The main difference between "man" and "boy. What is the difference between a man and a boy

Almost all women dream of seeing a strong shoulder nearby, a reliable rear, loving person, a caring friend, a financially stable source of money and a passionate lover. The main thing is that all these qualities are contained in one person. In the most beloved, necessary and only hero. Of course, for all women, the sequence and dosage of these criteria are different, but in principle the essence remains the same.

The world has changed a lot over the past 20 years: marriages are no longer concluded immediately after graduation, the first children appear after thirty, women increasingly began to earn more than their men.

A modern woman has become more demanding in choosing her partner. She is no longer so naive, but still wants to get her portion of "noodles on the ears." She knows that “all men are their own”, but stubbornly searches for her one and only. woman from modern society achieved success in her career, but was already tired of going forward alone. The period of her “everything needs to be tried” is already running out, but she has not yet got used to limiting herself. She is for a relationship "without masks", but still all in her armor.

Modern Man is a classic type of self-confident male. It has its own principles and rules, one might say "code of honor". He knows what he wants from life, and boldly takes his own. It is difficult to "dissolve" him and he knows exactly how to tip the scales in his favor. He is strong, confident in his abilities, but his main feature is that he can solve any problem.

According to the laws of attraction, a girl attracts a boy, and a woman attracts a Man. By nature, a real Man will not be able to pay attention to an infantile, stupid person without any signs of adaptability to life. Not everything can, because his beloved woman must suit his status and be a worthy motivator for future exploits.

In this article, we will look at the differences between a "Real Man" and a "boy". Age and sexual experience are not indicative of the difference between these types. You can be a 35 year old boy and an 18 year old Man.

Consider the following differentiation of boys and men:

1. Behavior in critical situations

  • A man doesn't always talk much rarely uses beautiful words and many epithets, but he knows exactly when it's time to act. The Man has no habit of fussing and panicking. He has a sober view of the situation and a well-thought-out strategy of behavior. The man is a rock.
  • The boy only knows how to speak beautifully and absolutely does not know how to behave in critical situations.

2. The ability to admit one's guilt

  • A real Man is not afraid to admit his guilt, he understands when and in what he was wrong. He is not afraid to apologize publicly. Perhaps the Man will not necessarily say the usual “I'm sorry”. Instead, he can make a gift, create a pleasant situation for his woman, instantly offer ways to solve the problem to his partners. His way of resolving a conflict situation is more effective than ordinary words.
  • The boy will insist to the last that he is right. and build your defense in the "attack" position.

3. Life principles

  • Men have an unspoken code of honor and conduct. There are principles to which they are true for years. A man will not go against his will, he will always prioritize correctly and, most importantly, he will be able to painlessly find alternative ways for himself with greater benefit for his prospects. This applies to friendship, personal sphere and business.
  • The boy, by his temperament, is quick-tempered and cannot adequately respond to the situation. He does not have a clear position of behavior - there is only a desire to be noticed. His course for life is to "go with the flow."

4. Reaction to the female "no"

  • A woman, by her nature, is used to being capricious, craving the moment when she will be persuaded, forced, convinced. In short, "flirt". A man adequately responds to this desire. He has in his genes the ability to "bring" a woman to the right decision. After all, a person is satisfied when he makes decisions on his own, and Men have a special gift to persuade, convince, argue without undue pressure, but always get what they want.
  • Boys do not want to complicate their lives with new problems. For them, the quantity, not the quality, of his "exploits" is important. The boy will never fight to be noticed by any particular woman, he will bask in the glory of his fans.

5. Attitude towards family

  • Men build strong relationships. They spend their free time with their family, not because they are homebodies and do not know how to have fun, but because they are good fathers and husbands. Everyone can be a dad, but not everyone can be a good father. It is not for nothing that most women, when choosing their Man, subconsciously imagine what kind of father he will be for her child.
  • The boy will be led, he will not make decisions, and will look for all sorts of ways to "slope" from their duties. A family for a boy is a special burden that is needed for society, but a burden to him personally.

6. Respect for the female sex

  • Women sometimes go too far, are too naughty or act frivolously, but a Man will never allow himself to hit a woman or insult her in public. Men can discuss their "conquests", but they will never "suck" the situation with everyone in a row, exposing their exploits in all their glory. Men ALWAYS respect women, and not only their own. He will let a colleague, a neighbor, just a stranger go ahead (sometimes, of course, to appreciate her fifth point, but this is not main reason). Good manners more important than any flirting.
  • Boys show off their exploits consistently. They make lists of their "victims", allow themselves an incorrect attitude towards the fairer sex.

7. Behavior during sex

  • A man knows for a long time which positions, places and beats are ideal for him and his partner. Yes, he tried a lot in his time, but now he is no longer an experimenter, he takes only the best from life, refusing tinsel. Of course, sometimes he needs something new, but this is not a search for something exotic, but rather a fleeting desire for variety. He prefers to have physical intimacy with a woman who is able to excite him mentally, and this is worth a lot.
  • Boys, on the other hand, will study the Kama Sutra without thinking about the pleasure of their partner. For him, only diversity in terms of poses and partners is important. Eternal period of knowledge of the world.

8. Attitude to the world

  • A man knows exactly what and how he wants. He is self-confident and predicts the behavior of others in a given situation. A man realizes that the world does not revolve around him, he independently moves forward in order to improve his life and the lives of people close to him. For Men, the process of self-improvement and conquest is important.
  • The boy hopes that he will be lucky. No confidence and no control over the situation. Some hopes and desires.

9. Plans for the future

  • A man sets a goal and goes to it, he strategically thinks through his steps to achieve the goal.
  • The boy lives for today having ideas and not having the desire to bring them to life.

10. Woman's Choice

  • A man will always be able to discern a smart woman among a rich assortment. And the wiser the woman, the better her choice. An intellectual woman has a number of demands that she secretly makes to her Man. Real Men will never choose an infantile and weak woman. He needs a self-confident girl with a rare gift - to be his personal muse. spiritually rich woman will help him in business with unobtrusive advice, in his personal life with a comfortable life, and in bed with maximum relaxation.
  • The boy will be with the brightest and craziest girl in the party. For him, brilliance and popularity are important, and not depth and the ability to inspire.

During the period of knowledge of the world, girls meet different types men:“romantic”, “man for the weekend”, “businessman”, “eternal skeptic”, “Apollo”, “lovelace”, “party-goer”, “mentor”, “athlete”, “stranger”, “superman”. This list may not be complete, but these are the most memorable categories of men that girls meet.

So, those who can still be attributed to the “Man” type will always help when they are asked for help, and notice that they are not begged for it, but only asked once. The "boy" type always tends to evade or delay this help until the "never" period. There are doubts whether the "boy" type can ever become a "real Man"? But there must be faith in people, in the fact that each of us is able to change, subject to a personal desire for personal growth.

Dear girls, please don't get married in order to change your Man later. After all, all the same, after decades, you will say: “Where is that wonderful man whom I married?”. Try to determine whether next to you is a “Man” or a “Boy”. And if you are comfortable next to the "boy", do not be shy about it, because this is your choice, your life and your future. Accept it today as it is, and just be happy right now.

Marina Poznyakova

A logical continuation of the previous article "Growth" of a man in a relationship. The topic is topical - in particular, for myself). It so happened historically that all my partners were much younger than me in age. Despite the fact that I consciously do not have such a selection criterion)). Therefore, I have been thinking about this topic for a long time and now I am sharing my conclusions.

From time immemorial, there has been a tendency to evaluate and perceive a person according to some social and physical parameters. Age, status, sexual and life experience…

Almost all women dream of seeing a strong shoulder nearby, a reliable rear, a loving person, a caring friend, a financially stable source of money and a passionate lover. And most importantly, that all these qualities are in one person).

Over the past decades, the world has changed a lot: marriages are no longer concluded immediately after graduation, the first children appear after thirty, women increasingly began to earn more than their men and become more socially manifest and realized. Accordingly, both the search criteria for potential partners and requests are constantly changing. The old standards no longer fit into the realities of the new time. Therefore, consider this issue through the prism of the New Age).

I will try to highlight the most important differences between "Real Man" and "boy". Given that I do not consider physical age and sexual experience to be an indicator of the difference between these types. I also met 35-year-old infantile boys and 18-year-old Men).

1. Less words, more action.

  • The man is usually laconic , rarely uses florid beautiful phrases and many metaphors and epithets, but he knows exactly when it's time to act. The Man has no habit of fussing and panicking. He has a sober view of the situation and a well-thought-out strategy of behavior. The man is a rock. No sooner said than done - that's his life credo.
  • The boy, on the other hand, can only speak beautifully and absolutely does not know how to behave in critical situations. He feeds you beautiful stories about “how wonderful it WOULD be…” but finds a thousand excuses to keep it WOULD).

2. Responsibility for your actions.

  • A real Man will NEVER hang all the "dead dogs" on you - he is not dumb to admit his guilt, he understands when and in what he was wrong. He is not afraid to apologize publicly. Instead of pouting offendedly and turning his back, he is able to immediately “defuse” a tense situation, to instantly suggest ways to solve it. His way of resolving the conflict is more effective than ordinary words.
  • The boy, on the other hand, will insist to the last that he is right and build his defense in the “attack” position. And sometimes freak out and withdraw into yourself.

3. Life principles

  • Men have their own, unspoken code of honor and conduct. There are principles to which they have been faithful for years, which are not influenced by public opinion. A man will not go against his will, he will always correctly prioritize and, most importantly, he will be able to painlessly find alternative ways for himself. This applies to friendship, personal sphere and business.
  • The boy, by his temperament, is quick-tempered and cannot adequately respond to the situation. He does not have a clear position of behavior - there is only a desire to be noticed. His course for life is to "go with the flow" - where the wind blows). The opinion of the crowd is paramount, all actions are based on the principle of "rating", "popularity", "coolness".

4. Ability to clearly follow your goal

  • I have to admit: A woman by nature is used to being capricious), she loves to be persuaded, convinced,. In short, "flirt". A man adequately responds to this desire. He has in his genes the ability to "bring" a woman to the right decision. After all, a person is satisfied when he makes decisions on his own, and Men have a special gift to persuade, convince, argue without undue pressure, but always get what they want.
  • Boys do not want to complicate their lives with new difficulties and problems. For them, the quantity, not the quality, of his "exploits" is important. The boy will never fight to be noticed by any particular woman and win her favor, he will bask in the glory of the crowd of his fans. It doesn't matter what, where, with whom and how - it is important that there is some kind of mover and demand.

5. Attitude towards family

  • Men build strong relationships. They spend their free time with their family, not because they are homebodies and do not know how to have fun and have fun, but because they are good fathers and husbands. Everyone can be a dad, but not everyone can be a good father. Everyone can be a "partner", but be a good husband is a completely different measure of responsibility and spiritual maturity.
  • The boy, on the other hand, will be led, he will not make decisions, but will begin to look for all kinds of ways to “slope” from his duties and “hang” on someone. A family for a boy is a special burden that is needed for society, but a burden to him personally.

6. Respect for women

  • Yes, and I also admit it - Women sometimes go too far, are too capricious, behave absurdly and frivolously. BUT! A man will never allow himself to hit a woman or insult her in public. Real Men will never "suck" the juicy details of their intimate life with everyone in a row, exposing their exploits in all its glory. Men ALWAYS respect women, and not only their own. Good manners are more important than any cheap flirting.
  • For Boys, getting around and showing off their “achievements” on the personal front is the most important thing. They make lists of their "victims", allow themselves an incorrect attitude towards the representatives of the weaker sex - this exalts them in their own eyes!

7. Intimate sphere

  • A man is a gourmet, an esthete - even in bed. Yes, he tried a lot in his time, but now he is no longer an experimenter, he takes only the best from life, refusing tinsel. He clearly relies on quality, not quantity, makes love, not sex. He prefers to have physical intimacy with a woman who is able to excite him emotionally and mentally, and not just awaken his hormones to life).
  • For Boys, the bed is akin to a gym), for them it is only important to gain experience, variety in terms of positions and partners. Eternal period of knowledge of the world. The pleasure of a partner in general is the fifteenth thing.

8. Worldview

  • A man knows exactly what and how he wants. He is confident and always calm. A man realizes that the world does not revolve around him, he independently moves forward in order to improve his life and the lives of people close to him. For Men, the process of self-improvement and conquest is important.
  • The boy constantly hopes for "maybe". No confidence and control over the situation, only hopes and desires. Didn't materialize? Well, you can try something else.

9. Woman's Choice

  • A man will always be able to see "his" woman among the rich assortment. Real Men will never choose a bright and colorful "peacock" with pretentious manners. He needs a self-confident girl with a rare gift - to be his personal muse. A spiritually rich woman will help him in business with unobtrusive advice, in his personal life with a comfortable life, and in bed with maximum relaxation.
  • The boy will be with the brightest and craziest girl in the party. For him, brilliance and popularity are important, and not depth and the ability to inspire. He is not yet able to appreciate these qualities and is easily "led" to beautiful packaging, the inner emptiness does not bother him.

10. Willingness to help

  • A man will always help when he is asked for help, and notice that they do not beg for it, but only ask once.
  • The boy always seeks to evade or delay this help until the "never" period.

Dear girls, once again I ask you: do not get married, so that later you can change your Man and rot him for "imperfection"! After all, all the same, after decades, you will say: “Where is that wonderful man whom I married?”. Try to determine whether next to you is a “Man” or a “Boy”. And if you are comfortable next to the "boy", do not be shy about it, because this is your choice, your life and your future. Be more aware!

Incredible Facts

In the life scenario of many people, this often happens. At an early age, good girls are drawn to bad, unavailable boys.

Psychologists explain this by the fact that in the presence of certain problems in childhood, girls are drawn to those who embodies the worst emotional traits of her parents.

We attract such people because they can also hurt us, as we were offended in childhood, while our psyche is trying to recreate the past and wants to save us by changing the "end of history".

The child living in us believes that if the perpetrators of what happened finally come to their senses and eliminate that terrible abyss of mistrust and misunderstanding, then we can free ourselves from the heavy burden.

Our conscious mind draws us to people with positive character traits, but our unconscious mind pushes us to those who have qualities that can make us relive "that childhood pain."

But time goes by, and we learn to love ourselves, become independent, confident, we know our worth. We go through difficulties and emotional problems, become strong. Girls become women, go through this hard way .

You begin to understand that you should not rely on beauty in order to open up a world of opportunities for you, but should focus on developing your intellect, building a system of values, helping others, etc.

A woman, unlike a girl, is attracted to completely different things. The girl attracts the boy, the woman attracts the man. In fact, it has nothing to do with a person's age. It is about wisdom, life vision and fullness of life.

Some people, regardless of age, will never really grow up.

If you are a girl (lack of independence, no self-respect, throws you into tantrums, princess syndrome is present, there is no strict system of values ​​​​and boundaries that cannot be crossed), then do not expect someone other than a boy to be attracted to you.

But if you are a woman (independent, ambitious, have your own values ​​and a strong moral compass, a worthy conversationalist, do not let insecurity dominate your psyche), then you are definitely dating a man.

The difference between a man and a boy is obvious. Here are a few features that distinguish them from each other.

Boy or man: differences

1. Man knows what he wants and goes for it. At boy there are only ideas. The boy does not think too much about them, and if he does, he does very little to realize them. The boy is passive, the man is assertive.

2. Man plans his future and works towards creating the basis for having a family at some point in his life, or he gives himself to another goal. Boy only lives for today. His plans are mostly limited to which club or bar he will go to next weekend.

3. Man is looking for a woman with intelligence who will support him, help him, and also share the same life values ​​​​with him. boy, mainly interested in the girl being incendiary and exciting.

4. Man, having met good woman, will definitely take the initiative in his own hands and will try to win it. Boy will try, but give up before you even see any real action on his part.

5. Do men enough courage to take part in unpleasant conversations. He is honest in his intentions and always tells people about it. Boy avoids such conversations. He ignores confrontations or any serious conversations about feelings.

Instead of dealing with the situation, he runs away from it, creates drama, or tries to make excuses to cover up the fact that something is wrong with him, his partner, or the relationship.

Boy or man?

6. Man knows when to invest in a woman and does it. Boy constantly testing. He does everything incompletely, because he never knows if he is ready. But the truth is that a boy, no matter who he meets, will never be ready for anything due to his psychological characteristics.

7. Man knows how to have a good time and be social, but is often busy because he wants to achieve results in his work and build his life according to the scenario he himself has set. Boy loves to drink in a bar with friends every weekend.

8. Man sees himself in the future, knows exactly what kind of example he wants to set and clearly plans his life. He has a value system. At boy there is no set moral compass, so it can often be inconsistent.

9. Man whole. He means what he says, and what he says he means. He keeps his promises and does not waste words. And if he cannot do something he promised, he has the courage to tell you about it. Boy makes promises, but don't always worry about keeping them.

10. Man afraid of being rejected, but still acts. Boy is also afraid of being rejected, so he is passive so that his pride and ego remain intact.

How to distinguish a man from a boy by his behavior, and not by the age factor and the presence of sexual experience.
Almost all women dream of seeing a strong shoulder nearby, a reliable rear, a loving person, a caring friend, a financially stable source of money and a passionate lover. The main thing is that all these qualities are contained in one person. In the most beloved, necessary and only hero

Of course, for all women, the sequence and dosage of these criteria are different, but, in principle, the essence remains the same.
The world has changed a lot in the last 20 years: marriages are no longer concluded immediately after graduation, the first children appear after thirty, women increasingly began to earn more than their men.
A modern woman has become more demanding in choosing her partner. She is no longer so naive, but still wants her portion of Noodles on the Ears. She knows that "all men are their own," But she stubbornly seeks her one and only. A woman from modern society has achieved success in her career, but is already tired of going forward alone. The period of her "everything to try" is already running out, but she has not yet got used to limiting herself. She's for a "no masks" relationship, but still covered in her armor.
The modern man is a classic type of self-confident male. He has his own principles and rules, you can say "Code of Honor". He knows what he wants from life, and boldly takes his own. It is difficult to "Split" him and he knows exactly how to tip the scales in his favor. He is strong, confident in his abilities, but his main feature is that he can solve any problem.
According to the laws of attraction, a girl attracts a boy, and a woman attracts a man. By nature a real man will not be able to pay attention to an infantile, stupid person without any signs of adaptation to life. Not everything can, because his beloved woman must suit his status and be a worthy motivator for future exploits.
In this article, we will look at the differences between a "Real Man" and a "boy". Age and sexual experience are not indicative of the difference between these types. You can be a 35 year old boy and an 18 year old man.
Consider the following option for differentiating boys and men:
1. behavior in critical situations.
* a man does not always talk a lot, rarely uses beautiful words and a lot of epithets, but he knows exactly when it's time to act. A man has no habit of fussing and panicking. He has a sober view of the situation and a well-thought-out strategy of behavior. The man is a rock.
* the boy can only speak beautifully and absolutely does not know how to behave in critical situations
2. the ability to admit one's guilt.
* a real man is not afraid to admit his guilt, he understands when and in what he was wrong. He is not afraid to apologize publicly. Perhaps a man will not necessarily say the usual "I'm sorry." Instead, he can make a gift, create a pleasant situation for his woman, instantly offer ways to solve the problem to his partners. His way of resolving a conflict situation is more effective than ordinary words.
* the boy will insist to the last that he is right and build his defense in the "Attack" position.
3. life principles.
* Men have an unspoken code of honor and conduct. There are principles to which they are true for years. A man will not go against his will, he will always prioritize correctly and, most importantly, he will be able to painlessly find alternative ways for himself with greater benefit for his prospects. This applies to friendship, personal sphere and business.
* the boy, by his temperament, is quick-tempered and cannot adequately respond to the situation. He does not have a clear position of behavior - there is only a desire to be noticed. His course for life is "Go With the Flow".
4. reaction to the female "no".
* a woman by her nature is used to being capricious, craving the moment when she will be persuaded, forced, convinced. In short, "flirt". A man adequately responds to this desire. He has in his genes the ability to "Bring" a woman to the right decision. After all, a person is satisfied when he makes decisions on his own, and men have a special gift to persuade, convince, argue without undue pressure, but always get what they want.
* boys do not want to complicate their lives with new problems. For them, the quantity, not the quality, of his "Feats" is important. The boy will never fight to be noticed by any particular woman, he will bask in the glory of his fans.
5. attitude towards the family.
* Men build strong relationships. They spend their free time with their family, not because they are homebodies and do not know how to have fun, but because they are good fathers and husbands. Everyone can be a dad, but not everyone can be a good father. It is not for nothing that most women, when choosing their man, subconsciously imagine what kind of father he will be for her child.
* the boy will be led, he will not make decisions, but will look for all kinds of ways to "Slope" from his duties. A family for a boy is a special burden that is needed for society, but a burden to him personally.
6. respect for the female sex.
* Women sometimes go too far, are too capricious or behave frivolously, but a man will never allow himself to hit a woman or insult her in public. Men can discuss their "Conquests", but they will never "suck" the situation with everyone in a row, exposing their exploits in all their glory. Men always respect a woman, and not only their own. He will let a colleague, a neighbor, just a stranger go ahead (sometimes, of course, to appreciate her fifth point, but this is not the main reason. Good manners are more important than any flirting.
* Boys brag about their exploits consistently. They make lists of their "Victims", allow themselves an incorrect attitude towards the representatives of the weaker sex.
7. behavior during sex.
* a man knows for a long time which positions, places and beats are ideal for him and his partner. Yes, he tried a lot in his time, but now he is no longer an experimenter, he takes only the best from life, refusing tinsel. Of course, sometimes he needs something new, but this is not a search for something exotic, but rather a fleeting desire for variety. He prefers to have physical intimacy with a woman who is able to excite him mentally, and this is worth a lot.
* Boys will study the "Kama Sutra" without thinking about the pleasure of their partner. For him, only diversity in terms of poses and partners is important. Eternal period of knowledge of the world.
8. attitude to the world.
* A man knows exactly what and how he wants. He is self-confident and predicts the behavior of others in a given situation. A man realizes that the world does not revolve around him, he independently moves forward in order to improve his life and the lives of people close to him. For men, the process of self-improvement and conquest is important.
* the boy hopes that he will be lucky. No confidence and no control over the situation. Some hopes and desires.
9. plans for the future.
* a man sets a goal and goes to it, he strategically thinks through his steps to achieve the goal.
* the boy lives for today, having ideas and not having the desire to bring them to life.
10. The choice of a woman.
* a man will always be able to discern a smart woman among a rich assortment. And the wiser the woman, the better her choice. An intellectual woman has a number of demands that she secretly makes to her man. Real men will never choose an infantile and weak woman. He needs a self-confident girl with a rare gift - to be his personal muse. A spiritually rich woman will help him in business with unobtrusive advice, in his personal life with a comfortable life, and in bed with maximum relaxation.
* the boy will be with the brightest and craziest girl in the party. For him, brilliance and popularity are important, and not depth and the ability to inspire.
During the period of knowledge of the world, girls meet different types of men: "Romantic", "man for the weekend", "businessman", "eternal skeptic", "Apollo", "lovelace", "party-goer", "mentor", "athlete", " alien", "superman". This list may not be complete, but these are the most memorable categories of men that girls meet.
So, those who can still be attributed to the "Man" type will always help when they are asked for help, and notice that they are not begged for it, but only asked once. The "Boy" type always tends to evade or delay this help until the "never" period. There are doubts whether the "Boy" type can ever become a "real man"? But there must be faith in people, in the fact that each of us is able to change, subject to a personal desire for personal growth.
Dear girls, please don't get married and then change your man. After all, all the same, after decades, you will say: "Where is that wonderful person whom I married? Try to determine whether the "Man" or "Boy" is next to you. And if you are comfortable next to the "Boy", do not be shy about it, because it is your choice, your life and your future, accept it today as it is and just be happy right now.

Almost every girl at least once thought about whether she is dating a real man or a boy in front of her, whether this man keeps his promises or wastes words. Psychological maturity is not related to age. Her absence can be a serious problem for relationships, because such a person simply will not have respect for women. But there are those who were able to reach the required level of development. These men are reliable and know how to behave with dignity. Of course, the ideal does not exist, but there is still an advantageous difference between men and boys. How to determine which category your chosen one belongs to? Study the traits that distinguish a man from a boy and decide for yourself.

The man is self-confident, but at the same time does not brag about his successes.

The boy is arrogant and ready to brag about his every achievement, constantly demonstrating his level. That being said, there is a fine line between being proud of your accomplishments and telling everyone you meet about them. A confident man is able to demonstrate his success in an appropriate way, because he does not consider it necessary to prove his worth to others, and the boy seeks attention and is ready to humiliate others, just to look better himself. He will seek the attention of girls and show off on social media for the approval of others. The main difference is that one seeks adoration at any cost, while the other gets sympathy without effort. One only creates noise out of nothing, while the other exudes confidence and strength.

A man directly voices his intentions because he respects the feelings of a partner

Boys love to play with feelings and constantly think about different possibilities with other girls, dating one. The man is open and honest from the very beginning. You don’t need to solve riddles with him, he communicates when he wants to communicate, and not at the moment that far-fetched rules of relations prescribe. If he has strong feelings and wants to start more serious relationship, it will show it. If there are no feelings, he will not hide it either. He won't just date. At the same time, the boy can continue the relationship by choosing next girl. You will not even be able to understand what type of relationship you have, you will not be able to discuss them. You will feel like your connection is an endless game, but even the thought of talking about it will look intimidating.

A man openly communicates with the chosen one and is able to deal with any conflict

In a quarrel, boys prefer to blame only their partner and refuse to look at what is happening from the outside, and then just move on without solving the problem. Conflicts and the ability to resolve them is the most important issue. A man will never be afraid of the possibility of discussion. He will respectfully listen to the opinion of his partner, and then share his own, he will be ready to seek a compromise. A man does not ignore the negative aspects of the relationship, he understands that the unresolved problem will only get worse in the future. Moreover, he closely monitors the partner's emotions and understands them. The boy doesn't care. For him, the main thing is to avoid discussion at all costs and not to think about emotions. He will prefer not to communicate for several days, “to cool down”, and then he will pretend that nothing happened. A man perceives a problem as a chance to strengthen relationships, and a boy runs from problems like fire.

A man will respect his partner for who she is.

The boy is only interested in external beauty, the intellect is indifferent to him. Appearance is only part of the personality, therefore, a mature man is interested in a partner in general, both body and soul are important to him. He admires the personality of the chosen one, the way she is a person, not taking into account makeup and wardrobe. For him, a loved one is not a trophy that will amuse the ego and which can be shown to friends. The most attractive traits for a man are intelligence, wit, humor, little things known only to you two. The boy only wants to find the most attractive girl for himself, he dreams that she always looks perfect. He will impose narrow standards of beauty on his chosen one, without thinking about who she really is. If something does not correspond to his ideas, he will prefer to find one that fits the fictitious picture of the ideal better.

The man supports the career growth of the chosen one and helps her to strive for the goal

The boy wants to always be in the spotlight, and if the situation does not meet his expectations, he will immediately begin to complain. Therefore, a partner with a developing career is not suitable for him. Focusing on work, she receives accusations that as a girl she is not very good. The boy will immediately prefer to find another pair. Even the idea of ​​this is disgusting to a man, he is confident in himself and is ready to support the career path of his chosen one. He believes in her abilities and is willing to wait if necessary. He has his own ambitions, so he understands that his partner may have them too. The boy is unpleasant if he is not in the center of attention, he himself does not know what he expects from his future, so he lives only for today. He needs to be taken care of. A man inspires, and a boy undermines someone else's success.

A man trusts his chosen one and gives her freedom of choice

The boy constantly doubts, he is not sure of himself, so jealousy constantly takes over him. Where there is no confidence, there is no trust; as a result, relationships simply cannot be calm and stable. A man, on the other hand, is able to respect the time and personal space of the chosen one, he does not doubt anything, which means that he is not going to arrange interrogations either. He knows that the partner herself is able to make the right decisions. The boy is ready to blame and constantly questions the connection. It takes maturity to trust. The boy never has enough of her, which is why difficulties constantly arise in relationships.

A man always has time for a partner

The boy can easily say that he is too busy. There are different moments in life, and sometimes things are really more than usual. But this does not mean that you need to delete your partner from your life. Relationships will only be strong when everyone is willing to put in the effort. A man will find the opportunity to see a loved one in any case. He will not spend every minute of his life around, but he will find a way to show that he cares. You don't have to fight for his attention. The boy, on the other hand, tries only when the girl has not yet submitted, and then all the time he pretends that he has no time to seem more important. A real man does not need such primitive tactics. He knows how important it is to be able to show attention and be present in the life of another person, so he is ready to make an effort.

A man knows what a real man should do

And the boy likes to be a carefree boy more. Each of them knows the difference, each makes a choice in what kind of person to become. This is noticeable in everything: in clothes, behavior. Every action speaks of psychological age person. In a word, the difference between a man and a boy is only in what way of life they choose themselves. One understands how difficult it is to be a responsible person, but his high standards do not allow him to behave differently, the other prefers a life without unnecessary difficulties. Not wanting to grow up is a conscious choice that will tell you a lot about the person in front of you.