I want to be a good wife what to do. What is the ideal wife

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 6 minutes


How to be the perfect wife? First you need to figure out what a good wife she is. Maybe this is an excellent hostess, a faithful and reverent girlfriend or a sex bomb in dressing gown? Or maybe all together. No, the main thing is that a good wife should be a wise woman. But wisdom does not come by itself. It must be earned with tears and suffered through experience.

To simplify this task, the site site provides a few working tips to help you become a wise wife.

  1. Have patience
    Family is not fun. The relationship is full of contradictions, conflicts, domestic and financial difficulties. No need to feed yourself with the illusion that life will be vanilla-romantic. And the time between walks under the moon and breakfast in bed will take only tenderness and warmth. No, there will be quarrels - because everything normal people quarrel. Unless, of course, they are not deprived of self-esteem and personal ideas about life. Spouses collide with their opinions, interests and an explosion is obtained.
  2. Talk about your wishes
    A man is not a telepath, he cannot read thoughts. And, unfortunately, he also does not have intuition, unlike girls. Therefore, husbands simply cannot guess about women's thoughts and desires. You shouldn't be offended by it.

    You need to speak directly, but gently about your intention. Of course, “Honey, I want a new fur coat” in a direct context does not need to be pronounced. But the phrase “I want to communicate more, let's spend this weekend together” sounds quite competent.
  3. hug more often
    The warmth of tactile communication means much more than words. Touches give warmth, soothe, give a sense of security. In addition, a rare man can express his thoughts beautifully. And hugs can easily express love, and mutual.
  4. spend more time together
    It doesn't matter what you do - watch a movie, read books, walk in the park or, in the end, have sex. To be closer, you need to communicate more.
  5. Do not keep resentment and negativity in memory
    There are many negative things in marriage. Shouldn't spoil life together memories of quarrels and omissions. Read also:

    Let only warm and positive moments remain in your memory.
  6. wise wife does not compare her husband to other men
    After all, no one is perfect. Each person has his own shortcomings, and perhaps other people's and unnoticed weaknesses are much worse than those that your spouse is endowed with.
  7. A good wife does not humiliate her husband
    What's more, it's public. A man is a leader by nature, and a woman is his friend, assistant and strong rear. It is humiliating for the stronger sex to endure criticism from one's own wife. It undermines a man's self-esteem and destroys his personality. Read also:
  8. A smart wife does not reproach her husband, i.e., does not “nag” him
    He can earn little, drive badly, not help around the house and not like your girlfriends. But if you "cut" it, then it definitely will not change. Therefore, the best way out is to forgive him for his little shortcomings.
  9. A good wife does not impose her opinion
    Because the man is the head of the family. Making a decision is his family duty. And being henpecked is a shame. A wise wife will unobtrusively lead her husband to the decision that she needs.

    For example, she does not want to change the car, but wants to go on vacation. The wife will reveal everything positive sides rest and vital necessity including for the spouse. “After all, you worked so hard, you just need a rest. And we will change the car next summer. Neighbors say she's in good shape."
  10. A wise wife is not jealous of her husband, does not arrange surveillance and does not humiliate herself to tantrums.
    IN family life it happens that the spouse walks to the left. But creepy scenes of jealousy will not fix this difficult problem. Perhaps it would be better to compete with your rival or change your attitude towards your husband.

A wise wife should:

A woman is the keeper of the hearth, and she needs to understand what exactly the happiness of the family and the success of this union depend on her wisdom. Remember this, ladies!

What should a wife be like?, today I decided to find out Koshechka.ru. Many recommend always serving a man and only being silent, but life will seem insipid. And how to please your husband and at the same time be in chocolate?

Background on the topic...

My husband and I went on holiday to Spain. I insisted on putting all the money and passports in the safe, and my husband decided that everything should be carried with him. As a result, we were left without both. Even without passport scans! In a foreign country. Another would have thrown a terrible tantrum, but I did not. And the guy from the couple we met was very surprised and admired that even in such a situation I didn’t nag my husband, but remained at the same time with him. “This is what a real wife should be,” he told his girlfriend. Sophia.

Someone will say that here, she was right! Let's say, but what - now let all the "dogs" go down on her husband? The man you married and promised to be with him "in grief and joy"?

There is no point in blaming, sawing, cursing - after all, there is nothing to return. At that time, it was necessary - to cope with the difficulty together. And just take it as a test of strength.

Of course, you can say that it would be necessary to reproach him, even throw a tantrum. But why? Do you seriously think that he himself does not understand that he has “stumbled”? And next time he will play it safe 100,500 more times, he will certainly draw conclusions from what happened.

Now let's talk in general about what a good wife should be. We will talk about the components of this ideal image.

What a real wife should be: play role-playing games all your life!

In order to become a good wife and not get bored yourself, you need to play. But do not confuse: do not pretend, namely, try on different images depending on the situation. Do not confuse with hypocrisy! And do not always go in any one "mask", so as not to go too far and not become an insipid annoying little wife.

Many women think that a wife should be primarily a housewife. But this is not paramount!

mistress - lover

There is such a common advice - to be a mistress for a husband, almost a prostitute. Of course, one should not misunderstand this and it becomes such in fact. And with friends to show such a "mask". Only alone!

Imagine that your husband is not a husband at all, but your lover. And meet him somehow in luxurious underwear, with a delicious dinner. They didn’t drink, don’t pull “pincers” out of him, where he was, why there is so little money and in that spirit. Just chat about stupid things and make time for each other.

Many will immediately say - so this is what an ideal wife should be. Yes, that's why it's ideal, which is difficult, hard. After all, there are other responsibilities: work, a small child, caring for parents, girlfriends in the end.

Yes, yes, that's right. Everyone has their own responsibilities, so you don't have to be like that all the time! It's written "somehow". And, paradoxically, an ideal wife - far from ideal should be.

By the way, just because of such misconceptions, many marriages break up. Men marry imaginary beautiful images, and then they face a terrible reality in which you no longer listen to him carefully, you don’t look “a million”, you get nervous, you get deeper and deeper into the everyday “swamp” and almost never become the one he once loved.

Stop! Take yourself literally by the hair and pull yourself out of trouble called "quick divorce." By the way, look at this very hair - maybe you haven’t done a beautiful styling for a long time? Didn't dye or cut the curls? Or do you constantly walk in the same image and do not change? Take action - at least "external tuning".

What an ideal wife should be like: a mother, a best friend, a nurse, and a maid!

Exactly! Combine all the best and most suitable qualities for marriage in these roles.

Mom means caring, affectionate lull him into bed when you are about to fall asleep, but not when you want to have sex. Just do not take the qualities of a mother that are unnecessary for you: do not control his every step and do not force him to report! Don't overplay! You're not his mother, and he's not 12 years old!

Nurse means look after him when he is sick. And even if he behaves like in the recently popular poem “My husband has 37 and 2”, still feel sorry for him and treat him. It is important for men to feel that they have a reliable rear, a woman who will be "both in sickness and in health."

What a good wife should be - many will say, of course, a maid. Prepare, clean, serve. It’s good when it doesn’t go beyond the “mask” and doesn’t become the role that you will play all your life. Yes, you can cook a delicious dinner, keep your house clean, and in some sense you should (if not a feminist). But after all, the husband should also help in some way (if he is not a domestic tyrant, you should run away from this yourself). And from time to time - when you are sick, disappear at work - you should be able to have dinner and feed the children yourself.

Does he always disappear with his friends? The way out is not to bother that he devotes little time to you. And become it yourself best friend : talk about what he wants, listen carefully, follow him not only to bed, but also to entertainment, even extreme. You'll see - he will begin to devote a lot of time to you and not get bored at the same time, he will even get bored of himself!

And a few more tips. The ideal wife is not the one who sits at home all the time and rattles cymbals. In curlers and with cucumbers on his face. You must have your own interests: yoga, drawing, dancing. Girlfriends - find time to sit with them in a cafe. And make time for self-care, but only when he doesn't see it! Therefore, do not forbid him to go to a meeting with friends, do not be sad because of this, but perceive it as an extra chance to give yourself a day of spa care at home! Or in the cabin - if the budget does not crack. After all, there are many answers to the question of what an ideal wife should be, and one more - thrifty.

And most importantly - if you are like this: different, unpredictable and at the same time stable - like a magnificent gymnast under the dome of the circus - he himself will become an ideal husband. He will pamper, cherish and cherish, in a good sense, “protect” so that such a treasure is not stolen.

We hope this article has helped you understand . The most interesting thing remains - to realize it!

Eva Raduga - especially for Koshechka.ru - a site for those in love ... with themselves!

Let's try to understand this difficult issue. Among the beautiful half of humanity there are very different and colorful specimens. A woman is unique by nature. But while the girl is in search, so to speak, on the warpath, she plays the role of an independent female. But when there is someone with whom she wants to build her life, the roles change accordingly. Being a unique woman is one thing, but how to be best wife?

A good wife is stereotypically an understanding friend, unique, like a modern combine, a mistress in the kitchen, a passionate and tender lover in bed. Everyone has known this for a long time. A wife is simply a unique woman in the minds of a thousand inhabitants. But we should not forget that the wife is not a robot. Everyone, including women, has either blues or fatigue. This is where the problems begin. The man thought that he had the best wife, but it turns out that he does not.

I should probably start by saying that a woman shouldn't try too hard at the beginning of a relationship. There is no need to be overly helpful or falsely perfect, even if your man needs to know that you are a person with your own flaws that he should love. And for this, he just like that (for such is the nature of a woman) will return two or three times more.

Third important rule- It's a smile. Yes, trite, but how discouraging a man. It's not about you hammering your grievances into the depths of your soul. The truth is that you should set the tone for the relationship. When everything is good, then life is easy, but how to be the best wife when not everything is crystal clear on the horizon? And you smile! After all, your beloved is with you, and if you calmly and wisely discuss everything, then the troubles will go away. After all, how nice it will be for that husband who will smile from the threshold, and not mumble about the fact that he again did not take out the trash or forgot to buy something there.

From this emerges the next rule, wife. You must become a good organizer, but such that it is not very noticeable, or your man will very quickly become an unfortunate henpecked. But you want a strong shoulder. Yes, it will be so, but you need to have the talent of an organizer. After all, whatever one may say, but in everyday life a woman is faster and more agile, and she also likes it more. You do not need to expect that a man will buy if you are doing laundry in the house. He simply does not know that the powder is over, and does not try to disrupt the entire cleanliness event. Therefore, you must constantly remind him of what is important to you. And in no case not in the tone of the commander in chief. How to be the best wife, you now know. It's easy to learn, the main thing is to want it!

Today on site Kitty. ru, you will know about . Recently, family values ​​​​are gaining weight again, and more and more girls are striving to create a strong foundation for a happy life. Yes, and among the male sex, one can increasingly see an understanding that a reliable rear is the basis for proper development. A good wife can help a man climb hitherto unattainable heights, and a bad wife can ruin the life of both him and herself. So what is the secret of good wives?

What is a good wife?

The first thing you have to understand is that a good wife and a boring wife are not the same thing. Many people mistakenly imagine the image of an ideal wife as a smiling housewife who has only recipes in her head, grandmother's ways to clean carpet from stains, and a vacuum cleaner in her hands. She feeds her husband a delicious dinner after work and sympathetically listens to his stories about how the day went. Then, not really understanding anything in what she heard, but content with the fact that he is sitting next to her and telling her something important, she washes the dishes, and after watching her favorite program (film, series, football, reading a book, newspaper, or other family Leisure) respectable couple goes to the bedroom. This hearth keeper apparently thinks she knows everything about how to become the best wife. But from people like her, as a rule, they often run away to their mistresses, for something “hot”, and this is not about borscht at all. After that, all the familiar young ladies begin to be perplexed: how, they say, is she smart and beautiful and cooks well, and the house is clean, but everything is not right for him. Here is Herod. What is her mistake? ?

How to become a good wife and be yourself?

Almost all girls from childhood dream of getting married. From an early age, mothers and grandmothers actively inspire us with various attitudes: don’t be capricious - who will marry you like that, learn to cook - soon you will have your own household, or if you tell your husband like that, he will run away from you in an instant. For most girls, marriage is the main goal of life, of course, completely unconscious; because we live in modern world, and we have a lot of opportunities, and in general, we are all so independent .. And after a girl gets married, something clicks in her head: everything, they say, I have succeeded, I am married!

How now to become the best wife in the world? To plunge headlong into everyday problems, dissolve in the chores and maintain comfort?! No no and one more time no! Of course, you shouldn’t give up on all this either, but you can’t dissolve to the last drop in family life. Moreover, such mistakes are made not only by housewives, but also by women who have a job or their own business. All of them are wrong in one thing - the belief that after the wedding you become, first of all, a wife. Especially if you marry a rich man - you can read about this last article.

To become a good wife, economic zeal is not the main thing!

The secret is to remain the one you are loved, and not take on a household boat with an exorbitant load. Undoubtedly, it is pleasant to take care of a loved one, but this should be done naturally and from the desire to share love, and not because they write so, in articles about how to become the best wife. Acting according to the rule “I am a wife”, you will most likely expect some kind of action, or the notorious gratitude in return. When you give love and care from the heart, in those moments when you want it, there is no need for such a move on the part of your husband. Because happy people they expect nothing in return, but everything just comes to them. Like attracts like.

The other side of the coin is a bad wife

Well, everything is clear here, without preamble. There are girls who, in contrast to the previous ones, raise problems not on themselves, but on their husbands. And not domestic, but their own. Sometimes a bad wife appears immediately after a good one, in the same person. This happens when attempts on how to become the best wife turned out to be invaluable. But often bad wives are obtained simply by the inner nature of the former bride. Tantrums, scandals, resentment, depression, discontent, screams, three days of silence, manipulation - these are just a few of the arsenal of such an unfortunate companion. For some reason, they believe that their beloved husband should rake up their entire inner problematic world. How can they become a good wife - this question does not interest them, they believe that happiness has already come to their husband. Is it necessary to say that there is no happiness in such a family? Of course, sometimes there are lulls, but this is until the next breakdown of an immature and unbalanced wife. Husbands in such cases are either looking for relaxation in alcohol or something else, but in any case, they are looking for. It is impossible to live peacefully with such a squabbler.

Family life is, first of all, relationships, and a wedding is only the beginning of a long and difficult journey. How to be a good wife when you don't always want to be good along the way? After all, living together is not always fun and easy. Yes, but always interesting, with the right approach. A good wife is a happy wife, but what does it take to be happy? Be yourself. And let your husband be himself. Do not demand, do not remake, do not manipulate, do not dissolve in it, do not forgive everything in the world, but boldly, openly and lovingly look into each other's eyes, talking about everything that disturbs or pleases. Marriage does not mean that now you can relax and stop working on yourself. To be husband and wife, and friend and lover at the same time, you have to work hard. But the result is worth it!

Guseva Polina - especially for Koshechka.ru - a site for lovers ... into yourself!

Hello dear reader!

Good wives, as they say, are not born, they are made. But not every girl who is about to get married knows simple rules that will help you learn how to be a good wife for your husband. Consider the subtleties and secrets that will give answers to all questions.

In fact, there are no secrets, but there are tips from experts on how to become a truly good wife for your husband, and how to be happy in marriage.

A good wife - who is she? If you want to become a full-fledged keeper of the hearth, then the search for answers to this question is the best possible for you. There is no perfect relationship without conflict.

But a woman, being the “neck”, while the spouse is the “head”, can influence not only the situation as a whole, but also the behavior of her man. Consider the 10 commandments of a married woman, the observance of which will lead to family happiness and harmony.

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