a hint of amorous deeds, the courage of young people disappears somewhere. If a guy likes a girl, don't expect him to bombard you with hundreds of messages like a man possessed. He is afraid to scare you and lose you before he gets it. Therefore, young people do not mind when a girl takes the initiative. After all, this means that the guy is cute to her and she is not averse to continuing the relationship.
  2. Possibility to call at the wrong time. This reason involves many different factors. For example, if a woman in a conversation casually mentioned that she has a lot to do, she constantly does not have time for anything, that an extra hour in the day would not be superfluous, then, of course, the young man will not want to distract her with his call. He is afraid to be intrusive and decides for himself that when the lady has free time, she herself will make contact.
  3. Fear of expressing one's attitude. Friendships and personal relationships are different. You can chat with friends at any time of the day or night. Quite another - amorous affairs. When communication is just beginning, the chosen one experiences discomfort, which can cause any inconvenience to the girl she likes. Many men believe that if they start communication first, then the nature of their feelings will immediately become clear. And they are not yet ripe to talk about their love emotions.
  4. The man feels friendly. It happens that two people communicate for a long time, call, send messages. But further than this relationship does not develop. The guy does not invite you to take a walk, to the movies, cafes. The reason is that the young man considers your relationship to be friendly. You can chat, laugh, discuss some events. He can write, call at any time. But this absolutely does not mean that he wants to invite you to a love rendezvous.
  5. He is a workaholic. If your prospective chosen one is an entrepreneur, then, as a rule, he has a busy work schedule, all cases are scheduled down to the minute. Some unforeseen business circumstances or simple forgetfulness can prevent a person from calling. But if you meet with a businessman, then often they inform their chosen one about over-employment and give them the initiative to call and write first. If a man has not done this, there is no certainty that he will, in principle, choose the time for you. Better not make any plans for him.
  6. Love triangle. If relationships arise between people who have legitimate soul mates, then it is extremely difficult to choose the time for calls and messages. You need to be extremely careful. Your call or sms may not reach the desired addressee.
  7. You are not alone with him. Sometimes a guy meets two girls at once. He can call you, write to you, but not promise anything concrete or “feed you breakfast”. Such relationships have no prospects.
  8. A man cannot give you what you want. Sometimes a man and a woman can have different level income. He works as a simple manager, and she is the owner of the bank. Of course, now there are many examples when young people live at the expense of a woman, roughly speaking, they are gigolos. But a self-respecting man feels inferior in front of such a woman, because he cannot provide the level of comfort that you are used to.
  9. The guy is overconfident. When you don’t see a person for a long time, you get bored and become even more attached to him. Many men understand this psychological moment well and use it to their advantage. They don’t call, they don’t write first, thereby hoping that the girl will literally start running after them.
  10. The man is afraid of your perseverance. If the prospective chosen one has a very busy work schedule, and you bombard him with calls and messages every 10 minutes, not a single person will like it. He simply does not have the time and opportunity to respond to such a stream of messages. Moderate your ardor, be patient and let the man take the first step.

Why a man does not write in a given situation

Before making any decisions, you need to take into account at what stage of communication you are with a man.

  • If he likes a girl, but he still does not write.

Shy young people are afraid to take the first step. They think that the girl they like will laugh at them or abuse their attitude. Such men will mark your photos, but not write.

Another option is also possible: the young man has recently experienced a love story and is not yet ready for a new relationship. He decided to take a time out, but he met you and fell in love. Maintaining communication with you, he understands that he will not be able to forget the object of adoration that has arisen.

You should not take any steps if you quarreled or unwittingly insulted the guy.

It happens that even a few words can offend a person. If this was the case, you should not be surprised why the man stopped writing, because you hurt his pride. Similarly, if two had a fight. Pride and fear of giving up slack hold young man from being the first to begin to resolve the conflict. The young man is not ready to hear such phrases as “why are you sending me messages”, “what do you need” and other similar expressions.

The guy can be very timid. Then it is clear why the man does not write first, but puts only hearts in the photo. This is how he expresses his sympathy, and when you send him a nice SMS, believe me, the answer from him will not be long in coming.

  • Why he never makes himself felt, but always answers.

The answer to this question is simple: the guy is modest, shy or does not want the girl to know about his feelings. And he can respond to messages out of politeness.

Do not forget that a young man has his own affairs and hobbies and cannot always answer a call or SMS. And of course, if the chosen one is a married, family man, then it is simply inconvenient for him to sometimes communicate with you.

  • Is it normal if a man likes a photo, but does not contact.

The explanation for this reason is banal: the guy noted beautiful photo, perhaps he liked you, but maybe a beautiful area. However, shy natures, even if they like a girl, will never be the first to start communication. Alternatively, he cannot find the right expressions, is waiting for time, or is very busy. Or maybe he just wants to intrigue you and waits for you to make the first move.

Why a man does not write after a night spent together

Everything started so beautifully: communication, meetings, walks, cute presents. Of course, sensual sex, affectionate hugs, kisses in the morning and, according to the law of the genre, his words “I'll call you!”.

And the guy is gone. You wonder why the man abruptly stopped writing. What was the reason? You make various assumptions and feel guilty. From the point of view of the psychology of relationships, there are several explanations for this fact.

  • Intimacy happened too early.

As practice shows, if intimacy takes place already at the first meeting, then in most cases there can be no talk of further communication. The man regarded you as a windy person, he achieved your location quite easily. But it is possible that the guy is a masterful seducer, which is why you agreed to have sex so quickly. In this case, he initially knew that there would be no development of relations.

  • Sex did not give him pleasure.

The night spent disappointed the man. Maybe you were not sensual enough, hot enough. Or maybe he wasn't up to par. Then he experiences a feeling of embarrassment, shame. And of course, it is quite understandable why the man abruptly stopped writing.

  • The night spent was very hot.

The situation is exactly the opposite: the sex was so good that the guy felt that he was falling in love, but this was not part of his plans. He's not ready yet serious relationship and changes in your life. He was sure that your communication was just a minor flirtation, but in fact it turned out to be something more. Maybe he recently experienced a love drama and is not ready to rush into the pool of strong feelings again. But it is possible that his silence is also due to the fact that sex for him is only a physical need, no matter how passionate he may be. Or the guy doesn't want to be emotionally dependent on you.

  • The man did not feel spiritual unity.

Sex is not only physical contact, but also spiritual emotions. After intimacy, the guy was convinced that your communication is only sexual attraction. He does not have serious feelings. Therefore, he decides not to continue a relationship that has no future. And then it is clear why a man does not write after sex.

  • You overdid it too much during sex.

You have decided to demonstrate everything that you know how to do sexually: tricks and techniques taken from books, women's trainings, websites. In this case, the man will decide that the girl has a wealth of experience due to the large number of sexual partners. And if before sex he made plans for long-term communication with you, then this fact will repel him.

  • He got what he wanted.

Sadly, but a fairly common situation when the object of passion disappears after a night out. At the beginning of the relationship, he had plans to drag you into bed without further continuation. As soon as the guy achieved his goal, his interest disappeared.

If, after the first intimacy, the relationship with the young man ceased and the reason for this was one of the reasons indicated above, you should not blame yourself and get upset. It's for the best. It would be doubly painful for you if the breakup happened later, after several meetings, when you would have already gotten used to the man. Forget it and go on with your normal life. Believe me, the second half will definitely find you.

The reasons why a man does not write to a woman after sex can be found in this video:

Why a man does not write: the answer from astrology

Astrologers give their explanation why a man does not write and does not answer.

  • Aries

Representatives of this sign prefer face-to-face communication rather than correspondence on social networks. If Aries is seriously in love, he is ready to spend all his days with the object of his passion. But if he suddenly disappeared and does not make itself felt, it means that he has lost interest in you. Aries fall in love and lose interest equally quickly. Plus, they are easy to offend. And if there is a misunderstanding between you, then the Aries guy will never take the first step towards reconciliation, even when the conflict arose through his fault.

  • Taurus

This sign is very fond of female attention, but only when he really likes a woman. Intrusively achieve communication with Taurus will not work. Representatives of this sign are characterized by measured and balanced decision-making.

  • Twins

Excessive sociability distinguishes Gemini. Even if the guy does not plan a future with you, he will still keep in touch, constantly call and send SMS. And the answer to the question why a man writes and then disappears is simple - he met another object of passion.

These are extremely sensitive natures, even an innocent phrase can offend them. It is worth immediately finding out why the Cancer man does not write. Since if you do not eliminate the cause of misunderstanding, then the young man will decide that he is indifferent to you, and resentment will capture him even more.

The sign speaks for itself. These are strong, strong-willed men. They prefer that women themselves strive to win their attention. Leos will never take the first step towards communication, but it is very easy to infringe on his ego. If the conflict is not immediately resolved, then the Leo guy will find another object of interest in a short time.

  • Virgo

Representatives of this sign willingly demonstrate their attitude, they can call and write ahead of you. But sometimes it is difficult to understand their emotional emotions. Such young people get tired of being the initiators of relationships, it seems to them that the girl devotes little time to communication. In this case, Virgo will be captured by universal resentment, and then it becomes clear why the man does not write.

  • Scales

Calls, tender messages, long conversations - all this is necessary for Libra like air. The Libra man suddenly disappeared, which means that the reason is the appearance of a new passion. But during a conflict, it’s better for a girl to go to reconciliation herself, it’s enough to apologize and say that the quarrel upsets you.

  • Scorpion

Scorpio guys are too quick-tempered and temperamental. The reason why a Scorpio man does not write may lie in a strong emotional shock. It is better not to sort things out immediately after a quarrel, but to wait until the intensity of passions has passed. Otherwise, it is possible that the relationship may end altogether.

  • Sagittarius

Representatives of the fire sign easily make contact. They are not difficult to call and write. They get easily annoyed. But if you talk heart to heart with Sagittarius, the conflict will be resolved pretty quickly.

  • Capricorn

In the first place, Capricorns work. Romantic SMS is not in their spirit at all. They only call for business. It is not worth distracting them with empty talk. If there is a conflict between you, it will be problematic to resolve it. Capricorns will not be the first to reconcile. They will expect initiatives from you and an admission of their own guilt, as well as promises to prevent the recurrence of conflict situations.

  • Aquarius

Aquarians are easy to communicate, they can chat for hours on the phone, discussing all the news. But in a conversation with them, you should be careful in terms, not get personal and not discuss delicate issues. They rarely admit they are wrong, so in the event of a quarrel, the girl should be the first to take the first step.

  • Fish

A man of action, not spatial reasoning. Pressing on pity, crying is not about Pisces. If a girl is guilty, then forgiveness can only be earned by actions that prove her true feelings.

What to do if a man does not write or call for a long time

  • Is a man obligated to initiate communication first?

Of course, in personal relationships, the palm should belong to the strong half. The girl should not look for reasons to justify his behavior, nor should she fantasize or build illusions. As a rule, a woman already from the first meeting understands whether it is a man or not. If the relationship is not going well, then you should not give them several chances.

  • Can a girl take the initiative first

If you really like a young person, you can be the first to send a message with some question or wish. But do not overdo it, do not impose yourself, do not send 100 sms per hour and make the same number of calls. So you can push the man away. Send one message and see how he reacts.

The guy is happy to answer you - communication can be continued. If he does not show himself in any way or his answers are monosyllabic, it is better not to waste your time. Relationships are a two-way process, both must build and work on them.

  • How to get a man to talk to you more often

Initially, you should not blame the man, trying to understand why he rarely writes and calls. Do not show your anxiety and confusion. Keep calm. Try to shift your attention to other things. After all, you have your own life: work, study, meeting friends, hobbies.

Young people do not like hysterical girls. Of course, you can let him know that you are worried about where he has gone, that he does not answer calls and messages. But you don’t have to sit by the phone day and night, waiting for a call. You can intrigue the guy a little, not answer the call, or say that now there is no time to talk and you will dial it yourself.

Men are by nature hunters and conquerors. It is important for them to achieve the location of a woman. If you easily get him, he may quickly lose the desire to continue the relationship.

Details on whether it is worth starting communication first are described in the video:

Relationship experts suggest shifting your attention and focusing on your own personality. No need to indulge in blues, despondency, shed tears all night long because your relationship has ended. Work on yourself, become better than you were.

  1. Personal development. Maybe you have long wanted to take up vocals, bake cakes, paint with sand, sculpt toys or sew. Do not put off these desires any further, parting is a good period for new hobbies. In addition, a hobby perfectly helps to switch attention from an unpleasant situation.
  2. Change outwardly. Go to a spa, get a new haircut, visit a beautician. All these external manifestations will kindle the inner light in you. And no man will pass by such a woman.
  3. Shopping. It is known to be the best medicine for women. Go shopping with a friend and be sure to get a stunning dress and shoes and "walk" all this in a restaurant in the near future.
  4. Style change. If up to this time you have only gone in business suits, maybe it's time to become a more romantic person, in dresses and frilly blouses. For this purpose, it is better to turn to professional stylists.
  5. Make time for yourself. It is possible that you have launched yourself: the lack of manicure, pedicure, styling. This misunderstanding needs to be corrected urgently. Do not forget that men first evaluate the appearance of a woman.
  6. Get some adrenaline into your life. A flight in a wind tunnel, a quest, a trip to an exotic country - all this will give an unforgettable experience, and there will simply be no time for sadness.
  7. No loneliness. A day or two is allowed to feel sorry for yourself, to watch a tearful melodrama, but no more. Arrange a bachelorette party, go to an exhibition, to the cinema.

Thank you for reading this article to the end

Hello, my name is Yaroslav Samoilov. I am an expert in the psychology of relationships and over the years of practice I have helped more than 10,000 girls meet worthy halves, build harmonious relationship and return love and understanding to families that were on the verge of divorce.

More than anything, I am inspired by the happy eyes of students who meet the people of their dreams and enjoy a truly vibrant life.

My goal is to show women a way to develop relationships that will help them create a synergy of success and happiness!

In numerous letters from readers, to which I regularly answer in my articles, questions about relationships with men have become frequent lately. Summer, heat, passions, meetings... Many people doubt the correctness of actions, they need advice and a look from the outside.

Let's look at an example from which I launched a whole discussion. The situations from it may be similar to yours, and it will be easier for you to understand and find your individual answer.

The question was asked: " If a man does not call after three meetings, but only sometimes sends SMS, how to understand him?

So: if after three meetings a man does not call, disappears for a while - does it matter what kind of meetings they were? How did the contact come about? But even if you take it in general, in general, there are different stages in a relationship:

  1. First stage(attraction) is actively manifested in everyone: a man, a woman - they liked it, stretched. A man turned on more sexuality, a woman - some kind of intellectual component ... And now a man with his passions is next to you. You, too, may have some passions. And then it seems like a small victory happened, he deserved your attention. You agreed to some level of intimacy as you value yourself and what your own intentions were.
  2. And then, second phase, at some point (it happens in 99 percent of cases - this is the norm), the man moves away a little. This is very important to him! This is not uncertainty, this is a moment of weighing, a moment of healthy doubt, when a man double-checks at all - does he need all this, does he need this relationship, does he need this woman or everything that was possible, he received, and she is ordinary, there is no point waste time and energy on it.

A lot will depend on what was at the first stage of attraction, how much you carried him away and showed that you have a lot of everything, and not just a physical shell, a primitive physical attraction; how much dignity you have, how much you respect yourself, how much you believe in yourself; how confident you are that you are beautiful and worth seeking, deserving your attention and caring for.

Now, after all, it has become customary on the first or second date to go to bed and stay overnight. Moreover, this is absolutely unhealthy for a woman: there is a feeling of emotional hunger, being used, even in the case when she also seems to have enjoyed it.

Some men, of course, like to talk about how you enjoy it too. Type: "Well, what, you also want ... I can see ... I can feel it". Purely physically, your body can respond, react - this is normal. But here is the question of your respect for yourself, especially if you know that in general you will not get the fullness of sensations, really intimacy, fullness from such a quick relationship.

One of the women's mistakes- women often agree to the speed of a man. His blood boiled - and that's it, the woman is right there: "Well, of course, well, how about ... If they wanted me, then you can’t refuse".

There is a saying about this: "If you give to everyone, the bed will break".

For some reason, they forget about this and immediately come up with themselves "Well, he's not everyone! I liked him so much" and so on and so forth…

In fact, you know him very often one or two evenings. And somehow it turns out that he is completely for you and nobody Not a husband, not a loved one. So, he passed by ... But the woman herself makes a mistake and surrenders her fortress, afraid to be left alone.

The bottom line is that if a man really deserves you, and you "hooked" him in a good way, showed your versatility, that you have this and that, and you are interesting, and also emotional, and also intellectual, and not only sexy - he will court, he will achieve, because men are interested in it.

Surely you have come across situations when there is some kind of unnecessary boyfriend, but still does not unhook. You blew him off once, and blew him off twice, and it seems that you didn’t even show him half your ankle, but he is head over heels in love with you. And very often, if you analyze it, you can understand that it was just the right strategy, worthy. You gave him a turn from the gate, or set a little more distance, did not let him get close to the body, and he read this precisely as a test, as something that he needs to prove himself; that he has a goal, a peak that needs to be conquered. He tried to do something for you: courting you, inviting you somewhere, taking you somewhere, helping you with something. And he is already sincerely attached to you, in a good way attached. This person already knew you. He does something for you, he tries for you, because by doing this he makes you happier, and therefore feels great.

And if after the first couple of meetings a man only said a kind word to you and you have already spread everything in front of him, then he has nothing to achieve further. It is a rare case when he immediately saw and fell in love with something inner, deeper in you - then he will remain, but for the most part - no, he will not see this depth right away ... If you surrendered on the first floor, then he will be too lazy to rise above.

There is a good one on this joke: " A store was opened in the city where husbands are sold. The store has 5 floors. The higher the floor, the better husbands, and higher prices.

There are three rules:

  1. You cannot return to the previous floor;
  2. If the choice has already been made, it cannot be changed, returned or exchanged;
  3. This store can only be visited once in a lifetime. One day a woman walks into the store.

On the first floor with a sign that reads: "Men who make good money and are good-looking are sold here".

"That's lovely", the woman thought, but went to the 2nd floor.

On the second floor plate: "It sells men who make good money, are good-looking and love children".

"Great! It's generally great ... but I'll go further", the woman decided. And went to the 3rd floor.

On the 3rd There was also a sign on the floor: "Here are sold men who earn well, good-looking, love children and help with the housework."

"Oh! This is an ideal husband, what else do you need ...? But what then is on the 4th floor ?!" and she went on.

plate on the 4th floor read: "Here men are sold who make good money, are good-looking, love children, help with the housework and are very romantic".

"I have to buy it! It's wonderful! But... there's also a 5th floor" and, reluctantly, with a great desire to buy a husband on the 4th floor, but driven by curiosity, the woman went to the 5th floor.

On the 5th floor there was a sign: "We're sorry, but husbands are not for sale here. This floor was created in order to once again prove that women always want more. You are 1,976,853 visitors. Not a single woman has left the store with a purchase yet".

In order not to violate equality, on the contrary, they opened a store where you can buy a wife. The visiting rules are the same. Also 5 floors.

A man once walked into this store. Sign on the 1st floor: "Women who love sex are sold here". Not a single man has gone further than the first floor ...

The moral in the context of the article is hopefully clear: give a man access to sex, he will stop there.

Let's go back to the moment when, after the stage of attraction, a man has doubts, and he can disappear.

This is a normal natural stage: to doubt, to rethink, to check whether it is worth continuing at all. Absolutely normal period. And here it is very important for a woman to be patient, calm and able to wait.

After a first date, or even after several meetings with a man you like, you eagerly wait for him to call or text, but so far silence? This happens quite often.

The first advice - do not impose on the gentleman, do not torment yourself that he does not call. Your inadequate behavior will not lead you to success, on the contrary, even if a man feels mutual sympathy for you, he will try to stay away from a woman whose actions cause bewilderment and irritation. Consider why guys abruptly stop calling and texting after the first meeting, what is male psychology what girls should do in such a situation and whether it is possible to call first at the beginning of a relationship.

If he stopped calling and writing, what could this mean and how to behave? He can be silent for several days or a week for several reasons. Sometimes it is difficult to figure out why your man is silent.

If you did not wait for the call after having a first date, if the one with whom you have been together for several years forgets about your existence, if the silence lasts two days, a week or much more - in order to understand how to behave, you need to consider each case separately. The reasons here may be different, and advice on how to behave to a woman will also be different.

Consider the main reasons why the guy stopped calling, and what to do with this woman:

  1. Silence after the first date. After a wonderful evening, you feel wings behind your back, return home, full of happiness and plans for the future, but there is no call or message from the man either this day or the next. Most likely, a man does not call on purpose, as he needs a pause to understand and deal with his feelings. Psychologists have an opinion that guys are often afraid of their own feelings. Men need time to decide on a relationship. This statement is only suitable if the silence lasts a couple of days. If it dragged on for several weeks, it is hardly worth waiting for the man to return to your life.
  2. Too many feelings. The result of the first date can be sad - the gentleman may be afraid of an excess of emotions on the part of a woman. It is difficult for men to express all their feelings at the first meeting, especially if they are just emerging. If throughout a romantic meeting a girl clearly expresses her love, dreams of what dress she will marry, what she will name her children, where to spend a joint vacation, the young man will prefer to stay away from such a decisive lady.
  3. Not everything is so fabulous. Women perfectly imitate pleasure in bed, and men know how to look interested, enthusiastic. If the last date turned out to be wonderful, funny, memorable for you, it’s not a fact that a man thinks about your meeting the same way. Maybe he was just pretending to be interested in your stories about figure skating or a recently watched love series. Remember exactly how your date went. Did only you speak or did the chosen one sincerely support the conversation? All of a sudden you're the only one interested?
  4. Recent quarrel. If you have a serious fight with a man, it is not surprising that he does not call, does not send messages. Usually, after a quarrel, men expose themselves as a victim, expecting that the woman will be the first to make contact. Many guys are extremely negative about attacks from a partner, especially if they consider the cause of the scandal to be insignificant. It is easier for men to lie low while waiting for the girl to calm down. Loud showdowns are something that men cannot stand. If you are a fan of throwing tantrums out of the blue, remember that one day your partner will disappear forever.
  5. He doesn't like phone calls. Some men do not like to call, write messages. They prefer to communicate live. Only a special need makes them pick up a gadget. If you are planning a relationship with such a man, accept that his love is not expressed by missed calls or received messages.
  6. Employment. Very often the phrase “was busy” is used as a standard excuse, but if you have fallen for a careerist, a responsible employee, do not be surprised that it takes a long time to wait for news from him. His silence can be explained by unexpected difficulties, a lucrative contract, important negotiations. In this case, remember that the chosen one went headlong into work, pushing other areas of life into the background.
  7. Financial difficulties. Some modern girls have great demands in material terms. They are not attracted to walks in the park, reading poetry under the moonlight. They prefer to meet in cinemas, cafes, bowling alleys, etc. Of course, this is very costly for the gentleman, since a real man considers it his duty to pay for entertainment events. If you've known each other recently, it's probably hard for a guy to admit to you that he's having money problems and can't afford to take you on a date to a place where you have to pay.
  8. Ordinary bastard. Unfortunately, this happens quite often. If you are faced with a womanizer, you can give only one piece of advice - to be more careful in meeting with the opposite sex. He achieved his goal, you succumbed to his charm. On this, his mission is over, he calmly goes in search of another fan. It is unlikely that you will see or hear him again - second dates with womanizers are an impossible thing. Don't waste time waiting for a call after spending the night with him. Having fed you tales about his successful and cool business, seduced you with yacht trips, driving an expensive car (probably for rent), he forgot about you with a light heart, having received what he wanted. It is pointless for him to spend money on you.
  9. Married Cavalier. The presence of a legal spouse or permanent girlfriend is another common reason why you cannot wait for a call / message. Being in a long-term serious relationship, a man loses the instinct of a hunter, he needs recharge. Flirting with an attractive stranger at a corporate party is not a reason to continue communicating with her further.
  10. Lack of reciprocity. This option is suitable for the situation if you just met. If after the first date the man does not call back, it means that he realized that you are not suitable for him. Do not take it too personally, do not consider yourself ugly, stupid, uninteresting. Probably, the guy considered himself inappropriate for you, it seemed to him that your requirements for men are somewhat overstated, or you just have different interests and goals in life.

It happens that you can’t wait for the initiative from the guy, but he always makes contact if the girl calls or writes herself. This behavior is explained by no less number of reasons than silence.

Periodically calls: what does it mean and what to do?

If the first date is behind you, you communicate very rarely and on the phone, then it is most likely that the man reminds himself with periodic calls and checks whether you are ready. Remember, for such a man you are just an alternate airfield. Do not take his calls seriously, do not build illusions.

Remember, you, like any other girl, deserve to be beautifully looked after, and not waste your time on your own getting rid of boredom. Minimize occasional telephone conversations that are not followed by an invitation to a date. Refer to important matters interesting activities. Let the man know that you are not on his hook. This will force him to take drastic action or leave you alone. If the gentleman disappears from your life, then there was little interest in you.

How to behave in such a situation? Should you call first? It's hardly worth taking the first step. If a man is interested in you, he will dial your number. Always remember that this is not the only and not the last man in the world. Your independence from him will make him appreciate you. Do not show the gentleman that you are only doing that you are waiting for news from him for days.

Do not show a man that you are constantly thinking about him

If he thinks you have low self-esteem, it will give him an idea to use you. It will be convenient for him. However, love, respect can not be obtained.

Any man wants his chosen one to be self-sufficient, positive, without obsession with anything. A woman who is ready to run to a man at any moment, bombarding him with messages, cutting off the phone, will never be interesting.

Every guy has a hunter's instinct, he likes to charm, conquer, catch up when they run away from him. If you run towards him, he will lose his taste for you.

Give up any thought of pursuing the object of adoration! This is one of the most common mistakes among women. If there is no call, then the man has reasons. Do not console yourself with stupid hopes, dreams, and moreover, do not throw tantrums. Breathe a sigh of relief that thanks to his decision, you got rid of a relationship that has no future.

Cases where this is possible

However, there are situations when you still have to call the gentleman first, but there are few of them:

  • You left something important with him. These can be apartment/work keys, documents, etc. To return the forgotten, do not sit waiting for his call, call yourself. But do not manipulate, do not invent a similar reason to meet.
  • After the meeting, he was not online for a long time. If a day has passed, and the man did not appear on social networks, although he used to be constantly online, you can call and find out if something happened to him.
  • The date was not the first. In the case of a long and close communication, you can dial his number yourself. The gentleman interested in you will be glad of your initiative.

The main thing is to objectively look at any situation, do not let your imagination run wild. Not a single man in the world is worthy of you crying because of him and underestimating your self-esteem.

The main advice of all psychologists is to focus on yourself. If the gentleman has disappeared, does not want to continue communication with you, do not let depression enter your life. Make every effort, become more attractive, more interesting, so that next man was amazed by you.

  1. Development. Come up with a new hobby for yourself: equestrianism, yoga, felting toys from wool, massage courses, painting, dancing - do what gives you pleasure.
  2. Image change. Most women believe that new style changes their lives for the better. Thanks to the change of image, they attract more attention to themselves. Brightness, grooming, beauty - it's hard not to notice such a woman.
  3. Wardrobe update. An option not only to enhance attractiveness, but also to cheer up. Almost any woman will not give up shopping. Buying a new dress, bright shoes, a radical change in style - do not deny yourself this.
  4. Appearance. Maybe the chosen one became less interested in you due to the fact that the relationship affected your appearance, you became not as well-groomed as at the beginning of the novel? Remember, men love when a beautiful lady is next to them. Be beautiful, no matter if you are together for two weeks or ten years.
  5. Vivid impressions. Give yourself positive emotions - go to Thailand, skydive, go to car races. Make your old dreams come true. So you can put up with parting less painfully, get rid of bad thoughts.
  6. Exit to the people. Do not lock yourself in four walls. Of course, you can afford to burst into tears under a sad love drama, seizing longing with ice cream or cake. But not more than one or two days! So you can spoil your figure, and this is completely useless. Get off the couch, call your friends and move forward to new adventures!

Yesterday it seemed that in all respects it was clear and smooth, it was easy and comfortable with a man, but today he disappeared without explanation? Do not draw premature conclusions. We will try to figure out why the guy abruptly stopped communicating, depending on the situation. You will find out what the reasons for this may be if you have been together for a long time, if you kept in touch exclusively by correspondence, or if you only had the first and last date.

To answer the question, you need to consider how long you have been talking on the Internet.

There may be the following reasons for terminating virtual communication:

  • Loss of interest. If the meeting did not take place in real life after 3-6 months from the beginning of the correspondence, then it most likely will not happen anymore.
  • Lack of time for correspondence. Perhaps he works a lot or is overwhelmed with problems to which the males react very painfully.
  • Understanding that your dating goals are different. For example, you want a serious relationship, and he is looking for a girl for joint leisure or sex, or vice versa.
  • intervention of another. It may well be that a more interesting interlocutor has appeared on the site.

This article will help you understand in more detail. You will learn about the main causes and ways to eradicate them, you will be able to write a competent text to send a message first.

Reasons why a man does not appear after the first meeting

Perhaps he realized that he was not ready for a serious relationship, but to admit it to the face of a girl? No, the guy is not capable of such courage. Therefore, your potential fiancé chose to tactfully retreat with minimal losses.

Another option - having met with you and remembering his past painful experience, he was most likely afraid to repeat it again and burn himself again. In this case, he may still appear in your life when he is emotionally more mature.

And the last thought, why communication began to cease to be active - he just didn’t like you. It is difficult to determine their emotions by the faces of some men, but usually a woman intuitively understands whether her interlocutor liked her. Appearance, character, demeanor, some bad habits could repel.

It's also likely that you didn't know. Here it says how to start a conversation, how to maintain it and what phrases to end with, so that the man suggests meeting again.

What could happen if a loved one does not get in touch

Yes, it is unpleasant and insulting when a person with whom everything was fine in the past suddenly disappeared. Here are the TOP 6 reasons to explain why active communication may have come to naught:
  1. fell out of love. Alas, this happens. Your partner simply felt that the relationship had outlived itself and decided to end it. and what to do in such a situation? We answered these questions in another article.
  2. He doesn't like your character. Many men do not accept causticity, tantrums, “sawing” in women.
  3. frivolous intentions. Perhaps he regarded you as light entertainment, a girl for one evening, for flirting and having a good time. Such a man has no place in your life.
  4. Difficulties in life. He has a difficult period, which he wants to endure alone, perhaps there are problems at work, in the family, with health.
  5. Meeting another. He met a more beautiful, smart and interesting girl.
  6. Lack of desire to develop relationships. He does not want to bring them to new level(coexistence, marriage, children), therefore, he preferred to stop communicating altogether in order to avoid accusations.

Other reasons why a guy can actively communicate at first, and then suddenly end the relationship are disputes, misunderstandings, understatement, which only indicate that this is not your person. This article will help you understand. You will also learn what you can and cannot do in this situation.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women". You will receive a 12-step step-by-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for years to come.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

What to do in such a situation

Remember that there are different situations in life. Before you do something, you need to calm down and stop panicking, come up with the most unpleasant reasons. Just let go of the situation and try not to wait every second for his call or message. Call - fine, no - no problem. Such a simple attitude to the situation will help you save your nerves and draw cold-blooded conclusions about a person.

If your relationship is serious, step over your pride and write or call him yourself.

Unobtrusively ask about his loss, without "arrivals" and claims. He will have to answer you. Perhaps he had serious problems, with which he did not want to load his soul mate and therefore preferred to disappear for a while. If he did not answer, he probably already put an end to your relationship. In this case, ask your mutual friends if nothing happened to him. If they say that everything is in order, text him. Say that you are worried about him, and that you feel that something is going wrong, offer to meet yourself and dot the “and”.

This is a science that we comprehend all our lives. But the main advice voiced by psychologists boils down to the fact that we should not depend on a partner and not allow him to be dependent on us. Leave for yourself and your beloved personal space.

Do not be rude or sarcastic to your partner. Be soft and feminine, but remember to be just as gentle on your own sometimes. A man should not feel that you command him, but do not let him command you either. Remember that you are a weak woman and give him the opportunity to help himself even in small things and support you in difficult times.

You should not feel sorry for a man with any problems. Just believe in him and treat him as if he has already achieved success and has a bright future ahead of him. He will certainly appreciate your unobtrusive support.

And also be careful in communication, because the wrong words can put an end to the relationship. Here are the ones that should never be spoken aloud.

Highly helpful tips can be found in this video, it is clear that the man has a wealth of experience:

Before you sound the alarm and pounce on the guy with accusations and demands to explain your behavior, remember that you are a beautiful, smart, talented girl! You have to run...