How to be the best for your husband. What should be a wise wife. What to know

Hello dear reader!

Good wives, as they say, are not born, they are made. But not every girl who is about to get married knows simple rules that will help you learn how to be a good wife for your husband. Consider the subtleties and secrets that will give answers to all questions.

In fact, there are no secrets, but there are tips from experts on how to become a truly good wife for your husband, and how to be happy in marriage.

Good wife- who is she? If you want to become a full-fledged keeper of the hearth, then the search for answers to this question is the best possible for you. There is no perfect relationship without conflict.

But a woman, being the “neck”, while the spouse is the “head”, can influence not only the situation as a whole, but also the behavior of her man. Consider the 10 commandments of a married woman, the observance of which will lead to family happiness and harmony.

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Wise wife or how to be

What is better to remember and what should be a wife. What you need to do at least occasionally or how to maintain a relationship with your loved one.

Prologue: When my husband proposed to me to marry him, I thought he offered me his hand and heart, and as it turned out later, a stove and a mop.

The relationship between a man and a woman is an eternal mystery and somewhere there is a struggle. Struggle for leadership in career and everyday family life.

A large number of marriages break up during the first years life together. Who is to blame, men who are polygamous by nature and only look on the side and do not try to understand and pay due attention to their wife?

Or women who, after some time, turn into noisy and obnoxious bitches, thinking about anything but their husband, and criticizing him for everything that is possible? In any case, husbands blame wives and vice versa.

Or is it possible that no one is to blame?
Maybe the problems are due to the fact that often people do not marry for real person, but for the image (representation) of who they would like to see next to them. The image that may have developed in childhood, or maybe in youth, does not matter, but each of us has such an image inside.

We marry some ideal, and in the end, over time, we realize that we got only a pale idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat we dreamed of. Or maybe try to change something, for example, somewhere to accept some shortcomings, somewhere to apply acting inclinations and influence the shortcomings and weaknesses of a person, somewhere. With a strong desire, everything is possible, the main thing is to do everything with knowledge of the matter. Slowly and with patience.

It is also important to understand for yourself that there is nothing wrong with experiments and it is better than continuing to do the same thing day after day, remaining with the same, not the best relationship with your soul mate.

If everything is in order in your relationship, then great, if not, then do at least something.

You cannot cover everything in one text, and now the actions of a woman (wife) in relation to her husband, in my opinion, are the opinion of a man.

What any man would like, what a woman and wife should be, or:

1) Take care of your husband as if he were your lover. Imagine, you are at home and now your husband should return from work - only not a husband, but a lover. How would you behave in this case?

Probably dressed in beautiful underwear, a dress. They would cook, not pasta with an egg and sausage or sausage (for 30 thousand Belarusian), but something interesting and even exquisite.

In the apartment, in the atmosphere itself, they added a little romance and an atmosphere of intimacy. They would have met with a smile and a playful twinkle in their eyes and would not have bothered a tired friend with questions - did he do this or that, did he buy what you asked for, etc. And they would only talk about pleasant nonsense and about the two of you.

Imagine how surprised your husband would be? How nice would he be? And how could it affect your relationship if you at least sometimes did this?

2) Be able to listen to your husband without interrupting him and try to understand his opinion by imagining yourself in his place. In this case, it will be easier to understand whether he is right or not. You need to be able to be for a man not only his wife, but also true friend, from whom you can ask for advice, get an opinion, etc.

If you do not know how to listen to him and only your opinion will remain important to you, then forget about the sincere And good communication, which is so necessary in .

Healthy psychology of communication and relationships, , - the main thing on which is formed a strong family. Without normal communication, as well as without normal sex, there will be nothing good.

3) Let it be full, but it is so, Be a keeper hearth in everyday life and. Everyone knows, not everyone uses or forgets over time.

A hot, lustful female in bed is what everyone dreams of and wants to see in her woman, well, or almost every man. Sometimes you can let a friend do things to you that you might not like. In addition, there is a chance that over time you will begin to like it.

4) Be unpredictable for a good husband. Monotony is tiring and boring, and this is one of the most destructive relationships.

This does not mean that you need to be unpredictable in everything - today you like one thing, tomorrow it turns out that you never liked it. Yesterday you really liked the daisies presented by your partner, but today it turned out that you can't stand them.

It is important to be sincere with him and with yourself. At the same time, it is desirable from the very beginning of the relationship, so that later there would be no confusion.

Unpredictability is good when He expects you to do housework again today or want to go for a walk in the evening and sit in a restaurant. And you, instead of doing housework, even if important (nothing bad will happen if you postpone everything for later), offer to take a walk. And not to a restaurant, but to an amusement park or cinema, as in your first days of acquaintance.

Remember - movies, cereal (pasta) and rear seats in a dark room. How long has it been since you last did this? What about with your husband?

Or you can offer him a spontaneous trip with you to some city for one day. Or together relax in nature and have sex. Forget about all domestic problems and worries, relax and spend this day alone with him, in a new place and with new sensations.

Great for decorating family life. To meet her husband as a lover is also from this song. You can think of it, if you wish.

Just do not be too zealous with unpredictability, it is important for us and your predictability. Assume what can be expected of you at all, and stability. Everything should be in moderation.

5) admire your husband, even if he has many shortcomings and is not a completely self-confident person. Remind him more often of his virtues, praise him for all possible good things and accept him as he is with all his shortcomings. Although there are those who can destroy any relationship (you can read about this at the link).

We all have our shortcomings, you just need to learn to accept a person as he is and pay less attention to something, as you did in the first time of your life together. And some of these shortcomings, if well analyzed, even try to translate into advantages.

Or is it so difficult, because there are so many shortcomings, and the cat wept tears. Did you marry a complete nonentity or were you completely blind? This is not an excuse.

In addition, praise can activate in a man the desire to work on himself, especially if you are very dear to him. And from that loser, over time, he may well come closer to the image that you imagined in him during your acquaintance.

Kind words, praise and light, pleasant and without irony banter can give a very good result. And which, believe me, will not keep you waiting long.

Praise for everything that is possible, do not overpraise - if your man is one of those who care about confirming his need and importance, this is what will make him better over time.

Often a woman literally creates from boy-man. And sometimes, good word and a tender kiss can make a miracle where any, even the most methods, will be powerless.

Only one here "But", there are men, as well as women, who point-blank do not notice their shortcomings, and take praise for granted and obligatory.

In this case, praise will not help and you will not have to expect any changes for the better from him. Rather, he will simply, as they say, sit on your head.

What would he want to change something in yourself - here only some kind of kick in the ass will help, or, which is very likely, you yourself need to change something (). In general, only practice and experiment will help determine what kind of husband you have.

6) And a little more about that, and - no one owes anything to anyone. Build relationships on mutual understanding and trust, so that both of you feel good and comfortable in these relationships. To set some kind of specific, closed limits - this can lead, over time, only to the desire to break them.

If people are smart, then duties and everything that should or should not be, they will determine for themselves, you can only suggest somewhere or redirect a person’s thoughts.

But this does not mean that everything should be according to yours, that He owes you and owes you something. Everything that you do for each other, you do it out of mutual desire, and not in order to tell the person later - " I did this for you, please do the same"or say" you shouldn't go there or do that". Let him decide for himself whether he needs it or not.

Not right? then tell him, give smart advice. If you were with him in real warm and friendly relations, your opinion will not be empty for him and he will listen, think again. If not, then read the paragraph 2.

7) Stay the way he loves you. Remember yourself, what were you like when you met? The image of you that he loved. Cheerful or not so; loving or not at all, the main thing is that desired for him. Without all of your self-experimentation that you may have been doing to keep him interested in you.

You won’t be able to return something, just remember and get closer to that sincere one.

And with all this, do not forget and be careful with such a feeling as

A little music (so as not to be interrupted, press pause, turn it on after 20 seconds)

Shot from the film "False Temptation"

What does a man need?

To become a good wife, alas, it is not enough to be "an athlete, a Komsomol member and just a beauty." If everything were so easy, so many women in the world would not suffer from family problems, there would be no betrayals and divorces, and the advice of family psychologists would not be required.

Need to understand male psychology what a man needs and how to achieve it.

Have you ever wondered why men get married at all? They also have needs that they realize in family life. And this is not only regular sex, pies on the table and comfort in the house ... A man needs to feel needed, loved, he is waiting for support and respect, devotion, understanding. Conventionally and schematically, psychologists reduce the basic expectations of a man from a woman to the following:
- equipped life;
- ease;
- devotion;
- calmness.

What does it mean? That he feels good at home physically and morally, it is pleasant and easy for him to communicate with his wife, he is confident in her fidelity, devotion and love, and he is “filled” with her state of calm confidence and gets high from femininity. And now for specific advice, point by point.

Make your home warm, cozy and smell delicious

Let you not have surgical sterility at home, but it should be comfortable. Even if he says he doesn't care, it's not true. Any man wants to come home and relax. It's delicious to eat.

Creating an appropriate environment is a woman's task. This does not mean that you need to plow around from morning to night with household chores - you can organize a housekeeper to help around the house or children, if they are already grown up, and order pizza.

But keep in mind that food prepared by you with your own hands and with love for your husband has a completely different energy. This is your form of caring for him.

Be positive, light and playful

Not like in the joke: "It's okay that my character is heavy, but my behavior is light." No. Here we are talking about the ability to enjoy simple things, a smile on your face. A man can look at a cheerful smiling contented woman endlessly.

When you know how to find in yourself and manifest in yourself that little girl, enthusiastic and light, who you want to carry in your arms, protect and pamper. When you are in a good mood and your eyes radiate light, love.

Who said that if he is your husband, then you don’t need to flirt with him and write intriguing sms or sometimes arrange pleasant surprises?

Believe in him and be faithful to him physically and morally

Devotion to a man is not only about cheating. "Faith" and "fidelity" are words with the same root. This means devotion to your man, trust, acceptance, faith in his strength and masculinity and that this man is the best for you.

After all, you chose him. It's about respect. About being proud of your husband. That he is your hero. Be him a devoted close friend who is always there. "I believe in you. I know you can do it, ”is a magic phrase for a man.

If you see a winner in him, appreciate him, admire and thank him - his wings just grow! This is the very “inspire a man” that is talked about so much at women's trainings.

I will surprise you respect for a man is even more important than love for him. And criticism expresses mistrust and disbelief in him.

Be calm and confident

Next to a nervous and always fussing and dissatisfied woman is always uncomfortable. A woman with her internal state creates a field around herself, in which people, getting into, experience a certain state.

So here it is A man loves precisely his condition next to a woman. First of all.

And then everything else. If your condition as a woman is not pumped, if you suffer from low self-esteem, are unsure of yourself, prone to tantrums, whining, outbursts of anger, fits of jealousy, it will be difficult to call you a good wife.

By the way, jealousy is the other side of fidelity. Ask yourself the question: “How does your husband feel when he is with me? Does he calm down in my company or, on the contrary, tense up?

It is important for men to be needed and it is simply necessary to be an authority in the family. Therefore, consult with him more often, ask for his opinion, share your own. Listen to him. And tell him directly about your needs and desires, without expecting that he will guess about them himself.

It's great if you have common hobbies and hobbies, and not just common children and an apartment. Joint experiences are always very close. A good wife is not only a mistress in the house and a mistress in bed. This is a like-minded person, an interlocutor and a congenial person.

What not to do

Do not argue. Remember the "magic words"

Remember the magic phrases: "You're right!", "Of course, darling." Agree with him and you will be surprised how soft he becomes. Give him the lead.

You can gently lead a man to the right decision, but by female methods, and not head-on. And the words "I'm sorry, dear, I was wrong" generally work wonders. Ask yourself: is it important for you to be right or happy?

Don't blow his mind

Don't get hysterical. Don't make a scene. Didn't drink. Don't be smart and don't criticize. Forget the phrases “I told you so”, “I knew it”, “but I think so” ... You should not fight with him, so you will lose. War is the business of men.

Don't whine and don't complain

You don't like whiners yourself. A man will help you solve all your problems, if you do not load him from morning to night and dump all fears and complexes on him. He is not your psychologist, not your mother and not your girlfriend.

Don't compare him to anyone

Comparisons are unacceptable, neither with Steve Jobs, nor with Vasya from the next entrance. If you want to continue being with this man.

Don't feel sorry for him

Never feel sorry for a man! The other side of pity is faith. If you regret it, then you don't believe in him. And keep in mind: supporting a man and pitying him are completely different things. Support. But don't be sorry.
I am here deliberately not talking about regular good sex and about the need to take care of yourself, keep fit and develop as a person. And different ways Showing a man that you love him is obvious.

If you use the tips above - believe me, getting it all from you, your husband will throw the whole world at your feet!

It is known that the truth speaks through the mouth of a child, perhaps that is why our children are often asked provocative questions. When asked what the best wife is, a 9-year-old boy gave the following answer: “It is necessary that the wife love the same as you. For example, you love hockey or football, and she makes sure that there are always chips in the house and something to dip in. Let's discuss whether chips are enough for family happiness and how to become a better wife for a husband. After all, one little girl of six years old, when asked if she should get married, said that girls don’t need it, but boys definitely do, it’s necessary that someone always cleans up after them.

Marriage and divorce

In the life of almost every person, and women, there comes a moment of truth. He understands that there is another person nearby with whom he wants and can share both joy, and grief, and the hardships of life. Can give birth and raise common children, fall asleep and wake up together, work and rest together, go through life together. To make it work, people get married and start building a family life. However, after some time, the family may fall apart. The reason for this is the sea.

A young family breaks up due to psychological incompatibility, mutual resentment, misunderstanding and inability to manage the household, earn money, and prioritize. With the growth of family experience, the reasons for divorces can be drunkenness, infidelity, lack of common interests, problems in intimate life, religion. Jealousy, finances, complicated relationship with parents and so on also matter.

Obviously, a castle called a family must be built together, but every “builder” should try. How to become the best wife for a husband in order to avoid reproaches, nervous breakdowns, disappointments and parting?

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7 rules of psychologists for the best wives

It is likely that there are no uniform strict rules of behavior and building family life. But, psychologists, analyzing the life of happy and unhappy families, have developed some advice. Their performance will help a woman solve the problem of how to become a better wife for her husband. The most important thing is to overcome misunderstanding, which is most often caused by the psychology of men and women. And it is a woman who, due to her natural features - flexibility, wisdom, endurance, can do this. Let's discuss different life situations, which are caused by a mismatch in the psychology and physiology of husband and wife.

  1. Always be sincerely in love with your husband. There are many ways to love and show your love, try to improve mutual love relationships.
  2. Spend a lot of time with your husband. The wife will have to think over the interests of her husband and highlight common ones from them, this will bring her closer to her husband, he will feel not only love, but also respect for himself, his significance.
  3. A man is not property. A wife does not need to demand continuous attention and communication from her husband. Everyone has the right to be alone, to have personal space and interests, their friends. This applies to both spouses, who should have their own world, friends and affections.
  4. Give yourself enough attention. It is necessary to monitor your appearance, changing your image from time to time. Take care of your health, because it is a healthy wife that is the key to the well-being of the family.
  5. Don't try to change your husband. It is very difficult to re-educate an adult mature person with life experience and worldview. It is much easier for a wife to reconsider her views and learn to make compromise decisions, forgive minor flaws or even ignore them. Remember that any peace, even "thin", is better than a quarrel.
  6. Choose clear language. Most men do not like and do not understand omissions. An accurate and direct presentation of thoughts, requests and advice will have a much greater result than hints and unsaid phrases from the wife.
  7. Solve all problems with your husband. Team relationships always improve the climate within the family, increase respect and interest in each other. Naturally, minor troubles and some major ones can be resolved by the wife on their own, but there must be tasks that must be dealt with together, even involving children.

Video tips

Being the best wife and managing the life of the family is a great art. To family life was not only mediocrely prosperous, but happy, joyful and successful, you have to work hard and with inspiration every day. The main result of the work of the best wife will, of course, be happy man. This man is better at home than in a sports bar, but he knows where this bar is and sometimes goes there. He likes to go on vacation to the sea, but he wants to have a dacha so he can spend weekends with his family in nature. He works hard but always looks good and feels healthy. So advice from personal experience best wives:

  1. His business is none of your business. Don't interfere in your husband's affairs unless he asks for it. Do not manage his affairs, avoid a lot of advice.
  2. A wife's praise must have a reason. Praise your husband for success in his work, for the quality of his homework, emphasize how well he does "male" construction and repair work that is difficult for you to do. Never praise just like that and do not do his job for him.
  3. Compliments are power! Compliment your husband about his appearance and taste, even if you have complaints about them. Subtly, implicitly, fix whatever you don't like. Discuss your wardrobe and hairstyle from time to time, because in the tips and comments you will hear what he wants to see his wife.
  4. There should be gratitude. Thank your husband regularly for all household chores and concerns, for showing attention to you and children and, especially, to your relatives.
  5. Jealousy is limited. Be jealous of your husband from time to time, emphasizing your love and your interest in him as a man. But do not be jealous constantly and desperately, otherwise he will "suffocate" and strive for freedom and independence. Jealousy is a seasoning for love, not the main dish. A very strong jealousy of a wife can kill love, happiness and family.
  6. Avoid scandals. Do not reproach your husband for the fact that youth passes and old age sets in, he is not to blame for this, and he himself is also sitting in this boat.
  7. Forget "ex". Do not discuss “your ex” with your husband, leave your past in the past, do not provoke outbreaks of jealousy. Do not ask your husband about him, do not stimulate memories and comparisons. No one knows in whose favor this competition will be.
  8. Food must be delicious. Learn to cook tasty and varied, beautifully set the table, including for everyday breakfasts and dinners. Involve your husband in cooking, especially festive. This food will seem very tasty to him, joint successful cooking will increase his self-esteem. Maybe he will get involved, and will often become a pleasure himself for the whole family. Always praise him for his culinary achievements.
  9. The wife creates family foundations. Create family traditions, a stable regimen, holiday rituals, Sunday meals with your husband's relatives, come up with a variety of joint leisure activities. It strengthens family relationships.
  10. Loyalty to friends and relatives. Do not criticize friends, especially relatives, hobbies and addictions of the husband and his entourage. Try to make friends with your husband's acquaintances, show respect for them, with the exception of those who have bad habits going off scale - you should try to part with such people.
  11. Trust but check. Trust your husband, but sometimes quietly check and control his personal life. Personal freedom is important, but family and children are sacred.
  12. The wife is the same mistress. Be a good and resourceful lover. Feel free to talk about your erotic dreams and fantasies, provoke your man to upgrade sexual relations. Don't set a strict schedule for intimacy. Nothing harms love like routine. Don't forget to flirt with your husband. In case of sexual problems, show tact and delicacy. Try to unobtrusively find out that this is the result of cooling in a relationship, severe overwork, age-related changes or onset of illness.
  13. Holiday to be! Arrange surprises and surprises and provoke him to respond. Actively welcome signs of attention. Men, like children, love holidays and gifts. But observe the measure in everything, life cannot be an endless holiday.
  14. Don't forget your image. Try to always look stylish and beautiful. A blurred figure in a faded robe and worn slippers cannot be a symbol of a good wife.
  15. Most importantly, timely. Another important characteristic of a good wife is that she always has everything on time, and food for fishing, and an ironed shirt to go to visit, and a friendly word for all family members, and order in the apartment. Not only is she not late, but she does not run ahead of the locomotive either. This is great art.

Man and woman - the psychology of relationships

The man is a sprinter and the woman is a stayer

The female body more easily tolerates the load and evenly distributes forces, while men need rest to recover, as nature arranges. No need to be surprised when your husband lies on the couch or a trip to the country. He was really tired more than his wife. Physicians noted that resistance to physical activity in women it decreases every 10 years by 2%, and in men - by 10%, that is, healthy woman 60 years old easily endures 90% of the load of a twenty-year-old girl, while men retain only 60% of their capabilities.

Clash of temperaments

It always seems to an active wife that her husband does not want to do anything. However, many men simply cannot jump up at the first call and rush somewhere. They are gradual people. Each event, request or assignment they need to think about and get used to it, and then proceed to the task. Husbands should be given this inertial time. And wives in this situation need to be patient and “not throw their breasts at the embrasure”, doing everything on their own. IN similar situations correctly set the task in advance.

Nobody wants to be an errand boy

A clear division of daily and weekly concerns between husband and wife greatly simplifies life. At the same time, it must be remembered that major worries - buying food for a week or vacuuming everything with sofas and carpets, and, moreover, repairs, large and small, are easier for men than rubbing a collection of souvenirs with a soft cloth or sorting out bed linen. Obviously, when any person, and a husband is no exception, is busy with business, there is no need to give advice, make comments and criticize, this causes natural irritation. But gratitude is never superfluous. Spontaneous demands and requests of the wife, especially expressed in a commanding tone, such as “Run for bread”, “Throw away the trash”, which are often accompanied by the words “How long can you wait”, etc. often outraged and offended. Failure to comply with these requests is not laziness, it’s just that no one wants to be a “TV remote control”.

Does your husband need a big salary?

The most common complaint from wives is the lack of money due to the small income of the spouse. There are many reasons for low income.

  • There are men, in England they are called "lazy bone", who are always satisfied with their standard of living and the standard of living of their family. This is the most difficult case, such husbands are almost impossible to budge.
  • Another option is men who need a “locomotive”, since they do not have enough energy of their own. A combination of hints from the wife that someone less capable has achieved more, inspiring statements about how talented my husband is, light reproaches will help the husband not only earn more, but also make a breakthrough in his career. Such manipulation is ideal for “women-bitches”, who know better than others that there is nothing more useful in life than a man who feels guilty.
  • Often men find it difficult to understand others. The silence of the wife and her hopes "he will guess" rarely come true, most husbands believe that if she is silent, then everything is fine. Such men should be motivated to earn more, for example, by buying a new car or a prestigious one. Keeping her husband in good shape, the wife must definitely create in him the feeling that he himself decided so and will do so. In this case, everything will work out.

The man is no longer a teenager

All requests and demands of the wife, expressed in the tone of the order, cause an automatic refusal. In this case, the man is not lazy. He does not even hear the words, but only the intonation and understands that he is not only not appreciated, but maybe not loved. Persistence in requests should be reasonable. Call for patience, make requests politely, briefly and specifically, and be sure to thank when they are fulfilled.

Let's go back to the beginning of our article. Most of all in children's statements of comments about food. In a short essay by Alyosha from grade 3 about how he will be a dad, in addition to his future specialty - an astronaut and the number of children - 2 boys, there is a remark: “The wife will cook my favorite food”, and little Ira (5 years old) about her happy family she said this: “Mom always shares her food with dad, but she doesn’t ask him for anything.” These naive statements confirm the folk wisdom about the male heart and the way to it through the male stomach. Keep this in mind when thinking about how to become a better wife for your husband!

Psychology of relationships

And finally, not only a woman should think how the best wife for her husband, but also a man needs to make an effort to create a strong and happy family. For example, according to the version of the boy Misha, 8 years old, his wife should always be told that she is beautiful, even if in the morning it often seems that she was bitten by bees.

Becoming an ideal wife for your husband is a very difficult task, but, as many say, this is also a profession, a subtle art. Wise women know that a man loves a supple partner in life, so that he surrounds him with his care, love, honor, respect. A good wife should be able to do everything and even more. Therefore, many of the fair sex often wonder how to become an ideal wife, to be in time and be able to do everything. It’s hard to figure it out without wise advice, so read the information below about this and much more.

How to be the perfect wife for your husband: useful tips

To become ideal for the chosen husband, the first necessary condition is a common mutual love. Then each of the spouses will strive to become ideal for a partner, to make each other happier, so that both are comfortable together under a variety of circumstances. However, the wife must also make her significant contribution to the relationship with a man, which consists in wisdom, understanding, and the feminine. Some useful tips how to become an ideal wife for a beloved husband:

Always be feminine and attractive

You, as an ideal wife, should become an example of attractiveness and make sure that your husband is always proud of you, can be happy to go out with such a lady to people, consider in every situation what a wonderful wife he is with him. Always remember that you are, first of all, a woman, be yourself. This man chose you because he initially understood that you were perfect, he immediately saw those qualities that are most important to him. Do not disappoint your beloved husband, stay the way you were originally.

Do not forget that time is fleeting, beauty may not be the main weapon, so try to arm yourself with some secrets of women of eternal youth in advance, take care, maintain an ideal appearance, improve, emphasize dignity. This should become the motto for life so that the husband loves all his life. Watch a video below that will acquaint you with how to always remain feminine, attractive, an ideal wife for your spouse:

Know how to cook well

No matter how people say that the main thing for an ideal wife is beauty, and it’s possible to eat in a restaurant or a housekeeper will cook, but the spouse must know the taste of dishes prepared by your hands in order to fall in love, eat these goodies again and again. An important aspect of an ideal wife is the ability to feed her husband deliciously, to become a skilled cook, so that this man knows that they will not feed you so tasty anywhere else. If such abilities are absent, then it is never too late to start developing them.

  • Today, this situation does not create any problems: there are a lot of culinary courses where professional chefs will willingly share with you a few useful secrets;
  • Use external sources: today's television is replete with daytime programs or grandiose shows of culinary themes;
  • Do not miss the opportunity to consult with your mother-in-law, find out family culinary masterpieces, find out what your beloved son loves, how to cook it;
  • Gain experience from native mom, grandmothers, memorize family recipes, adopt proven recipes.

Don't make sex a marital duty

In order for your beloved spouse to be interested in bed with you, be able to become the most ideal lover. Don't make sex routine, don't turn this process into something comparable to taking out the trash. Both of you should constantly receive pleasure from each other, give your husband all your love, the spouse will certainly give everything in return. Experiment in sex, find common ground, do not be afraid of anything, because in front of you is a person whom you trusted as a woman when you get married, so go to the end.

Create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in your home

From time immemorial, a woman has been the keeper of the hearth, this has come in our days, so God himself ordered you to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house. When a man knows that there is a faithful rear at home, that they are always waiting there, they will be met with open arms, they will be extremely happy.

  • Do not make scandals to your husband when he comes late from work, just meet with a smile, feed, warm, hug, and then address with a conversation that worries you.

  • Create all the conditions of home comfort, like an ideal wife, so that your loved one wants to return home after a hard day's work.
  • Keep order, neatness, comfort of your hearth. Change bed linen, towels, iron shirts in time.

Give him the lead in the relationship

A spouse, under any circumstances, should feel like a man who will “draw a mammoth into the house”, resolve absolutely any difficulties, and make the right decisions. An ideal wife is a neck for her lover: where the wife turns, the husband looks there. Just direct, and let him do the deeds himself. So he will understand that he must retain the duties of the head; behind his broad back, like behind a stone wall, you completely give the reins of government into the hands of your spouse, including yourself. This instills a great sense of responsibility, determination and success afterwards.

Support your spouse in everything, appreciate him for who he is

An ideal wife appreciates her husband, supports in every failure, undertakings, deeds. You must become for your husband the one that inspires hope, believes in the strength of your spouse, will not betray, will support in any situation. You initially fell in love with your man for the masculine principle, as it is, and it is of great importance that you need to perceive your beloved only in this way, respect, know all the shortcomings, but continue to love, carry through many years, be happy together until old age.

Do not limit his freedom and do not be jealous

Your husband is, first of all, a man who is not used to being under the heel of his wife all the time, do not humiliate his dignity, give freedom to deeds, actions, desires. A spouse, like any other person, tends to have his own world of activities, affairs, hobbies, accept this and cultivate a special level of trust in each other. Even if this occupation will take place at night (for example, hunting, fishing), it will not drag on for one day. It's okay, the main thing the beloved knows: an ideal wife is waiting for him at home, who will never change even in his thoughts.

Being perfect in everything is difficult, but possible: a little psychology

The psychology of a man and a woman is radically different, an ideal wife should understand this, as well as the fact that the key to any successful relationship is constant correctness in relation to a partner. Let's take a specific situation: the spouse returned home from work in a bad mood, and you cooked dinner by candlelight all day, did evening makeup, dressed up beautifully, but the spouse paid absolutely no attention.

  • Try to understand the situation, take the side of your husband, leave the man alone with his thoughts, because he came home, as in his favorite harbor, where it is possible to lick his wounds, analyze the situation, gain strength for further urban battles. And only then, as the storm subsides, proceed to your duties as an ideal wife who will feed, caress, calm, inspire hope, give strength.

  • The psychology of an ideal woman should be as follows: “I am a representative of the fair sex, loving wife her husband, which gives every opportunity to remain a real man to the end under any circumstances.

Having decided to become perfect, you will probably decide that it is simply unrealistic and refuse to follow these tips. However, believe me, you have already become such a wife, you have long received the name of an ideal one, just for these very features of appearance, character, ability to listen, encourage, feed deliciously, appease. Husband chose the one and only perfect woman with which he is ready to live until the end of his days. Simply, do not lose over the years, women's abilities given by nature, but vice versa: acquire, multiply, develop, share experience with your daughters. Be happy!