Hot Caucasian guys. Caucasian men should be feared and bypassed Why do I have the right to write about Caucasian guys

Recently, Ramzan Kadyrov said:

“Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. It is inhabited by people of different nationalities. Therefore, the Chechens who are there must become the face of our people, act in such a way that they are spoken of only from the best side.

Apparently it's hot. I am far from racist and I perfectly understand that Russia is a multinational country, where the very concept of “Russian” includes not only ethnic Russians or even Slavs in general, but also any other citizen of our country.

For a foreigner, a Russian is both a Tatar, and an Udmurt, and a Mordvin, and a Dagestani with a Chechen. But inside the country we still divide ourselves into different nationalities.

Yes, and how not to share, especially when shots are heard from the wedding procession in the center of Moscow, typical for a Caucasian wedding?

Yes, let them be single. Yes, even on a joyful event. Yes, they do not pose a danger to others, but still this scares people, because we live in a turbulent world where terrorist attacks and shootings are possible. Who knows who gets scared and gets a heart attack?

I once read that when leaving for Moscow, hot Caucasian guys who behaved well on small homeland, change drastically and go off the rails. Is it only Caucasians? No, any student who entered the metropolitan university does not behave at all like at home. From a sissy in a matter of days, he turns into a reveler-guy. And where was that affectionate son who became a fucking son today?

The other day, out of the corner of my ear, I heard Dibrov in Fashionable, it seems, a sentence. No, I don’t watch it, don’t be happy right away, I just turned on the TV for the daytime news. So here's what he said, quoting from memory:

“Don't wear black. Do not wrap yourself in scary clothes, but dress beautifully, with taste, because leaving the house, you become part of the city. By your clothes, by your faces, people judge not only Moscow, but the whole country.”

I really liked this idea. And it's not about the clothes. After all, a lezginka about a birthday in the courtyard of a sleeping microdistrict is also an indicator of what we are.

Kadyrov doesn't just talk like that. If he decides to impose exemplary discipline among Chechen students, he will do it. Arriving in the capital, you need to show off not to those who will stuff someone in the face with a crowd, but to those who behave better.

I would very much like to live in such a country, in such a city, where representatives of each nationality try to show their best sides. Chechens are cheerful, Georgians are hospitable, Armenians are smart, Tatars are beautiful. Then, you see, we will become kinder to each other, and we will live better.

Why am I? How do you feel about people of other nationalities?


Recently, Ramzan Kadyrov said: “Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. It is inhabited by people of different nationalities. Therefore, the Chechens who are there must become the face of our people, act in such a way that they are spoken of only from the best side. Apparently it's hot. I am far from racist, etc.


“Chechen husband - be careful” and I want to turn to the author: how are you doing, how did your relationship with your Chechen develop later? Your story reminded me very much of mine, 20 years ago, which I often remember lately.

I was 17, and I was not even kissed (I am Russian), not spoiled, good, although there were fans. By chance then I met a Chechen and did not even think of meeting him (my father hated Caucasian men), although I really liked him at first sight.

He called me to marry, really wanted a child, was courteous at first, our first kiss is still hard to forget. But I also had to stop communicating with him, because. he tried to rape me, and the next time I decided to believe him again, he did it (I didn’t want to get married or have children - at 17 I was a child myself).

I was in such shock, I was afraid to tell someone, I stopped seeing him, although I was already in love ... He called for a long time, asked for a meeting, threatened that he would come (he did not know my father’s address, where I lived), and even “ apologized" - asked to forget all the bad things.

I hung up, got offended, angry, but did not see him. To spite him and in general, in order to forget, I met with another, and he immediately found out from somewhere (on the same day, and I lived in a huge city), a drunk called, interrogated.

I must say that I was very proud and could not forgive him. True, after a while I began to regret very much that I had stopped meeting with him then, because. I was very attracted to him. Later I found out through mutual friends that he was imprisoned ...

He called me for the last time six months later (when they released me), and then disappeared again. And two years later I married a Frenchman (about French men) and left the country. By that time, the Chechen war had begun ... I still think how my life would have turned out if not for him. After that story, I could not come to my senses for a long time, it was hard to believe someone.

I don't know what is better - to love and suffer or not to love at all? Sometimes it seems that the first. Men, be more noble with women!

Olga, letter to the editor site

March 19, 2012

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41 comments on “ Caucasian men should be feared and bypassed

  1. ANYA:

    Olga is actually a nasty story. How could he do this to you then?! Why do you think such an attitude is just a person who wanted one thing from you. He knew perfectly well that you were so innocent and did so. In the Caucasus, if you dare to touch a girl like that, then the brothers of this girl have the right to find such a person and kill him. I think they take advantage of the fact that the Russians and no one will touch them ... there is no fear, but it's a pity, it's a pity that our men will never stand up for girls ...

  2. Olga:

    ANYA, sorry for seeing your post late. Now I think it was my own fault. The fact is that there was sympathy, trust. He did not believe that I was innocent, or said so on purpose. He called me to get married and wanted a child right away, and he was only 20. And when I realized that I didn’t want to (besides, there were words that the child would be taken away to be raised by parents in Chechnya ...), he used violence. As I now understand, it’s normal for them to steal girls, even if they disagree, so what can you argue about then. Apparently, the mentalities are different and we Russians will never understand or accept this. My father could also use force, which is why I was afraid to tell him this.


    But Russians, as a rule, do not have such harsh customs as in the Caucasus. Of course, I know very good and decent Caucasians, both girls and guys. A lot of my friends live there, but this is not Chechnya. The girls themselves suffer from such harsh customs, sometimes it’s hard for them to come to terms with certain moments in life. Husbands are different for everyone.

  4. Olga:

    Of course, Caucasians are different. I did not speak for everyone, but only for one Chechen whom I knew. After this incident, I stopped believing in men, and it took time to forget. I think that the Chechen culture here all the same "moreover" t to any Russian will not come to mind (except for maniacs) forcibly "win love." This is what scares.

    • Yerlan:

      I live in Kazakhstan. I have friends a kilometer away. I have no right to judge my friends. After all, it was my choice. ❗

  5. ANYA:

    I think it's all the same that Caucasians are very deceitful - 80% for sure! I have a lot of examples to prove this. All my acquaintances are liars and go over the ears of girls. They like to say that they are ready to get married (although they themselves have wives and children) - do not believe them! Even the girls from the Caucasus themselves warn Russian girls - that you need to be careful with their guys, because the deceivers are still the same !! Yes, and the Caucasian himself can honestly and frankly admit that he will walk from lawful wife! So if you fall in love with a Caucasian, it's better to get to know him better! Because, just like that, they cannot bring a Russian bride into the house - there are special customs and rituals in the Caucasus for marriage! The matchmakers from the groom's side always come to the bride, set the price of the ransom, and only then only the wedding day! Brides sometimes may not even see their future husband - only at a wedding (or from a photo). So do not believe many of these storytellers, because a true Caucasian always marries only a girl of his own nationality - they only accept blood marriages !! in 5% of cases they marry Russians. there are families that endure everything, and there are those of which Russian daughters-in-law simply become obsolete so that she leaves, in order to later accuse her of disobedience! So draw your own conclusions! I am writing what I know, heard and saw from my friends!

  6. Olga:

    yes, I already made conclusions a long time ago ... I just told my story. about deceivers, it is everywhere, in any country. whom I know from Russian girls, all are officially married, live in Russia, not without problems, but they got married. of course, anyone can embellish and you need to keep your eyes open with them. I don’t think that marrying a Caucasian will improve me in some way, rather the opposite ... that’s why I wasn’t in a hurry and I don’t advise others, all the same, a completely different environment and customs for us pretty old fashioned. it's not true that they marry only their own, it's their girls who come up with competition. and not all Russians want for Caucasians... but when there is mutual love and respect (in any nation, by the way), you can endure everything.

  7. ANYA:

    yes no Olga, just my friends do not embellish this .. there is no special competition for Caucasians. many of them toil, toil with Russian girls, and leave. full of such examples. I rarely heard that there were wonderful or happy marriages with Caucasians. 5% live of course, but it cost these girls to go through hell. but all my friends say that they never marry a Russian. I ask why? there is only one answer, no matter how trite: we have our own language, our own customs and traditions, they say the Russians cannot understand us !! that's the whole answer!

  8. Marianne:

    And not only Caucasians say this about Russian girls Anya! Muslims think the same, if not worse! They all adhere to their laws, customs and traditions ... A waste of time, except to spend time, and these men can’t offer ours anything else. )

  9. ANYA:

    I understand Marianne, but everything does not depend on the bearers of the religion of religion - it all depends on that. How did the parents instill these feelings in the child? If a child is told from an early age that only our nation and religion are superior, then this is a sin for parents. My beloved does not think so at all - he has the same attitude towards everyone!

  10. Olga:

    Anya, here you are speaking for Caucasians that they do not marry Russians, but are you yourself Russian? And your loved one is a Muslim? Or do you consider yourself an exception? Of course, cultures are different, and it also depends on the social status of families, upbringing and many other things whether marriage will be happy or not. In any case, if a person puts his religion or culture above a girl, he is not worthy of her. This is what must come from. And I meant competition among girls from the Caucasus, because our girls have always attracted their men (at least outwardly), but they don’t have enough men, but you can’t with strangers ... think for yourself. Yes, and our normal girls do not need Caucasians, to be honest. Let them stay with their own, everyone will be happy :)).

  11. Olga:

    And do not forget also that the head and the heart are not the same thing. Some choose the first, some the second. Everything else is just an excuse.

  12. Elina:

    Our Caucasian guys can very VERY rarely marry a Russian girl, and indeed a girl of non-Caucasian nationality! (there are only a few such cases) We are supposed to marry a girl of our nationality. So that she understands all the traditions. Caucasian guys have such a stereotype that the most decent and good wives- These are only Caucasian girls. They never treat Russians with respect!!! Personally, I do not agree with this, it is not right! Russian girls, I advise you better not to mess with guys of Caucasian nationality. Because they meet with you, go for a walk, and then they marry their own anyway! So it has always been and always will be! I myself am of Caucasian nationality, one Caucasian is now taking care of me, so he doesn’t give a damn whether I agree to communicate with him or not ... We practically don’t borrow each other yet, he is already trying to command me ... don’t go there, don’t go here ... Very it's hard to date our guys... It takes a lot of patience...

  13. Olga:

    It’s for sure that Caucasians need patience ... no, our girls need everything on a silver platter and right away ... therefore, Caucasians are unlikely to win a tender Russian heart.)) But they treat differently, don’t speak for everyone.

  14. Sofia:

    Oh, well, I can’t ... “Caucasian nationality” does not exist in nature. This nonsense was invented by officials from the FMS.
    You cannot compare Georgians and Chechens (sharp enemies), Armenians and Georgians (quiet enemies), Armenians and Azerbaijanis (you know, enemies are enemies).
    In the territories inhabited by Caucasian ethnic groups with adopted Islam, a bad attitude towards Russians is a fact. But at the same time, in Azerbaijan, it is mildly relatively, and there are successful marriages, both “old” and “new”. And in the same Chechnya, you understand.
    And Georgia is full of mixed marriages, and quite successful ones.
    In Armenia, of course, it is smaller (still Soviet times it was one of the most mono-ethnic republics).

    Moreover, the higher the educational qualification of the population (“average”), the more loyal they are to mixed marriages.

  15. Xeniam:

    well, it’s clear that Caucasian women envy ours - “they walk for a walk and marry their own” - and where did you get the idea that those women who sleep with Caucasians GENERALLY CONSIDER THEM AS HUSBANDS ????? they consider them as males in bed - a sort of exotic)) - but about respect - how a woman puts herself like that and will be treated like that - and this is the rule for both Russians and any other men - you just need to not give Caucasians longer - I'm here now I’m meeting with a doug — I’ll marinate him as long as possible))))) — until his roof goes down))) he can’t stand it, it means the road is good, it means there were no feelings and a serious attitude — but he will stand it, it’s good — and he will have respect him to me and I have to him (although it’s hard to endure - he’s very handsome - BUT IT IS NECESSARY :)))

  16. tanya:

    are they special? a nightmare, you don’t need to idealize them. They are the same men as everyone else. And you don’t have to humiliate yourself in front of them, you can show your character, they can raise your hand and hit. into their hands, only they especially love the Slavs, they have a passion for us. But you don’t need to mess with them, NOTHING WILL BE GOOD. And greed doesn’t decorate a man, but they know how to count the money that they spend on a woman. Shame on them.

  17. Ellinochka:

    To count money??? what the hell? No need to treat Caucasians so aggressively! Not all of them are as you describe them here! It's elementary that they only take seriously their own nation, Caucasian girls. It has always been so. Since they talk, communicate with their girls, wives, Russian girls cannot understand this, they are not used to it. As for not having to deal with them, I disagree. For you, they are such animals, but for us, they are quite adequate, understandable for us. I believe that Russian girls should meet, marries for their own nationality, for their own, for RUSSIAN. They don't understand the soul of Caucasians, that's for sure....

  18. tanya:

    Yes, what are you saying, it’s even funny, pathos, pathos. Yes, what’s the problem, they hit us, don’t let us through. And you are Armenian women, if you are so good, why are they cheating. thereby showing that you are better than us. You know a man can be called a real MAN by a woman and nationality has nothing to do with it. Maybe I'm wrong, I judge by one and this is minus my ex-man. Faith is lost, but it's hard to return it.

  19. ANYA:

    Everywhere there are enough bad stories from communication with Caucasians. Before you start communicating with them, you need to give yourself the attitude that nothing serious can happen with them, and even more so it’s stupid to think about the future. I would never have allowed my daughter to meet with a Caucasian, and even more so to marry!

  20. Alina:

    Good morning girls!!! I’m 25 and here’s my story…….I’m Russian, he’s an Abaz…..were together for almost two years, met, only spent time together…….his family was against me, but he always told me that he would solve this problem, but recently where a couple of months ago he started acting strangely: he began to call, write less, and when I call, he says I’m busy, I’ll call you back .... and may not dial ... .. recently I burned that he was talking to another girl ... I ask him for why are you talking to her and how in general? What does he say just like that ... .. and in general I don’t communicate with anyone .... but I burned SMS and calls ... he tells me I love you and will always be with you but the family is against and as I understand this girl he needs, as it were for mothers for the wedding .... by the way, he is also 25 ... .. I say I will always be with you ... I told him you decide either me or that girl ... ... he says YOU !!! I say then let's call her and say that there will be no more communication between you ... to which he said that he will not call anyone .... and this continues to this day ... ..says that he loves me, but does not choose me, does not call , does not write….(((((((

    • Tatyana:

      Alina what advice, you already understood everything to the fullest. Nothing will happen. No, there will be a waste of your time

  21. Olya:

    Love is an emotion, but in order for you to succeed, you need evidence. It seems to me that nothing will work out for you, no matter how hard it will be, but it’s better for you to leave.

  22. DaLana:

    And I just feel sorry for our girls who waste their time on Caucasian guys. Due to my youth (I just turned 18) I married an Armenian… Nothing good! About six months ago I talked with a doug ... - we have a completely different mentality. In general, if you want to be a powerless and downtrodden aunt, completely dependent on the commands of a brutal and walking male, then this is yours! In addition, they are very mercantile and do not like to spend money on a woman! Before you throw yourself into the pool with your head, pliz, check the man for about a month or two))) and these guys, even when checking relationships, all character flaws come out for at least three months ... I would no longer communicate with them closely and closely ... but this is my subjective opinion ... IMHO ANOTHER MENTALITY

  23. Irina:

    And I have such a story: I met a Caucasian guy for more than a month I met him, the maximum that was held by the hand a couple of times and a kiss on the cheek, I live in Sochi, he said from Stavropol, I immediately set conditions that I would only meet for a serious relationship and what? How many times I asked him why you are not married (he is 33 years old) he said that he had not found his beloved (((And on the May holidays he went home to himself, but some strange one arrived! I started asking, again and he nevertheless admitted , that he has been married for 8 years, his wife is 23 (((I was in shock, I didn’t have any words at all !!! And he told me: - What did you think serious relationship that married? How else? then? to which she received the answer: - that I will not go against my relatives! And where is the truth? Why deceive? He says: my family is everything to me! Why then are you walking if you love your wife and children? We Russians do not understand this! So why the hell are you walking right and left if you love your wife and family?!!! What kind of love is this? I don't understand(((

  24. Tatyana:

    girls don’t have to mess with them. It’s good that I forgot everything, and I don’t go back to the past anymore. And there won’t be an Armenian in my life anymore, one was enough. I just don’t believe, and I don’t want to anymore.

  25. Lisa:

    I am a Chechen and I am married to a Chechen, we have been living in Russia for 4 years already, we have two beautiful children, my husband messes around with Russian girls, and messes around with Chechens
    sense in a friendly way, and I follow my husband like that, I have never found anyone suspicious, unas (among Muslims) it is forbidden for married women and married men to do magic and admire other women, except for their wife. Why am I saying this, I want to explain that not all men are the same, our girls are very beautiful 😀 I am 18 years old, my husband is 28, my husband loves me very much, he has never been dissatisfied with me and the bed is right and in the kitchen so that it was delicious and we need our men. It’s just that our men are hot, and the Russian girls told me that Russian guys don’t touch their beds at all, and many are impotent because of drunkenness, and therefore you Russians are drawn to our guys yourself, you want to turn them to yourself, it’s good that not all men are the same, and what to observe the sin (zina) who committed such a sin married man In paradise Allah said: no one will fall into both women and men!

    • Annie: I came to my homeland. Since I need to get an education for 4 years. During this time, he can walk up to his heart’s content.. and it’s not that I don’t believe him, but I doubt it ... So, he writes to me every day and sometimes calls. From that moment on, only a month has passed. And he already wrote to me about a serious relationship, about where I would like to live with him .... Milan:

      I know a bunch of Chechen men who walked with Russians and eventually married their own. I know only one case when a Chechen left a Chechen for a Russian. Therefore, I think it is easier to live with a Russian man. and houses are cleaned and wives listen to opinions. If our parents would allow our Caucasian girls to marry Russians, but 70% would definitely marry Russian men.

    • Milan:

      and so Chechen men walk from everyone, Russian or Chechen .... walk in both cases. They are very womanizers and still believe that they can do anything because they are men. So if you think your Chechen has one..then I'll just say Haha) I'm a Chechen myself, I'm dating a Russian Muslim from France. Not one day I did not regret that I was with a Russian guy.

    • Karim:

      Well girls, what a whining! Have you ever wondered why our guys treat you? Because 90% of you drink, smoke, go out from an early age, wander around the clubs, behave ugly, try to adjust the man for you! Of course, they feel and see it all .... and it's not true that in bed they feel better with you than with us. Among us, too, there are skillful mistresses! Who said that you have golden wombs, come down from heaven! Your upbringing is at zero ... this already shows the fact that you are looking for benefits in men in the form of money and gifts. Caucasians need a modest, flexible and obedient woman, not stupid, who knows how to raise children. A Russian woman will bend her line and have a detrimental effect on children. Why stain your blood with them! That's the whole answer. I don't speak for everyone. Among the Russians, there are also very decent ones, but most are exactly like I described, and the small part that this does not concern suffers from the general impression) no offense. But true. And there is absolutely no envy towards you. You are not more beautiful than us and not smarter))) Caucasian girls are the cutest and purest, in their eyes the light shines. Especially Muslim women!

    • gulliver:

      Once I had to work with horsemen .. well, I talked with one in my life .. he told me about how he misses his wife at home .. he had not been at home for 4 years .. but he also shared his joy that his son was born last summer ... I'm in awe .. I ask how so? ..he said that his brother is looking after his wife ... he says that his own blood ... kaput I almost fell .. These are such customs, such customs .. so think Russian women if you are going to get married you will not be left without attention ... ahahah 😉

For all the days of the aggravation of the situation on the line of contact with Azerbaijan, the Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army lost 29 people killed and 101 wounded. According to TASS, this was announced by the head of the operational department of her headquarters Viktor Arstamyan.

In addition, according to him, five civilians and six volunteers were killed. 26 people are considered missing. During the fighting, 14 tanks of the Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army were destroyed, Arstamyan added.

“As a result of the counter-offensive, the Karabakh side returned all its positions,” which the Azerbaijani army seized from the moment the clashes began, he added.

In turn, the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan reported that during the fightingactions on the line of contact in Karabakh, the country's armed forces lost 31 servicemen, RIA Novosti reports.

Speaking about the losses of military equipment, the head press services Azerbaijani Defense Ministry Vagif Dargahly said that since the beginning of hostilities, Azerbaijani troops have lost only one tank.

“The Armenian side claims that 24 tanks of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces were allegedly destroyed. This is misinformation,” he told the agency.

Earlier on Tuesday, April 5, it was reported that the conflicting parties had reached an agreement on a ceasefire.

The truce in the conflict zone in Nagorno-Karabakh was violated on the night of April 2, 2016. Ethnic confrontation, which escalated in the late 80s and early 90s of the last century, escalated into armed clashes in 1991, when the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. Baku tried to bring the region under its control by force, but failed. In May 1994, representatives of the parliaments of Azerbaijan, Armenia and the unrecognized NKR signed the Bishkek protocol on a truce with the mediation of Russia.

March 5th, 2015 , 11:00 am

Hot caucasian guys

Recently, Ramzan Kadyrov said:

“Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. It is inhabited by people of different nationalities. Therefore, the Chechens who are there must become the face of our people, act in such a way that they are spoken of only from the best side.

Apparently it's hot. I am far from racist and I perfectly understand that Russia is a multinational country, where the very concept of “Russian” includes not only ethnic Russians or even Slavs in general, but also any other citizen of our country.

For a foreigner, a Russian is both a Tatar, and an Udmurt, and a Mordvin, and a Dagestani with a Chechen. But inside the country we still divide ourselves into different nationalities.

Yes, and how not to share, especially when shots are heard from the wedding procession in the center of Moscow, typical for a Caucasian wedding?

Yes, let them be single. Yes, even on a joyful event. Yes, they do not pose a danger to others, but still this scares people, because we live in a turbulent world where terrorist attacks and shootings are possible. Who knows who gets scared and gets a heart attack?

I once read that when leaving for Moscow, hot Caucasian guys who behaved well in their small homeland change dramatically and go crazy. Is it only Caucasians? No, any student who entered the metropolitan university does not behave at all like at home. From a sissy in a matter of days, he turns into a reveler-guy. And where was that affectionate son who became a fucking son today?

The other day, out of the corner of my ear, I heard Dibrov in Fashionable, it seems, a sentence. No, I don’t watch it, don’t be happy right away, I just turned on the TV for the daytime news. So here's what he said, quoting from memory:

“Don't wear black. Do not wrap yourself in scary clothes, but dress beautifully, with taste, because leaving the house, you become part of the city. By your clothes, by your faces, people judge not only Moscow, but the whole country.”

I really liked this idea. And it's not about the clothes. After all, a lezginka about a birthday in the courtyard of a sleeping microdistrict is also an indicator of what we are.

Kadyrov doesn't just talk like that. If he decides to impose exemplary discipline among Chechen students, he will do it. Arriving in the capital, you need to show off not to those who will stuff someone in the face with a crowd, but to those who behave better.

I would very much like to live in such a country, in such a city, where representatives of each nationality try to show their best sides. Chechens are cheerful, Georgians are hospitable, Armenians are smart, Tatars are beautiful. Then, you see, we will become kinder to each other, and we will live better.

Why am I? How do you feel about people of other nationalities?

Hello dear blog readers. Today I decided to publish another explosive article, which, I am sure, will cause a lot of controversy. It all started with the fact that in the article, many began to "throw stones" in the direction of the guys. One reader even sent me an angry letter in the mail: “Exactly caucasian guys guilty of the fact that we girls are losing our chastity.

I could not even imagine that everything I wrote would cause such a resonance. Imagine, over 300 comments have so far been left by readers to that article. And, indeed, many readers blamed the Caucasian guys for all the “sins” of the girls. I am sure that after reading this article, you will get answers to many questions. Moreover, there is reason to believe that caucasian guys in their opinion on this article will be divided into two groups - those who share my views, and those who categorically disagree with me.

Immediately I want to ask you not to scold me too much in the comments. After all, I write my opinion, but someone may not like it. By the way, it will be very interesting to read the opinion of the girls, because it was you who practically "forced" me to write this article. Therefore, se la vie, that is - I ask you to love and favor! So let's get started...

Why do I have the right to write about Caucasian guys?

And who else to write about them, if not a guy from the Caucasus? Despite the fact that I have been living mainly outside the North Caucasus for seven years now, I still very often communicate with guys from the Caucasian republics. In addition, I have a lot of relatives, friends and acquaintances in Ingushetia, North Ossetia, Kabarda, Azerbaijan, and so on. In general, today young Caucasian guys can be found in any corner of Russia.

In general, I myself experienced a prejudice several times on the basis of the fact that I come from the south. The last time this happened was in St. Petersburg, when my friends and I were not allowed into one “supposedly cultural” institution. Previously, I would have begun to understand, but now I understand that “I won’t be enough” for everyone. By the way, watch an interesting and instructive video about discrimination on a national basis:

The second reason that gives me the right to write on this topic is that I have great feedback from my readers. After all, a person can think and write anything. If no one controls, corrects or criticizes him, then very soon he begins to believe that he is speaking the truth. But, thank the Almighty for the fact that my readers do not let me relax even for a minute. They express their opinion, point out shortcomings, correct, supplement. All this gives me great food for thought.

Well, the third reason is that I am not “zombified” by anti-Caucasian and pro-Caucasian sentiments. Here, some enemies even express the opinion that someone finances me so that I can promote something. It's funny to me that people write to me like that. Although, it would be better to finance, at least I would earn normal money from my hobby. Guys, no, no and no again, I am a person of free views and judgments. I'm not going to praise Caucasian guys here (you'll see it below), but I won't undeservedly reproach either. Only my personal vision of the given problem.

What features are inherent in Caucasian guys?

I wanted to first write about the negative aspects, but it would be pedagogically wrong. I was taught to always start with the positive. By the way, I ask you not to consider everything that is written below as a dogma, cases and people are very different. But, here I will show the most common features of Caucasian guys, that is, what we have most of all.

From childhood, we grow up in an atmosphere of the deepest respect for elders, respect for parents and mutual assistance. As a result of this, today there are the least abandoned old people (although this also exists), divorces, street children. Traditions, environment, parents, religion shape the views and beliefs of a young guy.

Over time, of course, it becomes clear what influenced this or that person the most. By the way, today there are fierce debates about how religion affects consciousness caucasian guys. I have something to tell you about this. I am already preparing an article “The Fate of Islam in the North Caucasus”, it will be very powerful. Become a blog subscriber to receive all new articles to your e-mail ().

Thus, the spirit of respect and reverence for elders is instilled in us from childhood. But, there is such a problem that as soon as a Caucasian leaves the borders of his region, he immediately forgets about respect and culture. I have some thoughts on this, we'll look at them below. In the meantime, look at the exposure of the slander against the Caucasian guys from the program "Man and the Law":

Most often, they are very strong in spirit and resistant to stressful situations. Most likely, this is due to the environment and the lesser spread of bad habits. A recently acquaintance of an andrologist (let's say, a "male gynecologist") told a very interesting story. He has been studying demographic problems for 24 years.

At the beginning of last year, he and his "comrade in the shop" did a little research. The spermatozoa of 300 Russian guys (age 19-24) and 300 guys from the southern republics were studied. It turned out that the quality of the “potential future offspring” of the southern children is 7 times higher than that of their “relatives” from the central regions of Russia. Discouraged by this, they wanted to declare publicly, but they were immediately made to understand that "no-no ...". In short, they closed the shop. Moreover, a criminal case was opened against one of them.

It should also be noted that Caucasian guys are often physically stronger than guys from other regions. Everything can be explained here too, because while the Russian guy is slouching at the computer (I want to say that not every family in the Caucasus can afford a computer), drinking beer, the southern guys are doing their physical perfection. Plus, again, ecology, clean products, mountain air, a lot of heat and sun.

These words can be confirmed by the number of Olympic champions, World and European champions in martial arts. Today, almost the entire Russian freestyle wrestling team (and other sports) consists of Caucasians. I think I have already outlined enough positive features, and now let's talk about not very pleasant moments.

If the "show-offs" glowed, then the Caucasian guys would be real lanterns

This is not only my opinion. This is how almost everyone thinks of us, and I must say that not without reason. I think that all our troubles come from the fact that each of us is trying to "show himself." I agree that we need to show ourselves, just not how often we do it. Friends, notice that I do not separate myself and do not say that "here, I am so good, and you are all bad."